04/16/2003 Agreement Gleltl of 1IIe GircuR Goun Danny L. Kolhage (305) 292-3550 Office (305) 295-3663 Fax 1VIemnrandum To: Peter Horton, Director KWIA Attn: Bevette Moore Isabel C. DeSantis,' Q) Deputy Clerk r From: Date: Monday, April 28, 2003 At the BOCC meeting of April 16, 2003, the Board approved the following: Ratification of Lease (offer) Agreement #GS-04B-42843 between Monroe County and the US Government (GSA) for Transportation Security Administration office space at the Key West International Airport. Attached hereto is a copy of the Lease and a copy of the specific paragraph in the minutes where by a motion of the Board ratifies the SUbject Lease. Should you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office. cc: Finance County Attorney V File Jan 30 03 01:38p 01-29-03 17: 11 F rD1ll-GSA PARS FT LAUD fl.- 2 +9543567675 T-970 P.OZ/!! F-Z6t ~eAllE NUMal!R The Government of thRl United St;rtec 0' Amerloa ie .ee~ling to t.ue approXimately 3.450 r."table fiquare feet of office 'pace located in the Key Welt International Airport or within 8 5-mlnule drive from the airport for OlX:Upancy not 'ater than November 1, 2002 for a term of 5 yearG total, 2 years firm. Rentable space mUst yield a minimum af 3,000 square feet Of ANSIIBOMA Office Ansa (prevlouGly Utable) for USEr 'DY Tenant for personnel, furnishing, and equipment. INITIAL OFFERS ARE DUE ON OR BEFORE CLOSE OF BUSINESS September 15, 200Z. B. STANDARD CONDl'rrONS AND REOUIREMENTS .u.s.... GOVFIiI~MFNT I"AGE J;OR JlJi41 1I1!~1X (Short Form) PART I . SOLlCITAT'ON/DESCR'''nON OF nJ~QUIREMENTS ITo bQ l:ompletcd by Government, A. REIJUIREMENTS GS-04B-42843 The follow1ng standard eondllion& alia reQunements Ihall apply to any premjGQ~ allef1ld for IUlIe to the UNITr;:o STATES OF AMERICA Iherfllnaller called the GOVERNMENT): Space offered mu!:! bo in a quallly building 0' $Cund and &lItnlanti.1 CllnWuctlon. either a new, modern building or one lhal hu unl1ergnne fe.lor.itlon or- rtlt'labllitabon for Ihe inlended uee. The Leleor Ihall plllvide a valid OCcupancy Permit ror me inlended Ilse oIlhe GoV!!rnmom Bnd shall maintain and ope~le the bUilding In conlormance with all applicable eurrenl (ili of Ihe dale 01 Ihls sollcltAl/on) code, IVtd ordlnancea. BelowllfBde &!)aCB 10 be occupied by Ihe Government and a11l11'ea& In iI bulldlnS/ reltlrred \'0 os "hBZvdllus IIr.asft In Nol/ana1 Fire PrOlectJon AlIlIociiltlon Standard 101, or /II\Y IIUCC85&or IIlandarcj lherelo, mll11 be protected by an automallc 6prinkler G}lGtem or 8n aquiyalenlllll9/ or lIafely. A minimum or "VlJ separale stllirways ehall ba PlllVidad lor cacti floor 01 Government occupency. Scl550r BI1Iir& will be counled tiS DOe GtaIIWllY. If offered lIpace 16 Ihree cr mon: Ilories aboVlt grade. eddlllonlll elJl'tlGG and nfl~ alarm reqlliremenl6 may apply. T /1e BUilding aM the leased space ehllll be a~9slble to worl<enl wllh Cillllblfhleli in BccOrQance with the AmeflClllls With Oisabl~lie!l Ad Accenlblllly GUidelines (36 CFR Pari ItSI. App. A) and Ihe Uniform Federal Accessii)lIlrv Standards (Federal ReIJ.sl!l' vol. 49, No. 153. AUQullt 7. 1Qtl4. relUUed as FED. STD. 795. Clalla April '. 19BB. and amended by Federal Propeny Mana,gemenl ReguJallone CFR 41, Sllbpa~ 101-19.6. AppenCllll A, 54 I="R \2626. March 2B. 1989). Where standards conniC!, the more slringenl shall apply. The l88sed'lIpace 'half be Iree or eU lI1bast06 containing malarials, elll:(Ipl undllmal/lld aebesto& flooring In \he space or ulldamllged boiler or pipe Inr.ullllion OUlside the spacC'. In whIch caee an l&beelOll managl!/1'lenl Woe",m conforming 10 EnVlronmllnll11 ProtectIon Agency guIdance shall be Implemented. The space 6hilll be rref! Of olller llaUr't1oull malllrlal" IccordlnEr 10 applicable Fedml, Slale, and lacolenvllllnmental rellulaUDn6. Servlcei. ulihlllU:. and maintenance will be provided dally, Cld.llndlnll' from 6 a,m. 10 7 p.m. except SatUrday. SUnday. and Federal holiallYS. Tne Government lihall havlI aceess to Ihe lellsed &p3ce III all timer.. includmglhe we of electrical serviCe:!. 1001lls, lights, elevalors. anc:l Government office machlno!; will1olJ1 l:ddlllonal psymenl. T1:!9le61iIH IAlIIIssIflPI1l18 aRVl'IS;SllllllfV allSRlbooil u,jlRIR fig lSaye all.. "~~Qv8d l.1,eb.1 -"lfl96o.- TAKING SPACE IN 'AS IS' CONDIT/ON. 2 ll!RVlCEG >\NO UTIl'nt:e [T""e PlVI'lGlG It}/ Les.", Ii ~I" 01 lOflQ X "EAr X mABH REMOVAL X EI.EvATOFl SERVICE (_e. 'Pe) l< INITIAl. & Il!;PLAceMeNT OT"':R X ~I.EClRICITV X GfooUl J ~I"\ ORtMCJNG...W.4+iA X ~.Jol~ U\MPS. TVBE6 & (Spoctl\l tllo..) a"'LLASTG X l>OW~Q l'I>",llli..;,-,) X "1Ft CONDiTION/NO ~",qu.l\t~ Sea A_rt X ~~i;Y X WATliQ ,..., Cole) )C; . TOILET SVPPUES )( ~;j,EA.IIW(; Goac. S.. RID ~o_ X J"NIlU"'''l .5eflV ,au,"p ~",qul/ICY S....".. ""CUle .ven ~el Rea OTHER IlI!QUIIlEMENT6 Olferors tnould also Inelude Itle follOwing willllhelr oilers: ~li"'lIlell "lilts Jlra"ars-tR8l1lla;G feMK'IIIlJAG)' BY Ille (;81 'fllm.l'\t :1F~ljgfl ~ fQf teRaRI .llIlIallene, NOTE: All offers ar. subjett to the tenns and condlllons outrlned above, i1nd elsewhere In this solicitation, Including Ihe GOVernment's Gcm:rll' CllIU.e1 anrf R"pf1l..nlltiona and Certifications. BASIS Of AWAIlO X nil! ACClPTABLE OFFER WITH 1'l1~ ~OWE3T PRICE PER SQUAR!! FOOT. ACO)IIOINC TO THE ANSI/GOM.A Z8S., .1we O~""/TION ~OR BOMA U&"ll~E On:ICE AIlEf". WHICH M&ANS 'THE AREA WHERE" TE""Nr NOAMAI.L Y HOUliES I'eRSONfolU, ANDI'OR FV~NlT\JfCE. FOt( VVI<ICI1 "f>\EASIJREMI!NT IS 'TO ae COMPU~.- OFFER MOET "gVAIIITAGEOufi/ TO ~E OOVEIlNMENT, WITH THE ~OI.LOWINC EVALUATION ~AC'TORS BEING 'li1I3MFICANTI.\' MORE IMPoRTAM' '"AN PRICE - APPAOlOloIAKt v li:ev"L TO PRICE: - S1GNIFICANTL Y lEll81""_T"NT THAN PRICC lLoelod i" O.......mo OI'ClII. ....len ...l6d _.): GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PG" I Of2 GSA Ferm 3626 (Rev. 9-01) P",ICl_ by "PO 2IOD.'ZA Jar. 30 03 OH9-03 01:38p From-GSA PARS FT LAUD +9543567675 17 : II . . . _. _ , . _ _. --.....-..v ." Uf'",w1vwnorJ A. LOCA nON AND DESCRIPTION OF PR E;:;;es OFFEREe FOR LEAS!; BY GOVERNMENT p.3 T-Q70 P.03/11 F-Z61 6 N"ME "to/\) AODRES6 Of" BUILDING (lIIe/lId. ZIP Cede) e. LOC"nON($J WBU'LDtNG KEY WeST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT a R.O~(91 c. ROOM NUMBE~(SI NIA 3491 S. ROOSEVElT BLVD KEy WEST, FLORIDA 330<10 2ND c RE"'T"9\.f: !la. rr d. TYPE See )C GENeRAL O~'lCE .. OTHER (SPKlfr/ Addendum A for .. WAREHOUSE sq It. - f.. TERM T. .... .., to hold, .., the '''"' "mm.""", on "'...., " 2002 00' Q......... "..." .."."", 30, 2000 ."'Ow. Tho _.. moy "'m.". m. .... .1 "'y 'my on '" .ft" "'" 30, 200', by""", .. ."'30 do,. ""<." "",' "'h, L..,,, N. mol.. 'ho" '''N' .0" IhY ."",.. '''''' terminalion. Said nollcs GhaU be computed commencmg with Ihe dey anl:f the dale of maUlng R.m "''' b. ..yo.. · ~". 'ml ~" b, 'oo on m. 'ml ""',,"y ., "," mom, WhY,... "~to ,,, "'mmoo"""m " IhY .,.. "~fl. .." m, "Ih "y or the month, the inilial rental payment I:lhall bit due on thl! nrGt workday o( .Ihe SGCond month fOllowing the commeneemenl dalt>. Rlmllor II period of less than 8 mOnth 8h811 lie prorallld c. ftENTAL AMOUNT 0$' "I"NUAlIlENT YR:J I.. N.':OU,," OF' "INNVAL R!:NT YR:J :l-~ See Adl1endum A for rale 5truclur.. MAKE CM!:CK.S P.AY"8L.E TO (N."", end .d"'N.) AIRPORT OPERATION & M,"NTENANCE I<WIA 3491 s. ROOSEVELT BLVO. KEY WEST. FLORIDA.J304D R"re "E~ MON111 VRS '.1 RATE PER MONTH YRS J.5 See Addendum A '0. NAM. AND ADDRESS 01' OWNER l/fl<:t"~. lIP <QQ8 U _"-1 OY,1Ie G...........e_/ .nd In. 0........ . D'''''''".,p '" }om/ ""mIll'lL ""'V ,,""....., Po""".. u.",~ . ..._.to ,"""'. J ..........,.} MONROE COUNTY KEY WEST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 3491 S ROOSEVELT BLVD. KEY WEST. FLORIOA 33040 100. TEl.~P~ONE NUMBER Of OWNER 305-292-351 a , '. TYI'E 01' WTCIlEST IN PROPERTY OF' PERSON $IGNlNG OWN~R )tl\tmiOIl~50 ACENT 12 NAME OF OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AQeNT NT IS OA'rt 1J. Tm.~ or: "CR!fON i:IONINC AIRPORT MANAG R 18 OF"~R R.MAIN!i OPEN UNTIL ':'0 P M OTHE~ /SpOC/fIt} PART III . AWARD (To be' c:f1mIJ/eled by GovommenQ Yo", "k" " .....by · ~, ,", '""" --... th, ,.... ..."" ........ .f m. _, ""'_,,, C.) "'" G" ,."" 3G", (b) ReprellenlatloOli and Cettlrlcalions, (e) Ihe Government" General ClauDelS. and (d) Ihe rOllowing Changell or i1dditlDr\C mlde or ilpreed 10 by )'0\1: A''''''''m I - ._,. l.... R....."""" ,.. Smau ......., _"m... 2 - L.... c'" .'''kdown S"",m"Y, Add,..... A _ S,.." '00",. Ilnd Rent SlrUcture . Layout or Space -',30-b3 (0.18/ THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT BINDING ON THe OOVERNMfNT OF THE WIlTED STATES Q~ AMERICA UNless SIGNED BELOW B'( "UTtfORIZED CONTRACTING OFFICER. , 11. NMlE;: O~ CONTRACTING OR=1CE'1t (7Y- '" Pnnl,l ~. S;::~T"J~' ( T '--.../ He. DATE ICES ADMI~ISTRATION 1- r3 ( - 03 GSA Form 3626 (Rev. O.of) "","rib," lIY APO 2AOO. '2" Jan 31 03 10:38a 01-Z9-03 17;12 From-GSA PARS FT LAUD +9543567675 T-970 P.04/11 F-Z61 p.2 ADDENDUM A - SQUARE I:'OOTAGE AND RENT STRUCTURE TO GU.j\ FORM 3626 LEASE CONTRACT # GS-04B-42843 The Rentable Square Footage (~SF) and Rent Struc1tJ1re untier this lease shall be as follows; Fully Serviced RatelRSF Term RSF Total Annual Rent Monthlv Rent 10/01/02 lhru 1/21/03 300 $29.06 $6,716.00 $726.50 $20,342.00 $1,695.1~ 01/22/03 Ihru 09/30/03 700 $29.06 })l)~ \ / ~, \ / ".J \ " 'Iv~ . - ~. ~ J)~ \(9\ Oct. 23 02 10:02p p."t c c SFCI No. 2FL0353 TSA:K;y West, Florida ATIACHMENT #1 -- SUPPL5MENTAL LEAsIi ~EQUIREMENTS -~~~~ALL Lt:ASES 1.0. MISCELLANEOUS TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.1. RENTABLE SPACE (JUN 1994) Rentable space Is the area for which ::! tenant h; charged rent. It i:s determined lJy ttJe DUilding Owner and may vary by city or by building wfthin the same c:ity. The rentable space may include a. share of buildjng support/common areas such 3S elevator lobbies. building corridors, and floor servic13 areas. Floor service areas typically include restrooms, janitor rooms, tete~lhone closets. electric:ll closets, and mech(lnical rooms. Th~ rentable space generally does not include Vertical building penetrations and their enclosing walls, such as stairs. elevator shafts and vertical ducts. 1.2. BOMA USABLE SQUARE FEET (JAN 1997) (a) For the purposes of this solicitation, the Government recognizes the BOMA (Building Owners and Managers ASSOciation) Intemational standard (ANSI/BOMA Z6S.1-1996) definition for Office Area, whIch means "the area where a tenant normally houses personnel and/or fumiture. for Which a mC:1:;uremenl is lu be computed." (b) BOMA Usable Square Feet shall be computed by measuring the area enclosed by the FINISHFn SUR~ACE of thc office side of conidlJr::i (c(lfl1aors in place as well as those required by local codes and ordinances to provide an acceptable leve.l of safety and/or to provide access 10 essenliaf building eiements) and other permanent walls, the DOMINANT PORTION (see Z65.1) (permanent walls which are 50% more than the noor~to-r:eiling dimension) of building e~erior wCllls, or a MAJOR VERTICAL PENETRATION and the center of partitions that separate the area being measured from adjoining OFFICE AREA Where alcoves, recessed entrances, or similar deviation from th~corridor are present, BOMA Usable Square Feet Shall be COmputed as if the deviation were not nressnt (c) quired to submit plans and ~'"Y other information to demonstrate that the rentable space A Usable space within the required BOMA Usable range. The Govemment will verify IhE! BOMA Usable square footage aM convert the rentable prices offered to BOMA Usable prices. whic '11 bsequentJy be used in the Price evaluation. Refer to GSA Form 3626 and Attachment #2 for sp iflc spac equirements. 1.3. COMMON AREA FACTOR (JAN 1997) If applicable, Offerors shall proVide the Common Area Factor (a conversion factor(s) determined by the,building owner and applied by the owner to the BOMA Usable Square Feet to determine the rentable square feet for the offered space). I . , 1.4. LOCATION (3) AREA OF' CONSIDERATION The SIJClt.:e offered must be within the below clelineated boundaries: City: Key West Intemalional Airport, KeLVI!!>.st, Florida "Located at the airport or within 8 S-minute drivl;f uf the alrpon listea above. RK G REQUIREMENTS A . rmum of two (2) reserved on-sitP., outdoor P:01lrking sp~cc:; Ore required imml:luii:llely Outside and a' nt to the proposed building. The parUng to square foot ratio available on-site must meet current cal c e requirements. .. I fA JJ rp . J ~ K. Jt!J C' All _ IV - o. l<.eseIl..Ve." 'rAIL IN ~ _ ~~ (6E~ & GOvT ~ SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE REQUIREMENTS PAGE 1 OF 14 INITIALS: I FSSOR SFO # 2Fl0353 Oct. 23 02 lO:02p ,.....J (~ (- 1.5. NECOTlATIONS (APR 1998) (a) The Government reserves tha right to award a lease pursuant to this solicitation based on initial offers. If no such award is made, negotiations will be conducted on behalf of the Government by the GSA Con1r~cli"g Officer or other ~ulhorized n:'Presenlaliv~. The GSA Contracting Officer is named on the second page of the form 3626 inclUded in this solicitation. GSA will negotiate rental price for the initial term, any renewal periods, and any other a:.pect of the offer as deemed necessary. (b) The Offeror shall not enter into negoticllions concerning the space leased or to be leased with representatives of Federal agencies other th;!n the Contracting Officer or designee. (c) Tin:! Contracting Officer Will conduct oral l)r written negotiations With all Offerors that are within the competitive range. The competitive range will be established by the Contracting 'Officer on the basis of cosl or price and other factors (if any) thal .Ire stated in this solicitation and will include all offers that have a re3sonable choncc of being selected for C1wClrd. (d) Offerors will be provided a reasonable opportunity to submit any cost or price, technical, or other revisions to their offers thaI may result from thl'! neg,)tialions. Negotiotions will be closed willi submISSion of "tjest and Final" offers. 1.6. PRICE EVALUATION (PRESENT VALUE) (JAN 1997) (rl) If :lnnual CPI :3djustments in operating exponses ale im:luded, OlTerors are required to submit their offers with the to13l "gross" annual price per rentable square toot and a breakout of ltle "base price per rentable square foot for services and utllitias (operating expenses) 10 be provided by the lessor. The "gross" price shall include the "base" orice. (~~ I)V1\ \ v ~\..) \ (b) ~\~ ~o-rJ (c) a required to Submit plans and ;3ny other information to demonstrate that the rentable space MA Usable space within the required BOMA Usable range. The Gnvp.mmant will vc;rity the ~mou 0 OMA USaDJe square footage arcl convert the rentable prices offered to BOMA Usable prices, will su equenUy be used in Ihe price Elvaluation. If th~ offer include:: ~nnual adjustments in 1I1Jt:rdting expenses, the base price per BOMA Usable square foot from which adjustments are made will b~ the base price for the term of the lease, including any option periodS (d) Evaluation of offars will be on the basis of the annual price per BOMA Usable square f~ot. including any option periods. The Govemment will perform present value price evaluation by reducing the prices per BOMA Usable square foot to a composite annual BOMA Usable square foot nrir.e. CIS follows: (1) Parking areas wi!! be excluded from the total square footage, but not from the price. For different ~ types of space. the gross annual per square foot price will. be determined by dividing the total annual rcnt~1 by the total ;square foolayt:! minus tllese areas. (2) If annual adjustments in operating expanses will not be made, the gross annual per square foot price will be ~iscounted annll:llly at 8 percent to yield 3 gross present value cO~l (?VC) per square foOt. ~ . , (3) If annUal3djustments in operating expenses will be made, the annual per square foot price, minus the base cost of operating expenses, will he discounted annually 'It R /'l(lrcent to yiQld s net PVC per square foot. The operating expenses woll be both escalated at 4 percent compounded annually and discounted annually at 8 percent, then ar:l,jed to the'net PVC to yield the gross PVC. (4) To the gross PVC will be cnltletJ: The cost of Govemment provide,j services not included in the rental escalated at 4 percent compoundp.r1 ;lnnually and discou"ted ::tnnually at a percent The annualized (over the full term) per BOMA Usable square foot cost of any items which are to be reimbursed in a lump sum payment. (The cost of thP.!';P. items is prQl:ont "3Iuo; thl3refore, it will not be discounted.) (3) The sum of either (2) and (4) or (3) and (4), above, will be the per BOMA Usable square foot present value of the offer for pri\;t:l evaluation purposes. B~ ~. INITIAI.S: LESSOR & COV'T ~.p SFO tl2FL0353U) , SUPt-'Lt::MENTAllEASE REQUIREMENTS PAGE 2 OF 14 nrT ?c:: 'l:lI? 1""= ~ 0-' In. o?., Oct- 2,:) .:. u. '-r ~\) vrriJ\ F.b r c 1.7. REAL ESTATE COMMISSIONS For the purposes of this SFO. Equis is the authorized repr~entative of the GSA. However, a GSA Contracting Officer must execute tns lease. Equis will be pursuing any commissions that they would have been entiUed to by common commercial real est':Jtc practice~. Such t.vmmlsslons snail be payable to the Equis in the form of a certified check, corporate check (or electronic funds transfer) due in accordance with local laws -and customs but no later than the lease commencement dat.~. For purposes of tne price evaluation, any commission snail be treated as a lump sum credit wrth thP. "ro~dures oc1ablisned in Paragraph Ul -PRICE EVAl.UATION (PRESENT VALUE)" of this solicitation. 1.8. OPERATING COSTS ADJUSTMENT (a) Beoinning with the second yosr of the lease and each )'t!csr after, the Govemment shall pay adjusted rent for Changes in costs for cleaning services. supplies, materials, maintenance. trash removal, landscaping, water, sewer charges, heating. electricity, atld certain administrative expenses attributable to occupancy. The negotiated and agreed upon applicablE! cost", listed on GSAForm 1217, items G-26, Lessors Annual Cost Statement, will be used to determine thEl base rate for operating costs adjustment. _ (b) The amount of adjustment will be determinEld by multiplying the base rate by tnP. percent of change in the Cost of l.iving Index. The percent change will be COmputed by comparing the index figure published for the month prior to the lease commencemElnt date with the index figure published tor the month which beginS each Successive 12-month period. For example, a lease which commences in June of 1985 would Il!;e the index published for May of 19M a",~1 Ulat figure woula be compared with the index published for May of 1966, May of 1987, and so on, to dEltermine the percent change. The Cost of living Index will be maasured by the U.S. Department of Labor revised Consumer Price Index for wage eamers and clerical workers. U.S. City average. all item~ fiOllre. (1982-84 '" 100) plJbl~hed by t1,e Bureau or Labor ~tatistics. Payment will be made wIth the monthly installment of fixed rent. Rental adjustments will be effective on tIle anniversary date of the lease. PaymEmt of the adjusted rental rate will become due on the first workday of the second month fOllowing the pUblication of the Cost of uvino Indc;lx for thg month prior to the It:dse commencement date. (c) If the Government exercises an option to e:<lend the lease term at the same rate as that of the origin:!1 term, the option orice will be based UTI the .3dJUstment dUring the original term. Annual adjustments will continue. (c) ent of any decre:!sp.!,: in tn9 Cost of Living Index occumng during lhl:! Lerm or the Occupancy under the se. the rental amount will be redUced accordingly. The amount of such reductions will be d ermi d In the same manner as increases In rent provided under this clause. (e) The ofter must clearly state whether the rental is firm throughout the term of the lease or if it is subject to annual adjustment of operating costs as indicated above. If operating costs will be Subject to adjustment, it should 00 :\p6cifred on the Attachment #2, '(l.saSQ Cosls Breakdown Summary". contained elJ;p.whQre in thi3 3oJicitation. 