Item B1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE:February 18,2015DIVISION:Public Works/Engineering BULK ITEM: YesNoXDEPARTMENT:Card Sound Toll STAFF CONTACT PERSON/PHONE # K. Wilson/305-797-1547 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Presentation of Years of Service Award for 25years of service to Monroe County to Claude Celin, Maintenance Mechanic, Card Sound Toll, Public Works/Engineering Division. ITEM BACKGROUND: Mr. Celin has over 25 years of dedicated and loyal service to the County. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: none. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: n/a STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. TOTAL COST: n/aINDIRECT COST:n/aBUDGETED: Yes:No: DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCEn/a COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS_____________ REVENUE PRODUCING: YesNoAMOUNT PER MONTH______ YEAR_____ APPROVED BY: County Atty.:OMB/Purchasing:Risk Management: DOCUMENTATION: INCLUDED:XNOT REQUIRED: DISPOSITION:AGENDA ITEM #: YEARS OF SERVICE AWARD to CLAUDE CELIN Claude Celin has been employed with Monroe Countysince December, 1989. Mr. Celinbegan his employment at the Card Sound Toll Authority as Maintenance/Toll Collector. In 1997 he was reclassified to Maintenance Mechanicand in September, 2005, he became an Equipment Operator. From the very beginning, Claude proved to be a most conscientious and reliable worker. He is always 5 to 10 minutes early to work, and he readily fillsin as a toll collector when shifts are left vacant due to vacations, resignations or emergencies.He always answers the call for help, no matter if it’s the weekend or a holiday. In addition, Claude has mastered each new maintenance skill that comes his way to make sure the right of way along CR905 is properly maintained,knowing that for some visitors, Card Sound is their first impression of the Keys. Mr. Celinis an asset to Monroe County and Public Worksand we are proud to recognize him for his 25plus years of outstanding and dedicated service.