Item M10
** ADD-ON**
Meeting Dale: Wed.. Awzust 15.2007
Division: BOCC
Bulk Item: Y,es
Deparlment: Mayor OJ Gennaro. District 4
Staff Contact Person: Tamara Lundstrom
(305 289-6000)
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to submit application for a olle year planDing vallt of
SI00,OOO from the Criminal Jutiee Mentlll Health Substlmee Abase Relnvatlllent Grant
Pk~8Dl through the Florida Department of Children and Families.
ITEM BACKGROUND: HB 1477.. approved by Governor Cmt, provida $3.8 million doUan
in graat fUnds to assist Florida Couatles in reducing the number of ladlviduals with substance
abuse disorden and mentlll ilia_a In loeal jaOs and state prisons. One (1) yr. Planning grants
not to eueed $100,000; requires a CODDty "In-KInd" match. CODDtia must establish a
dedkated planning eouaeD or committee in eomplianee with the statutory lJIembenhip set forth
in the act.
COST TO COUNTY: win kind"
BUDGETED: Yes _ No _ (To be determined)
APPROVEIli BY: County Atty _ OMBfPurchasing _ Risk Management_
Included XX
Nbt Required
Revised 2105
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From: Frank Rabbito [
Sent: Friday, August 10. 2007 11:53 AM
To: SpeNlr-Oixie; Marble-Tem; BOCC_OIS3; BOCCOIS5
Subject: FW: FW: Release: $3.8 Million Available to Florida Counties Soon
Dear Commissioner - my name is Frank Rabbito and I am the Sr. VP for the Guidance Clinic
of the Middle Keys and Care Center for Mental Health - I along with Sheriff Roth plan to be
present at your next BOCC meeting and provide you with a presentation on this grant. Mayor
Oi Gennaro will be requesting this item be heard at the meeting in order to be prepared for
the release of the RFP. The attachment will provide background on the grant proposal.
Thank you for your consideration.
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communicatioll may contain material protected by IDPAA legislation (45 CFR, Parts 160 & 164) or
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Page 10f2
From: Judge Melanie G. May [}
S.nt: Wednesday, August 06, 20079:51 AM
To: EveJlanocko@aoLcom
Subject: FW: Release: $3.8 Million Available 10 Florida Counties Soon
Please forward 10 our membership.
From: Ellen Piekalkiewicz []
Sent: Wednesday, August 08,20079:05 AM
To: Judge Melanie G. May
SUbject: Release: $3.8 Million Available to Florida Counties Soon
Please forward this e-mail to your contacts and Include In your newsletters as we want
everyone to know about thIs opportunity.
For mono Information, contact:
Ellen Plelkalklewicz
(850) 41C~ 1576 I
For Immediate Release
S;3.8 Million Available to Florida Counties Soon
Monetary resources available to help keep mentally ill out of jail
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (August 8, 2007) - Florida counties will
soon have access to money to help keep their mentally ill
dtlzens out of jail. The paSSillle of HB 14n dll'inll the 2001
lelIIslative session created the Criminal Justice, Mental Health
and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant Pl'OlII'am. The
Pf'OlIram allots $3.8 million in wants to assist counties in
reducing the number of individuals with substance abuse
disorders and mental illnesses in local jaILs and state prisons.
The program requires the Florida Substance Abuse and Mental Health Corporation to establish a
statewide grant review committee to review the applicants. The Florida Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Corporation Is charged with making recommendations annually to the Governor
and the Legislature on polldes designed to Improve coordination and effectiveness of the state's
publicly Ifunded mental health and substance abuse systems.
The Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant Program was
created 1:0 provide funding to counties to plan, implement or expand initiatives. The Initiatives
should increase public safety, avert Increased spending on criminal justtce and Improve the
accessibility and effectiveness of treatment services for adults and juveniles who have a mental.
illness, substance abuse disorder, or co.occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders
8/1 012007
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and who iue in, or at risk of entering, the criminal or juvenile justice systems.
