Item S07 BOARD OF COU NTY COM MISSION ERS AGrt\I)A ITI(\l SU\U.1ARY \ leeting Dat~: 5ertemher ~ i., 21)O~ Di\-"j_~ion. ~~ qtU111_Attornl'~ BLllk hem. Yes Ko X Department. County Attorney S lair C nnlan Person{ s). Oa v.t' r.::.0P'pel 9I..5!,JZann~ Hutton AGENDA ITEM WORDI~C.~ .-\ppro,.al ol'an jnlcrlocal agrecmenl (ILA) bdween the Board of County Commissioners and lhc mu t1tci pal it ics, of ls.1 il rnoradJ_ Kc~: Colony Ucach. L<I~ 10n & \lara/hon. tor the sharing. l,f gas tax ITEM BACKG ROl!~]); The County has transferred rcsponsibil ity for road mailltenance to the various munic.i palitie:-;. . fhe InU Illci pal it [CS ha ,.(." rcqucm'd il sharing of th(." gas la'i._ flnd !l \~ as deemed equilab Ie to ba~~ the sharing on road m.i I es (:llld bridges t hat need to be mai Ilta i ncd PREY IOLS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION; Discussion and d i recrion 10 S{atTTo bri ng an J LA forwJrd to provide a dis1rlbut ion of mOl1i~s. CONTR:\.CT/AGREf:\-lEI\T CH"\['\Gf:S~ STAI'I' RECOMI\l END..\. nONS: App[o\.al. TOTAL COST: '\A BLDGETED: Ye:<. '\:0 COST "1"0 co l'~n-: ~A SOrRCl: OF Fl'.DS: R[\"E:~ l~ t: J~ROJ)lTI:"rlG: Yes 1\"0 .-\_\.10ll.~T PER \.1 0 '\IT 1 l Year ..\PPROVF:D 11\'; (ount\." An\-" O\fB"'-Pur(:ha~ing _ I{jsk: r-,..1anagcmcnl ~.,../. i~, I l_ 11._. '11._1__I_}r. /' / ..II {(t' .2 ?l.{J \/ . [UVISlON DIRECTOR AI~PKOVAL: ~lL>> ~ ~o_ '?__ J p.< R. COLL!~S. COLSTY ATTOR'\LY DoeL M r.~ T A'I '10,,": included x "\ot Required IHSPOSITIO_\ : AGE'lJ..\ IT[,,\] if. ~r\"Escd 2/05 Gas T:lX Sklrln~ lm~rlocal GAS TAX SHARING ]NTERLOCA~~Rf~~NT This Agreement is made and entered into by MONROE COUNTY (COUNTY), a politicaf subdivision of the State of FlorJdaj whose address ~s 1100 Simonton Street, Key West, FL 33040, and Islamorada, The Village of Islands (ISLAMOAADA), a mUnlClpa~ corporation of the State of Florida and whose address is 87000 Overseas Highway, lslamorada, Florida 33036, the City of Key Colony Beach (KEY COLONY BEACH), a municipal corporation of the State of Florida and whose address is PO Box 510141, 600 West Ocean Drive, Key Colony Beachj Florida 33051, the City of Layton (LAYTON), a municipal corporation of the State of Florida and whose address is PO Box 7781 Long KeYj F~orfda 330011 the City of Marathon (MARATHON), a municipal corporation of the State of F~orida and whose address is 10045-55 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida 33050, WHEREASj the Constitution of the State of Florida Article XIII Section (9) (c), and Section 2D6.41(1)(a)j Florida Statutes! authorize the imposition of a motor fuel excise tax which is collected by the State Board of Administration and distributed to each county as the "5 urpl us Fuel Tax;" and WHEREAS, the "Surplus Fue~ Tax" may be used only for acqu,sjt~on, construction, and maintenance of roads, pursuant to Section 206-47(7), F.S_~ and WHEREAS, historicafly, constitutional fuel tax funds received by the County were, and currently are, expended on public roads in the county road system, which are exclusive of Clty or municipal pubjjc roads; and WHEREAS, sect~on 336,023(2), f.5, allows the use of the "Constitutronal Gas Tax" for "any road in the county /1 and WHEREASj Attorney General Opinion 2003~03 adv~sed that such roads may be in a city street system rather than in the county street system; and WH EREAS, Monroe Cou nty Attorney Memora nd u m of Gu idance It 2005-1 concfuded that it is permissible for the "Constitutional Gas Tax" to be apportioned to the municipaljtiesj based on percentage of coHectjon~ and WHEREAS, the mUniCipalities in the County of Monroe have requested that proportfonate shares of the County's recefpt of Surplus Fuel Tax, hereinafter designated the "Constitutlonal Gas Tax/' be distributed to them for purposes of maintaining their own roads; and WHEREAS, the parties are authorfzed by Section 163,01(4), Florida Statutes, to enter into an interlocal agreement to carry out their independent powers~ and WHEREAS, in a memorandum dated January 5, 2005, County Engineer David S. Koppel reported that the Mayor of Monroe County, the Mayor of Islamorada, Vrflage of Islands, the Mayor of the City of Marathon, the Mayor of the City of Layton, and the Mayor of the Cltv of Key Colony Beach have concluded to divide