Ordinance 025-1998 Contractors Examining Board ORDINANCE NO 025 -1998 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MONROE COUNTY CODE CHAPTER 6, ADDING THREE PUBLIC MEMBERS TO THE CONTRACTORS EXAMINING . BOARD; PROVIDING AUTHORITY FOR THE FINE FOR UNLICENSED ACTIVITY TO BE REDUCED TO NO LESS THAN $100; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING AN EgEGBVE2 '?9 DATE = -"x p* FL' `mac, n i rTl C- m�r,-<: c,. r- s 1 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE Y1TY, TLORgA, --tnQ -17 that: :<-..f= tv. o Section 1. Section 6-83, Monroe County Code is hereby amendine byrnacangie following: (7) Three (3) persons who are not and have never been, engaged in any of the occupations for which licensing is required under this chapter and who are not engaged in any related profession. Section 2. Section 6-84(a), Monroe County Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (a) The examining board shall consist of eight (8) regular voting members and one (1) alternate voting member appointed by the board of county commissioners. The building official or his designated agent shall serve as secretary to the board and shall have no vote. Legal counsel shall be furnished by the county attorney or his designated representative. The members of the board shall be proportionately representative of the trade or trades related to the subject matter concerned in the examination and qualifications, and professions within and connected with the particular trades concerned shall be represented. The eight (8) regular member composition shall, at all times, include at least one (1) representative from each of the Lower, Middle and Upper Keys of Monroe County. No member of the examining board shall receive any compensation for duties involved. Section 3. Section 6-84(b), Monroe County Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (b) No officer, director or administrator of a Florida state, county or regional professional or occupational organization or association, while holding such position, shall be eligible to serve as a member or the examining board for the profession or occupation. Each regular member who is a licensed contractor shall have five (5) years of active participation in his respective field and shall be currently involved as a licensed contractor in that field to qualify for appointment. The alternate member shall be a prior member of the contractor's examining board and shall be currently involved as a licensed contractor. Section 4. Section 6-87(d) is hereby amended to read: (d) Five (5) members of the board shall constitute a quorum at any meeting, and a majority vote of the members voting shall be required to make any decision. Section 5. Section 6-90(b)(6), is hereby amending by adding the following: is hereby amending by adding the following: (6) The contractor's examining board may impose an administrative fine for the acts prohibited in paragraphs (1) and (2) upon a finding of violation when a citation is contested. Pursuant to this paragraph, the board shall conduct a probable cause hearing as to the alleged violation. Upon a finding that a violation, has occurred the board shall impose a civil penalty of no less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) or no more than the amount designated in the above schedule and may assess costs of the proceedings, including but not limited to costs of personnel, equipment and supplies necessary to process the appeal, not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) in addition to the fine specified in paragraph (4)g. Section 6. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected by such invalidity. Section 7. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. , Sectiori 8. The provisions of this ordinance shall be included and incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the County of Monroe, Florida, as an addition or amendment thereto, and shall be appropriately renumbered to conform to the uniform numbering system of the Code. Section 9. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon receipt of official notice from the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of Florida that this ordinance has been filed with said Office. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 9th day of September, 1998. Mayor Jack London yes Commissioner Keith Douglass yes Commissioner Shirley Freeman yes Commissioner Wilhelmina Harvey yes Commissioner Mary Kay Reich yes (SEAL)t_ ,.,; , �t �.1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ' j Attest: DAN �,' . ��-` GE, Clerk OF MON COUNTY, FLORIDA By � By Deputy Clerk Mayor/Chairman jordiceb8a APPROVED AS TO FOR AND L SUFFICI BY ANNE TON DATE /67F4 .Y .ann!' I. Itolbage ! J$'omCE 88820 OVERSEAS GHW A Y PLANTATION KEY, FLO DA 33070 TEL. (005) 852-7145 FAX (305) 852-7146 BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS ffiGHWA Y MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 289-6027 FAX (305) 289-1745 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY : 500 WHITEHEAD SlREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 292-3550 FAX (305) 295-3660 October 6, 1998 Mrs. Liz Cloud, Chief Bureau of Administrative Code and Laws The Elliott Building 401 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 Dear Mrs. Cloud:. Enclosed please find a certified copy of Ordinance No. 025- 1998 amending Monroe County Code 6, adding three public members to the Contractors Examining Board; providing authority for the fine for unlicensed activity to be reduced to no less than $~OO; Providing for severability; Providing for the repeal of all i Ordinances inconsistent herewith; providing for incorporation into the Monroe County Code of Ordinances; and providing an effective date. This Ordinance was adopted by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners at a Regular Meeting in formal session on September 9, 1998. Please file for record. Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners By: Isabel C. DeSantis '-~J,~"L L. Du~ ct-4~) Deputy Clerk' cc: Municipal Code Corporation County Administrator County Attorney Growth Management Director Community Services Director File " " P 381 826 479 ~ Receipt for - Certified Mail ,. No Insurance Coverage Provided '= Do not LIse for International Mail POsmSE_V"" (See Reversel 5/fJ Ct-n Ie.. <t St7>.ac, ~o dojL PrJ?nd Z'~L r)ostage Certified Fee P.:381 826 47a ~ - UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mail (See Reversel -- 52;'z C/D~~ Ch ,'e StlJ1:t and Nrr /Z/J ~t>1 ,jO. /" o/)rof!.. P7~,a/!.d ZIP ~/. Postage Certifted Fee ~ ~ en en en en Q) Q) C c: ::J ::J -, -, 0 0 0 0 CO CO CO) CO) E E <5 <5 ~ ~ (f) 01',.1. oas-/99" (f) ~ ~ CJ o 3 CD !e- o' :0 ~ S; ~ :0 CD (') CD -S ~ 9- '8 ffil ~ O.l en ~ c. is. ~ ::!. CD iir II) n. III CD l/J CD CD ! c. CD o O~ 0 l/J- 0- g~~ O~CIl i-.~'~ o ~ a -< iil & ~ Zl Thank you for using Return Receipt Service. !JD ::;; Ql .Q c: ~ ~ compleWd on the rever.. side? "'b ~ ~ . f::. a \:) ~ g. ~ ~ CD l/J l/J CIl ~ ?r ~ ~ ~ (\. ~ ... () ~. 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R J 1a ~ :t3 CT b> .s; sO' CIl CIl::s!'J~ _ ~..., UJ ; i t> ~OO i ~ R ~ I Oo~~ ~ :- O~~ ~ R o ~ ~ iil & & l: Thank you for using Return Receipt Service. .. f; > a n iD z c: 3 0 CT 0 !'J :-" ~ ~ ~ "8 'i '" l/J ~ s. i ! a- l? .... = - < CIl lD !D -< CIl-- ~~l!!. ~i.~ CIl::s::E CIllC -. ...... l/J "I~ s.~ ~lll "'CIl ~~. ....g ~CD CIl-- ~~l!!. iil~~ it S' ::e CD lC -. ...... l/J "l/J~ CIl_ <0 ci" CD CIln l/JCIl .