Two types of grants will be available through this program; one-year planning lIfants with a
maximum grant award of $100,000, and three-year implementation and expansion grants with a
maximumllfant award of $1,000,000. Interested persons should contact their Board of County
Commissioners to make them aware of this grant opportunity. A county may also join with one or
more othl!f counties to apply for a grant. The application will be avai~ble August 21, 2007.
Additiona,l information can be found on the Florida Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Corporatiion website at http://www.samhcorp,org/.
About th~ Florida Substanr:~ Abus. and ~tal HHlth Corporation
The Florida Substance Abuse and Mental Health Corporation is a non.profit corporation created
by the Legislature to oversee the state's publkly funded substance abuse and mental health
services. The Governor, President of the Senate and Speaker of the House appoint its 12
The corporation is charged with making recommendations annually to the Gov~rnor and the
Legislature on polkles designed to improve coordination and effectiveness of the state's publicly
funded mental health and substance abuse systems. More information about the Florida
Substanc,e Abuse and Mental Health Corporation can be field on their webs1te
Click here to download a full fact sheet
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Em311 Marketing by
COMtMt ContKt'
Aorida Substance Abuse and Mental Health Corporation I 1317 Winewood Blvd. I Building 1, Suite 206 I Tallahassee I FL I
o F "R E PRe S E N TAT I V E S
29 annual report; limiting the administrative costs a county
30 may charge to the grant funds; amending s. 394.655, F.S.;
31 expanding the ex officio I\IelIlbership of the Substance Abuse
32 and Mental Health Corporation; creating the Criminal
33 Justice, Mental Health, and substance Abuse Policy council
34 ~,ithin the Florida Substance Abuse and Mental Health
35 corporation; providing for membership; providing for the
36 Imrpose of the council; amending ss. 947.005 and 948.001,
37 P.S.; redefining the term "qualified practitioner";
38 I~oviding a contingent effective date.
40 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
42 llection 1. Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Substance
43 Abuse Reinvestment Grant Program.--
44 -7 J1) There is created within the Department of Children and
45 Fam!l], Services the Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and
46 Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant Program. The purpose of the
47progrilm is to provide funding to counties with which they can
48 plan, i~lement, or expand initiatives that increase public
49 safet]" avert increased spendinq on criminal iustice, and
50 impr~7e the accessibility and effectiveness of treatment
51 servic:es for adults and juveniles who have a mental illness,
52 substimce abuse disorder, or co-occurrinq mental health and
53 substimce abuse disorders and who are in, or at risk of
54 entering; the criminal or juvenile justice systems.
55 32) The Florida SUbstance Abuse and Mental Health
56 Corpolration, Inc., created in s. 394.655, Florida Statutes,
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COOING: Words s'lfiGkeI! ale deIeIlons; WOlds underlined are addlllons.
hb14n .{)
o F
C&lCSIHB 1477
2llO7 Legisllllul8
57 shall establish a statewide grant review committee. The
58 committee shall include:
59 (a) Five current me1Ilbers or appointees of the corporation;
60 (h) One representative of the Department of Children and
70 To the! extent possible, the members of the cOlllftittee shall have
71 expertise in grant writing, qrant reviewing, and grant
72 application scoring.
73 .-7 J3) (a) A county may apply for a I-year planning grant or a
74 3-yeaz, implementation or expansion grant. The purpose of the
75 grantsl is to demonstrate that investment in treat_nt efforts
76 relaUld to mental illness, substance abuse disorders, or co-
77 mental health and substance abuse disorders results in
78 a reduced demand on the resources of the judicial, corrections,
79 iuvenile detention, and health and social services systems.
80 lbl To be eligible to receive a I-year planning grant or a
81 3-yeaz, implementation or expansion grant, a county applicant
82 must have a county planning council or cOll1llllittee that is in
83 compl1.ance with the membership requirements set forth in this
84 sectic.n.
