Item P5BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Jule 15. 2015 Department: Commissioner Neugent Bulk ltem: Yes No Staff Contact: Terri Colonna 305-872-1678 AGENDA ITEM 'WORDING: Discussion and direction regarding the County adopting an ordinance making possession of small amounts of marijuana a ON it infraction. ITEM BACKGROUND: Miami -Dade County has adopted an ordinance giving lave enforcement officers the option of charging those found in possession uf' small amounts of marijuana with a civil infraction under the local ordinance instead of charging with a crime under state lay\. Such an ordinance would have the benefit of allowing an officer the discretion to cite a qualifying offender with a charge that does not require an arrest or result in a criminal record for a relatively minor offense. This approach could help reduce the cost of operating the jail and other costs associated with operating the criminal justice system. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: none CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: n/a STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: n/a TOTAL COST: COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: no INDIRECT COST: SOURCE OF FUNDS: AMOUNT PER MONTH APPROVED BY: County Atty ---- DOCUMENTATION: Included DISPOSITION: Revised 1'09 BUDGETED: Year OMB/Purchasing Risk Management Not Required xx AGENDA ITEM # Ct)61W, S6(( �4e-141 0 A Summation — :Miami -Dade County Uniform (Adult) Civil Citation II 3��- Y 1 . Civil citation o Ay old alleged otfendcr being arrested and criminal record o Police continue to exercise their discretion-, civil citation provides additional lav�- enforcement option o Does not lc«alize any of the cited offenses c Does not de -criminalize anv of the cited offenses o Offenses listed on original civil citation torm and the proposed additional offenses disproportlonally adversely affect low-income, minority, and homeless lndl,lduals o In lien of a fine. individuals cited can do community service o In licit of receiving a civil citation. a per'son can request arrest o Marijuana possession citation does not impact drivers license, a conviction for marijuana, ho,,vever. N,ill result in up to one year driver's liCenSe suspension o Citation does not equal arrest: no negative: bearing on school admissions. scholarships. military service, bonded jobs, etc. o Citation offenses do not cover use of marijuana 2. Civil citations in lieu ofarrests is not a new concept c 2001-2002: juvenile citations pilot prograrn was implemented in Miami -Dade [:aunty with Director ofthe Miami-Dacic County Juvenile Services Department WAnsle, Walters (and is now used state«%lde); sponsored then by Florida State Rcpresentallve Sall, I legman 2010: adult civil citation offenses for g non-violent misdemeanor offenses: sponsored by Commissioner Sally Ile,man o 2015: proposal of additional adult civil citations for 7 non-violent misdemeanors offenses 3. Data collection o Data available on bath A -form arrests and existing citations (to included future offenses as well. as well as Department of -Corrections booking and incarceration e Citation form already has space for gender. race, date of -birth. and other dernouraphics ircmo%al of name and address to be done for public records requests) 4. Cast savings o Saves tens of thousands of people from being arrested and having arrest records o Saves all Miami -Dade Criminal Justice S,stern stakeholders tens of millions of dollars, plus resources and manpower "ALL Criminal ,lustice Stakeholders have been part ofthe drafting process for the 2015 additional Civil Citation lci-,islation throu�0h the Dade -Miami Criminal Justice Council and public Satet. Coordinating Council b, working together with Commissioner l leyman. 4DA_ti1I-DADE COUNTY UNIFORM CIVIL VIOLATION NOTICE G141834 2010 Civil Citation (Adult) non-violent misdemeanor offenses Case Number: PD Officer -Last, First Name Badge# ➢ist Violator a , , First Name [face - Sex - 1)013 Records [ I QRU A dress, Street, iry, tate Zi Height 'ei t Ha r j D er's License # 1 _TTOTICE SUNMONS YOU TO ANSWER THE COMPLAINT THAT AT (Time) _AM i PM ON (Date) 20 AT (Location) YOU COMIkETTED A MIAMT-DADE COUNTY CODE VIOLATION TO WIT: [ ] 7-3 Swimming or fishing from road bndges ($25 FINE) [ ] SA-72 Conducting business without local business tax receipt ($I00 FINE) i [ ] 8A-2?6(b) Failure to display commercial vehicle markings ($200 FINE) 1 [ ] 21-28 Producing loud or excessive noise (5100 FINF) [ ] 21-31.2{1)(1) Consumption of alcohol/open container near store ($100 FINE) [ ] 21-31-2(b)(2) Possession of alcohol in open container near store ($100 FLNE) [ ] 21-31.4 Aggressive or obstructive panhandling ($100 FIN`E.) [ ] 26-1 Park violation (specifically) ($I00 FrN`E) [ ] Other ADDITIONAL DETAILS OR COMMENTS: ,- I I YOU SHALL, 1) PAY" THE CIVIL PENALTY OF $ PLUS .A III SURCHARGE (PURSUANT TO COUNTY ORDINANCE 99-55) TOTALING $ BEFORE 30 CALENDAR DAYS* AND IF CHARGED WITH SA-276(0) OR SA-172, PROVIDE PROOF OF CORRECTION ON OR BEFORE 30 CALENDAR DAYS*; OR 2) YOL: N1AY REQUEST AN ADmT,,iSTATiVE HEAR -LNG BEFORE A HEARING OFFICER TO APPEAL THIS VIOLATION NOTICE ON OR BEFORE 20 CALENDAR DAYS'; OR 3) REGISTER IN THE MIAMI-DA➢E COUNTY DIVERSION PROGRAM`* *(SEE ADDITIONAL LVSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE OF TMS NOTICE) FAILLT,E TO PAY THE CI-VIL PENALTY AND CORRECT THE VIOLATION OR FILE A REQUEST FOR AN A➢MINISTRATiVE IiE.ARING BY THE DATES INDICATED SHALL CONSTITUTE A WAIVER OF YOUR RIGHT TO A HEARING AND SUCH WAIVER SHALL CONSTITUTE AN ADMISSION OF THE VIOLATION. I EACH DAY OF CONTINZTED VIOLATION AFTER THE TihII~ PERIOD FOR CORRECTION SHALL BE DEEMED A CONTINUING VIOLATION SUBTECT TO 1i ADDITIONAL PENALTY IN THE SAME AMOUNT WITHOUT TIM NEED FOR it ISSUANCE OF AN ADDITIONAL CNII VIOLATION NOTICE. p SERVICE OF NOTICE —PERSONAL I ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF TILLS CIVIL VIOLATION NOTICE. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT ACCEPTANCE AND SIGNING OF THIS VIOLATION NOTICE IS NOT AN A )MISSION OF GUILT - VIOLATOR'S SIGNATURE: OFFICER'S SIGNATURE: I CLERK'S OFFICE (32.01 02440C) (Right Tbumb Pn t) { MVMORANDUM TO: Honorable Chairman Jean Monestirne and Members, Bo,zd of County Commissioners FRO -NI: R. A. Cuevas, Jr. County Attomoy DATE: DISC Agenda Item No. 1G1 June 10, 2015 SUBJECT: Ordinance related to civil penalties for certain misdeme,-mor violations; amending. sections 21-81, SCC-5.1 and SCC-10 of the Code; providing for civil penalties for the commission of certain nusderneanors 'The accompanying ordinance was prepared and placed on the agenda at the request of Prime Sponsor Commissioner Sally A. Heyman. R. A. Cues s, Jr. County Attorney RAC/cp MEMORA-ND"i (Revised) - TO: Honorable Chaiiinan. Jean IvlonceAime and \L,Ieni.bers, Boai-d of County Corrurruissio-exs Coi:r.t., Attorney Please note any items checked. DATE: April 21, 2015 SUBJECT: Ager- 'a item "3-DaY Rule"' for committees applicable if raised Y U weeks required bet-ween first reading and public hearing V 4 weeks notification to municipal officials required prior to public hearing Decreases revenues or increases expenditures without balancing budget Budget required Statement of fiscal impact required Ordinance creating a nefv board requires detailed County Mayor's report for public hearing No committee review Applicable legislation requires more than a majority vote (i.e., 2i3's 315's , unaiimnui ) to approve Current information regarding funding source, index code and available balance, and available capacity (if debt is contemplatcd) required 4 Approved _ 'favor Agenda Item No. VPto 4-21-15 Override ORDINANCE NO. ORDNANCE RELATED TO CI7vIL PENALTIES FOR CERTAIN �IISDE-% EANOR VIOLATIONS; A'vEE\DNG SECTIONS 21-S1, SCC-5.1 AND SCC-10 OF THE CODE OF NILAMI-DADS COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVfDNG FOR CIVIL PENALTIES FOR THE CONLMISSION OF CERTAIN MISDEN EANORS; PROVIDING SEVERARFLITY, INCLUSIONN IN TEE CODE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Miami -Dade County (the "Board''' s given broad authority to enact ordinances under- -Miami-Dade County's home rile pourers =d prescribe uenakies for violation of such ordinances; and WHEREAS, section 21-81 of the Code of Miami -Dade County, Florida, (the "Cede") is applicable in all the Luaincorporated and incorporated areas of Mlarni-Dade County; and WHEREAS, section 21-81 of the Code proilil;ils the commission of all acts defined as misdemeanors