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Resolution 136-2016
RESOLUTION NO.1 3 6-2016 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE TENTATIVE PER MONTH SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE RATES FOR COMMERCIAL PROPERTY IN THE VARIOUS SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FRANCHISE AREAS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016/17. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to the solid waste collection agreements entered into between the County as Franchisor and the solid waste collectors as Franchisees,the solid waste service rates for commercial property,as defined in Sec.21.46, Monroe County Code,areherebyadjusted in each district,on a per month basis as follows: WASTE MANAGEMENT OF FLORIDA,INC. a) CAN PICKUP RATE SCHEDULE RATE INCREASE: 1.60% Number Rate Number of Pick Ups Per Week of Cans Element 2 3 4 5 6 ( 2 Collection 16.251 24.75 33.02 41.29 49.54 Collection w/Increase 16.51i 25.15 33.55 41.95 50.33 - Disposal 24.301 36.38 48.52 60.68 72.82 Recycling 0.001 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 40.81 61.53 82.07 102.63 123.15 3 Collection 25.11 37.12( 49.54( 61.94 74.47 Collection w/Increase 25.51( 37.71 50.33 62.93 75.66 Disposal 36.38 54.57 72.82 91.00 109.20 Recycling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 61.89! 92.28( 123.15 153.93 184.86 4 ICollection _ 33.02 49.54 61.94 82.59 99.08 Collection w/Increase 33.55 50.33 62.93 83.91 100.67 _ Disposal ( 48.72 73.13 97.46 121.86 146.20 Recycling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 82.27 123.46 160.39 205.77 246.87 ( 5 Collection 41.29! 61.94 82.59 103.28 123.96 Collection w/Increase 41.95! 62.93 83.91 104.93 125.94 Disposal 60.68 91.00 121.35 151.63 181.96( Recycling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase ( 102.63 153.93 205.26 256.56 307.90 6 Collection 49.54 74.47 99.08 123.96 148.65 Collection wllncrease 50.33 75.66 100.67 125.94 151.03 Disposal 72.82 109.20 145.59 181.96 218.40 Recycling 0.001 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 123.151 184.86 246.26 307.90 369.43 1 ''I ti� I _I I I I I WASTE MANAGEMENT OF FLORIDA,INC. b) CONTAINERIZED PICKUP RATE SCHEDULE Container Rate Number of Pick Ups Per Week Size Element 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Collection 25.65 51.31 76.96 102.61 128.27 153.92 206.92 Collection wllncrease 26.06 52.13 78.19 104.25 130.32 156.38 210.23 Disposal 38.39 76.79 115.17 153.57 191.96 230.36 268.75 Cont. Maint.. 17.87 17.87 17.871 17.87 17.87 17.87 17.87 Recycling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 82.32 146.79 211.231 275.69 340.15 404.611 496.85 2 Collection 51.311 102.61 153.92 205.23 256.53 307.84 386.27 Collection wllncrease_ _ 52.13 104.25 156.38 208.51 260.63 312.771 392.45 IDisposal 76.791 153.57 230.36 307.13 383.92 460.71 537.49 Cont.Maint.. 20.28 20.28 20.28 20.28 20.28 20.28 20.28 Recycling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 149.20 278.10 407.02 535.92 664.83 793.761 950.22 3 Collection 76.96 153.92 230.88 307.84 384.80 461.76 582.23 Collection wllncrease 78.19' 156.38 234.57 312.77 390.96 469.15 591.55 Disposal 115.17 230.36 345.53 460.70 575.89 691.061 806.24 Cont.Maint.. 