Item I5County of Monroe A BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor George Neugent, District 2 The Florida. Key y w) Mayor Pro Tem David Rice, District 4 �r Danny L. Kolhage, District 1 Heather Carruthers, District 3 Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5 County Commission Meeting April 12, 2017 Agenda Item Number: I.5 Agenda Item Summary #2793 BULK ITEM: No DEPARTMENT: Planning/Environmental Resources TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Mayte Santamaria (305) 289 -2500 n/a AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion and direction on a request by Habitat for Humanity of the Upper Keys, Inc., for the donation of three county -owned parcels, lots 16 and 17 of the Holiday Homesites Subdivision and lot 3 of Winston Park Subdivision, for the construction of two (2) affordable housing dwelling units. ITEM BACKGROUND: On December 20, 2016, the County received a request from Jack Niedbalski, Executive Director, of Habitat for Humanity of the Upper Keys, Inc., requesting the BOCC consider donating three parcels of land for the development of affordable housing (see attached letter). The three requested parcels were identified by the County as county -owned real property which may be appropriate for affordable housing, as required by Section 125.379 F.S., and as recommended by the Monroe County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. The BOCC adopted Resolution 404- 2015 approving the inventory of county -owned real property which may be appropriate for affordable housing. Section 125.379 F.S., provides that the BOCC may donate properties identified as appropriate for use as affordable housing on the inventory list adopted by the county to a nonprofit housing organization for the construction of permanent affordable housing. 125.379 Disposition of county property for affordable housing. — (1) By July 1, 2007, and every 3 years thereafter, each county shall prepare an inventory list of all real property within its jurisdiction to which the county holds fee simple title that is appropriate for use as affordable housing. The inventory list must include the address and legal description of each such real property and speck whether the property is vacant or improved. The governing body of the county must review the inventory list at a public hearing and may revise it at the conclusion of the public hearing. The governing body of the county shall adopt a resolution that includes an inventory list of such property following the public hearing. (2) The properties identified as appropriate for use as affordable housing on the inventory list adopted by the county may be offered for sale and the proceeds used to purchase land for the development of affordable housing or to increase the local government fund earmarked for affordable housing, or may be sold with a restriction that requires the development of the property as permanent affordable housing, or may be donated to a nonprofit housing organization for the construction of permanent affordable housing. Alternatively, the county may otherwise make the property available for use for the production and preservation of permanent affordable housing. For purposes of this section, the term "affordable" has the same meaning as in s. 420.0004(3). The three parcels are as follows: RENUMBER KEY NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION DEVELOPED/ acreage Tier FLUM Zoning density VACANT BK 6 LT 16 HOLIDAY HOMESITES PB2 -168 KEY LARGO 0 R17 -493- 00530750- Key Largo 494 OR2366- 676D/C OR2383- Vacant 0.06 III RM IS 1du /lot 000000 214AFF OR2382 -709 (ORDER)(PROBATE # 08- CP -117- P) OR2383 -213/4 OR2407 BK 6 LT 17 HOLIDAY HOMESITES PB2 -168 KEY LARGO 0 R17 -495- 00530760- Key Largo 496 OR2366- 676D/C OR2383- Vacant 0.06 III RM IS 1du /lot 000000 214AFF OR2382 -709 (ORDER)(PROBATE # 08- CP -117- P) OR2383 -213/4 OR2407 BK 1 LT 3 WINSTON PARK SUB PB4 -104 KEY LARGO OR297 -77 00545380- Key Largo OR644 -744 OR725- 791/792 Vacant 0.12 III RM IS 1du /lot 000000 OR834 -165 OR834 -167 OR 1296- 2329 OR1449 -1866 OR1667- 2299/2301 0 R 1975 -1753 If the BOCC chooses to consider leasing the three parcels for the development of affordable housing, the process would fall under another statute which requires a competitive process. 