Ender Florida Statutes and declares commission of such acts to also 6e Code violatioi-s; and W-HEREAS, upon conviction in court of a Code violation for commission of an act defined as a misdemeanor, inisdemeammts seal be punished by a fine o: imprisonment in County j i'_ or bo 1-,, but in no case shall the f-ne ari&cr or in-prisontnent imposed be greaser than tLe maximurn i_nc or penalty for the same offense =der the I'lorida Statutes; and WHEREAS, currently, a law enforcement officer only has discretion to arrest or no`. arrest a ncrson for commission of a misdemcanar and/or Code violation; and WHEREAS, this Ord zlarc provides an additional means tracer Chapter SCC of the Code to enforce %iolatiens of the Code bored on :Ise co='ssion of certain njisdemeanors; aa"' I Agenda Item No, 4(n) Page 2 WEF,REAS, the Board has an interest in enacting monetary civil penalties for certain violations of section 21-81, as such civil penalties will act as an additional deterrent to s-�:ch violations and would provide law- enfmr crn.ent with additional options whera et7.countcring a misderncanant who has comn-itted ail enumerated ofl-ense; and `YHERI✓AS, for the specific statutes c aumcratcd in this ordinance a law en,orccmert officer win'. i,ave the discretion to issue a civil citation and/or arrest or trot arrest a person for corrr:nission of arnijdemeanor arad, or Code violation; and WHEREAS, this ordl-aauace',will also allow a violator who has been served with a civil violation notice imposing a moretary penalty for commission cf an enumerated misdemeanor to ewer the Niiarni-Dade Ca -nty Diversion Probrl�a.�n, pursuant to Miami-Dad.e Cour_ty hnplcm�ntirag Order 2-12 which would allow violators without econmvic mcxjs to satisfy a civil penalty to satisfy° the penalty by non -monetary means, NO`V, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COITN'TY CONVIVII,SSIONERS OF NI1AMI-DADS COUNI`Y, FLORIDA: Sectiou 1. Section 21-g1 or the Cote of Miau- -Dade Counry, lil.onda, is hereby amended to read as follows: I Sec. 21.-81. Misdemeanor; adoption of State law; penalties, (C) All acts defined as inisdemear:ors in said State statutes are hereby i olubifed and declared to be violations of this article and, any person or corporation shall, upon co viction in the court of apl�ropriatejtsisdiction far violation thereof, be punished L,y a fine not exceeding five tiu::dred dollar's Words stricken througl. amdior [[double bracketed]] shall be deleted. Words underscored quad/or >> double nrrowed<< constitute th.c aniendmcm proposed. Remaining provisions arc now in c#f'cct and remEun unchanged. 4 Agenda Item No. 4(D) Page 3 ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the County .fail for not more than sixty (60) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, but in no case shall the fine or imprisonment imposed under this article be greater than the maximum. fine or penalty for the sanre oZense under the State statute, »td� The following rmisdemeanor yiolations as such ma be amended from time are eligible to receive a civil violation notice pursuant to chapter 8CC of the Code of Miami -Dade Coup Florida, at the discretian of a law enforcement officer, provided that such violations are not caar ed in conjunction with any charge that is a felon driv n tinder the ii>fluence Ul incident i ivolving domestic violence or violent crime as those terms are defined under State law: Florida Litter Law, as set forth in Fla. Stat. section 403 413(6)(b) as such may amended from time to time. Ele al Use of Dairy Cases FZL Baskets, Poultry Boxes, or _Bakery Containers as set forth in Fla. Stat. section 506.509, as such may be amended from time to time; Trespass on Property Ofher Than Structure or Conveyance, as set forth in Fla. Stat. section 810.09 as such may be amended from time to time .