Coppitt Subdivision, ' firDTI QU ED U(T AUTHORITY
Application No.
Date JANUARY 20, 1977
(MU: Units)
Subject to the following rules, regulations and reservations, I,
COLNTY OF t•DT-RG� owner ( )
____—____________.the undersit„ned of the property
tenant ( )
Lot 4 - Plk. 4 - Coppitt Subd.
Number Street Name
AVD. F - PB 4-50
Lot Number Block Number
City Subdivision Key
in the County of Monroe, State of Florida, hereby request you to supply said premises with water, for which
I agree to pay the rates mentioned in the following schedule; and place with the Authority a Guarantee of
Payment Deposit in the sum of S as security for, the payment of any amount which may become
due the Authority.
® Minimum for 2000 Gallons
3� ® for 1000 Gallons over the: Minimum
Sec. I The word "Authority" appearing herein means the "Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority."
Sec. 2 The word "Owner" appearing Herein means the person, firm, corporation, association, occupant or tenant having an interest,
whether legal or equitable, sole or only partial, in any premises which is, or is about. tG be, supplied with water by the Authority,
and the word "Owners" means all interested.
Sec. 3 When the word "Consumer" is used it is understood to mean party, persons, firms, gorporations or associations using water in any
premises supplied by the Authority.
Sec. 4 All applications for water shall remain in effect until the owner or consumer making the deposit wishes the services to be discontinued.
Upon the payment of all bills charged against said service, the Guarantee of Payment Deposit shall be refunded.
Sec. 5 Meters will be read monthly. Bills for water furnished shall be rendered monthly. "rhe date shown on the bill is the date on which the
meter is read. The bill is due as of the date of the postmark upon it. The bill will become delinquent thirty days (30 days) after the
date on which the meter is read. If not paid by the time that it became delinquent, then an additional charge equal to ten per cent
(10 per cent) of the amount of such bill shall be added thereto. If any bill is not paid within thirty days (30 days) from the date of its
rendition, service may he discontinued. In the event that service shall be discontinued due to non-payment of any bill, the premises
may forthwith be disconnected from the water works.
Sec. 6 The owner or the tenant of the property must sign all applications for the introduction of water into any premises or for the extension
of any pipe for the conveyance of such water on blank forms furnished by the Authority.
Sec. 7 No person, except the Manager, or other authorized person, shall take water from any public fire -hydrant, plug street washer drawcock,
hose -pipe• or fountain (except an authorized agent. of the City of Key West, for fire protection, street cleaning and flushing of
sewer mains). Nor shall anyone in any way use or take water for private use, unless such persons 'shall first pay for the privilege,
and receive the usual permit from the Manager to do so.
Sec. 8 The Authority shall make all connections to the mains, furnishing the materials. None but authorized agents of the Authority will he
permitted to male Connections with the mains or distributing pipes. A $10.00 connection fee shall be charged when a new customer
is connected to the system or when a current customer desires to transfer service to a new service address.
is S•
N.•r•. 9 \tetra, •dhall br ptirood rn a r—I vru.�rut Inr^lion In r d�d�rr,lo-1 r•rLf of ,,, nr trrr,rdrd r•tr v, rttrnt adim—rit w the uRrtwo'* pre-- ref, and in no ease Rhall s'c{
ally no ,ti?4r1-.f ll. rlNlll 1'1+41i.; 81t(:r nr Irloarl rl' with the Maid tlietlrA or the dia'4 t.11eleoL -
If a mrlrr gel. (rut of :;!ri. +r I.ul I + r...:: ,r, r rI: r,tnv, n,'r w1I1 hr , h:+l l ! tl .. rlr • tvr rasa, - rate of : , t I •,n .15 nvn by the
nut,•, %01-t m uf,: r. \it ,1t, loss ;1 iIr ti [ 1. con ,1 rot it," .\I1Ili".11v <.+d .hell n,rl he f' ,nuce`! :n c tin he.` r1• 'IiluUt per
r nu%siun n1 the pr„I,, Dither \Ii r+\alit [hat petst , thloul;h the metci sill he chirped lot. (vhelheNuu r u. tie, ,, %e.l , wa.sted.
Thr. owner shall property plot ct the mctcr Isom uliufy or Ir -Ili u;l t nv lher (ure, errd drill he liahle- for the los..,rr dam.ige of the
meter from any iau.( rahatwlc\ r, i ,rniAl near and
Sec. 10 No plumber shall horn on the water to any premises, s0url1er old or a Itcry supply 4
Ln cases whew the water has been turned off for non-payment of the water bill or for any other causo,.a charge of L IQ..-,? will be made;
said charge must be paid at the time avplication is made for service. The Authority reserves the right not to turn on the water untU
all past due water biil*or other charges nave been paid.
Sec: I I None except authorized Ago nti of the Authority shall open or close stop cocbs or val<e% in wiy of the water mains or service pipes.
Sec. 12 Meters will he furnished by the Authority upon proper application• and shall remam the pn,ilerty sat the Authority.
Sec. 13 Any authorized agent of tht• Authority is herehy given access at all reason thle same, to Iht- seater pipes (nd mere•% upr+n the premises
or mihm the house% of Ihr propert% -holders for the purposes of installing. e\; insning. repairing. and reading or replacing the meters.
Sec. 14 Water will be temporarily turned off from Service to any Consumer upon his written order at a charge of $15.00 ; a charge of $15.00 will
be made when the Authority is ordered to turn it on again. Said order must be in writing. But the shutting off of the water on the
request of the owner shall not in any way impair the application then existing between the .Authority and the owner.
Sec. 15 The Authority reserve% the right to change the rules and- regulariurrs and the rates for use of water from time to time: to shut off the
water for alterations, extensions and repairs, and to stop and restrict the supply of water whenet'er it mac he found'necessary, and
the Authority shall not he liable under any circumstances for a defic.ien(i or failure in the supply or quality of water, whether
occasioned by shutting off water, to make repairs or connections, or fur any causes whalsoever.
Sec. 16 It is espetialfy stipulated by and hvtweeo the Authority and the Consumers that no claim shaft be made against the said Authority ort
account of the bursting or breaking of any main or service pipe. or anyattachment to said stater aur".
Sec. 17 Any person who shall maliciously or tilfully destrnp or injure in% of works or prppertyd of s-4td tvaLer works; or who shall mali-
ciously or wilfully commit any act which %Will injieriouslc liffect or rend to a'`fect-rhe w.Rer`of said \water tt'orks; shall be prosecuted
to the full extent of tite few.
Sec. 18 If any cause or portion of this application is held to he illegal .ford rut no effect. it shall out in any %cal affect or impair the remainder
of the application.
Sec. 19 In signing this application 1 assunie all risk and liability fnr any inian or accident caused to anyone from not placing a safety valve on
my h tiler: and not inserting a swing -check tahe directl% at the outlet (if the meter and before any outlets are taken off the service
pipe, and du herehy release the Authority from all claim•. 111 damage or any kind or description ansing therefrom.
CO -SIGNER: (Business Establishments or APPLICANT SIGN HERE:
- ------------------------------------------
Property Ow -
Owner ( ) (check one)
Tenant ( )
Co-signe Social Security No --------------------------
O1 Drivers License No.
500 Whitehead Street !_
Street or Box No. Mail Bill To:
Key West, Florida.33040
Town State Zip
Accepted on
Street or Box No.
If you maintain a residence elsewhere, please give this
address also: