Item V09 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARy Meeting Date: November 20. 2002 Division: County Administrator Bulk Item: Yes No Department: County Administrator AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to purchase the Quay property in Key Largo for use as a County government center. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Board of County Commissioner has been reviewing sites for a possible government center in Key Largo. The Quay property has been under consideration and there have been negotiations to conclude a purchase. As of agenda deadline, there is not a full agreement, although, there may be a full agreement prior to the Commission meeting. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Board of County Commissioners stated its willingness to purchase the property and to utilize condemnation, if necessary. At a subsequent meeting, the condemnation provision was withdrawn. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: $1.800.000 or negotiated orice and other orovisions BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: Same as above REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~ ~() 4:. ~ () - James L. Roberts DOCUMENTATION: Included To Follow_ Not Required at this time- May be available prior to BOCC meeting. AGENDA ITEM ##- DISPOSITION: MONROE COUNTY LAND AUTHORITY FACSIMilE TRANSMISSION 1200 Truman Avenue Suite 207 Key West, FL 33040 Phone: (305) 295-5180 Fax: (305) 295-5181 TO: 7 FROM: ' DATE: NUMBER OF PAGES: MESSAGE: to'd ~OO'ON t~:OT ~O.OZ ~ON , ~~-73) J ~DI\k- 1?~~ IJ~/o~ .J() VI C) 18IS-S6~-SO~:(]I ^lIdOHln~ aN~l 'J"W 11/~/alO2 09:58 STEARNS L.E~R r-(). "'!3? ~om LAW OFFICf:S STEARNS WEAVER Mlll~R We'SSLER AlHAOFFF Jt. SITTFR9ON. P A MuseUM TOWER, SUITE 2200 160 weST FLAAlF.R RTRFFT MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 -- MIAMI (30S) 789-3200 BROWARO (954) 463-$440 FAX (~5) 1AQ...,\,\~1) FACSllaLE TRANSMISSION -----=~........... .....T FROM:mT E. tL~~DATE: NO"" &JI9~ OUR R F t: .3:0 , Of PA TO fOLLOW: - ~~~~~~i~~81 TO: ~HRlS A eCONOMOU FAX': 1..54-922.7181 TO: NICHOLA6 MULICl5L..fS<<.;l. FAX #:~O~52-8848 OF: MONAOI! COUNTY LAND MAIN if: 1401-211-f180 OF: ATLANT~ ttOLDINGS MAIN tI: 1-a~"2~..erOO TO: T~~URRAlN FAX': 1 . tl:1W I" YOO HAY! D1I'JltCtJlTY IN TIiE R~J"T &: THIS T~~.lllLIM. CALL (305) ~ N<<J AIK ~ twuA REf, - - M!SSAGe Re; Quay. Key Largo AUlAChw please ftod tho Agreement which has been e~t1.:uted on behalf ofrbe Seller. J:1J,EGIlMS93.0/l1 c;III_\Aotdo J!-lOll 44< T.....'nf'..........nOWltlll""I""'J.~...:.."."'....gll.. ",.,.....,."~..i"".1,..,,,......,.,... ,_"" I~ """'WI/l."..."'tIl..,~.... .........._-.1_, Wi.._ cllNs ~. ,*Nl/I'-<lCll<l rtdll*'~,w M~ebynctlt..""'1IY ClII1WNl.OI\, '.Ulbut.oll" ~""".-.Nta~OI\ It ~'*v~IIPl. 1f)Olll1lJwtr-..G t1k ~<lIIGott L\ _, ~_ 11t".~J ~ ... 0., -...."l4 "1I0"Il lIl. Qllcl.... __-10... .,It. *'-...... \/\1 UIt us, -.. _.. ll'eI_ ~ lO'd ~OO'ON 1~:OI UI.OC (,ON 18 I S-S6;::-SO~: Q I A1I~OHln~ QN~l 'J'W 11/20/200.2 ll':l158 S':"f.;ARNS WEA')F.R 1'10. 33? ~2 AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF LANDS THIS AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE Of LANDS (h "AQreement") is made and entered Into as d the 20'" Cley of November, 2002 (the "Eff.ctl~ Det,,,), by and bet.wen Eatate of konstantinos 8oul" alkJa Gua Boull8 (hereinafter referred to se either the "SeII"'- or the -e.tate.), (or themlelves, thel, heJrs, executars, .dmlnlatrMor$, ""conaor~ aaigms, cuKJ MONROE COUNTY (hereinafter, "County ") acting by and through the Chairman/Mayor of the MONROe COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. WITNESSETH: 1, In oansideratlon of Ten ~Jars ($10.00) in hand. paid by the COUNTY. ~ receipt of which f$ hereby aCknowfedged, the Seller agrees to sell to tha COUNTY certain lands upon the terml and ~itlona hereinafter let for1h, and for the price of $1.800.000.00 (thQ .Purchue Price") fQr.II of the lends and, except for up to eighteen hundred (1800) square feet ot development rtghts which ooal' ba retained by Seiter, elf other intoro3ta, which ~nds shall Include all tenements, hereditaments. together with all water and other rights. easements, appurtenances, lJnd eny and all of the Seller'. right' In or arfslng by reason Of ownershIp therounto belonging, owned by them, situate and lying In the County of Monroe, State of Florida. more particulerfy deseribed 81 fOllows; to-WIt: J See Attachment A REI ~08O.o00000 (the "Property") 2. Th. Seifer ogreeo that upon oatJtfoction of tnc roquirement:! set forth In thi3 AQrcoment, Soller has tile full rtght, power 1M authority to convey, and that it will convey to the COUNTY the fee simple Ut~ to thu Ptopur ly luy~Uler wlUJ ..gal and practical ac:c:ess thereto clear. free and unencumbered, exClept subject to the following .asements or teSll'Vlltlons: Existing easements of publiC record tOf canals, dltche., flume., pipelines. railroad,. public highways end roads, telephone, teIeg,..pn, pO\Wr ~ lines and public utJIltles, subject to State Law under Chapter 78.190 and Chapter 22F.a.02. of the Florida Admlnistretlve Code 10r land Planning for the Flor1da Keys Area of Critical State Concern, flied in O.R. Book 668. Page 43; SUbject to HOUle Bill Nn. 634, Chapter 70-231, .t'\ Act rP.ltiting to thP. 8IIM,.\l of MA~~. shores end eoe&tat construction; amending Chapt8r 161, Flortda Statute., by adding SectIon 161.052; prOViding a ietback line for coastal construction and exeevatlonj provldln~ 'or the granting of varianoes by the Department of Natural ResoUfCe$; providing penalties; and pro-.ridlng an ~ective dato; 3ubJect to ttlose conditlont, t1mltetfons and eaeementt as shown on tMt Q'trtaln Plat flied In Plat Book 2, Page 97; subject to Oil, Gas and other MIneral RIghts whether metallic 01 non.melallc In and under Tradl 9 and 10, 2ft. Amendment am RlVlsed Plat of Lee Shores, frIed In Plat Book 2, Page 97, is recorc:led In O.R. Book G-14, Page ~, Q-14, Page 70 and G-14, Page 195; and subject to Quit Claim Deed from the Staht of Florida tJoerd of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund to Marcia e. Amadio Wynn. her Mi,., tited 10130/78 in O.R. Book n4. Page 368, The COUNTY, at the COUNTY'S expenle, within the tJme allowed to deliver evidence of title and to 8X11mine same, may tlav~ the P~rty surw.~ end certified by a ~lster8d Florida surwyor. II the survey djsoJoees encroaehmentl on the real property or that Improvf!ments loaIted thtteon enerO.Ch on ..tb.aOk lin.., ....m.ntA. land& of othere. 0/ vlolato any rcotriotlQno. controct covenantt, or 8ppllceble gowmmental regulatloms, the same shall COnstitute a title defect, 1 ~O'd GOO'ON 1~:0[ GO,OC: ,')ON 18IS-S6Z-S0~:aI AIIdOHln~ aN~l ')'W 11/20/2002 09:58 STEARNS I.JEA~'E~ NO. 337 Gl003 Seller shill convey 8 mart<etabla tide subject only to the aforementioned lien,. tncumbranCM, exceptlonl 01' qualiftcation set forth hetein. Marketable title shell be detennnud according to .DDffcable title -*andards 8doptBd by authOrity of the Florida Bar and In acoordsnce with law. The COUNlY shill haw one hundred twenty (120) days from the effective d.te of this Agreement to '-'x..,..,. titte. 3, TM S.IIer further agreat that during thg pgriod COYQfQd by thi~ inetrument, offjoel"l and accredited agents of the COUNTY shalf haw within normal business hours not to unreasonably interfere with any busino$1 operatiOn' on the properly and upOn 24 hour notice the unreltrlcted right and . privilege to enter upon $lid lands for all proptr end lawful putpOSe$, including examination of aaldlandS and the reeoUI'CtlS upon tnem. Upon ClOSing, tn. seller nereby walve5 SeIer's rights to any and .11 clcUms Igalnst the COUNTY associated wfth, or arising from ownel"lhip of. 1M property and this waiver thall survive closing. County agrees to imemnlfy Seller and hold Seller harmlell against III Cllims, demM\ds and llab.lty, fncludlnQ attorney'. fees for non-payment for ..Nices rendered to County. for construction lien. or for damagea to persona or property JllriAing nelt nf ~nll"tyflllnvfl!~to3tfj)n of th.. Properly. Notwlth~andino anything to the contrary 88t forth In this Agreement, the Indemnification and agreement to hold hannless set forth In this ~on ehofl ouf'\tlv~ the oloolng or the car1ier tormination of thio Agr.:c:mont. 4. $ubJeet to tho COndition:. ~t forlh in thl. AgreofT'IfJnt bein9 fully NtI~fJod, the Sellor will executo and deliver upon demand Clf the proper officials and agents of the COUNTY.. good and suffICient Personal Representative's deecl COnvoYIng to the COUN I Y m.ilrketable title to the Property. 5, In conslderetlon whereof, the COUNTY agrees that It will purchaSI all of ~Ild lends Ind other int,res" at the ptice of 11.800.000.00. The COUNTY further agrees that. after the preparation and exacution, end the delivery of the deed to the COUNTY in escrow. it will cauae to be paid to the S.1Ier the Purchase Pri08 by a check dr8wn on the acoount of the COUNTY. The s.u.r will execute a No Lien, GIP and FlrptA Affidavit to en.ble the t1~. company to Insure the MGep. between the iffoctivo Octo of tha title commitment and the affectivo dute of tho titlo policy. Tho County shall not have the right to object to tftle or to terminate this Agreement by reuon of any exception whldl I. cau60d by tho County or by any party clelmlns by, through or under th" County, however, this provtalon doe. not limit the COUNTY', right to tennlnate the AgrMment.. hereJnafter se, forth In Paragraph 1~. The COUNTY lnall pay the follOWing expens.. .socl8ted with the OOI'lV8yance of the property: deed recording fees, settlement fees, abstract fees. title examination 1eea. the Buye(S attornoys tee81 IUf'Vey. environmen~1 aite a.....ment, 8nd title insurance. The Seller shall pay the el(pens8S ef documentary stamps to be afflxed to the deed and Sene.... attorney', fee.. Full posseSSion of the premisea shall pas. to the COUNTY 81 of the r1~te p.tItyment Is made to the Seller subject only to the r.,8NaOOnS .ted in Paragraph' 1 Md 2 above 6, It I, mutually agraed that an abstract, title inlUl'ance policy or other evidence of title to the property herein Q;lntracted to be $QId, satisfactory to tIw lega' coUIl.tll of th~ COUNTY willllti obtained by the COUNTY at its expense. The Seller expressly agreet herein to furnish to the COUNTY any documents In Sellefs po88&88ion 81tablishing eVldenC6 Of tItle indudlng, but not limited to, abetracta, title commitments, title polldes and opinions of title. 7. Seller ,hall be "'AponSlbll for the payment of all aceru8d add valorem tllXM to the date of Closing, 8. It Is mutually understood and agreed that notice of acceptance of this Agreement shall be gIven to tM s.lter by """II IIdrlr.fU"td to the S.".r At th~ 'nlltNling AdI1MR!I\ 2 ~O'd ZOO'oN Z~:O[ GO.O,:'" (')[IN [8[S-Sf,Z-so~:aI ^lI~[lHln~ aN~l 'J'W 11~/~2 09:513 STEARNS WEAVER NO.J37 Gl004 Robert E. O.'~gherl Jr.. Esqulr. stNms WNwr, PA Mu...m Tower. Suite 220 180 W..t Flag'''' Street MiamlJ FL 33130 Phone: (301) 781-3200 Pax; (300) 781"'0 and ehall be effective upon date Of receipt or refutal of delivery end shall "e bindIng upon all of the Seller without sending a seper.te notloe to each represent....., except II such obligation may be affected by the provision6 of Paragraph !I hereof. Chrl, A. Economou with a copy to: On behalf of and _ Co-Curator 845 E. Danla 8eKh Blvd. OMl. e.ach. FL 33CHW Phone; (054) 122-8700 Fu: (814) 822-7181 9. The Property shall be delivered at dosing free or any tenlnt or occupancy whatsoever. 10. The effeet!ve date of this Agreement shall be November 20, 2002. - 11. The COUNTY shall have one hundred twenty (120) days from the etfectJvllt date of thl~ Agreement in WhIch to conduc..1 an e"vlronmentlil site aSS8llment to determine the exJstence ana extent, If any, of any hazardous materials on the property. The Property will be sold and purcha.ed in -II is" condition without representation or W8Ir'aI\ty of 3flY kind from the Sellef. The County agrees to spedncellV release the Seller from any and aU claims related to hazardous materials and all physical condition. of the property and County will execute any hazardous materiala release at Closing 10 oonflrm the provisions of thls paragraph. If the Seller .xerci.. Its right to extend It. Oue DlHgenee F>erfod IS hereinafter set forth in Paragraph 15, the COUNTY', rights to undertQke Oue DilIgGnCQ and terminate tho AQ....m."t wt forth herein, shall be extended for an equal number of days. 12. The COUNTY acknowledge. and Mgraas the pR)perty i. being conveyed as a lafe of certain a~t~ thot are pert of the f!:ltate of Koo&tantinO$ Boull$ .. identified in that certain probate divieion caH N2oo1-882 in the Circuit Court fOf Broward County, FJelrida (tha .Case") and the Sel,(. Obllgatione Under the Agreement are .ubjed to the 8811er'8 receipt of a final Order entered by the Court authorizing the transaction and sale 8S contemplated by the Agreement, aft.r tne runnIng of all appeal period. (the 'Order-) .uthorlzlng the tranuctlon and sal. contemplated herein. The Seder's obngations under the Agreement are further subject to the Seier obtaining from the State of Florida and the Int@rnal R.lienue Servlce, certifICates releasing And I:lI,charging the Florid~ and FMeral Eat.lte Tax liens on the property and that for any reason. the Seller fall, or is unable to obtain the Order ,nd the release and discharge of ~ Florida and Federal E3tste TalC LIens on the proP9rty prior to tho oto..ng dlte, Sel.... ahall be entitled to terminalu the Agreement In whIch case both parties shall b. r,H.ved of ell rights end cbligatlcrts thereunder. Any Obligations or "aoRRy whatsoever of Selle' wtIlch may arbe at any time under the