125.35 County authorized to sell real and personal property and to lease real property. — (1)(a) The board of county commissioners is expressly authorized to sell and convey any real or personal property, and to lease real property, belonging to the county, whenever the board determines that it is to the best interest of the county to do so, to the highest and best bidder for the particular use the board deems to be the highest and best, for such length of term and such conditions as the governing body may in its discretion determine. (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), under terms and conditions negotiated by the board, the board of county commissioners may: 1. Negotiate the lease of an airport or seaport facility; 2. Mods or extend an existing lease of real property for an additional term not to exceed 25 years, where the improved value of the lease has an appraised value in excess of $20 million; or 3. Lease a professional sports franchise facility financed by revenues received pursuant to s. 125.0104 or s. 212.20 which may include commercial development that is ancillary to the sports facility if the ancillary development property is part of or contiguous to the professional sports franchise facility. The board's authority to lease the above described ancillary commercial development in conjunction with a professional sports franchise facility lease applies only if at the time the board leases the ancillary commercial development, the professional sports franchise facility lease has been in effect for at least 10 years and such lease has at least an additional 10 years remaining in the lease term. (c) No sale of any real property shall be made unless notice thereof is published once a week for at least 2 weeks in some newspaper of general circulation published in the county, calling for bids for the purchase of the real estate so advertised to be sold. In the case of a sale, the bid of the highest bidder complying with the terms and conditions set forth in such notice shall be accepted, unless the board of county commissioners rejects all bids because they are too low. The board of county commissioners may require a deposit to be made or a surety bond to be given, in such form or in such amount as the board Lot 3 of Winston Park Subdivision: determines, with each bid submitted. (2) When the board of county commissioners finds that a parcel of real property is of insufficient size and shape to be issued a building permit for any type of development to be constructed on the property or when the board of county commissioners finds that the value of a parcel of real property is $15, 000 or less, as determined by a fee appraiser designated by the board or as determined by the county property appraiser, and when, due to the size, shape, location, and value of the parcel, it is determined by the board that the parcel is of use only to one or more adjacent property owners, the board may effect a private sale of the parcel. The board may, after sending notice of its intended action to owners of adjacent property by certified mail, effect a sale and conveyance of the parcel at private sale without receiving bids or publishing notice; however, if, within 10 working days after receiving such mailed notice, two or more owners of adjacent property note the board of their desire to purchase the parcel, the board shall accept sealed bids for the parcel from such property owners and may convey such parcel to the highest bidder or may reject all offers. (3) As an alternative to subsections (1) and (2), the board of county commissioners may by ordinance prescribe disposition standards and procedures to be used by the county in selling and conveying any real or personal property and in leasing real property owned by the county. The standards and procedures must provide at a minimum for: (a) Establishment of competition and qualification standards upon which disposition will be determined. (b) Reasonable public notice of the intent to consider disposition of county property and the availability of copies of the standards. Reasonableness of the notice is to be determined by the efficacy and efficiency of the means of communication used. (c) Identification of the form and manner by which an interested person may acquire county property. (d) Types of negotiation procedures applicable to the selection of a person to whom county properties may be disposed. (e) The