Meeting Date: February 15, 2012 Division: Growth Management
Bulk Item: Yes No X Department: Plannina & Environmental Resources
Staff Contact Person/Phone #: Christine Hurley 289-2500
Joseph Haberman289-2532
AGENDA ITEM WORDING:A public hearing to consider an Ordinance to amend Chapter 142 of the
Monroe County Code, which provides the regulations related to signs.
ITEM BACKGROUND: Staff is proposing amendments to the text of the Monroe County Code (MCC)
concerning the County's sign regulations. The purposes of the amendment are to:
A) Update the MCC to address whether or not to continue allowing A -frame signs (which cannot be
permitted beyond December 30, 2011 due to a codified sunset date):
Staff has found that there are five viable alternatives in which the County may elect to pursue at this
time (explained further in the staff report):
1) Amend the MCC to no longer allow A -frame signs.
2) Amend the MCC to allow A -frame signs by building permit permanently and without a sunset
date. However, these signs are not permitted within the FDOT right of way along US 1.
3) Amend the MCC to extend the sunset date from December 30, 2011 to a future date.
4) Amend the MCC to allow A -frame signs and reclassify A -frames signs as a type of allowed
sign that does not require a building permit.
5) Staff and Planning Commission Recommended Action: Amend the MCC to allow A -frame
signs as a type of ground -mounted signage for properties that do not have other ground -
mounted signage. However, these signs are not permitted within the FDOT right of way along
US 1.
B) Provide new regulations related to signs that accommodate multi-tenants/occupants:
The MCC has been updated to address the relatively unique situation of properties that have
several tenants/occupants (i.e. businesses) in operation. The current regulations restrict the amount of
ground -mounted sign square footage to the amount of property frontage and do not consider the
number of businesses in operation. The new regulations allow multi -tenant parcels to obtain additional
signage based on their distance from the edge of pavement, speed of roadway, and recommended
font/lettering size -meetm* safety standards.
Q Address inconsistences related to the FDOT's regulations and the County's regulations regarding off -
premise signage:
The MCC must be updated to provide consistency with Florida Statute 335.093 and Rule 14-
10.004(4)(c) of the Florida Administrative Code, which prohibit new permits for off -premises signs
along scenic highways. Off -premises signs are billboards or other signs not located on the same
property as the business in which they advertise.
D) Revise the existing language to address improper language and incorrect references.
During a regularly scheduled meeting held on June 7, 2011, the DRC reviewed the ordinance and
recommended approval. During regularly scheduled public hearings held on October 18, 2011 and
November 9, 2011, December 1, 2011 and December 21, 2011, the Planning Commission reviewed the
ordinance and recommended approval.
Sign regulations were adopted into the land development regulations of the MCC when the current version
became effective in late 1980s, as memorialized by Ordinances #033-1986 and #054-1987. In the 1990s,
significant amendments to MCC Chapter 142, Signs (then referenced MCC Chapter 9.5, Article V II,
Division 13, Signs) were undertaken with considerable input from business owners, citizens and County
staff, as memorialized by Ordinances #001-1994 and #036-1997.
In December 2008, the Code Compliance Department conducted county -wide enforcement of the sign
regulations, focusing on signs erected without the benefit of required building permits and prohibited
signs. At the January 28, 2009 BOCC meeting, several business owners spoke about the economic climate
and the need to keep some of these prohibited signs, particularly A -frame signs, or else some businesses
may go out of business. The BOCC directed the Planning & Environmental Resources Department to
review sign regulations and determine if any changes were necessary. Further, the BOCC agreed that a
"temporary stay" of code compliance proceedings against the cited signs would be granted for six months
or until a new sign ordinance was written. If any sign continued to be in violation after the new ordinance
was effective, the property owner would be subject to compliance measures.
In order to implement some of the changes requested by the community, staff modified the sign
regulations to remove some of the prohibitive restrictions related to vehicle signs and temporarily allow
the erection of A -frame signs with building permits until June 7, 2010. The amendments were
memorialized by Ordinance #031-2009.
The regulations were amended again in 2010 by Ordinance #D 18-201O to extend the sunset date for A -
frame signs to December 30, 2011.
Approval of amendments as stated in the staff report and ordinance.
APPROVED BY: County Atty X OMB/Purchasing Risk Management
DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required
We strive to be caring, professional and fair
To: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
Through: Christine Hurley, AICP, Director of Growth Management
Townsley Schwab, Senior Director of Planning & Environmental Resources
From: Joseph Haberman, AICP, Planning & Development Review Manager
Date: January 25, 2012
Meeting: February 15, 2012
4 The Planning & Environmental Resources Department is proposing amendments to the text
5 of the Monroe County Code concerning the County's sign regulations. The purposes of the
5 amendment are: A) to update the Monroe County Code to address whether or not to continue
7 allowing A -frame signs (which cannot be permitted beyond December 30, 2011); B) to
8 provide new regulations related to signs that accommodate multi-tenantsloccupants; C) to
9 address inconsistences related to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)'s
10 regulations and the County's regulations regarding off -premise signage; and D) to revise the
11 existing language to address improper language and incorrect references.
15 Sign regulations were adopted into the land development regulations of the Monroe County
15 Code (MCC) when the current version became effective in late 1980s, as memorialized by
17 Ordinances #03 3 -1985 and #054- 1987. In the 1990s, significant amendments to MCC
18 Chapter 142, Signs (then referenced MCC Chapter 9.5, Article VII, Division 13, Signs) were
19 undertaken with considerable input from business owners, citizens and County staff, as
20 memorialized by Ordinances #001-1994 and #03 5-1997. At that time, it was widely Viewed
21 that the regulating sign regulations were comprehensive and satisfied business owners and
22 citizens.
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1 In December 2008, the Code Compliance Department conducted county -wide enforcement
2 of the sign regulations, focusing on signs erected without the benefit of required building
3 permits and prohibited signs. At the January 28, 2009 BOCC meeting, several business
4 owners spoke about the economic climate and the need to keep some of these prohibited
5 signs, particularly A -frame signs, or else some businesses may go out of business. The
6 BOCC directed the Planning & Environmental Resources Department to review sign
7 regulations and determine if any changes were necessary. Further, the BOCC agreed that a
8 "temporary stay" of code compliance proceedings against the cited signs would be granted
9 for six months or until a new sign ordinance was written. If any sign continued to be in
10 violation after the new ordinance was effective, the property owner would be subject to
11 compliance measures.
13 In May 2009, the Planning & Environmental Resources Department conducted three public
14 workshops to receive public input regarding sign regulation revisions: 1) Big Pine Academy
15 School on Big Pine Key; 2) Harvey Government Center in Key West; and 3) Murray Nelson
16 Government Center on Key Largo. At each workshop, attendees were given the opportunity
17 to share their ideas and what they like changed about the current regulations. In addition,
18 questionnaires were provided for attendees to complete. In general, the types of prohibited
19 signs that were mentioned most by the respondents were A -frames, off -premises signs, and
20 vehicle signs.
22 In order to implement some of the changes requested by the community, staff modified the
23 sign regulations to remove some of the prohibitive restrictions related to vehicle signs and
24 temporarily allow the erection of A -frame signs with building permits until June 7, 2010.
25 The amendments were memorialized by Ordinance #031-2009.
27 The regulations were amended again in 2010 by Ordinance #018-2010 to extend the sunset
28 date for A -frame signs to December 30, 2011.
30 Related to this current amendment (but not being addressed as part thereof), the Planning &
31 Environmental Resources Department is currently evaluating signage along US 1 as part of a
32 FDOT funded wayfinding project to develop consistent signage which compliments the
33 Florida Keys Scenic Highway, reduces extraneous sign clutter along US 1 and directs
34 vehicles and pedestrians to business districts, recreational facilities, cultural sites, civic
35 locations and natural features.
37 Regarding this current amendment, the Planning &Environmental Resources Department
38 has held additional workshops and public outreach to gather further comments and ideas
39 from the community. Staff has 1) held a public workshop at Murray Nelson Government
40 Center on Key Largo; 2) attended a board meeting of the Lower Keys Chamber of
41 Commerce; 3) attended a meeting at the Big Pine &Lower Keys Rotary Club; 4) attended a
42 Lower Keys Chamber of Commerce general membership meeting; and 5) scheduled the item
43 for public comment and discussion at four public hearings of the Planning Commission as
44 opposed to the single meeting required.
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3 The purposes of the amendment are: A) to update the MCC to address whether or not to
4 continue allowing A -frame signs; B) to provide new regulations related to signs that
5 accommodate multi-tenants/occupants (in most cases businesses); Q to address
6 inconsistences related to the FDOT's regulations and the County's regulations regarding off-
7 premise signage; and D) to revise the existing language to address improper language and
8 incorrect references.
10 A) A frame signs:
12 The MCC must be updated to address whether or not to continue allowing A -frame signs,
13 which cannot be permitted beyond December 30, 2011 due to a codified sunset date. Staff
14 has found that there are five viable alternatives in which the County may elect to pursue at
15 this time:
17 a) Amend the MCC to no longer allow A -frame signs. As of December 31, 2011, new A-
frame signs would not be permitted. Existing A -frames signs that received a building
permit for their erection would be allowed to continue exist; however only in accordance
with the provisions for nonconforming signs. Existing A -frame signs that did not receive
a building permit for their erection would be unlawful and subject to code compliance
Amend the MCC to allow A -frame signs by building permit permanently and without a
sunset date (understanding that the regulations could be modified any time in the future to
expressly prohibit). New A -frame signs would continue to be allowed following the
issuance of building permits. Existing and new A -frame signs that did not receive a
building permit for their erection would be unlawful and subject to code compliance
Amend the MCC to extend the sunset date from December 30, 2011 to a future date
(note: the County would have to address the situation again prior to expiration of the new
sunset date). New A -frame signs would continue to be allowed, if approved by a
building permit prior to the new sunset date. A -frame signs that did not or do not receive
a building permit for their erection would be unlawful and subject to code compliance
Amend the MCC to allow A -frame signs and reclassify A -frames signs as a type of
allowed sign that does not require a building permit. New A -frame signs would continue
to be allowed; however such signs continue to be held to the existing standards and
regulations existing in the MCC with the exception of the building permit requirement.
Staff and Planning Commission Recommended Action: As conceived and discussed at
the December 1, 2011 Planning Commission public hearing, amend the MCC to allow A-
frame signs as a type of ground -mounted signage for properties that do not have other
ground -mounted signage. New A -frame signs would continue to be allowed following
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1 the issuance of building permits if there is no other ground -mounted signage on the site.
2 Existing A -frames signs that are located on sites with additional ground -mounted signage
3 that received a building permit for their erection would be allowed to continue exist;
4 however only in accordance with the provisions for nonconforming signs. Existing A-
5 frame signs that did not receive a building permit for their erection would be unlawful
6 and subject to code compliance action.
8 Staff counted A -frame signs adjacent to businesses on US 1 in June 2011. A total of 150 A-
9 frame signs were counted. County records indicate less than 10 building permits have been
10 issued for A -frame signs, leaving the majority of existing A -frame signs as unpermitted and
11 unlawful.
13 B) Multi-tenants/occupants signage:
15 The MCC should be updated to address the relatively unique situation of properties that have
16 several tenants/occupants (i.e. businesses) in operation. The current regulations restrict the
17 amount of ground -mounted sign square footage to the amount of property frontage and do
18 not consider the number of businesses in operation. As the standards for variances are
19 somewhat restrictive (as having several businesses may not be construed as an exceptional
20 hardship), amendments may be necessary to address this situation and provide enough
21 ground -mounted sign square footage to these properties so that their occupants can
22 adequately advertise and safely direct visitors to their establishments.
24 Q Inconsistencies with the FDOT soff-premise signage regulations:
26 The MCC must be updated to provide consistency with Florida Statute 335.093 and Rule 14-
27 10.004(4)(c) of the Florida Administrative Code, which prohibit new permits for off-
28 premises signs along scenic highways.
30 An FDOT Outdoor Advertising permit is required for off -premise signs that advertise a
31 products or businesses and are visible from a state road. F.A.C. Subsection 14-10.004(4)(c)
32 states that "When a controlled road, or any portion of a controlled road, is designated as a
33 scenic highway or scenic byway pursuant to Section 335.093, F.S., new permits will not be
34 issued for signs visible from the portion of the highway designated as a scenic highway or
35 byway."
37 If a permit is issued, the business owner must also apply for a County permit and adhere to
38 the MCC, with the exception of signs in the FDOT Right -of -Way. However, the current
39 regulations in the MCC have different definitions and rules pertaining to off -premise signage.
40 As such, the MCC may allow some off -premise signs that would otherwise be prohibited by
41 state and federal regulations. The MCC should be revised to require the more restrictive
42 FDOT permit first so that the county does not issue any building permits for signs that would
43 ultimately not be permitted by FDOT.
45 The text amendments set forth in this ordinance would be consistent with the Monroe County
46 Comprehensive Plan, specifically Objective 10 1. 15 and Policy 101.15.1:
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2 Objective 10 1.15 : Monroe County shall enforce and update the existing Sign Ordinance
3 in order to maintain and improve the visual character of the County and protect adjacent
4 land uses.
6 Policy 101.15.1-9 By January 4, 1998, Monroe County shall complete an evaluation of the
7 existing Sign Ordinance and adopt revisions to the Land Development Regulations
8 required to correct identified deficiencies and eliminate non -conforming signage
9 conditions.
11 Therefore, staff recommends the following changes (Deletions are and
12 additions are underlined. Text to remain the same is in black):
14 Chapter 142
17 Sec. 142-1. Purpose and intent.
18 Sec. 142-2. Definitions.
19 Sec. 142-3. General provisions.
20 Sec. 142-4. Signs requiring a permit and specific standards.
21 Sec. 142-5. Regulations pertaining to the measurement, construction, and maintenance
22 of all signs.
23 Sec. 142-6. Criteria for variances.
24 Sec. 142-7. Nonconforming signs.
25 Sec. 142-8. Special identification signs.
27 *State law reference —Provisions to regulate signage required, F.S. § 163.3202(2)(f)
29 Sec. 142-1. Purpose and intent.
31 The purposes and intent of this chapter are too.
33 (1) Facilitate the implementation of goals, objectives and policies set forth in the
34 comprehensive plan relating to sign control, community character and scenic
35 resources and protection of areas from incompatible uses;
37 (2) Promote and maintain convenience, safety, property values and aesthetics by
38 establishing a set of standards for the erection, placement, use and maintenance of
39 signs that will grant equal protection and fairness to all property owners in the county;
41 (3) Provide a simple set of regulations that will minimize intricacies and facilitate
42 efficiency of permitting functions and thus assist the regulated public;
44 (4) Encourage signs that help to visually organize the activities of the county, and lend
45 order and meaning to business identification and make it easier for the public to
46 locate and identify their destinations;
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2 (5) Regulate the size, number and location of signs so that their purpose can be served
3 without unduly interfering with motorists and causing unsafe conditions;
5 (6) Promote the general welfare, including enhancement of property values and scenic
6 resources, so as to create a more attractive business climate and make the county a
7 more desirable place in which to visit, trade, work and live;
9 (7) Be fair in that everyone receives equal and adequate exposure to the public and no
10 one is allowed to visually dominate his neighbor;
12 (8) Authorize the use of signs in commercial and industrial areas that are:
13 a. Compatible with their surroundings;
14 b. Appropriate to the type of activity to which they pertain;
15 c. An expression of the identity of the individual proprietors and the community as a
16 whole; and
17 d. Large enough to sufficiently convey a message about the owners or occupants of
18 a particular premises, the commodities, products or devices available on such
19 premises, or the business activities conducted on such premises, yet small enough
20 to prevent excessive, overpowering advertising which would have a detrimental
21 effect on the character and appearance of commercial and industrial areas, or
22 which could unduly distract the motoring public, causing unsafe motoring
23 conditions;
25 (9) To limit signs in noncommercial areas to protect the character and appearance of
26 noncommercial areas.
