2013-001Sewer Force Main 05/15/2013CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA DATE: May 23, 2013 TO: Peter Horton, Director of Airports ATTN: Judy Layne, Senior Coordinator Airport Grants and Finance FROM. • Pamela G. Hanc ck, C. At the May 15, 2013, Board of County Commissioners meeting, the Board granted approval and authorized execution of the following: Item C7 Assignment of Rights to Tax Refund. Enclosed is a copy for your handling. ✓Item C11 Task Order #2013 -001 with CDM Smith for Project Design and Permitting Services (the "Project ") for the Florida Keys Marathon Airport Terminal Sewer Laterals. Enclosed is a copy for your handling. Item C12 Change Order No.2, D.L. Porter Constructors, Inc., Baggage Claim Hall Renovations Project, Key West International Airport. Enclosed is a duplicate original for your handling. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office. cc: County Attorney w/o documents Financp File 500 Whitehead Street Suite 101, PO Box 1980, Key West, FL 33040 Phone: 305 - 295 -3130 Fax: 305- 295 -3663 3117 Overseas Highway, Marathon, FL 33050 Phone: 305 -289 -6027 Fax: 305 -289 -6025 88820 Overseas Highway, Plantation Key, FL 33070 Phone: 852 -7145 Fax: 305 - 852 -7146 TASK ORDER NO. 2013-001 TO MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ENGINEER This is Task Order No. 2013 -001 dated May 15 tlh 2013 attached to and made part of the Master Services Agreement dated January 19, 2012, between CDM Smith Inc. (ENGINEER) and Monroe County (OWNER). This Task Order describes the Scope of Services, Time Schedule, Charges, and Payment Conditions for the Task Order known as: Marathon Airport Terminal Sewer Laterals - Project Design & Permitting Services (the "Project "). 1. Scope of Services ENGINEER shall provide for OWNER the following specific Services: See attached Exhibit 'A' 2. Time Schedule The time periods for the performance of ENGINEER'S Services are as follows: 240 days from Execution of this task order. 3. Compensation and Invoicing Compensation for Services of Engineer described in this Task Order will be on the following basis: Lump sum amount of $85,435 (see attached Exhibit 'B') 4. Terms and Conditions The terms and conditions of the Agreement referred to above shall apply to this Task Order except to the extent expressly modified herein. IN the event of any such modification, the modification shall be set forth below and the Article of the Agreement to be modified shall be specifically references, Modifications included in this Task Order are: NIA 7r2008 Page t Task Order - Master Services Agr. Marathon Airyort Terminal Sewer Lateral - Project Design & Construction Services Task Order No. 2013 -001 Mal _,_. 2013 Acceptance of the terms of this Task Order is acknowledged by the following authorized signatures of the parties to the Agreement: OWNER By: George R. Neugent Title-Mayor/ Chairman May 15, 2013 (SEAL) A7. MY H IN, CLEFd( nv ENGINEER By: Title: A110 C.( &TV 1 Task Order - Master Services Agr. Page 2 T 1,V W 3 w v Marathon Airport Temunal Sewer lateral - Project Design ds ConstnKtion Services Task Order No. 2013.001 May — ,_. 2013 Exhibit'A' to Task Order No. 2013 -001 Florida Keys Marathon Airport Marathon Airport Terminal Sewer Force Main Connection PROJECT BACKGROUND Monroe County (OWNER) has requested that CDM Smith Inc. (ENGINEER) provide engineering consulting service to complete permitting, design and bidding of a system to connect the existing Marathon Airport Terminal Building (TB) to the central sewer system. SCOPE OF WORK A wastewater pump station pumps waste water from the Marathon Airport Terminal Building to a small wastewater treatment facility with an effluent disposal injection well. The OWNER wishes to abandon the existing treatment facility and send the TB waste water to the central City of Marathon sewer force main. The force main is located in the Florida Department of Transportation Highway 1 right of way which runs along the front of the Terminal Building. This scope of work includes preliminary analysis to determine feasibility and final design for: Replacement of existing pumps with new higher capacity pumps to pump the terminal building's waste water to the central sewer force main • Design of electrical modifications as deemed necessary by the ENGINEER for the new pumps so that they can operate with utility power or power from the existing generator Determination if the existing on site force main currently between the TB pump station and treatment facility can be extended to the central sewer force main, and if so, the design of the following: o force main extension, electrical and pump replacement;, o Abandonment and demolition of the onsite TB treatment facility. o Abandonment of the existing TB onsite treatment facility injection well. The following is a description of the services to be provided under