Miscellaneous. COUNWof MONROE KEY WEST FLORIDA 33040 Ms. Karleen Grant 330 Whitehead St. Suite 200 Key West, FL 33040 RE: Settlement Agreement between Monroe County, Tarmac, Inc., and CTB; Rockland Key Quarry Dear Ms. Grant, ClS13UARD OF GtXJNTY COMM MAYOR, ,%rIay Freeman, District 3 Mayor Pro Tom, Jack London, District 2 Mhelmina Harvey, District 1 Mary Kay Reich, District 5 Keith Douglass, District 4 ounty Attorney's Office 10 Fleming Street, 2nd Floor ey. West, Florida 33040 May 20, 1996 VIA FACSIMILE AND U.S. MAIL The attached settlement agreement (enclosed with hard copy via U.S. Mail), duly executed by the then -Mayor of Monroe County, John Stormont, is recognized by Monroe County to be in full force and effect. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of further assistance. Sincerely, J es T. Hendri k ounty Attorney JHT:aa enclosure cc: Danny Kolhage, Clerk Robert L. Herman, Director of Growth Management Herb Rabin, Building Official Patti Herman, Assistant Building Official