Resolution 451-1998 Environmental Resources BOCC RESOLUTION NO. 451 - 1998 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZING RESTORATION OF BEACHES TO PRE-HURRICANE GEORGES CONDITION WITHOUT A COUNTY PERMIT, PROVIDED THAT SUCH RESTORATION IS ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (DEP) EMERGENCY FINAL ORDER DATED SEPTEMBER 30,.:1998 (OGC NO. 98-2617). ~ ~ :B ::!! o C":) '.- ;!t r- ,...,;::! ;;: g} g . r'~ l'\) ..... c::: ~ Co,) <:;) :z: ::0 ;J:: __ -f' 0 ." ""'V WHEREAS, On September 25, 1998, Hurricane Georges strurl\~ F~ri~ Keys, causing widespread beach erosion; and ~ ~ ~ 2 . ", C) ;:u \0 t:J WHEREAS, the President of the United States and the Governor of Florida have declared that a state of emergency exists in the area based upon the serious threat to the public health, safety, and welfare posed by Hurricane Georges; and WHEREAS, the DEP found that as a result of the emergency, an emergency authorization is necessary to address the need for immediate action to restore beaches and that strict compliance with existing statutes and regulations would prevent, hinder, or delay such actions; and WHEREAS, the DEP has issued an emergency authorization in the form of the Emergency Final Order dated September 30, 1998 (OGC No, 98-2617, attached and incorporated by reference); and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners concurs with the findings of the DEP; and WHEREAS, existing County Land Development Regulations and Comprehensive Plan policies would prevent, hinder, or delay the issuance of permits to conduct beach restoration activities, Environmental Resources NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS THAT: No County permit(s) will be required to restore beaches to their pre-Hurricane Georges condition provided that such restoration is accomplished in accordance with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Emergency Final Order dated September 30, 1998 (OGC No. 98-2617). PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Monroe County, Florida at a meeting held on the 21st day of October, 1998. Mayor London Mayor Pro Tern Harvey Commissioner Douglass Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Reich yes yes yes yes yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE C TY, FLORIDA ~ BY: BY: ~ rr Q.~'%a~"'-" (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK e9/J~/1998 12:08 B5€1-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. .'--, .....-..-..--- PAGE 132 BEFORE THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEP ARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION In re: OGe NO. ,98-2617 EMltRGENCY AUTHORlZATlON FOR REP AlRS, REPLACEMENT, RESTORATION, AND CERTAIN OTHER, MEASUREs MADE NECESSARY BY IlURRICANE GEORGES - MONROE COUNTY ONLy EMERGENCY FINAL ORDER Under sections 120.569(2)(1) and 252.36 of the Florida Statutes, and Executive Order Nos. 98-232, 98-235, and 98~240, Presidential Order No. FEMA.3131-EM, and subsequent Amendment No. FEMA-3131~EM-fL, and upon consideration of the following, the State of Florida l?epartnient of Environmental Pro~ection (the: Department) enters this Emergency Final Order (the Order), applicable only to Moru:oe County, including Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, in response to the imminent or immediate danger to the public health, .safety, and welfare of the citizens of Monroe County, Florida resulting from the devastation wr?ught by Hurricane Georges. FINDINGS OF FACt 1. On S~pternber 25, 1998, Hurricane Georges struck Florida with report~d maximum sustained winds of approximately 9,5 miles per hour with gusts up In 115 miles per hour and an approximate stonn sUrge of up to seven (7) feet. The storm caused widespread damage within :several counties in Florida, including but not limited to Monroe County, sometimes referred to hereinafter as the "Emergency Area." B9/3e(1998 12:08 85El-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. PAGE El3 ---."-" 2. By State of Florida Executive Order Nos. 98-232, 98.235, and 98-240 and Presidential Order No. FEMA 3131.EM and Amendment No. FEMA 3131-EM-FL, dated September 22, 1998, September 23, 1998, September 28, 1998, September 22, 1998, and September 28, 1998, respectively, (hereinafter the Executive Orders, or the Ord~s) (Composite Exhibit A), the Governor and the President declared that a state of emergency exists throughout the Emergency Area, based upon the serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare posed by Hurricane Georges. 3. The Department finds that Hurricane Georges has Created a state of emergency threatening the public health, saf~ty, welfare, and property throughout the Emergency Area. As a result of the emergency, inunediate aotion by Florida's citizens and government is necessary to repair, replace, and restore structures, equipment, surface water management systems, works, and operations damaged by Hurricane Georges. 4. The Departtuent fmds that an emergency authorization is required to address the need for immediate action. 5. The Department fl.Ods that inunediate, strict compliance with the provisions of the statutes, rules or orders noted in paragraph 12 of this Order would prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with the emergency. 6. The Department a.lso recognizes that the area comprising the Flocida Keys in Monroe County has been designAted as an Area of Critical State Concern plU'SUatlt to Chap~ 380, Florida Statutes. Accordingly, other state and local authorizations may be required for certain of the activities set forth hereinbelow. Nothing contained in this Order shall be construed. to authorize any repairs, replacement or reconstruction in violation of OX' 2 eS/38/19S8 12:08 , 85e-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. PAGE El4 in conflict with any of the: provisions of Chapter 380, Florida. Statutes, or Chapter 28-29, Florida Administra.tive Code. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Based on the findings recited above, it is hereby concluded that the emergency caused by Hurricane Georges poses a continuing and immediate danger to the public health, safety, or welfare and requires an immediatt: order of the Department. 2. Under State of Florida Executive Orders No. 98-232, 98-235, and 98-240, Presidential Order No. FEMA 313 I-EM and Amendment No, FEMA 3l3'1~EM-FL, and sections 120.569(2)(1) and 252.36 oftbe Florida Statutes, the Secretary of the Department is authorized to issue this eme{gency final order. 3. Suspension of statutes and rules as noted in paragraph 12 is required to prevent. hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with the emergency. THEREFORE, IT IS ORDE~D: Within the Emetgency Area; 1. Petro/sum. Storage Tank Systtlltt Wate,. and Wastewtlt~1' Plants. and CQ[[ectio11. and DistributiQn SvstelH.