this Task Order. TASK 1- CONCEPTUAL DESIGN The ENGINEER will meet with Airport and City of Marathon staff to gather required design information. Conceptual design parameters will be set, permit requirements will be determined, and conceptual plans will be developed. Stttith Page 1 of 7 4/11/2013 Subtask 1.1- Kick off Meeting and Data Gathering The ENGINEER will make a site visit and hold a Project Kickoff meeting with Airport Staff. The Project Kickoff meeting will discuss existing facilities, Schedule, Work Plan, current and potential future use of Terminal Building, and other issues as determined prior to the kickoff meeting. After the kickoff meeting the ENGINEER will make a site inspection to gather additional data. The ENGINEER will supply adequate and qualified staff to gather data on site including: • Information about waste water flow from the Terminal Building • Record Drawing Information on the size and configuration of the wet well for the existing TB wastewater pump station serving the building • Copies of existing facility environmental permits • Information on existing pumps in the pump station serving the TB • Information on the existing electrical system, including the utility power and auxiliary power unit supplying backup power to the TB wastewater system • Information concerning demolition requirements for the existing wastewater treatment facility • Information on tie -in location to the existing City force main • Available information on existing utilities and rights of way In conjunction with the Kickoff Meeting and Site Visit, the ENGINEER will meet with the City of Marathon (in person, if City schedule allows or via teleconference) to discuss the proposed work. The ENGINEER will collect data on available capacity, pressure, allowable tie in methods, permitting, engineering review, and other project issues. Subtask 1.2 - Conceptual Design The ENGINEER will perform the following activities as part of this subtask: • Verify the existing wet well capacity is adequate • Perform initial hydraulic calculations, line sizing, and pump sizing requirements • Verify pumps are readily commercially available that can serve the intended function • Verify that the existing electrical service and backup generator is adequate for the proposed installation • Verify the permit requirements. It is anticipated that permits required are: • Florida Department of Environmental Protection Facility Permit • Florida Department of Environmental Protection Plant Abandonment Permit 51111th Page 2 of 7 4/11/2013 • Florida Department of Environmental Protection Injection Well Abandonment Permit • City Force Main Connection Approval • City Building Permit for Electrical Modifications • Florida Department of Transportation Right of Way Permit • Airport Construction Activity Permit • Obtain written verification from the City that the central sewer force main has capacity to allow the proposed tie in. • Provide a conceptual design facility layout and pipeline routing plan • Prepare a conceptual design technical memorandum detailing the results of this subtask and budgetary cost opinion • Submit conceptual design technical memorandum to the City of Marathon for informational purposes TASK 2 - GEOTECHNICAL, SURVEY AND SUBSURFACE UTILITY INVESTIGATION Subtask 2.1- Geotechnical Evaluation The ENGINEER will subcontract with a geotechnical firm to conduct a two borings along the pipeline route to determine the depth to rock and the stability of soils for construction. Subtask 2.2 - Survey The ENGINEER will engage the services of a survey firm to provide the following: • Verification of TB wet well size and configuration • Verification of existing on site force main size, material and location • Verification of existence of stub out at proposed tie in location on existing City force main • Route survey for the proposed route of the extension of the existing TB onsite force main, from there it will connect to the existing on -site force main to where it will tie into the existing City force main. The route survey will include topography, above ground improvements, existing above and below ground utilities (as identified by utility companies), property lines, right -of- ways, easements, and other property encumbrances and will extend over the length of the existing force main, in case the existing force main must be replaced. • A survey of the existing TB waste water treatment plant and injection well sufficient for creating a demolition plan and for permitting purposes. Smith Page 3 of 7 4/11/2013 TASK 3 - FINAL DESIGN The ENGINEER will prepare contract documents including plans and specifications suitable for permitting and bidding the work. It is anticipated that the plans will consist of the following drawing sheets (number estimated): Cover 1 Sheet General Notes 1 Sheet Existing Survey 1 Sheet Site Access Plan 1 Sheet Site Civil 2 Sheets Mechanical 1 Sheet Electrical 1 Sheet Details 2 Sheets It is anticipated that the project manual will consist of the following ENGINEER's standard documents applicable to this project: Instructions to Bidders, Contract Forms and General Conditions Supplementary Conditions Technical Specifications (CSI Divisions 1 -16) Subtask 3.1- 60% Design The ENGINEER will incorporate mutually agreed upon comments from the OWNER review of Conceptual Design and develop 60% plans and specifications for OWNER review, and permitting where applicable. 