28 Sec. 142-2. Definitions.
30 The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the
31 meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a
32 different meaning:
34 Area of a sign. Refer to section 142-5(1).
36 Banner means any suspended sign made of any flexible material such as, but not
37 limited to, clothplastic or paper whether or not imprinted with words or characters.
39 Billboard means any sign that is required to be registered with the Florida Department of
40 Transportation FDOT) pursuant to F.S. eh-. cha ter 479 and exceeds the
41 size limitations set forth in section 142-4 of this cha ter.
43 Business frontage. See "frontage, business."
45 Changeable copy sign means a sign specifically designed for the use of replaceable copy
46 that does not involve replacement of the sign face itself or alteration of the sign structure.
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2 Clear sight triangle means a triangular-
3 shaped area at any driveway connection to a public street and at all street intersections as
4 required in section_ 114-201 min which nothing is allowed to be erected, placed, planted or
5 allowed to grow in such a manner as to limit or obstruct the sight of motorists entering or
6 leaving the driveway or street intersection. Also referred to as clear vision trian e.
8 Copy means the text or graphic representations of a sign that depict, , the
9 name of an establishment, products, services or other messages, whether in permanent or
10 removable form.
12 Erect means in the context of this chapter. to build, construct, attach, hang, place,
13 suspend, affix or paint a sign.
15 Facade means the face of a building or structure is most nearly parallel with the right-of-
16 way line under consideration, including related architectural elements such as awnings,
17 parapets and mansard roofs but excluding signs attached to a building that are not
18 otherwise incorporated into such architectural elements.
20 Face of sign means the planes of a sign on which copy could be placed, including trim
21 and background.
23 Flag means a piece of light weight, flexible material such as cloth or plastic with one side
24 attached to a pole and the other end flying freely.
26 Frontage, business means the horizontal linear distance measured along the facade of an
27 individual business. Also referred to ,as "business frontage."
29 Frontage, property3 means the distance measured along a public or private right-of-way
30 or easement including canals, shorelines and runways that affords vehicular access to the
31 property between the points of intersection of the side lot lines with such right-of-way or
32 easement. where a street or highway is divided as occurs on Ivey Largo, a parcel of land
33 in the median of the street or highway shall be considered to have a frontage on each side.
34 All parcels that abut U.S. 1 or County Road 905 shall be considered to have a frontage on
35 such roads regardless of whether a curb cut exists. Also referred to as "property_
36 frontage."
38 Ground -mounted sign means any sign that is mounted on or supported by an upright or
39 brace in or upon the ground, such upright or brace being directly attached in or upon the
40 ground and independent of any other structure. Signs affixed to fences shall be
41 considered ground -mounted signs.
43 Illuminated sign means any sign that is illuminated by artificial light, either from an
44 interior or exterior source, including outline, reflective or phosphorescent light, whether
45 or not the source of light is directly affixed as part of the sign.
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1 Interior Property information sign means signs located entirely on the property to which
2 the sign pertains, are not readily visible from public rights -of -way, and which are
3 intended to provide information to people on the property. Examples include, but are not
4 limited to, "pool closed," "no walking on grass," "pay ramp fee at the office" and "no
5 fishing."
7 Licensed sign contractor means any person holding a valid certificate of competency in
8 sign erection issued by the county.
10 off -Premises sign means any sign located on premises other than those on which the
11 business or organization uses products, goods or services that the sign advertises are
12 available. When in the right -of -.way of or visible from U.S. 1,. off -premises si s are
13 required to be registered with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)pursuant
14 to F.S. chapter 479.
16 Pennant means a series of small flag -like pieces of cloth or similar type of material
17 attached and strung between two or more points.
19 Plane means any surface such as a rectangle, square, triangle, circle or sphere that is
20 capable of carrying items of information; any area enclosed by an imaginary line
21 describing a rectangle, square, triangle or circle which includes freestanding letters,
22 numbers or symbols.
24 Portable sign means any sign or sign structure that is not permanently attached to the
25 ground or to any other permanent structure or which is specifically designed to be
26 transported. This definition shall include, but not be limited to, trailer signs, A -frame
27 signs, sandwich board signs and vehicles whose primary purpose is advertising.
29 Posted property sign means a sign such as, but not limited to, the following, which
30 indicates "no trespassing," "beware of dog," "no dumping," or other similar warnings.
31 State statutes may establish requirements for these signs.
33 Premises means any parcel of land owned, leased or controlled by the person actively
34 engaged in business and so connected with the business as to form a contiguous
35 component or integral part of it; or owned, leased or controlled by a person for living
36 accommodations.
38 Promotional sj Mmeans a temporary sign
39 erected by a nonprofit organization or organizations., holding a valid county
40 public assembly permit, to advertise a special event such as a bazaar, dance, art show,
41 craft show, or similar type of event.
43 Property_ frontage. See "frontage, property."
45 Real estate sign means a sign used solely for the purpose of offering for sale, lease, or
46 rent the provelly u on which the sigM is placed and which includes but is not limited to
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I "open house," "open for inspection" and "model home." Such signs are allowed.,onlY
2 while a propqfty is for sale lease or rent.
4 Sign means any object, devices display or structure, or part thereof, situated outdoors or
5 indoors that is used to advertise, identify, display, direct or attract attention to an object,
6 person, institution, organization, business, product service event or location and by any
7 means, including words, letters, figures, designs, symbols, fixtures, colors or projected
8 images. Signs do not include:
9 (1) The flag or emblem of any nation or organization of nations, state, city, or fraternal,
10 religious or civic organizations;
11 (2) Merchandise that is not otherwise incorporated into a sign structure;
12 (3) Models or products incorporated in a window display;
13 (4) Works of art that do not contain advertising messages and in no way identify a
14 product, use or service; or
15 (5) Scoreboards located on athletic fields.
17 Sign structure means any structure that supports, has supported or is capable of
18 supporting a sign, including decorative cover.
20 Tull -mounted sign means any sign mounted on or painted on and parallel to the facade or
21 wall of a building.
23 Window sign means any sign mounted to or painted on, or visible through a window for
24 display to the public.
26 Sec. 142-3. General provisions.
28 (a) Applicability of chapter.
30 (1) Type of activities affected. This chapter shall apply to any person who erects,
31 constructs, enlarges, moves, changes the copy of, modifies, or converts any signs, or
32 causes the same to be done. If a type of sign is not specifically allowed under this
33 chapter, it shall be considered to be prohibited. The procedure for variances is set
34 forth in section 142-6. The procedure for amendments to the text of this chapter is set
35 forth in chapter 102, article V.
37 (2) Type of activities not affected. The following activities shall not be subject to the
38 regulation under this chapter. However, such activities shall nevertheless comply with
39 the county building code and other applicable regulations of the county, state and
40 federal governments.
41 a. Any sign erected by or at the direction of the federal, state, or county government.
42 Such signs shall not reduce the authorized size or number of signs otherwise
43 allowed by this chapter. All signs allowed pursuant to this section shall be the
44 minimum necessary to comply with the applicable law;
45 b. Changing of the advertising copy or message of a lawfully existing changeable
46 copy sign, whether manual or automatic;
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1 c. Changing the copy of a lawfully existing billboard (refer to definition of billboard
2 in section 142-2);
3 d. Works of art that do not contain advertising messages, and which in no way
4 identify a product, use, or service;
5 e. Maintenance of lawfully existing signs and sign structures that does not involve
6 change of copy, modification, enlargement, reconstruction, relocation or additions
7 to any sign or sign structure. Replacement of the damaged or deteriorated plastic
8 face of a sign shall be considered maintenance, provided that the copy is not
9 changed. The necessity to obtain a building permit for such work shall be
10 governed by chapter 6;
11 f. The erection of community interest signs in the right-of-way of U.S. 1 as are
12 otherwise allowable pursuant to state or federal law. Examples of community
13 interest signs shall include, but not be limited to, "Welcome to the Florida Keys,"
14 "Thank You for Visiting the Florida Keys," and signs that identify recognized
15 communities or municipalities; and
16 g. Interior property information signs as defined in section 142-2.
18 (b) Prohibited signs. The following types of signs, lights, advertising devices or activities
19 are prohibited:
21 (1) off -premises signs; excluding off -premise signs identifying lawfully -established off-
22 premises businesses; as permitted in section 142-4;
24 (2) Those erected in a clear sight triangle; or at any location where, by reason of the
25 position, shape or color, they may interfere with or obstruct the view of any
26 authorized traffic sign, signal or device;
28 (3) Abandoned signs that no longer correctly direct or exhort any person; or advertise a
29 bona fide business, lessor, owner, product or activity conducted or available on the
30 premises indicated on such sign;
32 (4) Animated signs, of which all or part of the sign physically revolves or moves in any
33 fashion whatsoever, or which contains or uses for illustration any light, lights or
34 lighting device which changes color, flashes or alternates, shows motion or
35 movement, or changes the appearance of such sign. The operations of electronic
36 message centers and automatic changing signs shall be governed by section 142-
3 7 5 (4)d;
39 (5) Signs that emit smoke, vapor, particles, odor or sounds;
41 (6) Motion picture source used in such a manner as to permit or allow the images or
42 audio to be visible or audible from any public street or sidewalk;
44 (7) No person shall park any vehicle, trailer, floating device, barge, raft, or boat, whether
45 licensed or unlicensed, on any public property, including public rights -of -way, and
46 beaches, or on private property so as to be clearly visible from any public right -of -
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1 way, which has attached thereto or located thereon any sign, or promotional element,
2 for the primary purpose of advertising products or services, conveying messages or
3 directing people to a business or activity. This restriction is not intended to prohibit
4 incidental signage on a functional, licensed vehicle which is displayed in a manner to
5 primarily identify the vehicle with the business it serves. Such vehicles shall only
6 park in a lawful parking space. Vehicle signs may not be an attachment that extends
7 or protrudes from the vehicle. However, commercial vehicles that provide delivery
8 services, including taxies, shall be allowed a temporary attached roof sign that
9 identifies the business. Such sign shall only be allowed on the vehicle while doing
10 business and shall be no larger than 24 inches long, 12 inches tall and ten inches
11 wide, including the base;
13 (8) Portable signs, except for political
14 campaign signs as permitted in section 142-3(d);
16 (9) Any sign that is affixed to any wall or structure and extends more than 24 inches
17 perpendicularly from the plane of the building wall;
19 (10) Any sign attached to a building and projecting above the facade of a building, or
20 any sign mounted on top of a flat roof or on top of any horizontal awning;
22 (11) Signs that cause radio or television or other communication, electrical, magnetic
23 interference;
25 (12) Signs erected, constructed or maintained that obstruct any firefighting equipment,
26 window, door or opening used as a means of ingress or egress or for firefighting
27 purposes;
29 (13) Signs, except posted property signs, that are erected or maintained upon trees or
30 painted or drawn upon rocks or other natural features or tacked, nailed or attached in
31 any way to utility poles;
33 (14) Signs on public property or road rights -of -way including, but not limited to, signs
34 placed on any curb, sidewalk, post, pole, hydrant, bridge, tree or other surface located
35 on public property or over or across any public or private street except as may
36 otherwise expressly be authorized by this chapter;
38 (15) Unshielded illuminated devices that produce glare or are a hazard or a nuisance to
39 motorists or o ccup ants of adjacent properties, or signs containing mirrors; and
41 (16) Pennants.
43 (c) Dangerous signs. No person shall allow any sign that is in a dangerous or defective
44 condition to be maintained on any premises owned or controlled by such person. Any
45 such sign shall be removed or repaired by the owner of the sign or the owner of the
46 premises, or as otherwise provided for in this chapter.
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2 (d) Signs not requiring a permit. The following shall not require a permit but still are subject
3 to section 142-5:
5 (1) Banners. Banners, provided they do not exceed 32 square feet per face and there is
6 only one per business frontage, and they are displayed temporarily for a period of not
7 more than 60 consecutive days, nor more than 60 total days in any one year. Banners
8 exceeding 32 square feet in area shall be required to obtain a permit pursuant to
9 section 142-4;
11 (2) Business affiliation and law enforcement signs. Signs displayed upon the premises
12 denoting professional and trade associations with which the occupant is affiliated, and
13 including, but not limited to, forms of payment accepted by the occupant, and other
14 signs pertaining to public safety and law enforcement, provided the total of such signs
15 does not exceed four square feet;
17 (3) Business information signs. Signs providing information to customers such as
18 business hours, telephone number, "open" or "closed," "shirts and shoes required,"
19 "no soliciting," and "no loitering," provided that such signs are posted on or near the
20 entrance doors and the total of such signs does not exceed six square feet;
22 (4) Commemorative plaques. Signs of recognized historical nature, provided no plaque
23 exceeds 16 square feet per face;
25 (5) Construction signs. Signs erected at a building site that identify the name of the
26 project, owner, architect, engineer, general contractor, financial institution, or other
27 persons and firms performing services, labor or supply of materials to the premises;
28 provided the signs are not installed until a building permit is issued and are removed
29 within 30 days of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy and are further limited
30 as follows:
31 a. Signs for individual tradesmen or professionals shall be limited to four square feet
32 in area per face per tradesman or professional; and
33 b. Signs for more than one tradesman or professional shall be limited to a total of 32
34 square feet in area per face and eight feet in height;
36 (6) Directional signs. Signs located entirely on the property to which the sign pertains
37 and which are intended to provide direction to pedestrians or vehicular traffic and/or
38 to control parking on private property. Examples: "entrance," "exit," "one-way,"
39 "pedestrian walk," "handicapped parking," etc., provided such signs do not exceed six
40 square feet per sign face;
42 (7) Flags. Each business frontage shall be allowed to display two flags containing any
43 graphic, symbol, logo or other advertising message, provided that no such flag shall
44 exceed 50 square feet in size. There shall be no number or size limit on the display of
45 the flag of any nation, organization of nations, state, city, or fraternal, religious, or
46 civic organizations;
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2 (8) Garage sale signs. Signs for garage sales, provided they are erected not more than 24
3 hours prior to the sale and are removed within 72 hours of the time they were erected
4 and they do not exceed four square feet per face;
6 (9) .Holiday decorations. Decorations that are clearly incidental to and commonly
7 associated with any nationals local or religious holiday; provided that such signs shall
8 be displayed for a period of not more than 60 consecutive days nor more than 60 days
9 in any one year. Such signs may be of any type, number, area, height, illumination or
10 animation, provided that they do not interfere with public safety;
12 (10) Memorial signs or tablets. Signs including, but not limited to, names of buildings
13 and date of erection when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of
14 bronze or other noncombustible materials, provided the total of such signs does not
15 exceed eight square feet;
17 (11) Nameplates. Signs bearing only property numbers, street addresses, mailbox
18 numbers, estate names, the occupation of the occupant or names of occupants of the
19 premises, provided the signs do not exceed two square feet per sign face;
21 (12) Posted property signs. Signs such as, but not limited to, the followings which
22 indicate "no trespassing," "beware of dog," "no dumping," or similar Warnings,
23 provided they individually do not exceed 1.5 square feet in area per sign and not
24 exceeding four in number per lot, or of such number, spacing, and size as is required
25 per state statutes. Such signs shall not be illuminated nor shall they project over any
26 public right-of-way;
28 (13) Warning signs. Signs informing the public of the existence of danger, but
29 containing no advertising material, provided the sign does not exceed the minimum
30 necessary to inform the public and are removed upon subsidence of danger;
32 (14) Window signs. Window signs that collectively cover 35 percent or less of the
33 window glass surface area. Note: The abovementioned business information and
34 business affiliation signs shall be excluded from the computation of the window sign
35 area;
37 (15) New business signs. Once an application for a permanent sign is submitted to the
38 county, a new business, or a business in a new location may erect a temporary sign
39 without a permit for a period not exceeding 120 days from the date of application for
40 a permanent sign, provided that:
41 a. There is only one ground --mounted or wall -mounted sign;
42 b. The total sign area does not exceed 32 square feet;
43 c. The sign, if ground -mounted, does not exceed eight feet in height; and
44 d. The temporary sign shall be removed upon the installation of the permanent sign;
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1 (16) Political signs. Political signs are signs on behalf of candidates for public office
2 or measures on election ballots and shall be allowed as follows:
3 a. Political signs may be erected no earlier than 70 days prior to such section and
4 shall be removed within 14 days following such election. Failure to meet these
5 conditions shall constitute the basis for sign removal by the county or its
6 designee;
7 b. In areas zoned primarily for residential or ef low intensity nonresidential uses
9 political signs shall not exceed 16 square feet per face or eight feet in height and
10 shall not be illuminated; and
11 c. In areas zoned primarily for nonresidential uses (AD, CFA,
12 CF S D, DR, I, ME) MI, MU, RV, SC, and UC) political signs shall not exceed 32
13 square feet per face in area or eight feet in height;
15 (17) Promotional signs. Promotional signs per section ; 142-41 }a.l .; and
17 (18) .Real estate signs. Real estate signs per section 1420 do 142-4 1 b.1.
