Item R03 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: September 21. 2005 Division: County Administrator Bulk Item: Y es ~ No Department: County Administrator Staff Contact Person: Connie Cyr AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Ratification of the signing of letter of Agreement with R.W. Beck, Inc., to perform debris management and disaster related services to Monroe County as a result of Hurricane Katrina. ITEM BACKGROlJND: FEMA requires hurricane debris collection and disposal monitoring in regards to the loading, hauling, transport, reduction and disposal of debris resulting from Hurricane Katrina. Monroe County is procuring monitoring services from R.W. Beck, Inc. by "piggy backing" on an "Agreement between Escambia County and R.W. Beck. Ine for Professional Services as Governed by Florida Statue 287.0055 (PD 02-03.79)" dated October 2003, as amended. The aforementioned Letter of Agreement was signed the County Administrator pursuant to Monroe County's Local State of Emergency declaration for Hurricane Katrina. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: N/A CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: NJ A ST AFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: Hourly Billing Rates and Charges Attachment B COST TO COUNTY: 12.5%,State: 12.5%,FEMA:75% BUDGETED: Yes No L General Revenue SOURCE OF FUNDS: Reserves REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No x AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management_ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: [Jfwm.aJ '). Willi (TYPE NAME HERE) DOCUMENT A TION: Included x Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 2/05 OKl!~ErY ~O~~~~E (305) 294-4641 Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Office of the County Administrator The Historic Gato Cigar Factory 1100 Simonton Street, Room 2~205 Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 292~4441 ~ Phone (305) 292.4544 ~ Fax August 29, 2005 Mr. Jonathan Burgiel Director of Disaster Recovery Services R W. Beck, Inc. 800 North Magnolia Ave., Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32803-3274 (-~,....,......~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor Dixie M. Spehar, District 1 Mayor Pro Tern Charles "Sonny" McCoy, District 3 George Neugent, District 2 David P. Rice, District 4 Murray E. Nelson, District 5 Subject: Debris Management and Disaster Related Services in Monroe County, Florida Dear Mr. Burgiel: Monroe County, Florida (the "County") hereby agrees to retain R. W. Beck, Inc. to perform debris management and disaster related services to Monroe County based on the same contractual arrangements, terms, and conditions that exist between R. W. Beck and Escambia County, Florida for debris management and disaster related services, which arrangements with Escambia County are set forth in the following documents: 1. The "Agreement between Escambia County and R. W. Beck, Inc., for Professional Services as Governed by Florida Statute 287.055 (PD 02-03.79)" dated October 2003 (the "Escambia County Agreement"). 2. Task Order PD 02-03.79.37.SWM.03 dated September 24, 2004 under the Escambia County Agreement. 3. The "First Amendment to Agreement Between R W. Beck and Escambia County, Florida for Debris Management and Disaster Related Services". 4. The "Second Amendment to Agreement Between R. W. Beck and Escambia County, Florida for Debris Management and Disaster Related Services". All references to Escambia County in the aforementioned documents are to be Monroe County, Florida, as pertaining to this letter of agreement. Accordingly, the Contract Administrator in Section 1.3 is Thomas J. Willi, County Administrator, Monroe County, Florida. 08/30/2005 14:45 4075488382 . Au...ZO-ZOOi .. lS;iS FfO~ROE COIJiTY EtlGINERING RW BECK +3D5ZgS4at1 PAGE 03/03 T-ass P..003/003 F~5e R. W. Bec~ Inc. Aupt 29~ 200S Page. 2 With regard to the service rates on Exhibit Bt Hourly BllJing Rar.es and Charaest the County ~ognizes rhat: Aerorek: was the specific subconsultant used tQ provide contract labor in Eseambia County; R. W. Beck will use a different subconsnltant used to provicle COI'Itract labor for the County"s project.. such as Hndson North America; and the $30 HOurly Admin. Fee will be applicable to whatever subconsultarit is used by R. W. !l(:clc to provide contract labor for th~ Counlyf s project. R. W. Beck is authoritcd, to ~Qmmence p-roviding seMces upon execution of this leuec of agICement. It W. Beck shaIl perfurm the following tasb to as.sim the County in responding (0 d1e afrer:rnath of Hurricane Katrina. 1. Provide general program management services. as diIected by the County, with regaras to debris collection and. dispoAl activities within the Countyi 2. Ptovide COntract monitonng services in managing the activities of the Counry's debris contracror(s); 3. Provide debris collection and disposal site monitoring services as required by FEMA: 4. Provide for data CDtry and management of coJlection and dJJposaJ tickets; 5. Provide rhe County widl daily opetadng sratiitica (cubic yardage collected, asset inventory~ etc.); 6. Review and approve contractor invo.ioea subroi1ted [0 the CoUntYi and 1. Assist in preparing required data and forms required for FEMA reimbwwetnent. Please acknowledge concurrence with the above by R. W. Beck by having the appropriate person sign rhis letter agreement. APPRO~.U'2~Y: 8ignamre: & i '1 tct:S D TIde: APPRO e: Dare: Date: N A, TrON (bAA ASS\STAN'~FORHEY Disaster Summary For FEMA-1602 DR Executive Order: 05-176 Declaration Date: August 24, 2005 Incident Type: Hurricane Katrina Incident Period: August 24,2005, and Continuing Individual Assistance: (Assistance to individuals and households) Monroe County did not qualify for Individual Assistance Public Assistance (Assistance to State and local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations for the repair or replacement of disaster-damagedfacilities): Monroe County was included for Public Assistance, all categories Monroe County State of Local Emergency declared August 26, 2005 at 7 am; terminated August 29, 2005, at 8 am. _,,;~,,~~~11I2€105 12; 1 G 407648B392 RW BECK PAGE €N/29 . ...,.. AGREEMENT Between E$CAMBJA COUNTY and R.l1I. Beck, Inc. for Professional Services as Governed by Florida Statute 287.055 (PO 02-03.79) e~/l1/2e05 12:16 4076486362 RW SEa< Agreement with Escambla County for Professional Services as Governed by FIQrlda Statute 287.055 (PO 02-03.79) TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE 1 AgreemGot Declarations Definitions and Identifications ARTICLE 2 ARTICLE 3 ARTICLE 4 ARTICLE 5 ARTICLE 6 - - --'.'.---MTicU~7- ARTICLE 8 ARTICLE 9 ARnCLE 10 Preamble Scope of Sarvices Ordering of Work Time for PerformancG . Compensation and Method of Payment .... ... "Additional services' and "Changes "in 'scope of serVices. . County's RespoflsibHities Con~ultanfs Re$flQo$rbUiHes General Conditions PAGE OS/29 PAGE 3 4 5 5 5 6 9 9 10 11 01711/2605 12:16 4El764883B2 RW BECK PAGE 66/2'3! AGREEMENT This is an Agreement between Escambia County. a political subdivision of the StaiB of Florida, by and through lis Board of County Commissioners, its successors and assigns. with its administrative offices locatad at 223 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, Florida 32597~1S90. (hereinafter referred to as "County,") and R.W, Beck, Inc., a for.profit corporation, authorized to do bUsiness in the State of Florida, its successors and assigns, whose faderalldentiflcation number Is 91-0883905, and whose business address Is 600 North Magnolia Avenue, Suite 300, Orlando, FL 32803.3274 (hereinafter referred to as "ConsultantV).. WITNESSETH: NOW; THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual terms and conditions, promises, covenants and payments hereinafter set forth, the County and the Consultant agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 DEFlNITlO~S AND IDENTIFICATIONS For the purposes of this Agreement and the various covenants, conditions, terms and provlslons which follow, the definitions and Identifications set forth below are assumed to be true and correc!, and are therefore agreed upon by the parties. 1.1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMtSSIQNERS: .~ - - - .- -- ------ -- ,.--. "ff1(.r.'SOatir of''CoontY "CommisSiorierS:fs~.ffie'-1foveriirnrr Boay" 5f""E"sciiinbla"Count)/ ~ . - Florida. 1.2 CONSUlTANT~ R.W. Beck, Inc., is the Consultant selected to perform professional servlces pursuant to this Agreement. 1.3 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR; Whenever the term Contract Administrator is used herein, It Is Intended to mean Bob! McLaUghlin. ASsistant County Administrator. In the administration of this Agreem6n~ as contrasted with matters of policy, atl parties may rely upon Instructions or determinations made by the Contract Administrator. 1.4 COUNT'(; Escambla County, Florida is a body corporate and politic and a political subdivisIon of the State of Florida. 1.5 NOTIC~ TO PR.OCEED: The Notice 10 Proceed Is the written authorization as defined in Section 1.10 issued by the County or the Contract Administrator to commence the project. . '. 3 07.l11/2005 12:16 'H175488382 RW BEO< PAGE a7l23 .' 1 J) PRO~FCT: Tne project is the task. as defined In SecUon 1.10, assigned to the Consultant pursuant to this Agreement. 1.7 PROJEGT MANAGER The projGct manager shall mean the staff person within the County who is assigned by the Contrad. Administrator to oversee the task order work, . ~ 1.8 ;?COPE Of SERVICES: The intent of this Agreemeni is to make available certain design, engioeerlng, surveying, and inspection services for Escambla County as requested and as outlined herein. 1 (:\ c;r.()P~ ()/= WOr:iI<' The scope of wort<. Is the specific informatlon relating to those certain services provided to the Consultant on an Individual project task order Including, but not limited to: project de$erlptlon with boundaries. intent of project. antlctpated sSfVlces required, and expected deliverables. 1.10 I8.S.KQf'1.QEK lh~,* tasl-o~der lsa- {()f~rll':;! wrltten -d5sig-n'l1en( dwork, bas-ect upm10eg\~ti3tion,-wh12n-is- issuPd to th~Consultant pursuant to tt!i:-: Agreement ARTICLE Z PR:EAMBLE 10 order to establish the ba.ckground, context and frame of reference for thIs Agreement and to generally express the objectives and Intentions of lhe respective parties herein. the following statements, representations. and eXplanations shatl be accepted as predicates for the undertakings andeommltments included within the provisions which follow and that may be relied upon by the partfas as essential elements of the mutual considerations upon which this Agreement IS bas&d. 2.1 Negollations pertaining to hourly rates for professional services to be performed by the Consuttant were undertaken b&tween the Consultant and a committee selected by the Board of County Commissioners, and this Agfeement Incorporates the results of such negotiations. 2.2 The Board of County Commissioners has met the requirements of Section 287,055, Horjda Statutes, as amended, the Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act. and has selected R,W. Beck. Inc., to perform such services hereunder. 2.3 Escambia County will budget fuods for each task order issued under the Agreement. 4 ~/11/2665 12:16 467&486382 RW BECK PAGE 6812'3 ~RT'S;;LE 3 SCOPE OF seRVICES 3.1 The Consultant wilt provide Professional SelVices as Governed by Florida Statute 267.055 as hereinafter descnbed in this Article :3 for tasks outlined in Escambla County's RLI SpecifICation 1\10, P.o. 02~03.79. In the event of a conflict be~Qn tho torms of the RLI and this Agreement, the terms of this Agr&ement shall prevail. 3.2 The basic professional services to be provided are as set forth In Exhibit "A," attached herato and incorporated by reference herein. and, 'unless othetwise specifically excluded from any particular task order, lhese services shall comport with County guidellnes for construction and retrofltung of projects, and local ordinances, State, and Feoorallaws and regulations. ~RTtCU: 4 ORDERING OF TttJ:: WORK 4.1 The Consultant 13 one of several firms selected to perform professional services on same or similar tenns pursuant to thls Agreement The County expressly re$erves the $xcluslve right to assign specl1le !.ask orders to the firm it deems best suited for the type of work to be acoompllshed. This Agreement does not guarantee any amount Of type of task orders to be assigned to the Consultant 4.2 The scope of work, provlded by the County, wUI constitute the baSIS for negotiation of _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _a_aEtlJ~~.E!.~J~.._ Wh~,.n_ ~.9..ueste_<t ~t.!~! ~9J'J1Jl,Jb..!-<29D!iuf~nlwltl QtQ0g~ Jt Q[O..QQ.s.al tQJbe _ . _ __ . . County to perform the services requested under lhls scope of worK. The County and the Consultant will enter negotiations to determin6 a fall' and reasonable number of hours, by discipline. for such requested sertices pursuant to Sectlon 3.2. '.4,3 In the event a mutually agreeable number of hours Is reached, the County will issue a task order which describes the services to be provided by the Consultant 9!'ld the amount of compensation to be provided by the County. In the event a mutually agreeable number of hours c.annot be reached, the Consultant will be requested to provide a best and flnat offer to the County. If thlG best and final offer Is not acceptable to tlw County, negotlatlons wlil cease with the Consultant. and the County wilt open negotiations for the same scope of wort< with another firm. . ARTICLE ~ IIM~ fOR PERFORMANcg 5.1 As a part of its task order proposal. the Consultant shall submit to the County a schedule for compteli\>n of the scope of work. Pursuant to Article 4 above, this schedule is a nagotiable item during task order negotlations. 5.2 Prior to beginning the performance of any basic professional servlces under this Agreement, the Consultant must receive a written Notice to Proceed from the County. For those taSk orders where a mutual agreement of a fair and reasonable price has been reached, a copy of the fully executed task order will serve as the Consultant's written approval to begin the performance of lhe Consultant's services. Prior to granting approval for the Consultant to proceed to a subsequent phase of a task order, lhe Contract Administrator may a1 his Of her sole discretion require 1he Consultant to submIt such docun'k'li"lts and drawIngs as may be reasonably neceSS8l)' fOt review and approval by the County. 5 e~/11/20as 12:1& 4676498382 RW SEa< PAGE 03/2'3 ARTICLE 6, Q9MPENSAT10N AND M~HOO OF pAYMENT 6,1 COMPENSATION; (a) The County agrees to pay the Consultant as compensation for its services under Section 3.1 of this Agreement a fee 10 be computed as described below and based upon the schedule set forth in Exhibit WAft attached hereto and macta a part hereof. Individual task orders submitted to the Consultant will be paid through a budg.,t line item recommended by the department issuing the Task Ordet and approved by the Board of County Commissioners. For each such task order, the consultant will be compensated by a lump sum fee as negotiated, unlessotherwlse mutually agreed to by the parties hereto. (b) The term "salary costs" as used herein shall mean the hourly rata as shown 0" Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, including but not limited to, principals, engineers, surveyors, draftsmen, clerks. plus costs for sick leave, vacation, unemployment. exotse aM payroll taxes. contributions for social security, employment compensation Insurance, retirement benefits, and medical and insuranCe benefits. Said salary costs shafl be only for time directly chargeable to' a task order under this Agreement, A detailed breakdown for these costs shall be kept current and readify accessible to the County. . '-62~- "ANNiJALAPPRCipRlATION:-o- -.