-:;:<" OlD ;:;: ::sCll 00 "0 :::. ~ il "S ::;; ! = ~ .. .. ._~" n"."""'" r If TV B r IJ7r DP"ISIONS OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Office of !l:Je Secretary Division of Administrative Services Division of Corporations Division of Cultural Affairs Division of Elections Division of Historical Resources Division of Library and Information Services Division of Licensing MEMBER OF THE FLORIDA CABINET FWRIDA DEPARrMENT OF STATE Sandra B. Mortbam Secretary of State DIVISION OF ELECTIONS HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARDS Historic Florida Keys Preservation Board Historic Palm Beach County Preservation Board Historic Pensacola Preservation Board Historic St. Augustine Preservation Board Historic Tallahassee Preservation Board Historic TampalHillsborough County Preservation Board RING LING MUSEUM OF ART October 12, 1998 Honorable Danny L Kolhage Clerk to Board of County Commissioners Monroe County 500 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Kolhage: Pursuant to the provisions of Section 125.66, Florida Statutes, this will acknowledge your five letters dated October 6, 1998 and certified copy each of Monroe County Ordinance No. 98-25, 98-26, 98-27, 98-28, and 98-29, which were filed in this office on October 12, 1998. Sincerely, Liz~e~ Bureau of Administrative Code LC/mw BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATIVE CODE The ElIiot Building . 401 South Monroe Street . Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 . (850) 488-8427 FAX: (850) 488-7869 . WWW Address: http://www.dos.state.fl.us . E-Mail: election@mail.dos.state.fl.us MUN!CIPML CUDL L0K~UKM' IJ~ C'Jsto~pr Service;; f{l ttO\ .2235 ;11~.;s"er ,; ,I{I( SIJ[.pl?m~nt 00 1 L, 'F! Up ~~ve recelVE~ ~:~F ii,~~i= ~h;;k '/uU t(c'( i;:l1.i7 a!:.S1Staiil':';: .':"'" - ~." !O, ~ ~ . . . l."'},::': 0:->'-\ Jfcnnc.!"il:e r~c:;. :;s:,:-,-. ..., I'.. . 'lb- ~<j~j ;rl'J J ~. ... :1 :',', ~ i.~8i)(J-262-ib.;J ;Ji;~~.~;i,,~l ~ ::),=no jc.u'( olt.lnaj'jf.p:p t;-l or~:.:~ -.- M' -~,-.. ~isit our ho;e page at ntlD:li.Y~ ~cG!(GjD,~n. LDO~.lNtJ F(Ji~ A ~~lrCIF L_. Li~;'C ri~t~;,;- irof 1.;iN r;f~t:'-' ~ ASK OuR SA"Pl~ u~u!~ANCE DtPRRf"EN! fJR ;~f ~2Ecj addltlc,r,,;l cop I E;::. r,;'.C,;,\~ ;.. '"". i::! f a~u~ r ;~.~ ~ t ~;~~; "~f'~;:' 1 ~~'; i !,: ; ,:,=,;~;! f T~;=, : ,~~~. - -..- ---' ._- -- -- ------'- ~- --- --.- ----- -- --. r}(.n: ~:;. .. . _.,. - -" -- ,_"..i.,o..,.. ',~;: S ":. ~ 1. "~;; 7. 1 =. ~";._";u:.. ; I.. II.. 1".11 "" 1..111"..11. .1.1.1. .1... .1l1f".II.,,". "I Published Daily Key West, Monroe County, Florida 33040 1"Tl~-< ("?' 1- 0(")' C::;oA :Z. 0 -1("'), :<-I:I: . :;p. '"T'\ C> r rn l> J]oCC \D .." Q) ,- o f"l"1 ~ 0 N .." C7\ C) :::0 :::0 rr1 n o :::0 o -0 :It N .'. en .&- ST A TE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE Before the undersigned ~uthority personally appeared Randy G. Erickson, who on oath says that he is Advertising Director of the Key West Citizen, a daily newspaper published at Key West in Monroe County, Florida, that the attached copy of the advertisement, being a legal notice in the matter of I . NoticE OJ: -;t;vjfrv1/c;w AD[)H~.A,- 1H~~'i.. Pv..- (!, tA.,( vY-> t jh') 8 t .es In the r/Gc.,... Courtr~a~'yblished in said newspaper in the issues of /fit?'" s.+ I? J ;)'I} I VI <1,Jf Affiant further says that The Key West Citizen is a newspaper published in Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida, each day (except Saturdays and specified holidays) and has been entered as second-class mail matter a the post office in Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida, for a period of 1 year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper ~r--- Signature of Affiant Sworn and subscribed before me this (1J- day of ~ ' 1998 1~nal!:t'iry ~~. Notary Seal Expires September J 7th 2000 Personally ~nown X Produced Identification Type of JdcntificaliOl, Produced ......;J~~:f;;.""" ' !":'A' "~0\ Teresa Gayle Dar/ing -'. '.. MY ~~" .~~l COMMISSION # CC585942 EXPIRES 'I.(;,...~,.~ SePtember 17, 2000 ..""fl" BONDED THRU TROY FA IN INSURANCE, INC. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CON- SIDER ADOPTION OF COUNTY • ORDINANCE NOTICE IS' HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN that on Wednesday, September 9, 1998, at 110:00 AM at the;Marathon Govern- ment Center,2798 Overseas High- way, Marathon, Monroe County, Florida, the Board of County Corn- missioners of Monroe County, Flor- ida, intends to consider the adoption of the following County ordinance: ' ;AN ORDNANCE AMENDING MON- ROE COUNTY CODE CHAPTER 6, ADDING THREE PUBLIC MEM- BERS TO THE CONTRACTORS EX- i IAMINING BOARD; PROVIDING , FOR AUTHORITY FOR THE FINE j FOR UNLICENSED ACTIVITY TO BE REDUCED TO NO LESS THAN° r$100; PROVIDING FOR SEVER- 'ABILITY;PROVIDING FOR THE RE- PEAL OF ORDINANCES INCON- SISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Flor- • ida Statutes, notice is given that if a , person decides to appeal any deci- sion made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at such hearings or meetings, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose,he may need to en- sure that a verbatim record of the ' I proceedings is made, which record ' includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be ' based. Copies of the above-referenced ordi-' i nance are available for review at the various public libraries in Monroe County,Florida. - DATED at Key West,this 17th day of August,1998. • DANNY L.KOLHAGE Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex offi- cio Clerk-of the Board of_County. , Commissioners of Monroe County, , Florida August 17th&21 st.199R _- _ - . 074 Serving the Florida Keys P.O. Box 1197 • Tavernier, Florida 33070-1197 (305) 852-3216 Fax: (305) 852-8249 STATEMENT OF PROOF OF PUBLICATION USPS#905580 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF MONROE ) Before the undersigned authority personally appeared DONNA STUTTS, who on oath, says that she is PUBLISHER of THE REPORTER, a weekly newspaper entitled.to publish legal advertising published at Tavernier, Monroe County, Florida: that the attached copy of advertisement, being a legal ad. NOTI.CE OF INTENTION TO CONSIDER, 8/20.&18/27/98 Affiantfurther says that the said REPORTER is a newspaper published at Tavernier,in said Monroe County, Florida,and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in the said Monroe County, Florida, each week (on Thursday), and has been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Tavernier, in said County of Monroe; Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any firm,person,or corporation any discount, rebate,commission or refund for the purpose of securing this said advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. SEAL SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS 27TH DAY OF AUGUST, A.D. , 1998 NOTARY PUBLIC oak, DAVEE R DOVE MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: -+- my commjs�s(on(rm:418n *.Z5I -rr•* Expires Feb.05,1999 8 :;? Bonded by ANB �41E0?Ft0) 800-852-5878 r NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CONSIDER ADOP- TION OF COUNTY ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TOWHOMIT MAY CONCERN !halon Wednesday. SePtember 9, 1998. allO:OO AM at the Marathon Government Cenler, 2798 Overseas Hig/1wlly, Mirathon, Monroe County. florida, the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County. Florida, intends to consider the adoption of the . following County ordinance: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MONROE COUNTY CODE CHAP- TER 6. ADDING THREE PUBLIC MEMBERS TO THE CONTRACTORS EXAMINING. QOARD; PROVIDING AUTHORITY FOR THE FINE FOR UNLICENSED ACTIVITY TO BE REDUCED TO NO LESS THAN $100; I'ROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL 01' ALL . ORDINANCES INCONSIS- TENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF OIU>INANCES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Pursuanl 10 Section. . 