Resolution 121-1998 RESOLUTION 121-1998 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE ALLOCATION OF FY '97-98 SHIP FUNDS IN SUPPORT OF THE CITY OF KEY WEST'S HOUSING GRANT APPLICATION UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIR'S SMALL CITIES, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, Monroe County has previously approved the 1997-1998 SHIP Program Budget; and WHEREAS, the County is committed to expend a minimum of 60% of SHIP funds on Very-Low(30%) and Low Income (30%) households county-wide in accordance with the revisions to the Florida Statute, Part VII, State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP); and WHEREAS, the annual SHIP report requires breakdown of SHIP expenditures as to the incorporated and unincorporated areas of each county; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Key West at their March 3rd meeting approved a Housing Category Application to the Department of Community Affairs' competitive Small Cities, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program; and WHEREAS, the City's Housing application addresses both rental and homeowner very-low income households; and WHEREAS, there remains sufficient uncommitted SHIP funds undi- RJnt~ ~ Rehabilitation, Account 15301012-530490 and Homeowner Rehabilitatio~~oul a 153010006-530492, ~~;:: ~ d OM' ::0 C::o;;X -0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF C~~T~ ~ COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT MO~~ ;n ~ COUNTY HEREBY: '!> fTI .r 0 Section 1, Authorizes the expenditure by the SHIP Administrator of$15,000 from the Rental Rehabilitation Account 15301012-530490, in support of very-low income rental households eligible to participate in the City of Key West's CDBG Housing application, Section 2, Authorizes the expenditure by the SHIP Administrator of $35,000 from the Homeowner Rehabilitation Account #153010006-530492 in support of low income homeowners eligible to participate in the City of Key West's CDBG Housing application, Section 3, That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of March 1998 , BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) ~~- don, Mayor, Monroe County ATTES Commissioner Douglass Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Reich Mayor London yes yes yes yes yes " By: ~~ b.('./, Danny Kohlag , Cler . Approved as to form and legal sufficiency Date: fL. , ,,,/' RESOLUTION NO. q8-82 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF KEY WEST, FLORID~ APPROVING THE CITY'S APPLICATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FOR COMPETITIVE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS IN THE HOUSING CATEGORY FOR J. Y. PORTER PLACE APARTMENTS AND OTHER ELIGffiLE APPLICANTS AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City of Key West is eligible to apply for competitive Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), State of Florida; and WHEREAS, the need to maintain safe, decent and sanitary housing for very-low and low income residents remains a priority of the City of Key West through the Housing Authority of the City of Key West; and WHEREAS, J. Y. Porter Place Apartments remain the only public housing complex J with the original 55 year old sanitary sewer lines subject to increased failure; and WHEREAS, individual apartment hard-wired smoke alarm systems are now an insurance requirement with any substantial unit rehabilitation; and WHEREAS, there remains a need for additional funding sources for those very-low and low income homeowners eligible to participate in the Mayor's Revolving Loan Fund Program in bringing their homes up to minimum Housing Quality Standards with necessary roof, electrical, and plumbing improvements to meet insurance renewal requirements; and WHEREAS, combining these current public and private housing needs provides the highest competitive application score. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Key West, Florida as follows: Section 1: That the Community Development Office is hereby authorized to submit by the March 31, 1998 deadline a Housing grant application as a priority application in compliance with DCA Rule 9B-43 for the amount of $750,000. " Section 2: That the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute the application documents and subsequent grant agreement( s) on behalf of the City of Key West. ~ \,.,R" Section 3: That the eligible applicants in the Mayor's Revolving Loan Fund Program shall have priority in the availability of CDBG housing rehabilitation funds for home ownership. Section 4: That the CDBG Program's Housing Assistance Plan is hereby adopted for submittal with the Housing Application. Section 5: That the requested CDBG funding shall be in the approximated amounts stated in "Exhibit A" of this resolution, subject to final application requirements and subject to the Department of Community Affairs' revision upon site visit prior to final grant agreement. Section 6: That this Resolution shall go into effect immediately upon its passage and adoption by the signatures of the presiding officer and the Clerk of the Commission. Passed and adopted by the City Commission at a regular meeting held on the 3rd day of March . 