(4� Retail Theft by Removal of_a_Shoppina Cart, as defined in Fla. Stat. section 812.01.5 1 dl as such rr_a be amended from time to time; Loiterin oz Prowling, as set forth in FIa. Slat. section 85b 021, as such may be -amended from_time to time Possession of Cannabis in an amount of 20 grams ar less, as set forth in Fla. Stat. section 893.13LQ, as such mV be amended from time to time; and Possession of I)n!g Paraphernalia, as set forth in Fla. Stat. sections 893.146 and 893.147 1 as such may be amended from timg to time. 5 Agenda Item No, 4'(D ) Page 4 An individual issucd a civil violation notice for any of the violations listed in this subsection shall be suh'ect to fine in accordance with chapter 8CC-" of the Code of Miarrri-Dade County. Florida, and shall be eLirible for the Miami -Dade County Diversion Pra ram. pursuant to section 8CC-5-1 of the Code of Miami -Davie Cojqnq, Florida,and Implementing Qrder 2- Order o C the Board of County Commissioners,« Section 2. Secticin 8CC-5.1 of the Code of Miami -Dade County, Florida, is hereby aniended to read as follows: See. 8CC-5.1, Miami --Dade County Diversion Program. Notwithstanding the provisions of »section<< 8CC-5, a vic_ater who has been served with a civil violation notice may cater the Mirimi-Dade County Diversion Progr un, pausuant to Implementing Order of the Board of Cot.tnty Commissioners, provided the civil violation notice is issued for the violation of an ordinance listed in the table. below, which may be amended from time tc time. The "descriptions of violations" below are for informational purposes only aad are not mearl to limit or define the nature of the violations or ttze subiect matter of the listed Code sections, except to the extent that different types of violations of the same Codi: section may cant' different civil penalties. To determine the exact nature of any activity proscribed or required by this Code, the 1:elovant Code section mus: be exan: fined. Code Section. Description of Violation 7-3 Swiruning or fishing from prohibited road !, bridges_ 8A-172 --- _ Conductina business without a locai business tax receipt SA-2%6(b) Failure to display commercial vehicle markings 2 1-28 PT-oducmg loud oC exeesSIVe noise 2t-31.2(b}(1}, (2), Alcohol possession, or consumption near a store 21-31.4(B ) Obstructing t affdu or aggressively begging »21-81 d « >=Any ore of tl]� specific misdeiucanors lI/ Page s entuneratcd in section 21 81(d)« 26-1 PaXks violations Section 3. Section 8CC-it) of the Code of Miami -Dade Cclan .y, Fiorida, is 1='--T amended to _ead as iollo"us: See. 3CC-10. Schedule of civil penalties. The Following table shov;s the s actions of this Code, as they may be mnt snde� from turn to tii e, wtrich may be tnlorced puT.sttant to the prcriisioas oi'this chapter; and the dollar amount of ciV:l penalty fo. the vEllation of these seetians as they may be an;cndcci. The "descriptions o1 vioIatio -;s" below are for Idle_':--ationaI inn-7oses only anCl are noL meant to I:m, it or define ii_' r.ature of tlic Violations or the sublect ma?ter of the fisted Code Sections, except to the extent that different types of violations of the same Code section may carry different civil penalties For each. Code section listed in the schedule of civil penalties, the entirety of that section may be enforced by the mechanism provided in this Chapter 8CC, rega.dless of w:1.1dier all activities proscribed or req.J e-d within drat particulalr section are- described irr the "I)cscription of Violation" c;olunua. To deicm-Linc the exact nature of anti' activity' rr.,scribed or rel;?i~red h,� this Code; the relevant Code section nllisl C -'xamincd. Code Section I Description of Violation � Civil Penalty 21 -S Sale and installation o's�itellite dish antem-las to residential Customers >%21-81(d"<< >>Am' one of th- -specific %>I'Z-J.CC << inisdemeanors cnum.erated in scctson 21-81 d)<< ] - t 12 lyailurc to properly fill an 100.00 � abandon well r ' Agyt rl a luzm x 10, 4'.Di Page r) SeWwa K If any section, sut section, sentc:ncc, clause or provi,�ion of this crd.nazce A held LiW2K± Cie Itm index of Shal-, .'