manner in which interested persons will be notified of the board's intent to consider final action at a regular meeting of the board on the disposition of a property and the time and manner for making objections. (/) Adherence in the disposition of real property to the governing comprehensive plan and zoning ordinances. On November 20, 2015, the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee recommended to the Board of County Commissioners a Review of Surplus Land Inventory and Inventory List and provided an inventory of county -owned real property which may be appropriate for affordable housing. At the December 9, 2015 BOCC meeting, the BOCC adopted Resolution 404 -2015 approving the inventory of county -owned real property (15 parcels) which may be appropriate for affordable housing, as reviewed and recommended by the AHAC On July 22, 2016, the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee adopted Resolution 01 -2016, providing 33 recommendations to facilitate the provision of workforce housing. Recommendation 14 from the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee included making county - owned land available for the construction of affordable housing: 14. The 'rHAC reconaiaaeli& -, the BOCC consider issniilg reclnests for proposals ,RFP) for the deg- elopmeiat of workforce housing on county -owned laud as a key priority -. The AH -AC recommends the BOCC direct staff to collahor.ate V71th other pubEc entities iiich Dwia Land in the county and recon -amend lic) best to increase and target iiaceiiti--es for leasiiig hack the properties to - workforce housing developers. The AH C A—o ieconaineiads the BOCC direct the Lind 3aathorit5- to prioritize the piuchase of a dditional Tier 3 lauds for the develop of workforce housing. The BOCC Inaj also Consider flit RFPs for the development of affordable hoaasing. (orr��.rc�rly 516 ra.) At the August 17, 2016 BOCC meeting, staff presented the AHAC recommendations to the BOCC and discussed the 15 identified parcels on the inventory of county -owned real property for affordable housing. The BOCC requested a special meeting to discuss the AHAC recommendation but did provide staff with direction to work on RFPs for the county -owned land. After the BOCC meeting, staff began reviewing the 15 parcels and identified many of the parcels were already committed to affordable housing development or were being evaluated for other uses (5 parcels leased to Lower Keys Habitat, 2 parcels in use by the Sheriff's Office, 1 parcel in use by Animal Control, 1 parcel is developed with the Habitat Restore building on Big Pine Key and a parcel in Key Largo is developed with a Habitat building, and another parcel near the Key Largo Park is being evaluated for other uses). At the December 6, 2016 Special BOCC meeting, staff presented the AHAC recommendations to the BOCC. Staff also discussed the 15 identified parcels on the inventory of county -owned real property for affordable housing and that of the 15 parcels, it appeared only 4 parcels with a total development potential of 4 dwelling units were available and that RFPs did not seem productive. The BOCC discussed possible future strategies of developing a lottery system for county -owned parcels, leasing county -owned land and /or providing the land but including restrictions for long -term affordability. On December 20, 2016, the County received the letter from Jack Niedbalski, Executive Director, of Habitat for Humanity of the Upper Keys, Inc., requesting the consideration of donating three parcels of land for the development of affordable housing. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: At the December 9, 2015 BOCC meeting, the BOCC adopted Resolution 404 -2015 approving an inventory of county -owned real property which may be appropriate for affordable housing, as reviewed and recommended by the AHAC. CONTRACT /AGREEMENT CHANGES: n/a STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If the BOCC approves the request from Habitat for Humanity of the Upper Keys, Inc., direction to staff to process the transfers of the three county -owned parcels (lots 16 and 17 of the Holiday Homesites Subdivision and lot 3 of Winston Park Subdivision) to Habitat for Humanity of the Upper Keys, Inc., for the construction of two affordable housing dwelling units. DOCUMENTATION: Habitat _Monroe County land request 122016 Land Authority HFH property review 2017 Dec 9 2015 BOCC approved inventory of land for AFH (Minutetraq) FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Total Dollar Value of Contract: Total Cost to County: Current Year Portion: Budgeted: Source of Funds: CPI: Indirect Costs: Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: Revenue Producing: Grant: County Match: Insurance Required: Additional Details: If yes, amount: I ] 3 3A 1 IH 17." Mayte Santamaria Completed Steve Williams Completed Jaclyn Carnago Completed Assistant County Administrator Christine Hurley 03/22/2017 1:32 PM Budget and Finance Completed Maria Slavik Completed Kathy Peters Completed Board of County Commissioners Pending 03/21/2017 1:12 PM 03/21/2017 1:17 PM 03/21/2017 1:58 PM Completed 03/22/2017 2:19 PM 03/22/2017 2:20 PM 03/24/2017 10:10 AM 04/12/2017 9:00 AM Building houses in partnership with God's people in need December 20th, 2016 Mayte Santamaria Senior Director of Planning and Environmental Resources Monroe County I Planning & Environmental Resources Department 2798 Overseas Highway I Suite 400 1 Marathon, Florida 33050 Hello Mayte, At a recent Affordable Housing meeting with the Board of County Commissioners I met briefly with you in regards to several vacant lots in Key Largo that Monroe County owns. I mentioned to you that Habitat for Humanity of the Upper Keys would like to be considered as benefactors of these lots if the county would be willing to donate them to our affiliate so we could continue serving our community with affordable home ownership for the lower- middle income working class. You suggested that I send in a letter requesting consideration of the following lots: *Valencia Road, 50x100 Tier 3 0054380 - 0000000 *Poinsetta Drive, 50x50 Tier 3 00530750- 000000 *Poinsetta Drive 50x50 Tier 3 00530760 - 000000 (adjoining lots to combine Into one lot for a single family 3 -2 Habitat home) I believe these are the only 3 lots from the list you sent me in July. We are certainly open to other opportunities if any exist at the moment? Our affiliate has built 31 homes in the Upper Keys since its inception. We are currently working on the final 2 houses at the 7 -home Mandalay project in Key Largo and have enough land to build 6 more Habitat homes (4 in the Village of Islamorada) After that, we are completely out of land. Our Board of Directors has set a goal to build a total of 50 homes in the Upper Keys ... that means we need 11 more lots to complete our current goal. We are hoping Monroe County will continue to be a partner in our quest to provide affordable home ownership in the Upper Keys. Thank you for your consideration. Have a Merry Christmas —Happy Holidays and a fabulous New Year. Respectfully, Executive Director Habitat for Humanity of the Upper Keys �t H Humanity of '' Building houses in partnership with God's people in need Monroe County Land Authority Property Review March 13th, 2017 2003 987 Valencia 2003 985 Valencia 2006 23 N. End 2006 21N. End 2006 982 Gibralter 2006 986 Gibralter 2008 702 Sharon Pl. 2008 15 Rose Place 2010 Holzman Homes 2013 23 E. First St. 2014 31 E. Second St. 2 015 114 First Ave. 2 015 116 First Ave. 2015112 First Ave. 2016118 First Ave 2016110 First Ave 2016 N. Marlin Ave. *Fisherman's Trail- Cosme family -2 kids Hardee- single mom, 2 kids Gionfrido- single mom, 3 kids Santos - single mom with disabled daughter Hanson - single mom, 2 kids Vaughn family, 2 kids Placencia family, 2 kids D'ornealas family, 3 kids MC donated land to HFHUK, built 5 townhomes Delgado Family, I kid (Mandalay) 2 bedroom Hernandez Family, I kid (Mandalay) 2 bedroom Hernandez Family, 3 kids (Mandalay) Meyers Family, 2 kids (Mandalay) Garcia Family, 2 kids (Mandalay) (to be completed in spring 2017) (Mandalay) (to be completed in summer of 2017) (Mandalay) Completed Nov. 2016 Rodriguez family of 4 60x125 91640808 Ground Breaking: summer 2017 * *After HFHUK completes the Fisherman's Trail property, our affiliate has only one more buildable lot in KL that was donated by a private donor. My '' Meeting Date: December 9 2015 Department: Planning & Environmental Resources Bulk Item: Yes X No i Staff Contact Person/Phone #: Mayte Santaaria 289 -2562 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: A resolution by the Board of County Commissioners approving