Item C33stelfcantactfjmA1bm Ri AMMA MW WORDING: Approval of Supplanenaal #2 to the Joint Participation A nx mnt (JPA) AQN 53 with the Florida Dieu boa (PIXM to extend the contract deadline to Iutte 30.2015 and to increase the ftmdig for the 00 'a MMMMMOR PWmi= FxWam by SMOA00. rMW RACKGROUNDs JPA AQN 53 a8thOrLIN 10hubUsea:eut at 67.5% from FDar for up to two full time maportation ply pwitions and fior a lrrensportation enghWOM9 cvmultant. The county uses this contxaot for &WgpWtW= cmmrmw-y bumm. ttaffic rigs RWPmt, the annual travel time and delay study, and to perform '6celiaaeM trwSpnrtatlon PWM* studles such as the Hi; Pine School Cnos t Study and the US 1 CAp" Analysis SWY. SuPPIOMMW r2 will extend the cuntrmt timeline and increase the total project budpt from $390,WO m $610.000: PELEWOUS RELEVANT DOCC ACTION: April 17, 2013 -- Approval ad sWplemental #1 to incneaae JPA AQN-53 from Si150,00D tp $380,00D MAY 16. 2012 — App mval of JPA AQN 53 in the anim t of $150.000 for the Couoty's tranpoftation Jum 20.2007 — Approval d JPA AOU x7 far the CmWs Ungmnation lxasratn Septenober 21, 2004 — Approval of JPA ANO.12 for the County bumporuem pram COMX4CWAGR�V'I' Extend the WOW deadline to June 30,2015. InCISM c STAFF 1IEW ATIONS: Affroval COST TO COUNTY: ,W.7„ _ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 'i 1 -- _ AMOUNT PER MONj �— yYw� APPROVED BY.- Counly At&Tpfs i ' /! ) C _. ns _x 1 Jmk Mtra>btV=nt _fix t s Includedf nISPOSMON' Revised7/09 CONTRACTSUMMARY . r'+ Time ex0tui tQ to June 30. 2015 .*AQN-53 RkpirstionDaw:M . 4.15 ... PW - S 26 (DqwU=aAmP *) for BOCC an Ma 21-- DwWaine: MAIV & 2014 CONTRACT COSTS 230!Budgeted YOO No Account _. Codes: - Match:- Quaty S $28.7so ADDITIDPIA.L CASTS (Not ' ; dmnw value low F CONTRACT RE mw DivisionCbmn Data out Dim In Needed Na( 6 Zit Risk Managementi I`� -[1 .0/ X, O.M.BAhm: uing 3 .' ! ( YyEl NC CmmtY AttvmeY L- YesC] Na® Lf - & [p eta: 0hffiF0MPWVimd2f27ffiIUrPAn Val r.. Federal COON of gift Finmralid Number A.923 ai I• D*wftwnt Shwe of '.k K,,,. MIr r....... NOW, THEREFORE THIS INDENTURES. I i. flow ftrn each to do cow, the porties hol do was ow the J*d Particoellon AWownent Is ID be AQN53, doled June 21, 2012. 971 . Y i l #Tl ! t a PwqPWhIB.000fmMAWow=dbAftoMutdJum3D sk"Yof rl d loglj' ! OW §UbODFib Pw imill ft Vogl* Qr pmWdMg jo v 1ummM 10 the SIM to IIkowYlr utus the U.B. DGPMMK&of HWOW d 8mrWa E-Vo* ■rn b v�r!►y the wnp4wot ��� of dlf new rmplpya�s hind tzy the � � cQnh'set t�rrrl. -14 r� . 77, 1 vr✓ . rj,+. remondle orq BRIBIATUM LEM DMARTHIlIff OF TROJIMPOWATKNI .rr " t t. .� _ r COUNTY Alway ATTORNEY MONROE COUNTY APPROVED : CHRISTINE M. i.IMSERT-BARROWS ASSISTANT ,COUNTY ATT - - t _. ! I f .. Thin AU@chmwt*mw an p I l of Tmmpxwm dded 11. 4 s f Deputneft r 800.00 Ago": 847,800.00 � k r, .11 f #',, v, 1 s. i# I I It t. # i # .'•. .'c'i $ m�t I -o-, N49 HIM T JA i ej:J a:� *.i:l �4 tl;J 4 7 -1.1. �:4. 1 C. �16�1 1 y I R FY FY +�� K 1• ,r # yi QITJ t .11 . #)r`i J' r This exhibit forms an integral part of titer arc Joint Participation Agreement between the Florida Departmeft of Traasportstion pad the dated June 21, 2012, referewcd by the above Financial Prajeat Number. 