Item L10County of Monroe A BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor George Neugent, District 2 The Florida. Key y w) Mayor Pro Tem David Rice, District 4 �r Danny L. Kolhage, District I Heather Carruthers, District 3 Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5 County Commission Meeting April 12, 2017 Agenda Item Number: L.10 Agenda Item Summary #2762 BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: Sustainability TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Rhonda Haag (305) 453 -8774 N/A AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Authorize entering into a $0 time extension to the contract with Parsons Brinkerhoff, Inc. to conduct a vulnerability assessment of Bayshore Manor Assisted Living Facility as a means of developing a method to quantify potential losses exacerbated by sea level rise. ITEM BACKGROUND: The University of Florida Sea Grant College Program partnered with DEP's Office of Coastal Management to act as a subcontractor to manage a NOAA prime grant award for Resilient Infrastructure Assessment work. Monroe County applied for the grant to conduct a vulnerability assessment of the Bayshore Manor Assisted Living Facility, as a means of developing a method to quantify potential losses exacerbated by sea level rise. To implement the grant work, Parsons Brinkerhoff, Inc. was selected as the consultant in the grant application to provide the services. Additional time is required to complete the vulnerability assessment work, which will still be completed by the June 2017 grant deadline. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: 09/21/16: Authorize entering into a contract for $40,000 with Parsons Brinkerhoff, Inc. to conduct a vulnerability assessment of Bayshore Manor Assisted Living Facility as a means of developing a method to quantify potential losses exacerbated by sea level rise. CONTRACT /AGREEMENT CHANGES: Extension of time for deliverables submission to May 30, 2017 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval DOCUMENTATION: Parsons Amendment 1 - signed FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: April 12, 2017 Expiration Date: June 30, 2017 Total Dollar Value of Contract: $40,000 ($0 for Amendment 1) Total Cost to County: $0 for Amendment 1 Current Year Portion: $0 for Al Budgeted: N/A - $0 time extension for Al Source of Funds: N/A CPI: No Indirect Costs: N/A Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: N/A Revenue Producing: No If yes, amount: Grant: No County Match: N/A Insurance Required: N/A for Amendment 1 Additional Details: 04/12/17 001 -05008 - SUSTAINABILITY $0.00 REVIEWED BY: Rhonda Haag Completed 03/16/2017 11:50 AM Pedro Mercado Completed 03/16/2017 5:22 PM Budget and Finance Completed 03/17/2017 8:11 AM Maria Slavik Completed 03/19/2017 10:18 AM Kathy Peters Completed 03/20/2017 2:08 PM Board of County Commissioners Pending 04/12/2017 9:00 AM THIS AMENDMENT NO. 1, effective as of April 12, 2017 made to the AGREEMENT dated September 21, 2016 is made and entered into this by MONROE COUNTY ( "COUNTY "), a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 1100 Simonton Street, Key West, Florida 33040 and PARSONS BRINCKERHOFF ( "CONSULTANT "), whose address is 7650 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 300, Miami, FL, 33126. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT has requested an extension of time for submission of the deliverables; and WHEREAS, the parties agree to extend the schedule of deliverables to May 30, 2017 to allow for the completion of services under this AMENDMENT NO. 1; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises as hereinafter set forth and of the faithful performance of such covenants and conditions, the COUNTY and CONSULTANT do hereby agree as follows: This Amendment No. 1 will extend the deliverables end date to May 30, 2017. CONSULTANT shall provide the deliverables outlined in Exhibit A -1. Deliverables provided for task 4 shall be finalized by May 30, 2017, after direction is provided at the May 17, 2017 Board of County Commissioner workshop on recommendations of the County Resilient Infrastructure Project. 