-" ...-. - -." .-. u._ n._'_ ....... .. '-. ,'.n _H." __...___ _no Pursuant to the requirements of Flork1a law and Artlde II of Chapter 46, Escembia County Code of Ordinances, the County's performance and obligation to fund this Agreement shall be contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Escambla County Board ot County Commissioners. 6.3 DIREGT EXPENSES; (a) Direct expenses directly attrlbutable to a task order will be bome by the Consultant and will inclUde, but not be limited to, the following: 1, Transportation expenses In connection with any task order. 2, Living eXpenses in connection wilh travel Inside and outside of Escambla County and other relaled expenses. 3< Long distance communications and other miscellaneous communications expenses. 4. Cost of printing drawings and specJ1lcatlons which are required by or of the Consultant to deliver services set forth in this Agreement 5. Cost of any software or hardware used or developed for any task order. 6 O~/11/2B05 12;15 407b488382 RW BECK PAGE 16/29 (b\ Direct expenses to be bome by the Consultant shall not include project permit ie~s or compens"ation owed to subcontractors engaged according to SecUon 10.5 of this Agreement 6-4 ME!HOQ OF BILLING AND PAYMENT; (a) The Consultant shall submit monthly estimates (payment requisitions) for the amount and value of the w~ accomplished and sel"Vices pel10rmed by the Consultant which meet standards of quality established under this Agreement. The esllmates shall be prepared by the Consultant and shall be accompanIed by any supporting data required by the County. Where the monthly estimate includes work done by a subcontractor, the Consultant shall attach eOpie$ of that subcontractor's invoice for such work. The Ccnsultant agrees nO' mal1<.up tor overhead and profit on subcontractQf$ Invokes shall be allowed on any project tasl< ord&r. (b) For Iomp sum contracts, the Consuttant may submit bills at the eomp16tion and approval of each phase or for partial completion of each phase on a pro-rata basis. However. requests for payment shall not be made more frequentfy than once a month. (c) Upon approval of tha estimate by the County, payment upon properly executed payment requisitions shall 00 made to the Consultant within thIrty (30) days. (d) Payments under this Agreement and inlerest on any late payments shan be .. M_-9Q.'{em.~ J?y.th~_ fIoJltia.. .J~.r!?rn.P..L p.?~nt ~9!.. ~~ctlon ~1~?.9L.flort~ 2talutes-,_?!!i_.___ ._._ _ amended. 6.5 Payment requisitions will be sent to: To Be Determined Per Task Order No([ces wiN be sent to: County Adrr>>nistrator Escambla County AdmInistrator 223 Palafox Street Pehsaccla, Florida 32597 ~ 1590 (850) 595-4900 (850) 595-4908 6.6 Paymenls and notices will be made to the Consultant at Chuck Mclendon. Senior Director R W, Beck, In<;. 800 North Magnolia Avenue, SuIte 300 Orlando, FL 32803-3274 (a) Any notice required hereunder or desired by the party giving such notice shall be given in writing and deltvered by hand or through the instrumentalily of certified mail of the United Slales Postal SelVlca or other private courier service, such as Federal Express. 7 flJfl1/zee5 12:16 4076488382 RW BECK PAGE U 12'3 (b) Unless o\hefWlse noUfied In writing of a new address, . notices, payments, and invoices shall be made to each party at the llsted addresses. Rejection. or other rofusal by the addressee to accept, or the inablllty of the courier service. or the United States Postal Service to deliver because of a changed address of which no notice was given, shaN be deemed to be receipt of the notice sent Any party shall have the right, from time to time, to change the address to which notices shall be sent by giving the othef party at least ten (10) days prior notice of the address change. ARTICLE 7 ADDITIONAL SERVICES AND . CHANGES IN SCqPE OF SERVICE~ 7,1 The County or the Consullant may request changes that WOUld Increase, decrease. or otherwise modify the Scope of Services provided under this Agreement Such changes must be In aceordancEt with the pfocurement policies of Escambla County and must be contained In a written amendment. exeeuted by the partles thereto. wl1h the same fonnality and of equ~ dignity plior 10 any deviation from the tarms of this Agreement. including the Initiation of any extra work. 7.2 The County or the Conswtant may request changes that would increase, decrease, or otherwise modify the Scope of Wort. of individual project task orders. Such changes must be negotiated and mutuafty agreed upon by boUl parties. This mutual agreement will be formalized by a wrltteo change order to the task order issued by the County to the Consultant. _ _.______ ___ __ ___ ________ _ __.________ _,_ ARTICLE 8 _ _H_____ _.. _ _ _ .._...._.._.__. _._. ._..__ _.._.__._ _ ____.. -- . COUNTY'S R,ESPON~IBILlTle~ 8_1 The County shalt assist the Consultant by placing at its disposal all available information pertinent to the project including previous reports and any other data relative to design or construction of the pl'ojec.t. . 8.2 The County shall make available to the Consultant. as required fOf performance of the Consultant's basic services, data prepared by or services of others, Including without limitation (as may be appropriate) core borings, problngs. and subsurface exploraUons, hydraulic surveys, laboratory tests and inspections of samples, material!! and equipment; appropriate profG$$lonal Interpretations of all of the foregoIng; erwlronmental asseS-sment and Impact statements; property boundary, easement, rights-of-way, topographic and utlfity surveys; property ~criptions; zoning, deed and other land use reslrictlon; and other special dala of consultations. 8.3 The County shall arrange for access to and make all provisions for th& COnsultant to enter upon public and private property as required for the Consultant 10 perform its services. 8.4 , Tba.County shaH examine, within a reasonable time so as not to delay the services of the Consultant. all studIes, reports, sketches. drawings, SpeclflcatiOfls, proposals and other documents prs$ented by the Consultant, obtain advice of an attorney, insurance counselor and other consultants. as the County d~ems appropriate, for sucn examinaUon and the rendering ot written opiniOns or decIsions pertaining thereto, 8 e1/11!2ee5 12:16 41)764883B2 RW BEO< PAGE 12129 8.5 The County wliJ assist In obtaining approvals and permits from all govQrnrnental authorities having jurisdIction over the project and such approvals and consenis from others as may be necessary for completion of the task order by the Consultant 8.6 The County shall give prompt wrillen notice to the Consultant whenever the County obs~rvas or otherwise becomes aware of any developm~nt that affects the scope of tlrrdng of the Consoltant's seNites, or any defect In the work ot the Consultant 8.7 The County will periorm an evaluatkln of the selVlces provided by the Consultant at the completion of war!