Change Order No. 12 CxAI NGE ORDER 1410. 1 Project 'CiUe: 0. Phase !-Plantation Key Government Center 04-016.82 Tax Collector/Property Appraiser's Office 04-016.85 and Supervisor of Elections Enclosures Cj--;itractc : Ccntrzat Date: Hewett -Kier Construction, Inc. June 25, 1986 He%;rett-Kier Construction, Inc. To: 1888 N.W. 23rd Street Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 You are dire^ted to make the changes noted below in the subiec. ntract: Attesi: __�y-;'�<i}�; % Lii✓�C,Z� By: f _'varies `e.n.t Pierce, Dire�:or Date: /,� �j'—�O—�� Titla:'?cnroe County Public ',;orks Dept. Aprrov ed As To Correctness and Yo r j Attorney for Monroe Coul-rity 1 Hature of the Charge: (See Attachment "A") The char -;es m7ult Ln the follo-.rir- ad;�__;tr:cnt of Cr.-:LL_et Prig 1.1-1s ii Contr-:­_t Price Pri-- to thi, Ch�_ri­c Orc .. S _' l ,-151 .00 Net (Increase) (7`h' „ _ Resultirz- fro;:l this ch: ,-,,; ei3_ Current Contract Price Including this Chan;;' Ord= r: = _%5 i172.9�1__ _ Contract lirne Prior to this Chin; c Oz- _r:Net (Increase) ( ; ;;;`; :: ) Re5111tir.rf from this Chin, e Ocd_r: Current Contract Tine I-Icludin� this Change OrU-C: __970_ p; - ; t,Y. Robert Zucc ro, P.E. ATTACHMENT "A" PIT I - PLA'ITATIO,: KEY GOY"ERti'.IENT CENTER TAX COLLECTOE/PROPERTY APPHLkSER'S OFFICE A'TD SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS ENCLOSURES CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 (Items 1-4 are those which were deleted from initial contract) 1. Item 76 Windows: Install windows as originally designed in the Tax Collector/Property Appraiser's Office. 2. Item 48 Acoustical Ceilings: Install aluminum clad as originally ZD designed. 3. Item 412: Install oaf: doors as originally designed in the Tax Collector/Property Appraiser's Office. 4. Item 414: Install carpet in Tax Collector/Property Appraiser's Office as originallv designed. 5. Install lightning arrestors, cabling and grounding. 6. Provide dedication plaque similar to that at Monroe County Justice Building. 7a. -Add 23.5 KVA Gas Generator (self contained) at Tax Collector/Property Appraiser-'s Office with a 100 amp transfer switch and above ground mounting pad. 7b. Omit excavation and electrical hookup, from Tar Collector/Property Appraiser's Office to existing generator. 8. Add floor boxes for existing electrical run under floor in storage 001 at Supervisor of Election's enclosures to maintain two existing circuit runs. 9. Insulate exterior walls, to R-3 at 8-foot height at the Tax Collector/Property Appriaser's office. 10. Relocate a hose Bibb for maintenance of the landscaped atrium at Sup,ervisor of Ele^_tic;tj Enclosure. 11. Add'.tion;al ove,—ifne O C t GLO"'' ;VOChin=' IOC C (:t 3C JC'3 '.i. wc.J:�t'nds due. to J?id'ic,',cloy verbal stoO `#VOrk Omer On s2Ve"al 12. Re::or foun:__tion at Pad E-1 due to soft soils CGRllttO[ll :Vht'. t Were EnCOi1 1teC 'd. 13,a. Add 70 L.F. of Fre.ich Drain in li.--u of 2 13b. Ornit 2 dciin< 14. PC,' � �'...�tl Z�_;t �)" !t!_ t� _.. �' 1tt?i<; a, C��,i.��t�d `J'.