Item I1ammmams Staff Contact Person: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY May 21, 2014 Division: Growth Management Yes El No Z Department: Building Jerry Smith, Sr. Director / Building Official Phone: 305.289.2521 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion and direction to authorize hiring of a new full time Floodplain Administrator (FTE) to develop a Community Rating System (CBS) application and implement the program annually, on an on -going basis to include $20,000.00 salary and benefit expense for FYI 4 (hire date Aug. I st), $80,000.00 salary and benefit expense for FY15; and $70,000 consultant fees for FY15 to assist in development of CRS required plans and CBS application. ITEM BACKGROUND: See Attached Memorandum. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: N/A CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval $20,000 (180-52502-510120) FY14 $80,000 (180-52502-510120) FY15 $70,000 (180-52502-530340) FY15 TOTAL $20,000 FY14 INDIRECT COST: $150,000 FY15 COST: DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE: COST TO COUNTY: $ BUDGETED: Yes El No El SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes El No El AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Attorriey: OMB/Purchasing: El Risk Management: El DOCUMENTATION: Included: Z Not Required: 0 DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM 4: MEMORANDUM MONROE COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION We strive to be caring, professional, andfair. To: Board of County Commissioners From: Christine Hurley, Division Director Jerry Smith, Building Official Date: May 2,2014 RE: Monroe County Application to FEMA to enter Community Rating System (CBS) As you know, FEMA ended the Federal Pilot Inspection Program for downstairs enclosures in June of 2013. FERIA has conducted 3 audits of our Floodplain program in the last year and a half. In response to their suggestions we have made a change to the data collection methods. The audits overall have gone well. FERIA staff has indicated Monroe County is now eligible for entry into the PRAIA Community Rating System (CBS). The CBS program gives residents between a 5%-45% discount on their annual flood insurance premiums. The discount is dependent upon the class rating achieved in the application process. The class rating is from I to 10. In 2013, Monroe County flood premiums totaled $18 Million. Depending on the County's ranking in CBS, the County's policyholders would realize a savings of between $900,000 under a 5% discount to a maximum ,100,000 under a 45% discount by participating in CBS. In Florida the maximum class any government has achieved is a Class 5, which equates to a25% discount. However, only 15 communities have achieved such a high rating. The County hopes to achieve a Class 6 rating, which would mean an annual savings of $3,600,000 to County policy holders. The following table demonstrates the various classes and the discounts that can be realized from those rankings for policy holders. Table 110-1. CPS classes, credit points, and premium discounts. Premium Reduction (18 million In premiums In 2013) CAS Class Credit Points A In SFHA $ Amount % Outside SFHA $ Amount (CT) 1 4500+ 45% $8.1 million 10% $1.8 million 2 4,000-4,499 40% $7.2 million 10% $1.8 million 3 3,500-3,999 35% $6.3 million 10% $1.8 million 4 3,000-3,499 30% $5.4 million 10% $1.8 million 5 2,500-2,999 25% $4.5 million 10% $1.8 million 6 2,000-2,499 20% $3.6 million 10% $1.8 million 7 1,500-1,999 15% $2.7 million 5% $900,000 8 1,000-1,499 10% $1.8 million 5% $900,000 9 500-999 5% $900,000 5% $900,000 10 0-499 0 0 0 0 Staff is recommending the following actions prior to application into CBS: Phase 1- estimated c Itant one fim-ol foov - 1. Retain one full time staff person to manage the application process, the on -going annual audit and program implementation. $80,000 recurring, annual loaded salary 2. Complete Request for Proposals (RFP) for a consultant to assist the county with achieving a Class 6 (20% discount or $3,600,000 savings to flood policy holders) - $70,000 consultant fees: 3. Complete Application for a CBS classification with minimum requirements of credit points adding to 500; class 9 prerequisites (see Exhibit A); sending a letter of interest from the Mayor to FEMA Regional Office stating: the county is interested in joining the CBS, designating the community's CRS Coordinator, the community will cooperate with the verification process, and the community understands that approval from the FEMA Regional Office is needed for the ISO/CRS Specialist to visit the community and verify the creditable activities. 4. Site visit conducted by FEMA or ISO or both. 5. Form a Committee that includes an architect, Certified Floodplain Administrator (Jerry Smith, Building Official), Contractor, Insurance Agent, Banker, Elected Official, and a person that will serve as a Public Information Officer (bonus points for having a committee) to develop: a. Program for Public Information (PPI) b. Flood Insurance Assessment c. Coverage Improvement Plan d. Floodplain Management Plan e. Repetitive Loss Plan to be included in County Local Mitigation Strategy 6, Amend County Local Mitigation Strategy to include a Repetitive Loss Plan that identifies those sites that have had repetitive loss and severe repetitive loss, with a plan to mitigate those structures (options include: raising structure, demolishing structure, etc.). This planning effort will gain points in the overall application system, when the County applies. Phase 2 - estimated cost nt one tin,- foxy 1. CBS application development and submittal to FEMA to accomplish scoring The following table demonstrates the maximum points for each activity in the CRS program: ACTIVITY MAX POINTS 300 Series: Public Information Activities 310 (Elevation Certificates) 116 320 (Map Information Service) 150 330 (Outreach Projects) 380 340 (Hazard Disclosure) 80 350 (Flood Protection Information) 125 360 (Flood Protection Assistance) 110 370 (Flood Insurance Promotion) 110 400 Series: Mapping and Regulations 410 (Floodplain Mapping) 802 420 (Open Space Preservation) 2,870 430 (Higher Regulatory Standards) 3,512 440 (Flood Data Maintenance) 222 450 (Stormwater Management) 755 500 Series: Flood Damage Reduction Activities 510 (Floodplain Management Planning) 622 520 (Acquisition and Relocation) 2,250 530 (Flood Protection) 2,600 540 (Drainage System Maintenance) 570 600 Series: Warning and Response 610 (Flood Warning and Response) 395 620 (Levees) 235 630 (Dams) 160 The following Exhibit A indicates the prerequisites needed to meet levels 9, 6, 4, and I of the CRS program. # 9 Class 6 (1) The community must have been in the (1) The commu Regular Phase ofthe National Flood RegularClass • i #,. # # .. 1'.. # is i t # • Insurance Insurance Program for at least one •.: :, Program •' :♦ ".: i .,•, •'.i' • is :. ". ■, .�:, . r• :. • # Class Class 9 Class 6 Class 4 Class 1 loss properties in the community, the loss properties in the community, the loss properties in the community, the loss properties in the community, the community must take certain actions community must take certain actions community must take certain actions community must take certain actions as specified in Sections 501-504. as specified in Sections 501-504. as specified in Sections 501-504. as specified in Sections 501-504. These include reviewing and These include reviewing and These include reviewing and These include reviewing and updating the list of repetitive loss updating the list of repetitive loss updating the list of repetitive loss updating the list of repetitive loss properties, mapping repetitive loss properties, mapping repetitive loss properties, mapping repetitive loss properties, mapping repetitive loss areas, areas, areas, areas, describing the causes of the losses, and describing the causes of the losses, and describing the causes of the losses, and describing the causes of the losses, and sending an outreach project to those sending an outreach project to those sending an outreach project to those sending an outreach project to those areas each year. A community with 10 areas each year. A community with 10 areas each year. A community with 10 areas each year. A community with 10 or more repetitive loss properties (a or more repetitive loss properties (a or more repetitive loss properties (a or more repetitive loss properties (a "Category C" "Category C" "Category C" "Category C" __community) must also prepare a plan for —community) must also prepare a plan for —community) must also prepare a plan for —community) must also prepare a plan for addressing its repetitive flood problem. addressing its repetitive flood problem. addressing its repetitive flood problem. addressing its repetitive flood problem. (5) The community must maintain all flood (5) The community must maintain all flood (5) The community must maintain all flood (5) The community must maintain all flood insurance policies insurance policies insurance policies insurance policies carry on properties owned by the carry on properties owned by the carry on properties owned by the carry on properties owned by the community. The community (CEO) community. The community (CEO) community. The community (CEO) community. The community (CEO) signs the verification visit cover sheet, signs the verification visit cover sheet, signs the verification visit cover sheet, signs the verification visit cover sheet, which includes a statement that the signer which includes a statement that the signer which includes a statement that the signer which includes a statement that the signer certifies that the community has all the certifies that the community has all the certifies that the community has all the certifies that the community has all the flood insurance policies that it has been flood insurance policies that it has been flood insurance policies that it has been flood insurance policies that it has been required to maintain on properties required to maintain on properties required to maintain on properties required to maintain on properties owned by the community. As part of the owned by the community. As part of the owned by the community. As part of the owned by the community. As part of the verification documentation, the verification documentation, the verification documentation, the verification documentation, the community's chief executive officer must community's chief executive officer must community's chief executive officer must community's chief executive officer must certify that the community has all the flood certify that the community has all the flood certify that the community has all the flood certify that the community has all the flood insurance policies it has been required to insurance policies it has been required to insurance policies it has been required to insurance policies it has been required to have. The CRS is not concerned with past have. The CRS is not