$ Owners and. operators of petroleum storage tank systems, water and wastewater plants and collection and distribution systems, and their licensed engineers and contractors, shall not be required to obtain pennits from the Departrnellt to make all necessary repairs to restore essential semces and repair or replace (as necessary) all structures, equipment, and appunenances of the plantS and systems to theiJ; pre-stann permitted or registered condition. Within thirty days of commencing the work of such 3 69/3e<1998 12:68 851a-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. PAGE 65 repair or replacement, however, ~e owner or operator shall notify the Department in writing) describing the nature of the work, giving its location, and providing the name, address) and telephone nwnber of the representative of the owner Or operator to contact concerning the work Where an environmental resource penn.it is also nonnally required to repair the above facilities, see also paragraphs 6, 7. 8, and 9 of this Order for certain limitations which may exist 2. Solid Waste Matta1!l!11Ultf a. Owners and operators of solid waste management facilities permitted by the Department before Hunicane Geo:l'gcs shall not be required to obtain additional pennits from the Department to make all necessmy repairs to restOre essential services and the functionality of stonnwater management and. leachate collection systems damaged by the storm. Within thirty days of commencing the work of such repair or replacement, howeva, the permittee shall notify the Department in writiIJ.g, describing the nature of the work, giving its location, and providing the name, address) and telephone number of the representative of the pl:rmittee to contact conceming the work. Where an environmental resoUrce permjt is also normally required to repair the above facilities. see also paragJ:aphs 6. 7,8, and 9 of this Order for certain limitations which may. exist. b. Uncontaminated yard trash may be disposed of in pennitted lined or unlined landfills or in pennitted construction and demolition debris disposal facilities. c. Construction and demolition debris which b mixed witb other stonn~ generated debris need not be segregated from oth~r solid waste prior to disposal in a lined landfill. 4 09/3e1,1998 12:08 95El-487-3849 FDEP /LEGAL DEPT. PAGE 06__ d. Except as otherwis~ speCifically proVided, herein, storm. generated debris shall be disposed of in a Class I landfill or waste-to-energy facility. Non-recyclables and residuals generated from segregation of storm-generated debris sha1! also be disposed of in a Class I landfill or waste-to-energy facility, e. Ash residue from the combustion ,of yard trash or clean wood wast~s may be disPDsed of in a permitted disposal facitity~ or may he land spread in any areas approved by lOCAl govenunent officials except in wellfie1d protection areas or water bodies. f. Ash from the combustion of other stonn-gen.erated debrjs shall be disposed of in a Class I landfill. Metals or other non-combustible materials segregated from the ash residue may also be disposed of in an unlined, pennitted landfill. g. Unsalvageable refrigerators and freezers containing solid waste such as rotting food that may create a. sanitary nuiSMlce may be disposed of in a Class I landfill; provided. however, that chlQrofluorocarbons and capacito(s must be removed and recycled to the greatest extent practicable. J. Permitted landfills, waste-to-energy facilities, and transfer statious, within or outside of tho Emergency Area, which accept storm.generated debris in accordance with the tenns of this Order may accept storm.generated debris for disposal or storage without the need to first modify existing permits or certifications. Operators of landfills shall seek modifications of their existing permits to address any long-tenn impacts of accepting stonn.generated debris on operations and closure which are not addressed in existing permits. Long-term impacts are those which will e~end past the ex.piration 5 69/3e~1998 12:08 850-487-384'3 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. PAGE 87 date of this Order. The requests for modification shall be submitted as SOOD. as possible. but no later than the expiration date of this Order. No permit fee will be requited by the Department for any modifications necessitated solely by Hurricane Georges clean-up activities. 3. Open Burni1!f The Department authorizes local governments or their agents to conduct the open burning of Hurricane Georges-generated yard trash and demolition debris in upland areas remote from habitation, as well as the burning of yard trash and demolition debris in air curtain incinerators anywhere in the Emergency Area without prior notice to the Department.-H Within thirty days of commencing any such buming, however, the local .~~ . government or its agent shall notifY the Department in Vvriting1 describing the general nature of the materials burned, stating the location and method ofbUming, and providing the name, address, and telephone number of the representative of the local government to contact concerning the work. 4. Air Pollution Sources Ot"el'tltll,n Ooen BUrf}ml! The Department authorizes the repair of any previQUSly pennitted stationary SOurce of air pollution that was damaged by the storm to :restore it to its previously permitted condition without prior notice to the Department. Within thirty days of commencing such repairs, however, the permittee shall notify the Department in writing. stating the location and nature: of the work and providing the name, address, and telephone number of the representative of the permittee to contact concerning the work.. 6 , e9/3~/1998 12: fiB 8513-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. PAGE 08 5. AsbtHtos Cl~an.~up The Department waive~ the requirement for prior notification for emergency demolition of asbestos or emergency cleanup of asbestos resulting from Hurricano Georges. Within thirty days of commencing such demolition or: cleanup. however, the person responsible for such work shall notifY the Department in writing, stating the location and nature of the work an~ providing the name, address, and telephone number of the representative of the pemuttee to contact concerning the work. 6. Environmental Resource, Dud2e and Fill. Surface W~,(er Management. ahd Cpastal COt~t"UctiOH ActJvliit:i. Subject to the limitations in Paragraph 6 above and Paragraph 10 below, the Department shall not require a permit for the following activities to repair, restore, or replace structures, land, and submerged contours to the authorized or otherwise legally existing configuration and cond~tions) subject to the limitations below. 1ms Order does not authorize the construction of structu.{es that did not exist prior to the emergency, unless specifically authorized below. a. No Not/ct Required The following activities may be conducted without notification to the Department: (1) Temporary and pennanent repair Ol" restoration of structures and drainage syste.m.s that are still intact (i.e., not completely destroyed or eliminated) to the conditions. dimensions, and configuratioIt9 that were authorized or oth~ise 7 ~~/~~(l~~~ lL:~~ 650-467-3849 FDEP/LEGAl DEFT. PAGE 69 legally existing immediately prior to Hurricane Georges, provided the repair and restoration activities do not result in any expansion, addition, or relocation of the existing structure or systems. However, this shall not predude the us~ of diffQrent construction materials or minor deviations to allow upgrades to curreot structural and design standards. The term "structures," for the purposes of this Order, includes: (a) utility infrastructure, including wastewater treatment pla.nts, substations, lift stations, solid and hazardous waste facilities, utility lines (including transmission and distribution), poles, towers, support stmctures, cables, conduits, oatfaIls, intake stNctures, and pipelines; (b) roads, bridges, culverts, driveways. sidewalks, bikepaths, and other similar public and private infrastructure; (c) public~ private, and commercial habitable and non.habitable buildings, and structures ancillary to these buildings, such as garages, cabanas, storage sheds, bath houses, pools, and decks; (d) . piers (including docks, boardwalks, observation platforms, boat houses, and gazebos), and pilings; (e) shore-stabilization strUctures, such as seawalls, bulkheads, revetments, breakwaters, and gtQins; (f) fences, signs and billboards; and (g) buoys, navigational aids, and other channel markers. 