Item S67 CM ounty of onroe BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS  Mayor Heather Carruthers, District 3 Mayor Pro Tem George Neugent, District 2 TheFloridaKeys Danny L. Kolhage, District 1 David Rice, District 4 Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5 County Commission Meeting September 21, 2016 Agenda Item Number: S.6  Agenda Item Summary #2011 BULK ITEM: DEPARTMENT: Yes Sustainability TIME APPROXIMATE:STAFF CONTACT: Rhonda Haag (305) 453-8774 Not Applicable AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion of an agreement with Stetson University to improve elevation data and analyze opportunities and barriers for use in sea level rise adaptation planning. NOAA Grant UFDSP00011308 was awarded to the University of Florida Sea Grant College Program, UF subcontracted award to Stetson University. Total work value to be received from Stetson is $105,000 including the County's $30,000 cash match. ITEM BACKGROUND: The original grant application submitted participation in a four (4) state regional network of coastal hazard specialists to improve the resilience of coastal communities to rising tides, storm surges, and sea level rise. Full award would have provided Monroe The application included tasks to develop much- needed GIS data and planning capabilities that would local resilience to rising tides and flooding. This data would have helped the County more effectively and accurately assess the risks and vulnerabilities the County faces from a variety of hazards including rising tides, storm surges, and other flooding. The amount of funding was reduced upon notice of award and an important project task was REDUCED, as follows:  (for individual property owners) to include complete building footprints, public record Elevation Certificate data for finished floor elevations of buildings, and digital mapping of stormwater drainage features along the US1 corridor. Development of these databases will make Monroe County a recognized national leader in the use of GIS technologies to support effective adaptation and mitigation of coastal flooding hazards. NOTE: The GIS Data will now be for County-owned facilities only. There are tasks that remain under the grant that are still beneficial, as outlined below. original portion of the 4-state award was $100,000. Monroe County offered an additional $30,000 cash match contribution to the project, which was to cover policy analysis and local outreach. Notice of award was received and the award amount was decreased to $75,000, with Monroe still providing the $30,000 match for the policy and outreach work, totaling $105,000 in total work value. The remaining scope of work covered under the grant award is as follows. Monroe County will be receiving the following as a result of the GRANT funds: Extend and evaluate the effectiveness of using existing local engagement tools, specifically the 4EGOIX4K 7 Vulnerability, Consequences, and Adaptation Planning Scenarios (VCAPS) tool. The data development, damage assessments, and adaptation discussions will be based upon local needs and priorities identified using the VCAPS methodology. Monroe County will assist in the effort by identifying our critical infrastructure, public property, and resources that are the most important components for our disaster resiliency and recovery. VCAPS sessions will be conducted in our community. Develop more accurate, survey-quality local elevation data to develop more precise hazard damage costs for Monroe assessments. This will be done by updating and modernizing data County facilities only to include complete building footprints and public record Elevation Certificate data for finished floor elevations of buildings. The project will demonstrate a model for improving damage assessments of critical infrastructure by (1) digitizing building footprints OF COUNTY FACILITIES ONLY in a GIS format for structures associated with critical infrastructure identified in the VCAPS process and (2) digitizing the elevation data contained in Elevation Certificate surveys. NOTE: The original application was to provide the GIS elevation data for individual property owners of the homes and businesses in the county, and to assess digital mapping of stormwater drainage features along the US1 corridor. Development of these databases would have made Monroe County a recognized national leader in the use of GIS technologies to support effective adaptation and mitigation of coastal flooding hazards. However, this part of the task was REDUCED by the granting agency during the cost reduction, and now only