concerned with past have. The CRS is not concerned with past have. The CRS is not concerned with past lapses in flood insurance coverage. Flood lapses in flood insurance coverage. Flood lapses in flood insurance coverage. Flood lapses in flood insurance coverage. Flood insurance must be in effect at the time of insurance must be in effect at the time of insurance must be in effect at the time of insurance must be in effect at the time of the verification visit and must be kept in the verification visit and must be kept in the verification visit and must be kept in the verification visit and must be kept in the future. The CRS Coordinator should the future. The CRS Coordinator should the future. The CRS Coordinator should the future. The CRS Coordinator should make every effort to determine the make every effort to determine the make every effort to determine the make every effort to determine the community's legal requiremeritto purchase community's legal requiremeritto purchase community's legal requirement to purchase community's legal requirement to purchase flood insurance. flood insurance. flood insurance. flood insurance. Class 9 Class 6 Class 4 Class I Congress has taken steps to encourage Congress has taken steps to encourage Congress has taken steps to encourage Congress has taken steps to encourage public agencies and private property public agencies and private property public agencies and private property public agencies and private property owners to purchase flood insurance owners to purchase flood insurance owners to purchase flood insurance owners to purchase flood insurance instead of relying exclusively on disaster instead of relying exclusively on disaster instead of relying exclusively on disaster instead of relying exclusively on disaster assistance for help after a flood. assistance for help after a flood. assistance for help after a flood. assistance for help after a flood. Therefore, disaster assistance for a Therefore, disaster assistance for a Therefore, disaster assistance for a Therefore, disaster assistance for a community- owned building will be community- owned building will be community- owned building will be community- owned building will be reduced by the amount of NFIP flood reduced by the amount of NAP flood reduced by the amount of NFIP flood reduced by the amount of NFIP flood insurance coverage (structure and insurance coverage (structure and insurance coverage (structure and insurance coverage (structure and contents) the community should be contents) the community should be contents) the community should be contents) the community should be carrying on the building- regardless of carrying on the building- regardless of carrying on the building- regardless of carrying on the building- regardless of whetherthe community is actually whetherthe community is actually whetherthe community is actually whether the community is actually carrying a policy. carrying a policy. carrying a policy. carrying a policy. In effect, disaster assistance for a public In effect, disaster assistance for a public In effect, disaster assistance for a public in effect, disaster assistance for a public agency has a very large deductible equal to agency has a very large deductible equal to agency has a very large deductible equal to agency has a very large deductible equal to the flood insurance policy the agency should the flood insurance policy the agency should the flood insurance policy the agency should the flood insurance policy the agency should carry. The law expects public agencies to be carry. The law expects public agencies to be carry. The law expects public agencies to be carry. The law expects public agencies to be appropriately insured as a condition of appropriately insured as a condition of appropriately insured as a condition of appropriately insured as a condition of receiving federal disaster assistance. receiving federal disaster assistance. receiving federal disaster assistance. receiving federal disaster assistance. There have also been recent cases in which There have also been recent cases in which There have also been recent cases in which There have also been recent cases in which communities were underinsured. Some communities were underinsured. Some communitieswere underinsured. Some communities were underinsured. Some communities have purchased only the communities have purchased only the communities have purchased only the communities have purchased only the required amount of coverage (e.g., coverage required amount of coverage (e.g., coverage required amount of coverage (e.g., coverage required amount of coverage (e.g., coverage equal to the amount of a previous federal equal to the amount of a previous federal equal to the amount of a previous federal equal to the amount of a previous federal grant). The disaster assistance rule requires grant). The disaster assistance rule requires grant). The disaster assistance rule requires grant). The disaster assistance rule requires that a flood -damaged community fund all that a flood -damaged community fund all that a flood -damaged community fund all that a flood -damaged community fund all repairs up to the amount of flood insurance repairs up to the amount of flood insurance repairs up to the amount of flood insurance repairs up to the amount of flood insurance that It could have purchased. that it could have purchased. that it could have purchased. that it could have purchased. Whether there was a requirement to Whether there was a requirement to Whether there was a requirement to Whether there was a requirement to purchase and maintain flood insurance as a purchase and maintain flood insurance as a purchase and maintain flood insurance as a purchase and maintain flood insurance as a condition of a previous federal grant or not, condition of a previous federal grant or not, condition of a previous federal grant or not, condition of a previous federal grant or not, the community's risk manager or other the community's risk manager or other the community's risk manager or other the community's risk manager or other appropriate official should ensure that all appropriate official should ensure that all appropriate official should ensure that all appropriate official should ensure that all community -owned buildings exposed to community -owned buildings exposed to community -owned buildings exposed to community -owned buildings exposed to flooding are insured for flood damage. Some flooding are insured for flood damage. Some flooding are insured for flood damage. Some flooding are insured for flood damage. Some communities have found out too late that communities have found out too late that communities have found out too late that communities have found out too late that their all-risk insurance policies did not cover their all-risk insurance policies did not cover their all-risk insurance policies did not cover L their all-risk insurance policies did not cover Class 9- Cla 6 Class 4 Class I flooding. flq2oqmR. flooding. (6) Ifa coastal community receives a (6) Ifa coastal community receives a (6) Ifa coastal community receives a (6) Ifa coastal community receives a draft Flood Insurance Rate Map draft Flood Insurance Rate Map draft Flood Insurance Rate Map draft Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) that delineates the Limit of (FIRM) that delineates the Limit of (FIRM) that delineates the Limit of (FIRM) that delineates the Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LiMWA), the Moderate Wave Action (LiMWA), the Moderate Wave Action (U MWA), the Moderate Wave Action (LIMWA), the community must agree to show the community must agree to show the community must agree to show the community must agree to show the UMWA on its final published FIRM Li on its final published FIRM. LiMWA on its final published FIRM. Li on its final published FIRM. Although showing a LIMWA on a Although showing a Li on a Although showing a UMWA on a Although showing a LiMWA on a FIRM is voluntary for non-CRS FIRM is voluntary for non-CRS FIRM is voluntary for non-CRS FIRM is voluntary for non-CRS communities, it is a prerequisite for communities, it is a prerequisite for communities, it is a prerequisite for communities, it is a prerequisite for CRS participation. The UMWA CRS participation. The UMVVA CRS participation. The Li CRS participation. The UM delineationis for informational delineationis for informational delineationis for informational delineationis for informational purposes only. There is no CRS purposes only. There is no CRS purposes only. There is no CRS purposes only. There is no CBS requirement to regulate the area requirement to regulate the area requirement to regulate the area requirement to regulate the area differently, but the series of differently, but the series of differently, but the series of differently, but the series of I nternati ona I Codes has special I nternationa I Codes has special I nternationa I Codes has special I nternationa I Codes has special construction requirements in areas construction requirements in areas construction requirements in areas construction requirements in areas subject to breaking waves of 1.5 feet subject to breaking waves of 1.5 feet subject to breaking waves of 1.S feet subject to breaking waves of 1.5 feet or higher. Communities are or higher. Communities are or higher. Communities are or higher. Communities are encouraged to meet the criteria for encouraged to meet the criteria for encouraged to meet the criteria for encouraged to meet the criteria for coastal A Zone credit (CAZ) in coastal A Zone credit (CAZ) in coastal A Zone credit (CAZ) in coastal A Zone credit (CAZ) in Activity 430 (Higher Regulatory Activity 430 (Higher Regulatory Activity 430 (Higher Regulatory Activity 430 (Higher Regulatory Standards). Standards). Standards). Standards). (7) The community must have received and (7) The community must have received and (7) The community must have received and continue to maintain a classification of continue to maintain a classification of continue to maintain a classification of 5/5 or better under the Building Code 5/5 or better under the Building Code 5/5 or better under the Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule Effectiveness Grading Schedule Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS). Both BCEGS classifications (BCEGS). Both BCEGS classifications (BCEGS). Both BCEGS classifications (residential/ personal and commercial) (residential/ personal and commercial) (residential/ personal and commercial) must be a class 5 or meet the BCEGS must be a class 5 or meet the BCEGS must be a class 5 or meet the BCEGS prerequisite in order to achieve or prerequisite in order to achieve or prerequisite in order to achieve or I remain a CRS Class 6 or better. remain a CRS Class 6 or better, remain a CRS Class 6 or better, Page 4 of 16 Class 9 Class 6 Class 4 Class 1 The BCEGS program measures The BCEGS program measures The BCEGS program