Miscellaneousr_—_ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OUNTYof MONROE KEY WEST FLORIDA 33040 Growth Management Division 2798 Overseas Highway Suite 400 j Marathon, FL 33050-222711, August 1, 1996 Karen Brodeen, Assistant General Counsel Fl. Department of Community Affairs Legal Section 2555 Shumard Oak Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 MAYOR, Shirley Freeman, District 3 Mayor Pro Tem, Jack London, District 2 Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Mary Kay Reich, District 5 Keith Douglass, District 4 Re: DCA v. Cianchette Settlement Agreement Dear Karen: Please find enclosed the five originals of the Depart- ment's agreement with Kenneth Cianchette which have been ap- proved and signed by the Monroe County Board of County Commis- sioners. I am forwarding them to you for signature by the De- partment. Please return two fully executed originals to me for the files here and in the County Clerk's office. I am also enclosing a certified copy of Resolution No. 290-1996, authorizing the Mayor to execute this agreement on behalf of Monroe County. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (305) 289-2517. /ir enclosures (6) Sincerely, Is bet Reid S Staff Assistant Growth management Division CC: Robert Herman, Director of Growth Management Timothy McGarry, Director of Planning Antonia Gerli, Development Review Coordinator Belle DiSantis, Deputy Clerk Jan Hotalen, County Attorney's Office Mike McDaniel, Dept. of Community Affairs Ty Symroski, DCA, Fl. Keys Field Office MEMORANDUM To : Belle DiSantis, Deputy Clerk From: Isabel Reid, Sr. Staff Assistant Growth Management Division Date: August 27, 1996 Re:` ant ,> �aw ****************************************************************** Enclosed for your files is a fully executed copy of the Kenneth Cianchette Settlement Agreement with DCA. If you have any questions, please call me at 289-2517. /ir Attachment cc: Bob Herman, Director of Growth Management Tim McGarry, Director of Planning Antonia Gerli, Development Review Coordinator Jan Hotalen, County Attorney's Office CLERK.05/TXTIREID STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT - HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT LAWTON CHILES Governor August 21, 1996 Laurie Thompson, Esquire 701 Brickell Ave. Suite 3000 30th Floor Miami, FL 33101 Re: DC'A v. Cianchette, DOAH Case No. 94-4253DRI Dear Ms. Thompson: JAMES F. MURLEY Secretary Enclosed is one original of the Settlement Agreement for your records. I will file a Notice of Voluntary Dismissal this week. If you have any questions, please call me at (904)488-0410. Sincerely, Karen Brodeen Assistant General Counsel copies: Isabel Reid, w/attachment DCA Keys Field Office, w\attachment Mike McDaniel, w\attachment 2 5 5 5 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD - T A L L A H A S S E E, FLORIDA 3 2 3 9 9- 2 1 00 FLORIDA KEYS AREA OF CRITICAL STATE C014CERN SOU H FLORIDA RECOVERY OFFICE GREEN StVAMP AREA OF CRITICAL STATE CONCERN FIELD OFFICE P.O. Box 4022 FIELD OFFICE 2796 Ore -sea- H=@h:cav, S:i!e 212 8600 NAV. 36th Street 3; Ea:' Scmmerim tilaratno ;, He r.; 33056-2227 Mian , Horida 33159-4022 Earr,,ti Porida 33830-441