Resolution 022-1998 RESOLUTION NO. 022- Community Services Division 1998 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AN ALLOCATION FROM THE BOATING IMPROVEMENT FUND OF $900.00 FOR THE EMERGENCY REMOVAL OF DV03A2516 LOCATED IN BIG COPPITT. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, as follows: 1. That said Board has been notified of the availability of funds from the Monroe County Boating Improvement Fund for the emergency removal of DV03A 2516. C~: =::', . 3. That said Board hereby directs the implementation of this project b~f~al~ Projects Coordinator. .:,:;;--l j:;: -:::- r- ,;) U1 r 101 .a:- PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on llt6ayof Februarv A.D., 1998. =': '..0 '1 2. That the Community Services Division Marine Projects Department~ti~g f~ ;::;:; Monroe County has determined the eligibility of this project for the ~ ~f Gi CJ Boating Improvement Funds. The project amount will be $900.00. D ;,L" N -., c::; CJ1 c,) :::u :n G"l C) a ::0 o edt\1:M . j Keith Douglass COMMISSIONER Shirley Freeman MA:1rJ~. ~'. .: Jack London COMMISSIONER Mary Kay Reich t~."'.~=:~~"~~MMISSIONER Wilhelmina Harvey /I. . .1 l "f' ',.,,; . <~ ...... \!I'" ,.:..e.r'. '. -" (:"", ,........ . . t ' ., , . iF"_ ," ~.\V;.:. , ''''''.') <" #~"", ~A!,~)fIIl--- A .t.,"'~-:~-.. yes yes yes yes yes Attest: (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L KOLHAGE ClERK Hi .P.rT~.f;r~ OUNT ~: C Y, DA MA YOR/ COMMISSIONERS Clerk