22.75 22.75 22.75 22.75 22.75 22.75 22.75 Recycling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase _^ 216.11 409.49 602.85 796.22 989.60 1,182.96 1,420.54 4 Collection 102.61 208.35 312.52 416.69 520.87 615.68 745.02 Collection wllncrease 104.25 211.68 317.52 423.36 529.20 625.53 756.94 Disposal 153.57 307.13 460.71 614.28 767.85 921.41 I 1,074.98 Cont. Maint.. _ 23.16 23.16 23.16 23.16 23.16 23.16 23.16 Recycling 0.001 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 280.98 541.971 801.39 1,060.80 1,320.21 1,570.10 1,855.08 6 Collection 153.92 i 307.84 461.76 615.68 769.60 923.52 1,081.16 Collection w/Increase 156.38 312.77 469.15 625.53 781.91 938.30 1,098.46 Disposal 230.36 460.71 691.06 921.41 1,151.77 1,382.13 1,612.48 Cont.Maint.. 25.64 25.64 25.64 25.64 25.64 25.64 25.64 Recycling 0.001 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 412.381 799.12 1,185.85 1,572.58 1,959.32 2,346.07 2,736.58 1 2 8 Collection 205.231 410.45 615.68 820.91 1,026.13 1,231.36 1,462.67 Collection w/Increase 208.51 417.02 625.53 834.04 1,042.55 1,251.06 1,486.07 Disposal 307.131 614.28 921.41 1,228.56 1,535.69 1,842.84 2,149.97 Cont. Maint.. 27.671 27.67 27.67 27.67 27.67 27.671 27.67 Recycling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 543.31 1,058.97 1,574.61 2,090.27 2,605.91 3,121.57 3,663.71 I I _ 3 • I l I I I Marathon Garbage Service, INC. a) CAN PICKUP RATE SCHEDULE RATE INCREASE: 0.70% Number Rate Number of Pick Ups Per Week of Cans I Element 2 3 4 5 6 2 Collection 19.24 28.87 38.36 48.00 57.66 Collection w/Increase 19.37 29.07 38.63 48.34 58.06 Disposal 24.30 36.38 48.52 60.68 72.82 Recycling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 43.67 65.45 87.15 109.02 130.88 3 Collection 28.87 43.33 57.66 72.06 86.50 Collection w/Increase 29.07 43.63 58.06 72.56 87.11 Disposal 36.38 54.56 72.82 91.00 109.20 Recycling 0.00 _ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 65.45 98.19 130.88 163.56 196.31 4 Collection 38.36 57.66 76.88 96.07 115.30 Collection w/Increase 38.63 58.06 77.42 96.74 116.11 Disposal 48.72 72.82 97.05 120.39 145.59 Recycling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 87.35 130.88 174.47 217.13 261.70 5 Collection 48.00 72.06 96.07 120.22 144.18 l Collection w/increase 48.34 72.56 96.74 121.06 145.19 Disposal 60.68 91.00 121.35 151.63 181.96 Recycling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 109.02 163.56 218.09 272.69 327.15 _ I 6 Collection 57.65 86.50 115.30 144.18 173.04 Collection w/Increase 58.05 87.11 116.11 145.19 174.25 ,Disposal 72.82 109.20 145.59 181.96 218.41 (Recycling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 [Total with Increase 130.87 196.31 261.70 327.151 392.66 4 1 - _1. -..----- __- Marathon Garbage Service, INC. i by CONTAINERIZED PICKUP RATE SCHEDULE Container Rate - - Number of Pick Ups Per Week i Size Element 1 1 T - 2 3 ! 