1998 Authenticated by the Presiding Officer and the Clerk of the Commission on ) ~Rrch 4th . 19 Q8 Filed with the Clerk of the Court on March 5th . 19 98 ATTEST: /1 i I I , i , \ IJ STATE or r~,'):P.IDA) CC-~~Y'-...-Y C}? :__'_'~:~"-:'.GE) CITY GI' I~=i ~:ST) "',") ',..v mswordlcdbgJ'wlHR98tosl.doc 'T.i:~ j s c :':;.::.:... :: S 2. -::Ol:.(; C' C"):Y of the ori['~~~.l (~ ~~~.s i~ t~~s G~~jce. V""'c;::;::;rr~? "c,~," r'''~' -'-",r,'.,,'i ~"nJ th~~~~;;o~_~',~ 199t. J"r ...~ d vc<., . . _ ',,~, Ie. ~ '- Col..~.:r.. ......l.J.:-.:.:..:. , ~\(l /' - By "EXHIBIT A" HOUSING GRANT APPLICATION Sanitary and safety upgrade (112 units/15 bldgs.) at J.Y. Porter Place Apartments. Replacement of 55 year old sanitary , sewer lines. Install hard-wired smoke detectors per local code and insurance audit (112 units/15 bldgs.). Rehabilitation of 32 housing units to meet Housing Quality Standards (electric, plumbing, drywall and kitchen cabinets). Activity Description LM! Amount # Benefit % 09a Housing Rehabilitation (Rental) Section 504 Compliance (Handicap) Sewer Replacement Smoke DetectorslElectrical 25 Units Rehabilitation (Misc.- avg. $6,500) Housing Rehabilitation - Mayor's Revolving Loan Fund Participants (VLIILI Homeowners) Minimum 7 units @ avg. $25,000 013 Administration/City of Key West N/A $112,500 Other Non-CDBG Anticipated Funds: City of Key West (KW); Key West Housing Authority (KWHA) Activity # Description 09a ~_.) 09a 09a , KWHA - Housing Rehabilitation (Rental) KW - Housing Rehabilitation (Mayor's Revolving Loan Fund) ,) -'",/ 100% 100% 100% 100% LM! Benefit % 100% 100% $240,000 $60,000 $162,500 $175,000 Amount $100,000 $100,000 THE CITY OF KEY WEST SMALL CITIES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN The City of Key West as required by the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program - Housing Category adopts the following policy for selecting potential beneficiaries and housing units for the proposed housing assistance to be provided. The Housing Assistance Plan addresses the following issues: 1. All funds awarded will be a Grant to the beneficiary and housing unit. 2. The process for soliciting applicants will be by local newspaper advertisement (minimum two advertisements). The initial application period shall be for thirty (30) calendar days. Any applicable subsequent application periods shall also be for thirty (30) calendar days. 3. Priority criteria for selection of available funding shall be: a. Maintain safe, decent and sanitary housing of publicly owned existing rental housing for very low and low-income households under local, state and federal housing programs. b, Privately owned homes whose primary residents are very low and low-income households being assisted or to be assisted by local, state and federal housing programs. c. Privately owned existing rental housing for very low and low- income households under local, state and federal housing programs, d. Elderly and handicapped shall have preference where applicable. 1 RANKING/SCORING PROCESS: 1. Elderl 2. Handica ed 3. Families with more than 2 children under the a e of 18, 4, Single Head of Household (2 or more ersons 5, House located within Community Redevelo ment Area 6, Health and Safe Code Violations 7, Ve low income household 8, HQS requires participation in MRLF and lor SHIP 9, Length of ownership of house 0-5 yrs, = 0 pts; 6-10 yrs. = 2 pts. 11-15 s,=3 ts;16+ s.=5 ts. 10 10 oints 10 points 5 points 5 points 10 oints 5 oints 1 0 points 5 points max 4, Conflicts of Interest will be addressed pursuant to 24 C,F.R. Section 570.489 and Chapter 112.311-112.3143, F,S. timely by immediate identification of potential conflicts. Beneficiaries will be acknowledged by name and address in the minutes of Citizen's Advisory Task Force, Additionally, recommended beneficiaries per selection criteria/scoring process will be presented to the City Commission for review and approval by city resolution so that previously unknown conflicts may be surfaced. Any known conflicts will be acknowledged publicly along with the final ranking of the selected beneficiaries in accordance with the Housing Assistance Plan. If required, waivers of conflicts may be requested of the Department of Community Affairs (DCA). 5. Each selected housing unit shall have aU. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Section 8 Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection to determine any required rehabilitation to meet the federal minimum housing quality standards, applicable local housing codes, and other 2 significant repair to meet safe, decent, and sanitary housing conditions, Preliminary cost estimates shall be provided with the HQS inspection. The HQS inspections and cost estimates shall be prepared by the City of Key West as the CDBG grant applicant through the Community Development Office, 6, The maximum amount of CDBG funds that may be expended on any one housing unit is $25,000. This amount may be exceeded only by a recorded vote of the City Commission of the City of Key West. 7. In accordance with the criteria selection the maintaining of publicly owned and federally assisted rental housing units shall be a priority of CDBG funding, Other privately owned rental units that receive state and/or federal funds shall also be eligible. The form of CDBG rehabilitation funding shall be a direct grant to the owners of the qualified rental units. Ownership of rental property and participation in state and/or federally funded programs shall be verified by the Community Development Office. Written affidavits shall be executed by the rental property owners to insure that after rehabilitation tenants will not be charged more than affordable rents pursuant to 24 C.F.R. Section 570.483 (b)(3). Validated violation of the affidavit shall restrict any future participation in affordable housing programs sponsored through the City of Key West. 8. The City of Key West will assist in the rehabilitation of mobile homes, modular homes or other forms of manufactured housing subject to paragraph 9 below when said units meet all other priority criteria and established assistance amount is sufficient to bring the units into compliance with Housing Quality Standards and City Building Code, only after all other applications have been reviewed and processed for eligibility consideration. 9. The City of Key West will not provide assistance to beneficiaries for those houses which are unfeasible to repair by CDBG regulations. Additionally, the City of Key West will not provide assistance for those homes (excluding land) where the post-rehabilitation value is less than the cost of the rehabilitation. It should be noted that due to the extremely high Median Housing Values in Monroe County (the City of Key West) this is an unlikely situation. 3 10. Any previously selected housing unit that is to be deleted from the housing rehabilitation program shall receive written notification by certified mail, return receipt requested, 11. Flood Insurance will be required in the amOlmt'ofCDBG funds expended and insurable and such coverage must be maintained until the program administrative closeout. This coverage will be included in the cost of the rehabilitation since it is an eligible CDBG expense. The minimum CDBG insurance requirement does not in anyway reduce or change any other property insurance requirements to maintain flood, windstorm or multi peril insurance coverage (example: insurance requirements under first or second mortgage financing), 12. The City of Key West through the Community Development Office shall conduct a final inspection of work completed under the CDBG and other authorized funding rehabilitation funding sources to insure satisfactory completion of the scope of work and post construction compliance with HQS requirements, These inspections are independent of the city's building permit inspection process. All CDBG rehabilitation work is subject to the City's building permitting and inspection process. 13. The City through the Community Development Office will validate homeownership and primary residence by obtaining an errors and omissions report from a licensed title company and verification of homestead exemption through the Monroe County Tax Appraisers Office. 14. The City through the CDBG Program does not have any plans to declare a housing structure be demolished or through its action be converted to a non-LMI structure. Any demolition and replacement of housing structure for an LMI owner shall require a specific city resolution and an amendment to this HAP, 15. All construction work to be completed under the CDBG Housing Program shall either be accomplished by force account through an inter-local government agreement or through the competitive bid process, For the purpose of CDBG construction funds the bid process shall be through the procurement policy of the Key West Housing Authority and in compliance 4 with Florida Statute and Rule 9B-43. All construction contracts shall be between the selected contractor and the property owner. a. Bids for rehabilitation or reconstruction of housing units must specify that they shall only be accepted from contractors licensed by the State of Florida, Department of Business and Professional Regulation. b. The Contractor must agree in his bid that any change orders for rehabilitation or reconstruction of housing units which cumulatively exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) above the original contract amount, shall only be paid with CDBG fimds if those change orders are to correct documented code violations based on a bonafide code violation report or to meet Section 8 Housing Quality Standards, c. The Contractor must agree in his bid and contract that all change orders for housing rehabilitation or reconstruction shall be approved by the housing unit owner or his or her representative and the contractor and a representative of the local government prior to any initiation of additional work based on that change order, 16, The City of Key West through the Community Development Office shall (where applicable) provide the building department, code enforcement, planning and licensing departments a copy of the proposed scope of work, property address and owner's name as pertains to any outstanding bills/liens and other appropriate local codes (i.e" nuisance, trash, and other environmental or health codes). 17, Any housing unit more than 50 years old that is scheduled for CDBG housing rehabilitation shall be processed through the Bureau of Historic Preservation, Secretary of State, State of Florida in accordance with required state and federal guidelines. Any housing unit in the Historic District of the City of Key West shall be processed through the local Historic Architectural Review Commission. 5 The City of Key West through the Community Development Office shall physically inspect the participating housing units for lead-based paint abatement during the HQS inspection specific to pre-l 978 homes. Based on the inspection, CDBG program lead based paint abatement requirements will be implemented. All housing structures to be addressed will be contained in the lOO-year Flood Plain. The City of Key West will follow applicable FEMA requirements when addressing any housing units. The City's Community Development Office will document the completion of construction by ensuring that each housing unit case file shall contain the following information: a. A statement from the contractor that all items on the initial work write-up as modified through change orders have been completed; b. An acknowledgement that the housing unit meets the applicable local code and Section 8 Housing Quality Standards, signed and dated by the local building inspector or the local government's housing rehabilitation specialist; c. A signed statement by the housing unit owner or his or her representative that the work has been completed based on the work write-up and change orders. Should all requirements be fulfilled and the homeowner or their representative refuse to acknowledge completion of the work, the housing unit case file shall be documented with a statement detailing the stated reason for said refusal; and d. This documentation shall be completed prior to the submission of the administrative closeout package and shall accompany the administrative closeout package when submitted to the Department. e. The following data will be provided by housing unit and summarized by activity as part of the administrative closeout for 6 each activity providing direct benefit (i.e" housing rehabilitation, temporary relocation, hookups, etc.): · Address of each housing unit rehabilitated with CDBG funds, the date the construction was completed on the housing unit, and the amount of CDBG funds spent on that housing unit. · Whether the household is headed by a female, the number of handicapped persons in the household, the number of elderly persons in the household, and the LMI or VLI status of the household; · The number of occupants in the household, categorized by sex; and · n~ racial demographics of the householq by number (white, black, Hispanic, AsianJPacific Islander 'or American Indian/Alaskan Native,) 7 CITY OF KEY WEST, STATE OF FLORIDA, SMALL CITIES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SECOND PUBLIC HEARll' G The City of Key West is planning to apply to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for a grant under the 1998 Funding Cycle in the Commercial Revitalization (CR) category in the amount of $750,000; in the Economie Development (ED) category in the amount of $750,000; and in the Housing (II) category in the amount of $750,000 under the Competitive Small Citles Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. For each activity that is proposed, at least 70% of the funds must benefit low and moderate income persons. The activities, estimated dollar amounts and estimated percentage benefit to low and moderate income persons for whieh the City of Key West is applying are as follows. COMMERCIAL REVITALIZATION 1998 APPLICATION Bahama V1l1age and Caroline Street Corridor, Community Redevelopment Area Activity # Descriotion 006 Relocation of Utilities to Underground 006 Sidewalks and Pedestrian Malls 09b Commercial Building Rehabilitation 013 ~tion 016 Engineering LMI Benefit % 51% 51% 51% N/A N/A Amount $75,000 $225,000 $330,000 $60,000 $60,000 . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1998 APPLICATION Application eligibility requires participating parties to provide the necessary matching funds, job creation and business plan to meet grant requirements. Proposed participants are: (1) Tours of America, Ine, (HistoriumlF1agler Train Station) (2) Buquebus (Florida), Inc. (Commercial Ferry Service) (3) Key West Housing Authority (Educational and Job Training Center). COBG funds are initially designated as follows: (1) 1998 COBG Economic Development funds in the amount of$350,OOO for required city infrastructure and state funded business loan financing, (City of Key West and Tours of America, IDc, as the private participating party), HistoriumlF1agler Train Station to be located at the comer of Margaret and Caroline Streets in the Caroline Street Corridor, Community Redevelopment Area. Activity # Descriotion 04c Flood and Drainage 005 Street Improvements 006 Pedestrian Malls and Walkways 006 Parking Facility 006 Reloc,ation of Utilities Underground 013 A~tion 016 Engmeering 014b Direct Loan Assistance to For Profit Entity 001 Acquisition/Construction of Building 009 