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Resolution 247-2011
RESOLUTION NO. 247 -2011 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, REQUESTING FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO CONVEY THREE PARCELS TO MONROE COUNTY FOR THE PUBLIC PURPOSE USE OF CONSTRUCTING WASTEWATER LIFT STATIONS AS PART OF THE CUDJOE REGIONAL WASTEWATER PROJECT. WHEREAS, 99 -395 Laws of Florida, as incorporated into Section 381.0065, Florida Statutes, requires Monroe County to upgrade existing wastewater treatment facilities to meet advanced treatment levels; and WHEREAS, Monroe County entered into an Interlocal Agreement with the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) for the purpose of designing and constructing the Cudjoe Regional Wastewater System; and WHEREAS, the design of the system includes wastewater lift stations that will be located on the Florida Department of Transportation's (FDOT's) US 1 right of way on Lower Sugarloaf, Upper Sugarloaf and Summerland Keys; and WHEREAS, FDOT will declare the parcels surplus to FDOT and convey them to Monroe County if the parcels are used for a public purpose that benefits the public; and WHEREAS, the proposed use of the parcels to construct a wastewater system will benefit the public by complying with 99 -395 Laws of Florida and by reducing nutrient loads to nearshore waters; and WHEREAS, due to the fact that FDOT requested revisions to Exhibit A of Resolution 150 -2011 that was approved on June 15, 2011 it is deemed necessary to rescind the prior resolution and to pass a new one; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, that: Section 1. Resolution No. 150 -2011 is rescinded. Section 2. The Board of County Commissioners requests that the Florida Department of Transportation convey Parcels 4522, 4523 and 4524 as described in Exhibit A to Monroe County for the purpose of constructing components of the Cudjoe Regional Wastewater System. Section 3. This resolution shall be effective upon approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said board on the 21s` day of September, A.D., 2011. Mayor Heather Carruthers Yes Mayor Pro Tem David Rice Yes Commissioner Kim Wigington Yes Commissioner George Neugent Yes _ ommissioner Syliva Murphy Yes t .. i , r9 • _ = - A _ _ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Y L. KOLHAGE, Clerk OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA mar. Bs - By Deputy Clerk Mayor/ hai t,.- on ,_, \JED AS T . � ...I f '2.--// /6- A := ry - x1 _ 71 l l 0 FDOT Surplus Cudjoe 9_2011 EXHIBIT A FDOT Surplus Cudjoe 92011 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION: F.D.O.T. PARCEL 4522: A parcel of land being a portion of State Road Number 5, Tying within Government Lot 9, Section 26, Township 66 South, Range 28 East on the island of Summerland Key, Monroe County Florida as delineated on Sheets 82 through 85 inclusive, of the Florida Department of Transportation Right —of —Way Map for Section 90020, dated June 25, 2001 described as follows: COMMENCE at the intersection of the centerline of State Road S -942 (West Shore Drive) with the Baseline of Survey of State Road Number 5 (U.S. Highway 1, also known as Overseas Highway) having a grid coordinate of N 119,389.25 and E 509,191.13 based on the 1990 adjustment of the North American Datum of 1983, Florida East Zone, with all bearings and coordinates referenced thereto, said intersection being on the Baseline of Survey at Station 848 +88.02 as shown on said Right —of —Way Map; thence North 86'08'52" West along said Baseline 1149.94 feet to Station 837 +38.08; thence North 03'51'08" East, 59.