1.9 REAL eSTATe TAX ADJUSTMENT GSAR 552.270-24 (1998) (a) Real estate taxes, as referred to in this clause. are only those I:::IYf!S whiCh arg a~~et:ccd egain~t the building and/or the land upon which the building is located. without regard to benefit to the property, for the purpose of funding general government services. Real estate taxes shall not include. without limitation. general and/or special assessments, business improvement district assessments, or any other present nr future t::lXCS or governmental chcsrges that are impoSed upon LeSSOr or assessed against the Building and/or the land upon which the building is JOc;!ted. ' (b) Base year taxes as refp.rrf!d to in this clause 3re the real esta~ taxes fur the first twelve (1~) montn period coincident with full assessment, or may be ~In amount negotiated by the parties that reflects an agreed upon base for a fully assessed value of the pr':lperty. . (C) The term 'lull assessmenr as referred to in this claUse means that the taxing juriSdiction has considered all contemplated improvements to the assessed property in the valuation of the same. Partial assessments for newly constructed projects or for projects under construction. conversion, or renovation will not be U!;P.rI for ectobli:;hing the Govemlll""l's base year for taxes. (d) The LeSSor shall fumish the Contracting Officer With COpies of all notices which may affect the valuation of said land and buildings for real estqte taxes thereon, as well a:s all nOIil;~S of a lax creon, all tax bills and INITIALS: LESSOR SFO # 2FL03S3 B~. GO~ SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE ReQUIReMENTS PAGE 3 OF 14 Oct 23 02 lO:02p f". ( \' ( all paid 1Cf~ receipts, or where tax receipts are not given, other similar evidence of payment aoceptabla to the Contracting OffIcer (hereinafter. evidence of payment), and a proper invoice (as described in the Prompt Payment clause of this lease, GSAR 552.232-71) of the tax adjustment including the calculation !hergof, for each yesr that real ~tate tax~ are incurred du"ng the lease term Or any extansion thereof. All such documents are due within ten (10) calendar days of receipt exeopt that the proper invoice and evidence of payment shall be submitted within sixty (60) calendar days after the date the tax payment is due from the lessor to the taxino authority Fallura to cubmit the proper invoicv and eVidence ot payment within such time frame shall bEt a waiver of the right to receive payment resulting from an Increased tax adjustment under this clause. (t!) The Govemment snail make a single annu.lIlump sum payment to t~ lessor for. its share of any increase in real estate taxes during the lease term over the amount established as the base Year taxes, or receive a rental credit or lump sum payment for its share of any decreases in real estate taxes during the lease term below the amount established as the lJa:;t! )'ear taxes. The amount of lump sum payment or rental credit shall be based upon evidence of valuation .md payment submitted by the Lessor to the-Contracting Officer in accordance with paragraph (d). . _ (a) In the event of an increase In taxes Ove:r the base year, the lessor shall submit a proper Invoice of the tax adjustment including the calculatiorl thereof together with evidence of payment to the Contracting Officer. The Government shall be responsible for payment of any tax inel"Qaco Over the bll3e year taxes only if the proper Invoic:o and evidence of payment is submitted by the lussor within sixty (60) cahrndar days after the date the tax payment is due from the Lessor to the taxing authority. The due date for m:lking payment shall be the thirtieth (30th) calendar day after receipt of evidence or ~C:lyment by trle t:;Ontl'acting Officer or the thirtieth (30th) calendar day after the anniversary date of the lease. whichever is later. If the leasa terminates before the end of a tax year. payment for the tax increase due as a "esult of this section for the lax year will be prorated based on the numhP.r of days the GOl/ernmel"lt occupied the $pace. No ill~rt!C1se will be paia, due, or OWing unless all evidence of valuation and payment have been previously submitted to the Contracting orticer. The Govemment's payment ~)r Its share of real estate taxes shall not include any late charges, interest, or penalties imposed by the taxing authority <'IS a result of the Lec:;or's delinquency in paying such taxes or charges. a. In the event of a decrease in taxes from the base year. or in the event of any refund or tax deduction. the Lessor 511\:111 nutify the Contracting Ulticer in accordance with paragraph (d) of this clause. The Govemment shall be entitled to and Shall receive a credit for the prerala reduction in taxes applicable to the Premises encumbered by this lease, regardless of whather the Govemment has made a tax f1~yment for that ye:01r. ThG Govemmer,l's ~h~re of the credil will be determined in accordance with paragraph Cf) of this clause and shall be taken as a deduction from the rent. Ar1y credit due the Govemment after the expiration or earti'!r termination of the Lease (inclUding but not limited to credits resulting from a decrease in taxes pursuant to a t;:jlC credit due thQ Lessor; ::l reduction in the tax assessment; or a tax appeal proceedin~1 for a year of the lease, or portion thereof) shall be made by ;:! lump sum payment to the Government or 3S a rental credillu any succeeding lease as determined by the Contracting Officer. The lessor shall remit any lump sum payment to the Govp.rnmerU within flfteen {1.51 calendar days of payment by the taxing authority to the Lessor or the lessors designee. If the credit due to the Govemment is not paid by the due date. interest shall accrue on the late payment at the rate established by the Secretary of the Treasury under Section 12 of the Contract disputes Act of 1Q7S ("1 U.S.C. 611) that i$ in effect on LIlt! day after tl'le due date. The interest penalty shall accrue daily on the amount of the credit and be IXImpounded in thirty (30) day increments inclusive from the first day after the due date through the payment date. The Government shall have the right to pursue the outstanding balance nt ;:jny t.lIX credit using all such collection methods as ar~ i:lvi:lil::Jble to tne United States to collect debts. SUch::ollection rights shall survive the expiration of this lease. (iii) The requirements stated in this paragraph are applicable to each and every year for whieh the lease is In effeCt (or POrtion thereof, dependent upon the expiration date of the lease). A paid tax receipt or other proof of tax payment must be slJomiUed each year. The Government and the Lessor are mutually obligated to fully disclose to the other party the amount of debIt/credit incurred each tax :lssessment yo;:!r. Should the Lessor fail to submit tax receiPtS indicating Govemment credits for preceding years and subsequently sub:nit a tax receipt indicating payment is due the Lessor, the Government is entitled to be fumished copies of paid tax receipts and process all adjustments for the intervenin~ periOd of time belyieen tAll receipt submissions by the Lessor. If the credit due to the ~ ~1Jv' l; ? INITIALS: LESSOR 8. GOVT ~t SFO # 2Fl0353 L.,.,' ) SUPPLEMENTAL lEASE REQUIREMENTS PAGE 4 OF 14 UC't 23 02 10: 03p F. tl ( Govemment is not paid by lh~ due ..:late, Interest shall ac~e on the late payment at the rate established by the Secretary of the Treasury under Section 12 of the Contract disputes Act of 1978 (41 U.S.C. 611) that is in effect on thE: day aftar the due date. The interest penalty shall accrue daily on the amount of thR credit and be oc:mpounded i" thirty (30) day Increments inclusive from the first day after the due date through the payment date. The Govemment shall have the right to pursue the outstanding balance of any tax Credit using all such collection methods as are available to the United States to collect debts. Such collection rights shall !;IJrvivIJ the expiration of this lea:se. (a) The Govemment shall pay its share of tax increases or receive its share of any tax decrease based on the ratio of the rentable square feet occupied by the Government to the total rentable !;tJlI;lre f@E!t in the building or c:omplex (",tHCentage of OCCupancy). For the purpose of this lease, the Govemment's percentage of occupancy as of the date heraof is _%. This percentage shall be subject to adjustment to take into account additions or reductions of the amount of space as may be contemplated in this lease or amendmP.ntJ; h~reto. The block and lot/parcel or ulher laentificatlOn numbers for the property, building(s) and parking areas(s) Occupied under this lease are (b) The Govemment may direct the Lessor upon rp.::!!:onable noticg to initiata e tsx appeal UI t/le Govemment may decide to contest the tax assessment on behalf of the Govemment and the Lessor or for the Govemment alone. The Lessor shall fumish 10 the Government information necessary for appeal of the tax assessment in accordance with the firing reQuirements of the taxing authority. If the Government decides to conleSI Un:! tax asseSSment on its own behalf or on behaff of the Govemment and the Le~sor, the Lessor shell cooperate and us!:! all reasOI'lallle efforts inclUding but not limited to affirming the accuracy of the documents. executing documents required for any legal proceeding and taking such other actions as may be rQquired. If tl1c: Lessor initiates all i:lppeal on behalf ot the Government, the Govemment and the LeSsor will enler into an agreement to establish a method for sharing expenses and tax savings. (c) For lne purposes of tax appeal. thP. following Information mu~t be provided dUlillY lease negooat1ons: 1. County/stale in which property tax is paid _ 2. Date tax bills are issued by county 3. Date tax tJiJls must be paid 10 county . 4. Date paid tax receipt must be submfited to the Govemment for prorata adjustment (60 caJendar days from the date payment is due fr':lm the LeSsor to the taxing authority) 5. !.oct dala or timeframe in which tax appeals may be filed in county noted above 6. Address of county tax office for appeal 1.10.ALTERATtONS $100,000 OR LESS (JAN 1997) (a) The unil prices which the Offeror is reQuired to list will be Used, upon acceptance by GSA, during the first year of the lease to price alterations costing $100,000 or less. These prices may be indexed or rGlnegoti:atQd to 3pply to ~ubsequent year~ uf tl1e lease upon mutual agreement of the Lessor and Government. (b) Where unHprices for alteration!; ::Ire not aV2ilable, Ihe LC:~or may be ~que:;led to prOvide a price proposal ft{, the alterations. Orders will be placed by issuance of a GSA Form 276, Supplemental Lease Agreement, a GSA Form 300, Order for Supplies Or Services, or a tenant agency approved form. The clauses entitled "GSAR 552.232-71 Prompt Payment" and "GSAR 552.'32.72 Invoicg ReqUirements (Vanallon)" apply to orders for alterations. All orders are subject to the terms and conditions of this lease. , (c) Orders may be placed by the Contracting Officer, the GSA buildings manager or tenant aQeney officials when specific~lIy authorized to do so by the Contracting Utticer. The Contracting Officer will provide the Lessor With a list of agency officlals authorized to place orders and will specify any limitations on the authority delegated to tenant agency officials. The tenant agency officials are not authOrized to deal with the LeSsor on any other mattel'!;. (d) Payments for alterations ordered by tenant agencies will be made directly by the agency placing the order. '11 ~:'~:~~ EO" '" "'.n.""" 1"11 :: '.. · , . ,:.0 .' , r. . '0 ,. '01.......... The".ra ""........... ~E~?~:~~~~~ E;~E~:.7:~~E;;,:~~u::-~~ 8ev/ ~ ~ INITIALS: LESSOR & GOV'T .::~:':-r SFO # 2FL0353 U ) SUPPLEMt:NTAl LEASE REQUIREMENTS PAGE 5 OF 14 QCT as '02 10:57 uc~ O:;;,j UO:;; lU:U;jp ,..,.v (' ."":. ..