Item F40a r County of Monroe - Me Florida Keys BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor Heather Carruthers, District 3 Mayor Pro Tem George Neugent, District 2 Danny L. Kolhage, District 1 David Rice, District 4 Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5 County Commission Meeting November 22, 2016 Agenda Item Number: F.40 Agenda Item Summary #2355 BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: Project Management / Facilities TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Alice Steryou (305) 292 -4549 None AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Second Renewal Amendment Agreement with Stockton Maintenance Group, Inc. (SMG) for janitorial services at the Key Largo Library to extend the term to November 30, 2017. ITEM BACKGROUND: On November 18, 2014, the BOCC approved a bid award agreement with Stockton Maintenance Group (SMG) for janitorial services at the Key Largo Library. On November 17, 2015, the BOCC approved the first renewal amendment agreement which extended the term to November 30, 2016. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Bid award BOCC approved on November 18, 2014. On November 17, 2015, the BOCC approved the first renewal amendment agreement. CONTRACT /AGREEMENT CHANGES: Contract will commence December 1, 2016, and terminate November 30, 2017; monthly fees will increase by .7 %, the CPI -U at December 31, 2015. The contract amount is adjusted .7% for janitorial services at the Key Largo Library from $1,260.17 per month to $1,269.00 per month. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval DOCUMENTATION: 111814_Bid Award Agreement _KL Library Janitorial _SMG_Exec_Item F -34 111715_ Executed_I st Renewal Largo Library F -29 Stockton Maintenance -janitorial Services - 2nd Renewal (Key Largo Library) (final legal approved) FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: December 01, 2016 Expiration Date: November 30, 2017 Total Dollar Value of Contract: $15,228.00 /year or $1,269.00 /month Total Cost to County: $15,228.00 /year or $1,269.00 /month Current Year Portion: $12,690.00 Budgeted: Yes Source of Funds: Ad Valorem CPI: Yes Indirect Costs: N/A Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: N/A Revenue Producing: No Grant: No County Match: No Insurance Required: Yes Additional Details: If yes, amount: 11/22/16 001 -20501 - FACILITIES MAINTENANCE $15,228.00 REVIEWED BY: Doug Sposito Completed 11/04/2016 9:19 AM Patricia Eables Completed 11/04/2016 11:18 AM Budget and Finance Completed 11/04/2016 11:36 AM Maria Slavik Completed 11/04/2016 11:59 AM Kathy Peters Completed 11/04/2016 1:50 PM Board of County Commissioners Pending 11/22/2016 9:00 AM DA TE': Deceniber 1.5. 201-1 TO: Dent Pierce, Dii Public [Vorks Division A TTYN: Beth Leto 1 Lincls(�y Ballar(J, D.C. I'�, . .......... At tl Noverriber 18, 2014, Board of County Commissioner's meeting the Board granted approval and execution of Iterris: 1 '2 "1 Enter into a one year's residential lease agreement with a Sheriff s' Deputy for l-ocation 13 to con December 01, 2014 and terminate'` ovember 30, 2015, f 2- 4 I-ease Agreement with the State of Florida Department of Health, Monroe County health Department, to provide continued 1125 sq. ft. of office space at the MUrray F.". Nelson Government and Cultural Center, 102050 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, FL. F28 Award bid and execute as contract with E E G F'Invironn Services, 1J,C for professional beach cleaning, rnaintenance and beauti f i cation, Higgs Beach, Key West, including the children's 1enced in play area/beach side on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays). This contract is funded in full by the TIX 1 31 Award bid and execute as contract with Stockton Maintenance Group Inc. (`CMG) for Janitorial services al. the Big fine Key Library, Y V 11 F3-4 Award bid and execute a contract with Stockton Maintenance (..'YrOLIP Inc. (SG) M fear janitorial services at the Key L,argo Library. 1 is (:i (InlVicale origimd cif the above inentionecl execule(l on be half 'cif 1lonroe Countj),16r,vour. hanotling. Should Vou hove anY questions, Plcuseftelfi ee to conlact me. c C County Attorney Finance I He 500 Whitehead Street Suite 10.1, PO Box 1980, Key West, R. 33040 Phone: 305-295-3130 Fax: 305-295-3663 311 / Overseos Highway, Morathon, FL 33050 Phone: 305-289-6027 Fox:.305-289-6025 88820 Overseas Highwoy, Plantation Key, FL 33070 Phone: 852-7145 Fax: 305-852-7146 JANITORIAL SERVICES AGREEMENT- KEY LARGO LABR-XRY I STOCKTON MAIN GROUP MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA This Agreerrient is made and entered into this l8th day of November, 2014, between MONROF COUJNTY, F L,ORIDA. ("COUNTY"), a political subdivision of the State of Florida,w Meese address is 1100Simonton Street, Key West, Horida,33040, Laid Stockton Maintenance Group, lite. (SMG) ("CON TRACTOR"),, a 117orida corporation, whose address 1975 SarisbUry Way, Suite 116, West Palin Beach., FL 3141' 1. WHEREAS, COUNTY (Icsires to provide janitorial soviets for Key L-argo Libotry, Monroe County, Florida, and' WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR desires and is able to powide janitorial services to lacy Largo Library, Monroe County, Florida; and WHEREAS, it serves a legitimate Public purpose for (".ONTRACTOR to provide janitorial services to Key L..argo Library, Monroe COUnty, Florida, now theref6re, I IN CONSIDERATJON of the ritutuai pron and -Covenants coritained herein, It is agreed as l'oflows: 1. TIJE AGREEMEN'll" The Agreement consists of this (10CUrnelit, the bid documerus, exhlt)its, and any addenda only, 2. SCOPE OFTHE WORK rf Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipnient, tools, transportation, services, and incidentals,. to perfrorrn all the work necessary in accordance with the specifications, Le., Janitorial service,, including all necessary supplies. equipment, and safety devices required in the performance of same fior the Key Largo Library, located