Resolution 386-2014MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. 386 -2014 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVING AN EXTENSION OF TWO (2) YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THIS RESOLUTION FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED BY SECTION 110-100 OF THE MONROE COUNTY CODE FOR THE FINAL PLAT OF KEY HAVEN ESTATES (A SUBDIVISION OF LAND INTO 43 RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND TWO COMMERCIAL TRACTS), WHICH IS A REPLAT OF KEY HAVEN 4 TH ADDITION LOTS 19-23; KEY HAVEN 9 TH ADDITION LOTS 3-8 AND 11-24; AND ENCHANTED ISLAND LOTS 39-44, 63-72, AND 77-83, LOCATED WITHIN SECTIONS 25 AND 26, TOWNSHIP 67, RANGE 25 EAST, MONROE COUNTY. WHEREAS, Key Haven Estates, LLC ("Subdivider") has requested an extension for the completion of the improvements required by Section 110-100 of the Monroe County Code; and WHEREAS, Board of County Commissioners approved a Development Agreement on February 9, 2005 pertaining to the subject properties (as memorialized in Resolution #85-2005). The Agreement is between Key Haven Estates, Ltd. (predecessor in interest to Subdivider) and Monroe County and the permitted uses outlined in the Agreement is for up to forty-three (43) single-family residences (on 43 lots) and up to 10,000 square feet of commercial floor area; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission approved the Preliminary Plat on September 13, 2006 for the subdivision of land into forty-three (43) residential lots and two (2) commercial tracts to be known as Key Haven Estates; and WHEREAS, the Final Plat for the subdivision of land into forty-three (43) residential lots and two (2) commercial tracts to be known as Key Haven Estates, which was signed and sealed by Frederick H. Hildebrandt on March 8, 2008, was reviewed and recommended for approval by the Development Review Committee on June 10, 2008 and the Planning Commission on June 11, 2008; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners approved the Final Plat for the subdivision of land into forty-three (43) residential lots and two (2) commercial tracts to be known as Key Haven Estates, on August 20, 2008, as memorialized by Resolution #251-2008; and Page 1 of 3 WHEREAS, Chapter 110 of the Monroe County Code requires the completion of certain improvements within two (2) years of plat recording and provides that a surety bond is an acceptable improvement guarantee to guarantee the installation of all improvements required by Chapter 110; and WHEREAS, the Subdivider of the subject properties obtained and maintained a surety bond that meets the requirements of Section 110-100(c)(3) of the Monroe County Code ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Florida S.B. 360, Subdivider was granted a two (2) year extension to complete the infrastructure; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Florida H.B. 503, Subdivider was granted a two (2) year extension to complete the infrastructure (August 20, 2014); and WHEREAS, the Subdivider of the subject properties has completed substantial work (approximately $932,247.35 to date as shown on the attached Exhibit A-1) on the subject properties, including but not limited to fire systems, underground sewer, environmental mitigation and fill; however, with the exception of 17 residential lots that are complete, Subdivider has not completed the installation of all of the required improvements within the timeframe provided by the Monroe County Code; however, the Monroe County Code indicates the County may inform the surety bond company the improvements have not been completed and take necessary actions to completed the required improvements; and WHEREAS, Subdivider will need to spend approximately $1,818,980.00 to complete the infrastructure as shown on the attached Exhibit A-2; and WHEREAS, the purpose and intent of requiring a surety bond is to reduce the risk that the individual lots that comprise the Property would be sold to individuals without infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the owner is willing to agree not to sell such individual lots that comprise property without full and operational infrastructure, according to Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, based upon the information and documentation submitted, the Board of County Commissioners makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: 1. The approval of an extension for the completion of the installation of all of the required improvements is not inconsistent with said Monroe County Code due to the fact that the procedure set forth in the Monroe County Code for failure to complete the installation of the required improvements is discretionary. 2. Subdivider has extended the surety bond until November 29, 2015 and agrees to extend the bond for the second year of the extension at such time as the premium becomes due and payable. . 3. Subdivider has agreed to the Deed Restriction attached hereto as Exhibit B. Page 2 of 3 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the preceding Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law support its decision to APPROVE the extension for two (2) years from the date of this resolution for the completion of the improvements required by Section 110- 100 of the Monroe County Code for the final plat for subdivision of land into 43 residential lots and two commercial tracts to be known as Key Haven Estates. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 101h of December, 2014. Mayor Danny L. Kolhage YPs Mayor pro tem Heather Carruthers Yes Commissioner Sylvia Murphy Yes Commissioner George Neugent Yes Commissioner David Rice Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Mayor . Kolhage [Y HEAVILIN, CLERK Deputy Clerk Page 3 of 3 MO�R�OE COUNTY ATTORNEY ROE A O FORM: L-7.W_ STEVEN t. WILOAMS ASSISTANT COUIITY ATTORNEY Date /t /�al / 41 �xt 1 15rr -� KEY HAVEN ESTATES WORK COMPLETED TO DATE KEY HAVEN ESTATES WORK TO BE COMPLETED Item No. Description QNTY Unit Unit Price Amount 1.01 Clearing 1 LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 1.02 Earthwork Fill (assumes 1.5 ft over triangle area) 5,439 CY $15.00 $81,585.00 Grading 69,280 SY $2.00 $138,560.00 1.03 Erosion Control 1 LS $62,500.00 $62,500.00 1.04 Water Distribution (Calculated Separately) $159,010.00 1.05 Wastewater Collection System Gravity Sewer 8-Inch Pipe 834 LF $75.00 $62,550.00 Service Laterals - 4 Inch 635 LF $50.00 $31,750.00 Service Connection - 8 Inch x 4 Inch Wye 13 EA $1,500.00 $19,500.00 Force Main 2 Inch Poly 2,770 LF $30.00 $83,100.00 4-Foot Manhole 5 EA $7,500.00 $37,500.00 Cleanout and Cleanout Box 29 EA $1,000.00 $29,000.00 Connect to Existing Sewer Main (Key Haven Terrace) 1 EA $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Grinder Pump\Lift Station 2 LS $50,000.00 $100,000.00 Force Main Connection to Existing Manholes - 8 Inch 1 EA $1,500.00 $1,500.00 1.06 Pavement Base Course 8,874 SY $10.00 $88,740.00 Surface Course -Type 3 8,874 SY $20.00 $177,480.00 Traffic Striping 1 LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 1.07 Concrete Curbs Type D 5,550 LF $17.00 $94,350.00 Sidewalks/Driveways 4" Thick 27,900 SF $10.00 $279,000.00 1.08 Stormwater Mgt. System Storm Pipe in Place 825 LF $75.00 $61,875.00 Storm Inlets 2 EA $5,000.00 $10,000.00 Baffle Box and Injection Well 1 EA $35,000.00 $35,000.00 Storm Pipe Mitered Inlet Assemblies 60 EA $1,500.00 $90,000.00 1.09 Electrical 1 LS $90,000.00 $90,000.00 Total of Unit Prices $1,766,000.00 1.10 General Conditions 3% $52,980.00 1.11 Estimated Construction Cost $1,818,980.00 1.12 Guarantee Construction Cost (130% of the estimated construction cost) $2,364,674.00 1.13 Owner's Engineering and Platting Cost $5,000.00 1.14 County Enqineering and Inspection Costs $5,000.00 1.15 Preacce tance maintenance cost 10% of the construction cost $181,898.00 1.16 Damacle and nuisance guarantee (5% of the construction cost) $90,949.00 TOTAL COST FOR GUARANTEE AMOUNT I 1 $2,647,521.00