Contract or any obligation or liebllity which may be Incurr~d by S.Iler pursuant to any other Inmmenl, transaction, or undertaking contemplated hereby shall not be personally binding upon, nor shall resort for the enforcement thereof be had to the property of the curatol1l. personal representatl~e5, shareholders, offtcers, directors, employees. or agenbl of Seller. rtgardle.. of wh~thP.r ""t'.h nhJlQ;:ltinn nf "~hlllty Ill: in 1M MturA ", tort Ml\tNtC':t nr nth~rwlM Tht!l ~r1il!lfl to tha Contract agree to look solely to the ProJH!rty ror the satlsfactfon of any obligation or liability 01 S.l~r. If any. 13. CoOnty acl<nowtedgGs that Q~t ~c e><prM81y Get forth herein, Seller hal not made :ilIn)' warranties or representations concerning the Property or any component thereof. IncludIng, wlthout llmlt.ction, the op~rution of or the COOID or rOOUltG of tho opc;retIon thereof, the condition of tne Improvements: the exl.tencv, Iocatlon, quail';)' or condttlon of any personal property; the 3 SO'd lOO'ON ~~:Ol ZO,OZ (,mJ 181S-S6Z-S0~:OI ^lI~OHlnH ONHl ')'W 11/20~2e02 09:58 STEARtIS /JEAUER NO. 33? DOO5 concurrency status of the Property; the zoning or other lend use restrfctlons affectng the Propwrty, 1I1tt eflrur~tJblnl~ of tiny contraot or ou..r agreement or right ""QnecJ hereunder; too complIance of the Properly or any part thereof with any Go'llemmental Raqulrenl8flt; the use or existence or pr10r use or exIStence of Hazardous Matanal on the Property; or the accuracy or completeness of any statement or other matter p.-.vlously dlsctoaed to County. County ~esentl that it Is pLlrch86ing U'a Property in ita present condlt!on and ,ublec:t to the Leases. the County hevlng made (or having the opportunity to make during Of l'1Mr to thA InvHtigatlon Pftriod) itl own Inspection and examination 01 the Property and all components thereof. SELLER HAS NOT, COES NOT ^ND WILL NOT Ml\KE ANV R&PRESENTATION8 OR WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO COMPLIANCE WITH ANV GOVERNMENTAl REQUrREMENT, INCLUOING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THOSE PERTAININQ TO THE HANDLING, OENfRATlNG. TReATING, STORING OR DISPOSING OF ANY HAZARDOUS MATERiAl. COUNTY WAIVES AND ReLEASEs SEUER FROM ANY PRESEN'f OK t'U I UKt: CLAIMS ARISIN(J FROM OR ReLATING TO THE PRESENCE OR ALLEGED PRESENCE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAl. IN, ON, UNOER OR ABOUT THE LAND OR THE: PROPERTY, INCLUOING ANY ClAlMS UNDER OR ON ACCOUNT OF (I) THE! COMPREHENSive ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE, COMPENSATION AND LIABILITY ACT OF 1980, AS THE SAME MAY HAVE BEEN OR MAY BE AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME ("CERCLA..), AND SIMILAR STATE STATUTES, AND ANY REGULATIONS PROMULGATED THEREUNDER, OR (II) ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL REQUIREMENT NOW OR HEREAFTER IN EFFECT THAT DEAL.S WITH on OTHeRWise IN ANY MANNER ReLATES TO, ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS OF ANY KINO, OR (iii) THE CONTAACT OR THE COMMON LAW. EXCEPT AS SPEC1FtCALL Y PROVIDeO FOR IN THe CONTRACT OR IN THE CLOSING DOCUMENTS, SELLER MAKes NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES AS TO THE TRUTti, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF A~ PROPERlY RECORDS. MATERIALS. DATA OR OTHI;R INFORMATION SUPPl.IEO TO COUNTY IN CONNECTION WITH COUNlYS fNSPECTfON OF THE PROPERTV (E.G., THAT SUCH MATERIALS ARE COMPlETE. ACCURATE