60% plans will be used for permit application. Subtask 3.2 - Final Design TASK 4 - THE ENGINEER WILL INCORPORATE MUTUALLY AGREED UPON COMMENTS FROM THE 60% DESIGN (ALONG WITH PERMITTING AGENCY COMMENTS) AND DEVELOP FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR BIDDING. THE ENGINEER WILL PREPARE SIGNED AND SEALED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WHERE APPLICABLE.PERMITTING The ENGINEER will perform the following permitting tasks. For each of the permits listed above in Conceptual Design 1.2, the ENGINEER will prepare for submittal by OWNER a permit application to the appropriate authority, and respond to one request for additional information per permit. A total of five permitting related teleconferences are anticipated for budgeting purposes. TASK 5 - BIDDING ASSISTANCE Subtask 5.1- Pre -Bid Meeting The ENGINEER will attend a pre -bid meeting with County staff and prospective bidders to discuss the project and provide a site visit. This meeting may be conducted at County offices with a mandatory field visit which will be held at the construction site. �th Page 4 of 7 4/11/2013 The ENGINEER will prepare and distribute a summary of meeting minutes to document items discussed with the parties in attendance as part of the first addendum. Subtask 5.2 - Prepare Addenda The ENGINEER will prepare one addenda to the contract documents based upon the pre -bid meeting and questions during bidding. All questions during bidding will be submitted in writing. TASK 6 - MEETINGS, PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY CONTROL Subtask 6.1- Meetings and teleconferences In addition to the meetings described above, the ENGINEER will attend a review meeting during the design development phase of the OWNER's choice. One additional design review sessions will be via teleconference. Subtask 6.2 - Project Management The ENGINEER's project manager will prepare and submit monthly written status reports for an anticipated project life of 18 months. This task also includes monthly internal project status review meetings. Subtask 6.3 - Quality Control (QC) Technical Review The ENGINEER maintains a QC program on all of our projects. An internal project quality management planning session will be conducted at the start of the project, as required by our Quality Management System guidelines. Technical Review Committee meetings are budgeted for and will be performed at the Conceptual and 60% stages. OWNER's representatives are invited to attend and participate in TRC meetings. DATA. EFFORT OR COORDINATION BY OWNER 1. Coordination with Terminal Building and other airport tenants for potential access and brief service interruption issues 2. Information about current and future use of the Terminal Building 3. Information on existing wet well pumps 4. Copies of existing TB facility environmental permits 5. Payment of all permit fees. ASSUMPTIONS The following are assumptions this scope of work is based on, and any variations thereof may require a scope and fee modification: 1. The existing wet well can be reused with new pumps suitable for the intended application. If this is not the case, a scope and fee modification will be required. 2. Suitable commercially available submersible pumps can be found for the intended application and sscooppeld described. Smith Page 5 of 7 4/11 /2013 3. The existing TB on -site force main can be reused to the point at which it connects to the existing on- site treatment facility. 4. The existing electrical systems, both utility and generator, have sufficient capacity to support the proposed improvements. 5. The existing central sewer force main has capacity and the City of Marathon will permit use of the force main. 6. Permits required are as listed Conceptual Design 1.2. 7. No meetings with permit agencies are anticipated. Should a meeting be required, a modification to this Task Order will be required. 8. 60% plans will be used for permit applications. If permit agencies require more detailed or more refined plans, a change to this task order may be required. 9. Only local controls will be provided for the lift station (No remote SCADA). 