Item H1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date:January 20, 2016 Bulk Item:Department:Building Yes No Staff Contact Person:Rick Griffin, Sr. Director /Building OfficialPhone: 305.289.2500 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of an exception to Section 2.02C of the personnel policies and approval to create a new Customer Service Representative(CSR)position (FTE) to be occupied for up to sixmonths overlappingwith the current Coordinator Licensingposition(who is resigning) ITEM BACKGROUND: The current Licensing Coordinatorwill be resigning.Personnel policies allow up to a 30 day overlap for replacements and require BOCC approval for any new position establishment. With BOCC approval, a new Customer Service Representative position will be established in lieu of replacing a Coordinator Licensing position (recruitment expected January 1, 2016with overlap of the retiring employee). Upon the current employee's resignation, the newly created overlapposition will be abolished. A longer overlap period will allow sufficient time for training and familiarization of required duties and establishment of working relationships with other departments and agencies with whom he/she will be required to work. Additional cost of the additional FTE for 6 months in FY15-16is estimated to be $34,268. There is adequate funding in the budget, due to vacancy savings as we are recruitment two other positions. Following the LicensingCoordinator position’s resignation,the new 6 month FTE positionwould be eliminated and the Licensing Coordinator positionwould continue under the Building Department, Marathon Office (GMBLG-034). PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: N/A CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval INDIRECT Yes No TOTAL COST:$34,268COST:$BUDGETED: DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE: COST TO COUNTY:$SOURCE OF FUNDS: Yes No REVENUE PRODUCING:AMOUNT PER MONTHYear County Attorney: OMB/Purchasing: Risk Management: APPROVED BY: Included: Not Required: DOCUMENTATION: DISPOSITION:AGENDA ITEM #: Revised 7/09