< of ~ach task order. This evaluation win consider the timeliness as wan as the quality of serviqes provided during that task order for the purpose of determining whether additional task orders will be aw-arded to the Consultant by the County. J\13'f1C\.E 9 CONSUb T ANT'S ~ESPONSIBIUTIES 9.1 QVAI.JTY QF se;:lWICes: (a) The Consultant shall be responsible for the professional quality, technk:aJ accuracy. &n4 the coon;iinatlon of all designs; drawings, specifications. and other services furnIShed pursuant to this Agreement. (b) To that end, the Consultant shall correct or shalt revise, without additional _ ___~~llsaqQn.JLtUJi!1:fQ!}. ~eficlenclQ.$; !n ~ w.Qrls..PLq~..QfJilli.!LlJ)ilke )"m;tu:~~mQruL.__.___.. as are necessary as the result of the failure of the CoI"Isultant to provide an QCCtlrate, more efficient, and property construdable product In Its deSigns, drawlhgs, specificatIons, or other services; (c) Neitner the County's review of. approval of, or a.cceptance of, nOf payment for, the services required by this Agreement shall be construed to operata as a waiver of any rights or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of this Agreement. Additionally, the Consultant shall be and remain liable to the County In accordance with apptieable law for all damages to the County caused by the Consultant's negligent perfoonance of any of the services, furnished under this Agreement (d) Th$ fights and remedies of the County .provided for under this Agreement are In addition to \'lny other lights and ...medles otherw~e pro\ltded by law. 9.2 CQNSULTANT PROFESSIONAL REOrSTRATION AND CERTIFICATION: (a) The design services provided to the County by the Consultant shall be eertifled by professional engineers registered to practIce and in good standing in the Stata of Florida. Any project Inspection sePlices al$o shall be reviewed and shall be approved by such professional engineers. (b) The survey services provided 10 the County by the Consultant shall ~ certified by professional land surveyors registered to practice and in good slandln9 in the State of Florlda. 9 07,.'11/2005 12;15 4075488382 RW BECK PAGE 13/2'3 (c) Permit applications to State and Federal agencies prepared by the Consultant shall be signed and shall be. sealed by the Consultant. as the project's Engineer of Record. For all such permit appllcations, post"constructlon certification also shall be made by the Consultant to the approprIate State or Federal permitting agency. ARTICLE 10 ~ENeRAl CONDITIONS 10.1 OWtjJ:8SHIP OF D9CVMENTS (a) Drawings, speclfjcatioos, designs, models. photographs, reports, surveys, calcWaUons, and olher data provided in conneclion with this Agreement are and shall remain tho property Of Uw County wh.,Uler the project for which they are made Is executed or not. Such finished or unfinished documents, data, calculations, atudles, surveys, specifications, drawings. maps, models. photographs and reports prepared by the COnsultant shall be delivered by the Consultant to the County at the conclusion of the project or the termination of the Consultant's services. (b) When such documents are provided to other parUas, the Consultant shalt ensure return of the County's property by collecting a deposit equal to the cost of reproduction. Such deposit shall be returned if the documents are timely returned tn a useable condition. Otherwise. such deposit shall be retained by the Consultant. _ __ ___ __ ____102-__ ~USPENSION QR TERM!NA "(IQ~ OF WQ~ ._ _ ___ _ ___"__ __ _ .__ _ __._____ __ _ _, (a) The County, in writIng. may order the Consultant to suspend. delay, or interrupt alf or any part of the WOfk of a task order for the pertod of time that the County determines to be appropriate for the convenience of the County. The Consultant expressly acknowledges: and agrees that it shall receive 110 damages for delays. The COnsul1ant's sole remedy, If any, against the County wlll be the right to se0k an extension to the contract lime as provided for the completion of the project. (b) This Agreement may bG t$l'minaled by either pltfty for cause, or by the County for convenience. upon fourteen (14) days written notice by the termlna11ng p~rty to the other party of such te!lTlinatioo in which event the Consultant shall be paid Its compensation for servlces perfonned to termination dala. indudlng all reimbursable expenses then due or Incurred to the data of termination. (e) Termination of the Consultant for cause shal Include. but not be limited to, misuse of funds, fraUd, lack of compliance with applicable rules, laws, regulations, and ordinahces, and failure to perform In a tilMly mann6( any proviSion at thIs Agreement. (d) In no event shall a termlnallon for convenience by the-Gounty be deemed a default, Bnd any such tarminallon shall nol subject the County to any penalty or other claim for dama.ges, If the Con-sultant abandons this Agreement or causes it to be termlnated, the Consultant shall indemnify the County against any loss pertaining to thIs termination up to a maximum of 1.3 times the full contracted fee amount of lhe. project (e) Vendor suspensIon or debarment proceedings brought by the COunty pursuan1 to Article II of Chapter 46, Esca.mbia County Code of Ordinances, shatl be groundS for immediate terminaUon of this Agreement. 10 .__' _BHU/.1l;l05 12: 16 4876488382 RW SEa< PAGE 14129 10,3 REC;OEOS: (8) The Consultant shall keep such records and aCCOunts and shall require any subcontractors to keep records and accounts as may be necessary In order to record complete and COfTect entries as to personnel hours charged to this engage~nt and any expgnses for wt\icn the Com:ultant expects to be reimbursed_ Such books and records will be available at all reasonable Urnes for ex.amlnation and audit by the County, and shan be kept for a perloO of three (3) years after the completion of all work to be performed pursuant to this Agreement. Incomplele or incorrect entries in such books and records wit be grounds for disalmance by the County of any fees or expel"lSas based upon such entries_ . (b) The Consultant acknOwledges that this Agreement and any related financJal records, audits, raports, plans, correspondence, and other documents may be sUbJect to dIsclosure to members of the public pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, as amended. In the event the Consultant falls 10 abide by the provisions of Chapter 119, FIol1da Statutes, the County may, without prejudk:e to any right or remedy' and 'after ghflng the Consultant and Its surety, If any, seven (7) days written notice, durit19 which fXM"iod th& Conwltant still fats to allOW access to such' dOCUf1'\Elnts. terminate the employment of the Consultant. In such case, the Consultant shall not be entitled to receive any further payment. Reasonable terminal expenses Incurred by the County may be deducted from any payments left owlng the Consultant (excluding monies owed _____ _ ______-!haCons.ultant for $llbcon!l:adac.wtJO<) _ _ _______ __ _ __ ____ ____u_ _ __.____.,__ u_ 10.4 NO CONTINGENT FEES: The Consultant warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide' employee working solely for the Consultant to solicit or secure this Agreement and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, Individual or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Consultant any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or ofl1er conslderatlon contingent lJpon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement For the breach or violation of this provision, the County shalt have !he right to terminate the Agreemerit without liability and at its disaetion, to deduct from the contract. price. or otherwise recover, tho futl amount of such fee. QJmmlssion, percentage, gift or consideration. 