4 5 6 1 7 1 Collection 48.03 80.92 L ' 113.84; 144.81 176.45 208.15 242.13 1Collection wllncrease 48.371 81.49 114.641 145.82 177.69 209.611 243.82[Disposal ---_ ... - - 268.75 . ._.__ � 38.39 76.79 115.17 153.57 191.96 230.36 Recycling 0.00! 0.00 0.001 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 JTotal with Increase 1_ 86.76 158.28 229.81 1 299.39 369.65 439.97' 512.57 i 2 - y Collection I 80.92 i 144.81 208.15: 271.36 330.09 393.09 I 454.01 !Collection w/Increase 81.49, 145.82 209.61 I 273.26 332.40 395.84 I 457.19 I Disposal 76.79 153.57 230.361 307.13 383.92 460.711 537.49 !Recycling 0.00. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 0.00 Total with Increase 1 158.281 299.39 439.97 580.39 716.32 856.551 994.68 3 _Collection 111.60 208.151 302.11 393.08 L 484.39 575.601 666.95 :Collection w/Increase 112.38 209.61_1 304.221 395.83 t 487.78 579.63 1 671.62 Disposal 115.171 230.36 j 345.53 460.71 575.89 691.061 806.24 Recycling 0.00! 0.00 0.001 0.00 1 0.00 0.001 0.00 Total with Increase 227.551 439.97 649.75 856.541 1,06367 1,270.691 1,477,86 _.-_...- I I I I 4 !Collection 144.81 271.36] 393.091 514.841 636.56 j 758.22 1 861.79 'Collection w/Increase 145.82 - 273.26I 395.84 j 518.441 6411,2 763.531 867.82 Disposal 153.571 307.131 460.71 j 614.28 i 767.851 921.41 1 1,074.98 'Recycling 0.001 0.001 0.00E 0.00 0.001 0.00 I 0.00 :Total with increase _ 299.391 580.39` #NAME? ` 1,132.72 1 1,408.871 1,684.94 i 1,942.80 I i 6 Collection 208.151 393.09 575.60 758.22 I 940.791 1.123_35 i 1,305.87 Collection w/lncrease 209.61 I_ 395.84 579.631 763.531 947.381 1,131.21I 1,315.01 Disposal 1 230.36` 460.71 , 691.06, 921.41 I 1,151.77 1 1,382.131 1,612.48 Recycling 0.00I 0.00: 0.00+ 0.00' 0.001 0.00; 0.00 :Total with Increase 439.971 856.55 1,270.69 i 1,684.94 2,099.15 I 2,513.34 2,927.49 8 iCollection 271.36 i 514.84 j 758.22 1.001.541 1,219.42{ 1,488.34 1 1,731.79 Collection w/Increase � 273.261 518.441 763.531 1,008.56 j 1,227.96 j 1,498.76 1 1,743.91 Disposal 307.131- 614.281 921.41 1 1,228.561 1,535.691 1,842.841 2,149.97 Recycling 0.001 0.00, 0.00 i 0.001 0.00 i 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 580.391 1,132.721 1,684.94 2,237.11 2,763.651 3,341.60 3,893.88 5 KEYS SANITARY SERVICE - a) CAN PICKUP RATE SCHEDULE RATE INCREASE: 0.70% 1 Number Rate Number of Pick Ups Per Week of Cans Element 2 3 4 5 6 2 Collection 18.74 28.151 37.64 47.06 56.32 Collection w/lncrease 18.87 28.35 37.90 47.39 56.71 Disposal 24.291 36.381 48.52 60.67 72.81 Recycling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 43.16 64.731 86.42 108.06 129.52 3 Collection 28.15 42.31 56.32 70.55 84.72 Collection w/Increase 28.35 42.61 56.71 71.04 85.31 Disposal 36.38 54.56 72.81 91.00 109.19 Recycling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 64.73 97.17 129.52 162.04 194.50 4 Collection 37.64 56.32 75.23 94.12 112.87 Collection w/Increase 37.90 56.71 75.76 94.78 113.66 Disposal I 48.52 72.81 97.03 121.33 145.46 Recycling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 86.42 129.52 172.79 216.11 259.12 5 Collection 47.06 70.55 94.12 117.54 141.13 Collection w/Increase 