0 lip 1 Wkil 1 IT 1 d l I I i 1 k< Maximum FedwW ParticipWon Public Agency Puticipation In -Kind (1 , 00 cad, ( Other SO-00 Maximum DepaMent Participation (1S76X0.00 FSl7Pd4AL andlor STATE resources awarded to the recipient pursuard to this ogran wd should be Rated rosouMet aWafded 10 the F1041ent rapmesnt more then one Federal or Side program, provide the some lmftmdbn for each pmgrom and the relent resources awarded. CanrpUMNO RsqulnMte applicebie to each Federal or Ohm pragrarn should also be listed below. If the resources awarded to the reciphnt mpie ernt man than ors progna, , W applicable compliance requIremonto for each program In the earn per as show here; MOTE' Instead of Astirpg the spedlfo compliance requirements se shown above, the Stag amending agency may OW to use language Pat requites the nsclplant to comply wRth the requirements of appikgbis pravlsiona of specific lews, min, regulalions, atc. The Silts awarding agency, if pradlsai, may went to attach a ocpy of ITS apeclltc few, rule, or regulation ref'sred to. rvq.,J. =. 1* .i Cdalon of EMW QgMsft Analahna(Numbw AmouFMA u' M �. Construction .r. rr< 1 - FW" PoWkwgon is 75%; State PWVCOWM Is U.N.; Local participation Is 12.5%. RIncludingExhibits. 3. Federal -aid Highway PraVarn: TO waist Slime trimsportation agencies in the planning and development of on inpsegyatenf, wt emamm aced uaiasporteticn :Yoram important to into XbM oeanme+oe And travel by sanr►rtnyctirtg "d rel ab kaftg the National if*wq System {NHS , innciuding the Eisenhower k*ntope System; and for transportation improvements to most other public roads; to provide dal for the repair of Pad&W4dd hfOww following diasstera; to fisrtar Aalb highway dedgri; tq replace or'ei 6bllitste deficient or obsoldo bridges; and to provide for other special Poses. This pmV= Also pr+dvidu far the Improvement of needs in P=W Rican Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands. American Samos, the Northern Mariana Islands, And the Aiaalm Highway. The Federal Lands Highway Program (PL RPl es an adjunct to the Pedwal Aid Highway PfOgr&M provides asalstance to the Federal Land Nflansganent Ag mes (FLM► s) for Federally owned roods. It provides transportation engineering ssrvioss for pbmnhig, design, construction„ and r+ehebiiits Lion of the inlgf nwsys And bridges providing acne:, to federally owned Iaads. The Federal Lands Highway orIpniza ion also provides trainin` technology, deployment, engineering services. And prodnurts to other customan. Federal -aid highway fimds are generally apportioned by ShMatory formulas to the Stapes. They are generally MjUided to roads open to the public and not fa natiorWly classified as rand minor collectors or local. Ercepdons to thin highway fUnCdOU tt classiflnBoa restriction Include: planning and research activities; bridge, bicycle and pedestrian, and safiety improv=wnts that moy be on any public red; t raraportnion enhoncernm activities; 'tree recreational traila prograrn {see program 20.219N safe routes to school, non c otorind transportation, the FLHP, and public ftasportatio n improvement. The FLHP is not a grand program. For highwfor environerdst stud* engineering and dedesignamvioes, rightd-way m acquisition1 and construction for capital imprnvemant projects classified as new constnecdor, reconstruction, resioralien, rehabilitation. and nxurfaeing, or for fwzdanal, gwmabiR or +may reasons. Funds my oleo be used for plennins; resaaroh, development, and technology tnmaier, lnWIIgernt trIaportstion systems pmjects; roadside symmomm billboard ramoval; construction of bloyda facilftla and w4&wv^ ftW and corridor pool aid van pool e . and 1 police rreovrla< snow plowing, at Malnteoaeaoe. unless it is provantadtina Surface TrsnaportWon Program (SM Co Wsboa Mh*dort =W Air Quality ( Bonus (BE)psogrrasa, stied some additional propams mq be used for am Iimhad to projects and ptnogreams iann air qualm►. non-rdteitromeat and small Pwdeuhte maesar that redme fs mpwWt ma related ' prarm l J t nim It op0m aid i (i the Federal Transit titradon (FTA) must oplown the FMJoW By law. the Fedor"d h4ftway Pmp m is a federally afaisesd ftft proRam that requinm each State to have a ruihlriy o0APed mod av= tportation depattemnt. TlrmmfbM moat pr{jem are admoinista+ed by or th ough Stec traarsportatioa deparmasrtto (Sort DOTEPmJma to be !landed under the Federal-dil Mgfaway pmp m we generally seleoted by State DOTS or WQ6 in c+ooperadon with appropaiete local offWW s, as specified to 23 U.S.C. and imps regulsdioas. Terris m hi*W q ptrtajeeb arc iiwded in the ssrara I mama as other Federal add highway prgje vU6 with the territerW tnwportatlon symoy fi odming in a raasparer similar to a State bragx rteinn department. Most FLHP projects are adminiawed by the FHWA Office of Federal Lsur & H40rwaq end its Wallow or by the variow FLMAL Under the FLHP, prof acts In the Indian Re an+saioa Road (MR) %tW ern aurae elected by Tribal govarrurWats and are approved by the Baeena of bedlam Af'ibirs ('BIA) and the Federal R*mmy Adminesmom. Due to recent lepadioo. TdW pvmtnneetc nmgbg aartsin rag hen a b may raw administer various IRR projects on behalf ofthe BIA and FHWA. Ile Fish and Wildilib Service (FWS) and the National Park Service (NPS) what prgjau in the U64p Road and Park Rae& mmiEukwmp propama6 tmpo*%, y. Par tine Forest IfaginM propane, the Forst Servkx,-tbe SWo and the Federal Highway Adnirthooion Jointly select ptaeJeeb. FORMUIA AND MATCHING T Most Fedaral-Sid highway Anik are dlgnit>md by Stan tM famuds. MWbilky n quirernants for most perilpm,m are also determined by legWative criteria. Some cstegoriek irsaluding part of the bridp and Inlersu to Mslntenmm Sari are distributed on a discr+etiomy basis ITA norwal rmt mil Federal share la gO pesoent far dte ElS pmjeatk and 8Dpvrmd for smart other projatb. The Federal Am for sorna progruama may be iaaa maned in the on of Starter with large areas of Fadvai lsods. Sonae projects, including tw tarW hWrwa y prpnet K FLHP p mj=K certain mfaty inrp mverm b6 and emeorpatoy relief peojeeis tmquiaae no matching of Federal fi idL AUDITS -I 27. Ala, and Nonrpn Nonprofit Oixsdom nonfederal Whies to expand nd of $500,000 or im in Federal awards ftom all sources during theirfist W year must have a single or a prorm-specific mWk conducted for that year. Nonfederal tmtitks first expend hers then SW Otl0 a year in Federal mmm*WecUm3ptfmm Federal audit rorWirenmts fbr that Year, except as noted In Cianuhr No. A-133. v . • 1 . M mA = FOOT $M.BW.OD r 2. In I 3. COPA Number 023 ®State soft TWir Highwayt TransportationApm Department of PMOOM11 ObIBOVM To reimburse counties r municipalities Projects an the State Highway system. Program" The Department enters Into an agreement with the county or municipality ideMfying the project scope of ser Ices, eligible Pry costs and the project =hadule. i'rojed casts must be Incurred executions (contract provision). Identlijas the Was of work that are eligible provision). AllmimbleCod`Identified In MO contract document up to & jump sum or limiting u Ceaa Yaesgrmeft Not applicable. EMObhy:PrOW must bat On ft State Highway System. IMMfapplicable. glad. Hot applicable. P*rlod orAvailda1111110: State Fiscal Year: July 1 to Jenne 30. The contract must be executed during the rascal year for which state funds are Programmed. Once committed, the funds certify forward across lgscal years for the life or the contrary. Rwodft Project costs are reviewed and approved upon receipt of an Invoice from the county of municipality. illt�h'raclpfent 101coltorlad: The county or municipality is responsible fior monitoring to work of sub-mciplents. Sub-reciplerrt Invoices are reviewed, verifled and paid by the county of mur►kfpallty. County or municipality Invoices are than reviewed and approved for payment by FooT, Sub -recipients do not Invoice FOOT directly. �•�]F-JTW+ .. • ?.tY ',