Item C01BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Datr:�temhcr17. ?f114 _ lli�i�ioil. Del Count-, Administrator Bulk item: Ye, x No Department: I_ibrarN Sen iee5 StaffContact Person/Phone -1:_Norma Kula r,\7149 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Appi-mal for the Kev West Branch l"ibrary to close on SaturdciN. October 25. 014 ITEM BACKGROUND: tics attached memo fi-om Headquarters Administrator PREVIOt1S RELEVANT BOCC. A(A-ION: B()C C appro\ed tiiill ilar action in prey ious Nears CONS'RAC"11:1GRl:E�II:N`'I CH;1N(:ES: VA STAFF RFCOMM[ADATIONS: .Nppro\al TOTAL COST': .A IN1.)1RFCT COST: N A Bt;DGI:TED: Yes No! COST TO COt :NTY: SOURCE OF FL NDS: REVENUE VRODCING: Ye, \o AMOL NT PER 1IONT11 Year L APPROVED BY: ('OHMv Att. (AIl3'1'urchasinu Ri, lk Manatoemcatt _ DOCL MENTATION: Included _ X. Not l:ec}uircd DISPOSITION: Rc� iwd I ()') AGENDA ITEM # County of Monroe The Florida Kevs \li)nnc� C'��unt� I'uhlic 1_ihran �flfl t�lenlin�� Strc�t 11- 3, 10 Ili v g(}.�t{D off um N-1 N comN1155[(7V'I;lZS r.�� 11av��r1'm Ism. I)a€ttr- L 1�„Ih;.ttc.I),�.r.ct k 1 IL1 i€r1L Ikl)r,i.t:iu..l)i�tritt t .I.rr: I)chhic: Freticricl., 1)(:l)uty (uunly Admini1u-at0I 1 hrnuah: Kith, I)IrCCtt)I of I ihraric, l rt)nt: \Itlnt\ I I�)\�anit�. ,\clntini,ttator, l.ihr;u-\ 14cadclaartcr, lte. Itl,tilic;ttit)u ttr ;chctlulc ,t -�-I)�lv \\ hrl, A\ cc� Itai N I���t ultr,c the Iiblar� t)II �tlulrllav 1 Itc AtC�rrht' chumv I'nhhc M11 11 i, IhcalctI at {l() 1 1clnin_ u-2 1 at Fl1 1hctII Str1c just t t)Incl., I"n)nl !}krill�trtClIIll)Itl I m11IVCA \\C,L I?Lll'Itl�![)LtOht2T-thk2 101t1A I(.iIb,I c I',IIItt1 t�2stIl:ti IIiC� i+t:�ur In �I�nC hruAilnItV I�) I I lihrilr\. ��Ill�il i; fi ( o k I I I \ f�jCitII hhCIItIII�'I a litt]iICLI l)1Ih11C I'UIM I-L. III Irl,t \car,- tltc \tr€tr)c c }unt\ Sheriff 1)cl)utic, h:l�c t)tcll unal lc 10 fill ,ccurit\ I h>t,;tt tits lihrar\ them-1 LhoLit Malta,v Mc,;. hit cshccially lm the clav, ut'thc ��c�kend I�,uvitic�. I ht�u��h 3�e�ti��I �Isrwhcrc ill the (")untv. thc,hCrilf �Ih,cn�c at tits thc,afety ,I11c1 ,ecurity of the lit)r.Ir faciIity. the ,talf Lind patron'. } itnta;v I e,t arti� itic, ;chctittlttti thn�u��}t�rut (')I�l I0%v11 florin_ thi> I!)-�I<1 pcI ')d turn our pat iot, rest rht)nt� �uul lacility k1lo a hit stop lirr I)et,1,le not u-,1111-1 the lihttlry fi r its plc i�tinatcLl I7ttrl o"e �4c ha%e had nut-uf ,talc car, left fnr d. lv in cur Iru.1,111 1,11 �v 11ich r(2ciuirecl tkM int") NN hen a chicle hlhcl:cd our' otc hantlicahhctl ,1u)t. Our I)r�.rc�.ram tltlenclun c tfruh, ilurin�� Manta, I cat wcuk bccatt,c nl� nv rt�,ulat f,€itrt)r�s tt� c)iii c1riinLc it { )ILI ! hv\ the (hiltlren', ticlxlrtntcnt i ilu� ter ,ur11 tli;rul)tiv r incident, tl, hav inu to cv iet ithout OIL: hell "I' tln t�ll iccr} inch€ itltcti adu11, v%Ito v+aniiercd intt� ht1€ chiltlrcn , MON is tin Satitrdav or canlhetl trot ill the 1'tu€n� Adultilrett nr t)ur rc,uling room to,Icc3)- t he ct)unty (Ictl. ri the Court ol•licc clo e: at noon oilI ridaal)u 1-C II IN, clh,cil 011 Satttrdav,}. c to41m11kII I2i1,Oili ,C11'Iit1 hihCk' hUSIr illCCl Ill 0f11 A IClli tV Cll)>C iri] Si11111LdaA CloniI'� I��llltiltil 1 Cat, I\ c• tnt) rech,-)IlI • the dillict111v il) �t+nductin_' Iu 1111dI 0j)CT 1611"' f'uTlctinil durianti htivc it 1)i to ,,flew alld ,CCUI-ItN f'rr land hatnvn, vvhi1k hcltcr pl �cry ice;. I h pr)\ idc 11 )1 fill] ,laf N:o\ erl c al,d Ih {)rc� cnt nti>u;c ht the lihtar tacilit\ tnt! lrn 1:in, dot inu thr 1 �'tnl,t5 ic;1 Ircri,,tl hilc°,til{ nrt,vitliul-, It111 services L1111-in'u,thc vNolh nc• PI POse the t011, 4it)�I: Schedule ill! lihran ,tattal the I ihrttr� in Itiev \1�c,t to ��hrl: dav, ,IraiLdht f•r>Itt Mollda.1v. (>ctnhrr >1} thrruah Mritl�ty. (')ctnhcr?l. UI I. !t)rthtir rc�-idar,hifis ol, �i). ?��- alld 40 111'\V' {Nlun(iav- I l lukr,dO 111d 1:1Id;1v: t)Mll ter 6ptu- Al ctinc;dity t)atlt th 811111_ lot lihrary ll) the huhlic un S�tturllav OCtnhcr ��-'(l€,-t• by ,chctlulin�u the daN ol�f• 1,01. all ',I'It1- at lh� I ihrury in :"t tt) [)C t)n thi_, day. Block hffthc Ivl tioll) Ilida% by 511\1 thIOU,}� �1��ntlav Itti�rnin�f after Manla,v Mc�l for the prr)tcCtitn) A" ('t)unty prn1)c11v and to cn,urc that non-C( 0IIt\ IMI'kLTS Canitot tIt)uhlcitril)iC- l)arl:. Ic11 vchicic� ull the c�.rn�;; area, {further dama1_1in, trur htu-ic(t �v ,t(2 1)i4)c;}, 01- canal) nut tin the ,ccludett area, hchlnd the hhrar\ . 11 hil� �tll tl�i, %%ill not tolallN prr%�:M Ltnruk IX:01)lc hVIII ctttcrin,-, the libr�,ry or ruminu, onto library I�iut�crt� for nonLicti\ itk�On:olldatc the mo>t ,t lIT lute 01k111 hollr�) cMrlicr in lh< «ecl: V111ci1 1'C!LLII'I,. tlhl'iill ��l1ll'�ti �';Il1iCICLI �IIILI �ill�fV 11111 Illll ��C ���ml?rL�Il11�C�1.