at Mm 10 ,5, US Highway 41 consisting of approximately 1'2,069 st, A, Restroom Sanitation shall include the fifllowing on as dally basis: i. All Floors swept, loose dirt', removed, j, 1, Wash and disinfect floor ill, Stall partitions dtmp cleaned, V. All cortirnodes, urnials., bas'ns arid van'ties shall be scoured and disinfected, v. All urinal traps shall he specially cleaned and disinl�scte& vi. All sanitary napkin receptacles will be clearied, waste disposed, and disinf ctcd, vi l, All supplies shall be replaced (paper goods, soap., etcj, Janitorial Servkes Agreement 1 BBC C Noveniber 1 8 2 01 4 1 4 v iii All other work necessary to nnaintairl a clean and sanitary condition iro these restroonis shall be accornplished, whether it is speciflc illy noted in these specifications or not, NOTt, ' ': Key Largo Library has I male public restroorn with I toilet and I urina 'I l, feiriale public restroorn with 2 toilets ,:arid I employee restrooril with 1, toilet, f1, All sinks and water foi..intains outside the •estro areas are to be cleancol daily. Water lbuntains are to he polished periodically. C General Cleaning shall be completed daily, and should include the 1"ollowing: I All file floors are to be ClUsted and tnopped, IL All fi,irri it tire and f to be dusted and spoi cleaned. iii. I-ow ledges, sills, rails, tables, shelving, Niseboards, etc. to be wir)ed with a damp cloth to rcdUCC the arnottrit of'dUSt In the building. iv. All trash receptacles errs tied, and trash can liners replaced, N 1. All upholster furniture to be vacuumed, VL All carpeting shall be vactiurned with a powerl"u] HEPA vacuum, arch as the Oreck. U Weekly janitorial. ser'v'ices 10 include i All glass partitions, doors, mirrors, windows., et.c. to be clearied and/or polished, IL Obvious SCUl"I" inarks shall be removed f'o resilient flooring. I'll All door vents cleaned. MorithlyJanitorial services to include: i. All high dusting (i.e. l door fi air vents, tops of'brook shelves, CtO h. All walls dusted monthly iii. All air conditioning verits, supply and return air grilles cleaned, E The C11 , 011tractor shall Insure all exterior doors are locked while they are servicing the building and upon their departure. C, G Janitorial services will be 6 days a week, Monday fl - irough Satt..Irday (excluding holidays), beginuing at 7:30 a,in, cor 8.30 a.rn. said finishing no later than 9:30 amt. (Library (,opening time). I IL -oordinatiori of the work with the ("ounty area represeurative shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Fhe Contractor shall perlbrin the work duririg hours, and urric as specified. 1. Keys shall be issued to the Contractor by the area representative at the start of' the C.ont•act. Written confirmation ol'receipt of 'keys shall be signed by the Contractor. The (-'ontracto• shall return all keys as issued upon expiration (A'dic contract or tern ation, Janitorial Services Agreement 2 BOCC N(minher 19 2101 t The Contractor shall be rcsj:)onsible for the cost of changing locks, etc., for all keyed secured areas for which the Contractor does riot r0tUrn the keys. K, The Contractor Shall report any problerris r(,-gardirig opcii doors and/Or vandalism to the Facilities Maintenance Deparri 1- The (-'ontracto)r Shall provide {,tfl suj�)plics necessary for the cleaning perlbi-nialrCe ofjijS work under the contract. All supl- including but riot limited to, hand soap, paper twvcls., toilet paper, and trash can finers, shall be supplied by the Contractor. Restroorns are equipped with paper towel and toilet paper dispensers. The contractor shall maintain stock in each facility in an arnount SllfflCrCut tO fast through the next cleaning day. I zn M. Additional Services (Shall be perlormed once in. every three month period, and shall be included in the bidding price,) 1. Resilient Flooring shall be swept/dust r'noppcd and stripped, Af"Ler application of three coats ofvrax, areas sl be buffed sufflicienfly for maxi.rYlUrn, gloss and uniform sheen. frorn wall to wall, inch drip corners. The waxed 11(ior shall present a clean appearance free from scuff marks or dirt sirrears. furniture arr(.1/or other equipment rrooved during floor stripping and waxing shall bo5 returried to their original positams, it, Dry Steam C'leaning, or Shampooing Carpets and RUgS shall be vactrurried cif all loose soil and debris prior to cleaning., and. shall be free ofstreaks, stains arid spots,, and shall have a bright urilforrn color upon completion of dry cleaning, steam cleaning or sharnpooing, K Inspection of Work: Random inspections shall be performed by County Representatives from the Public Works/l Division administering the contracts. Deficiencles shall be corrected within a twerity-four (24) hoiir period of" nonificatIon to the contractor. Fallure� of the contractor to correct such deficiencles shall re•tilt in prorated deduction from the niorithly invoice, 3. PAYMENTS T'O CONTRACTOR A. COUNTY'S perf'ormance and obligation to Pav Under this agreement, is contingent upon annual appropriation by the Board of' ("ounty Conirrussi(iners, ('01.7NI"Y shall pay in accordance with the Florida Local Government Prompt Payinerit Act'. payment will be made after delivery and inspection by COUNIN and up(, submissi(..)n of' a proper invoice by C'ONTRACTM B, (2ONTRACTOR shall subi to ('01-INTY invoices Witt). SUPP'orting doicurnentalion acceptable to the leek, on a monthly schedule in arrears. Acceptability to the Clerk is based on tienerally accepted acCOLD principles and such laws, rules and regulation, as rriray govern the Clerk's disbursal of funds, The Contract arnount shall be as stated by the CMIRACTOR's bid as follows: One Thousand T'wo Hundred if anti 16/100--Dollars ($1,250.16) per month, 4. TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall commence December 01, 2014 and ends upon November 30, 2015 unless terminated earlier under paragraph 18 ofthis Agreernent. janitonal services Agreernent 3 BOCC Nov einher IS M14 The COUNTY shall have the option to reriew this Agreement Cor tip to .in additional two (2) one year pe�riods at ternis and conditions nittitlally apyeeable to the parties, exercisable upon written notice given Lit least -1 days prior to the end of the itiltial terril. IJI'lless tile Context Clearly indicates otherwise, ref'crei ices to the "terin'" (,)f' this Agreement shall mean the inih, term of' one (I ) year, The Contract arriount may be adjusted allIlLially in accordarice with the percentage change in the U.S. Departryient L Commerce Consi.inler Pr Index (CP`l-U') for all L)'rban Consumers Lis rej:)orted "by the I', S, Boircati of' Labor SLatistics and shall be based upon the (ITI-U computation at Dec ernber 31 4the previous year, 5k ACCE PTA N( IT OF CONDITIONS BY CONTRACTOR CON has, arid shall maintain thf.