09/19/1996 i . Dun & Bradstreet
(` Receivable Managemcnt Services SERVICE AGREEMENT
LO The m& eradslrccl Corponlan
NEW For one year beginning 1-19 94 19 �� (except with regard to domestic and international collection services, which
are dealt with in Paragraph 8 of the Terms of Agreement on the reverse side hereof) the undersigned customer hereby employs
Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. ("D &B ") to perform the services selected below and agrees to pay, in advance, for these services:
LI RENEWAL Continue our Agreement for another year from date of expiration in the amount shown below:
L� SUPPLEMENT Supplement our current Agreement dated , 19 to cover the services indicated below:
.._J COLLECTION The customer employs the Commercial Collection division of D &B to collect past-
SERVICES — due commercial accounts in the U.S. in accordance with this Agreement and
Domestic agrees to pay the applicable annual charges in advance. The initial annual charge shall be
$ for service at the address shown below and $ for service
at the (#) branch locations listed on an attachment hereto. $
Li COLLECTION The customer employs D &B (through Dun & Bradstreet International) to collect past- = -1
SERVICES — due commercial accounts outside the U.S. in accordance with this Agreement and C —
International agrees to pay the applicable annual charges in advance. The initial annual charge Z
shall be $ for service at the address shown below and $ -- S
for service at the (;4) branch locations listed on an attachment hereto. O
__ — ( C
• DEBTSCAN• The customer agrees to pay, in advance, for the availability and use of up to -- - �- f
DebtScan Units at $ each. N T
(Excess Unit Charge - $ each).
L...1 C:
L DUNSDEMANDS' The customer agrees to pay, in advance, for the availability and use of up to __ W
DUNSDEMANDS DunsDemands Units at $ each. ON
PLUS DunsDemands Plus Units at $ each.
(Excess Unit Charge - $ each). $
It DUNSGRAM• ih customer agrees to pay, IXICIN&CKfor the availability and use of up to
D DunsGrams Units at $$._ 0 0 each.
(Excess Unit Charge - $ each). $ 750.00 t
oX Duns EZ - Link' The customer elects to obtain a license to use the Duns EZ -Link software subject to
WINDOW'S the terms on the reverse side and agrees to pay D &8 the license fees shown. j
Initial License Fee$ NO CHARGE INCLUDED
Renewal License Fee $ $
CUSTOMER Receivable Management Clinics (based on no more than attendees each at
TRAINING $ each. Extra attendees at $ each).
Video Training Programs — _ at $ each
E. OTHER Specify: $
Q. n�(�\�`� ' r�, TOTAL i
i i . A. + i xxec rS�olgotwdfi mtAttcaT1g7013;y7 tiaitibidaKa tliacmaGdfii�7Ct8�feiaciaictav •`�ifaca'sakiroi`;
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• '' ,,a+ 'T' t '` L KOI HALE CLERK -
Acce • . .ru.. • ^ 4,
. 4' Name ofCompany MOnrOe Cty Board of Cty Commissioners
DEPUTY RK 9-19-% Mailing Address 490 53rd St., Ste. 175
/ /7,i� // �cy� 3 0 5 � City • ...MVP a d Zi.
By t'�� e!/ Phone No. $ g- t S &
9/241, :�'
Date Authorized Signatur / /���� �%/ y �
SPECIAL TERMS RE: • mbul -, nce Blinn. in 'department cha i � rrida
A rC
W17 . led 0.1 _ , BY _ iIZ/ .� //.f ! e. 8S- 19i93Q2)
1. Collection services shall be provided on the following terms and conditions: (c) All letters will be prepared and mailed by D &B with enclosed turnaround documents and
return envelopes bearing the address specified by the customer.
fa) Reminder Service. A supply of two types of courteous reminders will be provided by D&B
at no additional charge for the customer's use on letters and statements. (d) All communications from the debtor or otters regarding payments. disputes or other matters
(b) Free Direct Demand Service. D &B will write and mail a demand letter to the debtor account. will be sent directly to the customer for response.
