07/17/1996.ciT:aTL OF FLORTDAL DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS DEP NIZ7'MENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, Petitioner, V. CASE NO. 94--4253 DRI. XENNETH CIANCHETTL, Owner of Sunrise Strip Subdivision; and MONROE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, Respondents. SETTLEMENT_ v GR:Ei NT This Aareement is entered into ar,ong KENNE'TH C IANCHETTE (hi=rein '"Ow.^.er") , the FLORIDA DEPARTME"1T OF COMm TvI'A X 'FFAYRS (herein 11DCAt1 or "the Department") , and rrlo?;1:'t e Co-int (.,ereir.. " o, my") . W I L N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Kenneth C_anchette is the owner of rea.-:. prcP!n'1-~; kno,an, as Sunr:"se Strin SubdIvIsion, Boot hey, in ll>:inC _!7;'?'at• Monroe County, Florida., (herein "tbe subject property"); .. ti TT EREAS, on Septe Seer ; , 1993, Monroe County is-svi c' to ,e owner a final ,`7. lat for Sunrise Strip Subdivision; anc! WHEREAS, the Department time-l`y' appealed the f i ral c: %a approval to the Fler1c:a Land. and !,v7ate:v Ad)l d4. ;atcry C'_*i%'.^.ISSJ.:.iV_ parCuart to Section] 380.079, Florida Statutes: and WHEREAS, most- �f MCY':r O C^ti�ty, inc +_ucyl:g t--,-.s'LiC ;hrcper; y, is located within t.hc_ Florida Keys krea of Crit.1cal. S-ate concern, as designated under Sections 380.05 and 380. 0_,52 F l oricf a S a u-tes j and. WHEREAS, DC: is the state '1.ana 1.;lanning agency r. he duty and responsibility of administering and enforcing the provisions of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, the rlorida Environmental Land and Water Management Act of 1972 ("The Act"), and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, which include the Monroe County land development .regulations; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 3£0.032(3), Florida Statutes, DCA is authorized to enter into agreements with any landowner, developer, or governmental agency as may be necessary to effec -aa.te the provisions and purposes of. The Act or any roles promuigated thereunder; and VIikE:P.EAS, the parties wisp: to avoid the. dE ._ , expense and uncsrt:ainty of litigation and. resolve the pending appeal of the final plat for Sunrise Subdivision under the teen.= 3,1d c:)Iid_ti::1S Set forth- herein, and it is in their :.hest interests tc-1 do sc.; arod WHEREAS, the Departirnient has determined that this agreement is necessary to of f.ectuate the provisions and purposes of The :act and the Monroe County land developTnent regulations promulgated thereUTIder. . 11'Ow, THEREFORE, in consi deratior. of the mut,:. i covenants and l.`.::t' ertayin•=ss herein, and :in consideration cf the bEEteiits to accrue tc the uarties to t*n.i.s ag e-enent, the rece_.pt and Sufficlency of W ich are,here-by acknowi.edged , the parties hereby agree as fol.lows; 1 . c ta.ls A'A reca s contained above art, irc arpora ted her:: in ;and are essential elements hereof. . the parties st_.pulate that the zoning designation o improved Subdivision under -the Monroe ir:'�:�ty Cod? does nct allow a 2 subdivision which was in existence when -Chapter 9.5 of. the. Monroe County Code was adapted on February 28, 1986, to be replatted for an increase in buildable lots. 3. The owner agrees to vacate the subject final plat for Sunrise Strip Subdivision and cause that plat to be removed from the official records of the Monroe County clerk of court. The owner shall initiate this process by applying to Monroe County to vacate_ the plat within 30 days after this agreement is executed. 4. Monroe County agrees to waive any fees associated with vacating the Sunrise subdivision final plat. 5. after the Sunrise Property's final plat is vacated, the previous Sombrero Proper -ties final prat shall be in effect. 6. Site Inspections. The owner hereby authorizes any monr-oe County Growth Management Division employee and any Department of Corin.unity affairs employee to enter onto the subject propera:y at reasonable times and under reasonable conditions during the regula work week, Monday tInrough Friday, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5: 00 p.m., for the Furpc;se of inspecting the site ffir compliance with the terms of -.his agreement. 7. Further P.L _IiLi L Wit►.in five (5) working days af:.er t:he Sunrise Strip Subdivision plat is vacated consistent- with this) agreement, the Department scull file a r:,otice of voluntary e 1 .^_ _ Y e -1 o ,_ ..z r r. - r F r i d 1:..5:t'. S •2 C3i 'ti... i�_',`:.=.ice ..:'�c� S :h S .i i.;.c.