(Algh,OLIJ, the tel (,.)f' this Agreement, appropriate l Proot' of' such licenses arid approvals shall be submitted to the COUNTY Upon request. 6. FINANCIAL RECORDS OF' ("'ONTRACTOR, CON'TRACTOR shall maintain Lill books, records, and docurnents directly pertinent to perforinance under this Agreconerit in accordance with generally accepted accc)unfing I F"ach party to) 10 is A�-)reem erl or their authorized principles consistently applied, I representatives shall have reasonable arid firriely a acccss to Stich records ot'cach other party to this Agreement for public records PLffP0scs during the terin, of the Agrectrient and for i'OUr years following the terrranation of'dais Agreement, 11' an auditor employed by the COUNTY or C.Ierk determines that nionies paid to CONTRACTOR put-SUant, to this Agreement were spent fior purposes ara t authorized hy this At-) - pay the ",reen the CONTRACTOR shall i c nionles together with Interest calculated pUrsuant to Sec. 55.03, FS, running Cronl tile (late the illonies were paid to CONTRACTOR, 7. PUBLIC ACCESS Pursuant to Floricki Statute § H 9,0701 . Contractor and its subcontractors shall coiliply with all pilblic records laws of'the State of"'lorida, HICILI(fing but ,- lot Iii tw (a) Keep and maintatin public records that ordinanly and necessarily would be required by Monroe C.'ounty in the perf'ort of'this Agreement. (b) Provide the public with access to public records oil the sanic terrns and conditions that Monroe County WOUld j the records arid Lit as cost that does noi exceed the cost provided in Florida Statutes, Chaptcr 119 or Lis othc provided by law, ic) F"TISLIN thLIt public I ords that are exempt or confideritial and exempt Froln public records disclosure requiren are not disclosed except as authorized by law. (d) Meet all requireinients for retan pUblho, records and transt'icr, at no cost., to Monroe County all public, records In possession of the contractor otpon termination of' this Agreerrient and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exe� "rorri public records disclosure requirements. All records stored odcctrornC,',llIV roUSI be providcd to Monroe County in as forinat thLit is compitible with the intort technology Systems of" Monroe County Janitorial Services Agreement 4 IBO( C N (.) v e eri i ° 1 8 2 0 1.4 The Count - Y shall have the right to uni lateral I y caricel this Agreeinerit Lrlp()o violation of' this \,] Pro'Siojrr by (.."ontractor. & HOLD HARMLESS AND INSIJRANCT o JA t l Ntwithstanding any ri nISUratic c reqiiireinents prescribed elsewhere I , is agreement, Contractor shall defiend. indeninifv and h the C(A.'NTY and the COUNTY's elected and. zlrl ointed office and employees harmless from and agairist (i) any cialryls, actions or causes (,)I' action, 0i) any litigation. adrinnistrative Proceedings, appellate pro,ccedings, (ir other proceedings relatirig to any tVPC Of inJUry (including death), loss, darriage, finc, penalty or business interruption, and (iii) i.-iny costs or expenses that may be asserted against, initiated with respect to, or sustained by. aniy inden party by rels()ri (i f , or in C01 With., (A) any activity of C0NTf o a of r any cif_` its employees, sub-contractor s or other InVFtCeS dt-lrillg the terni of this AGRE'EMENT, (B) the n Ig 1 1, egfigence or willf`ul niisconduct cif` CONTR.ACTOR or ariy of its employees, agerits,, SLib- contractors or other invitees, or (C) CONTRACTOR.'s defilult in respect of any of the obligations that it undertalikes under the tears of dais AGREEIMFINT, except to the exterit the claims, a(tions, causes of' actic)n, litigation, f)roceedings, costs or expenses arise fi tire intentional or sole negligent acts or omissions ( the C I 0,JNTY or any of its employees, agelitS, contractors or invitees (other than (.'ONTRACTOR), Insofar as the claims, actions, causes of action, litigation, procee(fngs, costs or expenses re hate to events or circunlstarice,�.; that occur dUring the term of' this AGRr this section will survive the expiration ()f' the ternr of'tirls AGREEW' or any earlier termination of this ACTRI'l-I'M I'NT. The extent of liability is in no way hinited to, reduced, or lessened by the insurance requirements contained elsewhere within this aareement, Failure of CONTRA.CTOR to comply with the requirements of'this section shall be CUM' for iminediatC tc•inination ofthis aereeniern, 1- to CXCCUti0n of' this agreernent, CONI RACTOR shall t1irnish the COU INTY C."ertificates of' Insurance inclicatirig the minit coverage Iiinitatioris iii the following amounts: WORKI-, COMPF"NSATION AND FAIPLOYF'R'S LIABILTIY INS(-JRANCT'. Where applicable, coverage to apply for all erriployces at a rrimirraini statutory hinits as required by Florida t,aw, lit addition, the CC)NTRACTOR skall obtain Frnployers' Liability Insurance with linats of' not less than $1(1(1()00.00 bodily it 'Lrr, by accident. S500,,,000,00 bodib" inj'Ury by disease, and 5100 000. 00 bodily lqjury by disease, each erriployee, COMPRE.'HENSIVE AUl'(WOBILF VEHICLE LIABILF INSURANCII. Motor vehicle liability insurance, iricludin g, applicable no -fault (;ovenap ith limits oHiabifity of riot less ,e,,, wi than �,LQ Lo()QJLQ tx".r occurrence, combined single limit !'c)r I.