#257592 MPLS Fiber 11/16/2013AMY REAVILIN, CPA CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT &COMPTROLLER MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA DATE: November 7, 2013 TO: Bob Ward, Director Information Technology ATTN: Maria Guerra Sr. Administrative FROM: Vitia Fernandez, D.C. At the November 161h, 2013, Board of County Commissioner's meeting the Board granted approval and authorized execution Item C32 Comcast Enterprise Services Sales Order Form FL- 278919-dkeen-257592 under the existing Comcast Master Service Agreement FL-278919-dkeen to provide MPLS fiber Ethernet services at County fire stations and other locations throughout the County. Total cost for 48-month term is $414,252.00. Enclosed is an electronic copy of the above mentioned for your handling. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office. cc: County Attorney (electronic copy) Finance (electronic copy) File 500 Whitehead Street Suite 101, PO Box 1980, Key West, FL 33040 Phone: 305-295-3130 Fax: 305-295-3663 3117 Overseas Highway, Marathon, FL 33050 Phone: 305-289-6027 Fax: 305-289-6025 88820 Overseas Highway, Plantation Key, FL 33070 Phone: 852-7145 Fax: 305-852-7146 COMCAST ENTERPRISE SERVICES SALES ORDER FORM page 1 Account Name: Monrce County Government MSA IDes, ILL -2]0919 doeson 5O IM: FL 270914akeen-25I592 Primary Conrad Jorge Nearby City: Key Weal Phone: (305)2955121 Title: Telecom Manager Bud. FL Cell'. Address I. 1200Tmman Lp: 33040 Faa: Aaere.e 2: Enand swabymge(2monmacounly ngob Service Tam (Months): <0 SUMMARY OF SERVICE CHARGES SUMMARY OF CUSTOM INSTALLATION FEES To1aI MOM Ethernet MgM1yy RttuMng Cbagery $ 8,03025 Total Custom InatelleHon Fee: $ 000 Total Tmnk Services MmlHy Recurrng Clmrges: SOW AmoNZM Cuswm lnstalloom Fee $0.00 Total OF -Net Monthly Rearming Cnunical S0W TOW Marbly Recorded Clurgee (all Be..): $ 0,030.0 TOM MOM ENem h Standard Installatim Fampi sow Total Trunk forviwa Standard lnstudeOon Faye: SOW TOO 01 Standard Iwtababon Fees: BE, TOO StardaN I1u411alpn Few (YI SON8): S OW 'NOM:Cfixges iden11ficorm the 5emce Order are esclu9ve Omeinlenance and repair dual and applicable (III s .andioclllases, f.e,AumharOsaM cwpirmu(howevordwigwled) Plwse refx to your Cwnwst EMerpdx Services Mason Services Nimanners Mall specific deal rgai such ch."B5. Cusbmn shall pay Comcazl me hundred percent (100%) of Me non-emMized Cuadn MOM.— Fee prior 10 the imlelledon of Service. O � 1 0 0 T -^ o 713 a T x n Ill C o ( .a Ee Orl ea b IN[ M p C<m<x. Tire .1..r.Ar'rnleryrm e froom .a 111. Grose Ee AB .siou Ne..I.,Its Appor tar Me 5unorap S.. n«wn you. . Ilp:rrbuervx.<anx.l.<unlenrerpn.HemlcaM urvlca. (m.'Agreemrnl9. unba .mervnx iM¢.we n.rem. rapn.lme wN..My n... the ume meanry ee In Me 1preanenl. E911 NOTICE lisroat aunw Me-Tru Fine away mar troy Ne E911 Iinecor<re ep«IMG Nbv: nal Em.S, Numen...asn(NENAy a 9111ntlueay oraerrzzebn the m.ku r.wnm.ntlaiona br a.Mertl®] wMaeAll .11,Lee hued pulENlmelhat Nme TM Pa. nnirp cunomm r.cwtl; pm. bly0 NENA SIuq«d laurel, NNiEmIfy 1ipapop To fxilil.wCuA—lS compliance wM lhex gWd4ix. Of ch e.