There will be no charge for payments received during the Free Direct Demand period provided (e) All remittance checks will be sent directly to the customer. No record maintenance functions
that the customer notifies D &B of its receipt of such payment during the period. The length will be performed by D68.
of the Free Direct Demand period for domestic claims will be designated by the customer but
may not exceed 10 days. For international claims the Free Direct Demand period will be 15 (f) The specified number of collection letters asking for the amount originally specified by the
days. No accounts shall be accepted for Free Direct Demand Service only. customer will be sent for each debtor account unless the customer gives D &B changes on
a timely basis.
(c) Supplementary Services. D &B will make additional efforts consisting of various types of
written demands for payment. Charges for domestic claims, contingent upon collection, are 4. If the customer is provided with Duns EZ-Link software, then D &8 grants the customer a
2546 of the first $401 to $3,000 collected; 20% of the next 63,001 to 615,000collected; and non - exclusive license to use the software and its documentation (the "Software ") for the term
15% of amounts collected in excess of 615,000; with minimum charges of 6100 on collections of this Agreement, subject to these terms. The Software is licensed AS IS without warranty
of $201 to $400 and 50% on collections of $200 or less. On accounts accepted by 0 &B where as to performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose and all risks of
the oldest invoice is more than one year old, a rate of 331% will be charged, unless otherwise performance are assumed by the customer. Payment of the Initial License Fee shall entitle
provided. For international claims. the charges, contingent upon collection, are: 25% of the the customer to all updates of the Software during the term of this Agreement. If the customer
first $5,000 collected and 20% of amounts collected in excess of $5,000. The above charges pays the Renewal License Fee then the term of this license shall renew for an additional year
may be revised on 30 days advance notice. In such event, the customer may continue this and D&B shall provide the customer with all updates during the renewal term. D &B may
Agreement in the revised basis or may terminate this Agreement in which event D&B shall terminate the license upon notice if the customer fails to comply with any of the terms and
refund the unearned balance of any amount paid. the customer shall not be entitled to any refund of the license fee. D&B may also terminate
this license upon notice in which event the customer shall be entitled to such a refund.
(d) Personal Collection Service. D &B will make additional efforts consisting of telephonic and/or .
personal demands for payment. Charges, contingent upon collection, are the same as those 5. For the purposes of this Agreement,
for Supplementary Service. 9 "past-due commercial ships or other are defined as past-
due against active corporations, partnerships, proprietorships or alter business s entities
arising out of a commercial transaction. All information furnished hereunder shall be held in
(e) Forwarding Service. D &B will forward accounts to attorneys on the customer's behalf and strict confidence and shall never be reproduced, revealed or made accessible in whole or in
will transmit and conduct the necessary correspondence with those to whom accounts are part, in any manner whatsoever, to any others unless required by law or unless the customer
forwarded, in accordance with the customer's instructions. For domestic claims, charges first obtains D &B's written consent; except that the customer may reveal to the subject of the
contingent upon collection for services of D &B and attorneys to whom accounts are forwarded information that D &B is a source of information about the subject and refer the subject to D88
are a combined 20% on collections over $3,000 and 27% on collections of $370 to $3,000; for the purpose of obtaining a copy of the information that D&B is providing regarding the
with minimum charges of 6100 on collections of 6200 to 6369 and 50% on collections under subject and reviewing the same. It is expressly understood that the customer shall neither
$200 There may be additional charges by attorneys when suits or other legal proceedings request information for the use of others nor permit requests to be made under this Agreement
we authonzed by the customer, consisting of an administrative charge. suit fee, advance costs by others. Neither may the information be used by the customer in connection with providing
and, in some instances, a retainer. D&B also reserves the right to charge an administrative advice or recommendations to others, it being understood that the information is only for the
tee for processing and handling of accounts forwarded to attorneys at the customer's request. customer's internal use. Without limiting the foregoing, none of the information furnished
For international claims, D&B's charges, contingent upon collection and independent of any hereunder may be used to create the whole or any part of any mailing list, telemarketing list,
charges levied by the customer's attorneys, are 15% of the amount collected; with minimum other marketing or research aid, or other data compilation which is to be sold or otherwise
charges of $22.50 on collections of 6100 to $150 and 221/2% of collections less than 6100. provided to any third party.