amongst the various Cas T;1:'; Sh:mn1:'. lmcrlo.;,ll jUrisdictions the sum of TWO MILLION THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,300,000,00) based upon public road mileage w~thin each jurisdiction, and to divide an additional TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($200,000.00) amongst the various jUrisdictions based upon the number of public bridges In each jurlsdiction~ now therefore, IN CONSIDERAT10N OF the mutual promises and conditions contained herein, the PARnES agree as follows: 1- TERM. Subject to and upon the terms and conditions set forth herem, this Agreement shall be effectfve retroactive to October 1, 2004 and continue in force until the such t~me as in any subsequent fiscal year either 1) the revenue is no longer distributed by the State Board of Adminfstration, 2) the funding IS no longer budgeted by the Board of County Commissioners or 3) by mutual consent of the parties. 2, DEFINITION, Constitutional Gas Tax shall mean those revenues received by COUNTY from the State Board of Administrat~on as the COUNTY share of the surplus fuel tax authorized by Section 206.41 (l)(a), Florida Statutes, as levied by s, 16, Art. IX of the State Constitutjon of 1885 t as am ended, and conti n ued by s. 9 (c), Art. X II of the 1968 State Constitution, as am ended. 3. PERMISSIBLE USES, The constjtutionaj gas tax shall on Iy be used for road acqu isitions, road construction (fncluding installation of traffic signals, sidewafks, bicyc~e paths, and landscaplrlg)t routine and periodic road maintenance, and as certain grant matching funds, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 206.47(7), 334.03, 336.023, and 336.024, Florida Statutes, or an subsequent amendments thereto. 4, ROAD MILES AND BRIDGes, The parties agree that, for purposes of this Agreement, the pubhc road miles and public bridge(s) within the rimits and under the jurisdiction of each City, and the total, respectively, of al~ public Road miles and Bridges in the County, are as follows: JU RIS DlCTION ISLAMORADA KEY CO LO NY BEACH KEY WEST LA YTON MARATHON Unincorporated COUNTY TOTAL PUBLIC ROAD MILES 39 8 80 3 58 389 577 pu B Ll.f~_~gWGES. o 1 o o 9 21 31 Cas Tl\ Sharin.!:! lw.;rk..:,ll 5. INITIAL DISTRIBUTION BASED UPON PU BLIC ROAD MILES. The COUNTY agrees to distnbute to the Oties their respective proportionate shares of the constitutional fuel tax in the total amount of TiNO MILLION TH REE HUNDRED TH OUSA N D DOLLARS ($ 2.,300 r 000.00) , apport~ofled in the fOllow i ng su ms: Unincorporated COUNTY ISLAMORADA KEY CO LONY BEACH :<EY WEST LAYTON MARATHON Total $ 11869,440 $ 155/480 $ 31,970 S 0 $ 11,960 $ 231.150 1-1L30_Q,OQO 6. INITIAL DISTRlBUTION BASED UPON PUBLIC BRIDGES, The County agrees to distribute to the Ot~es their proportionate shares of the constjtuttonal fuel tax amount of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($200,000.00), apport~oned in the followi ng sum s: cau NTY ISLAMOAADA KEY COLO NY BEACH KEY VilEST LA YTO N MARATHON Total $ 135,480 $ 0 $ 6,460 $ 0 $ 0 s 58.060 .i-.l O.~ Q.o. 7. PAYMENT OF DISTRIBUTION AMOUNTS. During the fiscal year ending September 301 2005, the first year under this agreement, the COUNTY shall pay to the municipalities the maximum of the sums designated in Sections 5 and 61 above! pursuant to the procedures set forth below, and contingent upon annual appropriatjon: A. The municipaiities shall util!ze those funds descrtbed in Sections 5 and 6 only for uses permitted under Section 3 above, as more particu:ar~y permitted according to cau rt interpretations of tne laws govern i ng the uses of the tax. B- Commencing on the effective date of this (:lgreement, the County shall pay to the munICIpalities 1000/(1 of the amounts of the funds designated above for Fiscal Year 2005. C Thereafter, for each subsequent fiscal year for which County budgets distribution of gas tax to the municipaHt~es, County shall make distributions of actual collections on a quarterly basis pursuant to the percentages establIshed in Section 9 below. D. The municipallties must establish fiscal control and fund accol1nting procedures that comply with generally accepted government accounting prirlciples in order to assure that tne funds are spent for" the purposes set forth in thIs