Item S02 BOARJl 01' COr"TY COMMISSIOI\ AGE"DA ITEJ'\1 SLMMARY Met:ting Dale 9/2]/0) - \l;\R ._.._ Division ('uu'lli.. .'~ttmney- s Otli(;e nu~k l{em Yes_~ No SULanne Hulton for: Staff Contact Person: Monroe County FjH;:..Rcs.~uc AGE~DA ITEM WOR[))!\G: :\ppro\"tll (0 aJH:,rti_~e an OrJEmmct' authorizing ti Lump Sum Years of S~rvLce A\..vard to c~najn dlgible \olurlteer firefighters Whl) each have provided atlcas.t ten (10) year$ 0f fire. re$cue <lml emtrgency medical service!' l() Ihe residents and vls.itors or \1onmc Counly and each have reached the age of sixty 11',,:1\1 H.-\CKGROll~ 0: This i~ an awcmi to volunteers. who llOW v,'"ould have been eligible for the Ltngth of Service Av....arJs Program (LOSAPl had lhat program been ~11 place all along. The minimum rC'1uircmcnl:. for {his a\\.ard clle that lhe voltmteers hd\.e provided at least ten (] 0) years Dr ~ervjl:e and are 011 lea:-;l 60 years l}f age. f'JH~VIOliS RI:.:LEYAI\T BOCC ACTlO~: A llllual Ordinance COl\TRACT/A(; REE\1 E~T CHA~G ES: :X/A STAI'F RECOM 1\"1 END.\. T ION S: A.ppro\ a1 to ad\(Tti~e O\.E PLBUC HEARl\.O on Octoher 19, ~OrJ~ ill Key West TOTAL COST: DisuiC[ j. S23.220 Di:-;lrid 6: $ .3,420 BLDGETED~ Ye5 x No COST TO C01.l~TY~ $2o,MO SOli RCE OF FU\ DS: REVL~ lll'~ 1'H:onll(;II\G~ '{Cs. ~u X AMOLNT I"Ul _\"lOYIH Year AP PROVE I) nl': County Ally O\.1B/Purcha~ing _ _ Risk \.1anagcment DIVISI()~ DIRrCTOR ..\rPRO\'AL~ Clcl1&~- O't/3jpj ______ ~~ R. (,OLLl~5. COL\TY ATTOR:-;EY noel- MENTA TIOI\ : lncludcd nL-.. :';ot Reyuired _ OISPOSITIO\: AG L\ DA IT[M If R (,xi ~~'d )./0:' Board of County Commi ssioners ORDINANCE NO. -2005 AN ORDL'A.'.CE OF THE BOARD OF COlJNTY C.OM\1TSSIONERS OF MONRO!:: COl.'~TY. FLORIDA. AITHORJZI~G A Lt:\1P SlJM YEARS OF SERYlCE. A "'ARIJ TO CJ:.:RTAU'I ELIGIBLE \'OLt!NTfFR FrRF.FIGIITF:RS WHO'1 E.!\CH HAVE PROViDED AT LEAST TEN (10) VE,\RS OF FIR F... RESCUE A~D [lIERCENCY MI::UlCAL SERVICES "fa THE RESIDENTS ......ND YISlTORS OF ;\lO\"RO[ cor'1)" .-\.'U \".HO.\'1 EACH H!\ YE RF..AClI[D THE A(~E OF SlXTV; PRQVIDlN(; FOR Sl:VERA.HILITY; PROVlDT'\G FOR THE RF.PF:AL OF ALL ORDINANCES J.\CO,"SISTE.~T HF:RrWTTH; PROVIDING FOR J,"CORPORATION INTO TIlE MONROE:. COl!NTY COPE OF ORmNANCF~~ A:\D PROYHlINC AN EVf"ECTlVE DATI:.: rH: IT ORDAI\.FD HY 11!f: BO.-\RD OF COl.i\TY COM\1ISSIONERS OF MONROr: COl.NTV. FLORIDA. th.H: S...TtlQ.!lJ. A Lump Sum )- ':J.I, of Ser."JC": :\\\ ;lrd tor cakndar Y(;..lf lon' will be' p~I'..