Item C11County of Monroe A BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor George Neugent, District 2 The Florida. Key y w) Mayor Pro Tem David Rice, District 4 �r Danny L. Kolhage, District 1 Heather Carruthers, District 3 Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5 County Commission Meeting April 12, 2017 Agenda Item Number: C.11 Agenda Item Summary #2826 BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: Social Services TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Sheryl Graham (305) 292 -4510 N/A AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Modification 4002 to Federally Funded Subgrant Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Agreement 16WX- OG- 11 -54 -01 -039 between the State of Florida, Department of Economic Opportunity and Monroe, County of, (Monroe County Board of County Commissioners /Monroe County Social Services) for the period of 04/01/2016 to 09/30/2017 in the amount of $114,398.00. ITEM BACKGROUND: WAP funds are to be utilized to perform energy- saving repairs, and for the installation of energy- saving measures on qualified single family dwellings for income qualified residents. Funds will be expended in accordance with WAP State Plan and LHAP. This is a cost reimbursement contract. Funds will be leveraged against SHIP funds to ensure maximum usage of dollars applied to the most qualified residents county wide. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: BOCC approved Modification 4001 on 01/18/2017 of Federally Funded Subgrant Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Agreement 16WX -OG- 11-54-01 -039 for the period of 04/01/2016 to 06/30/2017 in the amount $89,373.00. CONTRACT /AGREEMENT CHANGES: Increase in budget and extension in length of contract STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval DOCUMENTATION: BACKUP Mod. 4002 WAP 3 -27 -17 FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: 04/01/2016 Expiration Date: 09/30/2017 Total Dollar Value of Contract: $114,398.00 Total Cost to County: 10% cash match Current Year Portion: Budgeted: Source of Funds: Grant CPI: Indirect Costs: Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: Revenue Producing: No If yes, amount: Grant: Yes County Match: 10% cash match Insurance Required: Yes Additional Details: Increase in budget by $25,025.00 04/12/17 NEW COST CENTER ADDED 125- 6155716 REVIEWED BY: $25,025.00 Sheryl Graham Completed 03/27/2017 1:54 PM Pedro Mercado Completed 03/27/2017 2:38 PM Budget and Finance Completed 03/27/2017 2:43 PM Maria Slavik Completed 03/28/2017 7:55 AM Kathy Peters Completed 03/28/2017 9:20 AM Board of County Commissioners Pending 04/12/2017 9:00 AM Ja 8 A g e nda 1 Ui�Mr." o 11117TO Eff ective ate: 01/18/201.7 ir tin Date: 06/30/2017 Revenue Producing: No If yes, amount: Grant: Yes County Match: 10% cash match Insurance Required: Yes F-TI-off"mm. 1= 01/18/17 NEW COST CENTER ADDEX 125-6155716 Completed 01/04/2017 10:18 AM Completed 01/04/2017 10:31 AM Completed 01/04/2017 10:39 AM Completed 01/04/2017 10:39 AM Completed 01/04/2017 10:41 AM Completed 01/18/2017 9:00 AM Exec UWEATHE0UZATIQN ASSISTANCE PRO—GRAM AND M(DNROE, COUNTY OF CFQANumber(s): 81.042, 93.568 Agreement Number: 16VVX-OG-11-54'O1-O39 THIS MODIFICATION Number One is entered into by the State of Florida, Department of Econom Opportunity, with headquarters in Tallahassee, Florida, hereinafter referred to as "DEO," and Monroe, County hereinafter referred to as "Subrecipient" (each individually a "Party" and collectively "the Parties"). I NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises of the Parties contained herein the Parties agree to the following: "This Agreement period will begin on April 1, 2016, and will end on June 30, 2017, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, including, but not limited to Paragraph (1.5), 2. Subparagraph (a) of Paragraph (4) FUNDING/CONSIDERATION is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: "(a) This is a cost-reimbursement agreement. DEO shall reimburse Subrecipient for allowable costs incurred in the satisfactory performance of work hereunder in an amount not to exceed EIGHTY-NIN� 3. Subparagraph (d ofParagraph (26) ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBITS, is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following: Exhibit 1 — Audit Requirements Exhibit I-A — Funding Sources AttachmentA — ScopeofWork Exhibit 1to Attachment A— Budget Directions Exhibit 2to Attachment A—Budget Summary and County Allocations Exhibit 3to Attachment A— Production Schedule Attachment B — Program Statutes and Regulations Attachment C — Reports Attachment D —Justification of Advance Payment Attachment F — Statement of Assurances AttaohmentG — NanantiesandRepesentationy Attachment H — Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion Attachment | —Trafficking Victims Protection Act of200 4. Exhibit 1-A, Funding Sources, is hereby deleted in its entirety and is replaced by the revised Exhibit 1- which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. i 5. Attachment A, Scope of Work, is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced by the revised Attachment A. which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 6. Exhibit 210 Attachment A, Budget Summary and County Allocations, is hereby deleted in its entirety and is replaced by the revised Exhibit 2 to Attachment A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 7. Exhibit 3 to Attachment A Schedule ofDeliverables, is hereby deleted in its entirety and is replaced by the new Exhibit 3 to Attachment A, Production Schedule, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 8. All provisions not in conflict with this Modification remain in full force and effect and are tobeperformed as specified in the Agreement. • • ` 1 DEPARTMENT OF • <` • OPPORTUNITY ' i 1 / • A J SIGNATURE T WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have dulv executed aid Date: IIff 59-6000749 DUN$ Number 1 i 1 Agreement STATE OF FLORIDA Approved form . legal #ffice of the General M -.. . .r . R... gy FY 2016 WAP AGREEMENT EXHIBIT 1-A FUNDING SOURCES THE FOLLOWING: Subrecipient's DUNS Registered Name: Monroe, County of Subrecipient's DUNS Number: 073876757 Federal Award Identification Number: G-1601FLLIEA Federal Award Date: October 22, 2015 Subaward Period of Performance Start and End Date; April 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 Amount of Federal Funds Obligated by this action by the pass-through $19,166.00 entity to the Subrecipient: Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program � otal Amount of the Federal Funds Obligated to the Subrecipient by the $89,373.00 pass-through entity including the current obligation: I N/A ' 373.00 Federal award project description, as required to be responsive to the Energy savings home improvements to eligible Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA): low income households. Federal Awarding Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Pass-Through Entity: Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Contact Information for Awarding Official of Pass-Through Entity: — Contact: Hillary Ryan, 850-717-8433 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 93.568 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Title: Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program Research and Development: No Indirect Cost Rate, if applicable: I N/A Subrecipient's DUNS Registered Name: N/A Subrecipient's DUNS Number: N/A Federal Award Identification Number: DE-EE0006146 Federal Award Date: N/A Pubaward Period of Performance Start and End Date: N/A �mount of Federal Funds Obligated by this action by the pass-through N/A ientity to the Subreciplent: Total Amount of the Federal Funds Obligated to the Subrecipient by the pass-through entity including the current obligation: N/A Total Amount of the Federal Award committed to the Subrecipient by the N/A pass-through entity: Federal award project description, as required to be responsive to the Energy savings home improvements Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA); to eligible low income households Federal Awarding Agency: U.S. Department of Energy Pass-Through Entity: -- Florida Department of Economic Contact Information for Awarding Official of Pass-Through Entity: Contact: Hilary Ryan, 850-717-8433 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 81.042 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Title: Weatherization Assistance lResearch and Development: No lIndirect Cost Rate, if applicable: IN/A i 0 j . - - - G - - A - . - - 1 ?_CNVVII measures on qualified single family dwellings in accordance with all attachments to this Agreement, applicable CIMB Circulars, Florida WAP Procedures Manual and Guidelines, Standard Work Speccationseld Guide and the FFY 2016 WAP State Plan. Subrecipient shall comply with applicable OMB Circulars, DEO's WAP requirements, and eligibility requirements as set forth in the U.S. Department of Energy regulations codified in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 440 — Weatherization Assistance Program for Low-income Persons. FOLLOWING: N/A ME Federal Program: N/A State Project: N/A COFTIPLIARCE RL(4�41REMEIVVS AP ARE AS FOLLOWS: N/A NOTE: Title 2 C.F.R. § 200.331 and section 215.97(5), Florida Statutes, require that the information about Federal 11 'rograms and State Projects included in Exhibit 1 be provided to theSubrecipient. Page 29 ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF WORK F. The health and safety of the clients, Subrecipient's staff, contractors and the integrity of the building structure shall not be compromised by any work completed with weatherization funds. Page 31 A. File Documentation Responsibilities Each client file shall contain the following documentation: • Client intake form • Client income documentation (for past twelve months) Documentation of ownership or * Social Security Documentation (if 311110 �01 Em • Copies ofapplicable Pre and Final Permits • Client File Checklist • QC1 Inspector Sheet • infrared pictures D. Monitoring Visits The DEO staff and/or its representative shall conduct monitoring visits of Subrecipient at least once a year but as frequently as DEO may desire throughout the program year. These visits are for the purposes of quality assurance inspections, administrative and fiscal monitoring, Training and �-- --- --- �---� � � Page 32 � Technical Assistance (T&TA), and other meetings as the need arises. The monitoring report shall include inspection and/or T&TA information. cost effective, safe, and of good quality and appearance, Discoveries of violations of policies and procedures are called findings. Z. Work not meeting quality expectations may be subject to findings, required remedial work and/or disallowed costs. 3. All contractor work shall pass an inspection by qualified Subredpient staff or approved third-party contractor inspector, prior to payment, 4. Contractor work not meeting quality expectations that requires correction shall be dome at the contractor's expense. E. Findings Any non-compliance with the VVAP Priority List the VVAP Procedures Manual or any Field Guides constitutes a finding, as that term is defined in theVVAP Procedures Manual. Major findings are those which are either severe in nature as determined by the monitoring inspector or repeated. Minor findings are less severe or not repetitive in nature. The health and safety of clients, Subrecipient staff or contractors, or the integrity of the building structure is threatened by work completed with the weatherization funds. 2. Aweatherization-re|ated health or safety problem is created by, exacerbated by, or not corrected by the delivery of weatherization services. 1 The omission, without appropriate authorization, of required cost-effective measure, a necessary repair, or a required health and safety repair. 4. Poor4ue|kywod, materials, or equipment that results in significantly degraded performance or appearance of measures or repairs. 5. Major expenditure of funds on measures that are not included on the National Energy Audit Tool (NEAT), or are not required in the WAP Priority List, WAP Procedures Manual or the Field Guides. 6. Costs incurred for materials that do not meet the standards for conformance listed in Appendix A of 2O[F.R. part 44O. 7. Any action or lack ofaction that may result in a liability that threatens the Florida VVea1herba ion Grant funds. _-` D. Gross fiscal mismanagement, including any unallowable costs or any wrongful billing to the grant. Page 33 1. A single occurrence of poor-quality of work, materia Is, or equipment that results in minor degradation of performance or appearance of measures or repairs, 2. Work site clean-up that does not meet the satisfaction of the client or the State monitor. 3. Required energy conservation measures that are not installed but would not contribute a large energy savings. 4. Required health and safety measures that are not addressed but are not threatening the health or safety of the client. Training & Technical Assistance Visits (T&TA) T&TA visits conducted by IDECI staff and its representatives are intended for training purposes. Recommendations for Subrecipient actions may be issued by DEO based on circumstances observed and guidance will be offered on the visit report provided to Subrecipient. G. DEO Field Procedures Waivers Subrecipient may request waivers which exempt Subredpientfrom performing required measure, or which allow a restricted measure, if one or more of the following requirements are met: 1. If it is technically not possible to install the measures. 2. If conditions exist, and cannot be overcome, that would make the installation of the measure unsafe. 3. The installation of the measure would threaten the health or safety of either the client or the worker. provide services according to the WAP Priority List, the WAP Procedures Manual, or the Field Guides because of local building codes shall supply written documentation to DEO staff and request a State waiver. Work shall proceed only after approval of a waiver request in writing by DEO staff. The State waivers permit the following policy exceptions: 1. Fuel conversions. 