Item C31�41,11 010 N. I I NLTJ IRI NITA 101 ffi.111�111�
Meeting Date: September
17, 2014
Division: —
Public Works/Enjaineering
Bulk Item: Yes
No —
Project Management
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of an Option to Renew and Amendment to reflect
Personnel Changes to, the Agreement with the Florida Keys Council of the Arts (FKCA) in order to
renew the Administrative Agreement for the second year and to show personnel rate changes.
ITEM BACKGROUND: Under Monroe County Ordinance 022-200, an appropriation of 1% of
construction costs for new construction exceeding $500,000, and renovation exceeding $100,000 is to
be used for the acquisition, commission, installation, and maintenance of art works through the Art in
Public Places Committee. The FKCA has contracted with Monroe County to use 10% of the 1%
funding for Art in Public Places to pay for administrative expenses incurred. The Administrative
Contract dated September 19, 2012 had a term of one year, with three additional one-year options to
renew. This Approval of an Option to Renew and Amendment exercises the second renewal option.
PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: On September 21, 2012 the BOCC approve an
Administrative Agreement with the Florida Keys Council of the Arts to utilize 10% of the 1%
allocation of construction costs for Art in Public Places to be used for administrative expenses. The
Agreement allowed for an option to renew for three additional one-year terms. On September 17, 2013
the BOCC approved the first option to renew the Agreement effective October 1, 2013 and terminating
on September 30, 2014.
CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Renew the Administrative Agreement for one year
effective October 1, 2014 and ending September 30, 2015, and increase the hourly rates for two
employees (from $22.00 to $25.00 per hour, and from $16.50 to $18.00 per hour).
STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval as stated above.
APPROVED BY: County Atty OMB/Purchasing —
DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required.
LwIlItIt"t1 Q i q , '
'f- Date:
Expiration r. 09/30115
To renew the Administrati've AgremOut withouuail tO utilim 1
Alloca ion for Art is Public Places for Adminstratirre Fat
for BOCC meeting on 09/17/14
7f4549 Fra'cct mgmdstop
menda Deadline: 09102114_
Total Dollar Value of Contracr, $ NIA Current Year Portion: $ NIA
Budgeted? YesZ No El AwOunt Codes: - -
County Match: $ /
Estimated Ongoing Costs* $----jyr FW.
of i�luded in dollar vacua aiyows e . male utllidea anitoria! aw rim, i
Kim, laimm
Administrative Agreement
This Option to Renew and to Amend the Administrative Agreement is entered into on the
17'h day of September 2014, between Monroe County ("County") and the Florida Keys Council
of the Arts ("FKCA").
WIMREAS, on September 19, 2012, the County and FKCA entered into an
i aiv' ad' e
WIMREAS, the term of the Administrative Agreement is for a period of one year ending
on September 30, 2013, and
fi it *111remlwllllllllll�IIIIIIIIIIIIII
M 1 4 111 6 1 1 P
WBF,REAS, as required at paragraph 3 of the Administrative Agreement the Florida
KeL*s Coun,-4V-
another year, and
111i'VOIaIV, the personnel listed in paragraph la, of the Administrative Agreement has
changed and the agreement should reflect that change; and
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and payment contained
herein, the parties have entered in to this Agreement on the terms and conditions as set forth
1. The County agrees to the second one year renewal of the Administrative
Aaement, between Monroe County and FKCA- attached as Exhibit "A!'. The renewal term
MT-1110MM10 U EI F, r# re 9 7 #Tt I Ms =-s i
2. Paragraph 3 of the Administrative Agreement requires that the FKCA request the
renewal in writing, the request from Elizabeth S. Young, Executive Director is attached as
Exhibit "B".
Renewal of Administrative Agreement Page I
3. Paragraph 1 a shall be amended to reflect personnel changes and shall read as
1. REMMURSABLE ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES: The County shall reimburse up to
10% of the funds allocated for each project to the Florida Keys Council of the Arts for expenditures
directly related to each project. Expenses shall be reimbursed only after properly invoiced by the FKCA
with supporting receipts and documents.
