07/25/1994 Regular
Regular Meeting
Board of County Commissioners
Monday, July 25, 1994
A Special Meeting of the Monroe County Board ot County
co..issioners convened at 9:00 A.M., on the above date, at the
Marathon Governaent Center. Present and answering to roll call
were Co..i.sioner. Earl Cheal, Shirley Freeman, Mary Kay Reich,
Wilhelaina Harvey, and Mayor Jack London. Also present were
Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk; Randy Ludacer, County Attorney; James
Roberts, County Adainistrator; County Statt; member. ot the Pre..
and Radio; and the general public.
All stood tor the Invocation and Pledge ot Allegiance.
Commissioner Cheal discussed the Sheritt's Department'.
request concerning the approval ot expenditure. tro. the Law
Entorce.ent Trust Fund. Sheritt Richard D. Roth, addre.sed the
Board. Motion was made by cOlUlissioner Cheal and seconded by
co..issioner Harvey granting approval ot the tollowing
expenditures in the amount ot $49,027.10, as tollows: $4,138.77
tor a Texas Instruments laptop computer and peripheral equipaent
assigned to a detective in the Forteiture Unit; $2,395.00 tor a
16 channel audio mixing console; $9,716.00 to purchase avionics
tor a military surplus Hughes helicopter recently acquired;
$552.95 to purchase a modem, mouse, communications program,
tlashlight and vehicle emergency lighting; $443.00 to purchase
notebooks, certiticates, plaques and polo shirts tor graduates ot
a citizen's Policy Academy; $1,055.00 to purchase tee shirts,
sports shirts, bumper stickers, balloons, ribbons, helium and
buttons tor National Night out program; $30,000.00 approxiaate
total cost ot equipping a gymnasium at the New Detention Facility
on Stock Island; $726.38 to purchase a modem, cOlUlunications
program and three sets ot Local Area Network equipment.
Motion carried unanimously.
Project Manager, Larry Keyes and Sherift Roth addressed
the Board. Motion was made by Commissioner Freeman and seconded
by co..issioner Cheal discussed the approval to award bid and
authorize execution of Contract SJ-001, New Detention Facility
Ottices, without the Alternate No. 1 VCT duct, to D.L. Porter
Construction, Inc., and approval of revised Program Budget for
the New Detention Facility Offices. Roll call vote was taken
with the tollowing results:
Commissioner Cheal Yes
Commissioner Freeman Yes
Commissioner Harvey Yes
Commissioner Reich No
Mayor London Yes
Motion carried.
Commissioner Reich and County Attorney, Randy LUdacer
discussed the reappointment ot Board members to the Matecuabe
Historical Board. Motion was made by Commissioner Reich and
.econded by Commissioner Harvey to adopt the tOllowing Resolution
aaanding Resolution No. 352-1990 concerning the Matecuabe
Historical Board and the appoint.ent ot six .embers to said
Board, aa indicated in Monroe Countv Boards and Co_ittees Book,
Revised 2/94. Roll call vote was unanimous.
"'OLU2I~ .0. 237-1"4
Se. R.s. Book No. 122 which is incorporated herein by r.t.renc..
POllowing the discussion ot the teras ot the
appointe.s, Motion was made by Commissioner Cheal and seconded by
co_is.ioner Reich to amend the previous Board action to provide
tor a split teras ot ottice ot two and tour years. Motion
carried unanimOUSly.
county Ac:lJIinistrator, James Robarts discussed the
Proposed Tentative BUdget tor Piscal Year 1994/95. Mr. Roberts
indicated that with the changes made by the Board and Statf the
current increase over the rollback rate was 5.07t.
Public Works Director, Dent Pierce discussed the Public
Works Proposed Tentative Budget tor Piscal Year 1994/95. Mr.
Pierce indicated that additional parsonnel in the Anillal Control
budget bad been deleted.
Sheriff Richard D. Roth discussed the discussed the
Sheriff'. Department Proposed Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year
1994/95. Motion was made by Co_issioner Cheal and seconded by
Mayor London to reduce the Sheriff's budget request by
$104,000.00 or two (2) positions in law enforcement. During
discussion, the second to the motion was withdrawn and the motion
died for lack of a second.
Risk Management Director, Donna Perez discussed the
Risk Management Division's discussed the Proposed Tentative
Budget for Fiscal Year 1994/95.
