Item N2BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Wed. Jan. 19, 2011 Division: BDC Bulk Item: Yes Ida XX Department: Comm. David Rice Staff Contact /Phone #: Tamara Lamarche 6000 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of reappointment of Brad Trout to the Library Advisory Board as the District 4 representative. ITEM BACKGROUND: Mr. Trout has a long history of involvement with the Marathon Library and the Friends of the Library. He has been active in local community endeavors, benefits, including the development of the Field of Dreams Children's park, and youth challenge social programs. This will be Mr. Trouts nd full term on the Library Advisory Board. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BGCC ACTION: Mr. Trout was reappointed to the Library Advisory Board for a full term in Dec. 2006. He was originally appointed to the advisory board in 2005 to fulfill a term of a previous appointee. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: INDIRECT COST: BUDGETED: Yes No DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE: COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS. REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty , OMB/Purchasing I Risk Management DOCUMENTATION: Included Not Required DISPOSITION, Revised 7/09 AGENDA ITEM # Monroe County Boards and Committees Appointment Information Board or Committee: LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD Commissioner Appointing Member: David Rice, (BOCC District 4� Name of Member: Brad Trout Address: 2001 Sombrero Beach Rd. Marathon, FL 33050 Mailing Address: Same Phone Numbers: Work: N/A Home: 305 289-8234 Cell: N/A Fax: N/A E-mail: blue sboybrad( mac.com e Date of Appointment: January 19, 2011 Reappointment: Yes Date Term Expires: January 1, 2014 Name of Person Being Replaced: N/A Fulfilling Term of: N/A Misc. Info: Mr. Trout was originally appointed in 2005 to replace Kathleen Fischer. He was reappointed to a full 4-yr. term Dec. 2006. This is his 2nd 4-yr. term on the LAB. COUNTY aMONROE K" W" RMUM110M Mon= County Board of County Cornm���S11�lI�rs .te of the County A for The Historic Cato Gear Factory 1100 Simonton Stet., Suite 205 Key west, FL 33040 (305) 292-4441—Phone (305) 292-4 4 - Fax December 22, 2006 J. Bradford Trout 2001 Sombrero Beach Rd. Marathon, FL 33050 Dear Mr. Trout: �r mar a�■� jrJ M9 �JL*i1: L-'4■1 �rf I0- t • ~ * DI ~ ■ i M AL Pro TOM Dbde Ma r,, Wbict I SyW y1 / Dti 1 is r -,_MW % On behalf of this office and the Monroe County ward of County Commissioners, please allow nee to congratulate you on your reappointment to the Library Advisory Board, which occurred at the December 20, 2006 Commission meeting. Your term of office commenced on December 20, 2006 and will expire January 1 . 0 1 Thank you for your interest in our community and congratulations once again. Very truly yours, Debbie Frederick Deputy County Administrator adc W. Commissioner McCoy Valerie !Moore CUNTYM�ONROE E.(305) 294-4641 WIEST o OW3ty Board of County Commissioners ice of the County Admini for TU Historic f xa igvFactory I 100 Si=nton Stwt, Suite 205 Key West, FL 33040 (305) 292- 41 -Phone (305) 292-4544 - Fax .dune 23, 200 Mr. J _ Bradford Trout 2001 Sombrero Beech Rd. Marathon, FI 33050 Dear Mr. Trout: Mayor Dbde M. Spehar, DishIct I Mdyt Pro Tem Charks O'S W McCoy, District 3 George N&4wt, District 2 bated P. Rke.. District 4 MunW E. Neison, District 5 L Li'vi%li On behalf of this office and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, pleaw allow me to oongralullate you on your appointment to the Library Advisory Board, which occun at the June 15, 2005 Commission meeting. Your term of office commenoad on June 15, 2005 and wffl expire January 1, 2007. Thank you for your interest in our Community and cong tulatlons once again. Vey truly yours, Thomas J. Willi County Administrator TJW: arddc cc: C(xr'tmissioner Rice Valerie Nitre Re: Appointment to Library Advisory Board Mr, Rice, In accordance with your request for a brief bio outlining my involvement with the Marathon Branch of the Monroe County Library System, I offer the following. l began my intern on with the local library in 1998 when I volunteered to help Gloria Goodman with the Summer Reading Program. This summer will mark the seventh year that alliance has produced a diverse schedule of events benefiting the children of Marathon and the surrounding areas supplementing a fine existing program established earlier by Ills. Goodman_ These events have included book readings, story telling, skits, puppet shores and sing -a -longs in addition to a wide array of presentations and educational entertainment from outside sources such as wildlife from Marathon Wild Bird fescue, Conservation Offices from