an inventory of county -owned real property which may be appropriate for affordable housing, as required by Section 125.379 F.S., and as recommended by the Monroe County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. ITEM BACKGROUND: Section 125.379, Florida Statutes (F.S.) requires each county to prepare an inventory list of all real property within its jurisdiction to which the county holds fee simple title that is appropriate for use as affordable housing. The inventory list must include the address and legal description of each such real property and specify whether the property is vacant or improved. The governing body of the county must review the inventory list at a public hearing and may revise it at the conclusion of the public hearing. The governing body of the county shall adopt a resolution that includes an inventory list of such property following the public hearing. On November 20, 2015, the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) held a public hearing to review and consider a draft inventory and recommended the inventory list. of all real property which may be appropriate for use as affordable housing to the BOCC; PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: On August 15, 2007, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 299 -2007, approving an inventory of real property as appropriate for affordable housing in accordance with Section 125.379, Florida Statues. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL • ST: INDIRECT COST: BUDGETED: 1011 a W 01 • • • 6*17i1 ! r 1 REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes _ No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty"" OMB /Purchasing Risk Management _ DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required DISPOSITIO AGEN ITEM 9 22 WHEREAS, the inventory list must include the address and legal description of each such 23 real property and specify whether the property is vacant or improved; and 24 25 WHEREAS, for purposes of this statutory requirement, the term "affordable" [Section 26 420.0004(3), P.S.] means that monthly rents or monthly mortgage payments including taxes, 27 insurance, and utilities do not exceed 30 percent of that amount which represents the percentage of 28 the median adjusted gross annual income for the households indicated in subsection (9) 29 [`Extremely -low- income persons "], subsection (11) ["Low-income persons "], subsection (12) 30 [ "Moderate- income persons "], or subsection (17) [ "Very- low - income persons "]; and 31 32 WHEREAS, the Monroe County Affordable housing Advisory Committee held a public 33 meeting on November 20, 2015, reviewed a draft inventory and recommended the inventory list of 34 all real property which may be appropriate for use as affordable housing to the BOCC; and 35 36 WHEREAS, in accordance with Section. 125.379, F.S., the Board of County 37 Commissioners held a public hearing on December 9, 2015, to review and revise the inventory; 38 now, therefore, 39 40 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY 41 COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 42 43 Section I. Adoption of Inventory list 44 45 The inventory of real property shown as Exhibit A may be appropriate for affordable housing 46 and is hereby approved. Page 1 of 2 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 1'9 20 21 22 23 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the clay of 201 —. Mayor Heather Carruthers Mayor Pro Tern, George Neugent Commissioner Danny L. Kolhage Commissioner David Rice Commissioner Sylvia Murphy BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA f ' Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: CLERK DEPUTY CLERK Page 2 of 2 Exhibit 4 Inventory Ust - Spctlor) 125 379, F.S. RENUMBER NAME KEY NAM LEGAL DESCRIPTION DEVELOPED/ COMMENTS 9 VACANT PTIRACT11 PORP015E POINT SECTION 5 BIG COPPITT K fY P9S 7 119 CR426- 848149 OR760-185468855- 142.. DR9 72-?2O0/2nI OR1105• parcel purclia8ed for affordable 1 00156320-000000 MONROE COUNTY Big Coppilt Key 1649/1ESOMEW/TROR1 62-1E2 Vacant housing project BK 8 ur 8 CUTTHROAT HARBOR ESTATESCUDJOE KEY PR4- 165 DR255-417 DR235.9/10 OR890-264/269WR1. OR896 I 649D/C CASE485- 235-CP-32 OR966- parcel purchased for. afford able 2 00178350-000000 MONROE COUNTY Cudjoe Key 579/S8CP/R DR988-61 Vacant housing protect BK 8 IT 6 CUTIHROAf HARBOR E5TATESCUDJOE KEY PO4. 