Neimbursable expenses shall include:
a. The Florida Keys Council of the Arts may be reimbursed for personnel (as listed below) for
their time spent associated with a project, at their hourly rate, including but not limited to
issuance of RFQ's and RFP's, collating and distributing responses, providing administrative
support during evaluation meetings, and preparation and processing of contracts:
Elizabeth Young
Jodell Roberts
Reen Stanhouse
Aundria Vanbourgondien
4. The remainder of the terms of the Agreement shall remain unchanged by the
acceptance of this renewal, and shall continue in effect until the term ends.
1111111111111 111:1
WK1,1410 UINUMINIEW27 . .
respective names.
Attest: Amy Heavn, Clerk
Witness for FKCA:
Date: e
Eli beth S. You g
Exe�cut&-D' or
4 N—A OTL�rr:: mI SAI ", L
Admb3dstrative Agreement
This Option to Renew and to Amend the Administrative Agreement is entered into on the
L7-2day of September 2013, between Monroe County ("County") and the Florida Keys Council
of the Arts ('TKCA!').
WM4 REAS, on September 19, 2012, the County and FKCA entered into an
Administrative Agreement (a col of which is attached hereto and made-a-m-e heree aR-Firl-Wt
111,1111 1111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 J! 11�1111111111111111 Jill 111 11 1
R-IWT47u. M. Mwomwe:=.
MMREAS, the Administrative Agreement allows for an option to renew the agreement
for ffiree additional one-year terms, and
required at paragraph 3 of the Administrative Agreement the Florida
another year, and
WEWMAS, the personnel listed in paragraph 1 a, of the Administradve Agreement h
changed and the agreement should reflect that change; and
NOW TIBERMRE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and payment contained
herein, the parties have entered in to this Agreement on the terms and conditions as set forth
I . The County agrees to a one year renewal of the Administrative Agreemel
between Monroe CountN and FKCA.
4lictober 1, 2013 and end Scptcmber 30, 2014.
2. Paragraph 3 of the Administrative Agreement requires that the FXCA request the
renewal in writing, the request from Elizabeth S. Young, Executive Director is attached as
3. Paragraph 1 a shall be amended to reflect personnel changes and shall read as
Renewal of Administrative Agreement Page 1
641. REINIBURSABLE ADMDMTRATIVE F-3aTNSES: The County sball reimburse upox
10% of the ftmds allocated for each project to the Florida Keys Council of the Arm for expenditures
Arectly related to each project. Expenses shall be reimbursed only after properly invoiced by the FKCA
with supporting receipts and documents.
Reimbursable expenses sball include.
a- The Florida Keys Council of the Arts may be reimbursed for personnel (as listed below) foi-
their time spent associated with a project, at their hourly rate. including but not limited to
issuance of RFQ's and RFP's. collating and distributing responses, providing administrative
support during evaluation meetings, and preparation and processing of contracts:
Elizabeth Young
Jodell Roberts
valeFie va*geuiR SwAh
Reen Stanhouse
0609 18.00
Aundria Vanbourgondien
WITNMS WHEREOF, the patties have caused these presents to be executed in thelt
D ep uty-
Clerk Mayor/Chairman
D a t e:
Renewal of Administrative Agreement Page 2
Monroe County Art In Public Places
Adndulairadve Agreement
This AGREEbIENT dated thel9th day of September, 2012, is entered into by and between the
Keys Council of the Arts CFKCA!' or "Contractoel.