~bk lo the folJomng llst~d \ O]untl'~f firefighters \\ hmn each hah~ rrovided at ka~t ~cn ( I 0) ~ c.ar"- of tlft'. rescue and cmcrgcnc~ medica] $cr\.i~cs to th~ rcsirkIlts and ~ isiw[ s of r\.fonTOC COLJTlt\. Florida ;lj]J \\ 11;..);]1 ~al; h n L~ ~~. r;';~l en I;U l h I.: ag.; 0 f s i:\ t Y (()( J ). In th<: ,HlWU nl S spl.:<.'i tleJ Volumccr Flrdi5,!htcr Y~ars of thgib!e Ser. ice Lump Sum ;1/H\;Ird J l)lm BaJ lLSZ \\ alLux Folsom \lan~ Gallm\a\ Palll Gallo\\<I\ Dm ld (jO\\" Syl\ la \tLLq}h~ Wilham Wo.gner. Jr Charks i\.1J.cLaJ"ctl J0hn Rolll lh $2, ~XO 00 S~. 1 fll) (J() $3.420.(JO S:Ul6o.00 ~~'.-t~ l>.(I() :\;2.:,-.:zU.or) $-+. ~r)(j.OD $.2..lttl.OO 'l>2.3-W.O{) 1 ~ ...: 14 l7 l'i I..! " . ..:...... 1 ' .' 1.1, Sl,;ction Z. The ti.lIld~ allocated tn be IN.-.d 10 pa~ lhc lump slim ;~mards shall hr:: paid trorn Fire 6;, R";~ClLC ULmiLt ] Budgcc l.ll-Il :<;H()-~.'.l,():,..w and k.:y Largo Volunk:L'r" fin,; BuJgd. l-l-fl- 1 ~ 5n()-".'o:;~ 0 S..."\:jIVIl ::.. r f ~HlY s...:cHon. sub,;:;..'ctton. sem":llC.: cbu~<,:: or provisiUIl of tJ1iS ordLllJ.tlc(: is hdd j[1\.J,liJ. [he rcm.1mdcr ofthi.~ ordiIlarlcc sh~ll not k aff..:ctcd b\ such llhahdih . . Scctl9~ 4. All ordirla.rlC~ ur parh of ordmanccs Jll conthC! \\ ilh thi~ ordinJ,JH;l,; arc h.:rcby rl;pC~lkd [oJ the ~.\.ti;nt or ~aiJ C~)ll!1 i.,;;. Sectjon :i. The rrm j"jom Ofthl~ ordinance shall bc Hlclud~d :J..i1d mCDfporatcd In th~ Code 0[. OrdiTla[tcc~ of tht: Count) 0f \Iorll 0<;,. Fll}rida. a~ 01.11 addj~j(Jjl or 31l1end.m;,::nt thcn:to, and ~h~lll b.; ;lppT~Tn:n~~ly r~'numbl.:r.,;d It' COrlfOml to Ihl.: unifuml nlllnbering sysh.'m of the C mk Seqi()L1 b. ThlS ordil1J.l1c,:: shall l;]kL" ..:ftccl \\hcn a cU1.ificd cop:- of dm OrdLJlanCC h~s bU~Ll aCCl'Jltoo h~ t]1l; post.a] authoriTi.;<; 01" th~ l:nitcd States jl)r special ddi\cr_, lA fl:':g:iSlcT~j fllJ.il 10 [he S\.'I,:li;ljr\ or' SIal.; of Ih: S[;l[~ of Florida in acconJanc\,; \~ ilh lhi: pw\"isiorH; of F]onJa Statute 12~ hh(.~.~ I'ASSI:::D A~ U ADO PTED b~ the H03rd l)!" C()um~ ('ommis~iorh:rs d. \10r1 r~Jo;..' C uUlll\_ Flonda_.11 a regular mcctlHg of said fioard held on Ihe __ day of 2005. \1u) or Dj:\.i~' ,\1. Spehar \1a\"or Pro [em Charks --Solltn... r'>kCm . .. ("onmmsloncr GOJrge N.cug.::nt C'ommtSSLoner Dm ld P. RJCC COt1Um,SLOtlCr .\lwra_, E \:,bl1fl BOARD OF COLNTY f'O\1MISSIONERS OF \10N ROt COL\TY. FLORIDA B\. .\Im or (StAll !\ll<.:st UANNY L. KOI.HAGE. Ckrk n, I kputy CkrJ.. ~'