Famil:\!' Services;
jc) One representative of the Department of Correct ions;
(d) One representative of the Department of Juvenile
(e) One representative of the DePartment of Elderly
Affairs; and
Jf) One representative of the Office of the State Courts
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COOING: WonIs slfj~ are delsllona; lIIIOIds underlined II'llllddlllons.
hb1477 '{)3-er
o F
1:4) The grant review cOllllllittee shall notify the Department
86 of ChjLldren and Pamily Services in writing of the names of the
87 applicants who have been selected by the cOllllli.ttee to receive a
88 grant.. Contingent upon the availability of funda and upon
89 notifJlcation by the review cCUBittee of those applicants
90 apprOlred to receive planning, impl~tation, or expansion
91 grantn, the Department of Children and Family Services may
92 transfer funds appropriated for the grant program to any county
93 awarded a grant.
94 -"7 l;ection 2. County planning councils or colllllittees. --
95 Jl} Each board of county counissioners shall designate the
96 county public safety coordinating council established under s.
97 951.24;, Plorida Statutes, or designate another criminal or
98 juvenile justice mental health and substance abuse councilor
99 cOlmlit:tee, as the planning councilor cOOlllittee. The public
100 satet], coordinating councilor other designated criminal or
101 juvenile justice mental health and substance abuse councilor
102 commil:tee, in coordination with the county offices of planning
103 and budget, shall make a formal rec~tion to the board of
104 county commissioners regarding how the Criminal Justice, Mental
105 Health, and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant Program may best
106 be implemented within a community. The board of county
107 Conmil3sioners may assign any entity to prepare the application
108 on behalf of the county adlllinistration for submission to the
109 corpo:~ation for review. A county may join with one or IIIOre
110 counties to form a consortium and use a regional public safety
111 coordinating council or another county-designated regional
112 crimil1al or juvenile justice mental health and substance abuse
Page 4 of 18
COOING: Words slliOOlllll8 dilations; WllIds underlined llI8 addItIuolS.
o F
7J1J1leg' '-''l'8
113 planning councilor COlllllittee for the geographic area
114 repree,ented by the 1IleIIIber counties.
115 _ "7 (2) ea} For the purposes of this section, the membership of
116 a desi.gnated planning councilor cOllllli.ttee 1IIUst include:
117 1L. The state attorney, or an assistant state attorney
118 designated by the state attorney.
119 .!. A public defender, or an assistant public defender
120 designated by the public defender.
121 ;1. A circuit judge designated by the chief judge of the
122 circuit.
123 ~I . A county court judge designated by the chief judge of
124 the circuit.
125 !;. The chief correctional officer.
126 4;. The sheriff, if the sheriff is the chief correctional
127 officer, or a pereon designated by the sheriff.
128 '7. The police chief, or a person designated by the local
129 polic'~ chiefs association.
130 I~. The state probation circuit administrator, or a person
131 desi~~ted by the state probation circuit administrator.
132 ~~. The local court adlllinistrator, or a person designated
133 by th,~ local court administrator.
134 10. The chairperson of the board of county c:ommissioners,
135 or an,:)ther county cOlllllissioner designated by the chairperson,
136 or, i:f the planning council is a consortiUIII of counties, a
137 county cOllllllissioner or designee from each member county.
138 11. The director of any county probation or pretrial
139 interl18ntion program, if the county has such a program.
140 12. The director of a local substance abuse treatment
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COOING: Words slA~ are debltklns; 1IllIds underlined are iIlIdIlloos.
o F
2007 Legisl8I1Ie
141 program, or a person designated by the director.
142 13. The director of a coanunity mental health agency, or a
143 person designated by the director.
144 14. A representative of the substance abuse program office
145 and the mental health program office of the Department of
146 Children and Family Services, selected by the substance abuse
147 and mental health program supervisor of the district in which
148 the county is located.
149 15. A primary conswner of mental health services, selected
150 by the substance abuse and mental health program supervisor of
151 the district in which the primary consumer resides. If multiple
152 counties apply together, a primary consumer may be selected to
153 represent each county.
154 16. A primary consumer of substance abuse services,
155 selected by the substance abuse and mental health program
156 superv-isor of the district in which the primary consumer
157 resides _ If the planning council is a consortium of counties, a
158 primary conswner may be selected to represent each county.
159 .! 7. A family member of a primary consumer of coamunity-
160 based treatment services, selected by the abuse and mental
161 health. program supervisor of the district in which the family
162 member' resides.
163 18. A representative from an area homeless program or a
164 supportive housing program.
165 19. The director of the detention facility of the
166 Department of Juvenile Justice, or a person deSignated by the
167 director.
168 20. The chief probation officer of the Department of
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COOING: WlIfds &lOOkeR 1ft dale1lo.1$; words underlined IIl8 ..cIdiIb....
o F
CSft::SIHB 1477
2001 L.egisIIIIIn
169 Juvenile Justice, or an employee designated by the chief
170 probation officer.
171 fb) The chairperson of the board of county conmissioners
172 or another county conmissioner. if designated. shall serve as
173 the chairperson of the planning council or cOllllllittee until a
174 chairperson is elected from the membership.
175 (c) All meetings of the planning council or colllllittee, as
176 well as its records. books. docwnents. and papers. shall be open
177 and available to the public in accordance with ss. 119.07 and
178 286.011. Florida Statutes.
179 (3) (a) If a public safety coordinating council established
180 under s. 951.26. Florida Statutes. acts as the planning council,
181 its membership must include all persona listed in paragraph
182 (2) (a) _
183 (b) A public safety coordinatinq council that is acting as
184 the planning council must include an assessment of the
185 availability of mental health programs in addition to the
186 assessments required under s. 951.26(2). Florida Statutes.
187 Section 3. erindnal Justice, Mental Health, and Substance
188 Abuse Reinvestment Grant Program requirements. --
189 (1) The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Corporation
190 State1ol'ide Grant Review C~ittee, in collaboration with the
191 Department of Children and Family Services. the Department of
192 Correc,tions. the Department of Juvenile Justice, the Department
193 of B1der1y Affairs. and the Office of the State Courts
194 Administrator. shall establish criteria to be used by the
195 corporation to review submitted applications and to select the
196 county' that will be awarded a I-year planning grant or a 3-year
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COOING: Words sIfiGkel1 ant dsle1loos; wonIB underlined are IddltiOd$.
o F
197 implementation or expansion grant. A planning, implementation,
198 or expansion grant may not be awarded unless the application of
199 the caWlty meets the established criteria.
200 ---7 (,al The application criteria for a 1-year planning grant
201 must include a requirement that the applicant county or counties
202 have a strategic plan to initiate systemic change to identify
203 and tr'sat individuals who have a mental illness, substance abuse
204 disorder, or co-occurring mental health and substance abuse
205 disorders who are in, or at risk of entering, the criminal or
206 juvenile iustice systems. The I-year planning grant must be used
207 to develop effective collaboration efforts among participants in
208 affected governmental agencies, including the criminal,
209 juvenile, and civil justice systems, mental health and substance
210 abuse treatment service providers, transPOrtation programs, and
211 housing assistance programs. The collaboration efforts shall be
212 the basis for developing a problem-solving model and strategic
213 plan for treating adults and juveniles who are in, or at risk of
214 entering, the crilllinal or juvenile justice system and doinq so
215 at the earliest point of contact, taking into consideration
216 public safety. The planning grant shall include strategies to
217 divert individuals frail judicial cOllllllitment to cOllmUDity-based
218 service programs offered by the Departalent of Children and
219 Family Services in accordance with ss. 916.13 and 916.17,
220 Florida Statutes.
221 (bl The application criteria for a 3-year implementation
222 or expansion grant shall require information frOlll a county that
223 demonstrates its completion of a well-established collaboration
224 plan that includes public-private partnership models and the
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COOING: Words stri6ken lie deletiolls; words underlined 818 addIions.
hb1477 -m-er
8/ls/07 mID