agreement. Each municipality shall include in its contract with its mdependent auditor who performs the ~ G:IS T:lX Slwll1~ lmcrlocal annual audit a requirement to prov~de the County Clerk with a letter of compliance, stating that the auditor has examrned the trallsactions involving expenditure of the gas tax proceeds and that the transactions are in compliance with applicable laws, Any funds transferred by the COUNTY to a municipality under this agreement that are determined by the Clerk! an auditor employed by the COUNTY or employed by the State to ha ve been spent on a purpose not contem plated by this ag reeme r1t must be pa id back to tile CO U NTY with interest calculated pursua nt to See, 55, 03( 1 ), FS, from the date the auditor determines the funds were expended for a purpose not authorized by this agreement. Failure to provide the annual letter of compliance shall be deemed a breach for which this agreement may be terminated as to the breaching pa rty pu rsua nt to Section 17, 8. NO GUARANTEED DISTRIBUTION AMOUNT. The Parties ag ree that the COUNTY does not agree! warrant, or guarantee a set minimum or maximum fixed a mau nt of constitutiana I fuel tax dolla rs dtstr~butions for any su bsequent fiscal years beyond fiscal year 2004-05. The amount to be received by the City in any subsequent year shall be solely dependent upon (a) the amount received from the State Board of Admmistrabon and (b) the public road mile percentage and number of bridges percentage calcu lated for the Cittes in Section 9 of this Ag reem ent. 9. PERCENTAGES BASED UPON PUBLIC ROAD MILES AND NUMBER Of PUBLIC BRIDGES. For distributfons of constitutional gas tax proceeds for subsequent fiscal years, the Parties agree thot the amounts to be distributed under th~5 Agreement shall be equal to the following percentages of the amount received by the Cau nty from the SBA: COUNTY ISLAMORADA KEY COLO NY BEACH LAYTON MARATHON 80.1968 % 6.2192 % 1.5372 % 0.4784 % !.L.5.Q1l4 .3:g 100.00 0'0 10. RECORDS - ACCESS AND AUDITS. Ajl Part~es shall maintain adequate and complete records for a period of four years after each fiscal year allocation. Each Party! ftS offfcers, employees, agents and contractors shall have access to the Other Party's books, records, and documents related to this Agreement upon request. The access to and inspection of such books, records, and documents by the Parties shall occur at any reasonable time. 11. RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES. The Parties are independent of each other and sha II at no tim e be legally responsi ble for a ny [leg I igel1ce on the part of the Other Parties, their employees, agents or volunteers resulting in either boddy or personal injury or property damage to arty individual, property or corporation. 12. TAXES. The Parties are not subject to taxes and assessments. 13. INSURANCE, The parties to this agreement stipulate that each is a state governmental agency as defi ned by Florida Statutes and represents to the other that ~t has purchased su~table PubHc Liability, Vehrde Liabirity, and Workers' Compensation -t (i,L~ Tax Sharmg I nterloc,.1 ~nsurance, or is self-insured, in amounts adequate to respond to any and all claims under federal or state actions for civil rights viojations, which are not timited by Florida Statutes Section 768.2.8 and Chapter 440, as well as any and all claims within the limitations of Florida Statutes Section 768.28 and Chapter 4401 as well as any and all claims within the limitations of Florida Statutes arising out of the activities governed by th is ag reem ent, Each party agrees to keep in full force and effect the required insurance coverage during tile term of this Agreement. If the insurance policies originally purchased which meet the requirements Of this agreement are cance~ed, terminated or reduced in coverage, then the respective party must immediately :substitute complying policies so that no gap in coverage occurs. Copies of current policy certificates shall be Wed with the Other Party whenever acquired or amended. 