19 Sec. 142-4. Signs requiring a permit and specific standards.
21 Upon application for, and issuance of a building permit, except as indicated, the following
22 signs shall be allowed. In order for a sign application to be approved, the applicant must
23 grant access to the property for inspection purposes, for the life of the sign.
25 (1) special signs.
26 a. Promotional signs. Pfemcktinanl•
27 .
28 .
29 , , ,
30 1. Promotional signs not exceeding 32 square feet. Promotional signs not
31 exceeding 32 square feet per face shall not require a permit, provided that
32 such signs are:
33 (i) Not illuminated;
34 (ii) Not located in a clear sight triangle;
35 (iii) Limited to two promotional signs on the premises of the event;
36 (iv) Posted no earlier than 15 days before the event and are removed
37 within five days after the event; and
38 (v) Limited to two off -premises promotional signs erected no more
39 than 24 hours prior to the event and removed no later than 24 hours
40 after the conclusion of the event, provided that permission of the
41 property owner of which the off premise promotional Sig!! is
42 erected is granted.
43 2. Promotional signs exceeding 32 square feet. Promotional signs exceeding 32
44 square feet in area per face shall be allowed in any Land Use
45 (Zoning) District by issuance of a single building permit, provided that the
46 promotional signs:
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I (i) Are erected no earlier than 30 days prior to a proposed event and are
2 removed within five days after such event;
3 (ii) Do not exceed 128 square feet; and
4 (iii)Are located on the premises of the event.
5 b. Real estate signs. , WA
7limitiadtA11 11 11&Q= inQniapatianl' 11=0CLA1 LQ=ia11RluaL•
9 1. Real estate signs not exceeding six square feet. One real estate sign not
10 exceeding six square feet per face including riders, per property shall not
11 require a permit, provided the sign is:
12 (i) Not illuminated; and
13 (ii) Ground -mounted signs shall not exceed eight feet in height.
14 2. Real estate signs exceeding six square feet. Real estate signs exceeding six
15 square feet per face shall require a permit and shall be subject to the following
16 restrictions:
17 (i) Multiple -family structures, nonresidential buildings and vacant land shall
18 be allowed one non -illuminated wall -mounted or ground -mounted signs
19 not exceeding 32 square feet in areas der each street
20 frontage. Such ground -mounted signs shall not exceed eight feet
21 in height.
22 (ii) Any property of ten acres or more in size, regardless of the limitations set
23 forth in subsection (1)b.2.(i) of this section, shall be allowed non-
24 illuminated ground -mounted or wall -mounted signs as follows: One sign
25 not exceeding 32 square feet may be erected for every 400 linear feet of
26 frontage on any one street. Such ground mounted signs shall not
27 exceed eight feet in height.
28 c. Hospitals or other emergency facilities. In addition to any other signage allowed
29 under this chapter, hospitals or other emergency medical facilities, excluding
30 individual medical offices, shall be allowed one additional illuminated ground-
31 mounted or wall -mounted sign not exceeding to dv32 square feet per face to
32 identify each emergency entrance.
33 d. Bench signs. Bench signs shall be allowed, upon approval of the
34 board of county commissioners, at any designated bus
35 stops subject to the following limitations:
36 1. Benches in residential areas shall not have signs, except a bench donor sign
37 containing the donor's logo or symbol, not exceeding two inches by 16 inches
38 in size;
39 2. Benches in commercial areas shall be allowed to have signs on the back rest
40 not to exceed a total of six square feet; and
41 3. Bench signs shall be limited to one per designated bus stop.
43 (2) Signs in residential areas and areas of low intensity. Signs in residential areas and
44 areas of low intensity (CD, CFV, IS, MN, NA, OS, PR, SS, SR, SR-L, UR, URM,
45 URM-L) shall be restricted as follows:
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I a. Commercial and other nonresidential uses. Commercial and other nonresidential
2 uses within the land use districts, CD, CFV, IS, MN, NA, OS, PR, SS, SR, SR-L,
3 UR, URM, URM-L, which are adjacent to U.S. 1 shall be regulated pursuant to
4 subsection (3) of this section. Unless otherwise provided for in this chapter, all
5 other commercial and nonresidential uses in these land use districts shall be
6 allowed one ground -mounted sign and wall -mounted signage which shall be
7 limited as follows:
8 1. The ground -mounted sign shall be limited to 32 square feet in area per face
9 and eight feet in height; and
10 2. Wall -mounted signage shall be limited to a total of 32 square feet.
11 b. .residential subdivision or condominium sign.
12 1. One permanent, wall -mounted or ground -mounted sign, for identification
13 purposes only, giving only the name of the subdivision, or residential
14 development, may be granted a permit at each main entrance into such
15 subdivision or development from each abutting street.
16 2. The following limitations shall apply:
17 (i) The subdivision or development shall have a homeowner's association or
18 similar entity that will be responsible for permits and maintenance of the
19 signs;
20 (ii) The face of each sign shall not exceed 32 square feet;
21 (iii)The maximum permitted height shall be eight feet; and
22 (iv)The sign may incorporate, or be incorporated into, accessory entrance
23 structural features such as a project wall or landscaping.
24 c. Institutional uses and private parks. Institutional uses, private parks and similar
25 uses shall be allowed one ground -mounted sign and wall -mounted signage that
26 shall be limited as follows:
27 1. The ground -mounted sign shall be limited to 32 square feet in area per face (a
28 maximum of 64 square feet for all faces) and eight feet in height;
29 2. Wall -mounted signage shall be limited to a total of 32 square feet; and
30 3. An additional 16 square feet in area per face may be added to the ground-
31 mounted sign for the exclusive use of a changeable copy sign.
32 d. Electronic message centers and automatic changing signs. Electronic message
33 centers and automatic changing signs shall be prohibited in residential areas and
34 areas of low intensity CD CFV IS MN NA OS PR SS SR SR-L UR URM
35 URM-L .
37 (3) Signs in commerciallnonresidential areas. Sign allowances in commercial and other
38 nonresidential areas (AD, CFA, CFSD, DR, I, MF, MI, MU, RV, SC, UQ shall
39 be calculated based on the amount of property frontage and business frontage as
40 follows:
41 a. Ground -mounted sin le-tenantloccu ant signs. Every developed
42 parcel of land with a commercial or other nonresidential use shall be allowed the
43 following ground -mounted signage`::
44 1. One illuminated or non -illuminated, ground -mounted sign of a height not
45 more than 24 feet shall be allowed for each frontage as indicated in the
46 following table:
Page 16 of 32 (File #2011-113)
Permitted Size o Nonresidential Signs per Pro erty Frontage__
Street Frontage
Maximum Area
Per Face
(square eet
Total Face Area
Frontage on U.S. 1 or a front a a road adjacent to U.S. 1:
1 4e_1__n+ 1 ft. to 150 ft.
75 s . ft.
150 s . it.
15101 ke 31 0'0 151 ft. to 300 ft.
100 s . ft.
200 s . ft.
nt ,%,. - 00'+ 301 ft. or more
200 s . ft.
400 s . ft.
Frontage on county roads, shorelines or runways:
1 + to 05n+ 1 ft. to 150 ft.
40 s . ft.
80 s . ft.
1.40+ to 3001 151 ft. to 300 ft.
60 s . ft.
120 s . ft.
DvpWILc A-0, W200! 301 ft. or more
80 s . ft.
160 s . ft.
Parcels that are on a corner of two public streets shall be allowed either:
(1) One ground -mounted sign for each property frontage; or
(ii) one ground -mounted sign with exposure to both streets with up 1.5 times
the maximum amount of area allowed on any one property frontage.
where a street or highway is divided as occurs on Ivey Largo, which results in
a parcel of land in the median of the street or highway then the property shall
be considered to have a frontage on each side.
Service stations, convenience stores, marinas, or other facilities dispensing
fuel to the public shall be allowed to add to each authorized ground -mounted
sign, an additional 40 square feet or 20 square feet per face of signage for the
exclusive use of a changeable copy sign for posting fuel prices.
A school, church, day-care center or other similar use shall be allowed to add
an additional 64 square feet or 32 square feet per face of signage to the
ground -mounted or wall -mounted sign for the exclusive use of a changeable
copy sign.
Individual charter boats shall be allowed a ground -mounted sign at the charter
boat's dock slip, provided the sign does not exceed a total of 32 square feet
and there is no more than one fish replica. Signs allowed under this provision
shall be exempt from shoreline setback requirements.
Drive -through or cant' -out services shall be allowed a ground -mounted sign
that carries only the name of the establishment and the current list and price of
goods or services available in the establishment and is not intended to be
viewed from any right-of-way and provided that the sign is limited to a
maximum of 40 square feet.
Any_parcel that does not have aground_ mounted sign as defined in section
142-2 shall be allowed a single A -frame sigLi in place of the ground -mounted
sign. Such_A-frame signs shall meet all of the following standards:
i A building permit shall be re uired prior to the si 's erection and the
building_permit number shall „be permanently,,,,,, affixed to the sign in a plainly
visible manner
11 The sign shall be no geater than three feet in width and no eater than
four feet in height, exclusive of lees that can be no more than six inches in
Page 17 of 32 (Pile #2011-113)
111 The sign shall be of A -frame -type construction with only two siizn faces
that are joined at the tops
iv The siW is portable and not mrmanently affixed to the ound •
v The sign is located on a rivate_parcel of land and identifies a business on
that same Rnvate arcel of land. The sign may not be located on a ublic
right-of-way or walkways
NO The sign shall only identify a lawfully- established business name(s)
and/or other information directly related to that business•
vii The sin.shall not be located in a clear sight triangle;
viii The si shall not be illuminated or electric and shall not have an
electric devices attached thereto; and
ix The sigLi shall be stored indoors during tropical storm/hurricane watches
and warnings and other severe weather advisories •
Ground -mounted multi-tenantloccu ant si ns. Eve develo ed parcel of
land with geater than one commercial or other nonresidential use shall be
allowed additionalground-mounted si a e area Lf &anted Administrative
Variance as outlined in section 142-6.
b. Wall -mounted signs.
Signs painted or attached to the surface of awnings, parapets, mansards and
similar roof and building elements shall be considered wall -mounted signs for
purposes of determining compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
Wall -mounted signs shall not extend above the facade of a building or project
outward more than 24 inches from the facade or wall to which it is attached.
Each individual business frontage shall be allowed wall -mounted signage
equal in area to two square feet times the length of the individual business
A commercial or other nonresidential building located on a corner of two
public streets shall be allowed wall -mounted signage on the wall not
considered to be the front (i.e., a side street) equal in area to one square foot
times the length of such wall.
The side of a commercial or other nonresidential building not on a corner of
two public streets shall be allowed wall -mounted signage on the side walls
equal in area to one-half square foot times the length of the side of the
If the rear of a commercial or other nonresidential building faces a public
street or public parking lot, a wall -mounted sign up to a maximum of eight
square feet shall be allowed per individual business.
On a multistory commercial or other nonresidential building, wall -mounted
signage shall be permitted for each additional floor as outlined in subsection
(3)b.3. of this section.
Theaters, museums, auditoriums and fairgrounds and similar uses providing
regular shows shall be permitted an additional 50 square feet of a changeable
copy wall -mounted sign. Along the wall adjacent to the ticket windows, a
theater may display, without requiring a sign permit, one poster up to 12
square feet for each movie being shown.
Page 18 of 32 (Fite #2011-113)
1 9. Drive -through or carry -out services shall be allowed one wall -mounted sign
2 that carries only the name of the establishment and the current list and price of
3 goods or services available in the establishment and is not intended to be
4 viewed from any right-of-way and provided that the sign is limited to a
5 maximum of 40 square feet.
5 c. Canopy signs. one sign per business entrance shall be allowed to be erected
7 underneath, and extending downward from, a canopy along the front of a
8 building, provided:
9 1. The sign does not exceed eight square feet per face;
10 2. The sign is permanently attached and does not swing;
11 3. The sign is perpendicular to the facade of the building; and
12 4. The sign is located above a walkway.
13 '
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39 (4) Off -premises signs. Any nonresidential, lawfully -established business located on
40 U.S. 1 shall be allowed to dedicate any portion of its allowance for one ground -
Page 19 of 32 (File #2011-113)
I mounted sign to another nonresidential, lawfully -established business not located on
2 U.S. 1 that is accessed from a primary side street off U.S. 1 or a secondary side street
3 located off a primary side street. The side street intersecting U.S. 1 shall be located
4 within one-half mile of the property on U.S. 1 providing the off premises signage.
5 Such off -premises signage shall be limited to one sign face per direction on U.S. 1.
6 Off -premises advertising is also subject to subsections (3)a. and (3)b. of this section
7 and to regulations pursuant to F.S. c-h: chapter 479.
9 A_permit must be obtained „from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)
10 Outdoor Advertising office for any off premises sign that is within 600 feet of the
11 nearest edge of the U.S. 1 right-of-way and/or is visible from U.S. 1. _New permits
12 will not be issued for off -premise sl s visible from a desigLiated scenic hl wa
13 (Rule 14-1 p(4)(c) Florida Administrative Code).The building department shall not
14 issue any building permit for an off -premise sign until the applicant provides
15 documentation from the FDOT indicating,that a proposed off -premise sign is
16 permitted by the FDOT or that a permit. is not necessary from the FDOT. It is the
17 responsibility of the a licant to obtain all federal state and local Dermits for any off-
18 premises sign.
