Item G2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 16, 2003 Bulk Item: Yes IZI No D Division: Manaqement Services Department: Administrative Services AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Denial of Human Services Advisory Board (HSAB) request to increase total FY2004 fundinq for human services orqanizations subiect to its review from $1.064.950.00 to $1.400.000.00. ITEM BACKGROUND: At its March 6. 2003 meetinq. the HSAB unanimously voted to request this increase. A copy of that request is attached. as well as a draft COpy of minutes from the HSAB meetinq held March 6. 2003 (relevant portions are underlined). PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: BOCC discussion of human services fundinq process and total fundinq amount approval for $1.064.950.00 at budqet meetinq on February 27.2003. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: n/a STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Denial TOTAL COST: $335,050.00 additional COST TO COUNTY: $335,050.00 additional BUDGETED: Yes _ No ~(FY2004) SOURCE OF FUNDS: Ad Valorem Taxes REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes D No IZI AMOUNT PER MONTH YEAR APPROVED BY: COUNTY A TTY D OMB/PURCHASING 0 RISK MANAGEMENT 0 .J/~ /?/~-~~L" Sheila A. Barker DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: INCLUDED: IZI TO FOllOW: 0 NOT REQUIRED: 0 DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #: ~~ Alexsandra Leto Chairperson, Human Services Advisory Board C/O Guardian ad Litem Program 5503 College Road, Room 206 Key West, FL 33040 ,.~..... ,.--..-- , . O,~~,T.y ~o~~~~E (305) 294-4641 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor Dixie Spehar, District 1 Mayor Pro Tern Murray Nelson, District 5 George Neugent, District 2 Charles McCoy, District 3 David Rice, District 4 April 1, 2003 Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Dear Commissioners: At its March 6th meeting, the Human Services Advisory Board (HSAB) discussed the application and funding process for County fiscal year 2004 and the impact of proposed reductions in state funding on local human service organizations. The HSAB unanimously passed a motion to ask the County Commission to increase human service organization funding from $1,064,950.00 to $1,400,000.00 for FY 2004. It has become clear that the very existence of essential local services is in jeopardy due to proposed state funding cuts. The HSAB also noted that most of our local human service organizations will not not have a good picture of their state funding situation before the present due date of HSAB applications, April 4, 2003. It is anticipated that some local organizations will totally lose their state funding and go out of business, and therefore not request any funds. On the other hand, additional HSAB funding may enable other organizations to continue serving our community. Having to make changes to funding amounts after the HSAB submits its recommendations (and the Commission accepts them) could be very disruptive and time-consuming. The HSAB unanimously passed a motion to move the application due date to 5:00 PM on June 30, 2003. However, staff has since set the due date to be 5:00 PM on June 20, 2003, so that the HSAB funding meeting may be held in late July, and the recommendations considered by the County Commission at its August 20,2003 meeting. The HSAB would appreciate the consideration of this matter at the next Commission meeting. Sincerely, D~-<~~ /? ~~tC/:l4-- ~c! /C Alexsandra Leto Chairperson, Human Services Advisory Board 'O~~~2~~E (305) 294-4&41 /i:> - ~ r-- BOARD OF courqr COMMISSIONERS Mayor DIxIe M. Speblr, 0Isb1d: 1 Mayor Pro Tern MulTl'f E. Nelson, Olstrkt 5 George Neugent, 0Istrtd 2 CMIIes "Sonny'" McCoy, 0IstrIct 3 0aWl P. RIce, OIstr1ct 4 Monroe County Board of COunty COmmissioners Office of the COIrty AdmlnlstratDr The HlstDric GatD agar Factory 1100 SimontlXl Street, Suite 205 Key West. Rorida 33040 (30S) 292-4441 - Phone (30S) 292-4544 - Fax "4ii"=l;':'::\~ r ", ("" ",... :~;" ::::::~: ... ~ p:.":: '" \~.-~ ~', . '\.- . ~> March 17, 2003 / Ms. Alexsandra Corsi Leto 5503 College Road, 3rd Floor Key West, FL 33040 Dear Ms. Leto: I understand that the Human Services AdviSOry Board is interested in changing the schedule for this year's consideration of funding requests and also changing the amount of funds available. I certainly understand the pressures and the needs in our community; however, I want to be sure that the HSAB is aware of the implications of changes. I know that you attended the special County Commission meeting on February 27, 2003. That meeting dealt with a wide variety of issues that are going to impact the Monroe County budget for Fiscal Year 2004. That'ls the budget from which community based organizations will be requesting support. At that meeting, after a review of the impacts of rising costs, decreasing State support for County programs and services, and decreasing State support for community organizations, the Board of County Commissioners determined to fund the Human Services Advisory Board projects at a level of $1,065,000 for the coming year. I believe the BOCC is quite cognizant of the impending problems in the County and is trying to strike a balance among the wide variety of needs. It will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for the BOCC to consider an extra $300,000- $400,000 increase in this budget. I also antidpate that the County will receive requests from organizations that do not work through the HSAB and there will be additional pressure on the BOCC for funding for other community based adivities. It is also obvious that there is a very strong possibility the State budget will not be adopted in a timely manner in order for the County to be able to adjust to major changes. As you know the Administration is legally obligated to present to the County Commission a draft: budget and proposed tentative millage rates not later than July 15, 2003. During July the BOCC must adopt tentative millage rates about which the public will be notified. Past that time the BOCC may ~ raise any of the millage rates for any of the taxing districts in the final adoption