286.0IOS. Florida Statutes. nOlice is given that if a pl:lSOn decided to appeal any decision made by the Board with respcc:t.t<l lliy malter considerec,tat such he~ings or m~~lM: Will need 10 . ens~;lI\ldi.Verbatim record of~P~hgs i~made. whiChr'eeofd includes the lestimonyl\tld evidence upQI1 which the appl:al is 10 be based. Copies of the above- referenced ordinance are available for review at Ihe various public libraries in Monroe Counly. Florida. Dated at Key West, Florida, this 17th day of August, 1998. DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex-ofticio Clerk ofthe Board of Counly Commis- sioners of Monroe Counly. Florida Published: 8/20 It 8/27/98 The Reporter Tavernier, FL PROOF OF PUBLICATION '" _... .... . THE FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER Pu blished Twice Weekly MARATHON, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA r :! "'-- '-' 0 ""'" "' :z :t> -- ;= :::0("') Z 5!...... ....... o,-z ........ .... M~-( ..... 0 ("'). 1_ N ." C)('''}. 0- 0 5::0 ;:!" :::0 ........ 0 -0 -l.....,- __ ::0 :< ;:..i::r: ....... f'T1 ." ':t> N ('") r-C') - 0 :t> Mat :::0 . . II Tom Schumaker . h W ~ . Before the underSIgned authority personay appeared _________~_____ who on oat ,says<Dat he/she IS "'" STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF MONROE) Publisher of the FLORIDA' KEYS KEYNOTER, a twice weekly newspaper published at MARATHON. Notice of Intention ------------- in MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA; that the attached copy of advertisement, being to Consider Adoption of County Ordinance - ~ontractor's Board in the IN THE MATTER OF: August 22, 29, 1998 __=~_~ ('"~lIl't Will published in said newspaper in t~! ~~_sues of -_..__.._---_......~----------..----- ----------------------------- AlIiant further says that the said FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER is a newspaper at MARATHON, iQ said MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, and that the said news- paper has heretofore been continuously published in said MONROE COUN- TY. FLORIDA, twice each week (on Wednesday and Saturday) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in MARATHON, in said MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, for a period of one year next prccedinl the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and alfiantfur- ther says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm, or corpo- ration any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of secur- ing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper.(SEAL) (seal) SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS 31st DA Y OF August A.D. 19 98 -------------- :.. ----------------. 1 no.8220aoQ , ~.==li COUNTY ORDINANCE .~'.:t~~N~ . r tit ,::.lttfJl:-:'::--:: them Government CMteI'. 2798 ~lr":C~~~ &o.d of eounw.Commi..iDn- .... of UQnroe eo..nty. FloridIl. =.:~~~~ ~.diMnce: ',~'N~~= :~MEM""S TO THE , CONl'RACTOR$:.E)(AMINtNG t~':flYJ:W:t...~: 'UNSED ACTIVITY TO BE AE- . DUCED TO NO US$ THAN .5100; PRGMDING FOR $EV- ERA8lUTY: PROVIDING FOR ""THE . Ra'EAL c:w All 0RDf;. .'NANCES . INCONSISTENT HEREWITH: PAOVlOI~ FOR .I1\ICORPORATION >INTO THE .~ COUNTY COOE Of:' ~N<lE8;N1D PROVIO- .~ANEf'FEf:TtVE DATE. -:- ~ ..- .. . '.. -' . ..- . . . . F~.to $ectiC.n 2B8;0105. . Iciride Statutes..~ Is giv8n that if a perSOtl -.:ided to ap- ~lInY dec:isio!t:made by the tarCol'=~tg...~~ ~~afMClfd. ~. ;::::'= -an.... .... a wrbatim record of thaPfClC4Mldinosil!m.. which .ftCOrdo inc:luINstha testimony IIl'ld avidei1Ctt upon. Wbichtha appeal iuo be based. ~~.':,~~~ view at the vario... public librar- ies in Monroe County. FIDrida. Datad .at Key W..t. Florida. this 17th day of August. 1998.. DANNY l KOlHAGE. Clerk of the Circuit Court and ax officio Clark of the Bolll'd of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Floride Publish August 22. 29. 1998. Florida Keys Keynoter .