WHEREAS, the Art in Public Places Ordinance #M2-2001, codified at MCC §2-322(A),
0 "
XVL.VJ& -LL-i J=.;A=t; I
works of art In said buildings; and
WEEREAS, the ordinance estabMes and Artz In Public Places (AIPP) Committee to advise tM
.1:11 iV* I
Q", I IQ , =7 i 67W 7V I 't 0 1 - i J74771kv
an Agreement Period of one yen with, options to renew the Agmement for three additional one-year
tenns; and
WEMUMS, on August 19, 2W9 the BOCC granted approval of the First Renewal to the
Administrative Contract, the Second Renewal was approved by the BOCC on September 15, 2010, and
the Third and Final Renewal was approved on September 21, 2011; and
, the IMird and Final Renewal of the Administrative Contract will expire on
September 30, 2012; and
0 47#: I:A i I 5-1=1 1.77M =.Ii, " R-4 [=1 Ii
I FV =-- 1 17-Ti-M, WT, I Col I 1 ,73:j= C71 1 -7 -11 =ss 1 PF r, r; T T, Tra Mi! I M
N. 1771 TZ to expeadamms q7t71=1 =-IATZ =XIM ��U FWJW4- LO jLc rLonw. jLdjT --CU-0rjT0--j r
directly related to each project Expenses shall be reimbursed only after properly invoiced by the
FKCA with supporting receipts and documents.
Reimbursable expenses ahall include:
a. The Florida Keys Council of the Arts may be reimbumed for personnel (aa listed below) for
their time spent anociated with a projec4 at their hourly rate), including but not limited to
igsuance of RFQ'a and RFP'e, coffaft and distributing responses, providing administrative
support during evaluation meetings, and preparation and processing of contracts:
Elizabeth Young Administration $30.00
Jodell Roberts Adminiatradon $22.CO
Reen stanbuuw- Administratitin USA j
The services performed by die above personnel " be reimbursed at their hourly rate. A
schedule of services must be approved by the Director of Project Management.
b, Expense of tramportation and living expenses, but only to the extent and in the &me
authorized by sections 2-106 through 2-117 of the Monroe County Code..
c. Postage and handling of documents associated with the prqJect.
d. Costs for printing. binding. copying cons, associated with the project.
2. MODIRCATIONS AND AWMWINTS: Any and all modifications of the terms of this
Agrwmcat shall be amended in writing and aMoved by the BuM of County Contntissionem of
Monroe County.
3. AGMEMMNT PMUOD: This Agreement is for the period of out year beginning QgJgbff 1.
= and anding &gInbg 3% Then an options to renew this Agreement for three
additional One-YeAr (arms. Renewals must be requested in writing by the FKCA and approved by
the board of County Commissioners of Monroe County.
E, :1, . Z -� V. V X" : # 1
the Arts Is it separate entity and not an employee of do Bxwd of County Commissioners
Monroe County. No statement contained in this Agmenteat shall be construed as to flima
FKCA or any of its employees, contractors. servants, or agents to be employees of the Board
County Commissioners of Monroe Couna i:34 nd they shall be entitled to none of the righ
privileges or benefits of employees of Monroe County.
5. HOLD HARh1B1SSA=EMDMCAT7ON, The Florida Keys Council of the Arts hereby agrees
to Indemnify and hold harmless the BOCr, and any of its officers and employees from and
against 1111Y Ud all claime, fiabca. litigation, causes of action. damages, costs. expenses
(including but not limited to fees and expenses arising from any factual investigation, discovery
or preparation for litigationj and the payment of my and all of the foregoing or say demands,
settlements or judgments arising directly or indirectly under this AgrecmenL The FKCA shall
immediately give notice to the County of any :I or action made against the County that is
related to the "vity under title Agreement to will cooperate with the County in the
investigation arising as a result of any suit, action or claim related to this Agreement.
6. CONSENT TO JIMISDICTION- This Agreement its performance, and an disputes arising
hcreund�r, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida, and both parties agree that the
proper venue for any actions shall be in Monroe County.
7. ETMCS CLAUSEL The FKCA warrants that it has not employed, retained or otherwise had
act on its behalf any tamer County officer or employee in violation of Section 2 of Ordinance
No. 10-1990 or any County officer or employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 10-
1990. For breach or violation of the provision the County may, at its discretion. terminate this
Agreement without liability and may also, at its discrettion, terminate this Agreement without
liability and nay also, at its discretion, deduct ftm the Agreement or purchase price, or
otherwise recover, the M smount of any fee. commission, percentage, gift. or consideration paid
to the former or present County officer or employee.