~ ~. P~..:'h. _'G' ~;';::~~~~~~~?:::.~~~~ ~~:=~ :.=~ :. ,:~: ::;. ~;:,;~~.;... ;;..: :,y....,..,lO. .'_ TR9 p':~ pgr fio~r ~~\JRt~g gl.'pl9'" t'19WW.:;I:t TAg ~r:~g por ''';:?'' ~Ol.lRt,,~ ;vplo'( 9'~~~~19\JU9t TO. r".. Pe' ,..' ........ ~. ''1''.; r;~, "~~:::~-:' ~.::::::' :: ~:: ::;~:.; =~ =~~;^~ ... 'Tl'<> PRt'll !O'or "'0111 J;l911"~t'; gOgl"....;... Q 9c~1 Qutlgt T"''O' pR~9 po' tl'O'Qr mQ' 'qtgg toloPR9R9 ~~~t. TR9 pRell p'ilr "'~lI A:'~\lRteg tOIll'PR~~; ;t.lth~ TRg prlt9 p9r flQ~' ~9\.lRtll,", ;~t:a ,.. '.'ot i:~ :~;; ;:; ;~~~~I~~r Q3t1 OUM?l :: ::. :: :~ olio. '''.~''i.''::~,! "'~ .""'.i.g T~p p';~^ pM I:..?~. fo)Q. ~f ~ffi...... r"bgi,'jOlc~~ 1,: :1;1.1 Fa""i"lIipg ThlO' PR~9 por ~41tg food glg~t~C';1 (~r ~::~;:::i:\Jr:G) ;:: ;:~: ;:; ::~~ ~O.O:.g~~:~~)~~'~dt~ (l~~Yf.^~t ~~;h ,...) :-: ~- ;~ ; ~ ;== ~- :== ~== ~~ rJ\\\ rrJ 0~,~ : I)~J:~\ \/ L~l I 1.13. ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER PAYMENT (APR 1998) (a) Payments under this leasA will be made I:y the Govemment by electronic fund~ lri:lnsfer (EFT). After award, but no later than 30 days before the first payment, the Lessor shall designate a financial institution for receipt of EFT payments, and shall :lllbmit !his designation to the Contracting Officer or other Govemment official, as directed. _ (b) The Lessor shall provide the following information: The American Bankers Association 9-dlgit identifying number for wire transfers of the financing institution receiving payment ff the institutionlla:i C:lCCef;S to the Feaeral Reserve Communications System. (1) Number of account to which funds are t(1 be deposited. (2) Type of depositor account ("C. for checki"9. ~S" for Savings). , (3) If the Lessor is a new enrollee to the EFT system. a "PaYment tnfnrm..tion Form," SF. 3881, mu:t be complet<td before payment can be prOcessed. , (c) In the event the Lessor, during the perforrmmce of this contract, elects to designate a different financial institution for the recl:li1J1 of any payment macte Using EFT procedures, notification of such change and the required informatJon specified above must be recaived by the appropriate Govemment official no later than 30 days prior to the date such change i~ to become effective. (d) The documents furnishing the information required in this clause must be dated and contain the signature, title, and telephone number of the Lessor or an authorized representative designated by the Lessor, as well as the Lessor's name and lease number. (e) Lessor failure to property designate a financial institullon or to provide appropriate payee bank account information may delay payments of amounts '::Jtherwise properly dUe. BuJ-:: f' INITIALS: LESson 6. GOV'~"" .)-~ SFO # 2FL03S3 --rJ / SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE REQUIREMENTS PAGE 6 OF 14 OCT 2S '02 10:57 Uct- 23 02 10: 03p .li \'C v, -.. en ~ Q) ~ ~ Q. V) CSJ ~ -.. ~ \~ , G:: 2.3. - < 2.4. r- . - - r' 2.0. BUILDING SVSTEMS AND FINISH",! N 0 c e..vr /VIi H II A C ~ TING, AIR CONDITIONI AND VENTILATION SYSTEM Te eratures shall be mai ined between 6S'F and 72"F dUring the heating SP.ASOn and between 7401= :Jnd 76' nng the cooling eason in order to maximize tenant satisfaction. These temperatures must be maintai d throughou e leased premises and service areas, regardless of outside temperatures. during the hours of eralion ecified in the lease. The Lessor shall be requfred to start the HVAC equipment ear1y enough ;11 t m ing or night ill url1er for the E'"tire space to be at the required temperature at the start of the day without a 'onal cost to the Govemment 2.1. Area aving exce . e heat gain or heat loss. or affected by solar radiation at different times of the day, shall be' dependently cont lied. 2.2. LECTRICAL e Lessor shall be responsi e for meeting thE' applicable requirements of local codes and ordinance. When c es conflict. tile more stri op.nt standard sh:illl apply. All receptecle:! 3.nd lighting fi~lures shall De installeCl eln ordinated with the te nt buildout. (a) D lex wall outlets lall be provided on the basis of I per 100 BOMA U~hle SQuar~ 1=e<:t in the office sp e. If Govern nt varies from Ihis aml)Unt, the LeSSor and the Government will negotiate the price befo proceedin with construction of the GllVsmments leased space. (b) Dedica d :spe al eleclri\,;CIl r~placles snc.II be provloed as defined in the additional attachments. Duplex outlets rre onding to said receptacles shall be colored differently from the standard duplex and fourplex t ts, and shi'lll he used only for office copiers and special equipment. Coule shall not be p.xpnsed 0 ~ finishoo floor surfucc. (c) The Les r y be required It) provide sep3rate data, telephone, and electric junction boxes for the base feed co nectio s to Government-provided modular or systp.m.~ furniture, when such feed:; ;:Jrc supplied via wall 0 lets or n or penetrations. Raceway:; may be provided throughout the furniture panels 10 dlslribute the ectricaJ, te phone. and data cable. The Lessor shall provide all electrical service wiring and con ections to th furniture at designated junction points as reQuired. Cluster proups at floor or Mill Iv lions shall be video in aCcordance with the Tenant Improvement design intent drawings. A set c nsistlng of 1 data nction box, 1 telephone junction box, and 1 electrical junction box shall comprise a luster group. Each lectrical junction shall contain an 8~wire feed consisting of three general-purpose 120.volt circuits with 1 cutrol end 1 ground wire, and a 120.VOII1SOlateo-ground CirCuit with 1 neutral and 1 isolated-ground wire. 20,amp. circuIt shall have no more than 8 general-purpose receptacles or 4 isolaled-groUnd "comput 'receptacles. The isolated'ground 'computer" circuits shall be installed in accordance with the Seot ber 21. 1983 edition nf FedarallnfOm1:i1tion Pro~ing Standsrd:s pub. 94. TEL HON: DISTRIBUTION AND EQUIPMENT (JAN 1997) , Telep n all outlets shall be provided on the tssis of I per 100 BOMA Usable Square Feet. T.he Les$or shall ensurp. t ~II 'o.utlets ~nd associated wiring lI$ed to tr~n$rnit teleCOnllllunicatlon (voIce) service to the work tio il(be safely concealed in floor ducts. walls, or columns. Wall outlets Shall be provided with rings and ull stnn to facilitat13 the installation of cable. OMMUNI "TIONS AND ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION T Lesso shall be responsible for providing and installing all conduit and electrical winng from the tele mm nications and electrical ElQuipmel"lt rooms on each floor to all outlets in Govemment leased spac I elar:trir::!I. telephone and dOllta outlots within the Covernment demised artlCf ~h<tll be Installed by the Le or in accordance with the design int!!nt drawings. All outlets. Shall be providGd with rings and pull sInn facilitate the installation of the datel cable. The Govemment shall be responsible for purchasing an Instal g said cable for tele/data communications. The Government rP.l:F!rves tne right to install 311 telephone s itches. vertical and horizontal wiring/cable and equipment for telephone and data. Wiring to or for local area networks may also be provided and installed by the Government's Contractor. (b) m ercial grade dUfJlt!x or fourplex wall or noor receptacles. The maxImum number ot general lex receptacles on a 20 amp branch circuit is eight (8). Duplex outlets shall be circuited m the lighting. All brsnch.circuit Wiring shall consist of copper conductors. Conductors for shall hF! sized to p~vent VOltage drop exceeding 3 percent at the rurUlest reCeptacle. All ~ t:~ '--, ; INITIALS: LESSOR S. COV'T W SFO # 2FL0353 --v-;J n~ ~ ,~~ 1~.~O SUPPLEMI:NTJ1,L LEASE REQUIREMENTS PAGE 7 OF 14 - uct. 23 02 lO:D4p f"'" . ... J. r (~ ~ -1\-<, 2.6. \Q\,\'V' leooo, '::>.,~.. .h." b. m.".' and "'ded lor .... of WI", "clog. A1llloor ou.... must b. flUSh 'Y;u, 'h. plane ofh finished floor. 2.5. LIGHTING (a) terlor lighting required for outdoor parkng shall be capable of producing and maintaining a uniform ligH 'ng level. Exterior ligh res must be light sensitive for automatic operation of the fixtures. (b) Office reoe :;hell be odorn low briglllness, paraoolic type~' x 4' or 2' x 2' fluorescent fixtures using no more th 2.0 wa /BOMA Usable square foot shall be provided. Such fIXtures shall be capable of producing nd m ntaining a uniform lighting level of 50 foot-candles at working surface height throughout the space. . ting levAI nf ;It least 20 foot-candles at Foot level ~hould btl rnaintalneo in COrrlOors providing in ss and egress to the Govemment leased space. One to 10 foot-candles or minimum levels sufficient en ure safety should be maintained in other nOn-wOrking areas. When the space is not in use by the vernm 1"11, interior and exterior lightinfl. except that essenti:if fnr safety and security purposes. Shall e tumed 0 . (J) ~ ~ V ~ (f) uilding entrances a parking areas must be lighted. Ballasts are to be rapid-start. Ihermally orotected. voltage regulating ty~, Llisled and ETL approveo. CEILINGS (SEP 1991) (a) The ceiling grid shall not be included in the r~$t at the Tenant Improvements. (b) C - .ngs must be at least 8'-6" and no more than 11 feet measured from tI r to the lowest obstruction. Area ith raised flooring must maintain Ihmie ceiling height limitations a ve the finished raised flooring. Tnc eel 9 mU$t have 3 minimum noise reauCtion coefficient (NRC of 0.90 and a minimum Sound Transmiss Class (STC) of 40 throughout the Govemment OCCtJpl space. Bulkheads and hanging or surface mou d light fixtures which Impede traffic ways shall be ided. (c) Ceilings must be a at plane in each room and suspended . fluorescent recessed fixtures and finished as follows unless an emate finish is approved by the C cting Officer: or pointed and taped gypsum board or mineral acoustical tile_ (0) Toilet rooms: plaster or pOI ed and taped gypsum b rd. 61 ~ - U ~ !- (e) (f) ~ '<: (g) Should the ceiling be installed in e Govemn nt demiSed area prior to the tenant improvements. Ihen the Lessor shall be responslbJe all costs in r rds to the disassembly, storage during alterations and subsequent re-assembly of ny of the ceilino COm nAnts which m3Y bQ required to complete the tenant improvements. The le' or shall also bear the ris for any damage to the ceiling or any components thereof during the al trons. (11) In buildlngS1)ro ted througnout by a sprinkler system m ting the Govemments apProval. ceilings and interior finis" in areas not part of the norma:! exit may have ame spread and smoke development limils of 200, in . u of 25 for flame spread and 50 for smoke develo ent (ASTM e-84). In sprinkler protected exits 0 nclosed corridol'$ leading to exits, oeilings ctmJ intertor nlshes may be composed of materials ha . 