Resolution 010-1997 Resolution No. 0 1 0 01\18 Schedule Item Number 10 A RESOLlJTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NUMBER 515-1996 - 1997 WHEREAS, Resolution Number 51:'i~1l)()() h<.:retoforc enacted for the purposL: ofrccL:iving Unanticipat<.:d Funds. contains incorrect nmounts ~l.Ild now. theretore. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Commission to recti~. by alll<':lldl11ent such errors. 110\\' therefore. DE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA- that the following ikm in Resolution Number 4 ." J:'i-l (J% Revenue: 12S-08002 ]-33 ]-200-960S9 I 2S-000000-38 1-00 1-960S9 Drug Court Improvement/Enhancement Governmental Fund Type Grants Total Revenue Apllropriations: 12S-080021-SI6120-960S9 12S-080021-S16210-960S9 12S-080021-SI6220-960S9 12S-08002] -S] 6230-960S9 12S-08002]-S] 6240-960S9 12S-08002 ]-S]6400-960S9 12S-080021-S164] 0-960S9 I 2S-08002I-SI6440-960S9 12S-080021-SI6S] 0-960S9 12S-08002] -SI6S20-960S9 12S-08002 ] -S] 6S40-960S9 12S-080021-S16640-960S9 Tot,,1 Appropriations: IS HEREBY AMENJJEJJAS FOLLOWS: [{evenue: 12S-080021-33] -200-960S9 12S-lJOOOOO-381-00 1-960S9 Salaries Fic" Retirement Group Insurance Worker's Comp Travel Telephone & Postage Rent"ls Office Supplies Oper"ting Supplies Books, Pubs, Subs, Education C"pital Elluipment Drug Court Improvement/Enh"ncement Governmental Fund Type Grants Tot.al Revenue Appropriations: 12S-080021-SI6120-960S9 12S-080lJ21-SI62] lJ-96lJS9 I 2S-lJ8002I-S ] 6220-960S9 12S-080lJ2] -SI6230-960S9 12S-08002 ]-S] 6240-960S9 12S-080021-S] 6400-960S9 12S-08002] -S1641 0-960S9 12S-08002] -S] 6440-960S9 12S-080021-SI6S] 0-960S9 12S-080021-SI6S20-960S9 1 2S-08002I-SI6S40-960S9 1 2S-08002I-SI6640-960S9 Tot,,1 Appropri"tions: Salaries Fica Retirement Group Insurance Worker's Comll Tr"vel Telephone & Postage Rentals Office Supplies Oper"ting Supplies Books, Pubs, Subs, Education C"pital Equipment $ISO,604.29 SO,20 1.43 $200,80S.72 $93,269.IS $ 7,I3S.60 $16.40(,.8S $22.960.00 $ 224.20 $ 7.03S.S2 $ 2,74S.62 $10,267.00 $ 714.86 $16,663.00 $ 1,982.31 $21,401.61 $200,80S.72 $ISO.604.29 SO,20 1.43 $200,80S.72 $93,269.IS $ 7,13S.60 $16,406.83 $22,960.00 S 224.20 $ 7,03S.S2 $ 2.74S.62 $ 1 0,266.33 $ 714.86 $16,(,63.69 $ 1,982.31 $21,401.61 .'7 6 Z. -----~---- S200;ltll!;.72 , ~, o .. .. Z. '~~ '7 $; BE IT FURTHER RESOL VED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Board. upon r<.:ceipt Oflhe abMe. is her<.:by authorized and direcl<.:d to make th<.: necess~ry ~l1ge<s. as sd IO~)O\'~ - N Florida. nl a regular meeting of said Board held on the IMh day bnllal\' ~!?:, 1:{~~-7 c:x:; (SL::ll) All~st: DANNY L. KOLHAUE_ Clerk ~~~~ :\lInl ]lrll~ ('(1l1rl 1/17/'17 1I1:1.':\M 'T z. ~, -0 .... ~. ;-...-' c: .:..:. \..V