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING having a grid coordinate of N 119,525.49 and E 508,047.75; thence North 86'08'52' West along a line being 57.00 feet South of and parallel with the existing Northerly Right —of —Way Tine of State Road Number 5, a distance of 60.00 feet; thence North 03'51'08" East, 57.00 feet to said existing Northerly Right —of —Way line, thence South 86'08'52" East along said Northerly Right —of —Way line, 60.00 feet; thence South 03'51'08" West, 57.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands Tying and being in Section 26, Township 66 South, Range 28 East on the island of Summerland Key, Monroe County Florida containing 3,420.00 square feet (0.079 acres) more or less. CERTIFICATION: I HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached Sketch and Description of the hereon described property is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief as prepared under my direction. I FURTHER CERTIFY that this Sketch and Description meets the Minimum Technical Standards set forth in Chapter 5J- 17.050, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. Date: 9— 02- 00// KEITH M. L. EE— —TOW, .L.S. Florida Registration No. 5328 AVIROM & ASSOCIATES, INC. ACCOMPANIED BY SHEETS 1 THRU 3 L.B. No. 3300 Florida Department of Transportation AVIROM & ASSOCIATES, INC. Jo81r 8270 -4 SK District Vl 0 a Asao � SURVEYING & MAPPING SCALE: 1" = 40' Sect /Job No.. 90020 1.4) O � 4 02 APPELROUTN LANE, SUITE 2E DATE 04-07-2011 FAP No.: WA KEY WEST FLORIDA 330/5 BY: SA.M. SR No.: 5&Overseas Highway/U.S. 1 TEL (306) 284 -7770 FAX (581) 394-7125 CHECKED: K.M.C. wwW AVIROIM- SURVEY. com Coolly Monroe da '� ua+rto A� © on AVAZOO ds ASSOCIATES. INC. r daft /mad F.B. 1586 PG. 14 Parcel No.: 4522 This sketch not w reproduced a + r ASSOCIATES. widen permission SHEET 1 OF 3 SURVEYOR'S REPORT: 1. Reproductions of this Sketch are not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a Florida licensed surveyor and mapper. 2. No Title Opinion or Abstract to the subject property has been provided. It is possible that there are Deeds, Easements, or other instruments (recorded or unrecorded) which may affect the subject property. No search of the Public Records has been made by the Surveyor. 3. The land description shown hereon was prepared by the Surveyor. 4. No underground utilities or improvements were located. 5. Bearings shown hereon are referenced to Grid North, based on the 1990 Adjustment of the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83/90) of the Florida State Plane Coordinate System (Transverse Mercator Projection), East Zone with the North Right —of —Way line of State Road Number 5, having a bearing of S 86'08'52" E. 6. The Grid coordinates shown hereon are based on the above referenced horizontal datum established by o Real —time Network (RTN) GPS Control Survey which is certified to a 2 centimeter local accuracy, relative to the nearest control point within the National Geodetic Survey's (NGS) Geodetic Control Network. Method: Wide Area Continuously Operating GPS Reference Station Network Equipment Used: Trimble R8 GNSS, Serial Number 4626117882 (Dual Frequency Receiver) Processing Software: Trimble Geomatics Office, Version 1.61 The following NGS station was used as a check, having a differential of N +0.03 feet and E +0.01, from the published value of: "872 4267 TIDAL 2" (Point Identifier Number AA0971): N 119,232.11 E 511,263.29 7. Elevations shown hereon are based on the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). 8. Benchmark Description: National Geodetic Survey Benchmark "G 272" (Point Identifier Number AA0153), Elevation 1.94' (NAVD 88). 9. This map is intended to be displayed at a scale of 1:480 (1 " =40') or smaller. 10. Units of measurement are in U.S. Survey Feet and decimal parts thereof. Well identified features in this survey were field measured to a horizontal positional accuracy of 0.10'. The elevations on impervious surfaces were field measured to 0.03' and on ground surfaces to 0.1'. 