8. PUBLIC ENTrrY CRRM SrAMVMT. A person or affiliate who has been placed on the
convictod list following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a bid on an
agreement to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid an agreement
with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work may not
submit bids on losses of red property to public entity, may not be awarded or perform, work as a
contractor, supplier, sub -contractor, or consultant un an agreement with any public entity, and
may Zkot transact business with any public entity in. excess of the Cbstshold amount provided In
Section 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from die dam of being placed
on the convicted vendor list. Artist reposents that Artist represents that Artist in not on the
Convicted Vendor list.
NOTICH* Any written notice to beffiven, to either party under this Agreement or related here-ft
shall be addressed and delivered as follo. -
I:qodda Keys COMCU of the Artv
E 100 Simonton Street
Key West, PL 33040
1100 Simonton Street Rm 2-216
Key Wca4 FL 33040
Monme County Attorney
1111 12a' Street, Suite 408
Key West, FL 33040
a. FKCA shall maintain all books, records, and documents directly pertinent to peiformance
under this Agmemant in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
consistently appliedL Each party to this Agreement or their authorized representatives shall
have reasonable and timely access to such records of each other party to this Agreement for
public records purposes during the term of die Agreement and for fouryous fbllowing the
termination of this Agreement. N an auditor employed by the County or Clerk determine&
that monies paid to FKCA pursuant to this Agreement wen spent for purposes not authorized
by this Agreement. FKCA da repay the monies together with interest calculated pursuant to
Sec. 55.03, FS, nmrAng from die date the monies were paid to FKr—k
b. IntenNetation, Costs, and Fen, 'Me County and FKCA agree thin the event of conflicting
interpretations of the term or a term of this Agreement by or between any of them the issue
sI:ll be submitted to mediation prior to the institution of any other administrative or legal
proceeding. Ilia County and FKCA agree that in the event any cause of action or
administrative proceeding is inated or defended by any party relative to the eaborcemeat or
- interpretation of this Agreement, the prevang party shall be entitled to reasonable ittomey's
&M and court costs, as an award spinet the non-pocyalling party. and shall Inplutle
attorney's fees, and court costs, In appellate proceedings. Me&dOg Proceedings initiated
and c6nducted p=umt to this Agreement shall be in accordance with the Florida Rules of
Civil Procedure and usual and customary4rocec6m required by the Circuit court of momve
c. Severability. If any turn, covenant, condition or provision of this Agreement (or the
application thereof to any circumstance of person) shall be declared invalid or unenforceable
to any extent by a Court of competentiurisdiction, the remaining terms, covenants, conditions
and Provisions of (his Agreement. SW not be affected thereby; and each remaining term,
covenant� condition and provision of this Agreement dM be valid and shall be enforceable to
the fulleat extent permitted by law unless the Agreement would pnwent the accomplishment
Of the original intent of this Agreement. The County and FKCA agree to reform, the
Agrftment to replace any stricben provision with a valid proon that comes as close as
possible to the intent of the stricbm provision.
.d. Binding EffecL 7'he tm 11. covenants, conditions, mid provielons of this Agreement shall
bind and inure to the benefit of the County and FKCA and their respective legal
representatives, successoM and assigns.
0- Authority, Each PAM reMss4s and warrants to the Other that the execution, delivery and
Performance Of Oils Agreement have been duly authorized by oil necessary County and
cOrNrate wdo% as ropired by law
f Claims for Federal or State Aid. FKCA and County agree that each shall'be, and
P-MP'DW'Bted to apply for. 300k. and obtain federal and sate Amds to further the purpose of this
Agreement, Provided that all RIPPlicUUMS, requests, grant Proposals. and funding solicitations
'hall be approved by each party prior to submission.
g. Adjudication of Disputes or Disagreements. County and FKCA agree that all disputes and
disaVftmentB shall be attempted to be resolved by meet and coukr sessions between
representatives Of ewh Of thei parties. If no rmolution can be agreed upon within 30 days
aft the first meet and confer session, the issue or Issues shall be discussed at a public
meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. If the issue or issues am still not resolved to
the 32MAdiOn of the parties, then any part shall have the'right to seek such relief or remedy
as may be provided by this Agreement or by Florida law.
