09/07/1994 Special
Special Meeting
Board of County Commissioners
Wednesday, September 7, 1994
A Special Meeting of the Monroe County Board of County
Commissioners convened at 3:00 P.M., on the above date, at the
Marathon Regional Service Center. Present and answering to roll
call were Commissioners Earl Cheal, Shirley Freeman, Wilhelmina
Harvey, Mary Kay Reich, and Mayor Jack London. Also present were
Danny L. Kolhage, Clerki Randy Ludacer, County Attorney; Jues
Roberts, County AdJIinistrator; County Staff; Mellbers of the Press
and Radio; and the general public
All stood for the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion was made by Commissioner Cheal and seconded by
Commissioner Harvey granting approval of the Additions,
Corrections, and Deletions to the Agenda. Motion carried
Mark Rosch, Director of the Land Authority, addressed
the Board regarding the purchase of Tucker Park, including
consideration for the purchase of four (4) contiguous parcels
(Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 2, amended plat of Coppitt SUbdivision
in the name of Lee E. and Hellie Tucker, Box 37, First Street,
Big Coppitt Key, Florida), for the purpose of a public playground
for the numerous children residing on this Key. Motion was made
by Commissioner Harvey and seconded by Commissioner Freeman to
purchase the property for the sum of $100,000.00. Roll call vote
was taken with the following results:
Commissioner Cheal Ho
Commissioner Freeman Yes
Commissioner Harvey Yes
Commissioner Reich Yes
Mayor London Yes
Motion carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Cheal and seconded by
Commissioner Harvey granting approval and authorizing execution
of a Purchase and Sales Agreement between Monroe County and
Ronald C. Gillman, for property in Key Largo to be utilized as a
Monroe County Recycling Facility, in the amount of $336,000.00.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Mayor London and seconded by
Commissioner Reich granting approval of a Building Permit for
renovation of the Welcome Home Ministries Church located on Big
Coppitt Xey. Motion carried unanimously.
The following individual. addre.sed the Board
concerning rescinding and repealing Ordinance 016-1993 being the
Monroe County banded Comprehen.ive Land Plan: Joel Canael,
repr..enting the upper Xeys Citizen's Association; Bill Cullen ot
Xey Largo; Andrev TObin, Attorney; Fred Tittle, Attorney; Jerry
Wilkinson, repre.enting the Historical Preservation Society ot
the upper Xeys, Inc.; Debra Harrison, representing the Wilderness
Society; Ji. Hendrick, Special Litigation Counsel, and Robert
Apgar, Attorney.
Motion va. ..de by Commis.ioner Cheal to attir.
ordinance 016-1993 and directing that no turther expenditure ot
fund. be ..de tor legal expen.e. during the intervention proce...
Motion died tor lack ot a .econd.
Motion vas made by Co_issioner Freeun and .econded by
Mayor London to continue defense ot the Comprehen.ive Land U.e
Plan. Roll call vote vas taken with the folloving results:
Commissioner Cheal No
Commis.ioner Freeman Yes
Commissioner Harvey Yes
Commissioner Reich No
Mayor London Yes
Motion carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Harvey and seconded by
Comaissioner Freeman authorizing the County's outside experts,
Mr. Zegeer, Mr. Fernsler, and Mr. Lewis to resume working on
de fens. of the Comprehensive Plan. During discussion, Stephanie
Callahan, Attorney representing the Florida Department of
Co.-unity Affairs, addressed the Board. Roll call vote was taken
with the following results:
Commissioner Cheal No
Commissioner Freeman Yes
Commissioner Harvey Yes
Commissioner Reich No
Mayor London Yes
Motion carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Harvey and seconded by
Commissioner Freeman granting approval and authorizing payaent
for legal .ervices by Mr. Apqar's tirm tro. August 16, 1994
through the current date. Roll call vote was taken with the
fOllowing results:
Co..is.ioner Cheal No
Co..i.sioner Preeaan Yes
co..i..ioner Harvey Ye.
Co..i..ioner Reich No
Mayor London Ye.
Motion carried.
There being no further busines., the .eeting was
Clerk to the Board of County
Co..i..ioner. of Monroe County
Ruth Ann tz
Deputy Clerk