Resolution 382-1998 RESOLUTION NO. 382 -1998 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, RENOUNCING AND DISCLAIMING ANY RIGHT OF THE COUNTY AND THE PUBLIC IN AND TO A PORTION OF ANA COURT, SEA-AIR ESTATES, VACA KEY, MARATHON, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley- ways, roads or highways, and 5 ~ ~ :!! WHEREAS, due notice has been published and a public hearing h~ci:afen~elcj;;in o r- ...~; "'0 C accordance with Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, and ~?";:: _ ..." 0(""). en 0 WHEREAS, at said public hearing the Board considered the argument of ~~rtie~remnt wishing to speak on the matter, and all premises considered concerning th~un~g ~d ...,., ':t> -!=: ("') disclaiming of any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafte~esmib~ strStts, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat. and W C WHEREAS, the Board has determined that vacation of the said road is for the general public welfare, and conforms to the requirement of Florida Statutes Sec. 336.09 and Sec. 336.10, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby renounces and disclaims any right of the County and the public in and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat. to-wit: A PARCEL OF LAND AND WATER, BEING A PART OF ANA COURT, BLOCK 5, "SEA-AIR ESTATES", A SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 91, IN SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 66 SOUTH, RANGE 32 EAST AND SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 66 SOUTH, RANGE 33 EAST, ON V ACA KEY, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS Of MONROE COUNTY, fLORIDA SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS fOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER Of LOT 20, BLOCK 5, Of SAID "SEA-AIR ESTATES" SAID CORNER TO BE KNOWN AS THE POINT Of BEGINNING Of THE PARCEL Of LAND AND WATER HEREINAfTER DESCRIBED, BEAR S 44054'00" E, ALONG A LINE AT A RIGHT ANGLE TO THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE Of SAID ANA COURT, fOR A DISTANCE Of 50.00', TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE Of SAID ANA COURT, THENCE BEAR S 45006'00" W, ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE Of ANA COURT fOR A DISTANCE Of 100.00', TO THE POINT Of CURVE Of AN ARC DEfLECTING TO THE SOUTHWEST, HAVING A RADIUS Of 25.00' AND A CENTRAL ANGLE Of 90000'00"; THENCE BEAR SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID ARC, fOR A DISTANCE Of 39.27' TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE Of SAID ANA COURT; THENCE BEAR S 45006'00" W, fOR A DISTANCE Of 25.00', TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER Of SAID ANA COURT; THENCE BEAR NORTH 44054'00" W, ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE Of SAID ANA COURT, fOR A DISTANCE Of 100.00'; THENCE BEAR N 45006'00" E, ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE Of SAID ANA COURT fOR A DISTANCE Of 25.00', TO THE POINT Of CURVE Of A NON-TANGENT ARC DEfLECTING TO THE NORTHEAST HAVING A RADIUS Of 25.00' AND A CENTRAL ANGLE Of 90000'00"; THENCE BEAR NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID ARC, fOR A DISTANCE Of 39.27', TO THE POINT Of TANGENCY Of SAID CURVE; THENCE BEAR N 45006'00" E, ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE Of SAID ANA COURT, fOR A DISTANCE Of 100.00', BACK TO THE POINT Of BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA Of 9019.98 SQUARE fEET, MORE OR LESS. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, florida, at a regular meeting of the Board on the 9th day of September, 1998. <..-~)~;::-~>fAayor London ;/~"'/\."'~,\_' - ~,", ..,.CZ,... 0," mmissioner freeman '. ~~~lb ~kCOmmissioner Harvey , ~, . \~S }~r'nmissioner London . -'--'-1 ~,.1'1/~6mmissioner Reich \ " (SEAL)' \.., ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE. CLERK yes yes yes yes yes By ~~"CLc. h:tw ~ Deputy Clerk J UNTY COMMISSIONERS OUNTY fLORIDA ~ Mayor/Chairman jroadresadopt 'PROOF OF PUBLICATION f -.... - THE FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER Published Twice Weekly MARATHON, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF MONROE) Before the undersigned authority personally appeared _.2'~~~.:..ke!_____ who on oath, says that he/she is '" ____!_~~f!r ____ of the FLORIDA' KEYS KEYNOTER, a twice weekly newspaper published at MARATHON. in MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA; that the attached copy of advertisement. being Notice of ADoption , IN THE MATTER OF: of Resolution Certain Street Ana Court, SEq.-A1'r E t t M h s a es, arat on __ in the --------_.....--_....._--_-..--~-.;.;;:.---:"--- Court was published in said nc:~...paper in the issues of SEptember 26, 1998 ~--- d) ooco~ :z :J::l: 0 r- ;;:u ("") ?;: ,..., ,." or-..<~ ('") 0 /"T1:x -' SEE ~t:vaSE I~ IDEn On. a:J 0 c:- __ :::0 ::x: :::0 ....... 0 .." -l C") r- :z :::0 :<:-of ::t: fT1 .." '):> z:- C") r-G.r:- 0 1> ,..., .._'" :::0 . -- C -----. ------------------------------ AIliant further says that the said FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER is a newspaper at MARATHON, in .said MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA. and thai th-: said news- paper has heretofore been continuously published in said MONROE COUN- TY, FLORIDA, twice each week (on Wednesday and Satnrday) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in MARATHON. in said MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA. for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant fur- ther says that he has neither paId nor promised any person. firm. or corpo- , ration any discount, rebate. commission or refund for the purpose of secur- ing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper.(SEAL) (seal) SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS 29th -~ ~~" --g~ DA Y OF SEptember A.D. 19 98 -----~------~- ~-~ L NO.0851100 - NOTICE OF "ooPTION OF RESOLUTION RENOUNCING AND DISClAIMING ANY RIGHT OF THE COUNTY Of MONROE AND THE PUBLIC IN AND.TO A CERTAIN STREET. AS DELINEATED ON A CERTAIN RECORDED PLAT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. ~SUllRt,,,,, Chap. 336, .joc:.~tatc:=::'~ Monroe lounty. Florida, et a meeting heId'on 5aptember 9. 1 998. cIuIy adopted Re$olutlon No. 382-1998. ranounclng and disclaiminll...v,right of the County of Monroe and the public ,n and to a portion of Ana Court. Saa-Ai!' Estates, Marathon, Monroe Coun",. Florida. and fu{ther deScribed as follows: ' A PARCEL OF LAND AND WA- TER. BEING A PART OF ANA COURT; BLOCK 5, "SEA-AIR ESTATES". A SUSDIVISIONAS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6. PAGE 91. IN SECTiON 1. TOWNSHIP 66 ,SOUTH. RANGE 32 EAST AND SEC- TION 6. TOWNSHIP 66 SOUTH. RANGE 33 EAST. ON VACA KEY. OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MONROE COUN- TY. 'FLORIDA, SAID PARCEL 8EING MORE PARTfCULARLY DESCRIBEO BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 20, BLOCK 5, OF SAID "SEA- AIR ESTATES" SAID CORNER TO BE KNOWN AS THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE PAR- CEL OF LAND AND WATER HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED, BEAR 5 44 DEGREES 54'00" E. ALONG A LINE AT A RIGHT ANGLE TO THE NORTHWEST- ERLVRIGHT-oF-WAY.LINEOf' SAID ANA COURT, FOR A DIS- TANCE OF 50.00'. TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-oF-WA.Y LINE OF SAID ANA COURT, THENCE BEAR S 45 DEGREES 08'00" W, ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-oF~WAV LINE Of ANA COURT FOR A ,DISTANCE OF 100.00'; TO THE f>OINT Of CURVE;Of AN ARC DEFLECT- ING TO THE SOUTHWEST. HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00' AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90 DEGREES 00'00": THENCE BEAR SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID ARC, fOR A Dl5- ~N~ 3~~~t~:~ RIGHT-oF-WAY LINE Of'SAID ANA COURT: THENCE ~R S 45 OEGREES06'OO" W. FOR A DISTANCE OF 26.00', TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY , CORNER Of' SAID ANA COURT: THENCE BEAR NORTH 44 DEGREES 54'00" W, ALONG THE SOUTHW~RLY RIGHT-oF'- WAY LINE Of SAID ANA COURT, FOR A DISTANCE OF 100.00': fHENCE,BEAR N 45 ~~EES 9,f~t~~tf8ft~1 RIGHT-oF-WAY LINE OF SAlD! ANA COURT FOR A DISTANCE OF 25.00', TO THE POINT OF CURVE OFA NON-TANGENT ARC DEFLECTING TO THE NORTHEAST HAVI..,G A RAOI- US OF 25.00' AI'IO A CENTRAL ~~: OFTHE'CEDEG:-~~ NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID ARC, FOR A DISTANCE OF 39.27', TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY OF $AID CURVE: THENCE BEAR N 45 DEGREES Olt'OO" E,ALONG THE NORTH- WESTERLY RIGHT~F-WAY ~~J AD6~~C:~ 1~liJ.: BACK TO THE POINT Of' BE- GINNING. CONTAINING. AN AREA Of- 9019;98 SOUARE FEET. MORE OR LESS. DATED et Key Weat, Florida, . \' rJ\8~'th day of "SePtember. DANNY L. KOLHAGE Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Moilroe County, Florida Publish september 26. 1998 Florida Keys Keynoter PROOF OF PUBLICATION THE FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER Published Twice Weekly MARATHON, MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF MONROE) Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Publisher Tom Schumaker f ~ who on oath, says that he/she i of the FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER. a twice weekly newspaper published at MARATHON. Notice of Public Hearing in MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA; that the attached copy of advertisement. being September 9, 1998 RE: To determine where or not streets, alley~ways, etc. to be Abandoned IN THE MATTER OP: in the August 15, 1998 Court was published in said newspaper in the issues of AIliant further says that the said FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER is a newspaper at MARATHON. ill said MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA. aDd that the said DeWI- paper has heretofore been continuously published iD said MONROE COUN- TY. FLORIDA. twice each week (on Wednesday and Saturday) aDd has been entered as second class man matter at the post office iD MARATHON. in said MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA. for a period of ODe year next prccedinl the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant ful'- ther says that he has neither paid nor promised aDY person. firm. or corpo- . ration any discount. rebate. commission or refund for the purpose of secur- ing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper.(~tiAJ..} -;.< (seal) SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS 17th . I '.~: DA Y OP August 98 A.D. 19 il1~d ~,~ / '.. ~ 0 ~ ." z );> ;= SEE ~~~SE~IDg CJ . r- I -r, On' CD 0 c 30 :A :::0 z. 0 -0 -f ('"') r- :::: :::0 :< -i:r.:: f"I1 ~ 'l> z:- ("') r-C')~ 0 ::t> 1"'11 , c'"' :::0 . - 0 . C> ~~ .\. ~t>' \''<'','11' cf _~~,(\~"""(\ , )]. ,..~;O'- ~ "o~. '..rP ~<f), '"' '"' V!I."I \t-.. 0' ar. 'l ~<o (\\.~~ ~ ~t;e<. 1'1>~~(o. 0'< ~<'1c.~~\,,~ \.'<'te~"t.(~, ~. ~'V ,If> d- ~~~'" ,f} ,##. 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