47.39 71.04 94.78 118.36 142.12 Disposal 60.67 .91.00 121.33 151.60 181.93 Recycling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase I 108.06 162.04 216.11 269.96 324.05 6 Collection 56.32 84.72 112.87 141.13 169.20 Collection w/Increase 56.71 85.31 113.66 142.12 170.38 Disposal 72.81 109.19 145.46 181.93 218.37 'Recycling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 1 129.52 194.50 259.121 324.05 388.75 6 , / ~ | | - — — ' —' —T --^KEYS SANITARY SERVICE— — - -- ----- b) CONTAINERIZZEED PICKUP RATE SCHEDULE Container Rate Number of Pick Ups PerWeek Size i Element Disposal 38.38. Recycling Total with increase / 6.�t---�&98 227.Disposal 115.16. 8 "Collection Total with Increase 7 I I L OCEAN REEF CLUB,INC. a) CAN PICKUP RATE SCHEDULE RATE INCREASE: 0.70% I Number Rate Number of Pick Ups Per Week of Cans Element 2 3 4 5 1 6 2 Collection 20.35 30.38 40.49 50.66 60.78 Collection w/lncrease 20.49 30.59 40.77 51.01 61.21 Disposal 24.30 36.38 48.52 60.68 72.82 Recycling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 44.79 66.97 89.29 111.69 134.03 3 Collection 30.38 45.49 60.78 75.94 91.22 Collection w/lncrease 30.59 45.81 61.21 76.47 91.86 _ Disposal 36.38 54.57 72.82 91.00 109.20 Recycling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 66.97 100.38 134.03 167.47 201.06 4 _ Collection I 40.49 60.77 81.07 101.33 121.65 Collection w/lncrease 40.77 61.20 81.64 102.04 122.50 Disposal 48.52 72.82 97.05 121.35 145.59 'Recycling 0.00` 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 89.29 134.02 178.69 223.39 268.09 5 Collection 50.66 75.94 1 101.33 126.591 179.67 Collection w/lncrease 51.01 _ 76.47 102.04 127.48 180.93 Disposal 60.68 91.00 121.35 151.63 181.96 - Recycling _ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total with Increase 111.69 167.47 223.39 279.11 362.89 6 Collection 60.77 91.22 121.65 151.83 182.28 Collection w/lncrease 61.20 91.86 122.50 152.89 183.56 Disposal 72.82 109.20 145.59 181.96 218.41 - _ Recycling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 0.00 'Total with Increase 134.02 201.06 268.09 334.851 401.971 8 OCEAN REEF CLUB,INC. 1 i b) CONTAINERIZED PICKUP RATE SCHEDULE I - - Container 1 Rate Number of Pick Ups Per Week _-_ ; 1 Size Eleri ent 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 ; 6 1 7 I i ! I 1 1 Collection 1 50.331 84.58; 119.371 151.921 185.151 218.651 256.28 Collection w/Increase I 50.68: 85.17 120 21; 152.98 I 186.45 I 220.18 1 258.07 Disposal I 38.391 76.791 115.171 153.571 191.961 230.361 268.75 Recycling__` 0.00 0.00! 0.00! 0.00 0.00 0.0010.00 [Total with Increase 1 89.07; 161.961 235.381 306.551 378.411 450.541 526.82 i- • I 2 Collection __ _ 83.871150.27 216.27 282.04; 345.54 408.931 472.33 Collection w/lncrease 84.46: 151.32! 217.78 j 284.01 - 347.96 411.79 475.64 ;Disposal 76.791 153.571 230.361 307.131 383.921 460.711 537.49 Recycling i 0.001 0.00I 0.00! 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.00 ;Total with Increase 1 161.25! 304.89 448.14 591.141 731.881 872.501 1.013.13 3 1 Collection ! 