(f) D&B's services are available except where prohibited. The customer will be charged for 6. The customer acknowledges that D88 does not, and could not for the fees charged
accounts withdrawn or settled directly based upon the service the accounts are in at the time hereunder, guarantee or warrant the correctness, completeness, currentness,
D &B receives notice from the customer or otherwise learns of such event. Merchandise merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of Information. The customer also
accepted by the customer is considered an account settled direct. acknowledges that every business decision, to some degree or another, represents the
assumption of a risk and that DBB, in furnishing information, does not and cannot
(g) Circumstances may exist, for instance in connection with installment payments, where underwrite or assume the customer's risk, In any manner whatsoever. The customer
the extra expense and work involved in the collection of an account make the usual charges therefore agrees that 088 shat not be liable to the customer for any loss or Injury arising
set forth above inappropriate. In such event and with the customer's prior agreement an out of or caused, in whale or In part, by DiB's negligent acts or omissions In procuring,
additional charge may be made. compiling, i oilecti g, interpreting, reporting, communicating or delivering information.
(h) With respect to each account accepted by D &B or collections, it may make the collection 7. The customer agrees that 018 will not be liable for consequential damages, even if
itself or forward the account on behat of the customer to attorneys who are to be the customer's advised of the possibility of such damages. The customer also agrees that 018'.
attorneys. If the customer does not designate an attorney to whom an account is to be aggregate (lability, if any, for any and all losses or Injuries to the customer arising out
forwarded, D68 is hereby authorized to select an attorney and forward such account or of any acts or omissions of D/B in connection with anything to be done or fumished
accounts to the attorney so selected. Notwithstanding, D &B's performance of Forwarding hereunder, regardless of the cause of the loss or injury and regardless of the nature of
Service, the customer and the attorney shall be free at all times to communicate directly with the legal or equitable right claimed to have been violated, shall never exceed the amount
one another. It is expressly understood and acknowledged that such attorneys are not paid for the Information services furnished hereunder or $10,000 whichever is greater,
employed by 0&B but are the customer's attorneys. The customer agrees to indemnify and and the customer convenants and promises that It will not sue 0&B for an amount greater
hold D &B harmless from any loss, damage, or expense arising from or bearing on the acts than such sum.
or omissions of any such attorneys, or any claims with respect thereto.
8. With regard to domestic and international collection services only, this "•.greement shall
(i) D&B shall have the right to endorse for deposit and collection, in the name and behalf of begin on the date set forth on the front side hereof, shall continue for one year from such date
the customer. remittances received on accounts placed with it for collection and to deduct and shall automatically renew annually from year to year thereafter unless the customer or
from such remittances its authorized charges. D &B elects not to renew this Agreement for any such year by giving written notice of such
election at least 15 days prior to any anniversary date. D &8 shall give the customer written
(j) The customer agrees to indemnity and defend D&B from any loss or expense arising out notice of any increase in fees or charges or changes in these Terms of Agreement at least
of any preference claim made under applicable bankruptcy and insolvency laws with regard 30 days prior to each anniversary date. Customer's failure to object to any of such increases
to amounts collected by D &B for the Customer. or changes shall constitute customer's acceptance thereof. This Agreement is not binding
on D&8 until accepted by it. D &B may terminate this Agreement at any time and without prior
2. DebtScan service shall be provided on the following terms and conditions. notice in the event a breach thereof by the customer, or otherwise upon thirty days written
notice in which latter event 0 18 shall refund the unused balance of the amount paid by the
(a) The services to be provided shall apply only to commercial accounts. customer under this Agreement. 57
(b) In response to each DebtScan registration D &B will search its records of collection 9. If the terms of payment are otherwise tha ' • • in advance, and if any payment is no ode
experiences for each such account, and report the result of such search. D&B will also establish when due, then the entire amount s • mediately become due and payable upon notice.
register of those accounts. On a monthly basis thereafter, D &B shall search its records of The customer agrees to pay . • . able taxes, which are not included in the amounts shown
collection experiences for each registered account and shall report the results of such process. on the face of this Agr - . and which will be invoiced to the customer. D18 is not obligated
to give refunds f . , y unused units. The customer understands and agrees that what
(c) DebtScan charges are as follows (in DebtScan Units): it is contra for Is the availability, during the term hereof, of up to the number of
— To search at Inc time of Registration — 1 Unit Units ; • - • and any other services specified herein. If the customer uses more Units
e9 tha number contracted for at the beginning or during the term, then the customer
— To provide a report containing one or more collection experiences at time of registration — • ess to pay for them, on demand, at the Excess Unit Charge stated.