11. Abbreviation Legend: = Baseline; B.M. = Benchmark; BLVD. = Boulevard; C. = Calculated; = Centerline; E = Easting; FD. = Found; F.D.O.T. = Florida Department of Transportation; GPS = Global Positioning System; ID. = Identification; I.R. = Iron Rod; L = Left; L.B. = Licensed Business; M.C.R. = Monroe County Records; Ms.= Measured; N = Northing; NAVD = North American Vertical Datum; NGS = National Geodetic Survey, No. = Number; O.R.B. = Official Records Book; 0/S = Offset; P.B. = Plat Book; P.C. = Point of Curvature; PG. = Page; P.I. = Point of Intersection; P.K. = Porker— Kalon; P.L.S. = Professional Land Surveyor; P.O.B. = Point of Beginning; P.O.C. = Point of Commencement; P.T. = Point of Tangency, R = Right; RD. = Road; R/W = Right —of —Way, S.R. = State Road; STA = Station; U.S. = United States; W /CAP = With Surveyor's Cap. SNOT A VALID SURVEY UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY SHEETS 1 THRU 3 Florida Department of Transportation AVIROM & ASSOCIATES, INC. JOB* 8270 -4 SK District VI 8 Asa SURVEYING & MAPPING SCALE: 1• = 40' 0 Sect l Job No.: 90020 _ �O 402 APPELROUrH LANE. SUITE 2E DATE: 04-07 -2011 _ FAP No.: WA ` KEY WE FLORIDA 33P15 SY: SAM. SR No.: 5/Overton Hlgtrway/U.S.1 '� TEL 1305) ?84 7770 FAX (56t 38� -7125 CHECKED: K.M.C. www.AVIROM-SURVEY.com C o u n t y : Mama 441 1.41NED + 0 2 A 1 AWR a AsaOGATES. AC. M rights waved. F.B. 1586 PG. 1-8 Parcel No.: 4522 a w nw o w a ssion SHEET 2 OF 3 [1 SET 5/8 "x18" I.R. W /CAP o� - (L.B. #3300) 0CV, 1 in a - 116 — M_ N 03'51'08" E N 119529 52 7.9R'. N E E 507987.89 c ;;;;; ::. ; i ?; :; rnz r I . ¢ STA: 836 +78.08 Z . = i ;: : ::• 111 `:iiiiiai: R.= m (/ y 0 /S: 59 L iiiii: cN Ol: : :i: � °to cyl n • 8 37 +00 0! : 't::i:i :i o — O i:i: : : :, : : : : :t: O� w y Z d :ii .i ... :iii::" ,co x . oD : :i:; : =i i i .n:::.:::::::::: n v el, � � : i i : . , 2� Vi .;ii E;'tii V) m NI • :i :':s..i�:ilai i :'i i l i:ii v ri 6 - 70 iiii iii m i:iii: s iii iii ji P1 c 837 +38.08 N 03'51'08" E ''i iii ?ii :i' : : ; 1 i i? :iiii ;i 0 al 59.00' S O e i • oil" W 0 O m rn z 57.00' 0 I Z Ei I w rnZC.m E .4 a, _. E i 0_131 ...1 II �N ptnmzI �oNO Z ;: z11):: m =i N T'- II $ g 50.04' z �, N � ' al O y z 'ow O N � � � � a) o oorn w n 838 +00 d M c co 40,-) cn e o • > — p M n ,A Vi a? r + R co 0m w vv.,co 27 m 4:N D o O r \ m of O 0 01 i CO > cnC co N co -< - M 116.00' N HORA STREET 846 +70. u � P.O.C. STATE ROAD S -942 INTERSECTION OF . S.R. S -942 (WEST SHORE DRIVE) S 0013'18" W z WITH 1 SURVEY OF S.R. No. 5 N 119389.25 -------- 848+8 CO E 509191.13 (F.D.O.T.) Pal...! NM FD. NAIL & DISK W 000 , FD. NAIL & DISK NORTH (L B. #6884) W (NO ID.) N ii9339.28 N 119248.34 (C.) E 509190.94 E 511283.88 "µe 1'.� • : I mow_ two N 119339.16 P.I. =869 +85.51 N 119246.46 (F,D.O.T.) L ACCOMPANIED BY SHEETS 1 THRU 3 E 509190.78 E 511283.89 Florida Department of Transportation AVIROM & ASSOCIATES, INC. JOB 5: 8270-4_3K SsalJob District VI o a Asa SURVEYING & MAPPING SCALE: 1' =40' _ �G 40 APPEL L ANE , SUITE 2E DATE: 04-07 -2011 _ FAP No.: N/A I. / a KEY we FLORIDA 3 BY SAM. TEL. (305) 294.7770, FAX (561) 394 -7125 SR No.: SdONeraeaa FByhWaltAJ.3.1 1 www.AVlR0114- SURVEYcam CHECKED: K.M.C. County: Monroe `�''�suoH A"` ©MI AVIROM & ASSOCIATES. INC et sights restaved F.B. 1588 PG. 1-8 Parcel No 4522 Tnu Is use d AY7tOM & ASSOCIATES, INC end $hO, ht not w �. .a o. a�rw �a,ow.,ra.n pe SHEET 3 OF 3 • EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION: F.D.O.T. PARCEL 4523: A parcel of land being a portion of State Road Number 5, lying within the plat of Lot 4 of the West one —half (W 1 h) of the Northwest one — quarter (NW 4) of Section 31, Township 