9 a flame spread rating of 75 or less aM a smoke developme t rating of 100 or less In lieu of 25 for me spread and 50 for smoke development (ASTM e-84). Ceifing acousticalliles shall be cleaned. If cle.aning is impossible or if the iles are damaged. they shall be replaced with new tiles (matching existing.) Paint ceiling grid. Painting of acoustical tile is not acceptable. 2.7. PAINTING Prior to Occupancy s ces designated by GS.l\. for painting must be newly painted in colors acceptable to GSA. All painted su ces. inCluding any par1ilioning installed by the Govemment or the lessor after Govemment occupan , ust be repainted after working hourn :it I P.SSOr expenie ;It le3St every 6 yea~. This inclUdes moving and eltlm f rumiltlre. Public al"l:l<ts must be painted ai/east every 3 years. INITIAlS: LESSOR SFO # 2Fl0353 ~ fl'-- l; / · C0V7 4 .J .p.'" ~ SUPPLEMEN I AL lEASE ReaUIREMENTS PAGE B OF 14 OCT 25 '32 10:58 ~ ~9. ~~. ~<l - .VJ - CIJ ~ ~ t) ~ ~ C/} (fl < ~ ~. (~ ~ ~ Oc~ 2~ U2 lU:U~p r-. J. '- c ( 2.8. OORS: EXT OR (DEC 1992) teriar do s must be heavy duty, full flush, solid core wood. Wood doors shall be at least 1 3/4 inches !hick. 'or ors shall be weather-fight and open ':lutward. Hinges, pivots, and pins shall be installed in a manner which events removal when the door j!; r.losed and locked. NI door entrances frum PUDliC comdors. exterior doo a other doors designated by the Government shall be equipped with 5.pin, tumbler cylinder locks and e plate All locks shall be master keyed. The Government shall be furnished with at least two master keys or each lock. TERIOR (SEP 1991) 000 st have a minimum clear opening of 32 inches by 80 inches. Hollow core wood doors are not accep ble. They must be flush, solid-core naluml Wood, veneQr f3eed or equivalent fini~11 i:lS approved oy the Con 9 Officer. They will be provided at 13 ratio of I door per 300 usable square feet of Government de ised s ce. WARE Doa sha ave lever door handles or door pulls with heavy weight hinges. All doors shall have correspondi.ng s (wall or floor mounted). All public lJse doors and toilet room doors shall be equipped with kick plates oor entrances from public corridors :3nd P.lCtP.rior doors shall n3VC automstic door clu~~rs. All lOCks shal e ma r keyed. The Govemment Shall be- fUmished with st least two master keys for each lock. 2.11.PA TION. GENERAL Partitio nd dividers must hP. provided as ouUinod below. r'srtitioning 1\:!4uirements may be met with existing partiti ey meet the Government's standar(j:; and layout requirements. : PERMANENT (SEP 1991) PQrman rUlion~ musl be pl"O'Vided as Ilt!t;essary 10 surrouno stairs, corridors. elevator shafts, toHet rooms. janilo closets, nd the Government-occupied promises from Olher tenants on Ihe flOor. (b) Pa lions may be prefi :,;hed or taped and painted. HVAC must be re-uC:llenced and lighting reposltJoned, a appropriate, after insta ation of partitions. 2.14. FLOOR COVERING AND PERIMETERS (DEe 1991) L FLOORS OF THE OFFICE S ;(leE SliALl BE COVERED WITH THE EXISTING BUILDING ST DARD CARPET, IF ACCEPT LE BY THE CONTRACTING OFFICER OR THE CONTRACTING OFFI S DESIGNEE. .. , st cover all office .3reas partitioned or unpartilioned. including Interior hallways use of existing carpet may be approved by the Contracting Officer; however. ampooed before u\;cupancy ana must meet the static bUildup requirement for new CARPET. S PLES; When ca must be newly installed 0 hanged, the Offeror shall provide the Govemment with a minimum of 5 differen color samples. The sample an color must be approved by GSA prior 10 installation. No substiMes mOlY bQ sde by the Offel"Or after 58mpl~ ~~ ctlon. CA ET. INSTALLATION: pel must be installed in aCCOrdanr:p. "'tifh manuf';tcturing instructions to lay lSmOOUlly emu evenly. 13~ \W' INITIALS: LESSOR & GOV'T SFQ # 2FL0353 . SUPPLEMENTAL LEAS!: KEQUIREMENTS PAGE 9 OF 14 OCT 2S '02 10:58 uc~ ~~ U2 lU:UOp 4 ~ "Q v, - ()) ~ ~ u ~ C1 ~ v. ~ <:C ~ ,.., . ~..:l r (a) (b) placellllSlIl includes m ing ana retum of fumilure. 2.15.C PET: BROADLOOM (SEP 1991) The ffice space shall be carpele with broadlocHI1 carpet. et to be newly instal d must meet the fOlloWing specifications: (<1) (11) (c) Pile W Igh' 26 ounces per square yard is the minimum for level-loop or textured.ioop conSlructJon. 32 ou es per uare yard is the minimum tnr Ipvel-cut/uncut construction. Density: 100 pen: m nylon (loop and cut pile) . minimum of 4000; other fibers. including blends and combinations - min um of 4500. 2.16. CARPET TILE (SEP 1991) carpet to be newly installed must meet the fel/lowing specifications: e Yarn Content: staple filam t or continuous filament branded by a fiber prOducer (AJlien, [)llpont. Mo snto, 6ASF), soli-hiding on. (b) Carpet jle construction: t ad level loop. level cut pile, or level CUt/uncut pile. (c) (d) PVC, EVA (ethylGne vinyl acetate), polyurethane, polyethylene. bitumen or olefinic with fiberglass. (e) (f) (loop and cut pile) -0 minimum of 4000; other fibers, including blends and soo. (g) hen tes~.ed in aOCOrdance with AA TCC-134. Carpet construction: minimum of 64 lu per square inch. 2.17. WINDOWS (SEP 1991) (a) om space ust have windows in each exU:rior bay unless waIved by the ContraCting Officer. (b) shall be weathertight Opening windows must be equipped with locks. Off-street. ground level windows those accessible from fire escapes, adjacent roofs, and other structures that can be opened .tted ith a sturdy lOCking device. IB rflv ~ INITIALS: LESSOR 8< GOVT ~ f SFO # 2FL0353 -U J ~UPPLEMENTAL LEASE REQUIREMENTS PAGE 10 OF 14 OCT 2S '02 10:59 ~ ~ ~ \!2. V> - CI) ~ 0) u ~ Cr) Cfl :< :::v.. [~ ~ ~ (Jct, 23 02 lO:05p p.1"1 c (c) ror $ ety rea UII~, windows extending within 18 inches (457 mm) from the floor and localed at least 10 feet (3 a ve grade shall be provided Vlith s metal bar or other acceptable altematives to GSA, on the interior w' w approximately 3 feet (0.9 m) above floor level, or anti-intrusion devices or break detectors. 2.18. WINDOW OVERINGS (SEP 1991) WINDO BLINDS' (a) All e erior indows in the office space~i shall be equipped with window blinds. The blinds m~y he alum in plastic Y!:!rucaJ blinds or horiz(lrltal blinds with aluminum slats of 1 inch width or less. The Use of any er material must be approved by the Contracting Officer. The window blinds must have non.co g mechanisms and synthetic tapes. Color selection will be made by the Contracting Officer if the bui inO, ndard window blinde ::lrc uM':ceptBble or unavailaule. (b) The uilding sta ard window blinds and il PosSible, the el<isting, Currently installed window blinds are to be sed. All window coverings shall be cleaned prior to Mcupancy by the Govemment. 2.19. WAll COVERINGS PH ICAl REOUIRFMFNTS: Pnor occupancy, partitioned offices and ('pen office areas shall be COvered with vinyl or pOlyolefin comme ial wall covering or paint as deter inec on Ihe design intent drawings. REPLACE ENT: During Ihe t of the lease, at the r uest of tl~ Govemment, the Lessor shall replace or repair all surfaces designated by e Govemment. Th entire cost b) repair, induding wall patching and fumiture moving. sh~" hA amortiz;cd in the ~IlIClining term or e lease. I till cost of capital shall be negotiated at the time of the request. The Govemment ay elect to pa a lump sum f(lr the improvements. SAMPLE~: When wall coverings n ed be newly installed)r replaced, the lessor is to provide at least 5 samples of each type of wall covering 10 e nstalled for seleetJon by the Contracting Officer, if requested. ces designated by GSA for pain ling must be newly painted In colors acceptable shall be accomplished prior to painting. Surfaces to be cainted shall be r:IMn (b) the request of the Government, the lessor shall repaint all surfaces de . nated by the Govemment. e enUre cost to repaint, inCluding wall patching and furniture moving. s II be amortized in the remainino erm of thp. Ip~se. The CO~t of c3pibl choU be negotiated at the lif"!:! of he request. The Govemment may e eet to pay a lump Sum forthe improvements. 2.20. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE (a) Whp.n I ;;I,nt alterations e required and wrtnin 14 working days ~rler aware Of the lease contract, the successf Offeror sh submit 10 the Contra:ting Officer a tentative construction schedule gIving the dates on which vano phases of construction will be completed to coincide with the Governments required occupancy d e ee paragraph entilled -Oc':!Joancy DatP.-) The finalized schedule i~ to be submitted no later than 28 s after award. (b) The sc uJe Is to 'nelude timing for comple.Uon of design and construction milestones. including but nn! limite u. (I) ~ubml I or preliminary plans and specifications, (2) submittal of other working drawings, (3) is nce of 3 buildi permit. (4) complEto..~ construction documents, (5) start of construction. (6) completion of principal tegories of work. (7) phased completion, and availability for occupancy of eaeh "nrtron of the Govemmen Gpsce (by floor, block, or other applUJ,lriate category), ana (Il' tinal construction completion. 2.21. PROGRESS REPO TS After start 0 eo truction, Ule ~uccessfu' Orre~r shall Submit to the Contracting Officer, written progress reports at inte Is of 15 calendar days. The report shall include information as to percentage of the work completed b p se and trade, a statement a:; to eXPected completion and occupancy date, Changes Introduced' 0 '; C";::; oe....~1 :""'''' on .u,," "- o. mo'",,,, .ho....... "n1<... we."..,. B1C. INITIAlS, I "SOR · GOV'T SUPPlEMENTAL L"-'SE REQUIREMENTs SFO · 2"L03S3 PAGE 11 OF 14 OCT ~ '02 Hl:c:;q VVy ~~ UL ~u.uoF r' . r 2.22. CONSTRU ION INSPECTIONS (a) ConstN 'on inspecti s whl be made periodically by the Contracting Officer and/or designated technical ~~ ~ ~b) representa 'ves to r iew compliance with the solicitation requirements and the final working drawings. , ests, and inspections by the Government are not to be interpreted as resulting in any ssor's apparent progress toward meeting the Government's objectives. but ere intended P'\ in atien which trlc Conr.lcting Officer lll::lY be able to call to the Lesso(s attention to /.'~~\~ ~ ~t'. prevent co mis ection of effort. The Lessor will remain completely responsible for designing, \ c,QJ ~ constructi ,operatin and maintaining tI-.e building in full accordance with the requirements of this c;~~ '1 8ollcitotio . 2.23.-FLboR PLANS AFTER OCCUPANCY - (Jle~sll.