measures measures a community 's building code a community's building code a community's building code adoption and enforcement as adoption and enforcement as adoption and enforcement as they relate to natural hazards they relate to natural hazards they relate to natural hazards mitigation. More information on mitigation. More information on mitigation. More information the program can be found at the program can be found at the program can be found at www.isomitigation.com/bcegs/00 www.isomitigation.com/bcegs/00 www.isomitigation.com/bcegs/00 00/bcegs0001. Credit is also 00/bcegs0001. Credit is also 00/bcegs0001. Credit is also provided for BCEGS provided for BCEGS provided for BCEGS classifications of 5/5 or better classifications of 5/5 or better classifications of 5/5 or better under the building code credit under the building code credit under the building code credit (BC) in Section 432.h. (BC) in Section 432.h. (BC) in Section 432.h. In accordance with Section 113A In accordance with Section 113A, In accordance with Section 113A, communities may propose communities m a y propose communities may propose alternative approaches to meet the alternative approaches to meet the alternative approaches to meet the objectives of a prerequisite. For objectives of a prerequisite. For objectives of a prerequisite. For example, communities that are example, communities that are example, communities that are prohibited by state law from prohibited by state law from prohibited by state law from adopting and enforcing building adopting and enforcing building adopting and enforcing building codes may submit comprehensive codes may submit comprehensive codes may submit comprehensive building construction regulations building construction regulations building construction regulations and administration and inspection and administration and inspection and administration and inspection procedures for review to determine procedures for review to determine procedures for review to determine the equivalent BCEGS the equivalent BCEGS the equivalent BCEGS classification. Such regulations must classification. Such regulations must classification. Such regulations must be enforced throughout the be enforced throughout the be enforced throughout the community, not just in the community, not just in the community, not just in the floodplain. floodplain. floodplain. A Class 4 or better community A Class 4 or better community must demonstrate that it has must demonstrate that it has programs that minimize flood programs that minimize flood losses, minimize increases in losses, minimize increases in future flooding, protect natural future flooding, protect natural Page 5 of 16 Class 9 Class 6 Class 4 Class I floodplain functions, and protect floodplain functions, and protect people from the dangers of people from the dangers of flooding. Even though it may have flooding. Even though it may have enough points, a community that enough points, a community that cleared most of the buildings from cleared most of the buildings from its floodplain with disaster its floodplain with disaster assistance funds after a flood assistance funds after a flood cannot be a Class 4 or better if it cannot be a Class 4 or better if it does not have an effective does not have an effective regulatory program to prevent a regulatory program to prevent a recurrence of the problem. recurrence of the problem. in order to be a Class 4 or better, a in order to be a Class 4 or better, a community must demonstrate that community must demonstrate that it has enough points to warrant it has enough points to warrant the class AND meet the following the class AND meet the following prerequisites. prerequisites. (8) The community must have received and (8) The community must have received and continue to maintain a classification of 4/4 or continue to maintain a classification of 4/4 or better under the BCEGS. better under the BCEGS. (9) The community must (9) The community must demonstrate that it has demonstrate that it has taken appropriate steps to taken appropriate steps to eliminate or minimize future eliminate or minimize future flood losses. To do this, a flood losses. To do this, a Class 4 or better community Class 4 or better community must receive credit for the must receive credit for the following CRS activities. following CRS activities. (a) Activity 430 (Higher Regulatory (a) Activity 430 (Higher Regulatory Standards) -The community must Standards) -The community must show that it enforces higher show that it enforces higher regulatory standards to manage regulatory standards to manage new development in the floodplain. new development in the floodplain. (i) The community must adopt and (1) The community must adopt and enforce a freeboard enforce a freeboard Page 6 of 16 Class 9 Class 6 Class 4 Class 1 requirement that receives at requirement that receives at least 100 points for FRB in least 100 points for FRB in Section 432.b. For this Section 432.b. For this prerequisite, the value for FRB prerequisite, the value for FRB is the value before factoring in is the value before factoring in the impact adjustment. the impact adjustment. (ii)The community must receive at (H) The community must receive at least 700 points under the least 700 points under the other elements of Activity 430 other elements of Activity 430 and under Sections 422.a, e, and under Sections 422.a, e, and f under Activity 420 (Open and f under Activity 420 (Open Space Preservation). For