Item C081 1 Ij 4 1141 Pit .. i 1 1 "
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Meeting Date: - 1/16014 Division: CounlyAdmifligm=
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TOTAL CO S T : $25, 000 I M ERE CT C BU Yes
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Current Year Portion: $25,000.00
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Date In
Date Out
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----.—. Reviewer
Alr ports Director
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Risk Management
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Coimty Attorney
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Mark Sixel
s C .. I . .,
Consulting ,I c.
497 Oakway Road, Suite 220
Eugene, 7 1
541-341-1601 (office) / 1- 341 -1 (fox)
Sixel Consulting Group, Inc.
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A. Abillne Headquarters Altee" and Presentaflon:
Consultant recommendations and specific airline requests;
1. Determine and map the Airport's catchment area, providing specific demographics of the area
Including, but not limited to, population growih/decline, unemployment and econornic background
F. Analyze passenger traffic and revenue and average fare data to/from Airport over the prior fix-year
period. Consultant will analyze seasonality, day of week and time of day demand for local traffic over
the prior two-year period.
3. At Airports request, Consultant can contact targeted airline on behalf of Airport and arrange
headquarters meeting or Aldine visit to Key West.
S. Provide follow-up information as desired by aidine that is requested as a direct result of information
provided by Consultant,, at the discretion of Consultant.
6. Provide other pertinent information not specified above that Consultant deems necessary to complete
this section of proposai.
Key West International AJrport
Nr Service Development Contract
Sixel Consulting Gmup, Inc.
Sixel Consulting Group, Inc.
0. Air Service Development Conference Meetings:
listed. based on Consultant recommendations and specific airline requests:
I . Assist in Requesting Meetings: Consultant can work with Airport to develop list and rank airline meetings
requests and will, If directed by Airport, make the requests directly to conference organizer(s). Consultant
Will also contact directly any airlines for whlich meetings were requested by Airport, but not requested by
airline to encourage airline to schedule meetings within conference meeting times or, at the request of
Airport, work to set up a meeting outside regular conference meeting times.
2. Market Study: Consultant can prepare a market overview for Airport, including airport colchment area
(with affiliated demographic data), passenger traffic data (including passengers, revenue, fares, yields.
carder shares, segments and growth details). the competitive makeup (of airlines serving the airport and
regional airports with their levels of service) and market details (top employers. econorrdc Indicators and
3. Analysis of Targeted Airline: Consultant con perform on analysis of existing Targeted Airline serv;ce at the
airport using existing DOT data and Sixel Consulting Group's proprietary estimates of revenue, costs, load
factors, fares, profits, etc. and a benchmarking of those profit and loss results against oil other airports in
4. Route Analysis: Consultant con identify al! routes of interest including additional fights an existing routes,
new flights to existing Targeted Airline focus cifie% new frights to new focus cities and flights to existing
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5. Representation: Consultant con prepare a presentation and present with Airport of Conterence(s).
Prepare information to be used in meetings with community leaders detailing results of studies, grant
strategies and support or other information needs as requested by Airport. Travel to Key West to present
information to community.
Sixell Consulting Group,, Inc.
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Key West Intemational Airport
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