20 Sec. 142-5. Regulations pertaining to the measurement, construction, and maintenance
21 of all signs.
23 The requirements of this section shall apply to all signs whether or not a permit is required
24 unless otherwise noted below:
26 (1) Measurement of sign area.
27 a. The sign area shall be measured from the outside edges of the sign or sign frame,
28 whichever is greater, excluding the area of the supporting structures, provided that
29 the supporting structures are not used for advertising purposes and are of an area
30 equal to or less than the permitted sign area. In the case of wall -mounted signs
31 without border or frame, the surface area shall include such reasonable and
32 proportionate space as would be required if a border or frame were used.
33 b. When a single sign structure is used to support two or more signs, or unconnected
34 elements of a single sign, the surface area shall comprise the square footage
35 within the perimeter of a regular geometric form enclosing the outer edges of all
36 the separate signs or sign elements. However, undecorated space of up to 12
37 inches between separate sign panels may be excluded from the sign area
38 measurement where necessary to provide structural support members or to
39 provide visual separation between sign panels.
44 c. Where signs are installed back-to-back, both faces shall be counted as sign area.
41 (2) Measurement of sign height. The height of a sign shall be considered to be the
42 vertical distance measured from the top of the structure to the finished ground
43 elevation of the site at the base of the sign. In no event shall excess fill be used to
44 raise a sign.
45 (3) Location of signs.
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a. Clear sight triangle. No sign shall be erected that would impair visibility at a
street intersection or driveway entrance pursuant to section 114-201.
b. Clearance from. high -voltage power lines. Signs shall be located in such a way
that they maintain a clearance of ten feet to all overhead electrical conductors and
a three-foot clearance on all secondary voltage service drops.
c. Setbacks from property lines. The minimum setback for signs shall be five feet,
setbacks shall be measured from the property line to the farthest extension of the
sign, including any overhangs, guy wires and supports.
d. Scenic corridor bufferyard. Where a scenic corridor bufferyard is required
pursuant to section 114-125, ground -mounted signs shall only be erected in the
immediate vicinity of a driveway.
e. Fences. The authorized ground -mounted sign not requiring a permit may be
placed on a fence regardless of setbacks provided the sign does not extend above
the fence or project more than four inches outward from the fence.
16 (4) Construction and operation of signs. All signs shall comply with the following
17 requirements unless no permit is required.
18 a. Compliance with Florida Building Code. All signs shall comply with the
19 appropriate detailed provisions of the Florida Building Code, relating to design,
20 structural members and connections. Signs shall also comply with the additional
21 standards hereinafter set forth.
22 b. Licensed contractor. Signs shall only be erected by entities authorized by chapter
23 6.
24 c. Structure design. All signs that contain more than 40 square feet in area or are
25 erected over 20 feet in height shall be designed by an engineer registered in the
26 state. Structural drawings shall be prepared by the engineer and submitted prior to
27 a permit being issued. Wind load calculations shall be contained in the
28 engineering drawings. The building official may set wind load requirements
29 greater than the Florida Building Code if deemed necessary to protect the health,
30 safety and welfare of the public or property owners surrounding the sign. The
31 building official may request wind load calculations for signs of less than 40
32 square feet in area prior to issuing a permit.
33 d. Electric signs and illuminated signs.
34 1. All electric signs shall require a permit and shall be Underwriter's Laboratory
35 approved or certified by a sign electrician specialty contractor or master sign
36 contractor, or an electrical contractor, that the sign meets the standards
37 established by the National Electrical Code, current edition. All electric signs
38 shall be erected and installed by an entity authorized to do so by chapter 6,
39 and shall be in conformance with the National Electrical Code, current
40 edition. The provision of electrical power to a power source or connection of a
41 sign to existing electrical service shall be by an entity authorized by chapter 6.
42 2. Artificial light used to illuminate any sign from outside the boundaries of such
43 sign shall be screened in a manner that prevents the light source from being
44 visible from any right-of-way or adjacent property.
45 3. Electronic message centers or automatic changing signs (ACS) shall comply
46 with the following:
Page 21 of 32 (File #2011-113)
(i) Lamps bulbs in excess of nine watts are prohibited in the ACS matrix,-
(11) ACS lamps/bulbs shall be covered by lenses, filters, or sunscreens;
(Iii)ASC signs shall be equipped with an operational right dimming device;
(iv) Other than the scrolling of written messages or non -animated graphics, all
operating modes that result in animation as defined in section 142-3(b) are
e. Supports and braces. Supports and braces shall be adequate for wind loading.
Wire or cable supports shall have a safety factor of four times the required
strength. All metal, wire cable supports and braces and all bolts used to attach
signs to a bracket or brackets and signs to the supporting building or structure
shall be of galvanized steel or of an equivalent corrosive -resistant material. All
such sign supports shall be an integral part of the sign.
f. Sign anchoring. No sign shall be suspended by chains or other devices that will
allow the sign to swing due to wind action. Signs shall be anchored to prevent any
lateral movement that would cause wear on supporting members or connections.
g. Double-faced signs. Double-faced signs with opposing faces having an interior
angle greater than 45 degrees shall not be permitted.
20 (5) Sign identification and marking. Unless specifically exempted from permit
21 requirements of this chapter, no sign shall hereafter be erected, displayed, rebuilt,
22 repaired, the copy changed, painted or otherwise maintained until and unless the
23 county sign permit number is painted or otherwise affixed to the sign or sign structure
24 in such a manner as to be plainly visible from grade.
26 (6) Maintenance. All signs for which a permit is required by this chapter, including their
27 braces, supports, guys and anchor's, shall be maintained so as to present a neat, clean
28 appearance. Painted areas and sign surfaces shall be kept in good condition, and
29 illumination, if provided, shall be maintained in safe and good working order.
31 (7) Responsibility. The sign owner, the owner of the property on which the sign is placed
32 and the sign contractor shall each be held responsible for adherence to •= onde
33 this chapter and chapter 6.
35 See. 142-6. Criteria for variances.
37 ' ' '
39 .
40 '
41 '
42 '
43 'te. the
44 •
45 ' ' '
46 •
Page 22 of 32 (File #2011-113)
2 .
6 La). Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish authority, procedures,and standards
7 for the grantiLig of variances from certain requirements of this cha ter.
9 Administrative variances. The planning director is authorized to arant administrative
10 variances to the maximum area per face requirements set forth, in section 142-4(3)a. for
11 ound-mounted sigLas that accommodate more than a sin le user i.e. tenant business -
12 organization),
13 (1) Apj2lication. An application shall be submitted to the planning director on a form
14 approved by the planning department.
15 (2) standards. The planning director shall Grant an administrative„ variance to the
16 maximum area per face requirements for ground -mounted AMs that accommodate
17 more than a singje user only if the a licant demonstrates that all of the followin
18 standards are met:
19 a. The jarantingof the administrative variance shall not be materially detrimental to
20 other property owners in the immediate vicinity; -
21 b. The administrative variance shall be the minimum necess_,..ary to provide relief to
22 the a licant.-
23 c. Each user shall be permitted only a single identification sign ver each fac_elside of
24 the ound-mounted si •
25 d. _ The area of each user's identification sijzn shall not exceed 100 square feet per
26 each face/side of the ground -mounted sigr_,
27 e. _ The total maximum, area per face for the ground -mounted sign shall not exceed
28 400 square feet in area unless a variance is granted by the planningommission in
29 accordance with section 142-6c);
30 f. _ The total face area for the ground -mounted sign shall not exceed 800 square feet
31 on double -sided signs unless a variance is anted b the tannin commission in
32 accordance with section 142-6 c •
33 g. Such a ound-mounted sign shall not be constructed within 40 linear feet of
34 another around -mounted sipnz and
35 h. The sigLi shall be desi ed in accordance with the size of lettering, idelines set
36 forth in section 142-9.
37 (3)Procedures. The planningrector shall determine if an application complies with the
38 standards of section 142-6 2 within 60 days of th"tanning d artment's recei t
39 of a complete a lication. If theplanning director determines that the a lication
40 complies with the standards, the planning. department shall c out public
41 notification in accordance with 142-6(b)(4). If the planning director determined that
42 the application does not comiDly with the standards the planniLag director shall issue a
43 written decision of denial to the applicant.
44 4 Surroundinz proper4yowner noti ication o a lication. Only after determining that
45 an application for a variance complies with the standards, the planning director „shall
46 provide written notice by regular mail to owners of real property located within 300
Page 23 of 32 (File #2011-113)
1 feet of the property that is the subject of the application. The notice shall provide a
2 brief description of the proposed administrative variance and indicate where the
3 application ma be examined. The cost of providing notice shall be borne by the
4 applicant.
5 (5) Decision by the planning director. After 30 days of the date in which the written
6 notification was sent per section 142-6(12)4,), the planning director shall review of all
7 public responses to the application. Upon a, finding that the application has or has not
8 complied with the requirements and standards of this section, the planning director
9 shall issue a written administrative variance decision.
10 6 Public hearing by thejvlanntng commission. If requested in the a licant
11 or an adversely_ affected owner or resident of real property located in the county
12 during the required 30 day notification period, a public hearing shall be scheduled on
13 the a lication. All costs of the public hearing shall be the responsibilltv of the
14 applicant for the administrative variance.. The public hearing shall be conducted and
15 noticed in accordance with section 110-5.
17 (c) Variances granted by the planning commission. The plannin�mmission is authorized
.,_r..__.__._,_ _
18 to errant variances to this chapter.
19 (1) Application. An„application shall be submitted to, -the planning ,director on a form
20 approved by the planning department.
21 (2) Standards. The _plannin commission shall grant. a variance only if the applicant
22 demonstrates that all of the followiLag standards are met:
23 a. The literal interpretation and strict application of the provision and requirements
24 of this chaipter would cause undue and unneceLsM hardship to the sian owner
25 because of unique or unusual conditions pertaining to the specific building or
26 parcel or t)roperty in question;
27 (2) The arantingf,the requested variance would not be materially detrimental to the
28 property owners in the immediate vicinity;
29 (3) The unusual conditions apt)13dngto the specific_ property do not apply enerally to
30 other properties in the unincorporated county;
31 (4) The Granting of the variance will not be the general objective of this
32 cha ter of moderating the size number and obtrusive placement of signs and the
33 reduction of clutter;
34 (5) The variance is not requested solely on the basis of economic hardship of the sign
35 user;
36 (6) The variance shall, be the minimum necessary to provide relief to the applicant;
37 and
38 (7) The variance ,shall not permit a sign expressly prohibitedin section 142-3 (h).
39 (3) Procedures. The planning director shall determine if an application is complete.
40 Within 60 days of the planning department's receipt of a complete application, the
41 plannina de artment shall schedule the.application for review and decision by the
42 planning commission. The plannindirector shall review the entire application and all
43 public. responses thereto and proare a staff rgport with recommendations for the
44 planning commission. The application shall be heard at a regularly scheduled meetin!
45 of the planning commission. Notice posting and hearing requirements shall be in
46 accordance with section 110-5.
Page 24 of 32 (File #2011-113)
1 (4) Decision by the planning commission. Within 30 days of the date of the public
2 hearing, upon a finding that the application has or has not complied with the
3 requirements and standards of this section, the planning commission shall issue a
4 written variance decision.
6 Sec. 142-7. Nonconforming signs.
8 Lawfully established signs an nlnne ___ +�� _l�^t'- � a�t� �+� �a: e �-e_.�:ewh ��•
r _�__ " � ary uuw va �uv v
9 An..4o.-:Q .a e«:..e.a 4ti. n4 n.-a «..4 "_ _..' «i:n«��•.. �4ti. 4ti. �., �1..,.�.4v _
-....r&-= ----__--- -- L- 4_- _-%- :n �==.Mr-=-.�:�-- � ..rLw which becomes non compliant
10 and or non -conforming to the current regulations as a result of any amendment to this chapter
11 may continue only as follows:
13 (1) For ground -mounted signs, changes of copy, including type style and color changes,
14 may be performed, provided that a permit is obtained and provided that the name of
15 the businesses or establishments depicted by the sign are not changed. Changes of
16 copy involving the name of the businesses or establishments depicted by the sign
17 shall only be performed if the sign is brought into compliance with the requirements
18 of this chapter.
19 (2) No permit shall be issued for repair or reconstruction of any sign structure where such
20 work would be more than 50 percent of the replacement cost of the sign. Neither shall
21 the cumulative costs of repair or reconstruction exceed 50 percent of the replacement
22 cost of any nonconforming sign. The planning department shall maintain an
23 independently verified schedule of the replacement cost of signs.
28 M(4)—Detenninations of nonconforming signs shall be made such that ground -mounted
29 signs are treated separately from wall -mounted and all other signage. For example,
30 where both the ground -mounted and wall -mounted signs of a particular parcel are
31 nonconforming, the change of copy of awall-mounted sign shall not require that the
32 ground -mounted signage be brought into compliance. However, where a sign other
33 than aground -mounted sign is required to be brought into compliance, all of the signs
34 of an establishment other than the ground -mounted signs shall be brought into full
35 compliance with this chapter.
36 (0(-S) Signs that cannot comply with the requirements of this chapter maybe allowed to
37 continue if designated as a historical or cultural landmark pursuant to chapter 134,
38 article III. The specific conditions under which a designated sign is allowed to
39 continue shall be set forth in the resolution of the board of county commissioners.
41 Sec. 142-8. Special identification signs.
43 (a) Community business directory signs. The county may work with FDOT District 6 and
44 local communities to develop a sign program that promotes businesses within specific
45 communities in the Florida Keys through the use of centrally located multiple user
46 business identification signs on U.S. 1.
Page 25 of 32 (File #2011-113)
1 (b) Community identification signs. The county may work with FDOT District 6 to
2 develop a sign program that identifies specific communities in the Florida Keys. The
3 county shall coordinate with local communities to incorporate a theme which
4 promotes the unique character of the local community.
5 (c) Off -premises special feature identification signs. The county may work with FDOT
6 District 6 to develop a sign program that identifies special features, tourist sites and
7 business districts. The county shall coordinate with local communities to select
8 appropriate landmarks to be identified.
Page 26 of 32 (File #2011-113)
. 6
See. 142-9. Guidelines for the size of ,lettering on signs.
The followma _illustrations serve as guidelines for „the minimum_ size of lettering to be utilized
b the applicants in order to achieve safe visibility from assin motorists :
by the perr - - - _ .—.._._.. .._p� ......