14. RESTRICTIONS ON AGREEMeNTS ENTERED PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT. The municipalittes shall include in all agreements funded under this agreement the following terms: A. Antl~discrimination. Contractor agrees that they will not discriminate against any employees or applicants for employment or against persons for any other benefit or- service under this agreement because of their racel color, religion, sex, national origin, or physical or mental handicap where the handicap does not affect the ability of an individual to perform in a pO$ttion of employment, and to abide by all federal and state laws regardmg non-discriminatIon. S. Anti-k;ckback, Contractor warrants that no person has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this agreement upon an etgreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage or contlngent fee, and that no employee or officer of the Municioalitv(ies) has any interest, financially or otherwise, In contractor. For breach or violation of th is wa rranty, the MuniciDality( ies) shall have the rig ht to an nul this agreement without liability Of, in its discretion, to deduct from the etgreement price Dr consider(3tionl the full amount of suc-h commission, percentage, brokerage or conti ng ent fee. C. Hold ha rm less/i ndem n incation. Contractor acknowledges that th is ag reement IS funded at feast in part by the County and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Monroe County and any of its officers and employees from and against any arid all claims, liabilities, litigation, causes of action, damageSI costs, expenses (including but rlot limited to fees and expenses arising from any factual investigation, discovery or preparatjon for litigettlon), and the payment of any and all of the foregoing or any demands, settlements or judgments (collectively claims) arising directly or indirectfy from any negligence or criminal conduct on the part of Contractor in the performance of the terms of this agreement. The Contractor shall immediatety give notice to the Municipality and the County of any suit, claim or action made against the Contractor that is related to the activity under th is agreement, a nd will cooperate with the Municipality and the County tn the investigation arising as a result of any suit, action 01" claim related this ag reement. D. Insurance, Contractor agrees that it maintains in force at its own expense a liability Insurance policy which will insure and mdemnjfy the Municipality and Monro@ " Gas 1",1'i S}l:triTl~ lTlIi..,ih:-cal County from any sujts, claims or actions brought by any person or persons and from all costs and expeflses of litigation brought against the Mumcipality(ies) or the County for such lfl]uries to persons or damage to property occurring during the agreement or thereafter that results from perrQrma nee by Contractor of the obligations set forth in this agreement. At all times during the term of this agreement and for one year after acceptance of the p~oject, Contractor sha~1 maintain on file with the Mun~cipaHty and the County a certificate of the insurance of the carriers showing that the aforesald insurance policy IS in effect. The following coverage's shall be provided~ 1. Workers Com pensation insurance as req u i red by Florida Statutes. 2. Commerclal General liability Insurance with minimum ~imits of $500,000 per occurrence for baddy injury, personal injury and property damage. 3. Comprehensive Auto Liabihty Ins.urance wrth minimum fimlts of $300,000 combined 5~ngle limit per occurrence. The M U n~cjpahty and the County shall be named as additlona I insu red. The poHcies shall provide no less than 30 days not~ce of cancellation, non-renewal or reduction of coverage- At all ttmes durirtg the term of this agreement and for otle year after acceptance of the project, Contractor sha11 ma~ntain on file with the Municipa~ity and the County a certificate of insurance shDwing that the aforesaid insurance coverage's are in effect. E. Uc:ensing and Permits. Contractor warrants that it shall have, prior to commencement of work under this agreement and at aH times during said work, ail required licenses and permits whether federal, state, County or City. F. Right to Audit. The Contractor sha~j keep such records as are necessary to document the performance of the agreement and expenses as incurred, and give access to these records at the request of any municipality which is a party to this agreement, Mon roe Cou nty, the State of Florida, or a uthorized agents and representatives of said government bodies. 