165 DR255 -417 OR235.9/10 OR890-2641269WILL OR895-1 649D?C. CASE085 235-CP-32C)R9b6- parcel purchased for affordable 3 00178360.00OOOG MONROE COUNTY C.dj.e Key 579/580PIR OR988-611 Vacant ii—Inp project BK 8 LT 10 CUTTHROAT HARBOR E5TATE5 CUDJCF, KEY PR4 -185 OR285-0-10 OR390-264/269WILL OR896- 16490/[ CASUPE5-235-CR-12OR966 parcel purchased for all'ondable 4 00178370LOO4000 MONROE COUNTY C.djoe Key 579158CP/k Ok98g-Gi Vacant housi,,g project SK 8 IT 11 CUTTHROAT HARBOR ESTATES CUDJOE KEY P1541 -155 OR2 $5.417 DR295-9/1t7 OR890-264/694ILL ORE1915-1 649DIC. CASEP85-235 -CP-t2 ON966- rpa purchased for affordable 5 001783WOC1000 MONROE COUNTY r C.d).e Key 5791580PI/R CA989-51 Vacant housing project BK 23 J 2 CUDJOE GARDENS EIGHTH ADDITION FB7-16 () R1208-7461J3) mow ed canal lot used by MCSC f., 6 00174635-004500 MONROE COUNTY Cdpc Key DR120 -746OB) Vacant parking / storage mowed canal lot used by MCSO for 7 0017 004600 MONROE 2OUN'ry Cudice Key IBK 23 LT 3 CU[)JUE GARDENS EIGHTH ADD111ON PB7 16 0 81208 745 {101 Vacant parking) storage BK 29 LT I BREEZE5WEPT BEACH ESTATES RAMROD KEYPB 4 143 09435-595 MONROE COUNTY Ramrod Key OR773-225GOR877-5230F.1026�1973QC DR1983-1330(M) Vacant some cleared area with mangroves MONROE COUNTY 2F 6629 BIG PINE KEY P1 EI/2 OF N1/7 OF SWIA ORG 68-337 OR651-631622 BOAR 01: CO UNTY OR823-7441 ORI055-2249/50 OR] 546•? 7.601BI OR1930-943)4SCT OR2035'- III Restore - building & s 9 001114 10. 000100 ' COMMISIONIFRS Big Pin Key 129/33 Developed light industrial uses adajce.1 f3K61TI61AOUDAYHORAESIIESP'B2.16& KEY LARGO, OR27-493-494CA2366- 676I)ICOR2383-214AFFC)R2382-709(ORDER)(PROBATtftag 117- _10 OD530750-000000 COUNIrY OF MONROE Key L. rgo OR2383 213/4 OR24W Vacant ROGO lot� T&E swl able he E, tat BKbLT 17 HOLIDAY III PR2-168 KEY LARGO OR17 676D/C DR2383-214AFF QR23R2,7(19 (URDERI(PROBATE If 08-CP-117-P) �ll 0135307bQ 000000 COUNTY OF MONROE Key l.afgu OR2333 DR2407 Vacant [ROGO Not suilable habitat BK I LT 3 WINSTON PARK SUB P84 - 104 KEY LARGO OR297 -77 OR644-744 OR725-792/792 08834-IISS OR834-167 09 1296 OR1449 QR1667- 12 0054SS80-000000 — COUNTY Of MONROE Key Largo 2299/2301 OR1975-1753 Vacant ROGO lot, —ed tot 16139 ISLAND OF KEY LAKCO PART LOT 9 S OF R R P BI-68 A4-125 G2-560 An imal Control -rlest to Keys Lake 13 00084140-000000 MONROE COUNTY Key Large ORS61.62() OR7574-2325;30(Rn NO 146 0112608.393/03 Developed VIIII PT LOT IR BK I HARBOR SHORES P03-56 KEY LARGO AND or LOT 12 P82-68 1.217AC,OR569-493 /94OR590-823 DR829-70ORS89-85BOR9I9-485/87AFF 14 _00522220-0004OO MONROE COUNTY Key Largo OR1171-1444/45 Developed Habitat baOding- between divided US] MONROE COUNTY I AND PT OF ARANDONEDST CROIX PL PC)RTLAR(,OPB5-LARGO Y LARGO BIE! �'! Ill :iI CO UNTY UNTV �PTCR I (1.1 AQ DRID17-1761 1164-1921 /22.L/T OR1353 2389/90CCRI98-96,I)III, I vacant parcel near Key Largo Park 15 1 (N)45344&0O1100 COMMISSIONERS Key Eel. OR2363-249717 Vacant inIcudes a portion of ' a parking tot RESOLUTION NO. ---233--2-007 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF K4ONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING AN INVENTORY OF COUNTY-OWNED REAL PROPERTY APPROPRIATE FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING. WHEREAS, section 125.379. Florida Sta (F8) requires each county to prepare an inventory list (hereinafter "inventory") of all real property within its jurisdiction to which the county holds fee simple title that ia appropriate for use aa affordable houaing�and VVHEREAS, in moonrdmnma with s, 125.379. PS, the Board of County Commissioners held e public hearing on August 15, 2007 to review and revise the inventory; now, therefore, BE[T RESOLVED BY THE BOARD DF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFK40NRUEC()UMTY FLORIDA, that the inventory of real property shown as Exhibit is appropriate for affordab ` housing and io hereby approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board ufCounty Commissioners of Monroe County, Flohda utameedngofa�d Board held ontha_ 200T ' Mayor Di Gennam _ Mayor Pro Tern Spehor Commiss McCoy Commissioner Murphy CommineionerNeugent (SEA Atttst: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk � Depul _ � Z&a_ Yes Y-QB— Yes Yes BOARD DF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 0FMDNROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: -' ' Mayor/Chairman