66 South, Range 28 East as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 175 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida situate on the island of Upper Sugarloaf Key, Monroe County Florida as delineated on Sheet 66, of the Florida Department of Transportation Right —of —Way Map for Section 90020, dated June 25, 2001 described as follows: COMMENCE at the intersection of the centerline of State Road S-939 with the Baseline of Survey of State Road Number 5 (U.S. Highway 1, also known as Overseas Highway) having a grid coordinate of N 119,118.36 and E 483,012.99 based on the 1990 adjustment of the North American Datum of 1983, Florida East Zone, with all bearings and coordinates referenced thereto, said intersection being on the Baseline of Survey at Station 582 +32.63 as shown on said Right —of —Way Map; thence South 72'32'46" West along said Baseline 267.17 feet to Station 579 +65.46; thence South 17'27'14" East, 53.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING having a grid coordinate of N 118,987.67 and E 482,774.02; thence continue South 1777'14" East, 47.00 feet to the existing Southerly Right —of —Way line of State Road Number 5; thence South 7212'46" West along said Southerly Right --of —Way line, 60.00 feet; thence North 1727'14" West, 47.00 feet; thence North 7212'46" East along a line 47.00 feet North of and parallel with said Southerly Right —of —Way line, 60.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands lying and being in Section 31, Township 66 South, Range 28 East on the island of Upper Sugarloaf Key, Monroe County Florida containing 2,820.00 square feet (0.065 acres) more or less. CERTIFICATION: I HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached Sketch and Description of the hereon described property is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief as prepared under my direction. I FURTHER CERTIFY that this Sketch and Description meets the Minimum Technical Standards set forth in Chapter 5J- 17.050, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. Date: 4.- 07— f KE M. 'EE—A— TO , P.L.S. Florida Registration No. 5328 AVIROM & ASSOCIATES, INC. :74 • L.B. No. 3300 Florida Department of Transportation AVIROM & ASSOCIATES, INC. JOB N: 8270 -4_US District VI s A s s o SCALE. 1 ' = 40' S URVEYING & MAPPING Soot I Job No.: 90020 402 APPELROUTH LAIHF, SUITE 2 DATE: 04-07 -2011 FAP No.: NIA < KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33045 BY: SAM. SR No.: 5/Overseas Hlghway!U.S.1 TEL. (305) 294 - FAX (561) 394 CHECKED: K.M.C. ww v.AVIROM SURVEY cam County Monroe -.wan ©2011 AVIROM &ASSOCUTES,arc lights moved F.B. 15es PG. 1-8 Parcel No.: 4523 end s , ui w�, w oil A n s our `�eir: a.r stion SHEET 1 OF 3 SURVEYOR'S REPORT: 1. Reproductions of this Sketch are not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a Florida licensed surveyor and mapper. 2. No Title Opinion or Abstract to the subject property has been provided. It is possible that there are Deeds, Easements, or other instruments (recorded or unrecorded) which may affect the subject property. No search of the Public Records has been made by the Surveyor. 3. The land description shown hereon was prepared by the Surveyor. 4. No underground utilities or improvements were located. 