8 ~9/3e/19~8 12:08 850-487-3849 FDEP I LEGAL DEPT.. PAGE Hl The tenn "drainage syst~ms," for the purposes of this Order, includes ditches, canals, ponds, swales, and other sutface water conveyances; dams, Weirs, dikes, and levees; underd.rains, outfalls, and associated \Vater control structures. Any damage to structur~s authorized by the Department, and built to permitted deStiIl specifications, may be authorized to be repaired to the design that was originally authorized by the Department; minor deviations to upgrade structures to CUlTeot structtual standards also are authorized; (2) The restoration (regrading, dredging, or filling) by local, regional, and state governments of surface (upland), wetland, and submerged land contours to the conditions and configurations that were authorized Or otherwise legalIy existing immediately prior to Hurricane Georges, provided th6 restoration does not result in any expansion or addition of land or deepening of waters beyond that which existed immediately prior to the stonn, subject to the following limits: (a) The xemoval or deepening of plugs formerly seplU'ating'eanals from other waters is specifically not authorized. by this Order; (b). In the case of dredging, all excavated material shall be deposited on uplands that are diked or otherwise sloped or designed to prevent any discharge into wetlands or other surface waters, except where such dredgod material is used to restore bottom contoW's and $horelines to the conditions existing immediately prior to the storm; 9 89/30/1~~8 12:88 85el-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAL DfPT. PAGE 11 (c) In the case'where upland Or dredged material is placed in water to re~1ore pre-existing conditions, only material from the px-evious uplands may be used in the restoration, and no change (from pre-existing conditions) in the slope of the land or the type, nature, or ~onfiguration of any pre-existing shoreline stabilization materials is authorized (e.g., sloping revetments cannot be replaced with vertical seawalls, and rock riprap cannot be replaced with interlocking blocks); (d) Any restored shorelines that are susceptible to erosion shall be stabilized With vegetation or rock riprap to prevent erosion, unless the pre-existing shoreline was stabilized with a seawall, .in which case the seawall may be :restoJ;ed. Debris from the storm, other than natura} rocks and clean concrete rubble, shall not. be: used to stabilize shorelines; (e) This shall not constitute authorization to fill submerged lands owned by the Board of Trustees of tl).e Internal Improvement Trust ,fUnd befure Hurricane Georges. (3) Remova.l of debris, including sunken vessels> and vegetation and structural remains that have washed into waters, wetlands, or uplands by the stonn, provided all removed debris are depOsited on the uplands or otherwisek deposited Or burned in accordance with other provisions of this Order. 10 09/3011998 12:08 B50-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. PAGE 12 b. Field and IndiviLlual AuthorizatiQ1l. Required (1) Field authoriZations may be issued following a site inspection by Department personnel for: (a) activities including the replacement of structm:es that are no longer intact; (b) restoration (regrading, dredging, or filling) of the contours of uplands, wetlands, and submerged bottoms, by parties other than ~ocal, regional, or state governments; and (c) other activities detemlined by Department personnel as having the potential to result in only min.itnal adverse individual or cumulative impact on water resources and water quality. (2) Field authorization may be issued ocly to restOre ~tructures and property to authorized or otherwise legally existing conditions that existed immediately prior to Hurricane Georges, or to a more environmentally compatible design than existed immediately prior to HUIricane Georges. Field authori1Jitions may be requested by providing a notice to the local office of the Department containing a description of the work requested, the location of the work, and the name, address, and telephone number of the owner or representative of the owner who may be contacted concerning the workj field authorizations also may be issued by staff without prior notice. Il , 13'3/3011 996 12: 6S 85El-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. PAGE 13 (3) Other activities not described "bove shall ~ regulated in accordance with Pan IV of ChApter 373, F.S., and the rules adopted thereunder. Stounwat.er ... systems within the Northwest Florida Water Management District that do not qualify under the above provisions shall require a stonnwater permit. 7. Activities on Unw!J!ttaled Stmdv Beaches Wi/hill Fifty (;0) Feet of till': Mean Hirh Wa.ter Lillt. or. if Established. the ErQsion Control L~e . . 8. The following activities may be Ulfdert~en by local governments and utility com'p~es'to protect, repair, or replace structures and/o,r property without notice to the Dcpartm.en~ subject to the limitations below. This Order does not authorize the construction of structures that did not exist prior to the emergency, unless specifically authorized below~ nor does it authori2:e beach scraping perfoml,ed by itself or in association with any oftbe following activities, (1) Removal of storm generated debris. Prior to removing the debris and to the greatest extent possible, beach compatible sand should be separated from the debris and kept On site. To prevent debris from becoming buried, all stoqn debris shall be removed prior to conducting any fill activities, (2) The repair of the following public facilities: utilities, roads and beach access ramps. (3) Return ohand to the beach and dune system which has been deposited upland by the stonn, and restoration of a damaged dune system using beach compa.tible sand from an upland source. The fill material shall not cover any stonn or construction debris. All fill material shaH be sand which is simil~ to the pre-stonn beach sand in 12 09/3a/1998 12:08 850-487-3949 FDEP /LEGAL DEPT. PAGE 14 both coloration and grain size and be free of debris, rocks, clay or other foreign matter. No sand may be obtained from the beach or below the mean high water line in areas of unvegetated sandy beaches within fifty (50) feet of the mean high water line or, if establishc:d, the erosion control line, without specific authorization from the Depart:tnent b. After providing notice to the Department, local govenuncnts are authorized to issue permits