1 Unit
— To register an account and thereafter on a monthly basis have D&B search and report the 10. This Agreement applies to every information service and every business service provided
results of the search — 2 Units by D &B to the customer, whether or not specifically referred to in this Agreement, whether or
not furnished at additional cost or whether or not currently being furnished by D&B to its
3. DunsDemands service and DunsGram service shall be provided on the following terms and customers, unless it is furnished.pursuant to another written contract with D&B containing an
conditions: "entire agreement" or "merger" clause. This Agreement contains the entire and only agreement
between the customer and D&B regarding the subject matter hereof, and there are merged
(a) With DunsDemands service. D &B will write and mail up to three collection letters per debtor herein all prior and collateral representations, warranties, promises and conditions. Any
account. There will be a charge of one DunsDemand Unit for each debtor account submitted representation, warranty, promise and condition not incorporated herein shall not be binding
to D&B for this service. upon either party. No waiver or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding on either party
unless it is in writing and is signed by an authorized official of D&B and the customer.
(b) With DunsGram service. D&B will write and mail one collection letter per debtor account.
There will be a charge of one DunsGram Unit for each account submitted to D &B for this service.
•+' .,
D &B Commercial Collections
P.O. Box 723002 MINIM '� _
w �r •�• �r �■ N� a rr - -•■ ■wmw mow.
= =17 NINNY OMNI, Atlanta, GA 31139 -0002 _ _ _ _ O
manor row. goolmw .w.sow =ow ,.•-.•.�■ ~Mr ..rte ��
June 28. 1996
Debtor Name
Debtor Street
Debtor City, ST 00000
RE: Monroe County Emergency Medical Services
Ambulance Billing Department.
AMT: $ 000.00
Claim No: 069- 000000000*
Ref No: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
Dear Customer:
On the above referenced date medical services were rendered on your behalf incurring a charge of <03 >, as
reflected by past invoices and billings. Inasmuch as your account is now ninety (90) days past due, the Emergency
Medical Service of Monroe County is considering turning your account over to the State Department of Banking
and Finance for collection action pursuant to statuary authority. Your account may be turned over to a collection
agency or the State Attorney for prosecution. If your account is turned over, you may be liable, in addition to the
cost of services already rendered, for court costs, reasonable attorney's fees and interest for nonpayment of your
Collection efforts may result in judgments, garnishment of wages, and liens on personal property. You have thirty
(30) days from the date of receipt of this letter to contact the Credit and Collections Department at (305) 289 -6003.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
DUN & BRADSTREET Commercial Collections
Debtor Name
Debtor City, ST 00000
Amt: $ 000.00
Claim No: 069- 000000000*
Ref No: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
Monroe County Emergency Medical Services
Ambulance Billing Department
490 63rd Street, Ocean, Suite 175
Marathon, FL 33050
EFL. _ _- - - = •c = - s
11 DU & Bradstreet
• ‘ r ' lie savable Management Vices SERVICE AGREEMENT
Thrnuni "endslrect « porahon
NEW For one year beginning 0 7 _ , 19 96 (except with regard to domestic and international collection services, which
are dealt with in Paragraph 8 of the Terms of Agreement on the reverse side hereof) the undersigned customer hereby employs
Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. ( "D &B ") to perform the services selected below and agrees to pay, in advance, for these services:
RENEWAL Continue our Agreement for another year from date of expiration in the amount shown below:
SUPPLEMENT Supplement our current Agreement dated , 19 to cover the services indicated below:
E COLLECTION The customer employs the Commercial Collection division of D&B to collect past-
SERVICES — due commercial accounts in the U.S. in accordance with this Agreement and - 7 r1
Domestic agrees to pay the applicable annual charges in advance. The initial annual charge shall be Ch _
$ for service at the address shown below and S for service Z P 1
at the (#) branch locations listed on an attachment hereto. ,- -- O C
C7 --r1
COLLECTION The customer employs D68 (through Dun & Bradstreet International) to collect past -
SERVICES — due commercial accounts outside the U.S. in accordance with this Agreement and N
International agrees to pay the applicable annual charges in advance. The initial annual charge ^;
shall be $ for service at the address shown below and $ r-i
for service at the (#) branch locations listed on an attachment hereto. $. W (7',
DEBTSCAN• The customer agrees to pay, in advance, for the availability and use of up to OT '.:7
DebtScan Units at $ each.