(a) Along 35 mile per hour (mph roadways:
Size of Lettering for 35 mph Roadways
.r■■r+gr �10': �11" 12" �13"
250 - - -
t u
200 - -
� 150 ..
a 10Q
is r'
Q 10 20 30 44 50 60 70 8o 90 100 110 120 130 1"
Distance between the sign and the Driveway (off -set - ft,)
Determine the location of sign parallel to the roadway (Lateral Distance) and the distance
lastween the sign and the driveway (Off --Set). Plot the point corresponding to the lateral and off-
set distances. Select the letter size corresponding to the line including or immediately above the
plotted point When a sign is intended to serve both approaches, plot a point for each approach
and select the larger letter size_
Measure distance between the sin and
the beginyrhV of the dnveway for signs
downstream of the may Wasure distance from
Assume a � ft. distance for signs in f fiat U
a ofans
advance of the driveway ed (off drstanoej edutar
(off�ef distance)
Uge of =ravel !ar►e
Edge of'esul Pane
r� . rrr-ar�rr.� r rr�sr a�rrrrr� r r wira.�ea�r�■ r rrrr� a w�aat.�ra• a ► r-a.�rr�ws��- r �■ .. 'RISH afvim
ftfetr&I focaf m
Husure distance frrm of sign
edge of trawd lane Aftma#e kvibm
(Weral cktance)
Page 27 of 32 (File #2011-113)
622 Xong 40 mile per hour_(mph) roadways:
Size of Lettering for 40 mph Roadways
�41" 12, � 13' 14' 15 '
9 250
3 150
a `
$ 11"
50 -
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 1" ISO
Distance between the sign and the Wiveway Toff -set - ft.)
Determine the location of sign parallel to the roadway (Lateral Distance) and the distance
between the sign and the driveway (Off -Set). Plot the point corresponding to the lateral and off-
set distances. Select the letter size corresponding to the line including or immediately above the
plotted point. When a sign is intended to serge both approaches: plot a paint for each approach
and select the larger letter size.
Measure djsftme between the sign and
the begrnnmg of the dnveway for signs
downstream of the drhmwy Measure dkdance f m
Assume a 0 ft. distance �r signs �n edge of trainer tare
advance of thediriverap (off -set distance) g
�o�se# distance] (ratefal distance]
Edge of':w l Lent -
Edge d T-nrel tin
rrw ■rr_ar�ar� r wr• ■rrrrrir r r �rr�srr�rr . r� rr.� r. �rrw�rr.�rr s r rrrrr�rr�R.�>> �r ram Rani of tjby
fQteMW kCaftn
Measure distance fmm as*
edge of tnmi line Aften.ate .,cam
(taterai distance)
Page 28 of 32 (Fite #2011-113)
1 (c) Along 45 mile per hour Lmph) roadway
Size of Lettering for 45 mph Roadways
��13�14-' 15" 1.5'
� 15"
31 14`
C 100 ,
13' ONES
0 iD 24 3o 40 5o 5D 70 ao W Lao 110 120
distance between the sign and the Driveway (off -set - ft.�
Determine the location of sign parallel to the roadway (Lateral Distance) and the distance
between the sign and the driveway (Off -Set). Plot the point corresponding to the lateral and off-
set distances. Select the letter size corresponding to the line including or immediately move the
plotted point_ When a sign is intended to serge both approaches, plot a point for each approach
and select the larger letter size_
Nea.wm d+stance between the sign a W
the beginning of the dnv►eway for signs
downstream of'tihe drive y Measure distance from
Assume a � ft. distance far signs in edge of fra+fel lane
advance of the d�einy (off -set �stanaej (tatMW du
(old set distance)�
Edge of =W Lane
Ew d 7-mr , afte
Ew tao 9 0 �!■ ■!�i/WIND 1 5 �i/ems/�ii i NINE ORIN 6!lS INNE VI NINE00 Rqh! Of WWI
• Y■` dial 16"MYn
Waste dstance fmm of sign
edge of &evellne Alternate fbca�
(lateral d-rstanae)
of s�
Page 29 of 32 (Fite #2011-113)
I (d) Aloner 50 mile per hour,Lmph) roadways:
Size of Lettering for 50 mph Roadways
20O �a"
aC ��
a 100 15
o Or V
0 10 zo 30 40 5o 60 70 Sn 90 100 IlD
Distame between the Sign and the Driveway loft -Set - ft.)
Determine the location of sign parallel to the roadway (Lateral Distance) and the distance
between the sign and the dri'veway (Off -Set). Plot the point corresponding to the lateral and off-
set distances. Select the letter size ,corresponding to the line including or immediately above the
plotted point When a sign is intended to serve both approaches, plot a point for each approach
and select the larger letter size.
[ wwze distance between the sign and
the beginning of the driveway for signs
downstream of the dhvwar I�asure drttance frm
Assume a g ft. distanoe for rages in {off se# drslancej edge of � lane
advance of the driveway [lateral distance)
[oi! distance)
Edge of Tavel Lars
Eage dT-we .ate
Pot+errtnaf location
Measure distance ffvm orsign I
edge of trace! lane Aftmw& kca-km
(iatmf drsfance) of sign
Page 30 of 32 (Fife #2011-113)
I (d) Alon . 5.5 mile per hour (mph) roadways:
Size of Lettering for 55 mph Roadways
S8' 19" Z0P
200 t
150 -
a 100 _
0 10 20 30 Q0 5o 60 TO SO 90 100
distance between the sign and the IDriweway loft set - n.)
Determine the location of sign parallel: to the roadway (Lateral Distance) and the distance
between the sign and the driveway (Off -Set). Plot the point correspond€ng to the lateral and off-
set distances. Select the letter size corresponding to the line including or immediatety above the
plotted point When a sign is intended to serve both approaches, plot a paint for each approach
and select the larger letter size.
Measure distance between the sign and
On beginning of the dnveway for signs
downstream of the ddyeway pure distance from
Assume a g ft distance for signs in edge of travel Jane
advance of the dri�way i*�-�# d"rstanaej [kterat distance)
(oftrse! dutarnce)
Edge ofT Larne
E a & TmM Lena
..�..�,.mw„�.. ..�...,..,,......�..r.., �. �.......+..�..�b..... R1gitofWiwi
Potential tacation
Wasure distance fmin of sign
edge of bwei Lane Ahem-1--bon
(iaterat dGstanm
of sign
Page 31 of 32 (Fite #2011-113)
Staff has found that the proposed text amendment would be consistent with the provisions of
§102-158(d)(5)(b)-t 1. Changed projections (e.g., regarding public service needs) from those
on which the text or boundary was based; 2. Changed assumptions (e.g., regarding
demographic trends); 3. Data errors, including errors in mapping, vegetative types and
natural features described in volume I of the plan; 4. New issues; 5. Recognition of a need for
additional detail or comprehensiveness; or 6. Data updates. Specifically, staff has found that
the proposed text amendments are necessary due to new issues and a recognition of a need
for additional detail or comprehensiveness.
Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners amend the Monroe County Code
as stated in the text of this staff report.
Page 32 of 32 (File #2011-113)
• r •
WHEREAS, pursuant to Monroe County Code Sec. 142-1, the purpose and intent of the land
development code regulations pertaining to signs are to: 1 ) Facilitate the implementation of goals,
objectives and policies set forth in the comprehensive plan relating to sign control, community
character and scenic resources and protection of areas from incompatible uses; 2) Promote and
maintain convenience, safety, property values and aesthetics by establishing a set of standards
for the erection, placement, use and maintenance of signs that will grant equal protection and
fairness to all property owners in the county; 3) Provide a simple set of regulations that will
minimize intricacies and facilitate efficiency of permitting functions and thus assist the regulated
public; 4) Encourage signs that help to visually organize the activities of the county, and lend
order and meaning to business identification and make it easier for the public to locate and
identify their destinations; 5) Regulate the size, number and location of signs so that their
purpose can be served without unduly interfering with motorists and causing unsafe conditions; 6}
Promote the general welfare, including enhancement of property values and scenic resources, so
as to create a more attractive business climate and make the county a more desirable place in
which to visit, trade, work and live; 7) Be fair in that everyone receives equal and adequate
exposure to the public and no one is allowed to visually dominate his neighbor; S) Authorize the
use of signs in commercial and industrial areas that are: a. Compatible with their surroundings; b.
Appropriate to the type of activity to which they pertain; c. An expression of the identity of the
individual proprietors and the community as a whole; and d. Large enough to sufficiently convey
a message about the owners or occupants of a particular premises, the commodities, products or
devices available on such premises, or the business activities conducted on such premises, yet
small enough to prevent excessive, overpowering advertising which would have a detrimental
effect on the character and appearance of commercial and industrial areas, or which could unduly
distract the motoring public, causing unsafe motoring conditions; and 9) To limit signs in
noncommercial areas to protect the character and appearance of noncommercial areas; and
Page 1 of 29
WHEREAS, the Planning & Environmental Resources Department proposed the text
amendments set forth in this ordinance in order to: A) update the Monroe County Code to
address whether or not to continue allowing A -frame signs (which cannot be permitted beyond
December 301, 2011); B) provide new regulations related to signs that accommodate multi-
tenants/occupants- Q address inconsistences related to the Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT)'s regulations and the County's regulations regarding off -premise signage; and D) revise
the existing language to address improper language and incorrect references; and
WHEREAS, the text amendments set forth in this ordinance would be consistent with the
Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, specifically objective 101.15; and
WHEREAS, Monroe County Comprehensive Plan objective 10 1. 15 states Monroe County shall
enforce and update the existing Sign Ordinance in order to maintain and improve the visual
character of the County and protect adjacent land uses; and
WHEREAS, sign regulations were adopted into the land development regulations of the Monroe
County Code when the current version became effective in the late 1980s, as memorialized by
Ordinances #033-1986 and #054-1987. In the 1990s, significant amendments to Monroe County
Code Chapter 142, Signs (then referenced MCC Chapter 9.5, Article VII, Division 13, Signs)
were undertaken with considerable input from business owners, citizens and County staff, as
memorialized by Ordinances #001-1994 and #03 6-1997; and
WHEREAS, in 2009, in order to implement some changes requested by the community, the
County modified the sign regulations to remove some of the prohibitive restrictions related to
vehicle signs and temporarily allow the erection of A -frame signs with building permits until
June 7, 2010, as memorialized by Ordinance #031-2009; and
WHEREAS, in 2010, the sign regulations were amended to extend the sunset date for A -frame
signs to December 30, 2011, as memorialized by Ordinance #018-2010; and
WHEREAS, during a regularly scheduled meeting held on June 7, 2011, the Monroe County
Development Review Committee reviewed the ordinance and recommended approval to the
Board of County Commissioners; and
WHEREAS, during regularly scheduled public hearings held on October 18, 2011, November 9,
2011, December 1, 2011 and December 21, 2011, the Planning Commission reviewed the
ordinance and recommended approval to the Board of County Commissioners.
Section 1. Chapter 142 shall be amended as set forth in Exhibit A, which exhibit is attached
hereto and incorporated herein (deletions are A. Ar i %el�et and additions are underlined).
Section 2. S everabili
Page 2 of 29
If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this ordinance shall be
adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect,
impair, invalidate, or nullify the remainder of this ordinance, but the effect thereof shall be
confined to the section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence, or provision immediately
involved in the controversy in which such judgment or decree shall be rendered.
Section 3. Conflicting Provisions.
rrr r ■ i�r nn�
In the case of direct conflict between any provision of this ordinance and a portion or provision
of any appropriate federal, state, or County law, rule code or regulation, the more restrictive shall
Section 4. Transmittal.
This ordinance shall be transmitted to the Florida State Land Planning Agency as required by F.S.
380.05 (11) and F.S. 380.0552(9).
Section 5. Filing.
This ordinance shall be filed in the Office of the Secretary of the State of Florida but shall not
become effective until a notice is issued by the Florida State Land Planning Agency or
Administration Commission approving the ordinance.
Section6: Inclusion in the Monroe County„C
The provisions of this Ordinance shall be included and incorporated in the Code of Ordinances
of the County of Monroe, Florida, as an addition to amendment thereto, and shall be
appropriately renumbered to conform to the uniform marking system of the Code.
Section 7. Effective Date.
This ordinance shall become effective as provided by law and stated above. This ordinance
applies to any permit, and or other development approval application submitted after the
effective date.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida
at a regular meeting held on the day of 92012.
Mayor David Rice
Mayor Pro Tem Kim Wigington
Commissioner Heather Carruthers
Commissioner Sylvia Murphy
Commissioner George Neugent
Deputy C 1 erk
Mayor David Rice
Page 3 of 29
Exhibit A
Chapter 142
Sec. 142-1.
Purpose and intent.
Sec. 142-2.
Sec. 142-3.
General provisions.
Sec. 142-4.
Signs requiring a permit and specific standards.
Sec. 142-5.
Regulations pertaining to the measurement, construction, and maintenance
of all signs.
Sec. 142-6.
Criteria for variances.
Sec. 142-7.
Nonconforming signs.
Sec. 142-8.
Special identification signs.
*State law reference —Provisions to regulate signage required, F.S. § 163.3202(2)( fl
See. 142--1. Purpose and intent.
The purposes and intent of this chapter are to:
(1) Facilitate the implementation of goals, objectives and policies set forth in the
comprehensive plan relating to sign control, community character and scenic
resources and protection of areas from incompatible uses;
(2) Promote and maintain convenience, safety, property values and aesthetics by
establishing a set of standards for the erection, placement, use and maintenance of
signs that will grant equal protection and fairness to all property owners in the county;
(3) Provide a simple set of regulations that will minimize intricacies and facilitate
efficiency of permitting functions and thus assist the regulated public;
(4) Encourage signs that help to visually organize the activities of the county, and lend
order and meaning to business identification and make it easier for the public to
locate and identify their destinations;
(5) Regulate the size, number and location of signs so that their purpose can be served
without unduly interfering with motorists and causing unsafe conditions;
(6) Promote the general welfare, including enhancement of property values and scenic
resources, so as to create a more attractive business climate and make the county a
more desirable place in which to visit, trade, work and live;
(7) Be fair in that everyone receives equal and adequate exposure to the public and no
one is allowed to visually dominate his neighbor;
Page 4 of 29
(8) Authorize the use of signs in commercial and industrial areas that are:
a. Compatible with their surroundings;
b. Appropriate to the type of activity to which they pertain;
c. An expression of the identity of the individual proprietors and the community as a
whole; and
d. Large enough to sufficiently convey a message about the owners or occupants of
a particular premises, the commodities, products or devices available on such
premises, or the business activities conducted on such premises, yet small enough
to prevent excessive, overpowering advertising which would have a detrimental
effect on the character and appearance of commercial and industrial areas, or
which could unduly distract the motoring public, causing unsafe motoring
(9) To limit signs in noncommercial areas to protect the character and appearance of
noncommercial areas.
Sec. 142-2. Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the
meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a
different meaning:
Area of a sign. Refer to section 142-5(1).
Banner means any suspended sign made of any flexible material such as, but not
limited to, cloth lactic or paper whether or not imprinted with words or characters.
Billboard means any sign that is required to be registered with the Florida Department of
�e�ie� Transportation (FDOT) pursuant to F.S. eh-. chapter 479 and exceeds the
size limitations set forth in section 142-4 of this chapter.
Business frontage. See "frontage, business."
Changeable copy sign means a sign specifically designed for the use of replaceable copy
that does not involve replacement of the sign face itself or alteration of the sign structure.
Clear sight triangle means a triangular -
shaped area at any driveway connection to a public street and at all street intersections as
required in section 114-201 in which nothing is allowed to be erected, placed, planted or
allowed to grow in such a manner as to limit or obstruct the sight of motorists entering or
leaving the drivewa or street intersection. Also referred to as clear vision_ triangle_
Copy means the text or graphic representations of a sign that depict, , the
name of an establishment, products, services or other messages, whether in permanent or
removable form.