OR THE FINAL VERSION THEREOF, OR THAT All R1JCH MATERIALS ARE IN SELLER'S posSeSSION). IT IS THE PARTIES' EXPRESS UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT THAT SUCH MATERI^LS ARE PROVIDED ONLY FOR COUNTVS CONVENIENCE IN MAKING ITS OWN EXAMINATION AND DETERMINATION PRIOR TO THE EXPIAATION OF THe INVeSTIGATION PERIOD AS TO WHETHER IT WISHES TO PURCHASE THE PROPERTY AND. IN DOING SO. COUNTY SHALl. RELY EXCLUSIVel. Y ON rr6 OWN INOEPENDENT INVESTlOATlON AND EVALUATION OF eVERY ASPECT OF THE PROPERTY AND NOT ON ANY MATERIALS SUPPLIED BY SELLER. EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED FOR IN THE CONTRACT OR IN THE CLOSING OOCUMENTS, COUNTY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY INTEN'r TO REl.Y ON ANY ~lJCH MATERIALS PROVIDED TO IT BY SELLER IN CONNECTION WITH ITS INSPECTION AND AGREES THAT IT SHALL RELY SOLa Y ON ITS OWN INOEPENOENTL Y DEVELOPED OR VERIFIED INFORMA TfON. EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY PROVIOEO FOR HEREIN. THERE ARE NO EXPRESSED OR IMPL.leD WARRANTIES GIVEN TO COUNTY IN CONNECTION WiTH THE SALE OF THE PROPERTY, SELLER OOES HEREBY DISCLAIM mf AND AlL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, HABITABILITY AND FITNESS THAT MAY BE DUE FROM SELLER TO COUNTY. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY SET FORtH HEREIN, THIS S[;CTION SHALL SURVIVE THE CLOSING. 14, The Seflet has agreed pursuant to a sepande written agr"ment, to pay a brokerage commission to Tremmell Crow Realty Sorvlce6 and Marr PropertiM upon Sellsr receivfng the Purchase Prloo 4 90'd ~OO'ON V~:O[ ~O,Ol AON 1;3 [S-S6,>SOf: a I AIldOHlnM QNMl 'J"W 11/20/2002 09:58 STEARNS IJEAVER ~IO. 337 [A106 The County end the Seller represents and warrants to each other that there is no other broker inVOlVed In thia transaction. 15. The COUNTY, at ill sole option, shalt haw the right to terminate thIs Agreement It any time tor any reason during the periods identified In Paragraphs 2 and 11 b~ prOViding wntten ooace to the Siller. In the a'tlnt the COUN TV terminates this Agreement, both parties shall be relieved of an r1ghta and obligatlont th.-under. If the Sellat ..raises ts right to .xtend Its Du. Diligence Period a. hereinafter let forth in ParaQl'lph 16. the COUNTY's rights to undertake Due OtUgenoe and terminate tho AcIreement set forth herein. ,hoR be extendocl for an equal number of deya. ShoUd the County efect to terminate. the County shall provide Se~.r wfth copiet of alllnlpectlon reportl and analyl.. obtained by 1he County. If County does not terminate this Agreement ~tI'Iln the per1ads provided WIthin this Agreement. then County shill be deemed to have waived Its right to termit\ate tNs Agre.rnent, that the COUnty ie relying eclely upon Its own Invat/gatlon in making the dedefon to I'JU(Chass the Property and the parll" thai! groceed to does in compllanCII wfth 1he conditions and l'eCIulrement$ of !hi, Agreement. 