—. N«e m «a rpuremxu,.tetra Ie proriaior, w Alturri Lrcni.n mwrm.Wn wu1 for E911 e.rvu'x, cym<aet offers Sys Amors +Sn xM w lnr Au dgb... I, asol r Lo<aon.... MIT Wl are, ... orly. 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Ma E911 gllubr meyroV«sire proper loc.Yon mr wmpieewi cbe, CUNom«tlm mlmxthe E91rs by Narrowedo cco.merrrolys 'nwrm mThenc Wyx melyrey<tirp tlwaer,the nil tery axF lip-Tty lnlpraled Acuu OeuegPO)prontls]tyCmmce.ttanoleplippetl MrttenerytMup. deckup poxesmpmvYeow uomN.reGromlbilseep.r ..maarrna.:e.brr,n.a.w[yymayr.,xy. o[wanpal.nng all, [-m tierce mng=.tanal+em.r rw s.,rlre,m notpw<anprelM xm.ry a.pr[Mrm Mm n.lwM1u=iex..lmwJng n.Mom=wpee mo^�tourM«WlTMavpowa lra,r., yr.nxrer l«lwm.l �rpubsidnionedal foul t bush Ell ISSze PMeu Br«uh Dowse,-1 Brxl haerJ ISO 6—sho uzncwledues prceewend ecuptl IM I«maandcugiton.q Ni.9aMs Order. *20 Salw Rep: Dale KeenanNam SeeS Rep E-Mail'. dab w kwre0®came.comctmm cTitle: ROgion FIwNaDS. loccon., Coma! (SEAL) ATTEST: AMY HEAVRIN. QVW !Yr DEPUTY CLERK } O eOO BE m0 <O FJO Oi did ODa�W�ag¢ 2Wfz0zWF yUz2OW p¢a:z a ROW COMCAST ENTERPRISE SERVICES SALES ORDER FORM METRO ETHERNET SERVICES AND PRICING MwMNone: Mwree Canty Downnan mm IDN: FI.-2TSB10aMm So IOk FL223B+8-0Imm2525B2 pace z Oalr Aupgl ts. 20t3 SnNce T.(Mgnths):� $olufoo Char — Wino Reeuas --a serv—O) 0 8 n eecHp o Sena. Service Tax Junsc iolMn MonNly Ore-Tlw LocaOm A' Lmetiwr Z' Change ..voin ays or Manor Request 1 EN1101M port %35 Calllge In.. $101S3 30.00 Roan Change MOMNALE e m e oor Revue. I ENS-BMSIGIO 10M Ep ROE Col" I.. $351.53 $OCO Road ChnnP MOMe(Paa 9. p 11 3 yes+ Re EN110100 Port 2W50 InlenbM $10153 $000 OVERSEAS Change Moyeheld 're a Rpuesl ) ENSEASIGIO 10M OVER Interestsf35+9B $000 OVERSEAS ChangeMorelAJ3 5 Rpupl EN1101M Fie, F Se, KEY DEER Inleletele $101.0 sow LVD e.. Change MOMeIAO] °" S Rpueet 1 ENS SASIGIO 10 Mtp 390 KEY DEER Lnaalele $351.gY sow SLVD Charge MOMgAM 7 Reorient EN1101M Po 103 CONCH lakewia S10153 $0.w AVE Change Mmg(pEJ Pe p Tr- 8 Rona.. I ENSB/SIG10 10 MEp 10SCONCH I.. f301 B3 SOW AVE AVE Change MuvelAW g Rluent Rpwl ) ENlt01w Fat 892500M""' Inle . $101.53 $Ow H MovaAM 10 �� EIeSA481G10 10 MOFa 382w Ov. Inlelsleb $36,98 f0.w CM1uge MovelAO] 11 Request EN110100 pa, 151 MARINE fates. $10163 $O.w AVE ChanganMOMeIMa re n 12 Reypt I ENSSS>SIG10 10M [1sa 151 MARINE Inl®stele f 35165 $ O.w AVE Change MweIME Fire Fire Seasch8 IS Reeuesl I EN1101M PM 01802NDST Inela4 3101.53 $ow Change Minemmd FIIe Slelbna 10 RpuM 1 EN59ASIG10 10M ep. likenite $35188 30.00 5180 2NDST MOM +5 Request L EN110100 pM 28 EMERALD Ir11ea+W $+g1u sow DR GMnI10 MnMe(ME 're p 1a Region. ENS-SASIG10 10M Ey 28 EMERALD Insensate335188 $Ow CR 11 �nW M 'IAp EN1101M Fort CARDcra lot.. $101.0 $aw 13 Change m Mm) Mon A EENI101M 10 M ;Ae9Cv0 inherent. Swings.5 $OwNS 18 ChmgeBs rA Pan �D Ineete f10153 SOw uM 1 T. 3 SOlullon Char es Line Reguecl Pclion 3ervi¢(s) Oeacnplbn Smiro S.Mce as Juna0lction Monlhty One -Time Location R Lonllen P Change Move(P00 CPAC 20 ENSBPSIC-10 10 MEpa Inlcsta. 3.198 S00] Regueg 1 11189 Card Change MwgAN Manage punt, 21 R,.t EN110100 Pal Trarslx SWm Inldale. 