Resolution 117-2014RESOLUTION NO. 117 -2014 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. WHEREAS, County Code requires that any proposed changes be reviewed by the Personnel Policies and Procedures Board prior to presentation to the BOCC for approval; WHEREAS, the Personnel Policies and Procedures Board met on 9/25/12, 2/6/14, 4/14/14, 4/28/14, 5/1/14 and 5/22/14 and reviewed the proposed changes; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners approved a change to Section 7.01 C (1) on 5/1/14 to no longer allow excess annual leave to be rolled over into the employee's sick leave balance and that such leave will now be lost if not used before April I" of each year; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, that effective immediately: 1) The Monroe County Personnel Policies and Procedures shall be amended as follows: INTRODUCTION: INSURANCE C. MONROE COUNTY ° GGIRENT e RE—VIR v, BG RD EMPLOYEE SAFETY COMMITTEE �� �m In accordance with the Monroe County Safety Policies and Procedures, and County Administrator Instructions, the Monroe County Employee_ Safety Committee functions to prevent accidents through review of accident /incidents reported to the Human Resource Office, and recommends safety - related policies and procedures to the County Safety Office. 44tis Boatd - al serves s th e fitaetions - under th xt set down in th e 2.02 POSITION CONTROL A. All positions in the County Service are established and maintained through a budget each fiscal year, in aeeordat with preeedttres provide aptirrved by the Board of County Commissioners. B. The establishment of new or additional positions or an increase in hours of a currently budgeted position can only be authorized by the Board of County Commissioners and the County Administrator, subject to adequate justification of need and availability of funds. Establishment of Emergency Disaster positions on a year to year basis do not require the prior approval of the Board of County Commissioners. The personnel in these positions will be Resolution Personnel P &P 7/2014 trained and utilized on an as needed basis before, during, or after an emergency or disaster and will be paid for by the Hurricane Account Funds. Positions created on a temporary basis as described below in 2.03 B (3 &4) do not requ the prior approval of the Board of County Commissioners. 3.02 POSITION AUDIT PROCEDURE The County Administrator is charged with the responsibility of initiating position audits of any or all County service positions at any time. Other position audits may be initiated by written request to the County Administrator from the Department Head or the Division Director in which the specific position is located, or the incumbent of the position to be audited. All requests must be approved by the Division Director. Position information will be gained through completion of a Position inform0ion Questi job Assessment Tool QAT) by the incumbent or by the Supervisor of the position if the position is vacant, and through field studies of the position, which may include a personal visit with the position incumbent by a representative of the Human Resources office. The applicable Department and Division Director should review and make recommendations to the County Administrator through the Human Resources office on all proposed new positions, changes, and position descriptions. 4.07 STARTING RATES B(2)i. If the applicant's training, experience, education or other qualifications are substantially above those required for the position, the County Administrator may approve employment at a rate above the minimum established for the class. The need to make appointments in excess of the minim shall require written justification that shows the prospective employee's education, experience, and unique competencies are directly related to the position. The pay rangy of all positions represents a 30 year employment period and recommendations for above e level should take this into consideration when recommending salaries based on prior years of directly related experience. 4.08 SALARY RANGES PROGRESSIONS, INCREASES No salary adjustment shall be approved unless there is availability of funds, and must be justified in writing by the Division Director /Department Head and approved by the County Administrator. All requests for salary increases shall be processed through the Human Resources office and the Division of Budget and Finance for review and determination of compliance with the County policies and procedures and budgetary control. In most cases, completion of the Position inf9rmatieft Questionfift4e job Assessment Tool A should be used to justify the increase. Anything not covered on the PIQ should be further detailed in memo format by the department. Resolution Personnel P &P 7/2014 2 5.04 OVERTIME WORK FOR EXEMPT EMPLOYEES It is the general policy of Monroe County not to compensate for overtime those employees classified as 'exempt', from the Fair Labor Standards Act. However _a Division Director or Department Head designated by the Division Director or the County Administrator ice his sol ' �° ~ may approve compensation for overtime, either in compensatory time or pay, for an exempt employee who has been required to work unusually large amounts of overtime, such as during a disaster, etc. 5.05 MEAL AND REST PERIODS A. Employees classified as regular full time will receive a total of one hour for meal /rest period per work shift, the time and sequence of which will be determined by the Supervisor and approved by the Department Head. If it is necessary for the non - exempt employee to work without a meal /rest period he /she will be otherwise compensated for that time. All other employees will receive meal or rest periods in an amount and time deemed appropriate by their Supervisor. Meal and rest periods shall be scheduled by the Department Head consistent with the effective operation of the department and may be rescheduled whenever necessary. B. Nursing Mothers (Section 7(r) of the Fair Labor Standards Act as amended by the Patient Protection . Affordable Care :-pct For up to one year after the child's birth, nursing mothers will have a reasonable break time to express breast milk fora nursing child and be provided a place, other than a bathroom, that is shielded from view and intrusion from the public, which may be used to express rni.lk. 7.01 C. 1. Annual leave may be used on a payday -to- payday basis as it is earned according to scheduling requirements and may be accumulated up to 40 working days with a maximum of 320 hours. Any time earned in excess of this amount as of April 1 of each year will be rollefl lost Individual employees are responsible for monitoring their own leave balance. it is aft employee's personal respotisibility to request and - )vef of hours. 