It. COOPMtIOn- In the eve& any administrative or legal proceeding I against either
Party relating to do formation, execution, Performance, or breach of this Agrcc=4 County
and FKCA agree to participate, to the extent required by the other party� in all proceedings,
hearings, processes, meetinA and other activities related to the substance of this Agreemm
or provision of the services under this AgreeMMnL County and FKCA specifically agree that
no party to dais Agreement shag be required to enter Into any arbitzatiou proceedings related
tA this Agreemea
Nondiscrintination. County and FKCA agree that there will be no discrimination against
J" t- - THU Julds(fiction that (fiscrimination has occurred, this Agreement automatically
without any ftuther action on the part of any party, ef1fective the date of the colut ord
County or FKCA agree to comply with AU Federal and Florida statules. and all to
ordinances, as applicable, relatizig to nondiaefizaination. Then include but are not limited
1975. an
Ale1 oli2n, 3�;3verd==ezt mt Act T1 UTI &!;91-f NJ, w nnr-mf
relating to nondis;criminatiou on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; 7) The Pub
Ve,4,Tt1 Savlep. Act nF 191 *2- is" *v&ff 9--"-fA-n—j vm-is l't1"" — .30,4 W
rental or rmanc
Covenant of No Interest. County and FICCA covenant that neither presently has any Interest,
and shall not acquire any interesL which would conflict in any manner or degree with its
PeLfonnfince under UtW Agmmant, and WaL only Infamt of each is to perform and receive
benefits as xecited In this AgreamenL
k. Cub Of Ethics. County agrees that officers and employees of the County recognize and will,
be required to comply with the standards of conduct for public Officers and employees as
delineated In Section 112.313, Morlda Statutes and section 2-429 of the Mource County
Code, regarding, but not limited to, solicitation or acceptance of gifts; doing business with
OW3 agency; unauthorized compenaadon; misuse of public position, conflicting employment
or contractual relationship; and disclosure or use of certain information.
No SolicitationIftyment. The County and FKCA wurant tha4 in respect to itself. it has
neither employed nor retained my company or person, othm than a bona fide employee
worldn IFtv fnr it- tn anih-it n sp-ru-r-Arix ) 9
upon or resulting from the award or malring of this Agreement. For the breach or violation of
1t&1MXiA UT -,7rrl#
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m. Public Access. The County and FKCA shall allow and permit reasonable access to,
inspection o& all documents, papers, leftere or other materials In. Its possession or under I
control subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and made or received
the County and FKCA in conjunction with this Agreement; end UN County shall have
right to unilaterally cancel Us Agreement upon violation of the provision by FKCA.
a. Non -Waiver of 11 munity. Notwithstanding the provisions of See. 768,28, Florida Statues,
tht PRrdciPAdOn of the County and FKCA in this Agreement and the acquisition of any
commercial liability inaurarme coverage, salf-bmuranca cov=V, or l"d government
liability Insurance pool coverage shall not be deemed a waiver of immunity to the extent of
liability coverage, nor " any contract entered into by the County be required to contain
any provision for waiver.
o. Privileges and hrummities. All of the privileges and immunes from liabty, exemptions
from laws, ordinances, and rules and pensions and relief. disability, workere compensation,
and other bendb which apply to the activity of officers, agents, or employees of any public
agents or employees of the County, when performing their respective functions under this
Agreement within ft territorial limits of the County shall apply to the same degree and
extent to the performance of such functions and duties of such officen, agents. volunteers, or
employees outside the territorial limits of the County.
p. Legal Obligations and Responsibes, Non -Delegation ofConatitutiona or Statutory duties.
This Agreement is not intended to, nor shall it be construed as, relieving any participating
entity from any obligation or responsibty impsed upon the entity by law except to the
extent of actual and timely performance thereof by a participating entity, in which case the
performance may be offered I& saflafawlua ur the ublipilun ur respinsibillty. FbidWr, this
Agreement is not intended to. nor shall it be construed as, authorking the delegation of the
Constitutional or statutory duties of the County, except to the extent permitted by the Florida
constitution. state statute, and cam law.
Non -Reliance by Non-ftnies. No person or entity shall be entitled to rely upon the terms. or
any of them of this Agreement to -.nfbrce or attempt to enforce any third -party claim or
entitlement to Of benefit of say service or prograirt contemplated hereunder, and the County
and FKCA agree that neither the County nor FKCA or any agenk officer, or employee of
either shall have the authority to Idorm, counsel, or otherwise indicate that any particular
individual or group of individuals, entity or entities. have entitlements or benefits under t1lis
Agreement separate and apart. inferior to, or superior to the community in general or fbr the
purposes contemplated in dda AgrecumnL
r. Attestation& FKCA agrees to execute such documents as the County may reasonably require.
to Ittelude a Public Entity Crime Statement and Ethics StatemenL and a Drug -Fret
Workplace Statement
s. No Pamonal Uability, No covenant or agreement contained herein shag be deemed to be a
covenant or agreement of any member. officer, agent or empioyee of Munroe County in his
or her individual capacity, and no member, officer, agent or employee of Monroe County
sbsff. be liable personally on this Agreement or be subject to any personal liability or
accountability by remon of the execution of this Agmement.
t. Execution in Countaputs. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterp
each of which shall be regarded as an original, all of which taken together shall con3fitute
and the same Instrument any of the parties hewto may execute this Agreement by signing
sucI counterpart I
u. Section Headings. Section headings have been inserted In this Agreement as a matter of
convenience of reference only, and it is apeed. that such section headings are not a part of
this Agreement and will not be used in the interpretation of any provision of this Agreement
WHEREOF, the parties have caused these presents to be executed in their
Deputy Clark 1?/-70-2-
or odavviso lwd act an hisft beb&ny fwmw Counly offkw or amplaym k violdian cf
Smdm 2 of Ofdbwm No. 10-1990 or any Causty offim or =Vloym In vfdkdon of
S*cdon 3 of Oubmum No. 10-L990. For braa& or violOm ofthis pmyWm the Cwmty
may. id �s awndon. IWA cadawt wWwut UARRy and may Wme, in its dbmvdm
dedict fmm the coubid or pardbm pitco, or odwrv�w meow, dw W annot of any ft
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pas,aaaloas, Or use of a oarttidled tra*MM is patahM&d it ttte wa ftlsoa and wing 00 amass that
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copy d tips speaffled it[ edtaeotian ( .
COMMUdid" (w CMUB=d Movies to& M under ble, Iffis womomps will Abide by the at tho
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3. hnpow a so M or mgWrn the
mhmhilftattou juWam. if mieh Is avaiWis hs the amplayao's commemog. or any amployce vft is so
Y :I Y',,1 or affiliate I _ who has been placed on the vendor
! Y 1" mviction forpublic adity Ycrim maynot l i l '...... bid ! on
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August 23, 2012
We SupportGive
o: Monroe County Boardof County Commissioners
MonroeCounty In Public Places Administrative
The Monroe County Art In public Places Administrative Agreement first dated October 15,
2008 between the Board of County Commissioners for Monroe County and Florida es
Council of the Arts and renewed for three additional one-year terms as pertnitted by the
Agreement, will end September 30, 2012.
This Is a requestr u In PublicPlaces it
enteredbe Into Issl or Monroe County and the Florida
Keys Council of the Arts.
We respectfully l on of thismatter In i ! manner so we
may provide ! is r do in Public Places for four upcoming
ConchMarathon Court House, o, Stock Islandtie
Justice .
Fflstoric : : . f1 • •
r !: Fax r.
rJ 1
We Support We Connect We Promote * We Give
r,o xerA
o; Monme County a of County Commissioners
Re: Monroe County In Public Places AdministrativeAgreement
Historic rBuilding M r rn Street, Suite 2-263 e Key West, Florida 3304T
W 0VW�70K-
To: it M. Rigor
Contracts Administrator
Monroe County
Re: Monroe County Art In Public Places AdmInIstrative Agreement
Current Arts Council Personnel Information
Elizabeth Young
lodell Roberts
ir-TTUrjTr;T&j'[;&.j.jTT4 it -III
F"T H4 17—MA =1
Historic Cato Building , 1100 Simonton Street, Suite 2-263 * Key West, Florida 33040
305-295-4369 9 Fax 305-2954372 a
•.• MMrV
IN I•• -
- i •■ s •
OF /.• t f h f n1 _t
• ■ - Wt#M
r■ • OF
a t f wWHEREAS, the Cc" fiW# it in thg boW
Interest of its citfmw to W-reaft public acem to art,
enrich the public *M"Mwoo to,. peodw## OW eleiters, of the visual arts aw to
€ i an follow.