10.5 :?UB~NlMCTQ~ . In the event the Consultant, durlng the course of the work under thrs Agreement, requires the services of any subcontractors or other professional associates in connection with services covered by this Agreement, the Gonsultant must secure the prior written approval of the Count~ss such work is speciflCafty detailed in Ole task order. 10,6 ASSIGNMENT: this AgreemQnt. or any Interest herein, shall not be assigned, transferred or otherwise encumbered. under any circumstances, by the Consultant without the prior written consent of the County. However, fhe Agreement shaft run with the Escambla County Government and Its successors. 11 6~/11/2ae5 12:16 4676488382 RW SEa< PAGE 15129 10.7 HOLD HARMLESS ANp INDE;M~IFICATION OF CqUNTY (a) HOLD HARMLESS: The Consultant agrees to hold harmless, indemnify. and defend the county and Its agents, offICers. and employees from any and aU claims, sUits, ac:tJom., damages, liabHlties, expenditures, or causes of action of any kind, losses, penaltieS, interest, demands, judgments, and costs of suit, Including attorneys' fees and paralegals' fees, fOf any expense, damage, or liability incurred by any of them, whether for bodily or personallnjUfY, death, property ljamage, dIrect Of consequeniiai damages. or economic loss, including environmental impalrmenl, arising directly or indirectly, on account of or in connection with the Consultant's negligent performance of this Agreement or by any person, firm, or corporation to whom any portion of the performance of Ihls Agreement is suboontracted to or 1Jsed by the Consultant. or by any other person for whom the Consultant Is legalty liable, .v".,c__~._".,.....~..........--. \D~ INUt':MNII"'I\-Jo\IIVN; loe \.,.Of\SUlwm tinu me \.;Qumy aijl~t:l LlllSl pUI~Udlll .... SectiOn 725,06, Florida Statutes, as emended. the first one hundred ($100) of this Agreement'$ compensation paid by the COunty to the CQnsultant shall be given as separate conslderaUon for this Indemnification, and any otlier indemnification of the County by the Consultant provided for within this contract document. the sufficiency af !lUCh separate consideration being acknowledged by the Consu"ant's acceptance Bnd eXGC\ltlon of the Agreement The parties understand and agree that such indemnificatlon by the Consultant ralaling to any matter which 13 the subject Of this A9reement shall extend throughout the term of. this Agreement and any statutes of liJnltatW\'S lliel'J'afteI:...Jhe..-CnnsultanCs,obllgatkln-ShatLooLbe.Jimil.edbv:..-o.r-iu...any..way....-- --- - -- 10, any insurance coverage or by any provision in or exclusion or omission from any polley of insuranee. The Con~ultant agrees to pay on behalf of Escambla County, as well as provide a legal defense for the County, both of whIch will be done only If 8f1d when requested by the County, for all Claims as desctibed in the Hold Harmless paragraph. Such payment on the behalf of the County shall be tn additiOn to any and a" other legal remedies available to the County and shall not be considered to be the County's exdusive remedy. 10.8 INSU~CE: The Consultant Is required to carty the fotlowing Insurance: (a) Commercial General Uability with $1,000,000 minimum per occurrence, including. coverage parts of bodily inJury, property damage, broad form property damago,personal :_h I.....~ t,'''.-'"'"........'''''................. """J"'\n'~....A......... ki........L.oIl"o" .........._1~.....~1_1 J~~....tu.u ""_,. ~_.A.,""" n"""......_I-~_..._ >.'~_..,,~>>~...."""t:'"~~~"""":~.~. -_..~.__.~.-, _._.~...-w-~ ....._~,~.......-........... ..-.....'"-.,iI~ ---.... --'.'r ~--- -r~ 'r-.....,-Yc (b) Automobife Uab!llty with $1,000,000 per occurrence minimum combined stngle b.-"ik f,\< OIl, hkArl. I'1lA'f\t'rl, :,>"d fv,n_(,\\'vl'lt>ri v,.,hrl;", ,~,~".~",'M (0) Professlonat Uabmty with $1,000,000 per occurrence minimum limit (d) Florida statutory workers' compensation and employers' liability with employer's liabilitv limit!> rn at lAa!l;1 $100 000 ~acll ar.:clrlRr'I' :loel S100_000 ea....h el'T\l'Jlnvf!p./SfiflO.OM policy limit for disease, (e) It is understood and agr~ed by the parties that in the evenl that the Consultant, as defined In Sectlon , 2, consists of a joint venture, partnershlp, or other association of 12 ~Y/11/2aa5 12:1& 467&488382 RW BEa< PAGE 16/2'3 professional or business firms, each such firm shall be requ~red to indIvidually carry the above dted coverages. . (f) Aft llaOllllY coverage snau 08 mrougn earners aamm6<1.lO 00 Dusmess Irlll1e ~ta(e of Florida. Carriers shan be a mInimum financial size of VIII according to the latest edition of the AM aMt Rating Guide. An A or better Best Rating 1$ "proferred"; however, other ratings If "Secure Best Ratings" may be considered, Uabltity policies shall b$ underwrltten on the occurrence basis, except the professional and environmental impairment coverage may be provided on a claims made basis. Escambla COunty and the Board of County Commissioners shall be kadditlonal insureds" on allliabillty policies (except Pfofessionalllablllty). Certificates of Insurance snail be provided to Joe pnlltary, Purchasing Manager, P,O. Box 1591. Pensacola. Florida 32597-1591 prior to commencement of work hereunder. Certificates shall reflect the additional Insured status of Escambla County and shall prcwide for a minimum of thirty (30) days noti<::e of cancelation. . Escambla County and the Board of County Commissioners also shaR be the certifICate holdfil.r$. 10.9 Cf.,AfMS AND DISPUTES: (a) A claim Is a demand Of assertion by one of the parties to this Agreement seeking an adjustment or interpretatlonaf the terms of the contract doouments, payment of mOlley, extension of time or other rellaf with respect to the terms of the contract document$. The term .claim- also includes other disputes and matters In question bet<<~en ~ ~nd.~the Con&u:lfant .MI.s.lng. out of ..or.....relaUOQ tn..J:ha_contr.acL____~___ documents. The responslbillty to substantiate a claim shall rest with the party making the claim. Cbl Claims by the Consultant shall be made in writlna to the Countv with suooortina data. All claims shall be submitted during the performance term of the Agree"ment or else tM Consultant IOhall be. deemed to have waived that claim. (c) The Consuftant shall proceed diligently wlth its performance, as directed by the County, regardless of any pending claim, legal action, suit. or administratiVe ptoceeding, unless otherwise agreed to by the County in writing. The County shall continue to make payments In accordance with the contract documents during the pendency (If such N:ilm 10.10 BEP~~ENTATIVI; Qf GOUNT'( AND CONSULTANT: (a) Ills r&Cognlzed that questions In the day-to-day conduct of the project will ansa. The Contract Admlnlsltator. upon request by the Consultant, shall designate and shafl advise the Consultant In writing, persons to whom all communications pertaining to the day-to-.dav conduct of the Droiect shall be addressed. . 'H (b) The Consultant shall infonn the Contract Administrator In writing of the representative of the Consultant to whom matters Involving the conduct of the project shall be addressed, 13 ~ . .~ lrt /11 /2605 1 2: 16 4en6<l8S362 RW BECK PAGE: 1 7/29 10.11 ALL PRIOBAGREEMENTS SVP~rn2EDED (a) This document incorporates and includes an prior negotlatlons, correspondence, conversations. agreements, Of understandings apPlicable to the matters conlalned herein and the partles agree \hat there are no commltmants. agreements, or understandings concerning tho slIbject matter of this Agreement that are not contained In this document. Accordingly. it is agreed that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated upon any priQr representations or agreements whether oral Of written. (b) It is further agreed that no modification, amendment or alteration in the terms or Conditions contaIned herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document executed with the same formality and of equal dignity herewith. 