Page 5 of 29
Erect means, in the context of this chapter= to build, construct, attach, hang, place,
suspend, affix or paint a sign.
Facade means the face of a building or structure is most nearly parallel with the right-of-
way line under consideration, including related architectural elements such as awnings,
parapets and mansard roofs but excluding signs attached to a building that are not
otherwise incorporated into such architectural elements.
Face of sign means the planes of a sign on which copy could be placed, including trim
and background.
Flag means a piece of light weight, flexible material such as cloth or plastic with one side
attached to a pole and the other end flying freely.
Frontage, business means the horizontal linear distance measured along the facade of an
individual business. Also referred to as "business frontage."
Frontage, propertyy means the distance measured along a public or private right-of-way
or easement including canals, shorelines and runways that affords vehicular access to the
property between the points of intersection of the side lot lines with such right-of-way or
easement. where a street or highway is divided as occurs on Ivey Largo, a parcel of land
in the median of the street or highway shall be considered to have a frontage on each side.
All parcels that abut U.S. 1 or County Road 905 shall be considered to have a frontage on
such roads regardless of whether a curb cut exists. Also referred to as "property
Ground -mounted sign means any sign that is mounted on or supported by an upright or
brace in or upon the ground, such upright or brace being directly attached in or upon the
ground and independent of any other structure. Signs affixed to fences shall be
considered ground -mounted signs.
Illuminated sign means any sign that is illuminated by artificial light, either from an
interior or exterior source, including outline, reflective or phosphorescent light, whether
or not the source of light is directly affixed as part of the sign.
Interior property information sign means signs located entirely on the property to which
the sign pertains, are not readily visible from public rights -of -way, and which are
intended to provide information to people on the property. Examples include, but are not
limited to, "pool closed," 'ono walking on grass," 'spay ramp fee at the office" and "no
Licensed sign contractor means any person holding a valid certificate of competency in
sign erection issued by the county.
Off -premises sign means any sign located on premises other than those on which the
business or organization uses products, goods or services that the sign advertises are
Page 6 of 29
available. When in the right-of-wqy of or visible from U.S. 1, off premises signs are
required to be registered with the Florida Dgpartment of Transportation (FDOT) ursuant
to F. S . chapter 479. -
Pennant means a series of small flag -like pieces of cloth or similar type of material
attached and strung between two or more points.
Plane means any surface such as a rectangle, square, triangle, circle or sphere that is
capable of carrying items of information; any area enclosed by an imaginary line
describing a rectangle, square, triangle or circle which includes freestanding letters,
numbers or symbols.
Portable sign means any sign or sign structure that is not permanently attached to the
ground or to any other permanent structure or which is specifically designed to be
transported. This definition shall include, but not be limited to, trailer signs, A -frame
signs, sandwich board signs and vehicles whose primary purpose is advertising.
Posted property sign means a sign such as, but not limited to, the following, which
indicates 'ono trespassing,' "beware of dog," "no dumping," or other similar warnings.
State statutes may establish requirements for these signs.
Premises means any parcel of land owned, leased or controlled by the person actively
engaged in business and so connected with the business as to form a contiguous
component or integral part of it; or owned, leased or controlled by a person for living
Promotional �g sl l means a temporaryUA5AALJsigh
erected by a nonprofit organization or organizationss holding a valid county
public assembly permits to advertise a special event such as a bazaar, dance, art show,
craft show, or similar type of event.
Property frontage. See "frontage, property."
- - --.
Real „estate sign means a sign used solely for the purpose of offering for sale, lease, or
rent the property upon which the sigII is placed and, which includes, but is not limited toy
"o en house if "oven for ins ection" and "model home." Such sins are allowed only
while a property is for sale, lease or rent.
Sign means any object, device, display or structure, or part thereof, situated outdoors or
indoors that is used to advertise, identify, display, direct or attract attention to an object,
person, institution, organization, business, product service event or location and by any
means, including words, letters, figures, designs, symbols, fixtures, colors or projected
images. Signs do not include:
(1) The flag or emblem of any nation or organization of nations, state, city, or fraternal,
religious or civic organizations;
(2) Merchandise that is not otherwise incorporated into a sign structure;
Page 7 of 29
(3) Models or products incorporated in a window display;
(4) Works of art that do not contain advertising messages and in no way identify a
product, use or service; or
(5) Scoreboards located on athletic fields.
Sign structure means any structure that supports, has supported or is capable of
supporting a sign, including decorative cover.
Wall -mounted sign means any sign mounted on or painted on and parallel to the facade or
wall of a building.
Window sign means any sign mounted to or painted on, or visible through a window for
display to the public.
See. 142-3. General provisions.
(a) Applicability of chapter.
(1) Type of activities affected. This chapter shall apply to any person who erects,
constructs, enlarges, moves, changes the copy of, modifies, or converts any signs, or
causes the same to be done. If a type of sign is not specifically allowed under this
chapter, it shall be considered to be prohibited. The procedure for variances is set
forth in section 142-6. The procedure for amendments to the text of this chapter is set
forth in chapter 102, article V.
(2) Type of activities not affected. The following activities shall not be subject to the
regulation under this chapter. However, such activities shall nevertheless comply with
the county building code and other applicable regulations of the county, state and
federal governments.
a. Any sign erected by or at the direction of the federal, state, or county government.
Such signs shall not reduce the authorized size or number of signs otherwise
allowed by this chapter. All signs allowed pursuant to this section shall be the
minimum necessary to comply with the applicable law;
b. Changing of the advertising copy or message of a lawfully existing changeable
copy sign, whether manual or automatic;
c. Changing the copy of a lawfully existing billboard (refer to definition of billboard
in section 142-2);
d. Works of art that do not contain advertising messages, and which in no way
identify a product, use, or service;
e. Maintenance of lawfully existing signs and sign structures that does not involve
change of copy, modification, enlargement, reconstruction, relocation or additions
to any sign or sign structure. Replacement of the damaged or deteriorated plastic
face of a sign shall be considered maintenance, provided that the copy is not
changed. The necessity to obtain a building permit for such work shall be
governed by chapter 6;
Page 8 of 29
f. The erection of community interest signs in the right-of-way of U.S. 1 as are
otherwise allowable pursuant to state or federal law. Examples of community
interest signs shall include, but not be limited to, "welcome to the Florida Keys,"
"Thank You for Visiting the Florida Keys," and signs that identify recognized
communities or municipalities; and
g. Interior property information signs as defined in section 142-2.
(b) Prohibited signs. The following types of signs, lights, advertising devices or activities
are prohibited:
(1) Off -premises signs; excluding off -premise signs identifying lawfully -established off -
premises businesses; as permitted in section 142-4;
(2) Those erected in a clear sight triangle; or at any location where, by reason of the
position, shape or color, they may interfere with or obstruct the view of any
authorized traffic sign, signal or device;
(3) Abandoned signs that no longer correctly direct or exhort any person; or advertise a
bona fide business, lessor, owner, product or activity conducted or available on the
premises indicated on such sign;
(4) Animated signs, of which all or part of the sign physically revolves or moves in any
fashion whatsoever, or which contains or uses for illustration any light, lights or
lighting device which changes color, flashes or alternates, shows motion or
movement, or changes the appearance of such sign. The operations of electronic
message centers and automatic changing signs shall be governed by section 142-
(5) Signs that emit smoke, vapor, particles, odor or sounds;
(6) Motion picture source used in such a manner as to permit or allow the images or
audio to be visible or audible from any public street or sidewalk;
(7) No person shall park any vehicle, trailer, floating device, barge, raft, or boat, whether
licensed or unlicensed, on any public property, including public rights -of -way, and
beaches, or on private property so as to be clearly visible from any public right-of-
way, which has attached thereto or located thereon any sign, or promotional element,
for the primary purpose of advertising products or services, conveying messages or
directing people to a business or activity. This restriction is not intended to prohibit
incidental signage on a functional, licensed vehicle which is displayed in a manner to
primarily identify the vehicle with the business it serves. Such vehicles shall only
park in a lawful parking space. Vehicle signs may not be an attachment that extends
or protrudes from the vehicle. However, commercial vehicles that provide delivery
services, including taxies, shall be allowed a temporary attached roof sign that
identifies the business. Such sign shall only be allowed on the vehicle while doing
Page 9 of 29
business and shall be no larger than 24 inches long, 12 inches tall and ten inches
wide, including the base;
(8) Portable signs, except for A4fvr�m__� _ ��___ =+*Wa ___ .,_=±:.,__ '_ ^.'' ^. ,..:' political
campaign signs as permitted in section 142-3(d);
(9) Any sign that is affixed to any wall or structure and extends more than 24 inches
perpendicularly from the plane of the building wall;
(10) Any sign attached to a building and projecting above the facade of a building, or
any sign mounted on top of a flat roof or on top of any horizontal awning;
(11) Signs that cause radio or television or other communication, electrical, magnetic
(12) Signs erected, constructed or maintained that obstruct any firefighting equipment,
window, door or opening used as a means of ingress or egress or for firefighting
(13) Signs, except posted property signs, that are erected or maintained upon trees or
painted or drawn upon rocks or other natural features or tacked, nailed or attached in
any way to utility poles;
(14) Signs on public property or road rights -of -way including, but not limited to, signs
placed on any curb, sidewalk, post, pole, hydrant, bridge, tree or other surface located
on public property or over or across any public or private street except as may
otherwise expressly be authorized by this chapter;
(15) Unshielded illuminated devices that produce glare or are a hazard or a nuisance to
motorists or occupants of adjacent properties, or signs containing mirrors; and
(16) Pennants.
(c) Dangerous signs. No person shall allow any sign that is in a dangerous or defective
condition to be maintained on any premises owned or controlled by such person. Any
such sign shall be removed or repaired by the owner of the sign or the owner of the
premises, or as otherwise provided for in this chapter.
(d) Signs not requiring a permit. The following shall not require a permit but still are subject
to section 142-5:
(1) Banners. Banners, provided they do not exceed 32 square feet per face and there is
only one per business frontage, and they are displayed temporarily for a period of not
more than 60 consecutive days, nor more than 60 total days in any one year. Banners
exceeding 32 square feet in area shall be required to obtain a permit pursuant to
section 142-4;
Page 10 of 29
(2) Business affiliation and law enforcement signs. Signs displayed upon the premises
denoting professional and trade associations with which the occupant is affiliated, and
including, but not limited to, forms of payment accepted by the occupant, and other
signs pertaining to public safety and law enforcement, provided the total of such signs
does not exceed four square feet;
(3) Business information signs. Signs providing information to customers such as
business hours, telephone number, "open" or "closed," "shirts and shoes required,''
"no soliciting," and "no loitering," provided that such signs are posted on or near the
entrance doors and the total of such signs does not exceed six square feet;
(4) Commemorative plaques. Signs of recognized historical nature, provided no plaque
exceeds 16 square feet per face;
(5) Construction signs. Signs erected at a building site that identify the name of the
project, owner, architect, engineer, general contractor, financial institution, or other
persons and firms performing services, labor or supply of materials to the premises;
provided the signs are not installed until a building permit is issued and are removed
within 30 days of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy and are further limited
as follows:
a. Signs for individual tradesmen or professionals shall be limited to four square feet
in area per face per tradesman or professional; and
b. Signs for more than one tradesman or professional shall be limited to a total of 32
square feet in area per face and eight feet in height;
(6) Directional signs. Signs located entirely on the property to which the sign pertains
and which are intended to provide direction to pedestrians or vehicular traffic and/or
to control parking on private property. Examples: "entrance," "exit," "one-way,"
"Pedestrian walk," "handicapped parking," etc., provided such signs do not exceed six
square feet per sign face;
(7) Flags. Each business frontage shall be allowed to display two flags containing any
graphic, symbol, logo or other advertising message, provided that no such flag shall
exceed 50 square feet in size. There shall be no number or size limit on the display of
the flag of any nation, organization of nations, state, city, or fraternal, religious, or
civic organizations;
(8) Garage sale signs. Signs for garage sales, provided they are erected not more than 24
hours prior to the sale and are removed within 72 hours of the time they were erected
and they do not exceed four square feet per face;
(9) Holiday decorations. Decorations that are clearly incidental to and commonly
associated with any national, local or religious holiday; provided that such signs shall
be displayed for a period of not more than 60 consecutive days nor more than 60 days
Page 11 of 29
in any one year. Such signs may be of any type, number, area, height, illumination or
animation, provided that they do not interfere with public safety;
(10) Memorial signs or tablets. Signs including, but not limited to, names of buildings
and date of erection when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of
bronze or other noncombustible materials, provided the total of such signs does not
exceed eight square feet;
(11) Nameplates. Signs bearing only property numbers, street addresses, mailbox
numbers, estate names, the occupation of the occupant or names of occupants of the
premises, provided the signs do not exceed two square feet per sign face;
(12) Posted property signs. Signs such as, but not limited to, the following, which
indicate "no trespassing," "beware of dog," "no dumping," or similar warnings,
provided they individually do not exceed 1.5 square feet 1n area per sign and not
exceeding four in number per lot, or of such number, spacing, and size as is required
per state statutes. Such signs shall not be illuminated nor shall they project over any
public right-of-way;
(13) Warning signs. Signs informing the public of the existence of danger, but
containing no advertising material, provided the sign does not exceed the minimum
necessary to inform the public and are removed upon subsidence of danger;
(14) Window signs. Window signs that collectively cover 35 percent or less of the
window glass surface area. Note: The abovementioned business information and
business affiliation signs shall be excluded from the computation of the window sign
(15) New business signs. once an application for a permanent sign is submitted to the
county, a new business, or a business in a new location may erect a temporary sign
without a permit for a period not exceeding 120 days from the date of application for
a permanent sign, provided that:
a. There is only one ground -mounted or wall -mounted sign;
b. The total sign area does not exceed 32 square feet;
c. The sign, if ground -mounted, does not exceed eight feet in height; and
d. The temporary sign shall be removed upon the installation of the permanent sign;
(16) Political signs. Political signs are signs on behalf of candidates for public office
or measures on election ballots and shall be allowed as follows:
a. Political signs may be erected no earlier than 70 days prior to such section and
shall be removed within 14 days following such election. Failure to meet these
conditions shall constitute the basis for sign removal by the county or its
b. In areas zoned primarily for residential or of low intensity nonresidential uses
Page 12 of 29
political signs shall not exceed 16 square feet per face or eight feet in height and
shall not be illuminated; and
c. In areas zoned rimaril for nonresidential uses (AD, CFA,
CFSD, DR, I, MF, MI, MU, RV, SC, and UC) political signs shall not exceed 32
square feet per face in area or eight feet in height;
(17) Promotional signs. Promotional signs per section � 142-4(1)a.l.; and
(18) Real estate signs. Real estate signs per section 3-} 142-4(1)b.1.
Sec. 142-4. Signs requiring a permit and specific standards.
Upon application for, and issuance of a building permit, except as indicated, the following
signs shall be allowed. In order for a sign application to be approved, the applicant must
grant access to the property for inspection purposes, for the life of the sign.
(1) Special signs.
a. Promotional signs.
i a .i
1. Promotional signs not exceeding 32 square feet. Promotional signs not
exceeding 32 square feet per face shall not require a permit, provided that
such signs are:
(i) Not illuminated;
(ii) Not located in a clear sight triangle;
(iii) Limited to two promotional signs on the premises of the event;
(iv) Posted no earlier than 15 days before the event and are removed
within five days after the event; and
(v) Limited to two off -premises promotional signs erected no more
than 24 hours prior to the event and removed no later than 24 hours
after the conclusion of the event, provided that permission of the
property owner of which the off premise promotional sigg is
erected is granted.
