Item S08 BOARn OF COr'TY C()M'.lISSIO~""L[RS .-\Cf:" l)A ITE\l SlJM\.lARY \ l~":;l in~ D<lt...::. ).(:ptcmQ.,,;:r ..:2 I . ':::Ol)5. Di\"ision County Altom~y Bu~k hem Yes XX- '\Jo Staff Cuntact Per:son. Pedro \le..qdn ACF:!\I)A fTE\.l \\'ORDI~G; :\uthmizat ion to in stitute >.;ul leuiun pracct'd ings a nd.:or enter serf lelll ellt negori ations \\.E!h South Florida CounciL ln~.. Bo\" ScoutS of Amcr~ca in code enforcement Case 1'\0. \1 S-02-278. 'T~:\.l UACKGH:Ol! N n: Th~ Buv Si.:lHLL~ uf America (ll SA} un \Vcst Sll1nmcrhl nd 10\.1;;;')' \Vas c ired for buildi ng a dod \.vit flout b~ndil ur a ~ennil in \-lay of ::W01. The Special r'I,..lagistr"te found the B SA if] .....iulation on Scptclllbcr 5. ':Oll2 Due to 111..;- nature (1ftl1~ violation. the BS.\ was required III go through the Florida Dt'"partmt~tH of Lnd l"Onmclltal Protection (b. [H.: P) to obr~lin at't~r-rhe-fan permitting The S peci ill \1 C1gist rate wnt i nLJed the compl !,In(,;e date on numerous uCCas.iulls in order to give the BS A. an oppommjty to come into campi iallcc On June l::!, 20m, the Srecia~ \.1 iigistrate imposed a tl nt;' of $500 per day beginning. on i\pri I (8, 2003. On July I, 2003 the BSl\. and the FDEP ~ntered i nt() a c~ msent <lgreement: however. the B S A took no adion to addrt's~ the code mforceJnenl C<bt'. The \.ioldtinn \\JS brought inw compliance by Hurricane Denms on Jul: 9. 200) \vhen the dock \-vas demoli..hed by Hurricane Dermis.. At tIlt' time the dock was demolished the (lccrucd jincs totaled $408,000.00. PRrVJOl'S I-U:Lf:VA:\T UOCC A(TIOl\: ~onl' CO N TRACT/.\GRl: }O~:\l E:\T CIIA ~GI::S: Nt..\.. STAFF RECOi\"lM[[\DATIOJ\S: Approval. TOTAL COST: BLDGETED: Yes. No COST .("0 COl.'T'.; SOL"RCE OF fli~DS: RF:VE~CE PRODL!CIt'lG: Yes \0 AMOU NT P":H 1\101\TII Year APPROVfdl In': County Ally Oi\.1 B/Purchas.ing Ri$k r\..1 anagelllcnt DJVISIQ\,j f)IRECTOR ,\PPROVAL: /. 2 ./. ~ !.~ I r" _ . I . I . . ,. L ~ ~""I.. -.:..-..lc..I..............~j2.-_.~l.~- ~ ._.~l..' '.~.. JOIJI\ R. COLLINS, COUNTY ATTORN tT BOCT 1\-1l.:I\T:\ TIOt'\: Inc lud~d '\Jot f{~qulrcd X-_\ DISPO~ITIO~: AGE~DA ITE\l t# R c\"iscd 2j(.5