Public Works Director, Dent Pierce and Adainistrative
Coordinator, Wendy Buxton discussed Public Works Proposed
Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 1994/95. Motion was aade by
Mayor London and seconded by Commissioner Reich to delete the
three (3) new positions in the Unincorporated Parks and Beaches
Budget. Roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Commissioner Cheal Yes
Commissioner Freeman Yes
Commis.ioner Harvey No
Co..issioner Reich No
Mayor London Yes
Motion carried.
Growth Management Director, Bob Herman discussed the
Growth Management's discussed the Proposed Tentative Budget tor
Fiscal Year 1994/95. Motion was made by Mayor London and .econded
by Commis.ioner Freeman directing Mr. Herman to draft a letter
tor the Mayor's signature to the Legislative Deleqation
reque.ting their assistance in identifying state funding tor
elements in the Land Use Plan requirements.. Motion carried
Motion was made by Commissioner Cheal and seconded by
Commissioner Freeman directing Staff to develop figures for tvo
(2) additional positions in the Building Department and the fees
that viII be generated from additional inspections. Roll call
vote vas taken vith the following results:
co..issioner Cheal Yes
Commissioner Freeaan Yes
Commissioner Harvey Yes
Co..issioner Reich No
Mayor London Yes
Motion carried.
Code Enforcement Director, Marty Arnold on behalf of
Co..unity Services Director, Peter Horton discussed the Community
Services Proposed Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 1994/95.
Motion was made by Mayor London and seconded by Commissioner
Reich to delete the request for an additional Code Enforcement
inspector fro. the proposed budget. Roll call vote was taken
with the following results:
Commissioner Cheal No
Commissioner Freeman No
Commissioner Harvey Yes
Commissioner Reich Yes
Mayor London Yea
Motion carried.
Bnvironaantal Manag..ent Director, Barry Boldiaaar
discuaaed Bnvironaental Manageaent. s Proposed Tentative Budget
for Piacel Year 1994/95.
Public Safety Director, Reggie paros discuaaed the
Public safety DepartJlent' a Propoaed Tentative Budget for Pi.cal
Year 1994/95. Motion was made by Mayor London and seconded by
co.ai.sioner Harvey to not fund the additional Pire Inspector
position requested in the proposed budget. Roll call vote __
taken with the following results:
Commissioner Cheal No
Commissioner Freeman Ye.
Commissioner Harvey Ye.
co..issioner Reich Yes
Mayor London Yes
Motion carried.
1Ir. paros and Consultant Arthur C. French discuased the
IAngth of service Awards Prograa. Motion was _de by Mayor
London and aeconded by Co_iasioner Cheal to reduce the IAngth of
Service Avard Prograa appropriation by $70,000.00. Roll call
vote vas unaniaoua.
County Administrator, James Roberts discussed
Management Service's Proposed Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year
1994/95. Motion was made by Commissioner Reich and seconded by
Co.-issioner Harvey to retain the additional position requested
for the Veteran's Affairs department. During discussion, the
motion was withdrawn. Motion was made by Co_issioner Cheal to
remove the additional position requested in the Veteran's Affairs
department. Motion died for lack of a second.
County Administrator, James Roberts di.cussed Grants
MAnagement's Proposed Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 1994/95.
Proposed Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 1994/95. Motion was
..de by Comais.ioner Reich and seconded by Co.-issioner Harvey to
r-.ove the position from the Grants Manag..ent's proposed budget
that was fOrJlally funded through a grant. Roll call vote was
taken with the following results:
Commissioner Cheal No
co_issioner Freeman No
C~is.ioner Harvey Ye.
co..issioner Reich Yes
Mayor London Yes
Motion carried.
CU>>!UL noca.W
County Administrator, Jame. Roberts di.cu..ed the
capiul Prograa'. Proposec:t Tentative BUdget for Fi.cal Year
1994/95. Motion was ..de by co.-issioner Harvey and .econded by
C~ssioner Reich to ask the Plorida Keys Co..unity College for
funding for the development of shelters/refuges at the Florida
Keys eo.aunity COllege with the endors...nt and .upport of Monroe
County Co..ission. Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business, the ..etinq was
Clerk to the Board of County
Co_issioners of Monroe County
.Ooow~. ~
Isabel C. DeSanti.,
Deputy Clerk