- ~ ~4JJ.1 0 IVtl Po~.d tlAlA.Jl~~ o-F SPit- C e- Within 30 calendar days after occupancy, one set of one-eighth inch As-Built "Black-Line" Mylar Reproducible full floor plan:; ~Ild two sets of blOJck.line prints t'..howin!J tha space under tease as well as corridors, stairways, JiB ~. and core areas must be provided by the Lessor to the Contracting Officer. The Lessor must also provide the / Government with a set of 3.25" computer diHks containing the complete architectural. drawings of the complet~d space Thp. disks shall be formatted .n the computer application "Autocad Version 14.0. or later. . . _ 1"t\~\~~ S~PtC~ / AS \ J y; fJ~ -; 3.0. SERVICES, UTILITIES. MAINTENANCE 3.1. SERVICES, UTILITIES, MAINTENANCE: GENt:l~l Services, utilities, and maintenance shall be pI'ovided by the Lessor as part of the rental consideration. The Lessor must hove 3 building sup~rinhmdent or a locally designated representative available to promptly correct deficiencies. The Lessor shall ensure that utilities necessary for operation are provided and all assoclalell costs are included as a part of the established rental rate. 3.2. MECHANICAL. ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING: GENERAL The Lessor shall provide and operate all bUil,jing equipment and systems in accordance with applicable technical publications, manuals, and standar:l procedures. Mains, lines, and meters for utilities shall be provided by th~ Lessor. F'ltl"losed ducts. pipinQ, ;,nd conduits are not permitted in office space. 3.3. TOILET ROOMS (JAN 1997) (a) Separate toilet facilities for men and womllll shall be provided on each floor occupied by the Government pJ In the builuing. T~I:t;...~ ",u51 b.. l~.t~ ~" 1I'l,t om~leyee'S"'\Jill ncrt Be re"!u;,,,d tv tra.el lI'v,t--tiu!IT\ ~e.~,). . :209 feet 0" vne IIOv. b.., Itld...l, the tvilt:t::,"7"lf public restrooms are provided. this square footage will not be included in the BOMA Usable square foot 1,!qUiremen~. toilet room shall have sufficient water closets El~ed with mndRm stall partitions ~nd cloors. urinals. . men:s room). and hot (set at 105'F. if practical) a;>C'fo1d water. Water closets and unnals r.hall not b ISI wnen the exterior aoor Is open. (b) Each main toilet room shall contain the fol'Clwing equipment: (1) A mirror above the lavatory. ('2) A tolJ.et pi:!ptlJ dlspen:ser in each w::atflr closet stall, ~(>, ..,:11 ~"Jri l'Il 'gallt t\.v Ivll::; aria allOW ~~~Y. \l"~9St.Aeted d;~p'1.3;'lg~ . I'" (3) ~. hook on iMinR face of door to each water closet stall and on several ~1I locations by I ones. , (4) At least one modern paper towel di::;penser, soap dispenser and waste receptacle for every two lavatories. (5) ~erated sanitary napkin dispenser in women's toilet rooms with waste receptacle for each ~sel ~\Grl. (6) Ceramic tile or comparable wainscot from the floor to a minimum height of 4 teet 6 inches. (7) . rea of. at leas~ 2 feet in t13l1gth, exclusive of the lavatories (however, it may De anact~d lI:l s) WIth a mirror abOVE! and a ground fault interrupt type convenience outlet located t counter area. 'B ~tl'-- C~ & GOVT~f ,~ INITIALS: LESSOR SFO # 2FL0353 SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE REQUIREMENTS PAGE 12 OF 14 OCT 2S '02 11:00 Oct. 23 02 lO:08p ~t~ ~/}~f \, t. ' /"'.'- ( c 3.4. P.>~ 7:aolll'l - a::3OPM ~ NORMAL HOURS U ) Services, utilities, and maintenance shall be provided Monday through FridaY,"1) ~."'. - 6 jJ.rh. The Government shall have access to the space 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. JANITORIAL SERVICES (JAN 1997) The Lessor shall provide janitorial services for the leased space, public areas. entrances, and all other common ;areas and pmvide replacement of supplies throughout. 3.5. All janitorial services shall be performed during the Governments standard occupied hours between 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Lessor shall maintain the leased premises. including outside areas in a clean condition and shall provide supplies and equipment. The fallowing schedule describes the level of services intended_ Performance will be based on the Contrdl:ling Officer's evaluation of n~sults, not the freqllp.nc:y or method of performance. DAILY: .' Empty tr.u;h reooptacles ~"'n .,..htr:7~. ~19~l;::1J t:lltla"",'S, lebb;c.J .., rd ...ulliOOrEl. 8~1 8..88~ flgQ'1: ~ ~(Jom ...arl39f,t). Clean drinking fountains. Sweep and damp mop or scrub toilet rooms. Clean all toi'~l fixtures and replenish toilet supplies. O;"tJu,,<!; o:"aU t.l\:Jl, gIld !;:lU' bg~ geMlcil..d ;11 VI Jt)UUI toe uUllull1g'. ~ hOrtLUlIr"dI ~Ff3"o<; Ih:'lt ~ r-eae:ly aVdilablt:: cluJ vbibly leuuh~ d....sHnS. 31J'.Jy buff 1...3iL~, ,t fl"UI:; In 1lI.sTn -cullldu~J, SRt~"~~~ ~nrLl~bi!.J, 1l;,1,,8"8 ~3rpQ': ~if"'l~ pl"\lt,..a C:ith"I\AJ,I\::S, ti)a.hi",s areas r-A ,.....;v'O'ul~y~ ~.,O~ :oeoing cloc!: area!; .,,.,rl p\::!tform~ WEEI<L Y: Damp mop and ip.2~' Btlffl!!lt-resilient floors in toilets. S..e~J3 3iek.vetk~, 1!6,~;,,~ areas Ell'1el al;.':;,,3)s-(.;eamcr ~w"PIlltirrgj.' r'I.ONTHL Y: TrP':7'l'Oayl,ly dtl!ll"r~lIr:nitll~ Completely sVleep and/or vacuum carpets. Sweei9 .llUldye :;JJClh. Spul "bm -ell' nOli 3t1rf~"'<; withlD-+&illl.;IIl~'~ ur .lIt: [IuuI, EVERY TWO MONTHS: Damp wipe toilet wastepaper receptacles. stall partitions, doors. window sills and frames. eA8~~9B ",.b<1I1"t:"" ~ THREE TIMES A YEAR: Dust w;!1I surfaces within 70 inches of the foor, vertical surfaces and under surfaces. Wet mo~ ""'~ ~:4r7gge, TWICE A EA . Wash all in ._ lor and extenor winc10wS and ul"tlr glass :surfaces. Strip :1nd 3pply four C03tS of finish to rAsilient floors i lIsts. trip and refinish main corridors and other heavy tT3ffic areas. . AN~ALL . Wash I enetian blinds and dust 6 months from washing. Vacuum or dust all surfaces In the building of 70 inches m the floor. including light fixtures. Strip and' refinIsh floors in offices and secondary lobbies and coni 1'$. h;impoo carpets in corridors and ICltlbies. Clean balconies. ledges. courts, areaways and flat roofs. EVERY TWO YEARS: Shampoo carpelS in all offices 9R9 81i'161 "OI'\'-43~~IiG 3""''aS AS REQUIRED: -- rl\...~~ny mClII.lcs;" ..,Jcul~ aud 18IJA&, r~P'I'\tJvA..'OOUf ?I"l.... it:g fFsm ^...t~R'e6) emeriesr .:elks BAa "arki~e 19~ 'trn:-tl~ Provide initial supply, inst:all:atil)I' and rp.nlacement of light bulbs, tubes. ballasts and starters. Control pests as appropriate.~ng Infeg'l"ated-Pe;>st Ml>lIa~""":::lIll",,,IIlI;~U=. ~€~ .~ INITiAlS: LESSOR & GOV'T ~ SFO # 2FL0353 --r7 ) (3 J:A () ) SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE REQUIREMENTS PAGE 13 OF 14 OCT 25 '~? 11:~1 Camp mop -... ""-r,,,f( ." r.lilieRtnoors in loilets. '$..."cp S.d9WalK$, JlJP.lhl;f ..._11 .11'.... ....li--,.~ fRuff'ler P-'CfAf). . f!>V ~ MONTHlY: . ..5DQt , T-ho'.....lf/l1Y g~~ ~ I..',,;t.... ComPletely sweep and/or vacuum carpets. 6~R~ .h.._",1 '~&IIlIe ~~ 141 tv'" euASI.. :y,;" 79 i"-~88 c'lt,,.IttJvp. EVeRY TWO MONTHA< Damp Wipe tOilet wastepaper reeeptac.les. :nall partltions. doors, window sills and frames. oSMmnoo enm...~ ~;fJ~b,. THREE TIMES A V[;AR: Dust wall surfaces within 10 inches or !he floor. vertical surfaces and under surfaces. Wtl...llf' ft. "'''''JI'l ~-~7gu... R: Wash ntenor and elrterlor windows and other g/as~ surfaces. Strip and 9pply rour coals 01 Uni3h 10 reslUenr in to tS. Strip ana refinisn main corridors and other heavy traffle areas. AN A . Wash vet18lJan blinds and dust 6 monlhs from washing. Vacuum or dUSl all surfaces In the bui/tling of 70 inch the 1I00r. including light rlldures. Stria and refinish floors In offices aM seClClnaaty tabbies and co mpoo carpels in cOrTidor~ and lobbies. Clean balconIes. Ieages. couns. arl!3Ways and fiat roofs. EYERY 'TWO YEARS: Shampoo carpels in all offiCf"! IIl'1d "lI.CT IIUII-palJl:g ~ AS REOUIRED; n aln p nts and ns. ~ l.l:.lli' lij. Prcvlde initial supply, InSWariQn and replacement of light bulbs. lubes. ballasts and starters. Control pests as approprlaIQ.~g 1"''''9-t~1I Pael Mr."_",vf'..jr~ '''~I\'''iq''__. ? 3.6. MAlNTelANCE AND TESTING OF SYSTEMS (OCT 199&) (a) The L.8&Sor Is responsible for the tolall'J'laintl!nanco and repair 0' the leasea premises. Such maintenance, Such 3$ snow removal, and repairs InclUde site and pnvate aeeeas rD8ds" All equipment atld systems shall be maintained 10 provide reliable. energy afficient sarvtce Without unusual interT\lpban. 'd13turbing noises.. expOSure 10 fire or safsty hazards. Untxltnfcrtable dr.afts, e%Cescive air velocitJes._or unusual ernissians,Qf. .din. The Les.sors maintenance resPDt1Sibillty inclUdes initial supply Bnd replacement of all suppbes. materials, and eQuipment neeessary tor SUCh maintenance. Maillt8nane=, lesting. and insDedion of appropriate eQwpment ana systems must be done In aCCOrdance wiU, applicable codes. and inspection cenific:ales must be displayea as ap~l'iate.. CoPies 01 all records in this regard shall be fOrwarded 10 Ihe Field Omce Man:olger or a dqignaled representative. . rb) WithoUt:any additional Charge. the Government reselV8s tile right to require documentation of proper gperallons or testing prior to OCCUPllnq of such SYSlems as rife alarm. sprinlclar. emeO]liJt1cy gene",tor, etc. to enSW8 pro!'er Qperatlon. The.se tests shall be witneaset! by a representative ,of the Contracting Offi~~ . 3.7. SECURITYANDALARM . ... No unauthO~ed .per.son"el will be permitted in tho Govemment's SPilQJ at any time. GOVt!mment space must be self-contalneo Witnin 'he bUilding and $ecured from other Space wlthin the DUUdIng. 3.11. RADON IN AIR (OCT 1996) If space planned for occupancy by the Govem"'ent is on the second flOor above 91'l11de or I~r. the Lessor snail, prior to oeeupBnCy, test the I.ased sPace for 2-3 days Usi"9 charcoal canisters Or Electret Ion Chambers to ensure radon in air levels are below the environmental Prolaction Agency's action conc:enlralion 0' 4 Pi=CurleSl/lter. AftQr the Initial teating. a rOQOW-up tat (or B minimum of 90 Oays uaing Alpha Track OeleclOrs Or electret Ion Chambers mUSI be completed. ?- INITIAlS: LESSOR.I}. fA.L& GOVT i,'.l:"-f SFO "2~L0353 1/ g.. 3/03 --tT ) SUPPLEMENTAL LEAse REQUIREMENTS PAGE 13 OF 14 ** TOTR.. Pl=G::.16 ** --.... ""'-..... ....,;.... ......-.Vvc:l SFO NO. 2FLO~53 TSA;K;y West, Florida SFO ATTACHMENT 1112 ,.... ~ 0 c LEASE COSTS BREAKDOWN SUMMARY Warm-lit Shell! Base Rent (Land, Building, Fit li:lrJl:irJl). Insurance Costs) Real Estate Property Taxss (ASsuming Full Assessmenl) Operating Costs (Janitorial Utility Costs unless separately metered, etc. This equals Ime 27 of the GSA rorm 1217) Other Costs Years 1-2 Years 1-2 ($/BOMA Usable so. ftl !~!Rentable so. fq ~ '1. O~ _~2J.. q. 0 " ~ -e- -e- ..e- TOTAL GROSS RENTAL OFFERED PER YEAR -e- -s- ?- 9. of, per U_SF ~l9. 0(,. per RSF .. - Years 3-5 Years 3-5 ($180MA Usable sq. ft) !$/Rentable sq. ftJ 'd-9.0,- S--<=1. 