Resolution 005-1997 Resolution :\'0. 005 O"H Sl'I.edule Item :\'umber :; - 1997 WIIERL\S, Resolution Number 432-1996 heretofore enacted for the purpose of receiving Unanticipated Funds_ contains incorrect amounts and nOli'. therefore. ;\ RESOLUTION AMENDI:\G RESOLlITION NlIMBER 432-1996 WIIEREAS. it is the desire of the Commission to rectify by amendment such errors. now thcrefore_ HE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COllNTY COM\IJSSIONERS OF MONROE COllNTY, FLOIUDA.that the !()llowing item in Resolutton Number 432- 1996 I{evcnuc: 125- 080022 -331-500-97019 Total Rcvenue Appl'opriations: 125-080022-550-120-97019 125-080022-550-210-97019 125-080022-550-220-97019 125-080022-550-400-97019 125-080022-550-430-97019 125-080022-550-510-97019 125-080022-550-520-97019 Total App.-opriations: Low Income Homc Enel'gy Assistancc 1'l'Ogl'am S57,867.55 S57,867.55 Salaries Fica Rctirement T!'llvel Utilities Office Supplies Operating Supplies S 11,053.57 S 844.51 S 1,926.72 S 245.93 S43.649.00 S 47.82 S 100.00 S57,867.55 IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: Revcnue: 125- 080022 -331-500-97019 Total Rcvenuc Appropl'iations: 125-080022-550-120-97019 125-080022-550-210-97019 125-080022-550-220-97019 125-080022-550-400-97019 125-080022-550-430-97019 125-080022-550-520-97019 Tlltal App.-op,'iations: Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program S57,568.37 S57,568.37 Salal'ies Fica Rctircment T,'avel Utilities Opcl'ating Supplies Sill, 795. 93 S 824.80 S 1,881.H1 S 245.93 S43,762.00 S 57,90 S57,568.37 HE IT Fl!RTIIER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Board_ upon receipt of the above_ is hereby authorized and directed to make the necessarY changes. as set tlmh above. PASSED AND ADOPTED Iw the Board of Countv Commissioners of Monroe County_ F1orida_ at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th da\' of .IanualYAD 1997 00 u i7";"" ,<;.~.p~ .~~ ,/ r-,:.~ ~ ....' 1.'. ;\\ ':. f~~ ~8~~)..~.~~. ';'\S. 11~:'t;. - d ,'" r';'~+t2.. -'<\"/'-' ,.,,1, It.. ./ ./ ~" \ "_.' ~.::..\' ,'4) ,~;, Vi " 'A;~'/,'" ." "":-- ;-.;;.)-<~<> ~.. (Seal) .\ttcst DANNY L KOl.1IAGE_ Clerk -P~~~I\. \I1HI L11IL\1' I '~:'q7, 20 1'\1 yes yes yes Rh~p.nr -'" \C5 -.J @it z _ =-~~ __.-.. z '~:::..J'" 1'"---: \_-,.1 '- ;:t:o :z N (Xl '-r" c :2::; .'fl,,;,.~lt ...S Te ~"M ".1'10 lcc...l SUFFIC, , , r-"- ~'( ....TE