2. Promotional signs exceeding 32 square feet. Promotional signs exceeding 32
square feet in area per face shall be allowed in any Land Use
(Zoning)District by issuance of a single building permit, provided that the
promotional signs:
(i) Are erected no earlier than 30 days prior to a proposed event and are
removed within five days after such event;
(ii) Do not exceed 128 square feet; and
(iii)Are located on the premises of the event.
b. Rea estate signs. ,
Page 13 of 29
1. .Real estate signs not exceeding six square feet. One real estate sign not
exceeding six square feet per face including riders, per property shall not
require a permit, provided the sign is:
(1) Not illuminated; and
(ii) Ground -mounted signs shall not exceed eight feet in height.
2. Beal estate signs exceeding six square feet. Real estate signs exceeding six
square feet per face shall require a permit and shall be subject to the following
(i) Multiple -family structures, nonresidential, buildings and vacant land shall
be allowed one non -illuminated wall -mounted or ground -mounted sign,
not exceeding 32 square feet in area, der each street
frontage. Such ground mounted signs shall not exceed eight feet
In height.
(ii) Any property of ten acres or more in size, regardless of the limitations set
forth in subsection (I)b.2.(I) of this section, shall be allowed non -
illuminated ground -mounted or wall -mounted signs as follows: One sign
not exceeding 32 square feet may be erected for every 400 linear feet of
frontage on any one street. Such ground -mounted signs shall not
exceed eight feet in height.
c. Hospitals or other emergency facilities. In addition to any other signage allowed
under this chapter, hospitals or other emergency medical facilities, excluding
individual medical, offices, shall be allowed one additional illuminated ground -
mounted or wall -mounted signexceeding aoa
not , , .� to a �32 square feet per face to
identify each emergency entrance.
d. Bench signs. Bench signs shall be allowed, upon approval of the eeuat Reef
board of county commissioners, at any designated bus
stops subject to the following limitations:
1. Benches in residential areas shall not have signs, except a bench donor sign
containing the donor's logo or symbol, not exceeding two inches by 16 inches
In size;
2. Benches in commercial areas shall be allowed to have signs on the back rest
not to exceed a total of six square feet; and
3. Bench signs shall be limited to one per designated bus stop.
(2) signs in residential areas and areas of low intensity. Signs in residential areas and
areas of low intensity (CD, CFV, IS, MN, NA, OS, PR, SS, SR, SR-L, UR, URM,
URM-L) shall be restricted as follows:
a. Commercial and other nonresidential uses. Commercial and other nonresidential
uses within the land use districts, CD, CFV, IS, NIN, NA, OS, PR, SS, SR, SR-L,
UR, URM, URM-L, which are adjacent to U.S. 1 shall be regulated pursuant to
subsection (3) of this section. Unless otherwise provided for in this chapter, all
other commercial and nonresidential uses in these land use districts shall be
allowed one ground -mounted sign and wall -mounted signage which shall be
limited as follows:
1. The ground -mounted sign shall be limited to 32 square feet in area per face
and eight feet in height; and
Page 14 of 29
2. Wall -mounted signage shall be limited to a total of 32 square feet.
b. Residential subdivision or condominium sign.
1. One permanent, wall -mounted or ground -mounted sign, for identification
purposes only, giving only the name of the subdivision, or residential
development, may be granted a permit at each main entrance into such
subdivision or development from each abutting street.
2. The following limitations shall apply:
(i) The subdivision or development shall have a homeowner's association or
similar entity that will be responsible for permits and maintenance of the
(ii) The face of each sign shall not exceed 32 square feet;
(1ii)The maximum permitted height shall be eight feet; and
(iv)The sign may incorporate, or be incorporated into, accessory entrance
structural features such as a project wall or landscaping.
c. Institutional uses and private parks. Institutional uses, private parks and similar
uses shall be allowed one ground -mounted sign and wall -mounted signage that
shall be limited as follows:
1. The ground -mounted sign shall be limited to 32 square feet in area per face (a
maximum of 64 square feet for all faces) and eight feet in height;
2. Wall -mounted signage shall be limited to a total of 32 square feet; and
3. An additional 16 square feet in area per face may be added to the ground -
mounted sign for the exclusive use of a changeable copy sign.
d. Electronic message centers and automatic changing signs. Electronic message
centers and automatic changing signs shall be prohibited in residential areas and
areas of low intensity (CD, CFV, IS,MN1 NA, OS, PR, SS, SR, SR-L, UR URM,
(3) Signs in commerciallnonresidential areas. Sign allowances in commercial and other
nonresidential areas (AD, CFA, CFSD, DR, I, MF, MI, MU, RV, SC, UC) shall
be calculated based on the amount of property frontage and business frontage as
a. Ground -mounted sin le-tenantloccu ant signs. Every nefffe.MKAMant developed
parcel of land with a commercial or other nonresidential use shall be allowed the
following ground -mounted signage::
1. One illuminated or non -illuminated, ground -mounted sign of a height not
more than 24 feet shall be allowed for each frontage as indicated in the
following table:
Permitted Size o Nonresidential Si s per Property Frontage
Street Frontage Maximum Area Total Face Area
(Linearfeet) Per Face .(square feet
(square Leeo
Frontage on U.S. 1 or a fronts a road adjacent to U.S. 1:
' ' 1 ft. to 150 ft. 75 s . ft. 150 s . ff.
%n� tW � nn� 151 ft. to 300 ft. 100 s . ff. 200 s . ft.
nt,ar 200' 301 ft. or more 200 s . ft. 400 s . ff.
Frontage on county roads, shorelines or runways:
Page 15 of 29
'A.'te'�n'1ft. to15oft.
4osq. fl.
80sq. fl.
Jn+ tn 'Dill 151 ft. to 300 ft.
60 s . ff.
120 s . ft.
' 301 ft. or more
80 s . ff.
160 s . ft.
2. Parcels that are on a corner of two public streets shall be allowed either:
(i) One ground -mounted sign for each property frontage; or
(11) one ground -mounted sign with exposure to both streets with up 1.5 times
the maximum amount of area allowed on any one property frontage.
3. where a street or highway is divided as occurs on Key Largo, which results in
a parcel of land in the median of the street or highway then the property shall
be considered to have a frontage on each side.
4. Service stations, convenience stores, marinas, or other facilities dispensing
fuel to the public shall be allowed to add to each authorized ground -mounted
sign, an additional 40 square feet or 20 square feet per face of signage for the
exclusive use of a changeable copy sign for posting fuel prices.
5. A school, church, day-care center or other similar use shall be allowed to add
an additional 64 square feet or 32 square feet per face of signage to the
ground -mounted or wall -mounted sign for the exclusive use of a changeable
copy sign.
6. Individual charter boats shall be allowed a ground -mounted sign at the charter
boat's dock slip, provided the sign does not exceed a total of 32 square feet
and there is no more than one fish replica. Signs allowed under this provision
shall be exempt from shoreline setback requirements.
7. Drive -through or carry -out services shall be allowed a ground -mounted sign
that carries only the name of the establishment and the current list and price of
goods or services available in the establishment and is not intended to be
viewed from any right-of-way and provided that the sign is limited to a
maximum of 40 square feet.
8. Anyvarcel that does not have a ound-mounted sign as defined in section
142-2 shall be allowed a single A -frame sijzn in place of thearound-mounted
sign. Such A -frame signs shall meet all of the following standards:
i A building ermit shall be required lDrior to the si 's erection and the
buildinpermit number shall be -permanently affixed to the sign in a lain/
visible manner-
11 The sigp shall be no greater than three feet in width and no areater than
four feet in heipht., exclusive of legs that can more. than six inches in
hei t -
111 The sian shall be of A -frame -type construction with only two si= faces
that are joined at the top;
(iv)The sign is portable and not permanently affixed to the gounds,
(v) The -sign is located on a private parcel of land and identifies a business on
that same private parcel of land. The sign may not be located on,.a public
right-of-way or walkway;
(vi)The sigq shall only identify a lawful/ -established business name(s)
and/or other information directly related to that business•
(vii)The si shall not be located in a clear siaht triangle-,
Page 16 of 29
Viii The _sin shall not be illuminated or electric and shall not have an
electric devices attached thereto • and
fix The sign shall be stored indoors during tropical storm/hurricane watches
and warnin s and other severe weather advisories•
9. Ground -mounted multi-tenantloccupant suns. Every„ developed parcel of
land with geater than one commercial or other nonresidential use shall be
allowed additional ound-mounted si a e area if aranted Administrative
Variance as outlined in section 142-6.
b. Wall -mounted signs.
1. Signs painted or attached to the surface of awnings, parapets, mansards and
similar roof and building elements shall be considered wall -mounted signs for
purposes of determining compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
2. Wall -mounted signs shall not extend above the facade of a building or project
outward more than 24 inches from the facade or wall to which it is attached.
3. Each individual business frontage shall be allowed wall -mounted signage
equal in area to two square feet times the length of the individual business
4. A commercial or other nonresidential building located on a corner of two
public streets shall be allowed wall -mounted signage on the wall not
considered to be the front (i.e.,, a side street) equal in area to one square foot
times the length of such wall.
5. The side of a commercial or other nonresidential building not on a corner of
two public streets shall be allowed wall -mounted signage on the side walls
equal in area to one-half square foot times the length of the side of the
5. If the rear of a commercial or other nonresidential building faces a public
street or public parking lot, a wall -mounted sign up to a maximum of eight
square feet shall be allowed per individual business.
7. On a multistory commercial or other nonresidential building, wall -mounted
signage shall be permitted for each additional floor as outlined in subsection
(3)b.3. of this section.
8. Theaters, museums, auditoriums and fairgrounds and similar uses providing
regular shows shall be permitted an additional 50 square feet of a changeable
copy wall -mounted sign. Along the wall adjacent to the ticket windows, a
theater may display, without requiring a sign permit, one poster up to 12
square feet for each movie being shown.
9. Drive -through or carry -out services shall be allowed one wall -mounted sign
that carries only the name of the establishment and the current list and price of
goods or services available in the establishment and is not intended to be
viewed from any right-of-way and provided that the sign is limited to a
maximum of 40 square feet.
c. Canopy signs. One sign per business entrance shall be allowed to be erected
underneath, and extending downward from, a canopy along the front of a
building, provided:
1. The sign does not exceed eight square feet per face;
2. The sign is permanently attached and does not swing;
Page 17 of 29
I The sign is perpendicular to the facade of the building; and
4. The sign is located above a walkway.
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(4) Off -premises signs. Any nonresidential, lawfully -established business located on
U.S. 1 shall be allowed to dedicate any portion of its allowance for one ground -
mounted sign to another nonresidential, lawfully -established business not located on
U.S. 1 that is accessed from a primary side street off U.S. 1 or a secondary side street
located off a primary side street. The side street intersecting U.S. 1 shall be located
within one-half mile of the property on U.S. 1 providing the off premises signage.
Such off -premises signage shall be limited to one sign face per direction on U.S. 1.
Off -premises advertising is also subject to subsections (3)a. and (3)b. of this section
and to regulations pursuant to F.S. ear. chapter 479.
A permit must be obtained from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)
Outdoor Advertising office for any off -premises sign, .that is within 600 feet of the
Page 18 of 29
nearest edge of the U.S. 1 rit-of--wa and/or is visible from U.S. 1. New Dermits
will not be issued for off -premises signs_ visible from a designated scenic hi way
(Rule 14-1 4 c Florida Administrative Code). The building de artment shall not
issue any building_ permit for an off -premise,_. sign until the applicant)rovl_d_ es
documentation from the FDDT indicating that a j2roiposed off remise sian is
permitted by the FDDT or that a permit is not necessary from the FDDT. It is the
res onsibilft of the a licant to obtain all federal state and local permits for any off -
premises sign.
Sec. 142-5. Regulations pertaining to the measurement, construction, and maintenance
of all signs.
The requirements of this section shall apply to all signs whether or not a permit is required
unless otherwise noted below:
(1) Measurement of sign area.
a. The sign area shall be measured from the outside edges of the sign or sign frame,
whichever is greater, excluding the area of the supporting structures, provided that
the supporting structures are not used for advertising purposes and are of an area
equal to or less than the permitted sign area. In the case of wall -mounted signs
without border or frame, the surface area shall include such reasonable and
proportionate space as would be required if a border or frame were used.
b. When a single sign structure is used to support two or more signs, or unconnected
elements of a single sign, the surface area shall comprise the square footage
within the perimeter of a regular geometric form enclosing the outer edges of all
the separate signs or sign elements. However, undecorated space of up to 12
inches between separate sign panels maybe excluded from the sign area
measurement where necessary to provide structural support members or to
provide visual separation between sign panels.
c. Where signs are installed back-to-back, both faces shall be counted as sign area.
(2) Measurement of sign height. The height of a sign shall be considered to be the
vertical distance measured from the top of the structure to the finished ground
elevation of the site at the base of the sign. In no event shall excess fill be used to
raise a sign.
(3) Location of signs.
a. Clear sight triangle. No sign shall be erected that would impair visibility at a
street intersection or driveway entrance pursuant to section 114-201.
b. Clearance from high -voltage power lines. Signs shall be located in such a way
that they maintain a clearance often feet to all overhead electrical conductors and
a three-foot clearance on all secondary voltage service drops.
c. Setbacks from property lines. The minimum setback for signs shall be five feet,
setbacks shall be measured from the property line to the farthest extension of the
sign, including any overhangs, guy wires and supports.
d. Scenic corridor bufferyard. Where a scenic corridor bufferyard is required
pursuant to section 114-125, ground -mounted signs shall only be erected in the
immediate vicinity of a driveway.
Page 19 of 29
e. Fences. The authorized ground -mounted sign not requiring a permit may be
placed on a fence regardless of setbacks provided the sign does not extend above
the fence or project more than four inches outward from the fence.
(4) Construction and operation of signs. All signs shall comply with the following
requirements unless no permit is required.
a. Compliance with Florida Building Code. All signs shall comply with the
appropriate detailed provisions of the Florida Building Code, relating to design,
structural members and connections. Signs shall also comply with the additional
standards hereinafter set forth.
b. Licensed contractor. Signs shall only be erected by entities authorized by chapter
c. Structure design. All signs that contain more than 40 square feet in area or are
erected over 20 feet in height shall be designed by an engineer registered in the
state. Structural drawings shall be prepared by the engineer and submitted prior to
a permit being issued. Wind load calculations shall be contained in the
engineering drawings. The building official may set wind load requirements
greater than the Florida Building Code if deemed necessary to protect the health,
safety and welfare of the public or property owners surrounding the sign. The
building official may request wind load calculations for signs of less than 40
square feet in area prior to issuing a permit.
d. Electric signs and illuminated signs.
1. All electric signs shall require a permit and shall be Underwriter's Laboratory
approved or certified by a sign electrician specialty contractor or master sign
contractor, or an electrical contractor, that the sign meets the standards
established by the National Electrical Code, current edition. All electric signs
shall be erected and installed by an entity authorized to do so by chapter 6,
and shall be in conformance with the National Electrical Code, current
edition. The provision of electrical power to a power source or connection of a
sign to existing electrical service shall be by an entity authorized by chapter 6.