this Space Preservation). For this prerequisite, the points are prerequisite, the points are calculated after factoring in the calculated after factoring in the impact adjustment. impact adjustment. (b) Activity 450 (Stormwater (b) Activity 450 (Stormwater Management) -The Management) -The community must receive community must receive the following credits for the following credits for its watershed its watershed management plan(s) management plarls) (WIVIP) under Section (VVIVIP) under Section 451.b: 451.b: (i) 90 points (before the impact (i) 90 points (before the impact adjustment) for meeting all of the adjustment) for meeting all of the credit criteria for credit criteria for WMP, WMP' (H) 30 points (before the (H) 30 points (before the impact adjustment) for impact adjustment) for managing the runoff managing the runoff from all storms up to from all storms up to and including the 100- and including the 100- year event, and year event, and (W) An impact adjustment value (iii) An impact adjustment value Page 7 of 16 Class 9 Class 6 Class 4 Class I of rWMP = 0.5 or more. As of rWMP = 0.5 or more. As an alternative, the community an alternative, the community may show that at least 50% may show that at least 50% of the watershed area where of the watershed area where future growth is expected is future growth is expected is covered by one or more covered by one or more credited watershed credited watershed management plans. management plans. (c) Activity 510 (Floodplain (c) Activity 510 (Floodplain Management Planning) -The Management Planning) -The community must have adopted community must have adopted and be implementing a floodplain and be implementing a floodplain management plan that receives management plan that receives at least at least 50% of the maximum credit 50% of the maximum credit under Activity 510, under Activity 510, calculated after the impact calculated after the impact adjustment. This 50% of the adjustment. This 50% of the maximum credit must maximum credit must include at least 50% of the include at least 50% of the available points in each of available points in each of planning steps 2, 5, and 8. planning steps 2, 5, and 8. (10) Obtain a minimum total credit of 100 (10) Obtain a minimum total credit of 100 points (after the impact adjustment) points (after the impact adjustment) from one or a combination of the from one or a combination of the following elements that credit following elements that credit protecting natural floodplain functions: protecting natural floodplain functions: 420 Natural Functions Open Space (NFOS) 420 Natural Functions Open Space (NFOS) 420 Natural Shoreline Protection (NSP) 420 Natural Shoreline Protection (NSP) 430-Prohibition of fill (DL1) 430-Prohibition of fill (DLI) 440-Additional map data (AM012) natural 440-Additional map data (AMD12) natural functions layer functions layer 450 —Managing the volume of stormwater runoff 450 — Managing the volume of stormwater runoff Page 8 of 16 Class 9 Class 6 Class 4 Class 1 (SMR,DS (SMR,DS 450 -0 Low impact development (LID) 450 -0 Low impact development (LID) 450 Watershed management plan (WMP) credit 450 Watershed management plan (WMP) credit point items 3,5,6, and 7 point items 3,5,6, and 7 450— Erosion and sediment control (ESQ 450— Erosion and sediment control (ESQ 450— Water quality (WQ) 450— Water quality (WQ) 510 — Natural Floodplain functions plan (NFP) 510 —Natural Floodplain functions plan (NFP) (11) Document the following life safety (11) Document the following life safety measures: measures: (a) Obtain some credit under Activity 610 (a) Obtain some credit under Activity 610 (Flood Warning and Response). (Flood Warning and Response). (b) Have a map of all levees and all (b) Have a map of all levees and all areas protected by levees, and an areas protected by levees, and an inventory of the buildings and inventory of the buildings and critical facilities that would be critical facilities that would be flooded if the levees were flooded if the levees were overtopped. This is the same as overtopped. This is the same as activity credit criterion (3) under activity credit criterion (3) under Activity 620 (Levees), Section Activity 620 (Levees), Section 621.b. 621.b. (c) Have a description of the dam (c) Have a description of the dam failure threat, including a map of failure threat, including a map of all areas that would be flooded by all areas that would be flooded by the failure of each high -hazard- the failure of each high -hazard - potential dam that affects the potential dam that affects the community, and an inventory of community, and an inventory of the buildings and critical facilities the buildings and critical facilities that would be flooded. This is the that would be flooded. This is the same as activity credit criteria (2) same as activity credit criteria (2) under Activity 630 (Dams), Section under Activity 630 (Dams), Section 63Lb. 631. b. In accordance with Section 113A, the In accordance with Section 113.d, the community may propose alternative community may propose alternative Class 9 Class 6 Class 4 Class I approaches to these prerequisites that are approaches to these prerequisites that are more appropriate for local conditions. more appropriate for local conditions. (12) Meet the minimum standards of -theNFIP as determined by a Community Assistance Visit conducted by FEMA within the previous 12 months. (13) Promote flood insurance as a vital way to protect residents and