of the budget in September. That means that if additional costs are recommended to be included in the budget, such as additional funding for community based organizations, there would have to be consideration of the reduction or elimination of County programs and services. As you know on February 2m that possibility was already discussed with the County Commission prior to hearing of the HSAB funding level. Any effort to submit projects which exceed the $1,065,000 after the July adoption of the tentative m.iIIage rates will be extremely difficult for the BOCC to consider. If the HSAB needs additional time to consider requests, the Administration can indude within the proposed budget a line of $1,065,000 to cover the antidpated funding and then specify the project funding within that amount after consideration by the BOCC. It will be extremely difficult for the BOCC to consider specific funding requests during its public hearings in September. The BOCC meeting in August is on the 20th in Key lilrgo. If at the end of that time the specific allocations have not been determined the decision making process will become more difficult. The Board has indicated its interest in having a timely and ample opportunity to review the recommendations. The pressures that the HSAB must deal with in reference to being of assistance to our community based organizations are the ones that the County must deal with also. You know that we have extreme concerns in reference to our social and human service funding and continuation of govemment services. I realize that you may wish to pursue your concerns with the County Commission and possibly that could occur at the April BOCC meeting, if you so request. Rnal decisions on any of these issues are certainly the province of the Board of County Commissioners; however, I do suggest you take into consideration the issues of timing and availability of funds so that we can all work together in as efficient and effective manner as the environment allows us to this year. V~trul~Q ,-L-<s;. - " .b James L. Roberts County Administrator JLR: pe cc: / ..Board of County Commissioners / Sheila Barker, Division Director Administrative Services ,/Jennifer Hill, Budget Director OMB j Dave Owens, Grants Administrator Draft - not yet approved by Human Services Advisory Board MONROE COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON March 6, 2003 Conference Room Monroe County Library 3251 Overseas Hwy 1: 00 PM Marathon, FL Board Members Present: Alexsandra Leto Kirk Bondurant Sylvia Murphy David Paul Horan Todd Firm Staff present: David Owens, Grants Administrator Louis LaTorre, Social Services Director Board Member Absent: none At approximately 1: 25 PM, Chair Alexsandra Leto noted the existence of a quorum and called the meeting to order. Human Services Advisory Board members and staff introduced themselves. Sylvia Murphy made a motion, seconded by Kirk Bondurant, to approve the minutes of the February 7, 2003 meeting. Motion passed unanimously. Alexsa Leto discussed expected cuts in state funding in fiscal year 04, and gave a summary of the discussion of human service organization funding from the County Commission budget meeting held on February 26, 2003. She added that the Governor's proposed budget included significant cuts in the human service area. Alexsa Leto explained service categories and funding priorities, as developed by the Human Services Review Committee, and passed by the Commission. She went on to say that organizations that approached the Commission directly last year were successful in obtaining additional funding, above the level recommended by the HSAB. The Board discussed factors that may be given more weight in considering applicants, including whether funds are used for match and areas of the county served. Sylvia Murphy noted that she gives some weight to whether funds are used for match. Alexsa Leto said that it is important to consider areas actually served, instead of the location of the home office. The Board briefly discussed whether organizations suffering severe state funding decreases should be given'priority. Discussion continued, but no motion was made. Louis LaTorre proposed establishment of a Juvenile Welfare Board, special fund, and separate ad valorem tax for children's services. This was discussed by the Board and members of the audience, with no motion being made. The Board discussed the thought process for considering applications. David Horan suggested using the current year funding as a starting point, and adjusting for new organizations that the Board wishes to fund. Alexsa Leto summarized the factors that she considers when reviewing applications, including match, areas served, past history, etc. Louis LaTorre discussed larger organizations with bigger budgets. David Horan orooosed an increase in HSAB fundino from $1.064.950.00 to $1.400.000.00 and a later due date for aoolications. to offset state fundin~ decreases. and to allow aoplicants to get more information about their state fundin for next vear before they com lete their a lications res ectivel . David Horan made a motion that the HSAB write a Draft - not yet approved by Human Services Advisory Board letter to the Commission requesting an increase in fundina to $1.400.000.00 due to exoected losses in state fundina. Sylvia Murohy seconded the motion. and it oassed unanimously. The Board discussed the aoolication due date. and extendina the deadline so that aoolicants will have a better oicture of the state funding before the aoolication is due. Sylvia Murohy made a motion. seconded by David Horan. that the aoolications must be received in the Grants Administrator's office no later than 5:00 PM on June 30. 2003. The vote was unanimous in favor of this motion. The Board then discussed tentative date ranges for the meeting at which fundina recommendations will be made. The Board aareed. without a motion and vote. to direct the Grants Administrator to choose a date. time. and olace for this meetina August 12. 13. or 14. or August 19 or 21. in Marathon. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:30 A.M., on a motion by DaYid Horan and second by Sylvia Murphy. .~