Section 504 Compliance (Handicap) (2) 1998 CDBG Economic Development funds in the amount of $280,000 for required city infrastructure. (City of Key West and Buquebus (Florida), Ine, as the private participating party). Commercial Ferry Service to be located at the comer of Greene and Grinnell Streets in the Caroline Street Corridor, Community Redevelopment Area. Activity # Descriotion LMI Benefit % Amount 04c Flood and Drainage 51% $163,000 005 Street Improvements 51 % $35,000 006 Pedestrian Malls and Walkways 51 % $50,000 013 Administration N/A $22,400 016 Engineering N/A $9,600 (3) 1998 CDBG Economic Development funds in the amount of $120,000 for handicap compliance and building rehabilitation, (City of Key West and the Key West Housing Authority, as the public participating party). Education and Training Center to be located at 1. Y. Porter Place, 301 White Street. Activity # Description 009 Building Rehabilitation by Owner 009 Section 504 Compliance (Handicap) 011 Removal of Architectural Barriers 013 Administration 016 Engineering LMI Benefit % 51% 51% 51% 51% 51% N/A N/A 51% Amount $60,000 $50,000 $65,000 $20,000 $30,000 $28,000 $12,000 $85,000 LMI Benefit % 51% 51% 51% N/A N/A Amount $56,200 $35,000 $15,000 $9,600 $4,200 Other Non-CDBG Anticioated Funds: City of Key West (KW); Tours of America. Inc. (TAl); Buquebus, (Florida), Inc. (EFI); Key West Housing Authority (K.WHA) Activitv# DescrlDtion LMI Benefit % Minimum Amount 001 T AI - AcquisitionlBuilding 51% $350,000 009 Section S04 Compliance (Handicap) 001 BF! - AcquisitionIBuilding 51% $280,000 009 Section 504 Compliance(Handicap) 04c KW - Flood and Drainage 51% $100,000 005 KW - Street Improvements (Grinnell Street) 51% $30,000 009 KWHA - Building Rehabilitation 51% $120,000 Section 504 Compliance (Handicap) HOUSING 1998 APPLICATION Sanitary and safety upgrade (112 units/IS bldgs,) at J.Y. Porter Place Apartments. Replacement of 55 year old sanitary sewer lines, Install hard-wired smoke detectors per local code and insurance audit (112 units/IS bldgs.), Rehabilitation of 32 housing units to meet Housing Quality Standards (electric, plumbing, drywall and kitchen cabinets), Activity # DescriDtion LMI Benefit % Amount 09a Housing Rehabilitation (Rental) Section 504 Compliance (Handicap) Sewer Replacement Smoke DetectorsIElectrical 25 Units Rehabilitation (Misc.- avg. $6,500) Housing Rehabilitation - Mayor's Revolving Loan Fund Participants (VLIILI Homeowners) Minimum 7 units @ avg. $25,000 013 Administration/City of Key West N/A Other Non-CDBG Anticioated Funds: City of Key West (KW); Key West Housing Authority (K.WHA) Activitv # DescriDtion LMI Benefit % 09a KWHA - Housing Rehabilitation (Rental) 100% 09a KW - Housing Rehabilitation (Mayor's Revolving Loan Fund) 100% 09a 100% 100% 100% 1 ()()% $240,000 $60,000 $162,500 $175,000 $112,500 Amount $100,000 $100,000 The City of Key West does not plan any displacement of persons as a result of planned CDBG funded activities. If any persons are displaced as a result of these planned activities, the City will assist such persons in accordance with the City's Tenant Assistance, Relocation, and Real Property Acquisition Plan. A public heiring to provide citizens an opportunity to comment on the application will be held in Old City Hall, 510 Greene Street, Key West, Florida at 2:00 p.m., Saturday, February 28, 1998, A draft copy of parts of the application will be available for review at that time. A final copy of the application will be made available at the Community Development Office, 1403-12th Street, Key West, Florida on Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9:00 a,m. and 4:00 p,m. no more than five days after February 28, 1998. The application will be submitted to DCA on or before March 31, 1998, To obtain additional information concerning the application and the public hearing, contact Roger Braun, Community Development Office, 1403-12th Street, Key West, Florida, phone 305-292-1221. The public hearing is being conducted in a handicapped accessible location. Any handicapped person requiring an interpreter for the hearing impaired or the visually impaired should contact Linda Mandell, 1403-12th Street, Key West, Florida 33040, phone 305-292-1221 at least three calendar days prior to the meeting and an interpreter will be provided. Any non-English speaking person wishing to attend the public hearing should contact Linda Manden. 1403-12th Street, Key West, Florida 33040, phone 305-292-1221 at least three calendar days prior to the meeting and a language interpreter will be provided. To access a Telecommunication Device for DeatPersons (TDD), please call 305-295-0265, Any handicapped person requiring special accommodation at this meeting should contact Linda Mandell, 1403-12th Street, Key West, Florida 33040, phone 305-292-1221 at least three calendar days prior to the meeting. Pursuant to Section 102 of the HUD Reform Act of 1989, any applicable government assistance shall be disclosed by the City of Key West and the Key West Housing Authority and any required disclosures by Tours of America, Inc" and Buquebus (Florida), Inc" and eligible participants in the Commercial Revitalization and Housing applicants, as private participating parties, will be submitted to DCA with the application, The disclosures will be made available by the Community Development Office of the City of Key West, Florida and DCA for public inspection upon request. These disclosures will be available on and after the date of submission of the application and shall continue to be available for a minimum period of five years, The City of Key West is an Equal Opportunity Employer February 22, 1998 - Key West Citizen ".' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE CITY OF KEY WEST 1403 12th STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 PHONE: (305) 292-1221 . FAX: (305) 292-1162 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJ: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The City of Key West is in a unique situation to submit multiple applications based on the state's competitive Community Development Block Grant Program funding cycle which ends March 31, 1998. Simply stated the grant(s) must score in the funding range---any short of maximizing points is an exercise in futility. All Applications have a maximum of 1,000 possible points. 250 of these points are Community-wide needs score determined by state formula. Unfortunate.1y, Key West only has 3.59 points out of250 due to its low Community wide needs score and the assessed reduction points of 5 points for every $100,000 in CDBG funds received since 1990. (This is done to level the playing field). Also this year the State Legislature reduced the Housing category from 40% of all grant funding to 20% and increase Economic Development category from 10% to 30% of all grant funding. An eligible community may submit an Economic Grant independent of any other Grant category, Four categories: Housing, Commercial Revitalization, Neighborhood Revitalization, and Economic Development. A community may also submit a Housing Grant and a Commercial Revitalization Grant in the same grant cycle stating in the application the priority should both applications reach funding score level. "Restore the Past - Maintain the Present - Build the Future" - Meeting Community Goals in America's Southernmost City _ We have conducted the First Public Hearing and are scheduled to conduct the Second Public Hearing Feb. 25th with Grant Application Resolutions in front of the City Commission at their March 3rd meeting, We have conducted one Citizens Advisory Task Force meeting and will conduct another for proposed grant application review on February 24th. On Friday, Feb, 13th we were informed that the state is going to publish a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) next week reference recaptured 1997 Economic Development funds. A community could put one ED application in for the 1997 funds and one for the 1998 funds and if successful have two active ED grants in two separate Funding Year cycles. We have put an additional notice in the paper for this Thursday Feb, 19th soliciting additional interest in the business community for participants, There are many requirements to ED grant, however, the three basic requirements are (l) private sector job creation, each qualified job created may be eligible for submitting for up to $35,000 in grant funds per job (2) private sector matching funds and (3) required support infrastructure specific to the new created jobs in the form of a grant to the city and/or a direct loan to a for profit entity which is paid back to the state, At this point of grant development for scoring we are developing an ED grant for '97 funds in the amount of $750,000 with the Florida Straits Conch company as the private participating party. The money will be used for required city infrastructure and handic~p accessibility, It will be all grant to the city and not a loan to the business. We have also developed an ED for '98 funding in the current amount of $490,000 which represents one private participating party (Tours of America, Inc.) which consists of city infrastructure of approximately $150,000 with state grant and a state business loan of approximately $160,000 to Tours of America and one public participating party the Key West Housing Authority for an educational center in the amount of approximately $130,000, We are awaiting any other eligible participating parties. We have structured a Housing grant that provides for needed health and safety work items in public housing and private homeowner repairs in conjunction with the Mayor's Revolving Loan Fund program. We will develop a supplemental Commercial Revitalization application as insurance should the Housing grant not reach the scoring range, () 0:: w ffi~lm (!)()M o C\l ~<( ~:CO) _~L{) ()S2M L{) or- o C\l ('I') <( C\l:CO) I ~ L{) ('I') . or- ('I') L{) or- ('I') w ()~ ~IO 0 oo::::L{)",," en.c::C\l o ('I') .- z ~ (!) (!) z en ::> o :c '- ..... 'ffi ffi e: c a. '- 0 0 (I.) a. o>:g:;:; 0:: ()(!) (l.)g<( '0 ~ >. ~ ::70:C en.o 0 U ~ e: -<= (I.) CO en e: (I.) (l.)0S2 '-.c ~ (I.) 0'-,,, >0 ()(I.)()e> ""0 (l.)or-o 0:: (I.) U'- ......69-..... () ,'\ (/)0..... ~ O--E en~<( (iju~ tOSOW "0 :c '- 'C .- e: to '- CD(I.)~ (1.)(1.):::: "0(1.)-0(1.) 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