10.12 IRUTH~IN.NEGOTIA TIQN CERTIFICATE: Signature of this Agreement by the Consultant shall act ilS the execution of a trutMn. l1egotlatton certfflcate stattng that wage rates and other factUat unit costs supporting the eompensatlQn of this Agreement are accurate, complete, and current at the time of contracting. The original contract price and any additIons thereto shall be adjusted to exclude any signIficant sums by whiCh the County d~termines the contract price was increased due to inac<:urate, incomplete, or non-()Urrent wage rates and other factual unit costs. All such contract adjustments shall be made within OM (1) year fonowlng Ihe end of this Agreement. .___.____1013 HFAOlNGS' -------... -----~-----.~.._..,--------->---~----,.-.-----,---~_____..,.,_.__ ~~._~._u Headings and subtitles used throughout' this Agreement are ror the purpose of convenIence only, and no heading or subtiUa shall modify or be used to Interpret the text of any section. 10.14 GRATUITIES: Neither the Consultant nor any of its employees. agents, and representatives shaM offer or give 10 an officer, offlcial, or emploYf*' Of the County gifts, entertainment. payments. loans, Of other gratuities. The Con&uttant acknowtGdgea knowted9c of the State of FIoridIl'$ ethics statutes and to the extent applJcable to the Consultant. the Consulta.nt agrees to abide wi", lOch statutes. 10.115 CONfLICT OF INJER~SI; The Consultant hereby certifies lhat it win completely disclose to the County aU facts bearing upon any possible confljcts, direct or indited, with Its performance which it believes that any officer. employe9, or agent of thl) Consultam now htl& or will have. SaId disclosure shall be made by the 60nsuftant contemporaneously with the execution of thIs Agrel:!ment and at any time lhereafter that such facts become known to the Consultant The Consultant at all times shall perform Its ol:lltgations uncler this Agreement ins Manner consistent with the best interests of the County, Failure to abrde by this section shall result in the immOOiate termination of this Agreement pursuant to Article II of Chapter 46 of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances, 14 0V/11/2865 12:1& 4e16~a63a2 RW BECK PAGE 18/2'3 10.16 SURVIVAL: All other provisions which, by their Inharent character, sense, and context are intended to survive termination of this Agreement, shall SUNivE! the termination of this Agreement 10.17 GQYJ~RNING LAW: I ntS Agreement snail De gQverneo oy ana construeo In accoroance WlU\ me law:; Of Ultt State of Florida, and the parties stipulate that venue for any matter which IS a subject of this Agreement shall bQ in the County of Escambia. 10.16 INTERPRETATIQN: For the purpose of this Agreement, the ilflgular InclUdes th~ plural and the plvral shall indude the singular. References to statutes or regulatiQn$ shall include all statutory or regulatory provisions consolidating, amending, or replacing the statute or regulation referred to. Words not othe\Wise dofined that have w~IH.l1own technical or Industry meanlngs, are used in accordance with such recognized meanlngs. ReferancG$ to persons include their respective permitted successors and assigns and, In the case of govemmental persons, persons succeeding to their respective functions and capacities.. . (a) If the Consultant discover$ any material discrepancy, deficiency, ambiguity, error, or omission in this Agreement. or is otherwls& In doubt as to the meaning of any "___.d___ --..--.prQ"'l$oo oS the ,ll.greernent" lbe-CoM- !!:tant $halt jmmedi~-ooUfy-lbaCoun.ly....an.d._ ~ __ ____ request clarification of the County's Interpretation of this Agreement (b) This Agreement shall not be more strlclty construed against either party hereto by reason of the fact that one party may have drafted or prepared any or au of the terms and provisions hereof. 10.19 SEYEfY\BlllIY: The InvaJIdity or flOO.enforceability of any portion or provision of this Agreement shall not . afftri the vRlkfitv or ~nforcaabllilv of any othar DOrtiOr\ or oroVIAlon. Anv irnr.l.1Irl nr . unenforceable poi-tJon or provision. shall be" deemed' severed from this Agreement and the balance hereof shall be construed and enforced. as if this Agreement did not contain such il1Valld or unenforooabfe portlon or provision. 10.20 CQMPLlANCe. WITH LAWS: . The Consultant sh&lf keep fully informed regarding and shall fully and timely comply with all current laws and future laws that may affect those engaged or employed in the performance of this Agreement. Without limiting the genera1lty of the foregolng. the Consultant shaD observe aU rules and regulations of federal, state, ana local officials relating to the SUbject matter of this Agreement. 10,21 PARTICIPATION IN OTHER PROCEEDI"lGS: At the County's requost, the Consultant shall allow itself to be joined as a party in any legal proceeding that involves the County regarding the design, construction, or fnstaUatlon of any matterwhictllslhe subject of this Agreement ihis provision is for the benefit of the County 15 12:1& i 407G488382 RW BEa< PAGE 1 '3/29 and nol for the benefit of any other party. 10.22 FURTHER DOCUMENTS; The parties shall execute anddetiver all documents and perform further actions that may be reasonably necessary 10 effectuate the provlslons of thiS Agreement. 10.23 NO WAIVER: The faHure of the Consultant or the County to Insist upon the strict performance of the terms and conditlons hereof shall not constltute or be construed as a waiver or reUnQulshment of any other provision or of either party's right to thereafter enforce the same in accordance with this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement on the respective dates under each signature: Escambia County. Florida through its Board of County Commissioners. signing by itseoard Chairman, duly authorized to execute thIs . Agreement lhrough the exprBSS delegation of authority set forth In ArtIcle II of Chapter 46. Escambia County Code of Ordinances. and <Company>>, signing by and through its Vice . President, duly authoritad to executf) sarna. CONSUL TANT: ___u._______ ---------.~__. _~___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _RW-.-8ecj(,..Jnc . a.tot.pr.ofit...cor:p.oratlon..aw1hodz.ed ___ ____ to do bust s in the Stata ot Florida. orpora~r\ry t-~ , ry \ r, .'.. '. .' ~"r\t)AATESEA J ..' ~~f>,.. . ."- -t (10 ~1'\...\ \ ; .. ";UJ :; : ; .'. ~ f):: ~_?. <;. ~~ :,~: -;"'. H()J, .,.' .-' / ~""."'1I"~.." ,\\, J' ~ ~ 'to . \ ... - By; By: ATTE ice President Date; ~~ . 2e, Z.(X) ? / - WITNESS COUNTY: . ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FlORIDA. a poln~t sUbdiVision .. () State of Florida acting by and through 1 d authorized Board of County CQmmls 00 ,...- Bee ^,:>proVedOctober 16.2003 16 ~ af/l1/26B5 12:16 4e704883B2 RW BECK PAGE 2GIZ':l " " Exhibit ;. A" . PO 02-03.79, Professional Services as Governed by Florida Statute 287.055 .ee, The resulting ';continuing contract" shall provide for issuance ~f individual Task Orders. based on speclflc scopes of work, Task Orders will be individually negotiated based on a RFee Schedule" and any addftional negotiated services required within the scope of work. "Fee Schedules" for the continuIng contract shall be established based on the following: . Maximum Overheaif - 168% . Maximum Prom - 12% . Maximum FCCM - 1.50% o Maximum Multiplier - 301.66% (providing no single item above is exceeded . Existing Hourty Rates for each firm (based on an audited or audttable financial package) The foflowing document was . provided to each firm. Their aCce{)tanca was the basis for thE! award by the Board of County Commissioners, _._a__' ~__'-'-_.