-Iodily Injury Liability and property Darriage fAability, If' single limits are provided, the mina - nurn acceptable limits are $j per person, $300.0W00 per occtirrence, and $,,�U, 00. - ty darntge. - .......... -- -- — - - ---- - - propei I Cl'overagc shall include all owned vehicles, all no.n-owlied vehicles, and all hired vehicles, COMMERCIAL GENF`R-Al, LIABILFYY Cornmercial gerieral hability (,. with limits of' liability of' not. less than $,j( )P)L )Ua_QQ per occr..irrencc combined single limit for Bodily h 'ury Liability. and Property Darn age Liability. Janitorial Services Agreement 5 MACT Novcinbcr 19 2014 The Contractor shall ptirchase and maintaln, throughout the terin of the contract, EMPI-OYN" DISHOWSTY INSI-JRAN(T" In the minnnurn artiount of' $10.000.00 per Occurrence which will pay for losses to County property or inoney caused by the fraudUlcl or dishonest acts of' the C'ontractor's employees Or its agen[s, whether acting alone or in collusion of'others, MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF" COUNTY COMAIL SIONERS MUST 11E NAM11,"D AS ADDITIONA L I1 Rf, ON ALL POLIC1 " SEX CFP7' WORKER "S COMPENSA TION (]EIRTIFICATFS OF INSIfl�ANCP., Original ('ertificates of insurance shall be provided to tile (.'(X-JNTV within fifteen (f 5) days of the award ol'Bid and certified copies provided ff requested. F'ach policy certificate shall be endorsed with ,:a provision that not less than thirty (30) calendar days' written notice shall be provided to the (-XA-!NT'Y bef'ore array policy or coverage is canceled or restricted. The underwriter ofsuc.h hisurance shall be qi-ralified to do business in the State of'Florlda, Monroe ( 'ounty shall, be nanred as an additional insured on the Vchicle Liability and ('ornniercial General Liability insurance. if requested by the County Administrator, Ih(. insurance coverage shall be Prin'laxy insurance with respect to the (. its officials, emiployees, agents, volunteers. 9 NON-'WAIVER,OF IMMIJINITY Notwithstanding the provisions of Sec 769-28., I'lorida Statutes the participation of' (-"Ot.)NIT ' and (' ` FO R in this Agreenient anG the acquisition of any commercial liability insurarwe coverage, sclf-insurance coverage, or local goverruncrit hability irisurance pool coverag shall riot be deerned as waiver of n to the extent of liability coverage, nor shall any Agreement entered into by the C(')(.jN'I'Y be required to contain any provision for walvet'. 10. IND EPENDFNT At all times and fZ all PUrPOSeS under d a.(1,1 CONTR,/ X,1 70R, Is M1 indclsenderit contractor and not an employee of fric 13oard of ountv Con of klonroe ("ounty. No stateniertl contained in this agreenient shall be construed so as to find ('0NTfW.'T0R or any of` his cn stibs, servants. or agents tea be ernployees of the lloard ol'County ( of'Monroe C'ounty, It. NONDISC' RIMINXTION ON' agrees that there will be no discrimination against any person., and it is expressl ' V Llr►derstood fliat upon a determination by a. court of'c(:)i ete , riprit ' jurisdicttor) that discrimination has OCCUrred, this Agreement autoinatically terrinnates, without any ftirther action on the part ofariy party, effective the date ofthe court order. CON'"I"RACTOR agrees to comply with all f ederal and l-'lorida statutes, and all local ordinances., as applicable, relating to nondisc•irninat Ion, Tfiese includc but are not hinited tw 1) Title V1 of the ("vil Rights Act of 1904 (PL 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; 2) Title IX of they Education Amendment of 1972, as oirnended (20 (-' IS(' ss. 1681-1693, a 685- and 11686), which prohibits discrin on the ba of sera ; 3 sis 1 -1) secholl 504 of' the Rehabilitation Act of 197"1. as arnerided (.20 tJS(' s, 794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps', 4) The Age 1-hsci Act of 1975, as amended (42 [J C' ss, 6101-6107) which prohibits discriminatiou on the basis of age 5) I'lle Janitorial Sentices Agreement BOCC Noveirifer 18 2014 DrLq Ahuse 011 , ice and Treatment ,, \ct of 19T2 (Pl, 92- arriended., relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abusc', 6) The Comprehensive Alcoflol Abuse and Alcoholisn'), Prevemtlon, Treatilient and Rehabilitation Act of' 1970 (P], 91-616). as amended, relating to nondiscrimination oil the basts of alcohol (AbLISe or alcoholism; 71 1 lie Public Health Set Act of 1912, ss. 523 and 527 (4 I.'SC ss, 690dd-'.3 and 2(90cc-3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug, a.buse patient records; 8) 'Fifle V111 ofthe Civil Rights Act of 1969 (42 LISC s et sect ,), as aniended, relating to nondiscrimination, M the sale., rental or financing i)t'hOUSjY1fq: 9) Hic. Anlericans with Disabilitics Act. of' 1990 (42 USC I I 201 Note), as rnaybe amended frorn tn to Time, relating U) riont iscriniination. on the basis of disability 10) Any other noridiscrinunation, prov.tsions in any Federal or state statutes which may apply, to C()l.';NTY and CONTRACTOR, to, or the subj ject matter of, Tills Agreernent, 12. ASSI(,, CONTRACTOR sliall not assign or subcontract its obligatiorm under this agreinent to others, except in writing atrid with the prior written approval of the Board of' C"ounty I Con o Mo f' nroe County and Contractor, which approval shall lac subject to suc Conditions and Provisions as file Board tuav deern necessary, 11i's parap I ,raph shall be incorporated by rei6rence into any assionment or subcoritract and any assignee 01* subcontractor shall comply with aII of the provisloris of' this agreement, Little ss expressly provided C(A therein, such approval shall in no inanner or event be decined to impose any additional obligation upon [he board, 13. LOMPLIANCE WITH LAW AND LICENSf:, RE�,Q1,AREMMENTS In providing all services/goods J.'MrStlant to this a ;re enlent, CONTRACTOR shall abide by all laws of the Federal and State governnient, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to, or reguliaing the provisions ot" such sei'viccs, including those