nearby Florida State Parks, the canine branch of the Monroe County Sheriffs Office and much more. In addition to this, l have greatly enjoyed regularly donning a cat in the Hat oft and reading Dr. Souss books to our young audience. We have routinely drawn crowds in excess of fifty children for our weekly program and several of the local daycare centers make regular en masse visits to us throughout the summer. We are understandably very proud of this program and its impact. About two years ago l was asked to join the Friends of the Marathon Library Board of Directors and shortly afterward was appointed interim vice- president, serving in that capedty until elections could be held to permanently fill the open position. In the time slave I have joined the group, I have concentrated ray efforts on new library support projects, new funding options, PR and creating a more harmonious atmosphere of cooperation dedicated to furthering the goal of increasing support for the Iccal library and its manager, Ills. Goodman. I believe we have established a bet -ter working relationship between our group, the library and the county and look forward to achieving many of the goals we have set for ourselves. We have managed to more than double the amount of money donated yearly to the library, funding such projects as wiring a computer for the Spanish speaking patrons which l spearheaded, expanding the Books on Tape collection, supplementing the reference section and most recently I worked with s_ Goodman and Karen Hoth of the Media Center of Marathon High School to facilitate a substantial expansion of the Young Adult section of the branch in an attempt provide a valuable educational resource for the students and staff of the school and lure the children of that age group back to our fadlity. At present Gloria and I are working with Morena Kula in an attempt to create a lending program that will provide ease of access to this resource for the Interested in tapping into it. My exper i enc in the business world has served our group well in increasing the Friends budget by tapping into existing funding resources and exploring new ones. In the Fall of 2004,, 1 rude a presentation to the Marathon City Council following an application for funding that resulted in The Friends getting a grant from the city budget effectively raising our annual donations to the local branch by some fifty percent. Our latest and most ambitious project, of which I feel I am an integral part, is our effort to work with the powers that be of Monroe county and Marathon to build a new library in Marathon. Though still in the initial stages, we have actively helped to lay the groundwork for the project and have already fbrmulated a plan to pursue several innovative courses of action to secure funding to aid in filling the new and increased spaoe with a broad spectrum of literary resources to benefit the local and seasonal patrons. We at the friends hope to see this project through to completion and in Wng so to'nstill the desire in others to one forward and do their part to support the cause. In closing let rye say that in addition to that which is mentioned above, I have taken pride in participating in other like endeavors ire Marathon. I played an active and guiding role in the Marathon in Action benefits for cancer victims Capt. J.G. Weds and Dylan Picahello in which more than a hundred thousand dollars was raised to heip fight their respective battles. I was a part of the team that brought the American cancerSociety's Relay for Life annual fundraiser to Marathon five years ago_ I was a hands-on participant in building the Rotary Club Field of Dreams hildren`s Park in Marathon, I also am very proud to have helped establish a program called STARS (anonym for Suppcwting Tolerance, Acceptance and Respect in Students) at Marathon HighSchool/Middle School that for four years benefited challenged youth and helped provide a loving nurturing: safe environment for growth and maturation. In the process we went a long moray toward breaking down common barriers and addressing some of the more insidious issues that the children face and through awareness brought about a campus environment more conducive to learning and the enrr*nt of childhood. And lastly, for the fast two years I have volunteered with the AYSO Youth Soccer Program, of which Marathon vice -mayor Chris Bull is director. I have served as a referee of games for children ages eight to eighteen, In anticipation of ray appointment to the vacant position on the library ! v i sory Board, # loop forward to serving the i ibrad e s and the county in a way that will benefit the populace and the system alike. Sincerely, Brad Trout .bra rn. 7 ; - �.. JGmL_ ef' an Iry 2.n (, 2.e15