-'o ..~~---"''"*'."~''_._-~''. .~~---,""""-"--~'~ ".~,...-,._._->-..... .~.,._--~ <~~- Exhibit. A' Page 1 of :2 ~. 0V11l/21:lt'l5 12: 1 Eo 467&488382 RW BEO< PAGE 2112'3 ..Exhlblt ,jA" PO 02-03.79. Professional Services as Governed by Florida Statute 287.055 MaximumCootinuing Contract Fee Schedule Acceptance In order for a "Continuing Contractk to be established between E~cambia Counly, Florida a fee schedule must be established. Tne Office of Purchasing 01'1 behalf of Escambla County offers a "Fee Schedules" consisting of: . Maximum Overhead - 168% . Maximum Profit - 12% . Maximum FCCM - 1,50% o Maximum Multiplier - 301.66% (providing no SIngle item above is . exceeded . Existing Hourly Rates for each firm (based on an audited or. auditable financial package) Please do n01 ~r9vid, the~e numbJ![s with YOU( tetter of 'nterest:Voyr jJceep!imce of tf)e ~qgve maximums will slJffloo. Individual Task Orders will be negotiated with the ~Fee SChedulesk as a .ceiling", I I Yes, the vFee Schedul~" formula is acceptable. . ..... r- ... '1'1 --~_._-- -SIgnature -----'.------.,-~---- -- -------- -.-.-.---- --- Title { l No. the "Fee Schedule"fonnula is not acceptable. Signature Exhibit"K Page 2 of 2 69/11/zeas 12:1& <H17&488362 RW BEa< PAGE 22/29 BOAB.D OF COt./NTY COMl\llSSIONEilS FSCAMBIA COt'NTY, FLO}Ut)A JQSEi'H F. ~ltUr^lI.Y, Ill, <:!f'Q. (1'l't! P..r~ MdI<ilgv OFfiCE OF' PlJ'RClIASlNG If:{ FI<LAK)Jl; Ji'!.ACl>' ;0"1'104< P.O. 80); l;;~l 1&1$.\.COlA..A 1~~'1.1-"1 nUnt>Nl!. (!~i S~...* ()1MCOlol) 6n-t~ 'r'i.L5MX (tW) ~ !:._~"-~o..Jl."""'~!w>l"iil TASK ORDEll - Pll 01-03,79,31.8\\';\f.03 Ml.REE~:.wrrH R. w. BECK..lN(,~ t.O AurO:O~Tt~'" Thb ~sk onlcr i, lnued 11n<!er tM te.rn'II m1i lOO:\di.t:iowI ofCOl1/llet rP Q2.o~. 79ln ~WM.O~ benveen R.W. BC'Ck., we:, mdE.cambiaCQurtty, FL, rOt n..w. :Bt<l:kto ..Uist tbe C6tmty In developmg ~ont\"llet mal:1i~ U1d n:pQnma for &:c..xnbia. Count)' HunituM J'I1n debris cleaeup md remo.",1 U TellWd to di'Ja8ta'deola!lltlQl1 FEMA-! :S51-DR. Z.O scgJ>It t.1nd.u thill Tu% Order. t\,'\V. ~k sha11 provld~ ILcl\ disa!tet' llen"i~, Il.I :mown on A~hDltl'It A. Scope o!WCIl'lC. 3.(1 ~ma.E Work win bc:giu ~ llutl:u1t'Uatio!l1'rocnu 1le Escarnbia County Department or Solid W.,t~ M1.lllj;ement. 4.0 QJ..~'I!'SAnON n~l Tuk (}gkr is bs..~4 ~l "c;.};"thn~l: witl:l^~entB, How1y BlIUng ltIte... ~$l:? ~Jf . O.,ter E*,tll'.bia CawMY ff~:ftr s:,e Olaries M. Molendon R..W. Beak, Ine. . Dtre '!-1.4-()r, '1- 2~- of_ t)Qte .<...t,.~ '.I., ~1/11/2e05 12:16 4076488382 RW BEa< PAGE 2312'3 ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF WORK RW. Beck shalf provide disaster response serviCes to assist the COIlnky in responding to the aftermath of Hurricane Ivan. R WReck sral! perform the fO"Cwing task.;; A.s,ist the County In the selection of one or more debris cOllectlon/processlng contractors; 2 ProviClC generai program management services with regaros to oebris coiieclion and disposai aclJvitias within the County: 3. Provtde contract mOliitOl'1ng services in managing the activilies af the County's debris CQnlractor(s); .t Provide debris collection and disposal site monitoring se.rvicG$ as required by FEMA, 5. Provide for data entry and management of oollection and disposal tickets, 6. Provide the County wilh. dally operattng statistics (cubic yardage collected. asset InventOty, etc.); 7 Review and approve contractor invoices submitted to the County; and 8. Assist in preparing required data and forms required for FEMA. reimbursement aJ/ll/2ees 12:16 41:H&4Sa382 RW BECK PAGE 24/2'3 .\. . . ATTACHMENT B nOuaL Y DILLING RATES AND CHARGES The table below provides hourly billing rates for employees of R, W. Beck fO( the iabor categories to be utilized for (hi" assignment. Rak 1160 $150 $120 $8& $SO $95 $8~ $75 $50 $48 er visor Clw'ges for all itlff from 6ubconsultaDts, subcontractors, and indtpendent conlnl.ctOn: hired by R. W. Beck for any of dlt- labor catetOries liSted aoove shall be billed at actual COllt plus an bourl)' adUlinistrative fee as follows; Other Staff Houcb AdmIo..FH Aerotek Staff $30 .Independent CQtlI'tllCtor suff $30 Hatch Mt.ll( MacDonald staff SS Bra..,. Tbomlon PllC.nr.a. &b1ff $5 Baskerville DQoovan ,taff $5 All olhct staff $5 . Services perl"onned by R. W. Bed:. win be perlonned On a time and matcrle.ls bMls. County shall compeJliate R. W: Beck for the labor categories shown above at the bUI.ing rates and fees provi~ed in the tables above plus direct corn associated with travej expenses, administrative expenses, project supplies, etc. Payments sball be net 30. bUled On a monthly basis based On hourly billing rates plus direct proj!:ct. expenses. R. W. Beck will provide the county with an estimak; of project cost to d* on a y,oeeUy,basis. The oompen~ation and p:tymetrt pt9Yisio~ of this Attachtllllu;t:B take nrec"'.w.n.....""- .kh I'I1'nviS'ions of Conlnet PD_01_m'70 ~ 'ros~_ ~_---=-.t~5jliffn D~I\IR~;;qbrnti!S_-=------==-_,~ p,dndPal inChll"ge ~r().a.s,~h k ,,,, ,",,~l "_~l m'Mi<'~" ,-~.,~ 'noo,. m'm om.. ""m ""', f~~l1 :~, J, P'm.k;:l MaJjag,er O"cnu,s ci<lyto-d~J pfttjOCt operatioll5. Ensures ~qUU"ed rc:s()U(ce~ are in plllce I.Q me<:( nteds of I ,~___. Ci '. Interacts will] Q!y'.S debm col~"J~d diopo€,u (:OnU'J.G!or t(, ~ur~ c;fjj~!,el~~n j f'ME.A Rdmburs.emi':Jlt f ResoW'Ce fo (,,ity s!J!ff It) Il.$$fst in gathering Je.quired dIlta, rrep5flll~ rt:iinhurserl'ie:n( forms. de 4 I CHOrd, , r~~~:;~::==tl' t:;~:,~~t:'.;;;,;;;;--;;,,~:::;:~~::::g::::;';1ii~,:~~;=~ . l11onllof5 ue .tHiJ'.Ible and ,;cheduitd. ~, S~,'l)i.O( Ficld,S~P;;V(SN I r"t, e.tp",n:;jbl;r~,), l c, 0" nW,j:,-,~,n'" ,mGD"ik, "'ring P~()~W, :~, c <!:Jt1I~ates (C,l, kccon-;':',\l"itiec.. :-';'.i1h (tin. tr~,t:o"" r I _ ~" _~_ eP~~h~ {;~OIClS i!l1i~ld..:...En:u:r:~~~~~ ~Jl.~ !~~..:.tc_,_ ...~..,,' fFldd S~.i2ervl$Cr _.._.isugefVmS ;<Ctl,'l!E::l',of .~o)k':!1o~r:'::.....-____..._..~___ __ .___ L..~tXm! Sill' M'?2.!!ors J En~es tlC~el.l~':':..ompl~(e.J in~ac<:';~rd1fi(e '''''~ l'Er.t~deiJJ1.e.s., .. .. '" ' I C'1)j~;;:!10n Mcwton: ,I ;;:~7~e:::~~~c~vjlc~tkn pmce~~ w facUltate sM~. e(ftC!el)C( C<'H<:<:t.lunln;()I1)Flil~'e wirh- J Lild::.u,,~~i~rAt5i';~~fC~'f;-C~D~;t,: '--=:=.=. ===-==-=:.--] Revision 2 - September 30. 2004 64/11/20a5 12:16 467MSS382 RW BECK PAGE 25/29 FIRST A~ENr.\'1.E.. 1:il~{-rAl11tEEMENT BETWEE~ R. W. BECK, IN!, ANn :lJtA[\{8BJA COUNTY, fLORID.... FOR DEBRIS MANAGEMENT AND DlSASTER RELATED SERVICE~ (P .D. 03-04, IVAN) .,... THIS IS THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT entered into Oil thelff- day 0 September 2004. between Escambia CountY, Florida, a political subdivisioo (If the SUIte of Florida, with administrative offices at 223 South Palafox Plllce. Pensacola, Florida 32502 (hueinaftef referred to as the "County") and R. W. Beck, a State of Washington corporation authorized to do business in tne State of Florida, with an office address 1001 Fourth Aven\\e, Suite 2500, Seattle, Washington 98154-1004 and Ii Federal TlUC. ldentftic3.tion Number of 9l 0883905 (hereioa.t'\:er referred to IS the "Company"), . )!ITNES$ETll: WHEltEAS, the County hlU assigned to the State of Florida, Department of Transportation. those PQrtlons of certain eontrac:ts with Ashbrilt Bnvitonmental, Gulf-Crowder, and DRe, Inc. pertai.uing to the Stat' lUld federal Roadway Syslem witi1in Escambia County, Florida; and WRRREAS, R. W. Beck, If\{), now lIgfDeS it will perfoflllllll services relating to said contrllcts in coop(:ratirm with the Sture of Florida, Department of Transportation. NOW. THERJ;fORE. in consideration of the mutu:d tCfUl3, conditions, prom!:ses, and covenants hereinafter Set forth, the Cou(lty and the C~mpany agree to amend the Agreement dated September 20, 2004 '* "e follows: I, That R. W. Beck, Inc., agrel!S mal it shall, perform aU services set forth in the original County Scope 01 Wort in cooperation with the State ofFlori<;ta, Department of Transponation as to all State and fed~aJ roadways lying within E~bitl County, Florida, in accordance with that Scope of Work and HoUrly BiUing Rates wbicb are Ilttlli;hed hereto and incorporated by reference herein. 2.~' That the State of Florida Department of Transportation hereby agrees to make payments to R. w. Bed based upQn that Scope of Work: and liourly B iUing Rates for all State and federal Roadways for debris removal. 3. . That me panJes hereby agree thaI all other provisions of the Agreement effeclive September 20.200 not in conflict with the provlsions ofthJs Amendment .shall remain in full force and effect. 4. Thllt the efrecdvet: date of this Agreement shill! be on tbe date lastel'ecuted by the Parties &f/l1/2eas 12;16 4076488382 RW BECK PAGE 2&/2'3 5. ThaI thi:; Agreement shall be govemed by and construed in accordance with th~ laws of the Stale of Florida and the Pa.nie:; stipulate venue snail be in Escambia Count)'. Florida relating to any mlltter whicb is the subject of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties here~ have made and executed lhis Agreement on the respllctive dates under each signature: Escambia Coumy, Florida throug.h its Board of COlmly Commissioners, signing by its County Administrator, duly authorized to execute this Agreement, and R. W. Beck, Inc. signing by and through its President, duly authorized to execute ~me. COUNTY: Escambia County. Florida. a political subdivision Of the State of Florida acting by and through its duly author! oard of County Commissioners. Oy: By' -~U - ", ,t!' ; ~. 'i ,/f~ Date: . COMPANY: R. W, Book, lnc., a Stilte of Washington corporation authQrized to dlJ business in the State of Florida. By: oe. h Yc ~. ~'Ht .?....,...., ~ .... \ AntS ... - r ~ ~ ... ~'t' ' , SEAL \ / ~ ~ Date: 1- ~ ct~ of By: ~~1t~)'~-- ~..:::~. ~\cu ~"",2N~~,i:>'o>)"cu'~'_~ Witness nEPi\RTMENT: Slate of Hor,d2\" fkpuftment Dr Tr'tr,:ip,,('!;;ti"ln. AI'! ag<:~j'1CY oJ the ~\off'!or;da. A ~) . 1 '<;,/ J By: '.', . .. // 4~;i~~;;,y- t/ "~-~ By: ,. &1'/11/2665 12: t& 4076488382 .,,,-- --., -,. .--.- "~R-,O-2DQn(MO") OG~36 RW BEO< PAGE 2712'3 I'.OOi!:1004 SECOND AMSrmM.ENTTO AGtUmMENT B~ JL W. nE~ INC. AN.'O ESCAMBIA COfJNT'l. nOltlD",: 'F'OR DSRIUS MANACEMENT Al'fl) DlS.I\$YItlt. R.JlLA TEn SERVICES cP.l),. 03-Q4, IVAN} TiUS IS "!'BE SSCOl'4O .u.ntl'mMl!N'l' '1'0 TIm AG~ enured iDlO ()fl tho ~4* 4Ay or Scplat\b<:t 10Q4. ~eFl 2aCAlDblD. l.;Ounty. t"lOfiGa. . poIUl4:U $IUIOI"YIS\QQ ot me ~1lHr: 01 I"IOIUHI. Wlm adminlilnltiVG oMcM':lt m South h1;l!ow. Place, Penllmola. f\oridlt 32597.1.591 (tunainll:ftl:r rcfe.l't'ad 10 u the "Cou!lef1lUld R:W. Beelt. II St:lUl ofW3h1ngton ctIl"Jll"l'llU<m ll.Uthori= tll do bwlincq in w. $Ultufrlorllhl. with llD offi~ Gdcnlls of 1001 Foutth AllenlJ!:, Suh/:' 1:iOO, Se:ltde. Wa.~ll1p:tn 981:S4-1004 and G Fcdcml TllX fdd\tificalioll Number lIr 910.$83905 {herciMftcr r=fcut4 to iii the "Compllny"}. Wl'l'N'F'..8RTB: V\l'UeMAS.lhc ~c;11l slsPcd by th(i CoIllrtY 1WI &. W. tkct. foe.. provided lM.tcllMt ~ to be 1.Ionl& by 111* CoNlldral1t ~1l1Ot include proJc::ct pcnnJr!us Gt ~l'l owed to &U~ ." 'W'B:IEJ!UtAs. tba Count)' h:I~ now Cet'C1m11'\ed tIlIIt due to the JlQtUte of !he WIft lUlcl tht busll flf I~ IIgn!UQCI1lI wltlt r.Icbrta eollectiOll emllnletOt$Ashbritt inYitt\l'l.DlCl'lUl.l. Ctowder.O\lltlmd DRe. IIlc:. dlllt if would bo illlbc best JJ:ltI:l:eSt of the hstdl. fII/l:ty.llnd wetfate of tlIc CClllnty Ie l:IICabli.ab lIll admInt.11l'l1dVC fee llChcdl,de rOf tnIfII~. M:Iton!ClC:tOl'S. and other pl,\1'scnne1 utlli=d b)' R.W. Beck. Inc. In the:: pcrfo~ftCe of jel con.'wlt/lnl KtVI<:I$ 10 dll) Cwncy. ~S. rt W. !llclt. tne. ~grcu IQ l\IIid tu .ch=clll~ 4Jld affimllI!t .hilU cend "U~ to pctfurm oU conJlIllllnt u.vicl$ rr:$IUlnIlWtiUCt\ debris l:01IOClicn COl'Itt';lctOl'eanlt;2tlS lUl:1!Optratlolllfolitb th~ Statl:i of RotIdll. Dep;mment r:4 TtllII$pomlI:Illn lmd lh= CountY. NOW, 1'Kli1U:lOU in eo"ildo~don of the muWAllll:m1S.. condltl.ou, pmmi#:s. IltId CO'I~l:S berelnlt'lusct t'Qdh. till COIIlUY;me! the Complll'ly lUte lD nnad SmIan 6.3 ..~~. ~Ibo A.gt=molll ~ted Sepccmbcr lO. 2004 11& fDUcW$: t. 'I'ldlL W.~1aIc..agm:s tlwr It mll pCf"_ub,,~ SCtfoftft intboorig,fnatSUlpc:otWorkln ~ wlt:h Ihc ~tt:: of1'lcrkb. Dc~ oFTl1!l'l$pmtl:ltfon IIftd the Coonly ""-=1;10 011 S_ and Fwdtr.d Roudwnysf1!ng within l!s<<m1:tl1l County.Plori44,llI1d SccdoIl6Jeb) oftbe Agretl'M1lt if: be.reby teIIistd~fel1ec, Itll Hourly JIUlll$ b_lllld Otcrpl Scll~ whi!;b iJ lIltilc:hc4 hlll':CO ~ by ~ hlfelll QG lhhibit "B" te ~ ~tl I'ol' if.S emplo,ees. subcoIlueetonl. ll11d other p.l:fttlllnd lIt11imA ;y It 111 lhc pl:lf'omumcc or llucb 1Cl'\'~, 1- ~?ljl/~~e~~w~lU.\~ ...... ..4,,07&488382 RW SEa< PAGE '28!2':l P 003/004 l. That !be ~ h1:<tl:lby :lr;tu lhot all othc:r [lnlvlslona of the A~Ift_nt ,JfCll:tl"~ Scptambtt 20. 2004 not In conn!et wi1h d>> ptClvlslDflfi of lhi. So:con4 A.mc!'Id~t ,haJI mnatn il'l full fa=: linG cU'cct. 3. Thl1t Lb= c;ffil:ll,bve dill!:: of tilll ~ment shltl be Oft me doItc IllSt i:1I~"'" by me, Part!..... 4. "I.'luI: lhtlil AJP'CClnI:IIt shalJ be tlQ"'Ofl'ICd by and tOllSlNr:a Ill. ACCOn:lu."CC wflb th1s law, of the Sb1Je C>t 'FloridA tiM the MiW ,tipullltc vtnll4 r;ba!l.,. in &e".m,hin Ccrt.lnLY. f'!qrfdll 'l'dllting fa IIny tIUlUCI' whit:h il !he 1IUbj~ofdUs A~ unvrl'NESSW'l{!REOF,1hc Puttit$ hcn:taIlI1VIHIw.dundCJUlCU~d !hi, A~I)D tbc~ ~ IIndor mob a1g:nwrt: $lc:Imblll CQ\I1\ty. Flori. ~Qgh illl Bonrd. 13( Cc~cy Co1flll:'llnlQI\I;:fl4J!lQ:n.ing b,.11:I CoulltY AdminllltrQtct".l!ul1l1Uthorlw:! to c.ecute tlti, Apemen!. ~lId n. VI. Beck.. &.Iglliq by lU\d !hmu"" t... ~.J_... "'Ph, .tultht't~"""':to- ...-,........... 4f1ht__ COT..1NTY: ~fl CClUIlt;(. Floridu. ..polideld IUbdlvi$ion afdlcSUllI: fir:: Ollte! COMPANY: R.. W. Beck. IllC~ II. Suu. at WtWlfnpa corpomtion lIIllhor(ud ID d1:t busl~ ill tbcS-lH'flotide. "- Set:n1l1Y .~t;lh~ . t ..' ~ M~~....~ ;~... \ 0_ __~&/rq: A 'I1'ES't'~ :z "'" .~' i1/11/2aeS 1.1~ 1.6 407&486362 MRR-~D-lCOO(MON) 0&:)7 RW BECK PAGE '29/2'3 P.004l00t 2X.HJBIT B .liOURL Y Bn.UNG RATES AND CSARCI!S The lIlblr;: Ixlow pftWides horn\,. biUiag rnmt fur ctI1ployeec of R, W, Be~k fot the 141301' Cll.lI:gorlos ta b~ uUlled for thi$ ... - lUJli~t. . Cbuses fcr;1nstllffftomsubeOD$Ullantl.subcon~ mtd.IJ\depmdtl'lt~n hiJ:ed by.R.. W. Uoc:k fOl'lUl1 of the Inbot ~ listed .~ s.haIl be billed III aaual.::ClSl plus :m. bourlylldm.lldStndvc r. ua fonow~ "...n'!'" am.... 'F.. $30 no SS ~$.s ~ ~1" , ServietS pe-rfQI!2l:II!d byR. W. Do:k wiD be pcrfcrmcd c.m 4. dmc: aQd ltlI1larillls basis. COlUllY sh:1U ClCIDpe:IlSlu: It W. Seek for dle labol' caceSol'i11il cllOWI:I l1boyc at tit. bUUII! fIIlU ami. t'CCllI provided in tl~ Ulbl=l G.bov~ plus dlrett co.. ~ wlth \tllvcl Q;pcttsCS.lld.mJnlstrarlve c:cpetl!lell. ~tcja:'t lUppliCl. c:tc. P:l.yments sbnlll:lc CNtt 30. billed Ql1 A month!y b~. . based 01'\ hourly ltUllna '*' ,lus dirca project Cltpcll!e!L It w. B=.lc will provIde the cwnliY wilb nn c:slim:ut of ,rqjeet CQIll(l duu: Oft . wcddy ba;i" Mrnlni ltli . vcJCleritlll. '-: R.evlciQll 2 . S:pcembtn" 30. 2004