.i:"L 21.Iiected by Sectii►n 5. It is the i:,:Caden of the Hoard of County Cor-- 'ssioners. and it is hereby ordained that `hc provisions of ti,Js ordin�uice, iDdAng my smise.t proviAn, shall become anti be made a part of the Code of ` haud-Dade County, l,lorida. The sections of this ordinance may be rent mLc:ed or relettered to accomplish slick, inteMon, and the word "ordinance" may ^c changed to ''section," ''uncle," 01, t)tller appropriittc wc,]-J. Section G. ThiS shall 'hecome cf=cctive ten d�,ys after the Iat: cf cni Ltm. :t t.T. css . etocd by ths Mayer, and if '. eta. -, s:iall becorre el'_ec*.1vc or_ly 'Tcl n c r override by this Board. PASSED AND rA.DOPTID Approvcd 'by County Attorney as to form and legal srr-Riciency: Prepared by: Christopher A. Angell Prime Sponsor: Coo rnissioner Sally A. Heyrnar, Estimate of Annual Savings after Adult Civil Citation II Expansion Component Jail costs Average month Monthly bookings for civil citation crimes (800-1000) Year Estimated annual savings Actual Calculation lConservative Estimate $156 per person per day $150 per person per day 30 days per month 30 days per month 1000 persons per month 1800 persons per month 12 months per year $56 million Annual savings would total in the tens of millions of dollars. 12 months per year $43.2 million SIX MONTHS PERIOD -Adult Civil Citations II Offenses November 2014-Aprii 2015: 24,187 PEOPLE BOOKED November 2014-April 2015: 1,952 PEOPLE IN-CUSTOY 1670 cases of CANNABIS/POSH/0-20 Booked • 72% between 18 and 30 • 54% between 18 and 25 • ONLY 2 cases In- Custody 1178 cases for TRES PROP/AFTER WARN Booked • 49% are Black • ONLY 3 cases In -Custody 3 cases for LITTERING Booked • NO cases Sn-Custody 10 cases for DAIRY CASE/UNLAW USE Booked • NO cases In -Custody 22 cases for SHOPPING CART/POSH Booked • NO cases In -Custody 227 cases for LOITERING OR PROWL Booked • 48% are Black • 88% are between 18 and 30 • NO cases In -Custody 207 cases for DRUG PARAPHERNA/POSH Booked • 46% are Black • NO cases In -Custody MDCR Countywide Bookings - April 2015 Charge Code Count Illegal Use of Dairy Cases, Egg Baskets, Poultry Boxes, or Bakery Containers DAIRY CASE/UNLAW USE 1 Trespass on Property other than Structure or Conveyance TRES PROP/AFTER WARN 216 Retail Theft by Removal of a Shopping Cart SHOPPING CART/POSN 1 PETIT THEFT 183 PETIT THEFT 1D 47 Loitering or Prowling LOITERING OR PROWL 42 Possession of Cannabis (less than 20 grams) CANNABIS/POSH/0-20 290 Misdemeanor Possession of Cannabis MARIJUANA/POSSESSION 1 Possession of Drug Paraphernalia DRUG PARAPHERNA/POSH 37 Florida Litter Law (misdemeanor) FLORIDA LITTER LAW 1 Total Arrests (for crimes covered by Civil Citation Ordinance) 819 Cannabis Charge Code Count Misdemeanor Possession of Cannabis (Ail) CANNABIS/POSN/0-20 291 Misdemeanor Possession of Cannabis (Black males) CANNABIS/POSN/0-20 126 Felony Possession of Cannabis (Alf) CANNABIS/POSN/20+ 17 Felony Possession of Cannabis (Black males) CANNABIS/POSN/20+ 5 Total Arrests (for cannabis possession) 308 N ro:L acme. 1-4 C�l T w -- T V- j C vi 4tIL o J o a� L ti zm cz ci 72 Amp ro ra y � „ :: "^ '� � _' `-' �_ ,� 3 G � � camc-+! � _.� � ,. ✓� o � � w y � i to N r• .ry'i `.1 � � � ul y VI %. O 'b0 OCl a m ac ° o N 1 T s i ro N o z R L W L.• U Ci N +� U .'� L !.7 G -t .= i+• � � 1W W f C� CJ U [LIZ O Y N U y lr C •i� C QS C LM cj z � � m ao � G.•� N� �• N p y W, o� �� v� ti ° u Z G G N V IN MY OPINION Fabiola Santiago fsa�`�ao� Miamirerald�om Marijuana proposal a good start he conversation about the decriminalization Of small-time'marijuana possession is evolving in South Florida, and here's hop- ing that it becomes more root- ed in reality, and most impor- tantly, more non -partisan. The medical profession has alreadychimed into the dis- cussion, endorsing the use of medical marijuana to assuage the pain of certain conditions and the side effects of treat- ments. I know a young man in Miami with cancer who had medical marijuana prescribed to help with the nausea caused by chemotherapy and it was j no more of a big deal than using pain_ `medication for an I injury. "It made such a big differ"ence:fo the quality of his days;' his caretaker' fold me.' "Nothing"else we tried before worked td stop the vomiting and the naiisea." ' Science and law enforce= meat have always been good partners; and so, it's welcome news to Team that the criminal justice leadership in Miami - Dade, too, has taken a deeper look at know people caught in possession of misdemeanor amounts of rriarijuana should f be treated —''and is endorsing _a more sensible approach. j 4BIOLA SANTIAGO to curb- pot possesszon:.aIrr•ests Instead of an arrest -and a criminal. charge for possession of less khan 20 grams of mari- juana that mark a life forever, a $100 civil fine could be levied by police as an option, under a proposal