2. Installation of doors and/or windows exceeding allowable amount. 3. Other work normally considered beyond the scope of weatherization. A. Subrecipient shall use properly trained and qualified energy auditors and inspectors. B. An Energy Audit is required on every building prior to performing any work other than emergency response related work. Contractors shall strictly adhere to the work order developed by the auditor. No deviations from this work order shall be performed, unless authorized by the energy auditor or weatherization coordinator. Page 34 G. Energy Audit Prior to performing an energy audit, Subredpient's auditor shall conduct a walk-through of the unit to confirm the potential for the installation of energy conservation measures and to ensure that there are no major barriers toworking in the building. The primary objectives of the energy audit is to survey the home for the potential to install energy conservation measures, to analyze the Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) of potential measures, to check for safety hazards and building durability issues, to provide client education, to document the audit, and to write a work order detailinIg work to be done and situations that need to be addressed. UnderstandinV energy use is a key to performing an exemplary audit. Page 35 Subrecipient shall provide all clients with information regarding all of the following: Subrecipient shall be responsible for installing weatherization measures per the WAP Priority List, WAP Procedures Manual, the Field Guides and applicable local, State, and Federal code. V. HEALTH AND SAFETY VYesthehzation services shall be provided in a manner that minimizes risks toworkers, clients, and clients' homes. Weatherization services shall not begin until health and safety problems are removed. Subrecipient shall comply with and enforce the VVAP Safety Plan. Page 36 If work is behind schedule, Subrecipient shall immediately begin implementation of a plan to bring work up to schedule. VII. PAYMENT AND DELIVERABLES Subrecipient will be reimbursed monthly for expenditures reported in its Monthly Financial Status Report as described in Attachment C, Reports. Reimbursement will be made by DEO, upon DEO's finding that the Deliverable has been successfully completed. Deliverable Complete vveathehzation of dwellings with energy saving repairs and installation of energy saving measures to qualified low-income persons and to administer the program. Average cost per dwelling shall not exceed Minimum Level Performance At a minimum, Subrecipient shall complete one Work Report (BWR) as identified in Attachment C, Reports. a) The Deliverables shall be reported monthly on Subrecipient's Monthly Financial Status Report as described in Attachment [,Reports. b) Successful completion nf the Deliverables shall bedetermined by receipt byDEOofSubrecipient'sMonthly Financial Status Report containing the certification required in Attachment G, Warranties and Representations. Page 37 X. REFERRALS 5ubredpient shall partner with non-profit organizations or municipalities that provide rehabilitation, emergency home repair, administer a Neighborhood Stabilization Program, or are participating ina Green and Healthy Home Initiative, to facilitate the receipt of active referrals of qualified units in order to achieve goals of serving the |ovv income population. FY 2016 WAP AGREEMENT EXHIBIT 2 TO ATTACHMENT A BUDGET SUMMARY AND COUNTY ALLOCATIONS SUBRECIPIENT MONROE, COUNTY OF AGREEMENT: 16WX-OG-11-54-01-039 &TI;L 1: I N VIA I NI OW4 Ityl Lol Page 40 2016 WAP AGREEMENT The total estimated annual production 0na\ will be the number ofdwellings that are anticipated to be weatherized for the entire Agreement period. |fSubnedp\entwill be requesting an advance in this Agreement, it should take into consideration the number of dwellings that will be required to weatherize in the initial and following months to meet the advance expenditure requirement throughout the Agreement period as outlined in Attachment D, Justification of Advance Payment, oftheAgreement. Process for calculating production goals: Agreement Amount: Add: Direct Charges (Au6it,T&TA, Insurance from 8udQet): $11,988.00 Health && Safety Budget $12,168.00 Administration (Admin) from Budget L4/ Total $28,624.30 Divide the Weatherization Amount by the allowable per dwelling average expenditure amount of $7,105. To determine Est Health and Safety Amount for the Estimated Production (use Subrecipientprior ------�----�---�--�----���---- Page 41