now in efTect ,.arid hereinafter adopted. Compliance with all laws includes, but is not firnited to, the irnrm gration laws, of the Federal and State governt Any N/lolarion of' said statutes., ordinances, rules and regulations shaall COnStitUtC as nlaterial breach of this agreemenit and sliall entitle the Board to terrninate this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall possess proper licenses to perform, work In. accordance with these specifications throughout the term ofthilli A(treenlent_ 14. PISCLOStIRE AND CONIJACTOF INTERE81' CONTRA C"TO R represents that it, its directors, prinwiples and ernployces, presently have no interest and shall acclillre nor interest. either direct car inolirect, which would conflict in any manner with the performance of services required bythiS C()utraCt, as Dl'OV'dcd in Sect, 112311, et. sec, I lorida Statutes, ('01-INTY agrees that officers i.ind employees of' the (.'Of WIN recognize and will be required to coniply with the standar'ds ol'condUCt for public, officers arld employees as delineated in Section 1123 13, Florida Statutes, regarding, boit not limited to, soliontallor) or CICC(IPL.ince of gifis doing business with one's agency, unatithorized compens, misuse o!'public positiort, conflicting eri or contractual relatlonshlp� arid disclostire or t.ise ol"cet-tain Infin COUN'l Y itrid CONTRACTOR warrant, that, in 1"Csp(. to Itself'. it has neither employed not retained any col or person, other than as bona ficic employee working, Janitorml Services Agreerr ent 7 BOCC 18 2014 solely for it, trr solicit or sectire this Agn."cerrient and that it has not paid or agreed to p, any person, company, corporation, individUal. or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for it, any Im corni percentage, gift, or other consideration contingent upori or resulting From the award or rnaking ol'this Agreement ' . For fl h - te breach or violation of` provision, the CON't RACTOR agrees that the Cot.-I shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without liability and, at its discretion, to of1set from monies owed. or otherwise recover, the f1ill arnount, of Stich f`cc, cornrinssion, percentage, gift, or consideration, M NO PLEDGE OF CREDIT ('ONTRACTOR shall not pledge the COUNTY'S credit, or inake it a guarantor of' pilynient or surety for any contract, debt, obligation, judgryient, lien, or any Ibrin of' indebtedness, (.'(.,)N M.ACTOR further warrants and represents that it has no obligation or indebtedness that wou.ld impair its ability to 1`61fill the terms of this contract, 16. NOTICT LJZFQ�JIIIEMENT Any notice rcquired or penrutted under this agreerrient shall be in writing and hand delivered or rrialled, postage prepaid, to the other par I by ccrtified rnail, renirned receipt requested, to the fifflowing: F O C0 IJNTY Monroe Count Facilities Maintenance Department 3583 South Roosevelt, Boulevard Key West, U1. 33040 QNTR,A(", Stockton Maintenance Y r (Ltjj) 1975 S axis b tiry:,, t e 116 Wes PaIrri Beach Fl, 33411 Dona Riordan, President/Owner M Courory Attorney P0. logic 10'26 Key West, Fl, 33041 -1026 17. rAXES t ;N'ry is exempt Eroin paynicrit ol' I'lorida State Sales and UIsc taxes, CIONTRACTOR shall riot be exerripted by virtLIC ol'the (`0f JNTY'S exemption trorn paying sales tax to its suppliers for materials used to fiJIfill its obligations under this contract, nor is CONTRAC"FOR authorized to use the (I0LINTY'S Tax Exemption Number in securing such rnaterials. CONTRACITOR sha.11 be responsible lot. any and all taxes, or payments of withholding, related to services rendered under this agreement, 18. TERMINA A. The ( I'OUNT'Y may terminate this Agreement with or without cause prior to the conarriencernent col' work. B. The C.,,()UNT'Y or CONTRACTOR may tenTlInate, this Agreement tor cause with seven (7) days notice to CO N RAC" TOR, ("aUSC shall constiltrtc a breach of' the obligations of'either party to perf'orni the oblig,atioris cnun undcr this Agreenrenl_ Janitorial Services Agreelryient 8 BOCC November 1 2'0'14 C. E'Ither ofthe parties hereto may cancel this agrem eent Without cause by giving the other party sixty (60) days written notice of" its Intention to do so with ricithcr party having any further obligation Under the te•in s ofthe contract upon tern 19. .COVER NITS(I'L, EINU1 INTERPRE,"I'ATION COSTS AND FEES This Agreement stiall be governed by and corisirued in accordance with the laws of the State ol'Florida applicable to Agreenrents made and to be perforryied entirely ill the State. In the everit that any cause of action or administrative proceeding is instituted for the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreerrient, the, CO `NT an,d agree that venue will lie in the, appropriate col.irl or before the appropriate adn body in Monroe. Coilrity, Florida, 20. NIEDIATION The COUNTY and CONTRACTOR agree thal., in the event of' conflicting i I issue of the terms or a term ofthis AgIreetrient by or between an� () tile ' shall be, submitted to mediation prior to the institution of any other administrative or legal proceeding, Mediation proceedings initiated and conducted pursuant to this Agreernent shall be in accordance with the Florida RUICS 01' CiVil Procedure arid usual and custorna•y procedUreS required by the circuit COUrt of" Monroe County, 21. SEVERABILITY If tarry, term., covenant, condition or provis�ion ofthIs Aj,;reeinent (or the application thereof' to any eircurristance or person) shall be declared invalid or unenf'6rceable to any extent by a court of cornpetent, jurisdiction, the rernannn,(.4 terms, coveriants, conditions and provisions of' this Ak I greement, shall riot be af]'(,,cted thereby, and each renraining territ, coveriant, condition and provision of` dais Agreement shall be valid and shall be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law unless the enforceinent of the rernaining terms, covenants, conditions and provisions of this Agreement vvoidd prevent the accoiripfishinent of'the original intent of this Agreernent. T'he (-',0t.JNTY and CONTRACTOR agree to reforrn the Agrcenient to replace an ' y y stricke n provision with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the intent of the stricken provision, 21 AT'rORNEY'S FEES AND COSTS COUNTY andl CONTRA(.1'OR, agree that in the event. any cause of' action or administrative proceeding is itlit.iated or del'unded by any party relative to the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreemetit, the prevaihr'.q- rarty shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees in both trial art(I cippellarte proceedings, Each party agrees to pay its own court costs, investigative, and Oi,lt-Of-pocket expenses whether it Is the prevailing party or not, through all levels of the Court SYSW!11. 