Resolution 136-2000 Public Works Division RESOLUTION NO, 136 -2000 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO, 209A- 1995 CONCERNING FEES FOR ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES, IN ORDER TO DELETE CREMATION SERVICE AND THE FEES THEREFOR WHEREAS, the County previously operated an animal crematory and provided this service to the public for a fee; and WHEREAS, since the County no longer utilizes an animal crematory, the Resolution which sets forth the fees to be charged for animal control services needs to be amended accordingly; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONES OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Resolution No, 209A-1995 is hereby amended to read as follows: SERVICE FEE Pickup: 1st time $ 25 2nd time $ 50 3rd time and more within 12 months $100 The pickup fees set forth above shall be doubled if the animal picked up was not vaccinated for rabies, Disposal $ 10 $ 10 $ 10 Board (per night) Adoption First Year Annual renewal $100 $ 50 ::r 1::1 (:) -n 0 2: l> (:) ....; ;::Qn~ i! r- o,....:z ,.." ",^-< eo< 0 o. f' ." 0(""): C::;tj;:..-:: '" 0 ;0 2:. 0 :I:l1o -Inr- :x ::0 ;< - -::x: 00 fTJ .,.,. }> ("') r- f:' _. (:) /.. ", UI ::0 '" C County License: spayed/neutered unspayed/unneutered replacement $ 10 $ 20 $ 2 Dangerous Dog Certificate of Registration PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 19th day of April, 2000. Mayor Freeman yes Mayor Pro Tem Neugent yes Commissioner Harvey ye s Commissioner Reich yes Commissioner Williams ye s BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNlY, FLORIDA By cS~~ bl/ACF eeResolution.doc Public Works RESOLUTION N0209A-! 995 A RESOLUTION OF TI-IE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS Of MONROE COUNTY, fLORIDA, AMENDING IZESOLUTION NO. 252-1993, ESTAOLlSHING A DANGEl{OUS DOG REGISTRATION FEE WHEREAS, Sec. 7(,7 .l2(2), Florida Slatc Statute, authorizes Animal Conlrol aulhorities to issue ccrlificate of registration to the owner of a dog which has been classilied as dangerous; and WHEREAS, the ccrtificale shall be rencwcd annually; and WHEREAS, the Board of Counly Commissioncrs hereby amcnds its fce schcdulc Rcsolution in order to comply with the aforcmcllLioned staLutc and its own Ordinance No. 0 I 0- 1995, now, thereforc, OE IT RESOLVED BY THE OOARD Or- COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, fLORIDA, Section I. Rcsolulio"n No. 252-1993 is hcreby amcnded to read as follow: Service Fee Pickup: 1st timc $ 25 2nd timc $ 50 3rd timc and morc within J 2 1110nths $ 100 The pick-up fees set forth :lbove shall be doubled if thc animal pickcd up \vas not vaccinated for rabies. Board (per night) $ 10 Adoption $ 10 EXHIBIT "E" Service r-ce C rel11ation: Small $ 35 Medium $ 50 Large $ 75 Disposal $ 10 County License: spayed/nculered '. I $ 10 unspa yed/unnelJ ten;d $ 20 replacement $ 2 D:1I1l.!crous DOlt Cerli fieale of RCJ~istratiol1: First Year ..liQQ A/IllUaJ/" rcnewal U-Q PASSED AND ADOPTE'D by llIe Doard of Counly COllll1lissioners of Monroe Counly. Florida, at a regular mccting of said Doard held on tile 22nd day of June J 995. Mayor Frceman Mayor Pro Tem London Commissioner Harvcy Commissioner Douglass Commissioner Reich yes yes yes yes yes 0)' /YJ1dr.J ~r / I/-(U.fh /AU --o~&k7-. --0' DOARD OF COUNn' COMMISSIONERS OFMO~~.I~ 0)'. ~ Mayor/Chai~;;- (SEAL) Attest: DANNY KOLHAGE, Clerk . APPROVr::o A$ TO FOr.:.~ ,A...:-..IJNO L.!iQM ~!:!J::FICr;p:cY( f.Y. ) ,...< ..--f:".f!j-r:: . . ' 1\1l9~!-~y'S Pf5ip _ r (. '- ~ ..- ..- .. . '..' '""