the County-owned facilities will be mapped. Also, the original grant application stated that detailed flood hazard vulnerability results using Hazus storm surge model would be created using the newly modernized GIS datasets. These results were originally to be delivered in a form appropriate to support Monroe County's future application for Pre- Disaster Mitigation Grant requests through FEMA and the Florida Division of Emergency Management. (Hazus is a geographic information system-based natural hazard analysis tool developed and distributed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). However, with the reduced GIS data and modeling, it is unclear how much the data to be provided will be used for future FEMA grant requests. Monroe County will be receiving the following as a result of our $30,000 CASH match: Utilize the data developed in this project, the County-owned facility hazard assessments, and the  community engagement results to inform the local hazard planning, policy and legal framework in order to build local government capacity to address coastal risks. This will be accomplished by analyzing our laws, regulations and policies that may affect our ability to undertake adaptation measures, with a focus on our legal duties to provide infrastructure and emergency management services. The findings will be compared to the significance of the variations among communities in our region and how potential adaptation needs identified by the VCAPS process and the HAZUS modeling may be affected by the legal and policy framework in which those adaptation measures take place. This will provide ground work for understanding future opportunities and barriers to resilience planning. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for a Grant to fund the South Atlantic Regional Resilience proposed four (4) state Coastal Community Resilience project, which includes a 30% cash match from the County; and approval to allow Dr. Jason Evans (Stetson University) and Erin Deady (Erin L. Deady, P.A.) to prepare and submit the grant application on behalf of the County 4EGOIX4K 7 for projects related to the resilience of coastal communities to natural hazards, including both contemporary disasters such as hurricanes, storm surge and coastal flooding, and future hazards associated with sea level rise and climate change. A four-state team was selected to submit a full proposal to this regional funding opportunity, which was comprised of: Carl Vinson Institute of Government at the University of Georgia,  University of North Carolina,  University of South Carolina, and  Stetson University and their project partners (including Erin L. Deady, P.A.)  The other participating communities to benefit from this proposed project include: Monroe County, FL  Nags Head, NC (Outer Banks)  McIntosh County, GA (best known for Sapelo Island and Gullah community of Hog Hammock),  and Beaufort, SC (which includes Hilton Head Island).  CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: New Agreement STAFF RECOMMENDATION: DOCUMENTATION: Stetson Agreement FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: September 21, 2016 Expiration Date: January 31, 2018 Total Dollar Value of Contract: $112,500 Total Cost to County: $30,000 Current Year Portion: $30,000 Budgeted: Yes Source of Funds: Budgeted Sustainability Funds CPI: No Indirect Costs: Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: None Revenue Producing: No If yes, amount: Grant: No, but majority of work is being funded through a NOAA grant, sub awarded to U of FL, sub awarded to Stetson. Monroe is contributing only a portion of the funds towards the total work value. County Match : Insurance Required: 4EGOIX4K 7 Additional Details: 09/21/16 001-05008 · SUSTAINABILITY $30,000.00 REVIEWED BY: Rhonda Haag Completed 09/01/2016 5:10 PM Pedro Mercado Completed 09/13/2016 6:01 PM Budget and Finance Pending Maria Slavik Pending Kathy Peters Pending Board of County Commissioners Pending 09/21/2016 9:00 AM 4EGOIX4K %XXEGLQIRX7XIXWSR%KVIIQIRX 7XIXWSR7IE0IZIP6MWI%HETXEXMSR4PERRMRK%KVIIQIRX %XXEGLQIRX7XIXWSR%KVIIQIRX 7XIXWSR7IE0IZIP6MWI%HETXEXMSR4PERRMRK%KVIIQIRX %XXEGLQIRX7XIXWSR%KVIIQIRX 7XIXWSR7IE0IZIP6MWI%HETXEXMSR4PERRMRK%KVIIQIRX %XXEGLQIRX7XIXWSR%KVIIQIRX 7XIXWSR7IE0IZIP6MWI%HETXEXMSR4PERRMRK%KVIIQIRX %XXEGLQIRX7XIXWSR%KVIIQIRX 7XIXWSR7IE0IZIP6MWI%HETXEXMSR4PERRMRK%KVIIQIRX %XXEGLQIRX7XIXWSR%KVIIQIRX 7XIXWSR7IE0IZIP6MWI%HETXEXMSR4PERRMRK%KVIIQIRX %XXEGLQIRX7XIXWSR%KVIIQIRX 7XIXWSR7IE0IZIP6MWI%HETXEXMSR4PERRMRK%KVIIQIRX 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K 7E 4EGOIX4K