23. ADJUDICATION OF DISPUITS OR DISAGREEMENTS COUNTY Land CONTRAC"TOR agree that all disputes and disagreetnerits shall be atterripted to be resolved by ineet and confer sessions between, representatives ol'COUNTY I and CIONTRACA OR, if rill resolution can t)e agree(.] upon within 30 days after the first nteel and corder sessi(,m, the issue or issues shall 1 discussed at a public rneeting of the Board of' COUnty Conirnissionors. if the issue 01' iSSLICS sl-C' still nc resolved to the satisfaction of' Janitorial Services Afire inert 9 B01'.." C' I NOMTibet , 1 8 01 4 COUNTY and C'(.)NTRACT( then any party shall have the right to seek such relief` or.. rernedv as may be provided by this Agreement or by Flori(hi law. C-1 24o COOPERATION In the event arry administrative or legal proceeding is instituted against either party relating to the formation, exectition, perforrriance, ot� breach of this Agreelment, COUNTY and CONTRACTOR agree to parti c i pate, to the extenr reqtilred by the other party, In. all proceedings, hearings, processes., triectirag s, and other activities related to the substance of' fl Agreement or provision of ` the services under this Agreerrient. COLJNTY and C'ONTRYNCTOR specifically agree that no party to this Agreerrient shall be required to enter into any arbitration proceedings related to this,, grcernent. 25. BINDING The terms, covenants, conditions, artd provisions of' this Agreement shall bind arid inUre to the benefit of' (.'(,)[-.JN'I'Y and C'ONTRACTOR. arid their respective legal rej."a sneecssors, arid assigns. 26. AUTHORITY I'ach party represents and warrants to the other that the execution, delivery and perf'ormance of this Agreement have been duty authorized by all necessary CO(JINTY and corporate action, as required by law. 27, CLAYMS FOR FEDERAL OR STA"FE AID CONTRACTOR and COt-JNTY agree that each shall be, anoi is, empowered tot apply seek, arid ol')tain Federal arid state frinds to further the. urpose of' this AgreCiTlent, provided that all al.)plications, requests, rant prol)osals, and fi.inding , , , ;ol1citatio - )ns shall be approved by each party prior to 2K PRIVILEC,'ES AND IMMUNITIES All ofthe privileges and in ftorn liability, exemptions firorn laws, ordinances, an(.] rules arid pensioris and relief, disability. workers' cornpensation, and other berrefits which apply to the activity of' officers, agents, or employees of any public agents or ernployees of' the COL/TNTY, wheri perforrnii their respective functiom Under this Agreerrient witt the territorial firnits ofthe COUNTY shall apply to the sarne degree and extent to tire performance of'such functions and dirties Of'SU.Gh CO"fiCers, agents, volunteers, or employees OUlside the territorial hrnils ofthe COLJNTY 29. 1,E(.'-,Al,,, OBLIGATIONS AND RESPON SIB] LITI ES I his Agreement is riot intended to., nor shall it be coristrtied as., relieving any participating entity fro rn any obligation or responsibility imposed upon the entity by law except to the extent of ach.ial arid timely perforniance thereof'by any participating entity, III which case flic, performance may be offered in satisfaction oft[le obfi,gation or responsibility. FUrther, this Agreenient is not Intended to, not shall it be construe(] as, a.Lithorizing the delegation of the consfitullonal or statUtory duties of' the C(.)1.1NTY, except for the extent permitted by the Florida constitution, state statute. and case law, Janitorial Services Agreernent '10 BOCC November 18 2014 30. NON--RELIANCE BY NON-PARTIES No person or entity shall be entitled to rely tjpon the terms, or any of thorn, 01 this Agrevinerit to enforce or attempt to enforce any third-party claim or entitlenient to or benefit of' any service or prograrn contemplated hereunder, and the ("'OUNTY and the ('ONTI AC"FOIZ agree that neither the C'Ot,'NTY nor 'the ('1 or any agent, ol'ficer, or employee of' either -,,hall have ti authority to Hifortri, counsel, or otherwise indicate that any particular indi'OdUal or group of individt.ials, entity 01 entities, have entitlements or beriefitus under this Agreernerit septarate and apart, inlenor to, or superior to the cornnrunity in general or I'm the purposes conternplated in this Agreement. 31. ATTESTATIONS ('()N'1R,A('T()lfi agrees to CXCCUte such doctinients as the ( rnay reasonably require., to niclude as Public I­_'nnty Crime Staternerit. an, F'thics Statentent. aii(i as Drug-Frec, Workplace Statement. 31 NO, PERSONAL LIABILITY No covenant or agreement contained herein shall be deerned to be as coveriant or agreernent of' any triernber., officer, agent or employee of' Monroe "array in his or her individual capacity, and no member, olTicer, agent or employee of Monroe ('ounty shall be liable personally on this Agreement or be subJect to any personal liability or accountability by reason of'the execution of'this Agreenicnt. 