(Excess Unit Charge - $ each). $
I DUNSDEMANDS' The cyy��stomer agrees to pay, Bd7GG-Nat,fpLthe availability and use of up to
DUNSDEMANDS 1 5 Units at $ 0 Q each.
PLUS DunsDemands Plus Units at $ each.
(Excess Unit Charge - $ each). $ 1,500.00 {
DUNSGRAM' The customer agrees to pay, in advance, for the availability and use of up to j
DunsGrams Units at $ each.
(Excess Unit Charge - $ each). $
X: Duns EZ - Link' The customer elects to obtain a license to use the Duns EZ -Link software subject to
the terms on the reverse side and agrees to pay D&B the license fees shown.
Initial License Fee $ NO CHARGE
Renewal License Fee $ $ TNCLUDED
CUSTOMER Receivable Management Clinics (based on no more than attendees each at
TRAINING $ _ each. Extra attendees at $ each).
Video Training Programs — at $ each
ET ' I1( N Specify:
, oG p N: $
E� z. )/ft ADVANCE . 1,500.00
, r Stfi y...y4,. yom � r 1 �1yy� ��y 1 od y�y�y�y
, - - �. ; ta �� R 1�C' oc
f 9y.
Accepted: et
DUN opted: STREET.INC perry Name of Company _Monroe Cty. Board of Cty. Commission
q ../9 -4(, Mailing Address 490 6 3rd St, -1 Suite 175 _
� /�� city Marathon � e zip ..>,. t it 'k Phone No. L:" Al Agr Date Authorized Signature ,!�I /�� III elf
/red 4 tot� /4SS
SPECIAL TERMS RE: A bu ar / partment nL _ - .
E l• / D AS TO F at7
s (\ % Z Ce> B , /�/
GOO � S /, v RO: ERT . ` ....../ 8S-19 (93021
n wrr
,r •
• 1. Collection services shall be provided on the following terms and conditions: (c) All letters will be prepared and mailed by D&B with enclosed turnaround documents and
(a) Reminder Service. A s return envelopes bearing the address specified by the customer.
for the � s use on letters statse�be provided by 088
' at no additional charge (d) AM communications from the debtor or others regrding payments, disputes or other matters
wile be sent directly to the customer for response.
' (b) Free Direct Demand Service. DM wile write and mail a demand letter to the debts account.
There will be no charge for payments received during the Free Dirt Demand period provided (e) AN remittance checks will be sent directly to the customer. No record maintenance functions
that the customer notifies D&B of its receipt of such payment during the period. The length wiN be performed by D &B.
of the Free Direct Demand period for domestic claims will be designated by the customer but
may not exceed 10 days. For international claims the Free Direct Demand period will be 15 (f) The specified number of collection letters asking for the amount originally specified by the
days. No accounts shall be accepted for Free Direct Demand Service only. customer will be sent for each debtor account unless the customer gives 0&B changes on
a timely basis.