3. This AMENDMENT NO. 1 provides no additional funds, and the contract remains in the amount of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00). Payment will be made according to the revised Deliverable Schedule attached as Exhibit B -1. THE REMAINDER OF THE PAGE PURPOSELY LEFT BLANK Page 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these present to be executed on the - day of 2017. (SEAL) Attest: Kevin Madok, CLERK OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 71f Inf COMMISSIONERS M. Mayor By: Print Name: Date: -'e W I Parsons Brinekerhoff By: G-4 PrintName: M(�(14y(-, 600-' Title: k I Date: - �"z / (G /� �- Page 2 I W 1 4 2 9 11 1 Scope of Services The CONSULTANT will assist the County with building on what has already been accomplished on the GreenKeys Plan. For this CONTRACT, the CONSULTANT will provide the following project tasks identified below: Project Introduction This CONSULTANT will work the COUNTY to conduct a vulnerability assessment of an important community asset in the Monroe County area, assessing the risk of sea level rise and is an extension of the work ongoing under the GreenKeys plan. This work by the CONSULTANT will include the identification of risk and loss for one asset, Bayshore Manor Assisted Living Facility, as a means of developing a method for the COUNTY to quantify potential losses for various important assets in the keys exacerbated by sea level rise. This method is being developed to facilitate later dialogue which will be focused on developing methods to prioritize assets to be considered for protection across all COUNTY controlled or influenced asset types. The project objective will be to develop a method for the COUNTY by which existing and future risks to important community facilities may be quantified and to develop strategies to address those risks, as it is a process which is not well represented currently in many /most flood risk assessments. This work would build upon previous work done by the COUNTY through their GreeKeys program to characterize infrastructure vulnerability under various sea level rise scenarios. This work by the CONSULTANT is to include the definition of the value of community service and use as a means of facilitating later dialogues on how to prioritize improvements under government control in coastal areas. The CONSULTANT scope of work outlined below is described below. The process defines vulnerabilities from two perspectives. The first is defining specific elements of facilities which can be impacted while flooding, the second in defining the expected flooding levels that may impact that facility exacerbated by future sea level rise. The CONSULTANT work scope for this project is limited to the development and review of existing resources available to complete the identified tasks below. Task 1 — Project Management and Coordination This task includes the coordination between the CONSULTANT and the COUNTY required to convene agency representatives to define the specific elements of the building, define a method to estimate future SLR/surge impacts and develop an understanding of the potential long term impacts. The project coordination will include: 1. Coordination calls between the CONSULTANT and the COUNTY to discuss data resources and collection activities required for the project Page 3 2. An initial meeting (via webinar) between the CONSULTANT and the COUNTY to introduce the project and discuss the scope of the project. At this meeting the initial list of data needs will be identified to include: a. Architectural plans of the facility b. Available spatial data defining the extent and depths of anticipated flooding by return period (FEMA) c. Available SLR data for the area d. Establishment of the project timeframe 3. A meeting (via webinar) between the CONSULTANT and the COUNTY to summarize the findings from the asset vulnerability definition task (task 2) and flood analysis (task 3) 4. A meeting between the CONSULTANT and the COUNTY to conclude the project research effort and a presentation to the BOCC on project findings It is anticipated that a small team of professionals made up of engineering and sustainability staff from various departments within the COUNTY will be convened for the purpose of discussing this project. The dialogue for this meeting will also include establishing the analysis timeframe for the project. Establishing this value will be important to the quantification of potential costs of impacts and also the benefits of any identified strategy. Task 2 — Asset Vulnerability Definition The purpose of this task effort is to define the facility assessment by defining the implications of flooding causing damage to a facility. A facilitated one -half day dialogue between COUNTY officials, facility operations staff, sustainability staff and the CONSULANT engineering team members will be held via webinar to define the planning level parameters of impact that are critical to any facility assessment. Those parameters would include: • Failure points — that is the water elevations that could cause minor, significant, or ' catastrophic loss of a facility. Each failure point, will include an estimate o£ o Rough estimate for cost of repair • Time of outage, loss of service • Other impacted community infrastructure serving facility (energy, water, etc) • Community