to private and public property ovmers for the activities listed below. Notice of intent to implement this delegation shall be provided to the Department in the fonn of a statement of intent to issue permits purSUant to this section. The notice ma.y be faxed to the Department at 850/488-5257 or provided via the telephone by calling 850/487-4474. This Order does not authorize the construction of Structures that did not exist prior to the emergency, unle55 specifi~l1y authorized below, nor does it authorize beach scraping performed by itself or in association with any of the following activities. No additional authorization is required for repairs to interiors of existing structures not involving repairs to foundations. (1) Temporary Or X'emedial activities which are necessary to secure structures in order to remove safety hazards and prevent further damage or collapse of foundations. This Order do~s not authorize the pennanent repair of foundations of major structures. rebuilding of major Structures, or the repair or construction of coastal or shore protection structures. (2) Repair or replacement of components and cladding (exterior glass windows and panels, roof shcathing~ and other structural components such as studs and roof 13 ,e9/3B/1998 12:68 850-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. PAGE 15 trusses) of major structures. The repair or replacement shall not constitute a substantial improvr;ment. To protect nesting marine turtles and their hatchlings, damaged or dr:;atroyed glass Windows and glass doors that are visible from any point on the beach should be replaced by tinted glass with a transmittance value of 45% or less. (3) Repair or replacement of minor ancillary structures and service utilities associated with the existing habitable structure and necessary for occupancy oftbe habitable structure. Repaired or replaced components shall t)ot exceed the size o.fthe original minor ancillary structure or service utility damaged or destroyed by the stonn. Replacement of retaining walls, decks, and gazebos which are not necessary for occupancy oithe existing habitable structure is specifically excluded. (4) Repair of existing stairways, stair landings. retaining walls, decks, gazebos, and other similar minor ancillary structures not necessary for occupancy of the habitable structure. .Repaired components shall not exceed the size of the original ancillary structure damaged by the storm. (5) Repair, not including replacement, ofsurvivirig beach/dune walkovers provided the repai.r allows for adjUstments to be made to tho seaward terminus of the walkover ifnecessary to accommodate changes in the shoreline topography and native . , salt~resistan.t vegetation patterns resulting from the post~stonn recovery of the beach and dune system.. (6) Return of sand to the beach dune system which ha$ been deposited upland by the stonn and the restoration of a damaged dune system using beach compatible sand from an, upland source. The f1l1 material shall not cover any stann at COnstruction 14 '09/30,1998 12:08 850-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. PAGE 16 debris. AIl fill material shall be silnd which is similar to the pre-stonn beach sand in both coloration and gram size and be free of debris, rocks, clay or other foreign matter. No sand may be obtained from the b~h or below the mean high water line in areas of unvegetated sandy b~ches within fifty (50) feet of the mean high water line or, if establisbed, the erosion control line, without speciuc authorization from the Depanment. c. The nature, timIng, and sequence of construction authorized uoder this order should be conducted, to the g{eatest extent practicable, in such a manner as to provide protection to nesting sea turtles and hatchlings And their habitat, pursuant to section 370.12. Florida Statutes, and to native salt-resistant vegetation and endangered pl~t communities. d. Actions taken by local governments and utility companies pursuant to sections a. and b. above do not require additioJ:lal permits from the Department. Activities not covered by this Order may require a penuit from the Department pursuant to Section 161.053, Florida Statutes, a.nd Chapter 62B-33, Florida Administrative Cod~. For more information, pleas~ contact the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems by mail at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station #300, Tallahassee, Florida 32399- 3000 or by phone at 850/487-4475. 8. Geheral COhdit~D!1l. a. All activities conducted under Paragraphs 6 and 7 shall be performed using appropriate best management practices. For activities conducted i.n or discharging to wetlands or other surface watl:fS, best management practices include properly installed and J5 B9/3B/1998 12:e8 8513-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. PAGE 17 maintained erosion and turbidity control devices, to prevent erosion and shoaling) to control turbidity, and to prevent violations of state water quality standards. b. The authorizations in Paragraphs 6 and 7 shall not apply to struct'Ul'es and associated activities in the Eme.rgency Area that were not properly authorized by all applicable agen,cies before the pasSage of Hunicane Georges. c. Environmental resource, surface water management, dredge and fill, stonnwater, and coastal construction control line or coastal construction permits shall be required following provisions of statute and rnIe for other activities not authorized above that do not otherwise qualify as an exempt activity under statute or nile. d. All activities shall be accomplished so as not to: disturb marked marine turtle nests or known nest locations; or damage existing native salt-tolerant vegetation. e. This Emergency Final Order does not convey any property rights or any rights or privileges other than those specified in this Order. f. This Emergency Final Order only serves as relief for the duration of the Order from the regulatory and proprietary .requirements of the Department, and does not provide relief from the requirements of other federal, state, water management districts, and local agencies. This Order therefore does not negate the need for the property owner to obtain any other required pennits or authorizations, nor from the need to comply VVith all the requirements of those agencies. g. All stnlctures that are rebuilt shall be rebuilt in accordance with all applicable local, statet and federal building standards and requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Act (FEMA). 16 09/3e/1998 12:ea 850-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. PAGE 1 B h. It is recommended that owners of property should, where possible, maintain1 and provide, if requested to do so, documentation (such as photos) of the condition of the structures or lands a:l they existed prior to initiating any activities authorized under this Order. 1. This Emergency Final Order does not provide relief from any of the requirements of Chapter 471, F.S., regarding professional engineering. 9. A uthprization to Use Swmzerfed La1JtU Owned !J" the State The Depart:rnent has been .delegated by the Board of Tt\1stees' of the Internal Improvement T.