(c) Supplementary Services. D&B will make additional efforts consisting of various types of
written demands for payment. Charges for domestic claims, contingent upon collection, are 4. If the customer is provided with Duns EZ -Link software, then D &B grants the customer a
25% of the first $401 to $3,000 collected; 20% of the next $3,001 to $15,000 collected; and non - exclusive license to use the software and its documentation (the "Software ") for the term
15% of amounts collected in excess of $15,000; with minimum charges of S100 on collections of this Agreement, subject to these terms. The Software is licensed "AS IS" without warranty
of $201 to $400 and 50% on collections of $200 or less. On accounts accepted by D&B where as to performance, merchantability fitness for an of
the oldest invoice is more than one year old, a rate of 33 will be charged, unless otherwise performance are assumed H any � purpose and all l e n s le
provided. For international claims. the charges, contingent upon of the customer. Payment of the this Agreement. Fee shall entitle•
ges, ngen porn collection, are: 25% of the the customer to ale updates o the Software during the term of this Agreement. lf the customer
first $5,000 collected and 20% of amounts collected in excess of $5,000. The above charges pays the Renewal License Fee then the term of this license shall renew for an additional year
may be revised on 30 days advance notice. In such event, the customer may continue this and D&B shall provide the customer with all updates during the renewal term. D &B may
Agreement in the revised basis or may terminate this Agreement in which event D&B shall terminate the license upon notice if the customer fails to comply with any of the terms and
refund the unearned balance of any amount paid. the customer shall not be entitled to any refund of the license fee. D &B may also terminate
this license upon notice in which event the customer shall be entitled to such a refund.
(d) Personal Collection Service. D &B will make additional efforts consisting of telephonic and/or
personal demands for payment. Charges, contingent upon collection, are the same as those 5. For the purposes of this Agreement, "past -due commercial accounts" are defined as past-
' for Supplementary Service. due claims nst active
agai corporations, partnerships. proprietorships or other business entities
arising out of a commercial transaction. All information furnished hereunder shall be held in
(e) Forwarding Service. D &B will forward accounts to attorneys on the customer's behalf and strict confidence and shall never be reproduced, revealed or made accessible in whole or in
will transmit and conduct the necessary correspondence with those to whom accounts are part, in any manner whatsoever, to any others unless required by law or unless the customer
forwarded, in accordance with the customer's instructions. Fo domestic claims, charges first obtains D &B's written consent; except that the customer may reveal to the subject of the
contingent upon collection for services of D&B and attorneys to whom accounts are forwarded information that D&B is a source of information about the subject and refer the subject to D &B
are a combined 20% on collections over $3,000 and 27% on collections of $370 to $3,000; for the purpose of obtaining a copy of the information that D&B ie providing regarding the
with minimum charges of S100 on collections of S200 to $369 and 50% on collections under subject and reviewing the same. It is expressly understood that the customer shall neither
S200. There may be additional charges by attorneys when suits Of other legal proceedings request information for the use of others nor mit requests equesls to be made under this Agreement
are authorized by the customer, consisting of an administrative charge, suit fee, advance costs by others. Neither may the information be used by the customer in connection with providing
and, in some instances, a retainer. D &B also reserves the right to charge an administrative advice or recommendations to others, it being understood that the information is only for the
fee for processing and handling of accounts forwarded to attorneys at the customer's request. customer's internal use. Without limiting the foregoing, none of the information furnished
For international claims, D &B's charges, contingent upon collection and independent of any hereunder may be used to create the whole or any part of any mailing list, telemarketing list.
charges levied by the customer's attorneys, are 15% of the amount collected; with minimum other marketing or research aid, or other data compilation which is to be sold or otherwise
charges of $22.50 on collections of S100 to $150 and 221/2% of collections less than $100. provided to any third party.
(f) D &B's services are available except where prohibited. The customer will be charged for 6. The customer acknowledges that D88 does not, and could not for the fees charged
accounts withdrawn or settled directly based upon the service the accounts are in at the time hereunder, guarantee or warrant the correctness, completeness, currentness,
D&B receives notice from the customer a otherwise learns of such event. Merchandise merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of information. The customer also
accepted by the customer is considered an account settled direct. acknowledges that every business decision, to some degree or another, represents the
assumption of a risk and that 08B, in turnlehhq information, doss not and cannot
(g) Circumstances may exist, for instance in connection with installment payments, where underwrite or assume the customer's risk, In any manner whatsoever. The customer
the extra expense and work involved in the collection of an account make the usual charges therefore agrees that 08B shale not be liable to the customer for any loss or Injury arising
set forth above inappropriate. In such event and with the customer's prior agreement an out of or caused, In whole or In part, by 0811's negligent sets or omissions in procuring,
additional charge may be made. compiling, collecting, interpreting, reporting, communicating or delivering information
(h) With respect to each account accepted by D&8 or collections, it may make the collection 7. The customer agrees that D&B will not be Noble for consequential damages. even if
itself or forward the account on behalf of the customer to attorneys who are to be the customer's advised of the possibility of such damages. The customer also agrees that D&B' a
attorneys. 11 the customer does not designate an attorney to whom an account is to be aggregate liability, if any, for any and all losses or injuries to the customer arising out
forwarded, D &8 is hereby authorized to select an attorney and forward such account or of any acts or omissions of Die in connection with anything to be doe or furnished
accounts to the attorney so selected. Notwithstanding, D &B's performance of Forwarding hereunder, regardless of the cause of the loss or injury and regardless of the nature of
Service, the customer and the attorney shall be free at all times to communicate directly with the legal or equitable right el.lm.d to have been violeyd, Neff never exceed the amount
one another. It is expressly understood and acknowledged that such attorneys are not paid for the information services furnished hereunder or 510,000 whichever is greeter,
employed by D&B but are the customer's attorneys. The customer agrees to indemnify and and the custoneroonvenents and promises that it will not sue D&B for an amount greater
hold D&B harmless from any loss, damage, or expense arising from or bearing on the acts than such sum.