5. Bearings shown hereon are referenced to Grid North, based on the 1990 Adjustment of the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83/90) of the Florida State Plane Coordinate System (Transverse Mercator Projection), East Zone with the South Right— of —Way line of State Rood Number 5, having a bearing of S 7212'46" W. 6. The Grid coordinates shown hereon are based on the above referenced horizontal datum established by a Real —time Network (RTN) GPS Control Survey which is certified to a 2 centimeter local accuracy, relative to the nearest control point within the National Geodetic Survey's (NGS) Geodetic Control Network. Method: Wide Area Continuously Operating GPS Reference Station Network Equipment Used: Trimble R8 GNSS, Serial Number 4626117882 (Dual Frequency Receiver) Processing Software: Trimble Geomatics Office, Version 1.61 The following NGS station was used as a check, having a differential of N +0.03 feet and E +0.01, from the published value of: "872 4267 TIDAL 2" (Point Identifier Number AA0971): N 119,232.11 E 511,263.29 7. Elevations shown hereon are based on the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). 8. Benchmark Description: National Geodetic Survey Benchmark "G 272" (Point Identifier Number AA0153), Elevation 1.94' (NAVD 88). 9. This map is intended to be displayed at a scale of 1:480 (1 " =40') or smaller. 10. Units of measurement are in U.S. Survey Feet and decimal parts thereof. Well identified features in this survey were field measured to a horizontal positional accuracy of 0.10'. The elevations on impervious surfaces were field measured to 0.03' and on ground surfaces to 0.1'. 11. Abbreviation Legend: . = Baseline; B.M. = Benchmark; BLVD. = Boulevard; C. = Calculated; = Centerline; E = Easting; FD. = Found; F.D.O.T. = Florida Department of Transportation; GPS = Global Positioning System; ID. = Identification; I.R. = Iron Rod; L = Left; L.B. = Licensed Business; M.C.R. = Monroe County Records; Ms.= Measured; N = Northing; NAVD = North American Vertical Datum; NGS = National Geodetic Survey, No. = Number; O.R.B. = Official Records Book; 0/S = Offset; P.B. = Plat Book; P.C. = Point of Curvature; PG. = Page; P.1. = Point of intersection; P.K. = Parker— Kalon; P.L.S. = Professional Land Surveyor; P.O.B. = Point of Beginning; P.O.C. = Point of Commencement; P.T. = Point of Tangency, R = Right; RD. = Road; R/W = Right —of —Way, S.R. = State Road; STA = Station; U.S. = United States; W /CAP = With Surveyor's Cap. ACCOMPANIED BY SHEETS 1 THRU 3 Florida Department of Transportation AVIROM & ASSOCIATES, INC. JOBS: 8270 -4 US District VI 0 s assn SURVEYING & MAPPING SCALE: 1• = 40' Seat I Job No.: 90020 A 402 APPELROUTH LANE, SUITE 2E DATE: 04-07-2011 _ FAP No.: NIA < KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33045 BY: SAM. SR No : 5/Over eas S.1 TEL (305)294 FAX (561)394 CHECKED: K.M.C. www. AWROM- SURVEY. can County Monroe m+eo' OM AMOM S ASSOCIATES, INC oPigha leaned. F.B. 1566 PG. 1-6 Parcel No.: 4523 H'id' es otrr.°r Qe"proauaa arm A go s lowr�i�hn s SHEET 2 OF 3 - `11N&IL --:1:78 ? C NOT F R RD RaN "'� O o r) f 48898 s R,4,y� 2 8 Eg 258 0.92 578 +00 F gST. Cn011/ ' C OIV�`31s.66 ?7 100.00 - s 8 100.00' Z • N we M °r mZ ^ >-C mZ0 r — P.) co 1 P* V �.. + q w o k W � 1 V'2 PP(4.5 O c�i� O r co o oo oo $ m o ° 3 —o ri O mow" N17'27'14 "W 579 + 00 Fn 47.00 ^ vi .. a P p! N D • 11 _ _ 3 N yr. p;f5:;: »: � Z i M Z5 co 5. > a00 o �O A3 A : umn T: . w ':^ a i Al N E ? > -C g ::::::•:•:•::: _ 579 +65.46 = o z o z i.I° p t % ) 8 ' " S17'27'14 "E 1I X71 0 C 1 f S17'2714 E mz^ N 47.00' S- U) co v g m o � ,p— W --4 ^ 1 0 � N O t.+ N co us y I N. oo to Q n ,�80 +00 ao X ` Ul V sc' °� ' c CI1 0 9 v 1 C O a W V -4°) N •wv CO tC ,pV W OD a • .O z CO XI 5. ' - i E 100.00' --I 0 re 1 co ; mZN N -ID i D os� �Z t o � - 1iOc+�' LA � - om > 100.00' o c NOT A VALID SURVEY UNLESS , s tn; STATE ROAD S -939 t U' ACCOMPANIED BY SHEETS 1 THRU 3 582 +32.63 Florida Department of Transportation AVIROM & ASSOCIATES, INC. JOB 9: 8270 -4_US District VI a a g o SCALE: 1• = 40' too Sect / Job Noy 90020 o c 402 A ASSOCIATES, U TH LANE, SUIT 2 DATE: 04-07-2011 FAP No.: NIA _ ` # I m KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33045 BY: SAM. SR No.: 5/Overseas Highway/U.S. 