16. Estate shill have the right to undertake sud1 research or Inv88tigationa it deems necessary and appropriate to ~tl~fy It..1f that ~I. 0' the Pmperty ia in tne bQ~t interest of th.. ~Gtat., For 120 days following tn& Effective Date of this Agreement. sUbject further to the extension rights of Senor Oft forth horein, Sol kl r, at ita aoJe option, shell ha". .he right to termiMte thiS ~reem.nt, if In Seller's eole and absolute diacretJon, Seller has determined that the AI. of the Property Is not i" ltle beat In~,.t of th8 E$tete. If on or prior lu lh*' titx.,.lflIllk.lll u( lh__ une hundred twtnty (120) day per10d set forth herein. Seller has not been ablt to determine whether or not the sale of the Property is In the best Interest of tM EI&lte, at &Iller'. option, SelJe(s rfght to tennln8te the Agreement shaH be extended for an addlonal sixty (SO) day period. If SaJI. exercises Its rfght to terminate this Agrwement I' set forth herein, thereafter. neither party Ih8ft h8'e'e any further rights or obligation! hereunder, 17. Provfded nelther tho COUNTY nor the i.tate have exercised t~ tfgh~ 10 terminate thl. Agreement, Closing will occur within ftfteen (15) bl.llin\tSs days after the expiration of tht! County', Ind EetIlto'. .~i"*tion of their rights to terminate this Agl'Mment. 18. The Agroermmt may be e~ecutoo In .,f1Y lurulHtr uf oounterparts. 8,'yone and all 01 which shall oonetitute the contract of the partIN and eact! of Which shan be deemed an original. The execution of me Agreement and delivery thereof by tacllmlJe shall be ILlficient for all PUrposes, and 8hall be blncllng upon the party who so executes. 1 Q. Radon Ia a naturally o~rrinQ radioactive gas that. when It hu acaJmulatecl in 3 building In suffICient quantities, may present health risks to persons who are exposed to It CMtr time. Level. of radon that eXCHd fect....' and state guld.Une. have bHn found in bulldlnga in Florida. Addltlol'Ulllnformatlon regarding radon and radon ta.ting may be obtained from your mtnty public health unit. 20. Except .. othmwlM expressly _t forth In the Agreemant. aU r."ruentations. warranties and affidavits of Seller and obligations of Seller hereunder lit fcrth in the Agreement .hall not .urvlve ll"l", Clwlflij, I.K.ll tiklillll ff1wf\141 Inlu lilt! CIo8l~ IInd the delivery Of tne Deed. 21. SelLeR "NO COUNTY HEREBY KNOWINGLY, IRRI!VOCABLY, VOLUNTAffClLY AND INTENiJONALL. V WANE ANY RIGHTS TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN AeSPECT OF ANY ACTION, IoJHOCEEDINC3 OR COUNTERCLAIM BASeD ON THE CONTRACT OR ARISING OUT OF, UNDER. OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONTRACT OR AJoN OOCUMENT OR INSTRUMENT exeCUTeD IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONTRACT. OR ANY COURSE OF l5 lO'd {OO'ON S~:OI 2:0.0C: rlON T8[';-S6(-SO~:(JI AIIdOHln~ aN~l ')'W 11/2e/2002 09;50 3TEAR/'~ IJERVER NO,]]? Glil:l137 CONDUCT, COURSE OF DEALING, STATEMENTS (WHETHER VERBAL OR WRITTEN) OR ACTION OF ANY PARTY HERETO. THIS PROVISION IS A MATERIAL INDUCEMENT FOR SELLER AND COUNrY ENTERING INTO THE SUBJECT TRANSACTION. 22 The Agreement shall ~ InterpNlted In ~ccordww>> with th6l Int~m.ll8W8 of the Sbte of Floridil both $Ubstentive and remedial regardleM Of the dOmicile 01 any party. 23. If the County wishes to proceed with this trlnaaction, this offer shall be open and the County snail have until Novembor 27,2002 to .lQn and "'tum this Ag,,"ment to the Seller, ,~ Slgna,utu 0/1 follow/ng psg. 6 80'd ~OO'ON g~:O[ ~O, O~ ('ION 18[S-S6,:::-SO~:GI AII~OHlnH GNHl ')'W J. 1. -' .:!