33. EX,E(,'UT1ON IN COUNTERPAR ']'his Agreement rnay l executed in any nUir'll of c.ounterparts., each of' which shall be regarded as an original, all (A' which taken together shall constitute one and the sarne instrument and any of the pat-ties hereto rnay execule, this Agreernent by signing any such cOunret 34. SEcrflON HEADINGS Section headings trave been inserted in this Afgreerrient as as nianer ofconvenienct, of ret"erence only, and it is agreed that such section headings are riot a part of (his Agreernent and will riot be used in the interpretation of'any provision of this A' ,), 35. PIJBLIC ENTVFY CRIME INFORMA"FION STATEMENT' "A person or affiliate who has been placed ori the convicted vendor list following a conviction for as public entity crime, niay not SlLlfrrriit at hid ort a contract to provide any goods or services to as public entity, may not SUbmit a bid on at contract with a public entity [`or the I - nit bids on leases of' constrUCtiOn or repair of a public building or putdhc work, rn�ay riot subt. I real property to a public entity, rnay not be awarded or perlbrrn work as a Construction 'Aariager, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a, contract with any public entity, and may riot trar)sact business with any pul. entity in excess of 'the threshold arnount provided in Section 287.01 1 1'or ('A­11�'IGORX TWO for a pc loo of'36 rrionthis Front the date of'being placed on the convicted vendor list." 11 BOC('Noveniber 18 1 014 Janitorial Services Agieement 36. MIJITAL REVIEW This agreenient has been carefully reviewed by C,ontrar(Aor and the (,.ourlty then ore, this agreement is not to be construed against eitber parly on the basUs of authorship, 37. INCORP0, RAIj0N0F,BI,D D0CjR%EdN"I'.S The ternis waid conditions of the bid documents are incorporatf:' by re rence in th,11S writract agreewnent, 3& ANNUAL APPM11111,LAT ION '11- Critinty's performance and obligation to pay under this agreement is contingent f ry the event that the upon ari annual appropriation by the Board of(I'Amray C.'orninissioners. I County f7unds on which this ixgreernent is dependent are withdrawn,, this A terminated and the CourAy has no further obligation ur�tder the terms of this Acyreerrient to tree Contractor ! that already incurred by tj'je termination date. lN WITNESS WHEREC)T'. C01-IN TY and CONTRACTOR hereto have, executed this Agreement on the day and dare first written above in four (4) counierparts, each of which without proof or accounting for the other counterparts, be deemed an original cOntract.. (SEAL) BOARD OF COLN'J'y (-.OMMISSIONNERS ttest " AM HEAVILIN, CIA."RK OF MONROE ( TN 'T Y., FLOIDA A yo ---X �nv By� .... . ..... Deputy Clerk Mayor i "I In Date� Aj( Date Witnesses for CONTRAC"TOR.1 �igiianre ... . ....... Date' nature Date - - ---- ---- Janitorial Sewices Aqreemei R 12 X Si so a n uthOT'zed to gnature o per legally bind Corrim Date: Print Narne pct , .Jress: 'Y� FTIF 2� 9 , FelepKone Number r. BOCC November 18 2014 FIRST RENEWAL AMENDMENT AGREEMENT FOR JANITORIAL SERVICES KEY LARGO LIBRARY MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA This First Renewal Amendment Agreement is made and entered into this V- 1 + day of , 2015, between MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ("COUNTY"), a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 1100 Simonton Street, Key West, Florida 33040, and Stockton Maintenance Group, Inc. (SMG) ( "CONTRACTOR "), a Florida corporation, whose address 1975 Sansbury Way, Suite 116, West Palm Beach, FL 33411. WHEREAS, on November 18, 2014, the parties entered into an agreement to provide janitorial services for the Key Largo Library, Monroe County (hereinafter "Original Agreement "); and WHEREAS, the parties have found the Original Agreement to be mutually beneficial; and; WHEREAS, the parties find that it would be mutually beneficial to enter into this First Renewal Amendment Agreement; now therefore NOW, THEREFORE, NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises and covenants set forth below, the parties agree as follows: In accordance with Paragraph 4 of the Original Agreement, the County exercises the option to renew the Original Agreement for the first of the two (2) one -year terms. This term will commence on December 1, 2015 and terminate November 30, 2016.The contract amount is adjusted .8% for janitorial services at the Key Largo Library from $1,250.16 per month to $1,260.17 per month in accordance with the percentage change in the U.S. Department of Commerce Consumer Price Index (CPI -U) for all Urban Consumers as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and shall be based upon the CPI -U computation at December 31 of the previous year. Except as set forth above, in all other respects, the terms and conditions set forth in the Original Agreement as Amended remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. l.at /i�l�s rom First Renewal Amendment Agreement- Key Largo Library VIUN, CLERK BOARD OF COUN"T"Y COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY- � .0 A By . Mayo Date: l� �l November 17 2015 Witnesses for CONTRACTOR: A 'ig "' atore ,'# &k H 0q / Printal Name and . at 1 -04c' e- -4a /J A 91141 5 - Printed Name and Date Signature person authorized to legally bind Corporation Print Name and Title Address: Stockton Main ena c _ Group, Inc 1975 Sansbury's Way, Suite 1 l'e yo r Fb 33411 First Renewal Amendment Agreement- Key Largo Library November 17 2015 SECOND RENEWAL AMENDMENT AGREEMENT FOR JANITORIAL SERVICES KEY LARGO LIBRARY MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA This Second Renewal Amendment Agreement is made and entered into this day of 2016, between MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ( "COUNTY "), a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 1100 Simonton Street, Key West, Florida 33040, and Stockton Maintenance Group, Inc. (SMG) ( "CONTRACTOR"), a Florida corporation, whose address 1975 Sansbury Way, Suite 116, West Palm Beach, FL 33411. WHEREAS, on November 18, 2014, the parties entered into an agreement to provide janitorial services for the Key Largo Library, Monroe County (hereinafter "Original Agreement "); and WHEREAS, on November 17, 2015, the BOCC approved the First Renewal Amendment Agreement for an additional one (1) year term which commenced on December 1, 