15. HOLD HARMLESS. To the extent allowed by jaw, each Party is liable for and must fully defend, release, discharge, indemnify and hord harmless the other parties, the members of their govemtng boards, officers and employees! agents and contractors, from and agail1st any and all claims, demandst causes of action! lossest costs and expenses of whatever type - including investigation and witness costs and expenses and attorneys' fees and costs - that arise out of or are attributable to the operations under this agreement except for those claims, demands! damages, liabilities, actions, causes of action, lossest costs and expenses that are the result of the sole negligence or malfeasance of the respective Party. The purchase of the insurance required under this Agreement does not release or vitiate any Party's obligations under this paragraph. No Party waives any of its sovereign immun~ty rig hts i nclud i ng but not jim ited to those expressed in Section 768 _ 28, Florida Statutes. 16. NON-DISCRIMINATION. The Partiesj each for itse~f, its personal representatives, suc.cessors in interest, and assignSI as a part of the consideration Ii (r.l~ 'Lt,'\. Slt.uill~~ lTllcrJo..:ilj hereof, does hereby covenant and agree that no person on the grounds of race, color, or natiOl1al origjn shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits at.. or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of premises or in the contracting for improvements to the premises. The Parties agree that there will be no discrimination agaJnst any person, and it is expressly understood that upon a determinatJon by a court of competent jut"isdfction that discrimination has occurred, this Agreement automatically terminates without any fu rther action on the pa rt of any party, effecttve the date of the court order. The Parties agree to comply with all Federal and Florida statutes, and all local ordinances, as applicable, relating to nondiscrimination. These include but are not limited to: 1) Title VI of the Civil Rfghts Act of 1964 (PL 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the basIs of race, color or national origin; 2) Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, as amended (20 use ss. 1681-16831 and 1685-1686), which prohibits discrimil1atlon on the basis of sex; 3) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (20 use s. 794), which prohibits discrimination on the bas.is of handicaps~ 4) The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 use 55. 6101-6107) which prohibits discri m i nation on the basis of age; 5) The Drug Abuse Office a nd Treatment Act of 1972 (Pl 92 ~ 2 55), as a m ended, relating to nondlscri m i nation on the baSts of d rug abuse; 6) The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcohohsm Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (PL 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiscr~m~natioll 011 the bas(s of alcohol abuse or alcoholism~ 7) The Public Health Service Act of 1912, S5. 523 and 527 (42 use ss. 690dd- 3 a Ild 290ee- 3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patent records; 8) Title VIII of the C ivi I RJghts Act of 1968 (42 use s. et seq _), as am ended, re~ating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; 9) The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 use s. 1201 Note), as maybe amended from time to bme, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability; 10) Monroe County Code Ch_ 13, Art. VI, prohib~ting dtscrimination on the bases of race, color, sex, religion, disability, flatlonal origin, ancestry, sexual orientatiotl, gender ~dent;ty or expression, Familial status or age; and 11) any other nondi5crfmination provisions in any Federal or state statutes which may apply to the parties to, or the subject matter of, this Ag reement. 17 _ TERMINATION. The COUNTY may terminate this agreement for cause after giving to the breaching party at least ninety days written notice of the breach, and a~lowing the allegedly breaching party a period of forty-five (45) days within which to cure said breach. Failure to cure the breach shall be noticed by the COUNTY in writing and provided to the breachmg pa rty at least twenty (20) days prior to th e term i nation date. Application of the monies received pursuant to thlS agreement for any purpose other than those set forth in Section 3 shall be deemed a breach. 