-ust Fund the authority to grant the following authorizations to use sovereign. subinerged lands, that iS1 most lands lying waterward of the line of mean high water or ordinary high water, in association with the repairs authorized in Paragraphs 6 and ,. a. Except as provided in Paragraphs 9.b. an.d 10, below, a consent of use is hereby granted for the repair, replacement, Or restoration of the activitie$ and structures ,- located on subm.erged lands owned by the state per the pro~sions and limitations of Paragraph 6, above, for which authoriution .from the Board of Trustees of the Internal, Improvement Trust' Fund bad been obtaioea prior to Hurricane Georges, or which were otherwise legally existing Unmediately prior to the storm, provided the stJ:uctures and activities will be repaired, restored, or replaced in the same location and configuration as was authorized by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trost Fund ot' which otherwise legally existed immediately prior to the storm. 17 B9/3~/1998 12:08 650-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. PAGE 19 b. This Order does not. authorize the reconstruction or repair of unauthorized stroctures which failed to qualify for the grandfathering provisions of chapter 18-21 ofthe Florida Administrative Code. c. The requiI:ernents for submitting a IIRcclamation of Lands Lost Due to Recent Storm Events" application are specifically 'V-.-aived during the duration of this Order. 10. Gen U(}l Limitations The Departnlent issues this Emergency Final Order solely to address the emergency created by Hurricane Georges. This Order shall not be construed to authorize any activity within the jmisdiction of the Department except in accordaI].ce with the express tenns of this Order. Under no circumstances shall anything ~ontained in this Order be construed to authorize repair, replacement, or reconstruction of any type of unauthorized or illegal stmcuture, habitable or otherwise, nor shall it be construed to authorize any repairs, replacement, or reconstruction in violation of or in conflict with any of Ihe provisions of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, or Chapter 28-29) Florida Administrativ"e Code. 11. Other Authorizations }(eauired Nothing in this Order shall eliminate the J1l:1Cessity for obtaining any other federal, state, water management district, or local permits or other authorizations that may be required, including, but not limited to, any local or state pennits or other authorizations required due to the fact tha.t the area comprising the Florida Keys has been designated an Area of Critical State Concern pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. 18 0~/3B/1998 12:~8 85~-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. PAGE 20 12. Susvewion of Statutes and RuJ~ The following provisions of statutes and rules are hereby susponded for the activities authorized by this Order for the duration of this Order: (1) For those activities noted above, subject to the limitations, duration and .' other provisions of this Ord~~ all requirements for permits, leases, consent of uses or other authorizations under chapters 253, 258, 373, 376 and 403 of the Florida Statutes, and roles adopted therel.Ulder; (2) Notice requirements of sections 161.041. 161.053, 2.53.q5, and 373.413 of the Florida Statutes and rules 18.18, 18-20, 18-21, 624, 62-312, 62-343, and 62-620 of the Florida Administrative Code; (3) Application fee, lease fee, and easement fee requirements of sections 161.041, 161.053, and 373.109 of the Florida Statutes and rules 18-18) t8-29, ] 8- 21, and 62-4 ofth.e Florida Administrative Code; (4) Prohibitions for dredging ano filling in waters approved or conditionaUy approved, for shellfish harvesting adopted under subsections 403,061(29) lU:ld 373.414(9) of the Florida Statutes. 13. C()",tJl~tion of Authorized Activities a. All activities authorized I.Ulder this Emergency Final Order must be Commencod befol'l: the expu-ation of this O<<ler. Any Environmental Resource Permit, Surface Water Management Permit, and Dredge and Fill Pennit activities that require a field authorization must be completed by the expiration date of the field authorization; 19 , 08/36/1998 12:ea 856-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. PAGE 21 activities not completed by that expiration date are subject to the regulatory and proprietary authorizations tequired prior to the execution ofthis Order. b. A blanket approval of time extensions under chapter 62-730 of the Florida Administrative Code is oecessalj' within the Emergency Area for h..a:z.ardous waste generators and small quantity generators for tho storage of their hazardous wastes on site, pending the cleanup of Hurricane Georges damage and restoration of essential services. The rules authorize a thiny-day extension beca.use of wlloresee.n and uncontrollable circumstances. The specific effects of the storm were unforeseen and uncontrollable. Therefore, to avoid having to issue a potentially large number of individual approvals on .a case-by-case basis and waste limited agency resources during the time ofemerge,nc.:y. the Department authorizes a general extension of time of thirty days from the expiration of this Order for all such hazardous waste generators and small quantity generators for the storage oftheu- hazardous wastes on site) in the counties within the Emergency Area. 14. ExDiratian Date -- - This Emergency Final Order Bhall take effect immediately upon execution by the Secretary of the Department, and shall expire in 30 days from the date of execution set forth below, unless modified or extended by further order. 15. Violalio" of Conditions Q.( Eme1'fencv Fb,al Order Failure to comply with the conditions set forth in this Emergency Final Ord~r shall CQnstitute a violation ofa Department Final Order under chapters 16t 253, 2SR, 373, 376, and 403 of the Florida Statutes) and enforcement proceedings may be brought in any appropriate administrative or judicial forum. 20 09/3e/l~~B 12:08 85El-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. PAGE 22 NOTICE OF RIGHTS Any party substantially affected by this Order has the right to seek judicial review of it under seetion 120.68 of the Florida Statutes, by filing a notice of appeal under rule 9.110 of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, with the Clerk of the Department in the Office of Genera.l Counsel, Mail Station 35, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, and by fUing a copy of the notice of appeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees with the appropriate district court of appeal. Tbe notice of appeal must be filed within thirty days afte( this' Order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. DONE AND ORDERED on this ~~ day of September 1998 in Tallahassee, Florida. Fll.ING M'D ACKNOWLEDGMENT Fll.ED, on this da.te under section 120.52 of the Florida Statute~, with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of which is hCl:cby acknowledged. ~ JhAA~ 9/]tJ/9S DATE' STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION V:.~b \.:,__ --a ~..,.. VIRG B. WETHERELL Secretary . 3900 Con:unonweaIth Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-3000 21 09/3011998 12:08 850-487-3849 FDEP/.LEGA~,.DEPT . ....._1.. ...._...I""'l_ .. PAGE 23 " ... ST A TIE OF F1L,OR1HtlA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR EXECUTIY""E ORDER NU1\1BEIt 98 .. 232 ~~~REr.s. on Tuesd~y, Bepte~e~ 22, l~sa, the ~atior.al Hur~ic~~e Center advised that Hur~icane Geo~ges, a cate~ory 3 b~rric~r.e. i$ moving tCw~~d South Florida; and \'~Rz~S, Hurrica....e G~orgc.s poses a potent:i~lJ.y' seriou$ and i~~nent Lb=ee~ to tbe South enc C~~tra: por~ions of Flo~i2a. ba.s~~ Upon the potential ':.0 c::eate ~:-~cessi v~ ra.in:;all, hig~ ti,c.es I!.~c. gc.l'~-fesrce wind!:!, Wr.iC:i m~y pese: a serio"lls ;:::-:.reet:. to pu:;lic f heeltn a~o.satety ~~d C~U~e se~ious floocir.=, beac~ eroiic~, ~~~ p~c;,=Z"-::y ~a:::E.g~ i:1 pcr;::icr:s c~ SC;'l':-n 2:ld ~S!nt:Z"a.l :-l,,:-i.dr., c.~e.,,, ~.!:-t::~.:'..s, ~.jon~iJ~ :-Ol:..<-:ity c:ficiZl.ls :n.....ve c.a~lj!,;::;'iic. a Sta-cs f'':': ~~~r~e~cy ~.~ have rB~~~s~a~ non-~~sida~~s to l~~ve, and. ....~- J..._...._ S;::e.1:.e a.."1d -'"'-... L..-__ _ Coun:y hi."':e o:::'ce~ed S~a..:e ....."1C co\:.....ty ~a:...X:s c!o~~~; c.1:.d ~~~_S, local gOV~~~~SL~$ ~~ che affecte6 ~~eAS a=e ci:;i;;:e!ls: ...no exer~ing ~ffo~ts to a~Cr=~s c~e E~e~~e~cy condi~io~s and ~ssis~ ~he =!f~~~ed local Qov~r~~e~ts to e:~~CtivclY respon6: ~nc t~~~?~~, the ~~e~ge~ey ~:y b2c;me beyond ~he c~~acili~y of ~~~~, carLaio adci~io~cl s~eci~lized equipmetit ~d perse~~l mov be ~equi=e~ to ass!s~ in ev~~uation and take p~otectiv= cc~io~ wi~h rege~Q ~o lite fu~d ~rope~ty; ~nd " COMPOSITE EXHIBIT A e9/30/1998 12;ee B5fl-487-384'3 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. PAGE 24 " . ... w~ER~~S, ET.~cutive Order ~B-21B r~ti~ied a~d reaffir~ed ~~7c~tive Order '~a-2l7 to Qecl~ra a state o~ e~~~g~~cy relaced ~o Eu==ic~e Earl to: ~ period 0: six~y days f=om September 2, 199B. ~O t~at ~~~~ive O~6a~ is still in effect wbile a~~Q~E~2nt of d~~ages ~nd rceovery operations ere unds~ay; and NO~'l, 'I'~~cGRE. I, U,v,t'TON c~rr..:E:.s, as GO\ie:='no.; of Florid~. by vi=~ue of ch~ autbority vested in me by A:tiele rv, se=~iOil l(a}, Flc=i~~ Cons~it~tion, ~~&?ter 252. Floriea St~tutes, Section 2sa. 00. Florida 'sta cu.te.s, and ~ll otb~::::, applicable lli'l.'S, co h@=~by p=o~uls~te tbe fcllowing ~~~cutive O~Qe.r ef~eetive ';'7",,~di.ately :" Le-,,;::i onl .r., A si:ate of ,,"..~q=g=nr::y ,e:;.;:is':5 \-Jithin Souch a..,"":lQ. Ce~tr~l :n.oric..a ~~~ in such o~her are~s a~ ~a~ be c~sig~~t:6 by ~h~ S~a~e Coc=ci~~~in~ Offics~ (SeD) due to th~ ~tfac~s o~ a~~i~i?a~~Q he.."v-y ;!;"ai:;l faJ. 1 , ),' . ..~ 2:1 tides and Scle-fo~~e wi~~~, 2.nc flooc.ing ass~cia~E~ wi~h H~~ric~~e Gec~~Q~~ Sacr.ion 2 " The S~~~e Co~?rehe~siv~ ~~E~g~~cy M~aQ~~ent ?l~~ is ~e~e~y ~c:iva=en and. the ~lQ:ic~ Oepa~tillent of CC~~~i~y .Aff~irs shal~ ~~Ve t~~ POWEr, &~~hori~y and ~u~y to teke ~y ~d all action u~cer the Pla~ necessa~ for the pr~~~~~ati~n of the he~lth, wel~~e ~~ 5afe~y of the pecpl~ and ~=ope~~y Of Fleri~~. Se:::ion 3 7~e Di:ector, Flo~ida Da~a~tment of C~mmunity Af~ai~s, 09/30/1998 12:08 850-487-3849 FDEP/LI_qA~_I5eT ~ PAGE 25 Divi"icn of E:r.ergen::::y Manl:.gr:.rnent" shall fU::'1ction a!; t.he SeD, ane., iu co~~ultA~ion with the Gcve~nor. shall p~ovidQ overall . . ~. coor~i~~tion to~ State r2S?Ons~. S~ate age~c~es shall coo~~~~a~e ~hrough. and with, the S~a~e CoorCi~~tin~ Officer regardin~ any 4.s.ist:c.nc~ to be p~ovided.' Saction 4 The Adjue~~~ General is hereby ordered to ca~l ~o Sta~~ Active nuty all pe=sor_~~l and e~ipment oi ~he Florida ~atio~al Gua~d as ~~e oeter.mined, in ~oorci~ation wi~h the State Cco~c~n~ti~~ Officer, ~~ceEsa=y to Su~po~~ civilian a~tnoriti~s cuzin9 the p~nden~J of thi~ ~~e=q~~cy. T~$ Adj~tant G~~~ral s~all coo~d~nate all subseque~t'a~tivities' of tn2 Flo~id~ ; . Nnt~o~21 Gua~6 s~~Qrti~g civ~li~~ autborities with th~ State Coo~~i~~~i~g Off~c~~. All r~~~~s~s for the lc~ entorc~~~~~ assiatcilca o~ the Flo~ica N~~ional Guard s~all ~lsu be c~ordL~ated ~i~n -'I-,,,,,, ...-:.- rlo~ida De?~rtm~~t c= L~w ~~ior~e~e~t_ S€c'd.o~ 5 l~ sec~=~n~ tOQ ~e~p~~~=y pr~~ise$, personnel, ss~ic=s, ~~C other cc~o2ities and i~~T.s r.ucessa_y fc~ c~e ir.~ediate i.-npls.r1ient.~tio:1' of disast.t'!::-/e.-:\e!";"e..'1cy ass.istl!.pce, S";.lR.t.e la\V's l!.~d =~~l~~ions a~f~c~in~ the provision of eme~~~~cy relief tc these ~=e~s ~t~ll be sUsve~ced fo= the d~~a~ion o~ ~h~s ~~cut:ive O~d.r. Tnese ; ncluae , but ~hall oo~ be l~~~~ed to, ~he St~~s laws and ~e~lation~ affactin= pU~c~~Ei~~1 p=in~ing, leE$i~b' cor.~un~cetion se:"vices, ~uo~stin~, perso~~el, re~t~ic~io~3 On . €I9/ 3e/l :l:lB 12: 08 85121-487-3849 FDEP I~E.GAl; _ QEeT! PAGE 26 , "'" hou~s ef employment, spec~fi~~lly' including re~~ri~tions on pa:t,rnent of ,:,ve:::t:i..rne I and contractil1g i prcviced, hOY/Ever,' tbc.~ s~c~ l~w~ and regulations a~e ~~spe~c=~'only as approved by ~he S~ace Coo~di~a~ing Officer, and only when sai~ provision~ r~lat~ to o~ affect the delivery ot di9as~er/emergency assistance. Section 6 All other State age~cies .hall proviQc nece$sa~ a~~ista~ce as req~egted by th~ State Coo~~i~~ti~g O!ticer. The St:ate Cocrci~atin~ Offic@r is au~~o~i~ed, in accorQar.ce with s,2S~.4l, Florida Sta~ues, to provide such s~~po.~ frQ~ aveilable P~=so~~a~, Qquipment ~d ot~~r resources of s~~te 'a~e~ci~s, t, pcli~ical s~di~i$io~s of tne state, &n~ l~cal, 'regional, a~6 dist:!"iet: e:n::it.ies i:nc.2ue:.n~ ~':at.e~ 1.~~2e.:n~lt bisi:ricts. :." l":':=y .be n~~;53a~ to =einfar~~ e~e~ge~cy rnAnag~~~r.~ s~ppcr~ fo~ces in ar~as a:~~~~ed b~ this e~e=gecc~. Se=tion 7 - ';_1.1. ~~ate offices i!l C'.i:E:ct\!!d r.;:ounti~sL:..at are 1,oc2!:E-= in ~Uil~i~~s s~ar~ci With clo~eQ loca1 govar~ent offices $h~ll be closed until S~~n time as ths Gcve~o~ de~=~~~es t~is ~s no lo~;er ~~C@$sa=y. SecdO:l a Th~ S~a~e .Coorcinat~ng Office: i~ b~~e~y a~~hcrized to Ci=5C~ t~e Use of any S~atQ and lecal faeili~y. includi~~ public 3c~oolSj to e~~ure t~e p~o~e~ =~ee?ticn, s~Glte=in~ a~d C~=e o~ ~y~c~e~s, ,~~= aff~c~~d SChOol Eoa=d $h~ll, ~~~~u~~ ;:0 Section 09/36/1998 12:08 8S€l-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. PAGE 27 .... 252.38. :104iQa S~atuteSj prDviae,f~cilities ~~d ~er5opnel suffici~nt eo ~taff s~ch facili~i~$ a~ci shall, if re~ue~ted by . ~he loc~l e~erg~~cy man~g~~snt a~cncy, ~~~vi~e v~hic~ES ~~~ p~~.Qnngl to assist in ~ny QmGrg~ncy evacuation. Sec~ion 9 - All pe~son~ orQ~rEd to ev~cuate in South ~d Central :lc=ida ~h~ll 6e S~ ~rero ~~d to a~~~s ~~d plac~s Qesi~nat@~ by s~aLE and local c~tnorities. T~e Board of County cowrnissione~s with ju~iscicticn OVe~ the ~re~ is authori~ed to control re-EnLr~ of ~e=sc~s in~o afiec~ed ar~as wit~i~ i~~ juriscictio~, 't~e mcv~me~~ of p~~scr.s with~n t~cse a=~~5, ano th~ OCc~pancy of prs~ises i~ L~OS2 ar~as. ~~ ccc~ci~a~i~~ wi~b Sca~e and loe~l ~~wrg~~cy ~~~g~~~~ efiicial~. O~~e~5 of @~~cuatibn ~~d ~g-~ntry s~~ll bs coc~~~~ate~ ~s i~ciicated ~n -,",~ \--..- S~ate Cc~?reh.nsive ~~=~ency -- M~:r:..~g-~~~~~ ?1C",.;.~. S~::':ion 20 ~l ~=!ec~=d tell fac:litie~ Q~ai~at~o ~y ~~e ~lc=~ec De~a~L~en~ of Trar.s?c=~atio~, i~ coordi~ation ~ith the St~t3 coc:-di~a-__;n:::' C,_~'t_.; c~_-, -..,....... ~c.....e""y c-r1.c::.........,.,tt t.o -.'$......0- .... --= ~ - ""..>; "'--:'" '-':---'" "''-' .!<'-':I.Q ,-~2 co~lec~ion of 'toll ch~ges ale~g cesiqnetec Evae~~~ion rOU~es u~~il s~~h time as 'the Govs~o= c~~=~ines t~is is ~o lcn~e~ ::1E:::<=SS~::Y_ Se~:.io:1 1..1 T~e ~~~~i~~~~~~ c~ Se~~ic~ 200.0~S(2), Florida S~~~~~e$, ~~d R~le 12~-1/.Oo3, Flo~ica ACminis~=~tive Code. ~E~a~6~ng e~/36/1~~B 12:fla a5fl-487-384~ FDEP/LEGAL DEFT. PAGE: 28 nc~ices a~d deadl~~e$ fo= t.olding ~ent~tiv~ m~ll2ge ":,... - a;'lCl. DUc.ge:. n~ari;'l~s ~re suspended fc= counties af~ecte~ ~y H~~ri~ane G:Qr~es I ' . .......... '"'e- "'.h" '.5 day deadlir:e .in Sec1:.ions ~5 d~=Ec~ea ~Y ~"~is or~ -. ~ 200.065 (2) (~) and (2) (f) 2.. :lr;:n;ide. Statutes, fo;:;certifying ~illaqe is extended for five (~) days. If a t~ing Duthority c~=~if~e5 i~s millage af~e~ the 35 cay aeadline, ~h=n tne ?=oper~y app~~is~r s~all h~ve che s~me n~~r of days af~e~ ch~ 55 day aeaQline in S~e~ic~ 200.055(2) (b), ?lorid~ Statutes, in w~ich to mail the nocice c~ p=oposed p=oper~y taA2S. Taxicg ~~~hori~ies u~abl~ tc held ~h~ir tentative c= fi~al mill2ge ana bUOgE1:. h~~ri~gs as previo~sly ~oeic~d 0= ~cv~r~ised sn~ll ~esche~ule and adv~r~ise the he~rinqs wi~h an a?prcp~ie~c no~ice. ~~e ~otice s~a21 be ?ublls~=d not less than two (2) ~ays a~~ not ~o~~ c~~~ :iv~ (5) C4YS D~~O~ to tns h~a~i~~ i~ which the ~copticn of ~r.e rnill~~e a~c =~~=e~ oce~~s. Tn; ~Qtice s~a~~ be ~~lis:~s~ i:-;. a .!:ew.5pG.pe~ ~f ge~e~el ~aid ci=c~!~tio;l ~,,'i t:-~i:l -=he cot:.r:.ty..... .,"::... r:~:.ic;a st:a.~i::.Q' the ~iJne a~c. ;:l~ce 0: t:~~ =-escne:::i.:.led n~~L"qs~~ll be pos~ed en t~e door of t~~ hea~in~ ~lac~ ana ~~~~i~ po~t~d ~~~l ens ~~~ ~ea~i~;. ~~~ pe$~e6 notic~ shall ~c at l=~st 8 ~ x 11 inc~~s. 5<?:ct:ion 1:2 Sc~ial we~kers and co~~selo=s culy lic~~sed by ~ State ot~e~ ~~an Flo~ici~ to p~oviae ?e:sor~l CO~~eling ~e~ices ~~e he=~y ?=~it~ec ~o ~~ovid~ suc~. ~,~vice~ ~n ~lcrioa ~uring .. '"""oCt ""'tt.._ c.ecle.::e.c. state c~ ~~~;e~cy provio~6 ~h~t such serJie~s a::e ~enae~ed ~~ee , eS/3e/1998 12:08 8513-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAl DEPT. PAGE 29 ... cf charg~ ~,d provided,fur~he~ t~a~ su~h se~vices a~e off~~ed u~der th~ ~us~ices of ~he ~e=ican Red Cro$~. I S@ct:icn 13 ~ach S~a~~ agency t~at adopts an e~ergency fin~l order 0~ 'o~he=wise taxe~ ~i~21 ~ge~cy Rct~on based upon ~his emer~ency o~ :.he efillCi;s thereof s:...all ac.visa t:.he .st:a~e Coorcii::lat:ing Offic==- of s2id fi~~l ~gency actions as soen GS possib~Q. S;!ctie.n 14 No~hing ~n thi$ Exec~Live Orde= shall be int~rpreted ~s a :i~itaLio~ o~ the invocat~on of emerQe~LY pcw~r~ prom~l~ated i~ Exe~~~ivs O=~sr ~8-21B re9~rding ~urricane Earl. ST;;-,=t.ic~ lS ,I . Thi. ~:ecu~ive 0rde~ shall be e!fe~tive fer a period 0: ::i~,:y o~ys \:.::1555 e~te:nce~ c.r c!!.ss~l."i::d e~~lie=. IN 'rEST!!.~O.N"'f ~\J:~~r2G: I .~$-:~: ~-~ -. ~..~ ~. ~~~ .-' 0'41'''''' :r-'=/~ ~~"1t. "~" 'jr;i::"' -.;F ;..~ ..(Ofl'~~~~l ~~.~ -~f1- .' - -l&:~. l~~ ~. ~~~ :t.:.- . :,~.~ ,II'. c.... - i'C _~:-;~--:j'!~/. -.-..:~.\........l~ -~..;a.. . -;-~~:~~1~"'''' ~:~.-r~~~ ,-~~.r..~~ ~ere~~o se~ my hand e ca~sec ~he Gre~t Seel cf ~~e S~~~e c~ :nc::ida to be. &fiixe~. ~:: TallS;ll2:.sse::, the Cc:.pitcl t::.:.s '1.......... 0 -A.J cay of., 5c~eer.~'C::, Z GGV=:R..~ DR .~TT:;:S;: : ~~~7?~ FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. ~_ ' > 998 12: 08 85El-48I-38~9 rc.~X;"':"'V-" ~ob-:Vlt. $c:? ~~ '98 e'9/3~(1 __.. _" .~ ."" :. Ul T Il._ "... aS/23/1~~a 1$:54 17:l2 PAGE 3el F.C2 9e4-... ...-~E1l!1 G:N LE€AL OHI(.~ p~ s::z ST A TIE: OF FLOR1lDA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR EXECt7TIVE,ORDERNUMBER98.. 235 t:\ovi.:og ta~a.rd. South E'lo;:-iQa:, and wp.~~s. Eur:riolO...'1e Geo:-ges, a I;'a.tes;c::-y 2 h1,l~ica...""le, is ~C~~~ ~d Cent~al Flo~id<<, acd t20Q~ing, b~er. erosion, ~nd p~~~erty d~~~g~ ~~ port~o~~ 0= ~~ri~us th~eat to p~lic he~2~h e~d'sa~ety and cause .er~ous =a~fAl1, high tigQS and gel~-;9rce wi~~~, w~i~~ ~~y PO~~ ~ Florida, ba~ed u~on the Pot~tial to creac~ exces~iv~ and imm~enc threac ~o th~ SOULh ~~ Ce~~~a~ po=tions of WHZREAS, HU:~il;'~,e Geo~~=~ po~~s a ~ot~~tial~y ~..ia~5 and in sou~h end Cent~al Plorida io~ power r~&tor~tion purpos~~, r w~~.$. U~ili~y e~~anies mu~t Dla~e r.e~ded $~i~~~t ~ N~~ t.ba.~ e~pme:nt i~ loc~ta~ O~t of S1:~te ~~ ",'ill . %:IeeQ to bl!t brougbt: t.o .rl~~.i.c;ia quiekly \o1ithout: -::bQ _OPPOJ;";uni ty t.o -meet S~ate regis:=at.1or.. aod i:~i:lG' requi:~enes. aod ~e%'!il~S. :b. co::"-,i:l:i..et:ed Cue to t;.he e;:;.e:.rgt:-;cy ~ee.tad :by Hu..:c-:;'~c:~e FloriC2 to 'W'a;i.ve t~Of;B .si;,ALtut.o~ r~qui:rttr:)e.ntb' "'hic:h ~gt: ~, it:. i~ in 'l:~e best inte:;:;-eS'ts o~ t~Q s:a.l:.e cf I EJ.'313811 '398 12:ea 850-487-3849 ~=-;.i .....ii :::-":.0;-:; l,.J"i'i 1C= FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. r ax; :::'t.J-~e.c-"'<i.Ql~ :,.~() ;:> '516 PAGE 31 ~?: 13 . ,- i._;" eS/42/1~~3 1~:S4 ge4 .':-9219 G:N L=:GAI- ~r= p~ e3 NQ;1!1 THJiLRi:FOi\E, I, U.WTON CHILES, as GO'l)'e::::nor of flo:::ida. by vir~ue of the a~cho=icy veSCQ~ in me by Arcicle IV, ~~ctic~ 1 (a.), Floridc. Constitut;ion, Cheopt.e~ 352.,. Plorida Stc.tu~es. Seccion 2S0.015, f"lo:cica S1:aeuees, and all e>t:her applicab:LQ laws, do he:.-eby promulgate tb1i: following :E:>I;~c:utive Order Qtfec~ive imm~dia~ely: S!!!c"Cio~ :t A .si:~~e of eme:rgerl~ continUQs co exist Wi'1:.hi.n SQ\"t;:n ~~ C~.~~al Flo~iQa ~~d in su~~ o~~e~ ~reas as ID~Y be Qa5i~na~~~ by t..b.. State coo~ein~t;i:ogOff~~~r (SeO} <l.~~ to the ~t~-=:-::~5 -, of a!:!tieipate:d he~'V'y ::-Q.i.nfal1, hi~h tid..u~ ~Q' ge,le-force .r. :~Wi~~~. ~d floo~ing assoeiaced with ~ur~ic~~ Geo~ge~. '.sect:ion 2 ~. ~par:;'~e..: Oz ~.e..::l.Spo:rt::c.'~ion is :':l.l~tho~ized to waive registracion ,And fuel ~axe~ ~~r he~~y ~rucks o~ ~~~C~ tr!.~torS' ,rl!~st.~:::'Qd a:: out. 0: stat.e 'J~hic::12s e....'"j.d. o'rl'nea c:: oper:e-::Q.d by gOV'Qrr.roe.n t. (!?","1ti~iQ~ o;r: puJ:l)'~c '-,....; "I it".- ......-- ,J' COrpO=~tlO~5, O~ ~~Q~r contract wi~h such entities, ~o expe~itg.~he Y~i~i~y .estora~1on proe.~~ i~ ~rea3 sUbjec~ ~o ~. ~ne o.ec:l.e:.:raticIl o-E e...':\e=g~;;J.c:y . The D~~a.:r~'"tlar. t ~:E T~~~s~o~catio~ i~ ~~$~ authori=~e to ~~ive re~i~~~a~ion ~~Q =uel t~es ~or ~e~vy tru~ or truck t.ra~~o~s rQ~ist~~d '.s out o~ .t~t~ vehicles t~a~5~c~~i~g ::-eliet ~d' ~$~ove~ 5u?~li~s to ~~e ~ux~ic~. G~orge~ eis~$te= ~8a. , l!.'Jl3fl/1998 12; f:l8 850-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. PA~ 32 ei/~a/~~~a :=:S~ - ~~, ';;-SS1e <!~ L:;'S";" r;x:', _ ;:-;.~! e~ Se.e=.io..~ ,~ Tl:Us :E:xecu'Cive Order shall be effective; for 0. p(i:riod of si~~y 6Ays ~nl~ss extended Or cissolved earlier. IN TESTD!Oml WE::EP..EOF. ! h~V'& :"ltlX'eunt.o set r.ry hAr,ld e...id h~ve caU$ed t~e Gr~~~ Seal of ~~~ S;ate o~ xloriQa ~o be ~ifixed a'C. 'I"c.l.la.has;~~~. th~ capi 'Co:l ( this 23rd c.ay of S~P'Ccmbe:::-, 1~98. . -- ...--.,.. Li .~."i-L::';~~~ -"-........ ~ .~'..." ....... ._::-~~ .....~:to. ..~;. - ~........v --_-:.. 'lrti~~;J~il :' _',,~~":~'.~'~f\';.~_"~~ ~ \:~~~;;:i~~' ...J 1L~~t~;~...' IN 'rES'Z'.!l10NY WH;'!;:m;OF, I be~gun~o ~e'C ~ hana ~ C~U~ed t~e Great Se~l 0= ~~e State of ~lorida co be ~~fixec. ~t Tall~~ssee, t.:..., C.e.:;::lt:s;l ~is ..g~~~ }.7 of .sep~e::'bar, 15~ ~/dc~70!~ ~GO~....RNOR ,- JI.'!'1"SS'I' : ~~:;~~ . El313~1199B 12: eJ8 8Se-487-3B4'3 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. _A SEP-2'jr- "39 11! ~ ID: ST8)1; E;OC ESF 110 DEP TEL NO: ~.~H113-9848 " e'/2e/.~9B 16:31 ge4~4ee-gela GOY WiGAL OFFICE PAGE 33 ~913 P02/03 PAGE: il2 .. ..... l . .~ I . STATE OF FLORIDA':;~~':;' :.:::~ OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR . -':',5.'.;\! .~." EXECt.1TiVE ORDEn. NtT.MBER 98 .. 240 . "~ .;. W'HUlU5AS. beginnir\1 OQ S~fIlmbat 1!, lPg8, Hurrlell1~ 0.01:1_' paned acto$:' the State of FJorIda. and detU'O~ or cl.amlSed pl'Op..rt)' and l'tlM$t8d hon'lCs; and other b\lilCWl'5 Ulll\litabkl tor occ:upiSio.a.; and WlmREAS, MOAtQ. oounty hu IUffol'td from significant wlnd and rain dmlg8, ~d certain laidootial, g(ivunmont, and commoNJal cstablilhmenlf; hllvc len both e.1e.etricity ~d tcI1cpbonc UUPj and NOW, 'I'R6REf'ORE, 1'. L.A. wrON CHILBS, IS Oovcrnor or Florida, 1>>', Virtue. at the authority yc&ccd in me by ArUlOl<<:l IV, 'cet:ton l(a), Florida Constitution, II.tI.d Chapt~ 252, Florida SUtl.1tr4, l\Od all other a.ppUQ6blc; law'. do hereby promulgltt \by f!i)llowinS B1teeutivo O(der artcct1ve laiJnedacc1y. . Sectl.OQ, t ~ A I~ of emergency eonti%lu'es to exist within. Moru'Oe Counry duc to th~ ctt'cc:a gf heavy rai,Qt.u, h1Jh tido~ Sa1e--totOl winds. eel tloodlnJ Ilboeh.tr:d with Humelli6 Georges. . ~tiQft 2.: In Momw COunty. \be elections t)l'eviou$1t ,ebedlJled fQr Octohl!1' I, 1998. are hereby mcbedulc;d. for Thursday, October B, 1998, \', . - r : _,. " ,"/, .'~ IN TESTIMONY WH5RJSOf. I he1'ClutllO lIet my band a CWIQd. the Gte.D.t Seal of the State orFlarida to be affi1t~ at Ta.Ullhullec:, ~ Ca.pitQ] this ,;1.StJ.. d4.y or Septarnbw. 1998, ~~ OIl O~ ('::" " .,.," .' : '. ". ~. \ ' .- ~'..I:/' ',.:..,1.::'1, ')\\\\1' . ., . ; ) ....: ,.". ~,:_~ J"I' \"".,,; '. '," '.,' '" II, t 'j' - I <~:. ,;.::::C,:,);".~}, ~~.rz~ 'Be MY OF STA'I':! , ~S/3~/1998 12:eS 85e-487-3849 . W.!!4.S:-~ 25 '~ ~51Z1t)M ~ . FDEP/lEGAL DEPT. ..' UG "n, Ill' . , . . P.~G~ 2~ p ~ . !it: DO: .. .... . . DEC~D: September 2~~199B sUta'.A.,~ y . In th. bv~~~ of a declaration, the :o11ow1~ in!errnA~icn ~ppli..r S'I'A'rE: s~~te o~ Plo~iQ~ N'~:mt~ :me !!:l~'T : Jll~"O.... :113 ~-aN Hur~i~~ne'Q~o=~.. DVC:r.:Ot1\"T PElUCtll Se.,ta.'T\bg:; ?:2 I l1' 98, -.n.~ cc:rntin\1~.' DA'I'Z P.EQOZ:S~ BY' G~OP.~6~t~"l\b~ ';J5, 19~8 rCERAL COORb:nn..'r:4~~ OFl"I~!:R: pr.ul Fay i'~ lU,qion !V ::J;;SI~'!'rONS ll~ rrY?~S OJ! ASSle'l"ANC'!~: , . n:taA6'r)1a M~:l:tl'1'ANt:81 ?~ in~~nd_ to coordinAte .11 Oi.dst~= ~elie~ W:!04tS, 1li'h.!.eh r.ave t~e 'P'..tX'PO~8 gf ~ll.vi..tiU!i' thlil ha.::-.c!;i1i,p ~~ 3u~te~inli cau~~ b:r' the la:n..-ga%1cy em. ~h. l'cca.;. '~~\1li.t:.o~ c..;"'d, t;.o ;;>~oVlde aprrop~1ate ...si/l:t:anesa :Q;r: :r'liIquired. ~rg'e.."1C~Y rnu.~:t"liI:', '....t.ho%"~::ad. ~'"'lc..ar Ti,tle V of tne Sta~~~rd Act to .aVe live~, p.o~ect ~~op.rey ~d p'~lio h.alth a.~d. safety,' 0,:' eo 1....o.n o. avert. t..'1e ~I!a" of . l::at.86trop}:ll'ol i:-. th. d."15i~a.ted ~rQas. . S,pscitiea~ly, F~~' ~~ .~c~ri%.d to ~~L~tify, ~~~ili~~, EU'ld p::-cvic:1G &~ ~;II di.r::r.tion, 8~ip;i'.e.r.t iUl~ xasou:ctu: :1QCQ.l:Ia::y to !il1flAJ1J!.t.Q t:.."le. i~"cts c~ e.h~ ei~a.t6X'. Oire~e Fade~al a~ai~t~ce and ~e~g~cy pro~ect!~e m...su=es (CAt:..gO:Y ]i) ~or 'the ~i=5t 72 hew:. at 100 pe:~ent ?d.ra~ ~ding ~~~ ~e~ri8 =~val (C4te~ory A) '.~ 7S p.rcRn~ reOa~~l :~~ding wi~l b- pr~i~e~ tor: ~::o"'c.rd, ~lett., Col~.i~r, Pa.c.o, O.Sate, (;la~.R, ~ond:t:y, Hunanc5Q, H:.ll.bo.gugh, ti.., 'M.&.~t;.., 1'1..rt;.~nl M~o., :Pa.l%'l\ B.aeh, ~il.~co / :i'in.llll.. t-~ ''';:''.Clt-Il CC\.:l1ei.,;. O:nlZRI" Adtli:~ion..J.. t1e51.lm4S,tic;:\. rr.&y ~!l rr.a.(1a :It a, l~t.r, date, ~;~~ :~t:..~ ~~~~.~1'ar.. ~ct6: 'This 'il5 &n ~""'Gl1er c18Cl~~t!.~n. 'I.' . ~3/~~/1998 12:~8 858-487-3849 ..' &:P 2S I!JS ~; 21PM ~ GP/:a,.j 11:15 FAI .~ mum ..n..,.. p.u: FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. __ "p~@Ei; 35 .. ~C;,~ll. IV P,Z--tIl Ql DDl liOU~ 4.l7.uR1 ~1l.01 '" Ti-(Ji; WHITE liOu.1: ~HJHQTQH 5apt~.~ ~S, ~sga Tha ~~=~b~a J~.~ L. N1t~ O~.ee~cr . r.d.:~ ~roQ~cy ~nAq~t ~aner "~.~1n~on~ ~.c. 20.72 b.~r~. ~itt~ . I h...\rQ de~e:Z:nli.~lI!d tb..t the dJuu.ga .1.n. '0.:'1:.&111 ILr.... c~ -t:J1u Si:a.te o:f tlo.tida, '.t'..u1't~v :from.. Ha::ric.sms ~Qrr;1.. on 15.pt:~tll% 2" 1996, ~n~ CQC~~~~n9 1~ ot .~!tic~.~t. ..v~~1ty ~~ ~9nitu~. ~o ~~~rant L'1 ~.r9Oh"'" dQ;J,.;I,;r:.tiQXl ~r U!! ~~.rt 1'. ~~:;.:fto!::d.' O.i.ubi:.~r i\.J.~g1: a.nc:J, P.::l'\1.erqenc)/ AlS3'istaneo Adt, P .L. 93...ZQQ, It" am.r)~ed ("t.OIil 8'tU.fo~d Act-). X, thl!!r4ltQ::tl, decla..:. t.'Ia~ .ucb ~n. eQC~!3'.D.CY e:d.~t.. :1..2:1 ~h.g St;a.t.. e.f. J'lor.:l.d.iI.. ~ou ,,'Il: a.uthoJ:.i.a:6d t:o c:oord.1J1ate aU tli.s:=.s'tQ2:: .:::.J.io:t' B~fcrt:a wQ.!.r:-h h.~ ~~. ,pur,po..' 0: alle~.~g ~~~ hardahip ~d aU::.rin~ e&U.ed bY tha ema.g~~ey O~ the ioeal ~OpUl.t1Qn, .n~ t~ pro~d. ~p~~ap~1&~. &..La;~~. to~ re~u1%.d ~.rq.ncy aa"U~DS, ~u~ho~~:.~ un~~ ~1~1~ V ot th~ ~~ktfc~~ A=~ ~o .A~e llvea, prot_ct Frop~x~y .nd p~l~c hea2t: AAd .~!ety, or ~o l...en O~ ~..+t th. ~.~~ ot a. QI.t:llstro,ph$ ~ thl!t tili.:igna.i:.d t<:::...1i I bpoe.:l..:fi~uly, lOU are luthori:e~ ~o i~=Atify, ~>>t11:~, .n~ p:ov1~ at your dls~~.t1on, ~;U~~~ ~ nlllO\U:Cu ncc_Uil);y to dJ..y1..te th. imp.a~J; tJ~ 't:h.$ di~a.~~r. I h~ve ~~h.= aU~~L..d ~Q~ rg~~=~l' ~B.~eianee 4nQ &mArgency ~~o~~cti~ =aa~u~.. (c&tego~~) to~ ~~. tirat 72 ho~. 1l'C. lOO p.~I!l"'""i"l; :r~~.2!.ll.:1. ru~~, L~ d.~c:t n.r;alllla.::y, a:nd cia):):!'13 ";:Q:I,On.J. lCa.'l:.Qi;'o=:y A) u. "1s pa~c.n~ Tcd.;:-Jl.l fundin;. 'Il,b..q-1;~ pa:::-iod :tor 1;4.1.. c::LreG': 1'o~~al. a....s..':JL.tu::. Il.hd l!JnQ%:g6ncy "rot..eUve Jl:l"U\n"QI "'I: :LOO p4=,-ant. r.cta.=a.1 ~~d.i~g my 'ccs -~eraded. t..:y nMA, .!.t Wi1:'%'IU'l.~.d." In ~~~.~ to p'~o~~d. ~od.ra~ a..i.~a~.., yo~ ~=. h~~aby autho~~%Qd to ~lloo~te ~:om %~ a~a~~l. ~O= ~~v. p~~OD.~r 8u~h ~~t8 1Il.,:! :fQ~ :J.:l~ 'tll!!=.......rl' ~D~, r.cie:c'&l dte",~~.' &UU!l1.l;"nc:~' 1.l~;1 ';'~:n..i.~~t:1."'lt. i1~.rut... S:b1.oue:ly, ~~ .:- '.' ~ ~S/3~/1998 12:08 850-487-3849 FDEP/LEGAL DEPT. PAGE 36 -:".L."L,ll ---:-._ , ' .. ..... (I)' FEDERAL E?\1ERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY RtJJ~. rv ,)003 caam~lel-Tlltktr J(o..d , At!.t.ntl., GtiorVa 3o.~41 AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE TO THE FEMA-$i ATE AGREEMENT FEMA-:-31~1-EM.FL Th~ ~ Amendmont NUml:Hjlr One oto the b--.lc FEMA-St8te Agre:ement far emergency declg,roatlon FEMA~31:S1.EM.FL. declllrl!d S~P1ember 25, 1BG8. Tna ourpose of thl& arTlf)ndmwnt l~ to Include the followingaret!& ~mong those areas determtnod 10 have b(t~n adV"/'$ety affected by the cataetrophA d.c;rQd QI"l em.rgency und.er The Robert T. Stafford Disaster R~1i8f and Emergency As3~ Act, P.L. 93-2&91 81 amended ("Tho Stafford Aor): Hardee and HlgtllQnds CO\Jntlaa for Direct Federal 88Si5tance and emergency proteoti....e lll$asurG$ (Category B) for the nr6t 72 hours at 100 percent Fedsral funding, beginnIng September 25,1998 and l'lnd~n9 ~eptember ;28, 1998. 6~y, Eaalmbi~, Franldlr'l, Gulf, OkaloosfJ, Santa Rosa, Walton and Wakulla COUI"lUet; (or Direct Federal Assistance and emergency proter;tlve m~~u/ljN; (Category B) for the ftrat 72 hour5 at 100 percent Federal funding, beginning Scpt$mt>er 281 1998 and end\ng October 1, 1998. , - All ~n countk.l$ dllClgnBted in this. amendment are eligIble fur debris removal (Catgeory A) s115 percent Federal funding. All othQr par;agr..tphl of this Asr!-ement Mmll'ln unchangQO. -=1-, . MYAf'I r':s AuthQr1z.ed Repreecntstiva '1 - '- 'i' ..~ <( DATE - W'd '6t:'$' 861 ~ dOSs 9tOT-S8~-OS8:~3 eqJJ~ sJo+~aJTa ~