2. Artificial light used to illuminate any sign from outside the boundaries of such
sign shall be screened in a manner that prevents the light source from being
visible from any right-of-way or adjacent property.
3. Electronic message centers or automatic changing signs (ACS) shall comply
with the following:
(i) Lamps bulbs in excess of nine watts are prohibited in the ACS matrix;
(11) ACS lamps bulbs shall be covered by lenses, filters, or sunscreens;
(III)ASC signs shall be equipped with an operational right dimming device;
(iv)Other than the scrolling of written messages or non -animated graphics, all
operating modes that result in animation as defined in section 142-3(b) are
e. Supports and braces. Supports and braces shall be adequate for wind loading.
Wire or cable supports shall have a safety factor of four times the required
strength. All metal, wire cable supports and braces and all bolts used to attach
signs to a bracket or brackets and signs to the supporting building or structure
Page 20 of 29
shall be of galvanized steel or of an equivalent corrosive -resistant material. All
such sign supports shall be an integral part of the sign.
f. Sign anchoring. No sign shall be suspended by chains or other devices that will
allow the sign to swing due to wind action. Signs shall be anchored to prevent any
lateral movement that would cause wear on supporting members or connections.
g. Double-faced signs. Double-faced signs with opposing faces having an interior
angle greater than 45 degrees shall not be permitted.
(5) Sign identification and marking. Unless specifically exempted from permit
requirements of this chapter, no sign shall hereafter be erected, displayed, rebuilt,
repaired, the copy changed, painted or otherwise maintained until and unless the
county sign permit number is painted or otherwise affixed to the sign or sign structure
in such a manner as to be plainly visible from grade.
(6) Maintenance. All signs for which a permit is required by this chapter, including their
braces, supports, guys and anchors, shall be maintained so as to present a neat, clean
appearance. Painted areas and sign surfaces shall be kept in good condition, and
illumination, if provided, shall be maintained in safe and good working order.
(7) Responsibility. The sign owner, the owner of the property on which the sign is placed
and the sign contractor shall each be held responsible for adherence to
this chanter and chapter 6.
See. 142-6. Criteria for variances,
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(a) Purpose. The .purpose of this section is to establish authority, procedures, and standards
for the gEanting of variances from certain re uirements of this chapter
fib} Administrative variances. The planning director is authorized to Rrant administrative
variances to the maximum area er face requirements set forth in section 142-4 3 a. for
Page 21 of 29
ground -mounted sins that accommodate more than a single user (i.e. tenant business
(1) Application. An application shall be submitted to the planning director on a form
approved by the lanning department.
Q Standards. The planning director shall gant an administrative variance to the
maximum area per face requirements for ground -mounted signs that accommodate
more than a single user only if the applicant demonstrates that all of the following
standards are met:
a. The granting of the administrative variance shall not be maten' ally detrimental to
other property owners in the immediate vicinit -
b. The administrative variance shall be the minimum necessM to rovide relief to
the applicant;
c. Each user shall be permitted only a sin le identification sigq per each face/side of
the ound-mounted si •
d. The area of each user's identification sign shall not exceed100 squar_ a feet per
each face/side of the ound-mounted si •
e_ The total maximum ,area per face for the ground-mounted_sie. shall not exceed
400 square feet in area unless a variance is anted by the Wanninja commission in
accordance „with section 142-5�c
f- The total face area for thearound-mounted s_ ijzn shall not exceed 800 square feet
on double -sided sigiis unless a variance is zranted b the planm*ng commission in
accordance with section 142-6 c •
g__ Such a ground -mounted sign shall not be constructed with_ in 40 linear feet of
another ound-mounted si • and
h. The sign shall be designed in accordance with the size of lettering_guidelines set
forth in section 142-9.
L31_Procedures. The planning director shall determine if an application complies with the
standards of section 142-5 b 2 within 50 days of the lannin d artment's recei t
of a complete ppWication. If the plannina director determines that the application
complies_with the standards, the _planning department shall carry out public
notification in accordance with 142-5 4 . If the planning director determined that
the application does not comply with the standards, the planning director shall issue a
written decision of denial to the applicant.
(4lSurroundLng property owner notification of application. Only after determining that
an ap lication for a variance complies with the standards, the planning director shall
provide written notice by repaular mail to owners of real DrolDerty located within 300
feet of the property that is the subject of the application. The notice shall provide a
brief description of the vroiDosed administrative variance and indicate where the
application may be examined. The cost of providing_ notice shall be borne by the
(5) Recision by the plannin director. After 30 days of the date in which the written
notification was sent per section 142-6(b)(4), the planning director shall review of all
public responses to the wiplication. Upon a finding that the a lication has or has not
complied with the requirements and standards of this section, the planning director
shall issue a written administrative variance decision.
Page 22 of 29
01 Public hearinz by the planning commission. If requested in writing by the, applican_ t,
or an adversely affected owner or resident of real -propqgy -propertylocated in the count
duriLig, the required 3 o day notification period, a public hearing shall be scheduled on
the application. All costs of the ublic hearinR shall be the resvonsibilfty of the
applicant for the administrative variance. The .public hearing shall be conducted and
noticed in accordance with section 11 Q-5.
(c) Variances granted by the Plannft commission. The planning commission is authorized
to grant variances to this chapter.
(1),Pplication. An application shall be submitted to the „Planning director on a form
approved bv the iplanning de artment.
(2) Standards. The planning commission shall grant a variance only if the applicant
demonstrates that all of the following standards are met:
a. The literal intervretation and strict application of the provision and requirements
of this chapter would cause undue and unnecessary hardship to the _sign owner
because of unique or unusual conditions Dertaim'na to the specific buildiniz or
parcel or propertng,�uestion;
(2) The gantina of the reguested variance would not be materially detrimental to the
property owners in the immediate vicinity_;
(3) The unusual conditions applying to the specific property do not apply_ enerally to
other properties in the unincorporated county_;
(4) The grantina of the variance will not be contrary to the general objective of this
cha-pter of moderating the size number and obtrusive vlacement of si s and the
reduction of clutter •
(5) The variance is not requested solely on the basis of economic hardship of the sign
(6) The variance shall be the minimum necessga to provide relief to the applicants
(7) The variance shall not permit a sign expressly prohibited in section 142-3(b)
(3) Procedures. The vlanning director shall determine if an application is complete
Within 60 days of the planninja department's receipt of a complete application the
planning department shall schedule the application for review and decision by the
planning commission. The planning director shall review the entire application and all
public responses thereto and prepare a staff report with recommendations for the
planning commission. The application shall be heard at a re u�lazly scheduled meeting
of the planning commission. Notice, posting and hearingrequirements shall be in
accordance with section 110-5.
L4)Decision by the planning commission. Within 34 days of the date of the public
hearing, upon a finding that the application has or has not complied with the
requirements and standards of this section the planniLag commission shall issue a
written variance decision.
Sec. 142-7. Nonconforming signs.
Lawfully established signs .: ��,.. *�� �w- e*L1• date ^�*Lea' � -' -YuV
which becomes non -compliant
Page 23 of 29
and or non -conforming to the current regulations as a result of anyamendment to this chapter
may continue only as follows:
(1) For ground -mounted signs, changes of copy, including type style and color changes,
may be performed, provided that a permit is obtained and provided that the name of
the businesses or establishments depicted by the sign are not changed. Changes of
copy involving the name of the businesses or establishments depicted by the sign
shall only be performed if the sign is brought into compliance with the requirements
of this chapter.
(2) No permit shall be issued for repair or reconstruction of any sign structure where such
work would be more than 50 percent of the replacement cost of the sign. Neither shall
the cumulative costs of repair or reconstruction exceed 50 percent of the replacement
cost of any nonconforming sign. The planning department shall maintain an
independently verified schedule of the replacement cost of signs.
QiQatinn 1Q Ay+7AtA4
M(4)—Determinations of nonconforming signs shall be made such that ground -mounted
signs are treated separately from wall -mounted and all other signage. For example,
where both the ground -mounted and wall -mounted signs of a particular parcel are
nonconforming, the change of copy of a wall -mounted sign shall not require that the
ground -mounted signage be brought into compliance. However, where a sign other
than a ground -mounted sign is required to be brought into compliance, all of the signs
of an establishment other than the ground -mounted signs shall be brought into full
compliance with this chapter.
(4)(5) Signs that cannot comply with the requirements of this chapter may be allowed to
continue if designated as a historical or cultural landmark pursuant to chapter 134,
article III. The specific conditions under which a designated sign is allowed to
continue shall be set forth in the resolution of the board of county commissioners.
Sec. 142-8. Special identification signs.
(a) Community business directory signs. The county may work with FDOT District 6 and
local communities to develop a sign program that promotes businesses within specific
communities in the Florida Keys through the use of centrally located multiple user
business identification signs on U.S. 1.
(b) Community identification signs. The county may work with FDOT District 6 to
develop a sign program that identifies specific communities in the Florida Keys. The
county shall coordinate with local communities to incorporate a theme which
promotes the unique character of the local community.
(c) Off -premises special feature identification signs. The county may work with FDOT
District 6 to develop a sign program that identifies special features, tourist sites and
business districts. The county shall coordinate with local communities to select
appropriate landmarks to be identified.
Page 24 of 29
See. 142,-9. Guidelines for the size of lettering on suns.
The following illustrations serve as guidelines ,for the minimum size of lettering to be utilized by_
the a licants in order to achieve safe visibilit from -Dassing motorists:
(a) Along 35 mile per hour (mph) roadway
Size of Lettering for 35 mph Roadways
Aga Hipp 0=00*i1" 121 ITT
+ 200
a "
$ ip
a 100
50 —
o 10 20 30 40 5o 60 70 so 90 100 110 120 130 140
aistamce between the sign and the Driveway (off -Set - ft.)
Determine the location of sign parallel to the roadway (Lateral Distance) and the distance
between the sign and the driveway (Off -Set). Plot the point corresponding to the lateral and off-
set distances. Select the letter size -corresponding to the line including or immediately above the
plotted point When a sign is intended to sere both approaches, plot a paint for each approach
and select the larger letter size_
Meawm distance between the sign and
the begirrmV of the driveway for signs
downtsfrram of the dri y i� usure distance f m
Assume a 4 ft. distance fair signs in(off-sd distance) edge of #rarer lane
advance of the dray (faterat disbace)
fof-et distasr:ce
Edge of MmW Uri.
f� 1 a/��//� f l �• ■•�/f� f l //�•i�/■ i s i� f a r/a�/f ��i■ f l �a/rs/�/1t� 1/ �1 M/� RigMa divvy
Pbtenfial luvatkm
Wasure distance from of sign
edge of trace! (lane AFterna+e ibcadvrr
(iaWa! distance)
of sign
(b) Alon 40 mile per hour (mph) roadways:
Size of Lettering for 40 mph Roadways
�11" . 42" � 13` 149 15"
250 ...
3 150
a 100
o .
a 10 20 30 40 50 fD 70 SD 90 100 110 120 130 140 M
Distance between the Sign and the Driveway toff -Set - ft.)
Determine the location of sign parallel to the roadway (Lateral Distance) and the distance
between the sign and the driveway (Off Set). Plot the point corresponding to the lateral and off-
set distances. Select the letter size corresponding to the line including or immediately above the
plotted point_ When a sign is intended to serve both approaches, plat a point for each approach
and select the larger letter size.
Neasum dlsUnce between the sign and
the beginning of the driveway for signs
downstream of the dl *my Measure dVanae from
Assume a g ft. distance for signs in (�� set drstanoe) edge of frar+el ►acre
adrance of the dtiw�ay (lateraf d�#ance)
(off -set dis#ance)
Edge of T.--md �..e .
EdrgedlI- rotene
mo- i0m
Fbtenvai location
iiIP-asure distance flan orsign j
edge of tid11W Marie Aft rile i�Cat 1
(la wW c stanca�
Page 26 of 29
_(c� Alona 4S mile�er_hour Lmph
,) roadways:
Size of Lettering for 45 mph Roadways
�13: �44" 15"
350 r
Z50 ._
a 100 13"
0d I d-
0 10 24 so 40 so 60 70 so 90 14D 110 1�4
Distance between the Sign and the Driveway {off -Set - ft.)
Determine- the location of sign parallel to the roadway (Lateral Distance) and the distance
between the sign and the driveway (off -Set). Plot the point corresponding to the lateral and off-
set distances. Select the letter size corresponding to the line including or immediatety above the
plated paint_ When a sign is intended to serve both approaches, plot a paint for each approach
and select the larger letter size-
i9easure distance between the sign and
the beginning of the driveway for signs
downstream of the �y Measure &stance from
Assume a � ft. distance far signs in �� set drstanoe) edge of tiav�el lane
advance the drrv�eway (lateral distance)
(a!f-se! distance)
Edge of Tavel Lane
Edge d7rnd ane
Poem iaf kmatron
Measure distance from of sign I
edge of travel bane Aft" * Iboa an
{ta�raf dtstanceJ
Page 27 of 29
(d) Along SO mile per hour mph roadways:
Size of Lettering for 50 rn p h Roadways
-17" Ls�
30o o a
b zoo -tell
°C 7"
$ 16R
a 100 i5
0 10 Ira so 40 5o 60 M so 90 100 110
Distance between the sign and the Driveway loff Set - tt.j
Determine the location of sign parallel to the roadway (Lateral Distance) and the distance
between the sign and the driveway (O"et). Plot the point correspondIng to the lateral and off-
set distances. Select the letter size corresponding to the line including or immediately above the
plotted point When a sign is intended to serve both approaches, plot a point for each approach
and select the larger letter size.
Measure distance between the sign and
the beghtnting of the dnveway for signs
downsb aam of the ddvet�ray Measure crmbnce ftm
Assume a g R. dis#ance for signs in 4a of travel tans
advance of the driveway (off --set distanced edge
(off -.set distance) (latest dh#ance)
Edge of Ttavd Urw
Edge dTmdUne
............�„�.. „�..�....... ... _ .............._.. ,.�..�.,.......... ..� RgMofVIVI
Pbtfiewn&t focaddn
Uleasure distance fmm of sign
edge of travel lane Atbernate iQca
(Wend c9stanee)
of sign
Page 28 of 29
W-Along SS mile per hour (mph) roadway
Size of Lettering for 55 mph Roadways
300. .
M 200 _
a NO
� f7"
0 to 20 30 40 so 50 70 $D 90 100
Distance between the sign and the Driveway toff Set - ft.)
Determine the loon of sign parallel to the roadway (Lateral Distance) and the distance
between the sign and the driveway (off` Set). Plot the point corresponding to the lateral and off-
set distances. Select the letter size corresporidin g to the line including or immediately above the
plotted point. When a sign is intended to serve both approaches, plot a point for each approach
and select the larger letter size.
Measure dim between the sign and
Me beginning of the driveway for signs
downstream of the ddvray Wasur�e �fance ftm
Assume a � ft. dis#arrce for signs in a of travef Lane ed
advance of the ddyemy (off --set distanced edge
(off -set dista�e) �iaterat d�far�e�
Edge of Tavel lent
E*p d TreW Lane
poterrfnat location
Measure d'siance fmm of sign
edge of travel lane Aftemaf�e llacafivrr
�fat+arai drs#anae�
Page 29 of29