~/;;''OO2 0'3:5C STEHRNS LEAvER NO. 137 0000 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, th~ Parties "aV8 executed this Agreement as otthe Etrective Olte Estate of Konstantlnos Boulis aIkJ~J Gus Boulis Th~ MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS~IOt~ER~. ecting by 4M'Id through itQ CHAIRMANIMAYOR. has 8xeCuted this Agreemt'.lnt on behalf of MONROE COUNTY. I' of the 22"" day 01 Nov.mber, 2002. ATTEST: OANNYl.KOlHAGE.CLERK (Seal) MONRoe COUNty By: Deputy Clerk Chaim\anIMayot Monroe County e~rd of County Commlssianem BROKERS; TRAMMeL.L. CROW ReAL rf $ERVICES 8y: Peter J. Filom"na tly. Joy C. Martin vi -~ MARR PROPFRTIF.S 60'd ZOO'ON 9~:O[ (~O, OZ ()ON 18IS-S6G-SO~:GI AII~OHln~ GN~l 'J'W ~:\":'.' ,. ~ ' 'I'~; , ' , , ., " j.". ~ ';. ' ~: , .':...~ . \, ;\ - " '!.' ' l' ", . . , " ; k). . ~'" f' :)'.. '.;, ~jl, I ~ I .<< r'o .:','j":.;, ATfACHHKN-r It ; ',': ""~~)':~::; ',Ill,' (~',\ ~.'.~ , -, t '." ~;r(..! ;; :i:'ti~ ":~'. LEGAL orscRIPnON: , , , ' A pOf'Ctll of land lying withIn thtl, Rlght-ot-Way ot Florida, StattJ Road No. 5 In StlcHon 22, Townsh/p6t So~th, Rangtt.J9' cost, Monrae COunty.F1orido o~ .3ho~n an th. F70rida DtJparlmtJnt,al rrt1n~porloti()n Right-at-Way map far StoffJ Rood No. Sand labtl/lld StJCtion '90060~2516, shtJtJt no. 2-f of J4 "IJHt.s and btling mortl parficularlydtl3crlbtJd os (Ollow,,:, Dcgin ot tJ~1f Norlh,,:,st corner ol,Trdc~ to, ,.Second Ame.ndfJd an<l.Rfjvised Plot of LtJtJ Shores according tOt/lit Plat thert:Of. os ,r~ordlldln Plat Book 2 of Page 97 01 fhtl Public RtJcords of Monroe County. Aorido "aid poInt also lying ,on the Horth-:-'. wtJ-ftorly Right-or-Way lintJ of StattJ Road No. Sand thfJ :dMdif)g properly linitbotW'~f) , Tracts 10 ond t, of 3ald Platot "Second' Am~nded and R~vis~d Plot ot Lce Shores-' ' thcmctI S Jr22'J4- W along th~. SouJh~asl~rli'prol'~'ty ljf)~sof'T;a'clr 9,10 anrJ .the. ':: Narth hall of ,Tract 801 the said Plat of S~o"d Am(!ndM af)d Revl$~ Plot of L~~ ' Shores" and olso being the Nort"w~sterly Rhj";t~-:of-Way line aIStot~. 'Ro~d No.5 (or J14.90 (~~t.. t}II:"C~ S 89'58'1'. E 010119 a lind' beIng th~ 'Easterly exttmsion of ;fhtJ South line of the Norlh hall of Tract 8 01 lhcsoid Plat of "SKond Anu:ndtJd and Revised PIal of Lfff!. Shores. for 62.90 (det; 'thMC~ N JT22'J<I" [ clang a tine located parallel to and 50 feet. Southca3ter/y of .fht! said Norlhwe3lcrly Righf-of-Woy . line of Stfttl: Road No.5 for J14.90 led; thence N89'S8'II"W a/onc; aliM bolng ih" , .'. thd EasterlYdxttmsion of the boundary line, be/wcen Tracts 10 and II for 62.90 lut. " .' to tJ", ,PoInt of 8ttgilJrling. , . Conta;nt~1!l IS, 745 square ftldt. (,'.,' . ~ ,. "J, AND l11C North one-half of Lot 8 und all of Tract 9 and 10, SECOND AMENUrn AIm REVISED pr..Al OF U:E SIlORI~S, ;lcClJrdJng to th+.' l'13t thereof record€!d 1r\ Plat llook 2, Poge 'J/, ot the ['ubl1c !(l:<:ords of Hemroe County, nor1da. AND A Parcel of filled Sovereignty l;toJ in Tarpon Be1!;ln abutting Section 22. TownfJhip 61 ~outh, Range 39 r.Mt, Key Largo, Honroe County, Florida, being more particularly dl:scr1bcd CIS f{J llowfi: CO:1MENCE at th<.' Northeast corner of Tract 10, LEE SIlORES, according LO Plat recorded in Plat 800k 2, Pngc 97, Pub.l fc Records of Honn~~ County, nor ida, thel\ce ~orth 89 der,rccH S 7 m1nutes 30 seconds West 695 fect olong the North lin<.' of 8~ld Tract 10 to the odgin:ll rn~all htf~h water line of LHpon B:lsfn find the Point of a(~8In~tng; th'~lIf~C South ELI degrees W~6t 170 f('et; thence South 25 fc~'t; thence East 130 fl~el, mol'/' or l<'~l" to lh~ 01'11".11\<11 Ille;}n hiRh \.I.Her 11l\~; thelle!' ~;orthellgterly 50 feet alollr, l>llid origin<ll mean high w.1tcr line to the Point of Beginning. COlltoinJng 0.11. :lcre:J. more or J(,~!i. 01'd ZOO'ON 9~:OI ZO.OZ ,"ION 181 S-Sb(>SO~: a I AIldOHln~ aN~l "J'W