18. ASSIGNMENT. No Party may assign this Agreement or assign or subcontract any of fts obHgations U rlder this Ag reem ent wfthout the approval of the govemi ng boards of the other Parties. All the obligations of this Agreement wilj extend to and bind the fegaf representatives, successors and asstgns of the all Parties. A municipal contract for roadwork to be perform ed, whtch does not divest the municipality of its jurisdiction over and ultjmate respons~bility for maintaming public roads shall not be considered a sub-contract or assignment prohibited by this provision. C~I~ Til:\ Sbanag JutcrJucaJ 19. SUBORDINATION, ThiS Agreement is subordinate to the laws and regu~atjons of the United States; the State of Florida; and the COUNTY, whether in effect on commencement of thrs agreement or adopted after that date. 20. INCONSISTENCY, If any item, condition or obfigation of this Agreement is in conflict w~th other items il1 this Agreementj the inconsistencies shall be construed 50 as to give meaning to thDse terms which hmit the COUNTY's responsibility and l,abHity. 2.1. GOVERNING LAWS/VENUE. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Florida and the United States, Venue for any dispute arising under thrs Agreement must be in Mon roe County, Florida, In the event of any litigation, the prevailing party is entitled to a reasonable attorney's fee and costs 22. ETHICS CLAUSE. Each m u n ici pa I ity warrants that it has not employed, retained or otherwise had act on its behalf any former County officer or emp~oyee subject to the prohibition of Section 2 of ordinance No, 010-1990 or any County officer or employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No, 010-1990, For breach or violation of this provision, the COUNTY may, in its discrebon, terminate this agreement without liability and may also, in its djscretionF deduct from the funds due the mUflicipafity, or othervvise recovert the full amount of any fee, commission, percentage, gift or consjderation paid to the former County officer or emp~oyee. 23. CONSTRUCTION, This Agreement has been carefully reviewed by the Parties, ThereforeF thrs Agreement is not to be construed against any party on the basis of authors hip. 24, NOTICES. Notices in this AgreementF unless otherwise specified, must be sent by certIfied mail to the following: COUNTY: Cou nty Adm ~fl istrato r 1100 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 ISLAMORADA: Village Manager 87000 Overseas Highway Islamorada; Fforida KEY COLONY BEACH: Thoma s D, Wrig ht City Attorney for Key Colony BeClch 9711 Overseas Highway Ma rath Oil, FL 33050 & City Manager PO Box 510141 Key Colony Beach, Fl 33051 LAYTON~ Thomas D, Wnght City Attorney for Layton 9711 Overseas Highway Marathon, FL 33050 & City Manager PO Box 778 Long Key r FL 33001 MARA THQN: City Manager 10045-55 Overseas Hfghway Marathon, f!orlda 33050 ~ (r;L~ .[.a.\ Sklrillf llllcrlOC\ll 25. FULL UNDERSTANDING, This Agreement IS the parties' final mutual understanding t"egardmg the subject matter Ilereof It replaces any earlier a 9 reem ents or li ndersta ndl ngs, w heth e~ written 0 r ora I. Th is Ag reement ca nnot be mod ified or replaced except by another written and signed agreement. 1 N WITN ESS W HE REO F, each party has caused thIs Ag ree ment to be executed by its duly authorized representative, (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS10NERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ._.. By: ..::~'. \ '-;I~';: ..... j") U tl~ T>" ~.I.f'J H ~~: ~:' Deputy Clerk ~c r'lOVE [j :'~J,1- 4~..........y;." ~~. ,.---? . I - C::' I -/ ~ .~ I " E r ~1 1 I" T '1 "; ~ ...",-.... ...... ..... .:.. i I ..., l"i . ~ ...... >./ ---......) "S$. qA~" J(::~- u -:.' .j:i -:: ~\jt'" ~~I' _m. _.f.j.i~ ..05 ... .~__ I LAMORADA, VILLAGE OF ISLANDS Mayor I Chairma n (SEAL) ATTEST: By: By: Clerk t-1 ayor (SEAL) ATTEST: By: C1TY OF KEY COLO NY BEACH By: Clerk Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: By: _u Clerk CITY OF LAYTON By: _ .. Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST~ BV: CITY 0 F MARA THO N By: Clerk Mayor l)