sponsored by Miami - Dade Commissioner Sally Heyman to be discussed Wednesday by a County Com- mission committee. The Mia- mi Beach City Commission is also considering making the same change. Marijuana possession is the No. i reason "people who are poor, unlucky or disenfran- chised" are imprisoned in Miami -Dade at a cost of $156 a day, clogging and taxing a criminal system that needs to focus resources on people who pose public safety and flight risks, Heyman told me Friday, "At the end of the day, even if a marijuana possession arrest gets dismissed, they still have a criminal record and an arrest that would hurt them get into college, the military, or get a job," perpetuating the cycle of poverty, Heyman said. "The basic inquiry is not 'have you been convicted?' but'have you been arrested?'" The civil fine option allows police flexibility to give peo- ple "second chances," a strate- gy that has proved successful in the past with juvenile first - offenders and with other ml- nor offenses for adults such as swimming or fishing off a • TURN TO SANTIAGO, 2B < proposal ,ANTIAGO, FROM 15 idge, panhandling, or inking from an open ,ntainer near a store, eymari said. My only. concern: That ,-ute people will get a fine, tt people of color win sti; a good starf ` be arrested.- ping cart theft, but it's the " proposal didn't come out of . arrested and how long they Heyman says she trusts marijuana inclusion that's:- • a desire to legalize marijua- stay in jail for lack of bond.. law enforcement to fairly exercise options and that. attracting attention. i. While. she would've been na, but from hard-nosed ., .research about what makes money:..: Whatever the approach, sensitivity training has grateful to.be able to lessen _ sense from a.community let's bring less politics and come a long'way: , . ' r her mother's suffering with. ,'and criminal -justice per- more common sense to the, Her proposal also calls the use of medical marijua-r: spective. The savings: marijuana issue; These . for the civil penalty option na during her, struggle with $45,000 a day if you consid- local proposals are a good for petty crimes like shop- cancer, Heymoi said, this er the number of people start' MIAM1-DADE COUNTY Pot smokers may get fine in lle'd- of . arrest- wilder, proposal- t A 'pian before Miami -Dade than 20 grams of marijuana, about two - commissioners would give thirds of an ounce. That's about how officers the option of issuing a much would fit in a sandwich bag'— or civil citation for possession of 20 enough to produce about three dozen grams or less of marijuana. joints -- and the amount that deter- mines a misdemeanor. BY DOUGLAS HANKS Misdemeanor marijuana possession d'.anKsLMiamiHera'Edcn n currently carries a possible maximum Possessing misdemeanor amounts of one-year jail'sentence. Officers current - marijuana in Miami -Dade County could ly have the option not to arrest someone bring a $100 fine instead of a criminal for minor -marijuana possession; but the charge under a new proposal backed by misdemeanor charge would still bring a police brass_-; requirement to appear m criminal court. County Commissioner Sally Heyman With a civil violation, the case wouldn't - is sponsoring the plan, part of a larger enter the criminal system. cha �e to how the -county classifies of "It allows us to give someone a break," fences that_ tend to ensnare low-income. Heyman said. "It doesn't destroy some - residents, like theft of shopping carts body's lifebecause they smoked a joint at a and loitering. concert; or had a pipe in then pocket." - Ifadoptedby the commission and not Officers in Miami -Dade would have ,toed by' Mayor Carlos Cimenez, the the option to issue a citation or proceed' w ordinance would let officers issue a it citation to someone carrying less • TURN TO MARIJUANA, 2B %MI -DADS COUNTY 'tan would curb pot ,RIJUANA, FROM 1B a an actual arrest under existing misdemeanor It's part of a national .rt to free -up police re- rces by moving minor -ijuana arrests out of criminal system. We helped draft and port this effort as a dis- ionary option for mis- ieanor marijuana," said Juan Perez, deputy direc- tor of the Miami -Dade Po- lice Department: "This gives the option to go with a citation for those individ- uals