10. As this is work on an existing system, unanticipated circumstances (e.g., environmental contamination, differing site conditions, etc.) may require a change to the scope and fee. 11. No construction services are included in this scope of work. These services, including but not limited to submittal review, construction contract administration, resident project representative services, engineering site visits, certifications, and record drawings may be additional services. Some of these services, such as certifications and record drawings, may be required by permit agencies. DELIVERABLES The ENGINEER will provide the following deliverables. In addition to each format listed, the ENGINEER will provide each deliverable in Adobe PDF® format via email. If format is not listed, only Adobe PDF" electronic document is provided Kickoff meeting minutes Three hard copies of the Conceptual Design Technical Memorandum Three hard copies each of the 60% design drawings and specifications (signed and sealed for permitting only) Three hard copies of the 100% (Final) signed and sealed drawings, and AutoCAD'm files of design and survey drawings Permit meeting minute notes In addition to hard copies required by permit agencies, one hard copy of each permit application with associated drawings and exhibits for OWNER'S records With Page 6 of 7 4/11/2013 Pre bid meeting minutes One hard copy of addendum Project status report monthly TIME OF COMPLETION /SCHEDULE The ENGINEER will commence work within 7 days of a written notice to proceed from the OWNER. The kickoff meeting will be scheduled within 7 days of notice to proceed. Survey will be completed within 60 days of notice to proceed. A project schedule will be submitted to the OWNER at the kickoff meeting. The estimated overall time for design, permitting, and bidding is 7 months, but is dependent upon permitting schedules. COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT For the basic services performed under this Scope of Work, the OWNER agrees to pay the ENGINEER the lump sum fee of $85,435. Partial payment to be made on a monthly basis in proportion to the percentage of work completed. For invoice purposes only the value of each task is as shown in Table 1: Task Value. The ENGINEER will submit monthly written status reports to accompany each invoice. Table 1: Task Value for Invoice Purposes Only Task No. Task Description Task Value 1 Conceptual Design $15,783 2 Geotechnical and Survey Investigation $14,950 3 Final Design $21,158 4 Permitting $14,133 5 Bidding Assistance 4,512 76 Meetings, Project Management, and Quality Control $14,900 Total Lump Sum $85,435 Smith Page 7 of 7 4/11/2013 EXHIBIT'B* TO TASK ORDER NO. 2013-001 FLORIDA KEYS MARATHON AIRPORT Terminal Sower - DESIGN & PERMITTING SERVICES LA13OR AND NON-LABOR PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 4!1 112013 Senior Officer Principle I Associate Professional Professional 11 Professional I CADO Supervisor CADD Operator Administration Labor Totals $2D4 /Hour $180 Mour $155 /Hour $135 /Hour $120 Itiour S 125 /Hour S 85 /Hour $85 Mau MH S I MH I MH S Mil $ MH $ MH $ MH $ and D ata dalh ; toiWTf- - rjrkoiF enng 6 $0 12 $2,160 0 $o 0 so 12 51,440 0 so 0 $0 2 $170 26 $3,770 Task 1.2 - Conceptual Design a $o 4 $720 2 $310 16 $2,160 34 5 3 600 $375 26 $2,210 4 $340 86 $9,715 .�SURWF YA)0 " - TASK GEiPTW HWAL Nnmm '.0 W Z Task 2.1 - Gootechnical Investigation 0 $0 1 $180 a so 0 so 4 5480 0 $0 0 $0 2 $170 7 $930 Task 2.2 - Survey and Subsurface Utilities 0 $0 1 $ISO a so a so 4 $480 0 $0 0 so 2 $170 7 $830 TASKII SIGN T - Task 3.1 - 60% Design 0 so 4 $720 4 5620 0 so 16 $1.920 12 SI,50D 46 $3.910 2 $170 84 $8.940 Task 3.2 -Final Design 0 so 4 $720 4 $620 a $0 16 $1,920 12 $1,500 46 $3,910 2 $170 84 $8.W N!�4 111� '� f �l Mjj�LM QZM5LL�M 1. 11 M�,L2=L jME3� . ::.g.^.iab'.� MaLMAM Z= LLE&jj�� Task 4.1 - Permitting Assitance 0 $0 12 $2,160 0 so 16 $2,160 36 $4.320 0 so 0 $0 4 $340 68 $8,980 Task 4.2 - Permit Teleconferences and Meetings 0 $0 12 $2,160 0 $0 0 $0 a $960 0 so 0 so 2 $170 22 $3,290 Subtotal Design and Pisrmiltft Sovkes $4111,996 AIM= L,47- Task 5. 1 ; � - Pro-Bid Mee" 0 $0 4 $720 a $0 a $0 4 5480 0 so 0 to 2 $170 10 $1,370 Task 5.2 - Prepare Addenda a so 2 $360 0 so a $0 12 $1,440 0 $D 0 $0 a $680 22 S2,41110 Su I I BiWkg Services $2,850 Af 2 3 - gi%W ' 7 Task 6.1 - Pr Meetings 0 so 18 $3,240 0 $0 0 so 6 si�o 0 $0 0 so 2 $170 26 $4,130 Task 6.2 - Project Management 0 $o 20 $3,600 a so 0 so 6 $720 0 $0 0 so 6 5510 32 $4.530 Task 6.3 - Project Quality Control 4 $800 7 $1.260 8 $1,240 4 $540 0 so 0 $0 0 so 4 $340 27 $4.150 TOTAL LABOR 4 $800 101 $18,180 Is $2,790 36 $4,560 142 $17,040 27 $3,376 Ila $10,030 42 $3,570 Soo $62,085 1.3% 29.3% 4.5% 7.8% 27.4% 5.4% 16.2% 5.8% OTHER DIRECT COSTS (ODC Travel & Subsistence $6,400 Reproduction. Equipment & Software $2,500 Communications $1,460 TOTAL ODC's: $10,360 OUTSIDE PROFESSIONAL (GEOTEC"NICAL) (e3L-) $3,000 OUTSIDE PROFESSIONAL (SURVEY) (-t.•) $10,000 GRAND TOTAL FEE $85.435 , be confirmed after permitting Task