A. The Board of county Conto%Wdeners retwgnires the extent of cultural resaurc'u
araliable IN the County for darelopmwo, promat€on, and e�]ayrmex�t of the armrt W the intatst of the Cour►ty Camraiadaa by er+sctirg #hie allhMeg to enrich culturally and benefit
the citlxans of this county through the establishment of art in public pioem
1) 04e prrcer* (1%) of the cmutruct►on costs for County construction, except
for wry 3 waga treatment plant, shall be sent aside for the acquisition, commission,
Imtell&rtion and nwlnte wma of works of art in sold huildl This
only to new aynstrucilGn ex"WI �' °g $jW,0 an n r apply
r91 or nertowrtiorxs rxce+�dfrgiQi),04i7 in cost.
4) Con leMTion costs do not include architectural and VVIftoeriry free,
asbestos abatemart or other erMronftMt�al prep000tion, $its work, or cantlrut COS
iconstruction€ t
- :-public-pbcxs approprlatlon shall be calculated Goof the date
thoomenr 3
�ti e
r�4 c}
S"rnga traatmwvt plants shall be exempt from mandatory
_ :2Wffpr1aHans for art In public glacsa.
cs ['
�y The art-Irt Uhl' plates appr'Wlafiard and gifts, g� mtd donationsmade
to' Monroe County for the purpose of acquirirl and Installing art €n public pkclw shall be
eparately accounted for ad may be used only for the fallowing purposm to acqu#re,
eammission- ""atoll, or m l"t4€n art in public places.
19�& Thera €s hereby established an € Public an
advisory be* to the Cour" Ca+nmia�s€mt The Arts In mnfi l ' i 1 a
voting members +end two nave -rating ashall
r t
or a
for art o be GqWred and Inffalled Its each Public
t _EVER Comfy
CamIf with the mWskner shall appoint one votingMwAmr whom teric mail
co"curreft town of the oweinting commisaia w and who shall ING or work in the appointing
Conisliw,Wsdistrict. Thwe shou toate voting meanbior W6 11 either a board in or staff of the
Council for the Arts Each
l t r met relftime oft r were of the
worsting artist,
art profeasionst
id br&cape architect ar interior designer,
curator, or
samirai public.
1'� The Cate" AdmInistr+ator shall appoll* to the Committee the two nw�-yotlrg nean+bers an aproject by "go*, the nonbadwtieg sne+nbers shall be famlliar with the project through their
PREt len ar ca""Ct as the architect, the buildi"VProjmct 5"NU wsor. ar a aimiior nexus to the project,
i fIRDBRRUAnywortfe"ademidle"° i i It
shall not be affaded by such i
IOrnerinesst i
rqmlgd to mwm am hereby
t It t.
Oncilno 51dLl � The praris#ons of thin OM41m cse shall included in
of rsnt"bwvd to conform to the uniform numbering°n additiaa or tereto, OW mail be qWqqt*
3ys'ta+n of the
-1ftMv"WY or 51"to of the Stato Of Florida .
PASSED AND ADOMID by the Board of county
.. ... .. i:.'... r r t i ',
Mayor George hiougent -Zes,
_ '^.F... r.....
:l. ' �•yes
l .R 61Dixie
T4 F01
!♦! : ! IMI,, !
dated September 19, 2012 between the Board of County Commissioners for Monroe
County and the Florida Keys Council of the Arts be renewed for another year beginning
October i and ending September 30, 2015.
Historic Gato Building * 1100 Simonton Street, Suite 2-263 * Key West, Florida 33040