1 / TEL. (306) 294 7770. FAX (561)394-7125 CHECKED: K.M.C. w.AV/ROM- SURVE1:com County: Monroe ��usAO ww Volt AVIROM &ASSOCIATES. me •I VI* resolved F.B. 1568 PG. 1-8 Parcel Na: 4523 ; l i s 8" w w a u i'Z' Oo SHEET 3 OF 3 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION: F.D.O.T. PARCEL 4524: A parcel of land being a portion of State Road Number 5, Tying within Govemment Lot 3, Section 3, Township 67 South, Range 27 East on the island of Lower Sugarloaf Key, Monroe County Florida as delineated on Sheets 50 through 57 inclusive, of the Florida Department of Transportation Right -of -Way Map for Section 90020, dated June 25, 2001 described as follows: COMMENCE at the intersection of the centerline of State Road 939 (Sugarloaf Boulevard) with the Boseline of Survey of State Road Number 5 (U.S. Highway 1, also known as Overseas Highway) having a grid coordinate of N 113,824.08 and E 468,135.60 based on the 1990 adjustment of the North American Datum of 1983, Florida East Zone, with all bearings and coordinates referenced thereto, said intersection being on the Baseline of Survey at Station 423 +73.86 as shown on said Right -of -Way Map; thence North 5619'04" East along said Baseline 736.10 feet to Station 431 +09.96; thence North 33'40'56" West, 53.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING having a grid coordinate of N 114,276.32 and E 468,718.76; thence continue North 33'40'56" West, 47.00 feet to the existing Northerly Right -of -Way line of said State Road Number 5, thence North 5619'04" East along said Northerly Right -of -Way line, 60.00 feet; thence South 33'40'56" East, 47.00 feet; thence South 5619'04" West along a line being 47.00 feet South of and parallel with said Northerly Right -of -Way line, 60.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands lying and being in Section 3, Township 67 South, Range 27 East on the island of Lower Sugarloaf Key, Monroe County Florida containing 2,820.00 square feet (0.065 acres) more or Tess. CERTIFICATION: I HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached Sketch and Description of the hereon described property is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief as prepared under my direction. I FURTHER CERTIFY that this Sketch and Description meets the Minimum Technical Standards set forth in Chapter 5J- 17.050, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. • Date: 4 O/1 - - KEITH M. C -A-TOW, P.L.S. Florida Registration No. 5328 AVIROM & ASSOCIATES, INC. L.B. No. 3300 A CCOMPANIED BY SHEETS 1 THRU 3 - µ , Florida Department of Transportation AWROM & ASSOCIATES, INC. JOB 6: 8270 -4_LS District V! s assn SURVEYING & MAPPING SCALE: r is 40' Sect / Job No.: 90020 �O 402 APPELR0U N LANE. SUITE 2E DATE: 04-072011 FM No.: NIA ` / KE WEST FLORIDA 3 5 BY: SAM. SR No.: 5/Oversees Highway/U.S.1 � TEL (305) 294 FAX (561) 394.7125 CHECKED: K.M.C. www.AVIROM County: 40,444,46, ` 1m++ AvrtrO.ts ASSOCUTES, evC. rr nn►n+tl. F.B. 1586 PG. 14 Pa N o . : 4 5 2 4 I n d f I p a. or A xiMo bn Masan SHEET 1 OF 3 SURVEYOR'S REPORT: 1. Reproductions of this Sketch are not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of o Florida licensed surveyor and mapper. 2. No Title Opinion or Abstract to the subject property has been provided. It is possible that there are Deeds, Easements, or other instruments (recorded or unrecorded) which may affect the subject property. No search of the Public Records has been made by the Surveyor. 3. The land description shown hereon was prepared by the Surveyor. 4. No underground utilities or improvements were located. 