that may have'no re- cord, or only a minor crim- inal history, [and] stay out of the criminal justice sys- tem." Heyman's proposal goes before the commission's Metropolitan Services arrests Committee Wednesday - afternoon If it passes, the full 13-member commission would take it up later in the summer. State law allow-5 local ju- risdictions to treat some misdemeanors'as civil of- fenses, and Miami -Dade would add misdemeanor marijuana possession to that list, Perez said. GLEN STUBBE/AP POT PROPOSAL: A proposed change in Miami -Dade law would give officers the option of issuing civil citations for possessing 20 grams or less of pot; . Plan to fine for pot offense advances in Miami -Dade ® Police would still have the option to arrest for misdemeanor pot possession under a proposal that won preliminary approval in Miami -Dade. BY DOUGI.AS HANKS J - C - H U;,:r. sera ci.c;;m A proposal to issue $100 cita- tions for marijuana possession in :Miami -Dade cleared a legislative committee on Wednesday, mov- ing Florida's largest county closer to taking pot offenses out of the criminai system. The legislation -- which was approved 51 by the County Com- mission's Metropolitan Services panel — would still allow police throughout Miami -Dade to arrest someone with 20 grams or less of pot on a misdemeanor charge. But the proposal would rewrite coun- ty law to give officers the option of issuing a civil citation instead, an action that would let the offender MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SPONSOR: Dade Commissioner Sally Heyman speaks during a committee hearing cn her proposal for ne;v _les that ,,would dive oftice­ th,e option, to fine pot smo�ers. pay a $100 fine or work off the pen- alty with two days of community service. Officers currently have the choice of simply not arresting people caught with a misdemean- or amount of pot, or issuing crimi- nal charges that can result in as much as one year in jail. "Right now, it's let go completely or ar- rest," said Commissioner Sally Heyman, the sponsor of the legis- lation. "'Phis will give a middle alternative.`' Only one commissioner, Javier Souto, voted against the proposal, with Jose "Pepe" Diaz, Audrey Ed- monson, Barbara Jordan, and Juan C. Zapata joining Heyman on the Yes side. A final vote by the full 13-member commission is sched- uled for June 30, and then it would go to Mayor Carlos Gimenez for a possible veto.-.. Heyman's plan follows a nation- al trend toward decriminalizing marijuana, with 15 states treating marijuana possession as a civil of- fense akin to littering and loiter- ing. Miami Beach commissioners gave preliminary approval to simi- lar rules on Wednesday, which would leave the city with looser • TURN TO MARIJUANA, ZB PHOTOS Er PETER AHOR E-W RCSCHlMiAMi HERALD STAFF POLICE BACKIdGt .i.Li n-zttt•sor., '^�iimrDade's ;.c�,�i:;e a�ec[or, supports a preposai to let county :1 E rs i5>ur- Q" on for mild >meancr :x•t p session dur-r.g t,Vecnesday's meeting. • M.ARIJUANA, FROM 18 marijuana penalties if the county ordinance should fail. "I believe this is an etfort from our pragmatic progres- sive city to move forward with allowing our police force to focus more on areas that we know are of greater need to public safety:" said Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine. if the county rules pass, Miami Beach could collect the fines generated by pot citations issued by its offi- cers rather than the money going to Miami -Dade, ac- cording to a county lawyer. Miami Beach Police Chief Dan Oates told city commis- sioners that he expects to is- sue 400 civil citations a year for marijuana possession. But people openly smoking marijuana in public would still face arrest on the misde- meanor charge, he said. The decriminalization is- sue is a sensitive one. Gime- nez has not made a decision on the proposal, according to a spokesman, though the police director who ulti- mately reports to the mayor, J.D. Patterson, supported it during Wednesday's meet- ing. Committee Chairwoman Barbara Jordan started the proceedings by showing the audience all three parts of a CBS4 investigation called "Race Matters" by reporter Jim DeFede that showed a county police squad target- ing the largely black area of Goulds with dozens of