or omissions of any such attorneys, or any claims with respect thereto.
8. With regard to domestic and international collection services only, this Agreement shall
(i) D&B shall have the right to endorse for deposit and collection, in the name and behalf of begin on the date set forth on the front side hereof, shall continue for one year from such date
the customer, remittances received on accounts placed with it for collection and to deduct and shall automatically renew annually from year to year thereafter unless the customer or
from such remittances its authorized charges. D&B elects not to renew this Agreement for any such year by giving written notice of such
election at least 15 days prior to any anniversary date. D18 shall give the customer written
(j) The customer agrees to indemnify and defend D &B from any loss or expense arising out notice of any increase in fees or charges or changes in these Terms of Agreement at least
of any preference claim made under applicable bankruptcy and insolvency laws with regard 30 days prior to each anniversary date. Customer's failure to object to any of such increases
to amounts collected by 0&B for the Customer. or changes shall constitute customer's acceptance thereof. This Agreement is not binding
on D &B until accepted by it. D &B may terminate this Agreement at any time and without prior
2. DebtScan service shall be provided on the following terms and conditions. notice in the event a breach thereof by the customer, or otherwise upon thirty days written
notice in which latter event 1318 shall refund the unused balance of the amount paid by the
(a) The services to be provided shall apply only to commercial accounts. customer under this Agreement.
(b) In response to each DebtScan registration D&B will search its records of collection 9. terms of payment are otherwise than in full in advance, and if any payment is not ma..
experiences for each such account, and report the result of such search. D&B will also establish when . , - - • he entire amount shall immediately become due and payable upon notice.
a register of those accounts. On a monthly basis thereafter, D&B shall search its records of The customer agr:'_ • • pay applicable taxes, which are not included in the amounts shown
collection experiences for each registered account and shall report the results of such process. on the face of this Agr- - - , • which will be invoiced to the customer. D&B is not obligated
to give refunds for any unu • • TM customer understands and agrees that what
(c) DebtScan charges are as follows (in DebtScan Units): it is contracting for is the availability, • • -. • the term hereof, of up to the number of
Units specified and any other services • ' . . • • customer uses more Units
— To search at the time of Registration — 1 Unit than the number contracted for at the beginning or during tin „ he customer
— To provide a report containing one o more collection experiences at time of registration — agrees to pay for them, on demand, at the Excess Unit Charge stated.
1 Unit
— To register an account and thereafter on a monthly basis have D&B search and report the 10. This Agreement applies to every information service and every business service provided
results of the search — 2 Units by D&B to the customer, whether or not specifically referred to in this Agreement, whether or
not furnished at additional cost or whether or not currently being furnished by 0413 to its
3. DunsDemands service and DunsGram service shall be provided on the following terms and customers, unless it is furnished pursuant to another written contract with D&8 containing an
conditions: "entire agreement” or "merger" clause. This Agreement contains the entire and only agreement
between the customer and D&B regarding the subject matter hereof, and there are merged
(a) With DunsDemands service, D &B will write and mail up to three collection letters per debtor herein all prior and collateral representations, warranties, promises and conditions. Any
account. There will be a charge of one DunsDemard Unit for each debtor account submitted representation, warranty, promise and condition not incorporated herein shall not be binding
to D &8 for this service. upon either party. No waiver or amendment of this Agreement shalt be binding on either party
unless it is in writing and is signed by an authorized official of D &B and the customer.
