2014-RSAT-MONR-1-A7-001 1st Adjustment 05/20/2015 AMY HEAVILIN CPA
DATE: July 9, 2015 JUL 202015
Grants Admin �FROM: Cheryl Robertson Executive Aide to the Clerk of Courts & Comptroller (/ ,G""'' tsvn
On May 20, 2015 Monroe County Board of County Commissioners ratified the following documents
C 12 RaLificationoof execution of the Certificate of Acceptance of Sub-grant Award for the project
entitled, Court-Mandated, Criminal/Substance Abuse, Case Management, Drug Testing using funds
provided under the FDLE Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program, for the period
from October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015.
C 13 Ratification of submission of the revised Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance funding
distribution letter with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for fiscal year 2014-2015 (Oct.
1,2014 through Sept. 30, 2015), whereby Monroe County agrees to the distribution of $84,521 in
program funds in the County.
C 14 Ratification of grant adjustment submission to FDLE RSAT sub-grant to account for the
unexpected grant funds decreasing the award amount.
Enclosed is a duplicate original of the above-mentioned for your handling. Should you have any questions,please
feel free to contact our office.
cc: County Attorney
500 Whitehead Street Suite 101,PO Box 1980,Key West,FL 33040 Phone:305-295-3130 Fax:305-295-3663
3117 Overseas Highway Marathon,FL 33050 Phone:305-289-6027 Fax:305-289-6025
88820 Overseas Highway,Plantation Key,FL 33070 Phone:852-7145 Fax:305-852-7146
Office of Criminal Justice Grants
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
2331 Phillips Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Grant Adjustment Notice
Subgrantee: Monroe County Board of Commissioners
Grant Number: 2014-RSAT-MONR-1-A7-001
Adjustment Number: 1
Nature of Adjustment: Decrease Award
To Subgrantee:
Pursuant to your request of 04/10/2015, the following change, amendment or adjustment in
the above grant project is approved subject to such conditions or limitations as may be set
forth below. Retain this Grant Adjustment Notice as part of official project records.
Electronically Signed By:
Dan 61zo15 Martha K McWilliams
Authorized Official
Clayton H.Wilder
The following revised budget is approved:
Current New
Approved Approved
Budget Category Budget Difference Budget
Salaries and Benefits $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Contractual Services $66,667.00 ($11,489.66) $55,177.34
Expenses $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Operating Capital $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Indirect Costs $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Total Project Costs $66,667.00 ($11,489.66) $55,177.34
Federal Match Total Funds
New Approved Budget $41,382.79 $13,794.55 $55,177.34
NOTE: Retain this grant Adjustment Notice as part of official project records.
Application Ref 2014-RSAT-83
Contract 2014-RSAT-MONR-1-A7-001
• Adjustment Number: 1
Grant Number: 2014-RSAT-MONR-1-A7-001
Page# : 2
OCJG Adjustment Memo:
1. The revised budget and narrative reflecting changes in the Contractual Services budget category is
2. The total federal award amount is reduced by$8,617.00 and match is reduced by$2,872.66.
NOTE: Retain this grant Adjustment Notice as part of official project records.
Application Ref 2014-RSAT-83
cnntrect 91114 MSAT-nnfNP-t-nvnnt
• 1 • Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Adjustment Justification
Due to unforeseen circumstances a portion of the grant was unable to be expensed. We are
requesting a budget adjustment reduction in the amount of$8,617.21 in grant funds and a reduction
of$2,872.45 in matching funds.
By electronically submitting this adjustment, I hereby certify that I have reviewed the
changes and find them necessary for program activities. I am the signing authority or
have been delegated as such by the appropriate official. Information regarding the
signing authority is available for review.
Electronically Signed By:
04/10/2015 Danny L Kolhage
Authorized Official or Designated Representative
Application Ref# 2014-RSAT-83
Contract 2014-RSAT-MONR-1-A7-001
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Section 4: Financial
General Financial Info:
Note: All financial remittances will be sent to the Chief Financial Officer
of the Subgrantee Organization.
Financial Reporting Frequency for this Subgrant: Quarterly
Is the subgrantee a state agency?: No
FLAIR I Vendor Number: 596000749
Budget Category Federal Match Total
Salaries and Benefits $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Contractual Services $41,382.79 $13,794.55 $55,177.34
Expenses $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Operating Capital $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Indirect Costs $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
--Totals — $41,382.79 $13,794.55 $55,177.34
Percentage 74.9996 25.0003 100.0
Project Generated Income:
Will the project earn project generated Income (PGI) ? No
Application Ref Si 2014-RSAT-83 Section#4 Page 1 of 4
Cnntrant 91114-PSAT-nnnNP-1.A7.nm
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Section 4: Financial (cont.)