mari- juana arrests but almost no convictions. Commissioners cited the series throughout the dis- cussion, saying it captured the uneven way police throughout the United _ States tend to prosecute 1 drug offenses. An American Civil Liber- ties Union report cited by DeFede found that a black person in Miami -Dade was six times more likely than a white person to be arrested for mari}uana possession. Carlos Martinez, the coun- ty's public defender, noted that county prosecutors had authorized the University of Miami's police force to offer its students the equivalent of civil fines and community service when caught with pot — an option offered lo- cal colleges but not available to young adults elsewhere in Miami -Dade. J_L. Demps Jr., president of the Greater Goulds Opti- mist Club, told commission- ers that even a misdemean- or arrest for marijuana can condemn young black men to uphill climbs when it comes to finding employ- ment or housing assistance. "I've seen many adults trying to get housing in Mia- mi projects," he said. "An ar- rest makes a big difference in terms of what they can do." The marijuana rules are part of a larger proposal to rewrite Miami-Dade's crim- inal codes and create the op- tion of civil fines for six oth- er minor offenses, including loitering, shopping -cart theft, littering and posses- sion of drug paraphernalia. Heyman cited figures showing that about 24,000 people a year are booked on those charges in Miami - Dade, about 65 per day. Patterson did not lay out PETER ANDREW 905CH/MIAMIHERA0 STAFF RACE CONCERNS: Commissioner Barbara Jordan discusses a CBS4 report showing county police targeting residents in the largely black area of Goulds with pot arrests. how Miami-Dade.'s 4,000-person police depart- ment would sift through which offenders deserved civil citations for pot and which should be arrested. "I truly believe Miami - Dade County has the finest;" said Commissioner Audrey Fclmonson- "But when you start talking about officers having 'discretion,' it ap- pears to me that that discre- tion is arresting how many blacks more so than any- body else? That's an officer's discretion." Patterson said arrests would be focused on people caught multiple times smoking pot in public, when someone is clearly a pot dealer, or if marijuana seems to be part of a larger inci- dent, like a car accident. "Discretion is still very, very important to the offi- cer," Patterson said. As an c-,ampie, he said someone with a pocketful of joints might be holding less than 20 grams but still look ready to sell the marijuana to someone. "I want to believe an officer will make an ar- rest in that case" Miami Herald staff writer Joey Flechas contributed to this report. •�•• ���+ oy 86-16-15 16:66 Pg. 1r:- Ob �ryvK � o�onvi�ons.:Elon �Cme, . UP G co�mty iocl�nps,. f w: the" aaw aTdm�n:: he no 10 S• m u�U31�QiOfl71 - _ (P�. U� K,r released to AFnZ a :. 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Lardly £aril an edit6r s ` dead If -` Anothef meaiurr of the the�ocai ponce meii a.pot , ! b%is� that :v4as Karst public's ' The stories tpn aion die ! fW pmhlia6n has be`ea Phphs of the palzce the lack of a ruckus `around c is the a�2e�ig offo� k�e `� ��?�_-made County,Comfais- r mayor 1 u im i t o, �d a table Vie, po�.theLN raf- ��g bag�es ofmariiva . mg � $700.riv'cI citar� n ' �t aa, �vlN paper, aroach op.someone dabbed worthless'' the'..- gz ,ofan a1to thari'20 grams 61• saatopl><one instead of hai�3iog threi>a. oil t _ for a small Ca�vn cop the jail on a a l ;Oxi auor chmge, naw5s a yeas clew Cb sfte�r .. . lY Rng mnduaLS, rio1?ody much ores, " ' TtJRtt 7o Gitll4t. 28 f Nair a coui : Je of potheads amd ahawer,q�aursetfin front page I has begin r ' c ? , :' tough lessors to FREb GRIMM IN MY OPl�lliiQl ' + - still gObi po e'er T h Q r• f j re5ou3rees and great gobs of YET: ney'in the mind-'.+GRINK FRDM 1B w �" less puns lit'of a mis- ' those, -"ate that tents As if e rrimi}ial , The M­&� -Mch decrtm�nalired p L ji1staGe,system was tmppe in comes.,up for . eomnnssL9n '#acy4 ti>Ispar y a2)b9 time warp. vote June 3Q, also has tl'` - ,•' 1��ytfi import c) the Misr Dade F ` a alioiu thi PoLoe ant rl><e ACW re cops ]mgra there's na mule fowls oaf btac�s g1atY ¢� the on Pot vv ere 4.2 ' mi igs'to'ila'