impacts (number of residents / commercial interest impacted) • Potential adaptation strategies — identification of set of limited potential design strategies that could reduce or eliminate damage to the facility. This will not include development of designs, just the documentation of what those strategies may be. These strategies based on collective knowledge and summarized and will be defined in terms of. • Type, and level of protection afforded - benefits and drawbacks • Policy implications, including but not limited to, level of service and design standards o Expected cost and funding strategies Timeline: Within 1 month of project initiation •,.. a Deliverables: 1. Completion of the Coordination Meeting between the CONSULTANT and COUNTY, including meting minutes 2. Submittal of the Short Memorandum by the CONSULTANT to the COUNTY of Findings and Potential Policy Issues Task 3 — Flooding /Surge Definition This task will utilize information already generated in earlier studies, including the County's GreenKeys Plan, to identify the potential tidal conditions and surge effects (wave zone vs still or tidal water) expected at the facility. These values will be taken from studies completed by the COUNTY to identify expected levels for existing surge (FEMA) as well as tidal water elevation levels including contributions from expected sea level rise in the area. No additional modeling or research will be conducted by the CONSULTANT for this task. This effort will include the definition by the CONSULTANT of timeframes expected for sea level rise, based on various climate scenarios tied to the Southeast Regional Climate Compact and the GreenKeys Plan. The outcome of this effort will be a table of values for flood levels at the facility, including current return periods and return periods estimated for selected future years. Timeline: Within 2 months of project initiation Deliverable: 1. Completion of data collection and coordination meeting on data resources 2. Delivery of a presentation / staff briefing on findings of this analysis Task 4 — Define Consequence Costs of Damage /Loss Task 4 will utilize Information generated by the COUNTY and CONSULTANT in tasks 1 and 2 above to develop an understanding of potential damage /loss to the facility over the project time period (defined in task 2) from coastal flooding, expressed in 2016 dollars. This effort will include the application of economic factors to define broader community impacts of loss of the facility. The results of this sub -task will include a present value of loss of the facility developed by the CONSULTANT, and the identification of various factors to be applied in generating the quantification of potential loss over time and an analysis of adaptation versus relocation strategies. A measure of the relative cost effectiveness of those options identified in task 2 will also be identified, expressed in terms of net present value — to identify how potential investments may benefit the project. Also for this task - a short methodology will be prepared by the CONSULTANT outlining a policy analysis of the implications for other County buildings and facilities for use with future building - specific vulnerability analyses. Timeline: Within 4 months of project initiation Deliverables: 1. The development of a spreadsheet model which estimates losses overtime in today's dollars 2. Preparation of a memorandum on policy implications for other county buildings and facilities 3. Material to present to a BOCC meeting Final Due Date: May 30, 2017 W-W. [? 2 :I�} iM Deliverable Schedule Page 7 Exhibit A-2- Task and Deliverables Breakdown Tasks Deliverables Dates I WSP I P I ELD PA - 7- . . . . ...... Project Coordination Calls Ongoing $ 2,484.06 $ 1,000.00 Hold Initial Coordination Meeting 11/21/2016 $ 4,247.94 $ 5oo.00 First Milestone Meeting 3/15/2017 $ 3,938.50 $ 500.00 Second Milestone Meeting & BOCC Presentation 5/15/2017 $ 3,683.14 $ 1,000.00 7 77 7 -777� 7� Conduct of Professional Staff Coordination Mtg 2/28/2017 $ 3,670.56 $ 1,000.00 Development of Summary Material 3/20/2017 $ 2,812.00 $ 1,000.00 Outline Policy Implications of Design Standards and Funding Options 3/20/2017 $ 1,242.03 $ 1,000.00 Complete Coordination with County Staff and Research Agencies 4/14/2017 $ 1,446.78 $ sooeo Development of Summary Memorandum on Research 4/25/2017 $ 1,761.03 $ 1,000.00 "U, Develop Economic Loss Spreadsheet for Estimating Loss 4/14/2017 $ 1,759.08 $ 500.00 Prepare a Short Memorandum on Findings and Policy Recommendations 4/28/2017 $ 2,326.35 $ 1,000.00 Prepare a Grant Report for the U of Florida Grant Program 5/16/2017 $ 628.50 $ 1,000.00 Budget $3,484 $4,748 $4,438 $4,683 $4,671 $3,812 $2,242 $1,947 $2,761 TOTAL $30,000 $10,000 a