(b) With DunsGram service. D &B will write and mail one collection letter per debtor account.
There will be a charge of one DunsGram Unit for each account submitted to (MB for this service.
- . Dur Bradstreet
Receivable Management Saves
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Dun &Bradstreet
Receivable Management Services
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D &B Commercial Collections
P.O. Box 723002
Atlanta, GA 31139 -0002 -
June 28, 1996
Debtor Name
Debtor Street
Debtor City, ST 00000 '
RE: Monroe County Emergency Medical Services
Ambulance Billing Department.
AMT: $ 000.00
Claim No: 069-000000000*
Ref No: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
Dear Gentlemen:
Your payment has not been received by The Monroe County Emergency Medical Services,
Ambulance Billing Department, and they have asked us to emphasize that this account must be
concluded without further delay
Therefore, it is vital that your check, for the full amount owing, be sent directly to your creditor
so it reaches their office by <05 >. <95>
If you have any questions regarding this account, please call the credit and collection department
at 305 -289 -6003.
DUN & BRADSTREET Commercial Collections
Debtor Name
Claim No: 069 - 000000000*
Ref. No: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
Monroe County Emergency Medical Services
Ambulance Billing Department
490 63rd Street, Ocean
Suite 175
Marathon, FL 33050
17R -1SF (9407)
Dun &Bradstreet
Receivable Management Services
�1� BB Rom 7 of
lfic WnB endstrcct COrporatam
08.8 Commercial Collections
P.O. Box 723002
Atlanta, GA 31139 -0002
June 28, 1996
Debtor Name
Debtor Street
Debtor City, ST 00000
RE: Monroe County Emergency Medical Services
Ambulance Billing Department.
AMT: $ 000.00
Claim No: 069-000000000*
Ref No: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
Dear Gentlemen:
You have been granted ample time to pay this account which remains considerably past due.
Again, on behalf of Monroe County Emergency Medical Services, Ambulance Billing
Department, we request your immediate attention to this urgent matter. Please send your check
for the amount indicated above directly to the creditor TODAY.
If you have any questions regarding this account, please contact the Credit and Collections
Department at 305- 289 -6003
DUN & BRADSTREET Commercial Collections
Debtor Name
Claim No: 069 - 000000000*
Ref. No: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
Monroe County Emergency Medical Services
Ambulance Billing Department
490 63rd Street, Ocean
Suite 175
Marathon, FL 33050
17R -1SF (9407)
D &B Commercial Collections ,r...�.,�
P.O. Box 723002 ,:'�•�..:C' C i ow Atlanta, GA 31139-0002 w `�
.. �r r�� +rte �► i
Debtor Name
Debtor Street
Debtor City, ST 00000
RE: Monroe County Emergency Medical Services
Ambulance Billing Department.
AMT: $ 000.00
Claim No: 069- 000000000*
Ref. No: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
Dear Customer:
On the above referenced date medical services were rendered on your behalf incurring a charge of <03 >, as
reflected by past invoices and billings. Inasmuch as your account is now ninety (90) days past due, the Emergency
Medical Service of Monroe County is considering turning your account over to the State Department of Banking
and Finance for collection action pursuant to statuary authority. Your account may be turned over to a collection
agency or the State Attorney for prosecution. If your account is turned over, you may be liable, in addition to the
cost of services already rendered, for court costs, reasonable attorney's fees and interest for nonpayment of your
Collection efforts may result in judgments, garnishment of wages, and liens on personal property. You have thirty
(30) days from the date of receipt of this letter to contact the Credit and Collections Department at (305) 289 -6003.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
DUN & BRADSTREET Commercial Collections
Debtor Name
Debtor City, ST 00000
Amt: $ 000.00,'
Claim No: 069-000000000*
Ref. No: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ??
Monroe County Emergency Medical Services
Ambulance Billing Department
490 63rd Street, Ocean, Suite 175
Marathon, FL 33050