5. Bearings shown hereon are referenced to Grid North, based on the 1990 Adjustment of the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83/90) of the Florida State Plane Coordinate System (Transverse Mercator Projection), East Zone with the North Right —of —Way line of State Road Number 5, having a bearing of N 5619'04" E. 6. The Grid coordinates shown hereon are based on the above referenced horizontal datum established by o Real—time Network (RTN) GPS Control Survey which is certified to a 2 centimeter local accuracy, relative to the nearest control point within the National Geodetic Survey's (NGS) Geodetic Control Network. Method: Wide Area Continuously Operating GPS Reference Station Network Equipment Used: Trimble R8 GNSS, Serial Number 4626117882 (Dual Frequency Receiver) Processing Software: Trimble Geomatics Office, Version 1.61 The following NGS station was used as a check, having a differential of N +0.03 feet and E +0.01, from the published value of: "872 4267 TIDAL 2" (Point Identifier Number AA0971): N 119,232.11 E 511,263.29 7. Elevations shown hereon are based on the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). 8. Benchmark Description: National Geodetic Survey Benchmark "G 272" (Point Identifier Number AA0153), Elevation 1.94' (NAVD 88). 9. This map is intended to be displayed at a scale of 1:480 (1 " =40') or smaller. 10. Units of measurement are in U.S. Survey Feet and decimal parts thereof. Well identified features in this survey were field measured to a horizontal positional accuracy of 0.10'. The elevations on impervious surfaces were field measured to 0.03' and on ground surfaces to 0.1'. 11. Abbreviation Legend: . = Baseline; B.M. = Benchmark; BLVD. = Boulevard; C. = Calculated; = Centerline; E = Easting; FD. = Found; F.D.O.T. = Florida Department of Transportation; GPS = Global Positioning System; ID. = Identification; I.R. = Iron Rod; L = Left; L.B. = Licensed Business; M.C.R. = Monroe County Records; Ms.= Measured; N = Northing; NAVD = North American Vertical Datum; NGS = National Geodetic Survey, No. = Number; O.R.B. = Official Records Book; 0/S = Offset; P.B. = Plat Book; P.C. = Point of Curvature; PG. = Page; P.I. = Point of Intersection; P.K. = Parker— Kalon; P.L.S. = Professional Land Surveyor; P.O.B. = Point of Beginning; P.O.C. = Point of Commencement; P.T. = Point of Tangency, R = Right; RD. = Road; R/W = Right —of —Way, S.R. = State Road; STA = Station; U.S. = United States; W /CAP = With Surveyor's Cap. 1 T OT A VALID UNLESS SURVEY UNLESS ESS ACCOMPANIED BY SHEETS 1 THRU Florida Department of Transportation AVIROM & ASSOCIATES, INC. JOBS: 8270 -4_LS Distract VI o M a As. SURVEYING & MAPPING SCALE: 1• ° 40' Sect/ Job No.: 90020 402 APPELROUm LANE, SUITE 2E DATE: 04-07 -2011 FAP No.: N/A S in KEY WEST. FLORIDA 33045 BY: SAM. SR No.: 5/Overeees Hlgfrway/U.S.1 TEL (305)294-7770, FAX (5e1 j 394-7125 CHECKED: K.M.C. www.AVIROM- SURVEY.com County: Monroe m wr ®am+ AMOw ASSOCIATES. arc. at rights resolved. F.B. 1568 PG. 1-6 Parcel No.: 4524 and rem me 1 d AVIROM a Assocures. INC . and rnoutd not ee wyvoeuae a oowa rubord wrwae vemr rrion. SHEET 2 OF 3 • z N 110709.77 le E 463462.78 4, 4$ 1 mz 5a N �• y N m IA 1 P.I. =367 +58.32 G' O g 2 p o i •. u . b W N Z u) 9 0 •� 0 o cn n 100.00' MF N��`�\ D i M 1 STATE ROAD 939 j r , (SUGARLOAF BLVD. N a; o y _ S 35'20'23" E 423 +73.86 " co m z N o 0 m z .. ' Z �� - — .p er • CI1 G�1- WW Cn -cr) - z g 100.00 a) to a: rn c.: � N � "' rt C °- i o r- O W I (OW m oO0 0 m �. •O c> 1 m 431+00 \N 33'40'56" W 0 t 0 1 431+09.96 53.00' 47.00 • 10-0 7 3-"tic-_. 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FAx (set) 394 -7125 CHECKED: K.M.C. www.AVIROA4•SURVEY.com C o u n t y : Monroe . . . W T . , +� OM A wROM a ASSOCIATES. iNC. at rights twined. F.B. 1588 Pa. 1-8 Parcel No.: 4524 This sketch Is the popery of AVIROM It ASSOCIATES. INC. and should not he reproduced crimpled **bout written permission sHEE I 3 OF 3