0 , -e- -er-. -e- -e- -e- ~ ~ 9.06 p@r USF ~...9.o, pelr RSF OTHER REQUIRED INFORMATION: Real Estate Commission: Amount of Rentable square feet offered: Common Area Factor: Amount of SOMA Usable square feet offered: Percent of total building occupied by the Government for real estate tax adjustment PUrpOSE!S: Tax 1.0. Number. Adjustment Rate for Vacant Premises: Hourly Rate for Overtime HV AC: Is Authorization to Negotiate enclosed with Orr~r? 130(\'\/ INITIAlS: LESSOR SFO NO. 2FL0353 & Go~~1 OCT 24 '02 14:5? -e- ($ or %) 700 -e-- 700 /VIA % . A/I A ~~~ @NO $ / Usable sq. 1t. $ / hour PAGE 1 OF 1 uc"t:. C:.,j UC: U~:U;ja I'"' . ~.... ,. SAFETYANDE~RONMENTALMANAGEMENT LEAse NUM8E/l PRE LEASE CERTIFICATION CHECKLIST GS-04B-12843 BuadjngName: ~~ ~JJ('_~ ::iT~~~/C:NAL A r~f~It.T . Street Address: q S;. I e {;. ~~. Zip Code: "330'/0 City: Ke\l IV~. ST . State IA INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the following Information that applies tn the building being offered for lease by the Govemment. If buildIng is not yet constructed, complete based on building plans and specifications. _ _ The following fnf-ormation applies 10 (check one): -. an l!Xisling bUilding .. a building planned for constructlnn - BUildipuctur.a1 support (ctteck one): - _ Combustible (timber. wood, ate.) -I'A I\.T Noncombustible (concrete. steel, masonry, etc.) Other types of uses present in the building (c:I1eck all that apply): =tJtA Restaurants LaboratOI ie:! Storage ~- Retail - -..- - Other, li5:1_.. Vertical openings between ~r more floors: Stairs (check one): open endosad with doo~ Brick ann r.ontT~t~ block Shafts (ctteck one): ---- open "- endosel:. describe_ - Olher (check one): open enclosea. describe ..- None' Sprinklers (Check one): -.- None Corridor:s only All but corridors and lobbies ~ Total buildIng /..oT PI Ooll~ Olher. describe IOCOltlons; Fire fighting capability (check one): S'lt~. _.. ~~ It~f'f' FACILITy O.(J Fire extinguishers only - Standpipes only Standpipes and fire extinguishers Fire alarm (check ona): None ~- Building Sl:lrm 'n'ithout automatic fire depalullclIlllulifi<;atlclO _ Building a/ann ~J!~ aulomatic fire department notification - f> e Ald-IA/S , Smoke detectors (check one): ~ None ,- v~ / , All corridors -'- Total buadlng Other, describe locations: -- , Wall~or finish in space being offered for leasa (check one): Paillle(! walls of plaster, snoetroCl< or masonry --. Wallpaper or vinyl wall covering Cloth or corkboard V Iolardwood P3neling -""- Other, desaJbe: -- . - Floor nnish in space being offered for lease (check one): -L Carpet Tile - lJ, ~1L Concrete -...- HardwoOd Other. describe: . --- -- - ATIACHMENT#3 c Page 1012 r","A ~orm (Rev. 8.91) OCT 24 '02 14:57 Oct, 23 02 02:03<3 p.~U ATTIl.CHMENT #3 c SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PRELEASI: CERTIFICAnON CHECKLIST LEASE NUMBER GS..o4B-42843 Building sizlJ and layout Approximate outsidl3 dimensions of building: /tI,/ A_ TOlal gross area of building: All A Area of proposed Isase: 7 00 Total number of floors in building: ~ Describe building layout, e.g.. rectangul~. E-shaped. U,shapelj, ete.: square feet ._ square feel Floor(s) of proposed lease: a... At -" ~__.._ I:l(i~ (chock one): _~o stairway: one floor on grade . V Stairways as described In the table below (Place c:hed:~ In appropnale boxes except for "Distance to Next Stair. columnwhlch should contain number. measured In feet,lndlcallng the requlrE'C' walking dlstanco to the nexlexlt slalr.): Stairway End03ura Location of Exit Di3charge Which Stair Open Separated t,) Doors Inside Building Directly to Outside Distance to Next Stair (In feel) Example NO.1 No.2 NO.3 NO.4 I he example represents ar, ope" Slalr lno Cloors) WhiCh Cllscnarges In:;(Oe the OUIIOlng (pernaps Into a IOOOy). A person must walK apprOXimately 1Z0 feet to reach the next eXit stair. NOTE. Fire escapes and ladoers must nOI be counted as exit stairs. Addi~onal inform3lion on Ql(I(S:, If ~ny. c.g.. sketch of buildina: ,f ST'/t /rt Wel J A::bc::IO!; The building h3e (ch9CJ< 9/1 thElI Elpply); No asbestos Asbestos fire proofing or surfacing material ~ Undamaged asbestos floor tile Asbestos pipe or boiler insulation in good condition Other undamaged asbestos. describe: Damage<! :asbestos. describe: -7 D.:IIl'(kll.:lw This Information provided by the Offeror on this form Is mater1al fac:s upon which the Govemment reltes in making an award. The Govemment has the right 10 reQuire remedy H' there is a misrepresentation. The Owi"~r or Aulhortzed Representatlve cortifies that all features are in operating order llnd properly mointoined. OWNER or a.("';)TYPED NAME AND AJDRESS (including ZIP code) Tq,TelL !fOt\.TCIN '3 l..f 1/ s.rp.oOS1e.IJe.LT ':B II,J... ~~ c. SIG URE b. Telephone No. (including area code) '30$- G-99 -3 SI d. Date Signed AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 10- 1.+-0 t... Page 2 of2 OCT 24 '02 1a:~ 'fO! GSA Form (Rev. 8-91) uct. C:.:l UC: UC::U'ta ( p.C:"t (' GENERAL CLAUSES (Simplified Leases) (Acquisition of le.sehold Inter.... in Re., P'opedy for le.sesup to $100.UllO Net Annu.' Rent) 1 . The Government reserves the dl/hl' at any bme alter th. iease is signed and during the te"n of tne I..... to inspect tne teased premIses and ~I. other areas of the bUilding to which access is n.cessary to ensure · safe and healthy work environment for the Government tenants and the lesso~s performance under this lease. 2. If the building is P.rti.lly or totaily destroyed or damaged by fire or Other casuS/ly so that the le.sed sp.c. is untenantable .s detennined by the Gov.mment. the Govemment may tennlnate the le.se upon 15 calendar days written notice tn the l.l!ssor and no further rental will be due. . . 3. Th. lessor sh.1l m.inlain the demised p'emises. inclUding the bU~ding. bunding systems, 'nd a" _ equipment. fixtures. and .ppurten.nces (um'tihed by th. lessor under this I..... in good rep.ir .nd ten.nteble condllion. Upon request d. the Conuactlng Officer. the lessor shall provide wri"en documentation that building systems have bE!Cn maintained, tested, and are operational. 4. in the ev.nt the I.ssor fails to p.rtonn Ony ""vice. to provide any nem, or meet any requirement of this Jease, the Government m.y perform the service, provide the item. or meet the requirement. either diredly or through a contract. The GO'",mment m.y dedud any costs incurred for the service or item, inCluding administrative costs, from the rental (layments. 5. 52.252-2 - CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY F:EFERENCE (VARIATION) (SEP 2001) This con!met incorporates one 0' 'nore Cl,uses by reterence, with the same force and effect as If they were given in full text. Upon request. Ihe ContraCling Officer will make the full text available or the full text may be found on the tntemet as GSA Fonn 3517A (Full Text) at http://www.gsa.gOV/Portal/offering_jSP70ID=113404 6. The following clauses are incorporated by refl~rence: GSAR 552-203-5 GSAR 552-203 70 FAR 52.209-6 FAR 52.219-9 FAR 52.219-16 GSAR 552.219-72 GSAR 552.219-73 " ". t;OVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES (FEB 1990) (Applicable to leases r:lVer $100,000.) I"'RICE ADJUSTMENT FOR ILLEGAL OR IMPROPER ACTIVITY (SEP 1999) (Applicable to leases over $100,000.) PROTECTING THE GOVERNMENT'S INTEREST WHEN SUBCONTRACTING WITH CONTRACTORS DEBARRED, SUSPENDED, OR PROPOSED FOR DEBARMENT (JUL 1995) .~ (Applicable to leases over $25,000.) SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTING PLAN (OCT 2000) (Applicable to la9s'es e,ver $GOO,OOO.) , LIQUIDATED DAMAGES - SUBCONTRACTING PLAN (OCT 2000) (Applicable to leases Over $500.000) PREPARATION, SUBMISSION, AND NEGOTIATION OF SUBCONTRACTING PLANS (SEP 1999) (Applicable to leases over $500,000 It solicitation requires SUbmiSSion of the subcontracting plan wi~~1 initial Offers.) GOA~S FOR SUBCONTRACTING PlAN (SEP 1999) (Applrcable to leases over $500,000 if SOlicitation does not require submission of the subcontracting plan with initial offers.) C. )\ ~Jf) INITIALS: LESSOR_ & GOV'T----6. SFO NO. 2FL0353 () OCT 24 '02 14:59 : 0 f)\l/ GSA FORM 3517A (REV 9/0t} PAGE' Of2 Dc':. 23 02 O::::O~a FAR 52.222-26 FAR 52.222-21 FAR 52.222-35 FAR 52.222-36 FAR 52.222-37 FAR 52,232-23 GSAR 552.232-75 GSAR 5S2,2J~-76 FAR 52.233-1 FAR 52.215-10 FAR 52.215-12 " r--"<..oJ ( EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (FEB 1999) (Applic::lble to lease:~ over $10,000.) PROHIBITION OF SI:GREGATED FACILITIES (FEB 1999) (Applicable to leases Over $10.000.) AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR DISABLED VETERANS AND VETERANS OF THE VIETNAM ERA (APR 1998) (Applicable to leCls~i over $10,000.) AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR WORKERS WITH DISABILITIES (JUN 1996) (Applicable to lease~ aver $10,000.) EMPLOYMENT REPORTS ON DISABLED VETERANS AND VETERANS '_ OF THE VIETNAM EHA (JAN 1999) (Applicable to leases over $10.000.) ASSIGNMENT OF CLAIMS (JAN 1986) (Applicable to I~ses over $2.000.) PROMPT PAYMENT (SEP 1999) ELECTRONIC FUND~) TRANSFER PAYMENT (MAR 2000) DISPUTES (DEC 19H(3) PRICE REDUCTION FOR DEFECTIVE COST OR PRICING DATA (OCT 1997) (AppliC'.::!bJe when cost or priCing d01te are required for work or services exceeding $500.000.;, SUBCONTRACTOR GOST OR PRICING DATA (OCT 1997) (Applicable when the clause at FAR 52.215-10 is applicable.) The information CO/Jection requirements contained in !his SOlicitation/contract, that are nol required by regulation, have bean approved by !he Office ot MMagem""t and Budget pursuant to !he Pap",,,,,", Reauction Act and assigned the OMB Control No. a090-0163. ~~i . B(~ INITIALS: LESSO~ & GOV'T---{)) \ SFO NO. 2FL0353 'v I OCT 24 '1212 14:59 GSA FORM 3517A (REV 91(1) PAGE 2 ur 2 Oct 23 02 02:05a p.Cb REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATION~ (ShOft ~orm) (Simplified Acquisition of Leasehold Interests rn Real Property for Leases U to $100 000 Annual Rent Solicitation Number 2FL0367 Dated / 0/ 'J.. t{ I 0 "- Complete appropriate bo~e:s, sign tfle form, and BaBel} to offel~ 1he Offeror m.kes the foI"'wing R..",sentalion. BtIfJ ~<ti6c3'ion.. NOTE: 1he "Of(e..," .. used on thi. 'onn, Is the 0",,", 0' the property offered, not an Individual or agent representmg the owner. 