Item S05 BOARD OF COl~ N TY COM I\1ISSIOJ'iE RS AG F.N DA ITEM SlfM\'IA R)' \ fedi I1g Date ..~l;ptembeT:: t. 2i)05 [)i\.i~iorl. (' OUTll) :\qom~..!__._. _ Bulk llem: Y~s No X:\.\._ Departmenl. C9J!.vtv AltornC""._. ._ Stall' C onLact PefSOtl Uob Shilli n~cr ~j3_?O AGf:I'4I)A HE" WORDf~G: Rei ~ytion of settlement offer in ...\.!uwot' ( 'OW(/l" \., })oru,hy flouf.!h. (1 01, CAP ()5- ] 6() ITL\l BACKGROL~D: The County owns a code enforcement hen again:Sl a Key Largo property owned by \.1 rs. f f ougn and her two adult children in lhl" amoLlnt of $6 ll:20 0 00 a~ of August 3 O. 200=- .md which COllltnues to accrue m $50.00 per day As of thilt datt;\ C oJ~ Enl'(.)["cemenl stan' rcponed that the propeTl:-. was not incompliance. Th'2 case began in August 100 1 ~\"hen t he own~rs v...ere noticed \.~ ith a \ iolation tor building il carport \.....ithout a pemlil and a setback violation \"lrs.! {Ollgn s.igned for tht certitl~d lettt:r containillg the I\OV so notice is !lot an issue On F ehruary 28, 2002, lnt: Specia( r\.lag.istratc ordered t h" o",ncr$ to llbtain afL~r the' fact permits,. \Vh~n tflat order wasn't complied wit h UH':: Special \1a:;;btrate imposed a daily: tine that hegan rul1!1tng On May 14. 2002. On OClObcr 21_ 2()[H_ the County Allornty'.., oilice s.pnke wilh one oCthc owncrs and connrmed the exis.lence of th~ lien aud the nmning finc. The o\,""er stated that h~ was working lhrougn an engineering. firm to secure un ,lfter the fact permit After several e~\ell:Slons i3nd no s.uccess_ the COUnl\. .-\ ttorney- S otT1cc HI c sun Oll .-\prll -". :O()5 The (1\\ ner did e\-entualh pull <J. builJiilg permit but the strUc.lLlre failed im.peClion 011 June :!, 2005. The cas.e is. cWTcntly in the discovery. process. ..-\ nc\.\ attorney f\:ccntly too~ ovcr thc case for the Defendant s and conveyed 1111 offer of $~_ 'iOfJ 00 to settle lhis Jl1<iUer. He furthe'r r~prt'se[lLt:d thal lh~ pcopcrty is in compliance. According to records of tile Kuilding and Code f:nforcement departments, that information is irl~Une(:L That on~r repr~s.ent~ approxlmatcly 4.1) "/(, of the [otal tine to datc. To datc" the County has. incurred $1.700 in attorney'~ lee:>. in atkmpting Eo enforce this lien in addition to the' $5t)6 dDllan in LOs.ts that it has. Spt'r1l Alter the (vunty";, COS.TS ha\ C becll recouped_ the Dcfcl1dill1lS offer ,....ou Id amQunt to (l $~U4. (Jr) fLne for il ~iolatjon {hat continuc~ to c:\.ist Ikciluse the \ ;0latlOtl has not becn corr~ctcd_ (t1C propcny 1S not current I_~ in c0f11pl ianc('" ~\ it tl tt1C" Special \1il~ijHale:> order and the Coum~ Code for thai rcason, staff opposes any :>enlemcrlt agr~em~nl at thi... time PREVlors RELEVA"lT BOre AC.TIO~: On 0....17....0:" th~ BOrr authDrjz~d collectinn actioil CONTRACT/AGRt:F:M F:"T CffAI\GrS: n/a STAFF RECO'l\lE~"'\DATlO'.S: Rl'jl'ctjon of om~r.. TOTAL COST; n/a COST TO COl.'TY; n/a REVE~T[ PRODI'CJ~C; Ye~ x'\ ..\PPROYED BY: CULlnt\ Any H mVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOC l- ~IE~T.-\. T lO": lllcluded DISPOSITlOr\; R(\ i~~d .2 'I i' HUllGETt:U; Yes~. ~o SOURCE OF l'l:N ns~ ilia 1'\0 AMOlJ_"n I~U{ MONTH n/<'I Yfar n/a O\"1B"Purchasill::! _ _ Ri ~j..; \ lanagcll1cnt (JoUL~..__._.f)tI5dD(... ._ Jl Jorln R Collins. Counf\.' .A.ttorney '-Y '\m Reqlli red .\.. AGEN DA lTE\1 #