� b_t�E•: .i. Ji�� Z:lc. _ ._C�_ ...a Land and Water djudicatory Commission concli,.ding this appeal proceeding. By his signature hereon, the owner joins in any request to place this matter in abeyance pending the vacation of 3 the u. r.L e Strip Subdivision fi-nal plat and the filing of a notice of voluntary dismissal, and joins in any request_ for entry of a final ord_r consistent with this agreement. F'Es n %'an of Right to 'Final Hearing. If any party fails tc, i.^plentert this Y.cjreenent, or if Monroe County refuses to vacate f ;;e ?:anal plat, airy party shall be entitled to T4rithdraw from this ,gr•e ems sit and seek_ a final hearing in this case by motion filed F:i,:lh the Florida Land and Water. Adjudicatory Commission. uthority. This Agreement affects the rigl s ::�A 4 ob:'._iga tions of the parties under provisions of Chapter 380, .c'lorida. SIt•.a.tutes, relating to areas of critical static concern. It is riot intended to influence or determine the authority or �.a i.ssions of any other state or federal government or. aq - ncy it i ssuarice �1- any ce her permits or approvals that might be r•egaired. by feds al or state law fcr any development authorized by this Ag,- eei:lent . 10. Duplicate Originals. This Settlement Agreement may be executed in any nun;ber of or.J finals, all of wh ch evidence une agreement, and only one of which Need be produced for any purpose. '.l. inndin -- eco•datio,:. of Agreement. This Agreement F;halI iae hi -riding can the parties, their heirs, successors and Within ten (10 ) days after entry of a final. order by `che .7),dj ;dicator.y Comm :.ssion thIS ap�_.c:al, t:Z-e Owner sharecord this Agreement in the public Y•eccrds of Monre: County, Fl,oa-id«, an shall. promptly provide proof of recordation to MonY`oe county and the Departnent, including the 4 official records book and page where this Agreement is recorded. Proof of recordation shall be furnished by hand deilivery or U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, to Monroe County by directing same to Lorenzo Aghemo, Planning Director., Growth Management Divis_,M, Marathon Regional Service Center, 779E Overseas Highway, Suite 400, N:aratt+on, FL 33050, and to the Department. by di.rec vi ng same to Yar_=n 3rodeen, Assistant General Counsel, Department :f Corrunity "Ffairs, 2740 Centerview Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32.399-2100. 12. Release; Costs and L to ney's Fees. The parties i ��r= .v release each other party frog any and all claims of whatever nature which arise or may arise out cf the issuance or appeal of the prat approval idn:ntified in this Agreeiment. Each party sha:,_l bear its r.:wn costs and attorney's fees incurred in this proceedingf. 13. Entirety _ G�Aareement/��,nendment. TIi'! j 'iC{T" r33:iE'I'i , c.c1nst.i.tu� ess the entire agreement of the parties. m1 his I greer..ie t ray be T-Podi..fied or amended only by a separate writing entered in"cc between the parties hereto and recorded in the public reccris of Monroe County as provided in paragraph 11 above. 1.4. Enforcement. 'Phis Agreement inav be enforced by any party and by Monroe � s provided in Chapter 3 E G FloridaStatutes C.oun�y a � �.�. , or as otherwise allowed by law. 13. Nate of _Agreement , The date of this Agreement is the latr i'na I&S—% cart• s:i yns and a-:n,.;w ' ed.ges this agrees eni: 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have execute.& th-J-s i -ankgreemt- on tI)e dates and year below written. C, zz' i�E—NNETH C'IANCHE71L`17E STATE OF FLORIDA Cr'U.T."Y OF MONROE The oregoing instrument was acknowledged. be-forel. me th*1 s day of NN-*>:� 1995, by KENNETH CIAN'CHEVICE,, w IS personally khown to me or who h.73 s -;:iroduce6 as ident-41"ication, and v,'111!-- did (did not) take an oath. q—, Rotary Public --FiGIA! NOTARY. BEAL Name rin P RA0E(RNyW,4-FA"t;,ed) C1 COMMISSION NUMBER CC475619 XP Co' 2,1999 nm's My comicissi-on expires: 6 Date DEPARTMENT OF COMML')Nl"--"Y.AFFAIRS EB Y r t C ries son, _to j� jVj.S 4 0 'rector, D n of Resource Planning and Management 4VI ;3"-'r;.k'1,E OF Fl.-ORIDA OF LIEON iiment was ackno edged be- or.- -me t'llis -11(� ,pregoinq in.str d y of 1-90-6, by CHARLES PATTISON, w50--1.1-:7 ly ;-... wn to m.e o4 ^Ate h&-lT pretln,-- and who aid not take an Fl;�7E -71. Notary Public k&ga-k� or stantpedI name Pr Cc�mvdss.kon liumber m-v commission expires., ,,, ... 11", " Wy fp� ANN J. WILD My COMMISSION # CC 224224 EXPIRES August 30, 1996 BONDED TIM TROY FAIN INSWANCE, INC. M 0 t '4R,'-) 0 U01"Y Bv. D a '1- E� STATE OF FLORIDA r.'l lhe -v7a;s acknowledged befox-e th,Ls Who is J•arsonai� has as id.ent-4f- .cat -ion an,'-, who did not: `---akra an oath. RUTH ANN JANTZEN W CO=n Exp. 12/30Y99 puB C> Bonded By Service ins NO. CC506335 P*809691Kellen I I Other L UL 11 )%--atry tbl ic P, NaTMe. i'l-yp,,1,-i, or CC50 Coruniss-lon Number m (SEA U-r- ATTEST: DIM L. KOLHAGE. CLERK DEMM CM