1. SMALL BUSINESS REPRESENTATION (SEP 2001) (.) The offe",r repre.ents 'h.t It I J ;,,11./';. nolo s.,.n bUSlne.. concern, "Sma I" me.ns . CO....m. ind"";"" '" B"'ot.., th;JI is indGpendontl)' owned end lPlrateu. is nOl dominant in the field of operation, and has average annual gross revenues of $15 million or less for the preceding three fiscal years. The North American Industry ClassIfication System (NAICS) code for thIs acquisition is 531190. Cb) Thp. nfferor represents that it [ ) is, [ J is not s :srnall disadvl:llllaged business concem.as defined In 13 CFR 124.1002. (c) The offeror represents that it [ ) is, ( ) is not a women-owned small business concern as defined in 48 CFR 52.219-1. Cd) The offeror reprp.Mnts that it [ ] is, [ } is not ~ vC'tcren-owned ~mall bu~ine~s concern as aetlned in 48 CFR 52.219-1. (e) The offeror represents that it [ J is. [J is not a service-disabled veteran-owned small business concem as defined in 38 U.S.C.101(2), 38 U.S.C.101(1G). an 48 CFR52.219-1. _ . 2. S2.~-22 - PREVIOUS CONTRACTS AND COMPLlAt\'CE REPORTS (FEB 1999) (Applicable to leases which exceed $10,000.) Tne Offeror represents that.. (.) Ill] ha" Mhas not p.rtlcootod in a previous con"""" .ubcon""" subject ei"'e, to "'e EQu.1 OPPo,,"nity clause 01 thiS solicit~~; (b) It f ] has. [ ] has not filed all required complianCE' reports; and (c), Re....'en..;on' ind~"ing SUbmission of roQUin'd comDIi.nco roPM.. 'ioned by ""'.'>sod .ubcon..cto"" will be obtained bl:lrur~ :;ubcontract awards. (Approved by OMS under Control Number 1215-0072.) 3. 52.222-25 - AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMPLIANCE (AP~ 1984) (Applic:lblc to leases which exceed $10,000 and wnlCh illcluae the clause a1 FAR 52.222-26. Equal Opportunity.) The Offeror represents {hat _ (0) "Vh.. d.v.'."," .nd h., on fi'o, I 1 h.. "" ".""'pe, an' "e. no. have on file, .t each _bl~hmenl affirmalive ~n P"'gram, required by "'e "'Ie. .nd regul.'im" of "'e See....!}' of Labor (41 CFR 60-1 and 60-11, or (b) JI ( j has not previously had contracts Subject tl) the written affirmative action programs requirement of the rules and reglJ ~linns of the Secretary of 13bor. (Approved by OM6 under Control Number 12'~072.) 4. 52203-11 - CERTIFICATION AND DISClOSURE REGARDiNG PAYMENTS TO INFLUENCE CERTAIN FEDERAL TRANSACTIONS (APR 1991) (Applicable to leases which exceed $100,000.) (.) The deSnit,on, .~d p..M"tion. OJmain., in the d.use,.t FAR 51.203-12, Urni..tion on P.yrn"".s 10 influence Certain Federal Transac:tlons. are hereby Incorpn~ted by f&ferencG In PSl'3groph{b) of this certification. : ~ , (bl Tho offe.." by Signing its offer, hereby tertif... 10 'he be,t of his or h" knowledge and be/ief !hat on 0' .fte, December 23, 1989. _ (11 No Foderal .PP"'Pri.led funds h.ve be.n paid or .wUl be paid 10 any person for influencng or attempting 10 influence an officer or employee of any a!;Elncy, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress 01 his or her behalf in connection with the awarding of a contract. the making of any Federal srant, tile making of any Federal loan. the enterin!) il110 of anr eooperotivc ~graement. and lIu~ extensIon, COntinuation, ren6wal. amendment, Or mOdification of any Federa contract. grant. loan. or cooperative agreement; (2) It any funds other than F~eral ~rproPri~lted funds (inClUding profit or fee received under a covered Federal transaction) have been paid. or wI! be pal':!. to any person for influencing or attemotJng to infJuel1ce an offieor or employee of any agency, ~ Member of C-cmgress, an Officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress on hiS or her behalf In connection with this SOlicitation, the offeror shall complete and ,ubmit With Its. offer, OMS mnd.." form LLL, C!iselosu~ of l.llbb,mg Activitie., 10 "'. Contr.cting om",," .nd (3) He or she will ondUde the language of 1lt~ certifl..'on on .U sUbcontra" ......s at any,,,,. .nd requ,.. ....f .. recipiQnts of l:ubcontract 8W8rd:s In C'Ice1515 (If $100,000 Shall certify ana alsclose accordingly. ~r- r) INITIALS: LESSOR_ & GOV'T-I-4J) SFO NO. 2Fl0353 -0 \ f?Jcf:^/ GSA FORM 3518A (REV 9101) PAGE 10fZ nt""T ~4 'OI~ 1A'~O Oct. 23 02 02:06<3 ".27 (- \ ( (c) Subm~slon of Ulls certlfication and disclosure Is a prerequisite for maijng or entering into lhis COn'""" "'....d ., section 1352 title :11, United Staltll:S Cude. Any person who makes an expenditure prohibited under this provision or who fais 10 fi. or amend Ul. disclosure foon to be file<! or amenfled bY. Ulis ""'vi..,n, shan be subject 10 a civil penally ot not less than $10.000. and not more than $1()l).OOO. for each such failure. 5. 52.20t1-3 - TI\XPAYER IDENTIFICATION (OCT 1998) Type of organiZeltion. Sole proprietorship; Partnership; Cnrnn!";ltp. Mtily (not tax-exempt); Corporate entity (tax-exempt); Cf) Common Parent. (G) (a) Definitions. .Common par-ent," as used in thit; provision, "":sn3 that COrporale (:I/IUly lhat owns or controls an affiliated group of corporations that files its Federal income talC returns on a consolidated basis, and of which the offeror is a member. "Ta""ayer Id.ntification Numb.r (TIN,.' .. ....d in Ulis provision, means Ul. number required b, Ul. I".mal Reven... Service (IRS) to np. 1I~P.ct by the offeror i,;, n:p(lrting i~mo t:llC end other retums. Th., TIN may be either a SOCial Security Number or an Employer Identification Number. . . All offerors must submit the information required fn paragraphs Cd) through (f) of this provision to Comply with debt collection reauirements of 31 U.~.C. 7701(~) SInd 3325(d), reporting requirements of 26 U.O.C. 0041. 6041A, and 6050M, and implementing regulations ~sued t., ... IRS. If tl1e reslnSng contract is subject 10 Ule pa,ment ref'<?rtlng re~uirements desoribed in Fed...i ACQuisition P-ng..alion (FAA) 4.904, tti. fail"", or ..rusel by the offeror fo.fu",,'h the information may result in a 31 percent reduction (It payments otherwise due under the contract. The TIN ma, b. us" b, Ule Govemment 10 .,llect and _rt on any delinquent amo""" arising out of Ule o"ro(s rela'ion'hip WIUlthe Govemmen, (31 V.S.C. n01(c)(3)). If !he resulting COMct Is SUbject 10 Ule pa,ment reporting requiremenls described in FAR 4.904, Ihe TiN Provid.d hereunder may be malched With iRS reco'll, 10 verily Ule accuracy of the offeror's TIN. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). TIN: 59 - b 000 I. 49 TIN ha~ been appheu lur. TIN is not requIred because: Offeror Is a nonresident alien. foreign ""..ralion, or foreign part",.hlp Ulat does not have Income effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States and does not have an office or place nf bu::inC$3 or a fiscal paYing agent in the Uniled States; Offeror is an agency or instrumentality of C1 foreign government: Offeror is an agency or instrumentality of tl1e Federal govemment; (b) (c) (d) Gov~mment entitx Federal. State. or local); nt; -. International organ~ation per 26 CFR I.Cl049-4: Other . Offeror is not owned or controlled by a common parent as defined in paragraph (a) of this provision. Name and TIN of common parent: Name /1/ j ,LJ , IIN 6. OFFEROR'S DUNS NUMBER CAPR 1996) EIlI~1 number, If knowrr. . " orrCROR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE !' i ... ..----.. ..-- Name and Address (Includin!j ZIP COde) fere(l, /fort-To.Al,. A IltfJorc:t f71/fQ A 5 tl,fL Key We.$T 'ZNTe.t..........., TrONA l... AltePO~T 'SC/ 9/. .see 00 selle.tT "B/l/d KeX I rlol1../ rl~ . "S'9oC/<> sk' Telephone Number "3 0 S- - a.r:,~ - '9 S' j cr:' Date 1.Qj.~vlo~ INITiAlS: LESSOR & GOV'T SFO NO. 2FL0353 -. - ~ GSA FORM 351SA (REV 9101) PAGE 20f2 OCT 24 '~2 lS:A~ GENERAL SERVICES AD~, 3TRATION '. SOLICITATION FOR OFFERS (' 2 STATEMENT DATE ~UB1.1C BUILDINGS SERVICE 2PL0367 J 0/ 'd-l{! O~ LESSOR'S ANNUAL COST STATEMENT ~ RENTASLJ; VI M. ENTIRE eUlI.DlNG 38. LEASED BY GOVT IMPORTANT - Read attached "Instructions. (SQ. FT.).AI A P/A 700 4. BUILDING NAME AND ADDRESS (No.. ,\reel. CI1y. 51818, n :lp oode) I(f..'/ uJesf 1=AlT(tMATrONAL. A IItP"n....,.. "3<( 9 I S. ~oo oS ell e-L,.. 131 Vd. - ke.'/ W (!.S'7 I PI <>/L,d A '3'3o~o. SECTION I . ESTIMATED ANNllAL COST OF SERVICES AND UTILITIES FURNISHED BY LESSOR~; PART OF RENTAL CONSIDERATION - LESSOR'S ANNUAL COST FOR FOR GOV~RNMENT - SERVICES AND UTILITIES tal ENTIRE BUILDING (bl GOV'T-lEASED ARU. USE ONLY leI A. CLEANING, JANITOR AND/OR CHAR SERVICE! \ I o p (!,flA TiN?) 5. SALARIES 6. SUPPLIES (w'l(. *~.,~. ttolll&. ct) \ "/ (,.;'0 ~in S 11 R-~ 7. CONTRACT SERVIC~ (1NIn""'" ...sn~, ...... ."u _,.,.. '''''_.1) \ I ,..,....._". J ,.,,.. - B. HEATING \ I -.....". '-'"( .... e. SAlARIES . 1A/ hASe 9. F'\JEl I lOlL I [ GAS I I COAL I I ELECTRIC \ / <7Ge.IJI - ("r' 011.) - 10. S'YSTCM MAINTENI\NCE AND REPAIR \ I C. ELECTRICAL \ / No C?,L 11. CUMENT FOR LIGHT AND POWER (Including e'."IOrS) 12 REPLACliMENT OF BULBS. TUBES. ST"'RTe~ I / A rl , CJsT Jv1 e.A 13. POWER FOR SPECIAl. EQUIPMENT I \ ).. / 1~. SYSTEM MAINTENANCE ANO REP"IR (B3Na:n ("'ures. ./e.) .. \ \ / Ii). AU D. PLUMBING 1 \I I \/ ,..,~ 15. WATER (FClI"Upu'PO$U) (lneluae _8Q~ ClIJafgesJ 16. SUPPLIES (So.p. lOM'Is. lisxue. nor., G ~bow) y 17. SV$'TtlM MAlNTEIolANr.r. ANII REPAIR "" a).../ /\ E. AIR CONDITIONING pV I \ 1 e. UTlUTlES (Includ.. .'ee/rlelry. if nol i.1 C 11) It. :lY:lTEM MAINTIi:NANCC ANO Ret>NR / \ F. ELEVATORS / \ 20. SALARIES 1OPetlI1OI3. static.... .ce., 21. SYSTSM IAAINTcNANl.;1o AND REPA'" / \ G. MISCELLANEOUS (ro rll. .<tent !lor irlCIud.d ~bo.') / \ 22. BUILDING ENGINEER AND/OR M1.NAc;ER 23. SECURllY (WMctlm.lt. guarD.. no( ~Il~o~) / \ 24. SOCIAL SECURI'TY TAX AND WORKNEN'S COMPENSATION INS\JRANCe / \ - 25. LAWN ANO LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCCO .L \ ,.. .. :/G. 0ll1ER (EllflQilt on HDlIfiIIO'sfIH() / \ , ~ 27. TOTAL Iy S $ SECTION II - ESTIMATED ANNUAL (;OS I Of OWNERSHll" eXCLUSIVE OF CAPITAL CHAnCES 28. ReAL. EST ATF. TAXeS A/IA AI/A 20. INlIURAHCE (",,",<>1 1iJt1\J/lly. "'cJ ~ e 1.(:' X~JS' rJlL ~_ d 30. BUILDING MAINTeNANCE "NO RESERVES FOR REPlACEMENT A//A NIA .. - 3\. LEASE COMMISSION -e- "'6r- 3'- MANAGEMENT /VI 11 /VIA - 33. TOTAl $ -e- ~ $ U::::::OI'\'& Cl:rtTIFICATIO.... Th. s........... _.....~ '" r......,mM (:111M lbl rsorcsenl my U SIr;...ATl 1m' n. 0 OWNeR 0 LEGAl. AGENT Ile!. esd1l'81C:Ill1o lI1e Iltnu..1 cos~ 01 SllNIees, ulUilles Ind ownC~Il. TYPED NAME AND TITLE r-'\,.. ~f\TfJRE DATE wq>e Te It- Hol\.. Tou . A I R. PoA.T ItfA..tJA r~1 .~ ~// 34C. J 0 / g.V/"#fJ- " '17'\07./ 35A. . 358. U 35C. uct. c..:;l UC lU:U"p GSA OC 65-234' OCT ~ '~? 11:CI? r-' . ;j L->-ti r.f\A FORM 1217 JUI. 114 uc't. 23 02 12:22<3 l_:j V ~ ~O.6 x ~ 7. ~ = 77'1.6 ~ ~ hi UI '"' 1I2 III .. , tu III ~ III ~ t.,s ...."MlllfH (J) ~~ f f Qj lii 0 IJ III :;,: ~~f tu ~tt I&. "t III .. "" OC III >- ~ t ~ I JL33:f S' H , / ~ / ..J -J t f- CI) ~ HS01:> j :r: CI) W "t c: LU U 0 2: - LU l- e.. u. w IoU - U. - w ,..". r/'I 144 FEET ~ 100 C;~ ... \,\/ W I&. ~ ,.. M ~,~)( q.o -:. S~,S 4.0 '>:4.0 :: /b.o - /I GO. J 28.5 FEET w u z ct ~ffi u.~ - ct ~ .L33:1 S ~ 1\ t ~ .J 5=~ ..Jc(z oUw Q = J33:f 6 III t: It) .; ~33:f S'C~ ".2 ) . ... "- "'" " .. .. 0) - "- II W .J ~ U U)