7.01 D. ANNUAL LEAVE PAY UPON SEPARATION If the payment of annual leave is approved by the County, computing said leave pay will be based on the employee's regular rate of pay and terms of separation. Leon enrollment into DROP, all vacation time will be paid to the employee upon completion of the appropriate payroll fortes (Al212ro ved by BOCCI dune 10, 1998). Resolution Personnel P &P 7/2014 7.05 FUNERAL/BEREAVEMENT LEAVE D 1, A. All employees covered under this policy shall be granted up to two working days off with pay in order to attend a funeral of a member of the employee's immediate family. Additional time off (over and above the two working days herein provided) may be approved by the Department Head and charged to sick or annual leave. Additionally. the County may require proof of death of a family member before making payment for leave. The immediate family shall be construed to mean one of the following: Husband, Wife, father, mother, son, daughter, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, domestic partner, domestic partner's father and mother, legal guardian, grandparent or in- laws father -in -law, mother -in -law, son -in -law, daughter -in -law, brother -in -law, sister -in -law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, half sister. Additieftit! time off (aver ftfid ftbove the ewe working dfty-9 herein provided) w,*y be U No Tobacco Use — Effective January 1, 2015, all new hires and new enrollees into the County's Health Plan will be required to certify to not currently using or not having used tobacco products five or more times in the previous three months or be subject to penalt Administrative Instruction 4730 further details this policy. 10.01 COMPLAINT /GRIEVANCES In the event an employee believes that the rules contained in this manual have been misapplied /violated, he /she must utilize the following procedure, except in the cases of suspension, reduction in pay, demotion or termination - See 10.01 F. Failure of the grieving employee to follow the time limits will automatically result in a final and binding denial of the grievance. If the County does not follow the time limits, the appropriate County official will be deemed to have denied the grievance and it may proceed to the next step. A. Step 1 : The aggrieved employee shall present his /her grievance orally or in writing to his or her Supervisor within fifteen (15) working days of the incident to be grieved. Diseussieft mftftner. The immediate Supervisor will meet with the employee, Department , reach a decision, and communicate that decision er*Uy-er in writing to the aggrieved employee within ten (10) working days from the date the grievance was presented to him or her. Supervisors are not empowered to make policy decisions. B. Step 2 : If the grievance is not resolved in Step 1, the employee shall reduee the �, sign it, and present it to the Department Head within ten (10 working days from receipt of the Immediate Supervisor's written decision The Superviser Department Head shall attempt to resolve the issue(s) concerning the alleged grievance within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the written grievance. sa not be resolved fft dtis point, it shftll be presented to the Department Reftd for r- i • The Department Head shall confer with the immediate Supervisor and they shall attempt to obtain the facts concerning the alleged grievance, and within ten (10) working days of receipt Resolution Personnel P &P 7/2014 4 of the written grievance, answer the employee in writing or schedule a meeting with the employee. If a meeting is held, the Department Head shall notify the aggrieved employee in writing of his or her decision, no later than ten (10) working days after the meeting. The meeting may be rescheduled by the Department Head for a valid reason. C. Step 3 : If the response from the Department Head is not satisfactory, within ten (1W working days from receipt of the Department Head's decision, the employee may present the grievance form to the Division Director, who may confer with anyone he /she deems appropriate to obtain the facts concerning the alleged grievance, and may schedule a meeting with the employee, to be held within ten (10) working days of receipt of the grievance, sehedule ft meeting with the employee. eke If a meeting is held, the Division Director shall notify the aggrieved employee in writing of his /her, decision no later than ten (10) working days after the meeting. D. Step 4 : If the response from the Division Director is not satisfactory, within ten (10) working dais from receipt of the Division Director's decision, the employee may bring the grievance form to the Human Resources office, for review before the Employee Grievance Council. This Council will provide an additional avenue for the employee to pursue in the processing of appropriate complaints or grievances. By the establishment of the Employee Grievance Council, the employee whose problem is not resolved by the Division Director, may have the opportunity appear before this Council of peers and present his /her case. The Employee Grievance Council is empowered to call all necessary witnesses before them and to subsequently make their recommendations concerning disposition to the County Administrator. The decision of the Council is not binding; final determination will be made by the County Administrator. (Please refer to Monroe County Administrative Instruction 4714 for rules and procedures governing the Council.) The County Administrator shall furnish a copy of his decision to the aggrieved employee within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the Councils recommendation(s). E. Any complaint /grievance involving matters that pertain to the Personnel Policies and Procedures may be addressed in writing to the Employee Grievance Council, (via the Human Resources office) who will forward to the Council to determine whether the matter is appropriate to be considered by the Council. If deemed appropriate by a majority of Council members, the Human Resources office will schedule the airing of the Grievance at the earliest convenience. The Council is empowered to call all necessary witnesses and make a recommendation concerning disposition to the County Administrator whose decision is final. F. This Procedure does not apply to an individual who has been suspended, discharged, received a reduction in pay or demoted. Such individuals shall appeal in accordance to Section 9.15 hereof. G. If an employee does not answer to a Department Head and /or a Division Director, the Human Resources office will assist the employee in moving through the appropriate steps of this grievance procedure. H. The by -laws governing the establishment and operation of the Employee Grievance Council may be reviewed in Administrative Instruction 4714. Resolution Personnel P &P 7/2014 2. The above changes shall be incorporated into the Monroe County Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual. 3. This resolution shall become effective upon approval unless otherwise stated above. PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting on said Board on the 16th day of July , A.D., 2014. Mayor Sylvia J. Murphy Yes _ Mayor Pro Tern Danny L. Kolhage not pr sent Commissioner George Neugent Yes Commissioner Heather Carruthers Yes sioner David Rice Yes v Heavilin, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Deputy Clerk Mayor Sylvia J. Murphy MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY PRO ED �S 0 CYNTHIA L. ALL 7 ANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Date 0' s' r1 l 4 Resolution Personnel P &P 7/2014