118.07 21 6 27�- 313.921 408.931 503.991 599.181 694.16 Collection w/Increase 118.90! 217.781 316.12 411.79 i 507.52 1 603.37 1 699.02 !Disposal 115.171 230.361 -3_45.53 Y460.71 57.5.89 j 69_1.06; 806.24 ?Recycling - _- - 0.00 0.001 0.001 _ 0.00; - 0.00 0.00 0.00 -- I-_ Total with Increase 234.07: 448.14 661 .651 872.501 1,083.41 1.294.431 1,505.26 • 4 Collection 150.271 282.04 408.93; 535.779[ 662.63 78934 1 916.27E ;Collection wilncrease 1 151.321 284.01 I 411.79 I 539.54 i 667.27 1 794.87 1 922.68 !Disposal 1 153.57 307.131 460.71 I 614.28 767.85 921.41 1 1,074.98 Recycling __0.00; 0.001 _ _0.00_ 0.001 0.001 0.00 0.00 Tota1 with Increase - 304.89 591_14 872.5011 1.153_821 1,435.12! 1,716.281 1,997.66 6 ;Collection ! 216.27 408.931 599.18 789341 979.59; 1,169.831 1,360.00 Collection w/Increase 217.781 411.79 603.37 794.87 986.45 1 1,178.02 I 1,369.52 Disposal 230.361 460.71 691 .061 921.41 1 1,151.771 1.382.131 1,612.48 Recycling 0.00' 0.00 0.00 _ 0.00 - 0.00': 0.00 0.00 :Total with Increase 448.14 872.50! 1,294.43 1 1.716.28 I 2.138.221 2.560.1C1 2.982.00 -r 1 1 8 ,Collection 1 282.04. 535.79 789.34 1,043.06j 1,296_71 1,518.431 1,766.78 Collection w/Increase 284.01 539.54 794.87; 1,050.36 1,305.79 . 1,529.06 1,779.15 :Disposal I 307.13' 616.341 921.41 I 1228.561 1,535.691 1.842.84I 2,149.97 Recycling 0.00 _0.00 0.001 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -' - - ;Total with Increase 591.14 I, 155.88; 1,716.28 I 2,278.92$ 2,841 A8 3,371 .90 3,929.12 i • 9 Section 2. The colliwtion sioniice rate established hefein are attcillonal to the daposal rates to,ictl.;m tru)opsui vaorern ap,..smrykenis against commerriat property pursuant to Sec.21.96,e .sm„Monroe Comfy Cede End Section 1B7,34132,Fla. Stat. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Schwa of Courtly Cornriiissionem of kdomoa Comly Florida,81 a reoularmeetdog of said Board hold on the 20ti day rit July,2E116, Mayor Neather Carruthers Yes Mayor pro tern George Neugent Commissioner I army L.Kolltage Yes Commissioner David Rice ..,Y.. , Commissioner Sytvin ttlurphy v P S 'I .g. , l''4- •," L r :-4..' -kg VILIN,CLERK Bata- 0 OF COLT 1 S TONERS-4-4, OF MONROE • s wit:..7,-, _ A PO ''y Cie* May Neat them '0100-, .‘ ..4Hlioir S)45/(0 MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM: .04.--t.., LEPYDP-0.-4A2LITLMarAbza ...7. •,-Z — __I Is.TINE M. i_IMBERT-BARROWS ASSISTANT Cr4Y ATTORNEY Date ......._ .11:1_?, 1,- a_ up .c.., CD Lu emt 1.f...7 c=Th.- •z 10- Section Z . The aoiie+ccWn se vice rakes estAA$hed befein are 8dc*iional to the ditmposai rates bevind M (ww�- I VAxem A.kvAqrwvAq againsA comanemml property pursuant to Sec. 21.96. etc. seq. Mco" 9 Code end Seactcn 197,36 2, Fla. Stat_ PASSED AND ADOPTED by the 8004 of County Commiawners of Mxtroe Ccxsnty Fforid4. at A regi lear meretoV of said Board held on the 70 ( of July, 2016 Mayor Heather Carruthers Yes Mayor pro tern George Neugerni Commissioner Danny L. Kolhage Yes Commissioner David Rlce C Syfvlo Murphy YPC ILIN, CLERK BOARD OF C0 i Y IS I�ERS OF MONROE S y' Clark Mav,9 Ha l`W$ ill] c r 0 - J �v } 1i r W � —► G cI-j ill]