2015, and terminates on November 30, 2016; and; WHEREAS, the parties have found the Original Agreement as Amended to be mutually beneficial; and; WHEREAS, the parties find that it would be mutually beneficial to enter into this Second Renewal Amendment Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE,, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises and covenants set forth below, the parties agree as follows: In accordance with Paragraph 4 of the Original Agreement, the County exercises the option to renew the Original Agreement for the second of the two (2) one -year terms. This term will commence on December 1, 2016, and terminate November 30, 2017. The contract amount is adjusted .7% Far janitorial services at the Key Largo Library from $1,260.17 per month to $1,269.00 per month in accordance with the percentage change in the U.S. Department of Commerce Consumer Price Index (CPI -U) for all Urban Consumers as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and shall be based upon the CPI -U computation at December 31 of the previous year. 2. In accordance with Paragraph 7, Public Access, of the Original Agreement, it shall be revised as follows: Public Records Compliance. Contractor must comply with Florida public records laws, including but not limited to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes and Section 24 of Article I of the Constitution of Florida. The County and Contractor shall allow and permit reasonable access to, and inspection of, all documents, records, papers, letters or other "public record" materials in its possession or under its control subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and made or received by the County and Contractor in conjunction with this contract and related to contract performance. The County shall have the right to unilaterally cancel this contract upon violation of this, provision by the Contractor. Failure of the Contractor to abide by the terms of this provision shall be deemed a material breach of this contract and the County may enforce the terms of this provision in the form of a court proceeding and shall, as a prevailing party, be entitled to reimbursement of all attorney's fees and costs associated with that proceeding. This provision shall survive any termination or expiration of the contract. Second Renewal Amendment Agreement- Key Largo Library November 22 2016 The Contractor is encouraged to consult with its advisors about Florida Public Records Law in order to comply with this provision. Pursuant to F.S. 119.0701 and the terms and conditions of this contract, the Contractor is required to: a. Keep and maintain public records that would be required by the County to perform the service. b. Upon receipt from the County's custodian of records, provide the County with a copy of the requested records or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in this chapter or as otherwise provided by law. c. Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the contract term and following completion of the contract if the contractor does not transfer the records to the County. d. Upon completion of the contract, transfer, at no cost, to the County all public records in possession of the Contractor or keep and maintain public records that would be required by the County to perform the service. If the Contractor transfers all public records to the County upon completion of the contract, the Contractor shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. If the Contractor keeps and maintains public records upon completion of the contract, the Contractor shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records. All records stored electronically must be provided to the County, upon request from the County's custodian of records, in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the County. e, A request to inspect or copy public records relating to a County contract must be made directly to the County, but if the County does not possess the requested records, the County shall immediately notify the Contractor of the request, and the Contractor must provide the records to the County or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time. If the Contractor does not comply with the County's request for records, the County shall enforce the public records contract provisions in accordance with the contract notwithstanding the County's option and right to unilaterally cancel this contract upon violation of this provision by the Contractor. A Contractor who fails to provide the public records to the County or pursuant to a valid public records request within a reasonable time may be subject to penalties under section 119. 10, Florida Statutes. The Contractor shall not transfer custody, release, alter, destroy or otherwise dispose of any public records unless or otherwise provided in this provision or as otherwise provided by law. IF THE CONTRACTOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE CONTRACTOR'S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT, CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS, BRIAN BRADLEY AT PHONE# 305 -292 -3470, Second Renewal Amendment Agreement- Key Largo Library November 22 2016 written. BRADLEY-BRIANQ,MONROECOUNTY-FL.GOV, MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, 1111 12"' STREET, SUITE 408, KEY WEST, FL 33040* Z 3. Except as set forth above, in all other respects, the terms and conditions, set forth in the Original Agreement as Amended remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above (SEAL) Attest: AMY HEAVILIN, CLERK By: Deputy Clerk Date: Witnesses for CONTRACTOR: Signature BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Mayor Date: CONTRACTOR: STOCKTON MAINTENANCE GROUP, INC. Signature of person authorized to legally bind Corporation Date: Printed Name and Date Signature Printed Name and Date Print Name and Title Address: Telephone Number Z 0 1 4C Second Renewal Amendment Agreement- Key Largo Library November 22 2016