5101 US $am Change MMd w oe CwMy 22 Reguml I EN WIGIO 10 MGpa T.F. Sdgm In... 535168 $ON Chage Move(MB Cmta 33 ENItO1W PM Inlalslele St0153 3000 Request I JOIN JOIN Chage M ME Taaana Ceae, N ENB-BASICIO 10 MCp swim EOOD Request I JOINInterstate e Mgaal(ME 25 RMge ENJOIN PM Inlerslale $101.0 $000 ON Cv3enlem Chage NgvNMS Manage A., 28 ENS-BMIC,10 IOM[pa Intaalae, $35IN $000 RpuM 1 W350v.- Change Moaa(P88 SMron 21 ENIIOIM PM IMeraled $101.53 $0W a,,eat ) 8790O wader Change MwNMe S.. 20 ENS Bh41G10 tOMhro Inlereieb $WIN 50.02 Regurt ) 67800 Cvaaeea ChaI Mava(MB wroe Ran 29 EN"Olm Pwl Sletlon aXaaleb $101.53 SON Ragurl I Chage Mov*Add Mama Taena 30 Request I ENS-WILIO 10MEpa Slegm CR ME Inle . $351Re $O.N C�„t Mer(AN Cant.In� 31 ENI101N Pal I. 5101.53 $O.N 2798 Change MovyPM pkflqiw Can.Ahe N ENSBASIGIN iN MESa InleM $81227 $O.N Request 1 2R8 NORTH Moan Change Mma(PM Ccunt, Gro 33 ENIIOIN PM Interstate $101.0 $O.N Request 1 C~ tm05O NORTH W. Change MovNMU GOY 3e ENS-BASIC-1N 1NC.MCq Inlasleb $81227 $O.N RNa.t C 152050 •Sev Loullon Cebllc atlecME Page 2,3 TMel $8,630.39 $ON COMCAST ENTERPRISE SERVICES SALES ORDER FORM SERVICE LOCATION DETAIL INFORMATION Account Nan. Ma DaumGo anm FL"2]B916okeen- August 14 M311IDtl: FL2]B9t9dkeen SO IGF. Date: ID13 pace 4 Localian OeMerc Ulan In°itle tecMlkal/ ie[Mlimll TmlinlN/Laml TecM1nlml Lln N—A / Slle Md . I Address 2 Clty Sfele Zip Lo[ello is Wood 1L.1 Cmlac! L.Conlett Cenlecl EmIdd C_PN ID Cotle DeMem (Y.ANo Oa 51N n (YdWN.) ) Neme PMn.M Address (Ydd No) ceamv sweby. 1Transfef Rim, Rmd CWpe Key FL 331W 1 Jorge SlveEy (335)R55121 Japeammmeca No myA.9w earannre 5535 ca1e0e w Y" 2 Memr Roof KeyWmt FL nido 1 Jary° ld,(30OM5121 Jw9e®mpnmeco No fl. w fire 9lalun 151 AMINE 3 1 AVE TAVERNIER FL MM 1 Jorye S-ay(31S)1 6121 Jw9eamoa. No o d L Monroe Jal 56350umsm° ACM. FL 33050 1 Jm9eS IaY (2K5)2W5121 IoWQAar— Na Um e.m r 5 Trenshr CRNS Key Larya FL 3303] 1 Jm9e Sw Y (3p5)2955121 Joryeammmeco AN Slatim a fl v Fla, Sbtlm 390 KEY BIG PINE e y 6 FL 33M 1 JoryeS y(335)2BS6121 JcNe®nmrmco W 13 DEER BLVD KEY fl. o Flre3letim 28 EMERALD wa Y"v ] 9 DR KEYWEST Fl 33M0 1 brye SweEy (3p512efi-6121 Jrv9eammmem No u fl. w _Van I(Mo Soddy- 8 County Gov OVERSEAS SM 137 KEYLARGO R- =37 1 Jory°Swdby(335)2 5121 Joryeamonmem W HWY Uro ,ROm Cmnry tO1C0 5ydy- 9 T.ma OVERSEAS ORD IMRATHCN FL =50 1 Jorye SwWy (36)1 5121 Jogs®manroeco W HWY umYI.9- FimSAtlm SUMMERLA w y 10 11 OVERSEAS FL 33pi2 1 Jtt9eS—by(3XN1 5121 Joryeamon.. No NO KEY UM-fl v Fla, 3laYan we y- 11 6 61002NDST KEY WEST FL 33M0 1 Jtt9e Swe0y(305)2115.5121 Jorye®mmroeco No unl A _ Swam 12 TnoWor ovdseee Lone kM R 3 l L Jory°Svmby D05)296 121 Jnryeamonroem No Slwbn Hd,. n 0. ov Fire Station10SCOMH 13 ComM1 K°Y Pi- 33000 1 Ja9a Swaby (305)2 6121 Jo"@nionro ad No 17 AVE Mome Gov 16 Cwilw OVERSEAS STE Y00 ApggTHgJ FL 336W 1 Ja9e 8weby (3o512B56121 .bryem. oe[o No HIMu -0 ov Fin Stak,n 66 we y 15 16 Overseen lMY LTMn FL 33301 1 Jw9e Sweby (305)pS5121 Ja9eamonmxo W fl v m 11169 CeN we y le Covey ��N KeyLryo fL M" 1 Jorye 4.e0y (33512965121 Ja9eamanmem No CARD Oo