businesses from the financial impact of a flood. This is demonstrated by having at least 50% of the buildings in the community's SFHA covered by a flood insurance policy or obtaining at least 50% of the maximum points under Activity 370 (Flood Insurance Promotion). (14) Demonstrate that it has a "no adverse impact" approach to floodplain management. A no adverse impact approach is one in which the action of one property owner or community does not adversely affect the flood risks for other properties or communities. "Adverse impact" is measured by increased flood stages, increased flood velocity, increased flows, or the increased potential for erosion and sedimentation. The "no adverse impact" concept is explained in more detail in papers published by the Association of State Floodplain Managers, which can be accessed at www.floods.org. This prerequisite is Page 10 of 16 Class 9 Class 6 Class 4 Class I demonstrated by receiving credit under the following: (a) For all of the floodplains in the community: (i) The community must be enforcing regulations that discourage development in the floodplain. This is demonstrated by receiving a combined total of at least 150 points under open space incentives (OSI) in Section 422.e and development limitations (DQ in Section 432.a. 00 All new critical facilities must be protected to the 500-year flood level. This is demonstrated by receiving credit under protecting critical facilities (PCF) in Section 432.f in Activity 430 (Higher Regulatory Standards) and by enforcing the regulations throughout the 500-year floodplam. (M) The community must have mapped and be enforcing regulations appropriate for all flood -related hazards within its jurisdiction. This is demonstrated by Page 11 of 16 Class 6 Class 4 Class 1 receiving credit under Activities 410 and 430 for all special flood -related Class 9 hazards that are identified in the community's floodplain management or hazard mitigation plan credited under Activity 510 (Floodplain Management Planning). (b) In the community's riverine floodplains: (I) Regulatory flood elevations must be provided for all SFHAs in the community. This is demonstrated by receiving at least 80 points for new studies (NS) in all approximate A Zones under Section 412.a in Activity 410 (Additional Flood Data). For this prerequisite, the value for NS is the value before factoring in the Impact adjustment. (ii) The community's program must address potential increases in riverine flood elevations caused by new development. This is demonstrated by receiving the following credits: ((I)) Activity 450 (Stormwater Management) -an impact adjustment Page 12 of 16 Class 9 Class 6 Class 4 Class I value of rVVMP = 0.75 or more. As an alternative, the community may show that at least 75% of the watershed area where future growth is expected is covered by one or more credited watershed management plans; AND ((2)) All riverine floodplains must be mapped using future conditions hydrology as credited under the higher study standard credit (HSS) in Section 412.d. (c) In the community's coastal floodplains: (1) The community must receive credit for regulating new development in coastal A Zones under CAZ in Section 432.1c. (H) The community must receive credit for using regulatory flood elevations in the V Zones and coastal A Zones Page 13 of 16 Class 9 Class 6 Class 4 Class 1 �g sea v that reflect future 7 conditions, including sea level rise. This is demonstrated by receiving credit for future -conditions hydrology under the higher study standard credit (HSS) in Section 412.d. NO The community must receive credit for regulating new development in areas subject to erosion under CER in Section 432CE.a in CRS Credit for management of Coastal Erosion Hazards (or demonstrate that it does not have a coastal erosion problem). (15) Have a commitment to mitigate -it, repetitive loss problem as well as problems caused by other natural hazards. (a) Section 501 (Repetitive Loss List): The community must demonstrate that at least 25% of the properties on its current FEMA repetitive loss list have been protected from damage from repetitive flooding through acquisition, retrofitting, or structural flood control projects. (b) Activity 510 (Floodplain Management Planning): The Page 14 of 16 Class 9 Class 6 Class 4 Class 1 community must have a multi - hazard mitigation plan that has been approved by FEMA as meeting all of the requirements outlined under 44 CIFIR 5201.6. (16) Protect natural floodplain functions. This is demonstrated by having a total credit of at least 50 points (after the impact adjustment) from one or a combination of the elements listed under the Class 4 prerequisite in Section 211.c(4). (7) Have a program to address the threat to life safety that flooding poses to the residents of the community. This is demonstrated by receiving the following credits: (a) The community must obtain some credit under all the elements in Activity 620 (Levees) for all levees mapped and identified in the inventory prepared for the Class 4 prerequisite in Section 211.c(5)(b). (b) The community must obtain some credit under all the local elements in Activity 630 (Dams) for all areas mapped and identified as subject to dam failure flooding in the inventory prepared for the Class 4 Page 15 of 16 MM NEW prerequisite in Section 211.c(S)(c). The credit for the state's program (SDS) is not counted toward this prerequisite. In accordance with Section 113A, the community may propose alternative .re more appropriate for local conditions. MONROE COUNTY JOB DESCRIPTION Position Title: FLOODPLAIN Administrator I Date: 04-01-14 Position Level: 12 1 FLSA Status: Exempt Class Code: 12 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Primary function is responsible for development and implementation of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIM Community Rating System (CRS) within Monroe County by administering the requirements of the Community Rating System KEY RESPONSIBILITIES I . * Initiate, manage and document community CBS activities to apply, maintain and improve, when possible, the community CBS classification, including, if necessary recruitment of consultant to assist in development and implementation of CBS application and program. 