Budget Narrative:
Total budget $55,177.34
Contractual Services:
Salaries and Benefits:
Substance Abuse Counselor 22,206.19 (.87 FT)
Lead Counselor 18,655.84 (.65 FTE)
Counselor/Case Manager 7,235.78(.22 FTE)
FICA 3,679.48 (1.74 FTE)
Total Salaries and Benefits 51,777.29
Workbooks/MRT Training- 2,406.76
Drug tests approx.-993.29
Total Expenses 3,400.05
Total Contractual Services: $55,177.34
Unit Cost= 18.42
Approximate Units =2,995.51
The Substance Abuse Counselor at .87 FTE will provide group and individual therapy, conduct
assessments, make appropriate referrals as needed, provide information on client participation
and progress to judges and detention staff, and develop and monitor treatment plans. This will be
a Bachelors level position.
The Lead Counselor at .65 FTE's will provide the same services as above with the addition of
clinical oversight duties of the Program. This will be a Masters level position.
The Counselor/Case Manager will provide case management support to participants as well as
conduct groups and intakes as needed. This will be a Bachelors level position
Therapy workbooks will be provided to each participant in the program. Counselors/Case
Manager will receive ongoing Moral Reconation Therapy(MRT)training.
Drug testing will be administered upon entry into the Program and at least once while receiving
treatment within the Program.
Monroe County will provide the 25% match required. The Guidance Care Center will cover all
costs in excess of the allocated grant amount.
Monroe County will execute an agreement with the Guidance Care Center for the grant period. A
copy of the agreement will be provided to FDLE.
Application Ref# 2014-RSAT-83 Section#4 Page 2 of 4
cnntrnrt 9Mn [MAT_Pal 1nIo 1 e7 nM
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Section 4: Financial
Section Questions:
Question: What is the subgrantee's Operating Capital dollar threshold?
Answer: 1000
Question: Is there a sole source purchase involved with this subgrant?
Answer: No
Question: Is there a contract executed for activities in this subgrant? If so, has a copy been
received by the OCJG?
Answer: There will be an executed contract for activities and a copy will be provided to
Question: Are indirect costs included in the budget? If so, has a copy of the subgrantee's
Indirect Cost Plan (approved by the cognizant federal agency) been submitted to the
Answer: No
Question: If salaries and benefits are included in the budget, is there a net increase in the
number of personnel?
Answer: No
Question: If benefits are to be included, are they reflected in the budget narrative?
Answer. No
Question: Will the applicant be requesting an advance of federal funds?
Answer: No
Question: Will the project earn Program Generated Income (PGI)?
Answer: No
Question: Does the budget include services based on unit costs? If so, provide a definition and
cost for each service as part of the budget narrative for contractual services. Include
the basis for the unit costs and how recently the basis was established or updated.
Answer: Yes.
Total budget: $55,177.34
Contractual Services:
Salary and Benefits-
Substance Abuse Counselor22,206.19(.87 FT)
Lead Counselor16,655.84(.65 FTE)
Counselor/Case Manager/,235.78(.22 FTE)
FICA81679.480.74 FTE)
Total Salaries and Benefits:611,777.29
Workbooks/MRT TrainingZ1406.76
Drug Testing 993.29
Total Expenses:31400.05
Application Ref# 2014-RSAT-83 Section#4 Page 3 of 4
Cnntrart 9I11A MCAT.MnnlQ _e7nnl
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Total Contractual Services: $55,177.34
Unit Cost= 18.42
Total grant units = 2,995.51
The Substance Abuse Counselor at.87 FTE will provide group and individual
therapy, conduct assessments, make appropriate referrals as needed, provide
information on client participation and progress to judges and detention staff, and
develop and monitor treatment plans. This will be a Bachelor's level position.
The Lead Counselor at .65 FTE's will provide the same services as above with the
addition of clinical oversight duties of the Program. This will be a Masters level
The Counselor/Case Manager will provide case management support to participants
as well as conduct groups and intakes as needed. This will be a Bachelors level
Therapy workbooks will be provided to each participant in the program.
Counselors/Case Manager will receive ongoing Moral Reconation Therapy(MRT)
Unit Cost data provided August 16, 2013 by Guidance Care Center.
Application Ref# 2014-RSAT-83 Section#4 Page 4 of 4
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