Mario Di Gennaro WA INVENTORY OF MONROE COUNTY PROPERTY APPROPRIATE FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING PURSUANT TO SECTION 125.379, FLORIDA STATUTES Legal Description Street Address Comments Part of Lot 6, .island of Key Corner of US I and Taylor Vacant land - potential affordable housing site. Tier = 3, Largo (RE #85140- Drive near MM 105 on Zoning = SC, Vegetation = disturbed (mowed). Property is 000100) Key Largo not currently being used by the County, except for a neighborhood identification sign. Title history has not been Block 4, Lot 15, Largo 39 Tenny Lane, Key Largo Vacant land - potential affordable housing site. "Pier 3, Gardens (RE 9456160- (corner of Jenny and Judy ,Zoning — IS, Vegetation — disturbed (mowed). Property is 000100) Lanes) not currently being used by the County. Title history has not --- been researched. Block 3, Lo 1B, Harbor 98970 Overseas Highway Partially improved land - future use will be affordable Shores and fart of Lot 12, on Key Largo housing. Property is leased to Habitat for Humanity of the Island of Key Largo (RE Upper Keys for use as discount home furnishing store and #522220 - 000000) development with 5 units of affordable housing. Tract C, Blue Water Corner of US I and Burton Vacant land - future use will be affordable housing. Property Trailer Village Section I Drive near MM 93 in was purchased by Monroe County Land Authority and (RE 4488730 - 000000) Tavernier donated to the BOCC. A developer is being selected. Metes and bounds ,30320 Overseas Highway, Improved land - existing use is related to affordable housing. description (RE #1 1 1410- Big Pine Key Property is leased to Habitat for Humanity of Key West and 000100) Lower Florida Keys, Inc, and is used as administrative offices and a discount horne furnishings store. Block 19, Lot 1, West Indies Drive, Ramrod Vacant land - potential affordable housing site Property was Breezeswept Beach Estates Key (formerly known as acquired by BOCC via a code enforcement settlement. Tier = (RE 9205890- 000000) "Stairway to Heaven" 3, Zoning = IS, Vegetation = disturbed. Property is not property) currently being; used by the County. Block 8, Lots 8-11 Site fronts US I and La Vacant land - future use will be affordable housing. Property Cutthroat Harbor Estates Fitte Drive near MM 22, was purchased by Monroe County Land Authority and (RE #178350, 178360, Cudjoe Key donated to the BOCC. A developer is being selected. 178370, and 178380) Block 23, Lot 3, Ctidjoe Near corner of Drost Drive Vacant land - potential affordable housing site. Property was Gardens 8th Addition (RE and First Avenue, Cudjoe donated to BOCC by subdivision developer. Tier = 3, Zoning #174635- 004600) Key (behind Sheriff = IS, Vegetation = disturbed. Property is occasionally used substation) by the Sheriff's Office and County for overflow parking. Block 23, Lot 2, Cudjoe Corner of Drost Drive and Vacant land - potential affordable housing site. Property was Gardens 8th Addition (RE First Avenue, Cudjoe Key donated to BOCC by subdivision developer, Tier = 3 Zoning #174635- 004500) (behind Sheriff substation) = IS, Vegetation — disturbed. Property is occasionally used by the Sheriff's Office and County for overflow parking. Part of Tract B, Porpoise Corner of US 1, Emerald Vacant land - future use will be affordable housing. Property Point Section 5 (RE Drive, and Sapphire Drive was purchased by Monroe County Land Authority and 9156320- 000000) near MM 10, Big Coppitt donated to the BOCC. A developer is being selected. Page 1 INVENTORY OF MONROE COUNTY PROPERTY APPROPRIATE FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING PURSUANT TO SECTION 125.379, FLORIDA STATUTES Legal Description Street Address Comments Square 38, Lots 1 -20, 5302 MacDonald Avenue, Vacant land - future use will be affordable housing. Property Maloney (RE # 125350- Stock Island is leased to Overseas Redevelopment Co., LLC for 000000) development with 49 affordable units known as "lagl'er Vitla e." Black 2, Lots 1 -15., Lincoln Site fronts 6th Avenue, 7th Improved land - future use will be affordable housing, Manor Amended Plat (RE Avenue, Cross Street, and Property is leased to Park Village, LLC for development with 4131180-000000) 5th Street, Stock Island 40 affordable units known as "Park Village," Construction is underwa and nearly cans late,