2. *Develop and manage Committee to support CPS. 3. *Conduct required review of the FEMA "Repetitive Loss" list to identify properties, located within the community, to verify accuracy and establish priorities for possible mitigation. Correspond with FEMA to verify the "Repetitive Loss" list accuracy as requested and develop and implement a repetitive loss mitigation program as required by CR. 4. Work with planning and public works departments on projects and activities that reduce flood damages and respond to Federal and State directives and other pertinent references in order to comply with National Flood Insurance Program requirements at the Federal and State levels. Assist in drafting updated community plans and procedures. 5. Prepare all required reports for all active FEMA mitigation grant projects for submission to the State NFIP and/or Emergency Management Office. 6. Review, edit, and process all periodic invoices received from contractors performing mitigation projects, to the appropriate community accounting office for payment as well as preparing subsequent reimbursement requests to the State NFIP and/or Emergency Management Office to recover the FEMA (Federal) share for all mitigation projects. 7. Assist and perform site visits and inspections to advise as to conditions of structure compliance for floodplain management purposes. 8. *Assist and auditing and cataloguing property for compliance with floodplain management. 9. Communicate effectively with the public under stressful situations. Speak with Realtors, homeowner's associations, mobile home parks, surveyors, architects, engineers, contractors and other associations on community outreach programs to educate, assist and inform the community on the issues of floodplain management, FEMA and the National Flood Insurance Program. 10. Assist and perform research for historical data on old building permits. 11. Makes recommendations to the BOCC in regards to CBS program. 12. Holds meetings as requested to discuss FEMA regulations with contractors, surveyors, etc. 13. Performs other related duties as required. * Indicates an "essential" iob function. The information on this description has been designed to indicate the general nature and level of work performed by employees within this classification. It is not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all duties, responsibilities and qualifications recuired of employees assianed to this lob. Education.- 13achclor Lac ec re aired. Experience: 7-10 years. Training in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) with a possession of a Certified Floodplain Manager (CFMOD) certificate, or will obtain and maintain such a Certificate within (12) months of beginning employment. Previous experience andLor trainin involving flood lain manaLement is preferred. Impact ofActions: The work involves leadership which routinely affects multiple divisions of Monroe Cou2ty and/or the surrounding commune ly in a demonstrable waL.__ Complexity Highly Complex: Work is broad in scope covering one or more complicated areas. Policy, procedure, or precedent are typically created by this position. A high degree of analytical ability and inductive thinking is required to devise new, non-standard Eproaches to highly,.intricate, ,technical) y.coMlex roblcros. Decision Making.- Highly Complex: Supervision is present to review established departmental and/or divisional objectives. Indepenent judgment is required to recommend departmental or divisional objectives, evaluate new approaches to problem solving, and assess changing facts or conditions. Communication Requires regular internal and extermal contacts to carry out programs and to explain with Others.- specialized matter. Occasionally requires contacts with officials at higher levels on matters requiring cooperation, explanation and persuasion or with the public involving the enforcement of reulgations, policies, and procedures. Managerial Skills: Responsible for making recommendations within a department in the are of compensation, staff selection, disciplinary action, complaints, staff performance appraisal, and similar supervisory duties. Plans, assign and evaluates the work of subordinates for effective operation and results of the unit. Working Conditionsl Work requires only minor physical exertion and/or physical strain. Work environment fAmical gLort: involves only infrequent exposure to disagreeable elements. On Call None. Reguirements.- APPROVALS Department Head: Name: Signature: Date: Division Director.- Name- Signature: Date: County Administrator: Narne- Signature: Date: On this date I have received a copy of my job description relating to my employment with Monroe County. Name: Signature: Date: