Item C050
Meeting Date: 4/16/14
Bulk Item: Yes x
Division: Community Services
Department: Social Services
Staff Contact /Phone #: ShervI Graham/ 292-45 10
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of State of Florida Department of Economic Opportur(ity'
Federally -Funded Weatherization Assistance Program Agreement, Contract 4 14WX-OG-1 1-54-01-039
between Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (Monroe County Social Services) and the
State of Florida, Department of Economic Opportunity.
ITEM BACKGROUND: These funds are to be utilized to perform energy saving repairs and
installation of energy saving measures on qualified single family dwellings for low income residents.
These funds will be expended in accordance with the FY 2014 WAP State Plan. This is a cost
reimbursement contract.
PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Prior approval granted by the County Administrator,
Roman Gastesi, on 12/17/2013 for MOD #00 1, Agreement # 13 WX-OG- 11-54-01-03 9.
COST TO COUNTY: 0.00 (cost reimbursement grant) SOURCE OF FUNDS: GRANT FUNDS
APPROVED BY: County Atty�iuz--/, 0&3/PurclEs/ing Risk Management
Revised 7/09
Included X Not Required
Contract with: Dept Economic Opp Contract #14WX-OG-11-54-01-039
Effective Date: 02/22/2014
Expiration Date: 02/21/2015
Contract Purpose/Description:
Approval of State of Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Federally -Funded
Weatherization Assistance Program Agreement, Contract # 14WX-OG-11-54-01-039 between
Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (Monroe County Social Services) and the
State of Florida, Department of Economic Opportunity.
Contract Manager: Sheryl Graha 292- 4510 Social Services/ Stop # 1
(Name) ;x (Ext.) (Department/Stop #)
for BOCC meeting on 04/16/2014 genda Deadline: 04/01/2014
Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ 11,819.00
Budgeted? Yes® No ❑ Account Codes:
Grant: $ 11,819.00
County Match: $
Current Year Portion: $
125-6155714- - -
Estimated Ongoing Costs: $__jyr For:
(Not included in dollar value above) (eg. maintenance, utilities,
Date In Needed
f e
Date Out
Division Director
Yes❑ No[]
Risk Management
Yes❑ No[J_ f
O.M.B./Pure asing Yes❑ No
County Attorney
Yes❑ Noa/
OMB Form Revised 2/27/01 MCP #2
C;FD.\ Number: DOF: - CI D.\ 81.042 C:I D.\ Ntunber: ICI II IS - CI`D_\ 93.�08
Agreement Number: 14WN-OG-11-54-01-039
I I [IS .\GREEMENT is entered into by the State of Florida, Department of Economic Opportunin-, -, ith
headquarters in Tallahassee, Florida (hereinafter referred to as "DEO"), and Monroe County Board of County
Commissioners (hereinafter referred to as the "Recipient").
1\. The Recipient represents that it is fully qualified and eligible to receive these grant funds to provide the services
identified herein; and
B. DEO has received these grant funds from the State of Florida, and has the authority to subgrant these funds to
the Recipient upon the terms and conditions below; and
C. DEO has statutory authority to disburse the funds under this Agreement.
THEREFORE, DEO and the Recipient agree to the following:
The Recipient shall perform the work in accordance with the Scope of Work, Attachment A of this Agreement.
The Recipient and DEO shall be governed by applicable State and Federal laws, rules and regulations, including those
identified in Attachment B.
This Agreement shall begin upon execution by both parties or on February 22, 2014, whichever is later and shall end
on February- 21 2015 unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph (13) of this Agreement.
Either party may request modification of the provisions of this Agreement Changes which are agreed upon shall be
valid only when in writing, sided bi- each of the parties, and attached to the original of this Agreement.
(a) As applicable, Recipient's performance under this agreement shall be subject to the federal "Common
Rule: Uniform Wministrauve Requirements for State and Local Governments" (53 Federal Register 8034) or O 11B Circular
No. _\-110 (,now 2 CFR Part 215), "Grants and \greements with Institutions of I ligher Education, I lospitals, and Other
Nonprofit Organizations," and either OMB Circular No. a 8_ (no-,v 2 C I R Part 225), "Cost Principles for State and Local
Governments," OMB Circular No. a-21 ,nosy 2 CFR Part 2—'()',,, "Cost Principles for Educational Institutions," or O1IB
Circular No). .\ 122 ;no\v 2 CFR Part 230, "Cost Principles for Nonprofit Organizations." If this \greeinem is made \vlth a
conmicrcial 'f<>r profit organization on a cost -reimbursement basis, the Recipient shall be subject to Federal .Acquisition
Red>ulations 31.2 and 931.2.
1) \11 records pertaining no this \grc -mrtin ittrhAhT fur in" lin)itrd 114 supPortiu, documcnrati„t) and rccc,r&
ni flci nt t,, Win "onaic c, mThmwc "uh the terms }f the \,'rcc wnt >116i 11 W rcmIdwd h; It: RcCthlmi A w K c i Sol]
wars attar ciouldotom of Ic project, "hich nwhidcs satistic non of all repornng rcyu nwicnts and receipt of all pa; mums clue
nn"Ic;- hc Provided ap,?Mlc AWN hw c Run rAcascd, to five S ; cari Abu lK d w that ari audit rcporr is
issued, r� l r is 6 wino_ 1 u th c r car herb d ma, bc eland, d A w r1Rc t<,Ilt mi y c"qui mo
1. 1f allti 1)ng'ano11, claim or andir is srartud 46 tic fit-c tear prric,d cspires, And cltcnds b(,�cmd the tip c-
year peri<ul, ncc records shall I r"Anrd until all iuigatu,n, claims w a u A r tindikn s = 5 myth rec,rck ha;T MY r""h ed.
_'. Records for ncc dilm)-ition cm norl-espendablc personai properr, \Alucd at SW tn- rune at nce ti nu it
is ao-I tircd shall be remincd for five, >> mars after final Alm W n.
3. Records relating to) real properry acyrtircd shall be retained for fizz• 51 tears after the closing tin the
transfer of title.
ej The Recipient shall maintain all records for ncw Recipient and for all subcontractors or con;tilrants to be paid
from funds pr(A-ided under this .Agrermcnr, including documentation of all program costs, in a form sufficient to determine
compliance vith the requirements tend objccmvn of the Scope of \\ ork, .Attachment A to this Agreement and all other
applicable laws and rcgialations.
tch The Recipient, its cmployces or agents, including; all subcontractors or consultants to be paid from hinds
provided under this Agreement, shall allow access to its records at reasonable tunes ro DFA ), its employees, and agenrs.
"Reasonable" shall "Mindy mean during normal business hours of SAM a.m. to 51H p.m., local time, on NI m&v through
ltriday. ".Agents" shall include, but not be limited to, auditors retained by DI:).
v) The Recipient may, per We IB0-1.iN)3Q)Qh I?Wda Administrative Code, allow its public records to be
stored rhro nigh electronic recordkeeping systems as substinues for nce original nr paper copy.
(f) The Recipient Minces ro mainrun financial procedurm and support documenrs, in accordance Frith generally
accepted accounting principles, ro account fur tic receipt and expenditure of funds under this, .Agreement.
g) Thcse records shall be available at reasonable nines for inspection, review, or andir by state personnel and
other personnel authorized 1, DI:(>. "Reasonable" ;hall ordinarily mean normal business, hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5A)O p.m.,
local time, Monday through Friday.
Recipient must notify INA ), both he e-mail and first class mail, tridurt one t 1 business dal- from rcceipr of all
request"s for public records, as a public record is defined in Sccriori 119A)l 1, Ida. Scat. In accordance v irh Chapter 119 of ncc
11orida Starnws, Recipient shall be responsible tin responding to ,ill public records rcyuesrs per ncu oar srrucrure pnwh&d Ali -
records made or recciv ed 1, Reciplar in coniuricbm .rith the .Agrccmcm, unlca the records are exempt from secrion 24as ,>f
\rticle I of the Stare (,onstittawn and Sucimi I I%)- I Pla. Star. ticgkc t,f public records reyursts recch-ccl bt ncc Recipient
shall be C-maiied R) 19i RCc mc -Lit tic vitS i, 1A3 " w ll1C mat,uC Co;
Public Records ('�)rdinat, m
, "Hvc ,rtrum"
1t�- }:,tst Aladi>�>n Strccr
1��asscc�, Flc,ridt: 3?-�99
Page 2
t. Riv"Vor shall a public arccss w A diwumcmv papers, Iotcrs or other materials I.Idc or meetv cd h) Recipient in
c(,Iliuncrion vvirl, this Again cnu tmW the r"nods an cumqu from srctim 24 A of knicic I w the Stare ( <nlstAm" on and
>trlyca"wi I Ire H 1 , Fx INA ) resrrvvs ncw right k, undatcoWN cancel this AIurcctncnr Aw Rccihictit'- refusal r(, c(�mpk with
tin, pr{ 0 Ink M-i.
RCCtptrnt '}?6s1: traii,fCr=", ;1C fltr Ct"r rc> I:C& Ali p„hiK CCR>rd> liptt=l Coillhlcrlt,ll cc R`tniln;l0)t1 t)t t 1C A4'7cCI11C`tit, di1i
dcstro) Au.v duplicate indAw rcowds that arc twvnpr (a crrnfiderimd and r`~ nyt fr()m puhlic rcc)rd< disclosrlre requirement;.
Ali cl(etrortic records '11,111 he pro; ided to I)I J ) Al a IN:( )-companhle f�)rmar.
;a. The Recipient shall hat : all required audits completed be an indcpendcrit ccrlificd pui>lic acrounran t ;1 P \_
either a certified public ace nnuant or a public accountant licensed under Chapter 4-3, 1 la. star. The IP \ :hall stare rhar the
audit complied r'Ah nccapplicable protxisions noted in WHO HO I ro this Agreement.
t The audit must be reclvd by DI A ) no later than nine 01 mouths from the end of the Recipient's fiscal year.
The audit must be submitted in accordance kith ncc requirements of Iahibix I to this Agreement.
(c) 1f an audit shoos that all or any portion of the fund; disbursed were not spent in accordance %irh the
conditions of this _Agreemew, the Rccipienr shall he held liable for reimbursement to DI:( ) of all fund: not spent in
accordance with these applicable regulations and _Agreement proMsions "Min 04 Qp calendar days after DFA ) has notified
the Recipient of such non-compliance.
(d) vminim sign (NO calendar days of the We of Recipient's fiscal Year, on an annual basis, Recipient shall
clecrronicallY submit a annpleted :Audit Compliance Certification (a vershm of this certification is atrached hereto as hahibir
of this _ vanent) No Ault a d6).nm " Recipient's timely submittal ofom completed Audit Compliance
Certification for each applicable fiscal year "Al fulfill this rcqubunenr "Win ad agreements (e.g., contracts, grants,
memorandums of understanding, memorandurs of agreement, economic incenle award agreements, etc.) between DI O
and Recipient.
(a) The Recipienr shall submit to DI AO all required reports as set forth in AaItchrmenr D m this Agreement.
Thcsc reports shall include the current stares and progress by the Recipient and all subrccipienrs and subcontractors in
caunplcting the -\x-ork described in .Artachmcnt .A,'Scope of \mark, and the expenditure of funds under this .Al reement, in
addition to am other information requested I,- D J ).
0 If all required reports and copies are not sent to DIJO or arc not completed in a manner acccptahlc to DF ),
DI ;( ) mall\ %vithhold further pacmcurs unril ncw, are complcrcd or mat take other action As stated in Paragraph 12,
RI :'tH IN F4 \cceprablc to IN',( )" means that the vv ork producr v, as completed in accordance with the scope Of \Tork,
\rrachmcnr .A.
c 11c Rccihicnr shall proridc additional program !rpdares I)r inhmnalm that nuy be required fir DI',( ).
.1) \IOV I ()RIM;
I u RCCSp;em Shad rip"U n I;q perf MOM Cc UnduT thl> A1rtcn',Cnt, An \1-cd a> ThAr of lt�, -'II)ContraCrnr- And: or
Ianrs \vhr, arc paid front funds pr 0 Wd under rids \0ccn;cnr, r> cnsurr Ihar the SA"Wlr of Ihl"rahlcs WIJhin ncC
�ctahC (n \\ (,r3 _ AtERIU- at .A, in Whig acc,Un,p;tshcd " IMI ncw >pucuied nme per;ods, and wh r p"TwnLincc .pal, arc Wrig,
Age 3
`-acl icy "L " \ rcyicw shall he d„m 6 w each Anicti„n t,r acm iry in \rt:u-luiu'nr \ to this \grc('mcnt, :uui IVIn)rrcd in t h t '
no MM Wing rclxn-t.
In addirum rn reykmn nt audits cmiducted in Ace„ Omwc "Oh Paragraph An" e, n,<mmmmy hr<>cecltires tim
Inciltdc, flit lo>r be 111111ri'd t,,, nn-s _c A-oHq by Dqunnlent st[lft, DCpart111eni-Ct>nttaCtcd Im,mmottig ctl hwn " „ &T tlgnt<,
,Imtn'd sc„pe rcr Ic y, mid . Y ,uhcr pr,}cedures. �111c R&ptc,lt and Al Wacctpu'nrs agrcc to CWHIO "ith ncc must rcccnr
nit,nit wry hi-nunle=.1r pr "Akd 10 IN A ), and cn„perare vuh any numirt,ring pr(,ccOmcq pr(>cc4<cs d"iued alla.i gmate I»
INA ). In dw cycm rho IN A ) detummcs char a limircd So, rcy&w , d ncc Recipient is appi npriare, the Rccipienr agrees m
c(>mply vv nh in,, additinnal irlstnwrin is prnyided 10 INA ) to the Recipient regarding such audit. 1 11c Rccipienr hu-rhm .rgmn,
no c,mlpll and c(x>hcrarc tcith any inspccmms, rcyieuys, invcstigath" s (r amlir; deemed nccesqu, by DEA G InImcmi-
General nr the 1 lnrida C:hietl inancial Officcr,>r .Audirnr General. In additicnl, Dla ) vyill nrmitor the performance and
tiriancil management by the Recipient rhr,iu M na the agreement term r,) ensure rimcic conjAcri„n "fall casks.
yr I.I_A13I1JTY
'a, L mess the Recipient is a State agency or :ubclivisi<�n, as defined in Secrion-68.28, I1a. Star, the Recipient is
solely responsible to parries it deals -vv ith in carrying out the terms of this :Agreement, and ;hall hold INA) harmless against all
claims nt "Tareycr nature by third parties arising from the rt ork performance under this .Agreement. For purposes of this
Agreement, the Recipient agrees that it is not an emphowe or agent of DF( ), but Is an independent contractor.
(b) :Any Recipienr v hich is a state agency or subdirision, as defined in SCCH(Mj 768,28, Ila. Stat., agrees to be fully
responsible for its negligent or tortious acts or omissions vyhich result in claians or suits against DI ,O, and agrees to be liable
for any damages proximately caused by the acts or omissions to the extent set forth in Section 76828, Fla. Srat. 'Nothing
hcrcin is intended to servc as a vyaiycr of soycreign immunity bi- any Recipient to «-hick sovereign immunity applies. Nothing
hcrcin shall be construed as consent by a state agency or subdivision of the State of Florida to be sued by rhird parries in any
marter arising out of any cona-act.
If any of the folloWng events occur ("I :rents of I)efaulr all obligations on the part of DFt) to make further -
payment of funds under this .Agreement shall terminate. if M ) so ciccts, and DIN ) mac exercise anc of its remedies set forth
in Paragraph ( 12) of this .Agreement. I hm-ewn INA) may make payments or partial payments after any Fyents of Default
" rOmr "string the right to exercise such remedies, and mrhour becoming liable to make any further payment.
ra If any uarrann nr representation made by the Recipient in this .Agr-mmmenr or anc previous agreement vyirh
Df A ll is or becomes false ,n- misleading in any respect, or if the Rccipienr fails to keep or perform any of the obligations, terms
nr cotenants in this .Agreemenr or any pmvKus agreement ;cith DF'J ) and has not cured them in rimcic fashion, or is unable
nr un" filling rn nicer its ,>bligalmis under this Agrccmcnr:
� b If material adverse change; nc(:nr in the financial cnndim In ,>f the Rccipienr at any rime duriY ncC ream A
this .Agreement, and the Recipient fails r„ cure this atdycrsc change "Min rhirnAW s from the dare "Arran nntiCc is sent he
IN A).
i It )nil- rcln,rn rc(.luxud In this \Iumcn wt have ID IWWI'MM1111tcd to Dl t) t,r IYlyc hell slib11111rc'd ;call
InC,,t"r C'C1, Iilc,iniplctc' ni 1ilslltticlenC iilt„rnl�lnnn, <,,'
d If the Rccipienr has Owd to pertnrnl And cnmpicte in Inuc ,, t,,:hi"n ,ill nt in „hliomnq> under this
Me 4
i2, R1�1Il1)11-�
If an I :v cnr gat Detaufr (accurs, And INA) pinnidcs vv rirtcn nt,)ricc P> ; u hccihicnt, D(:C) nia: cicrcisc .u.v unc
<)r no we aat rho: Ad Wing ropc&cs, Caper C mcurrciulV ter Ci )tl?CC IiUl"C1V:
a; lunumaic thin AlLymcnicrit if the Rccipicnu has rant cumd ncu do*atilt «ithin Hum illy calendar dams W-tccCIT
"f vvrhion i,,atirc of an 1 ; ar ,af Dcfmdr;
hBigin an appip-ime lc al (a cyt:JA,: ate om No cntormc hcrf()rinance <,f rhi; A,grc(menti
c- Al irhlxnld oI- sushcnd ha; i 1CIT' gat all W any hart (af a request for hacment,
dr l er-ise any c<>rreCKW ,W remcdi l acho ns, r<) include Ina nor he limited r<).
1. reyucsr acicliti"nal inAmnaWn fin min the Recipient rt) determine the reasons for,)r ncw cment tdmrn-
compliance or lack of perfinrinance,
�. issue A Awritrcn wamMg P) ackko: that m<nrc serious Ineanures imaw he taken it rhC sin-lation is nor
>. Advise the Recipient to suspend, discontinue, or refrain from incurring; costs t()r amactivities in yuesrunv,
4, require the Recipient to reimburse IN ) for the amounr of costs incurred for am items determined N) he
ineligible, and
(c) Iaercisc any- other rights or remedies which may be c)rhervvise available under law.
Pursuing; am of the ahowe remedies will not keep INA) from pursuing; any other remedies in rhis .Agrecinent or
provided at law or in equity. It D A ) waives any right or remedy in this Ag;reemenr or fails ro insist on strict performance by
the Recipient, it will not affect, extend or vwaiy c any other right or remedy of INK I or affect the later cxercisc of ncc same
right or remedy by IN ) for any other dcfault IV the Recipient.
(a) DIJ) may terminate this _1greement for cause vwith thirty- (30) calendar days vv-rirtcn notice. Cause can
include misuse of fund;, fraud, lack of compliance with applicable riles, laws and regulations, failure to perform in a tiimch-
manner, failure ro cure an Writ of Default vwithin rhirrY calendar days from receipt of Sic notice, or refusal by ncc Recipient
to permit public access to any documenr, paper, letter, or other material subject to disclosure under Chaprcr 119, Fla. Stan as
b,, DFX ) may terminate this .\g>recment for com-cnictim or when it determines, in irs s(Ac discreriom, that
continuing the .Agreemcnr mmid not produce hcneficial results in line with the further expenditure of funds, by prtOdby ncc
Recipient vcirli thirty- 3t)) calendar days prior -written notice.
c; The parries maw ag,rcc. to terminate rhi; _A,grecinctir for their mutual convenience through a vwritten
.uncndmenr of this _Agavi eat. The amendmenr shall state the cffecQc date of ncc termination and the pr<aceclures Or
proper closetnu of the ,�recmenr.
d If D1 .0 ) issues a mace of 14 cut (I Default, ncu Recipient shall nor incur new {ti>liyamms durin., the
Mn 0, cram h"VA. 4 1 A A ) determines that the Recgmcni has cured the Went,atDcf,unir .vithin dic Hum an cum perivad,
Ia ) v1ill praalnk mince n) the Rccip"u That it max runmic routirnng ne:'," (4in: nwurmd wr ic" <al) waww<
After we-eipt (d 11m notice of IA cut ,af Default swill he di"Ho," cd. (he Recihicnr 4311 ma he relicv ed of :lability tea D1 A )
1 10 rhu lAcciploir. INA I Irm, N' du, C\ no I 3u&(Wucd h1\ 1,1\\, \\o! I I I (dd pa" I I U'l I in t')
Ou Rcqumt 6 Y the parlunc W,up-A unn) [hc klct .1111-LUIT ( 4 Jan lagcs cater I A Fry )I I I t 11 c I Z cc I p i c II r 1,' 1-111111 ( d
At) YP V\D (A )\"I�y �
l I( -�13\1) (J )\ I \( : L
A \,qwuA (d an I A cot 4 1 AW r (w moicu, f run-UnAmni wthc \gwoumi OuH be in ivrunig AaRI
(1Booted In (, 1-nd, maj aamn n."Tj rcyu""L n, the 111"hic kgawnhur ManAlpT At the nkkc" Tucificd Wh on Ilk
ctfcctv, c dan., "f thu 11(Ulcc shall I,(,- the On, of rccuqUL ln)"vvur, if tic iv)ncc in also prodded W c"nfinn"! email P, do,
aplAwalic \grecnicat NImugi-T's criud adckcs, speciiicd hCl":r, -Iicr at
e %\fl] etc the k'ft'("cti\ ( elate tat do, \In
, t1h, Cal
(qkT Bann mmUiccgn cii unclog (w pu raw or tiv this \gavriAwr ;hull lac prom d"i as 11CARM Kum Said in, Wcatum ;Ball
be arrachcd to A of p� of the t)rigulal ')f Illis \,g]-ccinclo.
lb� The inonc, mailing address, and uniml ackh-css of dic Ill:( ) Alurcuncot Nlanagcr rcsposildc hw the
AlInilostrarion 4 this AgrCcinclit is:
Paula LcInIno, Bureau ("Inct
Dcpartinctir of Fconoinic ( )pportunity
I) iViSion of Corrimunity_ DCVCI( )1-) 111 ClIt
Burc.11-1 of COM In 1J1orV ASIiSLIII CC
Comilluiliry :Assistance Section
107 East Nlaidison Strect \I4:400
Tallahaissec. Florida 32399-4120
F.inail: p,,itila.iciiiiiio(ii',deo.iii\-tlorida.coiiI
(c) The iounc, mailing acidws, and email jdclrc,,s of the Recipient Agrcenictit \LinAigcr responsible for the
administration of this Agreement is:
a 1700 0 IVY
111au ax (blyn -Aronf '41101
1. i j
d In Wc cvcnr Char chfkrcnr AgnvnRor Nknagurs or adch-csscs arc dusignarcci hi either llam aftcr c�ccaoion
of this \grccmcnL n"Ac of the nano, title and address of Oc nest- \gncmcnr N[Anagcr \vill be provicicd As nrarcd in
llara�'raph 14 ai almmu.
13 it T( A 04111V A'S
It the Rccrimunt Owmitracn Am of rhc 4 (wk 11VILund UnAT this \'gri-valicnt, A cope "t rhu, 111n1'L'1"cd suhc()Tlrract
mu" he 6 Y" arjud to I A A ) A w rmww And Appr, n A in'T we it is u\ucurcd In Oc hupwrin Fhc Recipient On" to Hu"' 11
rhc t rhAT 1 Thc 'qibo)nrracn)r is Wind In rhc RTniq W this \gnWML11V 11 the subrr,nrrartor is 1)"Und All
AIT11CAI)IL 11an And fk LOW 1AW mid ryJap as: And In the Onn mumv w shall hAd I MA ) and Recipient hAnnW, jgAinq Ali
(IAHP- 4 " hmu\ cr iunnu arising , q" , 11 hu Q)o mivacno I , put! vnuncc t d u or under W QTmaoL P, Qic cuou AM m W
Page 6
land rcyuired in lavt. The Rccipicnt shall d„culnrnr in the ni,nuhit the stuhomtramm's pngres, in Pcrtt}nnd" its W"
under this \'grccnrcrit,
i�tar each suoc(nnacr, the Rccipicnr shall prt>> ide a tcritren starcnxyr rc) Digit) as rrl rrhcther r,i,lr su x<tnrr.icm is
a min, win clxd , o dctincd in Sccric}n 28471k 1 x Star.
10, I t )\1N i it )\S
This a awri enr cotuh> all the wins a:xl c„ridimm agreed up"n be the pa rues.
a -All attachments n) thi .Agreement arc in"t-"awd as if w t>ut UK
b In the event ()fall" in Con sistcncics or eontlicr horn ecn the languac of this _Agn cincnt and the attachments,
the iallguagc of the attachments shall control, but only to the csrcnr of ncC conflict ln- inctmsisrrnct.
'ci 11is Agreement has rile folhOng machments 'check all that arc applicable;:
® l:�hibir I — .Audit Rcyuiremcnts
® Fahibit I -.A - Funding Sources
® Iahibit ? — _Audit Compliance Certification
® .Armdmxnr .l — SoTe of AVork
® .Attachment B — Program Statutes and Regulations
® .Attachment C — Rccordkeeping
® attachment D — Reports
® :Attachment F — Justification of .Wince
® attachment F — Wwranries and Represcrimrions
® attachment G — Certification Regarding Debarment
® :Attachment I I — Stawmcm of assurances
® .Attachment I — Conlin- .Allocation
® attachment J — Special Conditions
® :Attachment K — Recipient Information Form
(a) This is a cost -reimbursement a9recment. Ile Recipient shall be rcunbursed for costs incurred in the
slrisfactotl performance of work hereunder in an amount nor to exceed JILST .4D subject to the availabiliry of tends and
appropriate bucycr authorin-. The Rccipicnr shall prepare Attachment _V Scjw of AV4a jud=ct, Budget Derail it and Schedule
of Dclit crahlcs�, bawd upon this tundinl amount.
Unril IN:( ) pi nmdes further notice ") the Rccipicnr, In m ct co the Recipient is onlc authorized to incur com in an
anvnmr nor rta cXcccd 5j ,819.00. .As funds and budget authorm bco nic availabic ni DIV & DIA ) "Al issue a letter to The
Rrrihient's A'grccmcnt Mana *cr idcnriticd in _Artachinclit i': spc-a(t ing a new anoRmt (1 cost: the Rccipicnr is auth"rizcd r)
ns rc
inct:r. �Cnts Icrrrr Mill: -ill hae the effect z,f;z,dif. in�a nc� Runs f ncc Agrcemcnt in replacing r17e d)llAr ;unmtult stared in thc
first nown" 'd tuts Pna ugh Mich the nc" ant>Unt surfed in dw Own,
1) Alit Mancc pa Mau under this \1unwlnclu is ;tl}q"l n) Scctitqt 216.I81 16 , lWtar, am3 is c„ mycni
tlh„n the Recipient's acccpianre tat the rights w DIa ) under Pm%igraph 1' 1) f this .Agl-ccmcnr. Ihr .un(alln :thigh MAI, he
.1ch arced ur.n n„t e\cerd rite capccted cash nrcds ,,t nce Recipirur 'A ithin the ;first rtit r, _ intmrhs <,"r pr,xir,ctu)n ralctllarecl .n
Nye 7
Wachnn at K in tic Agwcment term Niq ad Amy pawieitt is also su y"i to federal ( )\III (Arculars \ 8- iIPM 2 (10 fart
1 10 ibiv 2 (:(R i'an 213, A I22 now ' (I�R fart 201 and tic (dash \l.umcnw at Inipnavvunt _Act of i'}9i). Will
advance pm nxnr is rcytanni-. the lingo data on v Lich the rcyucsr is laased anti a usritication statement shall he induded in
this \_'rccinent as Attaclunein 1 ". Athwhn mt 11 "Ill sinvib the anvRuit of ad. mwc pat nuat mTdcd anti prtn"iIIc an
uWanAn, 7:a ttt the noes K, by and propo: ec1 task tat tnrsc dunes.
'.c I11c Recipient ]writ expend Ali amminr cqual to or tavic'i" than the alnollnr of the imirEd adsancc° in %,
periods e m cmd W the first t -o I inanomil Stares RgNms ; IMs SOMIArtcd to DI'.( ) after the Mon" pat, menr k pn w"scd h,
DI At I t the Recipient h:as not cgwmVd an amounr ccival to ncc infrial advanec wit these tvo applicable periods, t I I c
Recipient shall submit a written c``Planarican to DI A I Di'.O will consider the circumstances provided and dercrnninc if it rill
deduct an or all of the uncKpended amount of the initial aWncc from the Reripicnr's pending reunburscmcnr rcyuest within
an I W ,and gill continue this process, if ncc"sWy, until the Recipient is mceting the advance espendinu-c reduirrrnenns.
Guidelines fear tracking ctpcndinu-cs of advanced funding Humighc}tit the .Agreement period arc provided in _Arrachmcnt F of
this .A�,rccmcnr
An advance payment is requested in the amount of S (check and complete
if apphcablc)
(d) _after the initul ab-ance, if any, payment shall be made on a wimburscinenr basis. The Recipient agrees to
expend funds in accordance vctrh the Scope of AM, _Attachment .A, of this "Agreement.
If the nece"mw funds are not available to fund this _Agreement as a result of action by the l'nitcd Srares Congress,
the federal ()See of Nlanagcinent and Budgeting, the State (thief Financial ( )Ricer, or under subparagraph QQQ of this
.Agreement, all obligations on W part of DEO to make any further payment of Funds shall terminate, and the Recipienr shall
submit its clt>seour report within thirty (To days of recl ing notice From D A ).
(19) RI:P.\A"\11,' hS
\11 refunds or repayments to be made ro DEO under this _agreement arc to be made payable to the order of
"Department of Fconomic Oppornunit" and mailed directly to DIJO at the followings address:
Department of Economic Oppornuait
Division of Communit Development
Bureau of ('onununit .Assisrarice It)- East Madison Street
RISC -lt)()
"I'allahassce, Swicia 32399-4121)
In Accordance with Sccrion 215-34 2( Fb Star., da check or other draft is renu-ncd m INA ) for c(>llcctiom,
Recipient shall pal to DE A ) ;i set ice tic of 115ccn Doliars iSl5 1 or Fin i Percent V ; of the face amount of ncc rertu-ned
check or draft, ubichcver is greater.
jai N1 \\D"A"1"1:D (A )NDi" O )I
a I he 1"hdin tat hn \limy xyt is sin qua to it, wu± :!'-.ICI ,iC umn t>t ;all ttie ll ltt>i"n1'atNm. rqn-unnCations. and
Inalcrl als stih]IIITtcd or proV"idcd h., t11c Rccipicnr Ill tills _At�.rt'ck',7Cnr, in ai11- LmT st! :innnooi � w re P(wIsc w A I )ci AnniCnt
tali tiC�t, <>r :n .111: stibmissloin or I'esp(ttl sC to tU,rlic t11C i-c'citnrell;Ctl is of This \4 rC'Ciliint_ .Ail nt said ill ct3t n,aCUai?,
1cprisC'nf;itU tit>, And nlaic-rial, Are ix rctcrcin-c. I lic mace Uric`-. tat rile sA)It I—I,an or ant nvit"TJ chan1w sl, L
Page ,S
Arow ( Trio,n (,t I A A) and ,with thirr,da, '-a Tel ntoticc r) o ncc Recipient, cat <e the IcrnIiIlaIFool) OE this A,_,rcenlcnt all (It IIc
release (of l>1j ) Wong A its Mpuio,ns I" the Recipient.
hIlk _Agmcmon shall he ct>tnrrned under the 1AwA M the Srmc Get (TAN, And vmuc tour Aq acmons Arising
t,ut Of rills _A1rccnoct1t shall be in the Qvuu (:Dort (ot l x"n Got nr;. if .tin pn" Ist(m (of This .AIuc ncm k in c"nHwr "uh All,,
all AC sIARac (), ruic. (,r is umnAwovAdc, then the pr(„ hNon shall I null and Wd TO the cMcnt (ot the COT lfliC t, And sh;tll
Ix nxcndA" Imr shall Ion in,-alidatc An,, (other pI-(„ ki(m (of- this .Ago-ecmcnt.
C _Ant po„er Of appro, al or disapprtnval granted no ICI:( ) under the Terms of 06 ymcmait AN sutvive On.
Term )of this-ign-ccment.
di IIIos .A�orecmcnr Inv he executed m anv number of agmnc na& am (one 4 which ma, be token as an
e Ihe Re tkar ag revs m compl with the .Americas tth lSal>ih6us \cr ;Yublic l)1-336, -l? L.S.C.
Section LIDO et�eu.j and die Horida (lid Rights and Fair I lousing .Acts 'sections 'NWI — 40437 Florida Statutes), WAIT
prohibit discrimination IV public and private cm-Kcs on the basis of disabihty in emplormcnr, public accomnwdaWns,
transpcotarion, state and local government services, and rciccomnnanications.
( A person or organizarion who has been placed on the convicted vendor he fog wing a conviction for a
public entin- erne or on the discriminator, vendor he ma, not submit a bid on a contract to provide an, goods or services to
a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract ,rich a public cnhy for the smismi Om or repair of a public building; or
public -, ork, ma, not submit bids on leases of real proper, to a public entity-, may not be awarded or perform %ork as a
contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contraa uAh a public enrin, and may not transact business ukh an, -
public entire in excess of S25JA) HH) for a period of thirty- six (36) months from the date of being placed on the coin icted
,-endow he or on the discriminator-,- vendor list.
(g) An, Recipient which is not a local governmcrit or stare agenc,, and „-Inch receives funds under this
\greement from the federal go,-emmcnt, certifies, to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its principals:
1. are not prescnrl, debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntaril
excluded from covered transactions 1, a federal Department or agency;
?. have nor, ,whin a rhrce-rear period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a cis it judgment
rendered against them for commission of fraud or a crWinal offense in connection „-nth obtaining, arrempting to obtain, or
put -Waning a public !`federal, stain to local transaction or contract under public transaction; violation of federal (o srnre
anttrrust statutes or commission of umbezzlemcnr, theft, tt Tcg4 bnbery, hikiticanon or destriacton of records, making false
statements, or rccciving eo lcn property;
1 arc nt,t presently indicted or (,Thum ise criminally or ch-illy chaijud by a Inn crnmcnral entity federal,
stntc (,I- lowal; %"all o nmlS AM oT M v OMyns cnnmcnited In paragraph 2il g 1 (ot this coarnflcarmn; and
4. hacc lot within a three-; an period preceding this _Agrccmcnt had (me (o noorc pu AQ transactioons
fcATA state (or 1(oral terminated Got- culsc to default.
If tllc RCCt ntmir l> LMAAC No C071111 I" mn (,f the >tinn o-It, III This ecrtlQAm,n, Ocn the Sayan shell
tttach .u: to This Agreement.
In WWII, tic R"Inctit stall sand T() IA A ) In email to by facsulmc tan>ni —Nnithe c(otnpla"i
'(lcr€tr;cttiOn Kc,,arcling IAl,artiacnt_ iu>h<nsmn. lnclyil>tlir: ..nd A'(oluntau; la:cltui(,t,_ Atl;lchm"nt (l An c"il intenciccl
P tic 9
s'Uh ontracI(m- which Recipient p!an, No On under this \,ginwnunt. Such form mint be received In IA A) hov,rr the
RcC ij)iiIit e.ucrs into a c„nrract tvinh ant st,l >conn.arror.
h 11w Stare of Ii(}rAR's perfoptincC and (A l garkm h) lac under On Agnvrlirnt is o',lain"=ent [IP(ml al" ,.Itnilal
jTT`<,t),iarion by the I.egtAMITe, and n't!biW to any Ia11di6o:m <,n in ucc(, with Carapace 216, W. in m- the Florida
+v _A 1 bills for 04 (a other CompCnsatton 6 W ScIWICCS or CSpe usae , shall 1)C >ubmttnCd in do'tall shft!ClCllt tt,r a
prl;per prcaudIt and posraudit thereof.
i iv hills for travel cgwnses shall be submitted in accrndance v6rh Sccti,mi 1 12.061, Ila. Scar.
If the RCCiplent is :Ulo`d"Cd too irnlpt}Cal'tly InvCSC 4illy adv2inCe4 of fUn n llnC Cr this -AgrCCnnenC, anv Intl7CnC
income shall either be returned to Ili.O.
�1) IN State of llorida twill not intenrionalIv award publiel-funded contracts no mw amtracnor who kmmi,h
cmplovs unaurhorizrd alien workers, consriniring a violation of tic emplovmum pnnl ions contained in 8 l .SK Sectumi
132Ia(c) (Scction 2-1 \(c) of the Immigration and Nano mhq .Act "IN., [ ICIJ ) shall consider the employment by anv
contractor of unauthorized aliens a violation of Section 2?10) of the IKV Such violation hti the Recipient of the
emplot mcnt prop isiom contained in Sccomi _- 1_A(e) of the IN-\ shall be grounds for unilateral cancellation of this _Ag;recmrnt
by DFX ).
(m) The Recipienr is subject ro Florida's Government in the Sunshine I_a-\ (Sccrion 286.01 1, l la. Stet) with
respect to the meetings of the Recipient's governing board to discuss, receive recommendations, or take action required
pursuant to this .Agrecmcrit, or the meetings of any subanTamirree making; recommendations to the governing board regarding;
matters pursuant to this .Agreement. _A11 of these meetings shall be publicly noticed, open to the public, and the minutes of all
the meetings shall be public records, available to the public in accordance with Chapter 119, Fla. Stat.
(n) .All unmanufacmred and manufactured articles, materials, and supplies which are acquired for public use:
under this .Agrxemerit must have been produced in ncc Ghted States as required under 41 l`.S.C, IOa, unless it would not be in
the public interest or unreasonable in cost.
Q) Ihhc use of hinds raider this Agreement for the purpose of Iobby ing the Florida Legislature, the judicial
branch, or any stare agency is prohibited pursuant no Section 216.34-, 15. Star Mural grant funds provided under this
\grecment may nor he used by DI ( ) or any Recipient or Sub -Recipient to support lobbying activities to influence proposed
or pending; I°edcnd or Snare legislation or appropriations. This prohibition is related to the use of Fcdcral grant funds and not
Intended ro affect an individuaFs right or than of any ota"anizarion, no petition Congress, or any orher level of Governmcnn,
through the use of other resources ;Sce, 45 011 Part 91
bThe Recipient ccrrifien, by ncC aurhorizcd representative's sitgnarurc to this Ao,-'rccment, that to the best of pin
(T her kno hvkc and belief:
I. L) Fcdcral appropriated funds have born paid or kill be paid, by or on behalf (A the Recipient, to .uav
}?errata tali" HiMicing ,w ;IttClill?tang to) iniimucc in WmaT on crivik"cC Wan, ApvcC a NkmAnr ( {,[marcv, an t,W"T m-
mploi�e of t-(,n mss, or an enipltam of a Member of Kmgrcns in ommcrtion uwh the awar<.lin=g of a;r, 1 cdcral contr,Icr, rile
makru of any I�wind gmw the m.1intg of alp Fcdcral loan, the meet, ilato of my c"Ivran" agrccme.ic and the
CStt'n>iUn Ct'ninnilattt,i1, i'i'tiCat ;t l_ aI1l C'ndnIcIn ur gal„-diiIcatAml t,f and I`Cder:Il ci,titr:Ic t, gC:Int, 1o;Ua (,I Ct!('prlanve l'i'PCclit( lit.
Page IO
�. If.inl All Ids othcr than I(dcral approprr.ucd An Ws have been paid or "ill he p.ud win) pern"i for
intlucttcin�, <>r atrcnlptin�, t, intlucnrc an ofticcr ()r cn2pha c t: Want al*crio, a \ und)er of G,tyw•,, an utficcr "t- cmi l q uc w
�,tmgress, gar an cl-ijun" <,t a Alemher 4 wigr"i in onmo e hon "ith dii> I ccleral contract, grant, N)an ()r co(To,rati%o,
a�,tccn cln, , tc Rcc�il)icn -hall and sulwnit �,Tundard Wei I.1.1.. Tllw ourc limp w Rgvu I.OdAnng7
3_ I I c Recipicnr shall rryuirc than this cerriticathat he incItAcd in the atlW d"nmwnN 6mid <uh,twnds
inchidin.g a;ownracts, Wgrants, and C(MI AUS cuzelcT -xrt MS, h0111S, Mid 0)(Tcnuwu ngwo rloin; and that all n l)recihiciwt
shall ccrrity and disclose.
IIis certification is a nottcrial mpresenrtriou of facr upon tthich reliance lyas placed ufic,1 This Iransacti<'n
wa; made or entered IT SUbinission of this certification is a prcrccluisirc for making or cnrcring into this tratwtcti>n
unposed In Sccnon 1351 We 31, C..S.C. any person echo fails ro rile the required ccrtificarion shall he nd*wr to a civil
penalty of not less Than S1i1,(l U and not nu>re thin SI{HI,(7UCI for cash such failure.
�?� COPI�RIGI 1"h P.1"h1::�"F .1'.�ll �I1Z.1I�I:i\L\Rh
kny and all patent rights mcniing under or in co rmccrion \yith the performance of this agmenicnt are hereby
resen-cd To the Sate of I06cla. Any and all copyrights accreting under or in connection with the performance of This
agreement are hereby transferred by the Recipient to the Stare of Florida.
(a) If the Recipient has a pre-cAsting patent or copyright, the Recipicnr shall mrain all rights and enriticmetits to
Hot pre-cOnng parent or copyright unless the agreement provides othencisc.
0, If my discoycn or invention is deyek>pcd in the course of or as a result 4 y ak or sewices performed under
this agreemcnt, or in any "ay connccred nth it, the Recipicnr shall refer the Won -cry or invention to DFA ) for a
determination nyherher the State of I%rida OR seek parent protection in its name. any patent rights accruing under or in
connection tirirh the performance of this agreement are reserved to The Stare of Florida. If any books, manuals, films, or
other copyrightable material are produced, the Recipicnr shall notify DF:O. any copyrights accruing under or in connection
nth The performance under this .Agreement are transferred by the Recipient to the ~trite of Fhwida.
c) Within thirty (IQ days of c-,ccution of this agreement, the Recipient sha11 disclose all inrcllectawl properties
rclaring r) the performance of this agreement u-hich he or she know-s or should knot~- could give rise to a patent or copyright.
The Recipient shall retain all rights and entitlements ro any prc-existing intellectual propem- which is so disclosed. Failure to
disclose will indicate that no such property exists. DFJ ) shall then, under Paragraph ??b), have the right to all patents and
copyrights "yhich accrue during performance of the agun-ricnr.
!23i JAN; AI_ AUTI R )RIZA11( )'y.
Ile Recipicnr cerrifics Thar it has the legal authorin To) rccciyc The funds under This agrccmcnr and that its
goycrning body has authorized be cuwurion and acmprtnce of This Agrecmenr. The Recipient also certifies That the
undersit�ned post>n has the authorin to Legally etiecutc and hind Recipient to the terins of this _igrccmcnr.
24 iSSCI�
IN Recipient shall comply "ph any Narement of-Asseu-.utces inc1Wp<Wated as attachment 11.
uu"wUr a! ill c ; IPnIt `?am; 1, x, UK`
Page I I
Agreement Number: 14WX-OG-11-54-01-039
IN \N'I'I'Nf,'SS \VI IF'REOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized officers on the day,
month and year set forth I)clo\-,-.
(Type Legal Name of Recipient)
(Type Name and Title Here)
Date: 4/16/14
Federal Identification Number
DUNS Number"
*Data Universal Numbering System
William B. Kiffingsworth, Director
Division of Community Development
Approved as to form and legal
sufficiency, subject only to full and
proper execution by the parties.
Office of the General Counsel
Department of Economic Opportunity
Approved Date:
the adly�inistrat.o;i a re"qarccs a: ANA W IAV k, the recipient Wy 1w s41" r" audits And or num o,,ilT lit '" :.
described in this-CavM1.
I Addition to rWc vs A audits cmductcd in ,icein-dance .vit I! O%IB (.irctl(ar _1-133 and Secnon 315.9-, 1 .S., is rey iced scc
" \I, DIT1 � ,, bcio:v n oi,howd y pr{W"hwcs n n include, bcu not be WOW to, on-sitc visits by [AV) sratf, Butcd sci>pr
audits as rJcttncd by OMB Circular _1-133, as ravKA And or other procedures. Byentering huii this agreement, the recipient
agrees to comply and cooperate "Oh any no muto why pnw"Ores'processus deemed appropriate by 1 A A I In the Mum IAA
determines that a I±Awd scope audit of the recgmcnr Is appropnmc, the recipient agrees to ct>n pk \l-Ith am additional
instructions provided by DIV staff t" the recipient regarding Such audit. 'Ihc recipient further agrees ro comhlc And
cooperarc vlith arc inspections, rcrievvs, investigation;, <ir audits Cleaned ntccssarc 1, the (Mcf l-inancial Officer ;(:1 Oi or
Auditor General.
This part is applicable if the recipient is a State or local government or a non-profit organization as defined in ( )MB Circular
V 133, as revised.
In the event that the recipient expends S3OO,tM Q'500,000 Jot Jist"ll years eurlin; �rjJer Oecelllber- 31, 2003) or more in
Federal awards in its fiscal year, the recipient must have a single or program -specific audit conducted in accordance
with the provisions of OM1B Circular _1-131 as revised. IM 111311' 1 ro this agreement indicates Federal resources
awarded through DIJ) by this agreement. In determining the Itederal awards expended in its fiscal year, the recipient
shall ornsider all sources of Fcderal awards, including Federal resources received from DFO. The determination of
amounts of Itederal awards expended should be in accordance with the guidelines established be (AM Circular A-
1 33, as revised. An audit of the recipient conducted by the .luditor General in accordance vvith the provisions of
OMB Circular A-133, as revised, vv ill meet the requirements (Ilk part.
?. In connection With the audit requirements addressed in Part I, paragraph 1, the recipient shall fulfill the requirements
relative to audiree responsibilities as provided A Subpart C of (MIB Circular A-133, as revised.
3. If the recipient expends Less than SAW") 0300,000 /irr fis«rl years err<lirr, erfler Oectw1b r 31, 2003) in Fedcral awards in
its fiscal Year, an audit conducted in accordance vwith the provisions of O' M Circular _1-131 as revised, is not
required. In the event that the recipient expends less than S3txOM) ;S'30 ANO %irr /user/ )�(wrc oldie, a/?er- 0eiemNr- 31,
'WQ in Federal awards in its fiscal Year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance "Ah the provisions of
( ) B Circular .``-1 33, is revised, O cost of the audit must be paid from non-Fedcral resources (i.e., the cost of such
an audit mint be paid from the recipient resources obtained from ether than 1--cderal entities/).
-I. Waugh ncC audit provisions M )NII3 Circular Y 133 ordinanly do not apply to for -profit sub recipicnrs, in the case
of Federal funding prcarided by the US. Ucparnncnr of 1 kulth and l luman Scry ices, Circular .Y 133 does apply. Sec
45 (AM - A26 for fattier details.
3. yeb site that hrov-idas links Pi several Mod Single Olt act rcmnw"s can lac tonne at:
KTc 13
EXHIBIT I (Continued)
P \1� I 11: �I V'1 I' H \1)1:1)
I'lli part is ,tppitcahle it the recipient is a nn,-Aim ccIA as dctined In Section 21 5.9- 2, 1!Orida Sr.arutcs.
In the crcrit that the recipient csprnds a rural amount ofstare financial assistance equal ro or in csccss ('f 5940"1 m
Ann fiscal year of such recipient ;tor WA ;cars cading Yk 144 (,r thcrcatrcr� Me recipient nnist hm—c :.
Sc(tc sita�-Ilc or pr()jecr-specific audit t(u- such fiscd vcar in Accordance "Ah Sccnon 21517 11Ada Mangy= applicable
rocs (d the Department of Innancial Scup ices; and Chapters Ita.»ti hwal pnc m ncntal cnnriesor 1u.051) n(>nyin,fit
and Aw-pn it nyannari<>>v, Rules W the .AudiNw (Wriural. FNI IIBIT I n) this agawn cnr indicates state financial
assistance av�arded through 101 ) by this agreement. In dercrrninily the ;rate financial assistance c%hcndcd in ire
fiscal 1 ear, the recipient shall e()ns,WT all sources of state financial assistance, including ;tare financial assisruacc
received from ICI.( ), other ;tare Agencies, and other n(>n-srltc entities, Srarc financial assistance does not include
Federal direcr or pass -through Awards and resources recciyed by a nonstare entity for Wmil progto n marchmg
2. In connection "Ah the audit requirements addressed in Part II, paragraph I, the recipient shall ensure than the audit
complies "Ah the rcquircments of Section 21507", 11 ida Statutes. This Awhides submission (f a financial
reporting package as defined by Section 21_�.97t2), Irlorida Statutes, and Chapters ItI W ducal governmental entities)
or I0.6-50 (nonprofit and impnAr organizaWmisb Rules of the .Auditor General.
3. If the recipient upends less than S5t>t), HW in start financial assistance in its fiscal year (tor fiscal years ending
September:11 204 or thereafter), an aucht conducted in accordance kith the pr(yisions of Section 21507, Irl)rida
Statutes, is not required. In the event that the recipient upends less than S-500,000 in state financial assistance in its
fiscal year and elects r( have an .audit conducted in accordance WiT the plawishms of Section 2119T Florida Statues,
the cost 4 the audit must be paid from the nonstate entity's resources !uses, the cost of such an audit must be paid
from the recipient's resources obtained from other than State entities).
I. Wit-i(mal information regarding the Florida Single .Audit .Act can be found at:
11no: t<aa �-tatutc>.hn 1
0070 IW P(li/ 11'0//1!l /)(' used /O spe'-76' (nil)' (ItUillolnl ,111dil 1'P( ahrIllel/ls imposed Illy ,S l(lle an"I171111") olll/)' //',// art, sok-/)' a
ll1c111o, of l/kll .S itt/(' Nlt'tA7hJl o olll/)' �f polio, ILt'., lbe t udil it iiol rrg1th-c % h)' } `t'C%PJ'N% Ol' .S /a/e �rlll'S and is 1/0/ ill ('Olillicl bill) 01ber I
Oi-.SAlk (ll/Clll n,glllt(ll1olls). hllJwanl to .Se lion 21 �,(/-(Sj, Nofida )/(ninths. )lt/k (hP11CIP.f IIIclJ' COlhll/C/ o1'd1T'(IIhP,lOPc111dlf Ol sidle
flllancill dssifklllce 117d/ dP in adelnlnoll /O t111(%n/f ('Oq(111t1cd in accoi-dall t' it'ilh )'t,'ll/ill 21 J.9,-, 1,101-i ld .Slaalle.f. /ll R/Ch dl! t'/'t'llf, Me
Wh rnwdP(6R dvll l Illlal rn-ldlt,t' JOi' lrrlh!!lh Me 11111 cost Ol such dr difi011tll dlf(ltls.)
Copics of reporting packages for .audits conducted in accordance uith ( )NIB Circular _Y 133, as revised, and required
IM Part I W this A recment shall be submitted, WAY required by Secthm .32H d,. 0NIB (;irctbr _Y 131 as rcdsed, la;
W on behalf (at the rcc"Inr directly ro rash of the follottin(�:
\. I M _{ ) ar each A W fo;lown iXKcsses:
1 Iccrr(olic c ('hies prerc t 1-ccl : _ ( ,t r_
loge 14
EXHIBIT I (Continued)
P'llm. hard C(>llx :
xPannant I
IS(; = 1.1(1, Calk\ c 11 Building,
115hasquo 11 32309-4120
It 10 100'al Owlit (JuaringhOUSC Lkvignatud in MIB (AmuLy V 131 as aNiscd Oc number of ojm4 r"pW
In SmOrn, .3D) j 1r and 2, MLB Circular V133, in rcvinQ should be admirrivA to the federal Ukht
C lcarillgIlousc:''lt the foll(ming address:
I � 'i 11: rK "dwor Woh!(
C. ()rIlcr I �cdcral agencies and pass -through ci-itirics in accordancc with Sections .32() c) and , (J )NIB (Autdar V 133,
as ralud.
Pursuant roSecrion .320 ()NIB Orcular A-133, as wised, die recipient shall Omni a cn, of the reporting
package Wmdwd in Sca4m .31) (c), ( )NIB Circular Y 133, as revOULL and any managenici-ir letter issued 1, the
auditor, to DIA ) at cash of the UhmitV addresses:
FIcctronic copies (preferred): \tidu y dc_iw, tha-ida,',in
Paper (hard copy):
Department Economic Opporrunit-Y
NISC # 130, Caldwell Building
107 Fan NbcIlson Street
Tallahassee. 1132399-4126
3. Copies of Financial reporting packages required by PART 11 of this agreement shall be submitted 1, or on behalf of
the recipient directl.%- to each of the Ulowlng:
A. DIJ) at each of the follmving addresses:
l,'.Icctrotiiccopies (I)rcfcrred):
Paper (hard cop",:
Department 1,conomic ( )pportunit-\
MSC # 13(), Caldvccll Building
If)— East Madison Srrcct
I'allahaq,ce. 11 12399-4120
B. ]he \u&nw C 4wmV ( Mc at rite full ming address:
\ UAN 0 ( W"al
j,()k%ll (;{)t crnlllc Tw, \udil- 3 I2
lmdc P( pper 4') 1
1 1 A un MAjow >Truci
IALIA,wc, H, 1210 141,
EXHIBIT I (Continued)
( <)I- the III shall hoc' '1=h lirtcd h: t)r �'I] hell, if
.)Er11c rccipic11t dirrctlt t":
\_ 1)1'O ar cac11 (dthe f�)11Ovliris, addre -C"�:
\it rcporrs, man.igrmcnt Icrtcr, ()r ()tlier iitfOrmati<)n r(:clrurcd tc> he submitted r( t<<mt t() rhi; �it�rccn7enr
shall be �ubmitrcd rimer in acco rdancc a irh OMB (:ircular .l-1 33, l lorida �mnucs, and Chapters lc>cttl
�r<>t rrnmcntal rntinc� <}r It�.b�ti lrn>nhrotir and tc�r-hrc�tir or��anizati<�n��, Rulc< <,r rhC _luclirc>r GcncraI, as ahhlical)lc.
6. Recipients, when submitting financial reporting packages to DEO for audits done in accordance with O'VIB
Circular A-133 or Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (non-profit and for -profit
organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, should indicate the date that the reporting package was
delivered to the recipient in correspondence accompanying the reporting package.
The recipient shall retain sufficient records demonstrating; its compliance % ith the terms of this agreement for it
period of five (S N-ctirs from the dare the audit report is issued, or five (5) ,rare fiscal 1 cars after all reporting;
requirements arc satisfied and final paymcnts have been received, vvhichever period is Iomger, and shall allow- DI), or
its desigmce, CFO, or auditor General access to such records upon request. In addition, if any lirigarion, claim,
negotiation, audit, or other action involving the records has been started prior too the expiration of the controlling
period as identified abovc, the records shall be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues
%%-hich arise from it, or until the end of the controlling period as identified above, n-hichever is l(nger. The recipient
shall ensure that audit %vorkimg papers are made available to DIJ ), or its dcsignec, CI,'( ), or Auditor General upon
request for a period of five (5) N cars from ncc dare the audit report is issued, unless extended in writing bY DF( ).
PILc 10
Agreement Number: 14%XN-OG-11-54-01-039
11_i`,1>(>l R(.i - VA \l:i)11) l)"1M 1y1 (H111 \1 t \1)II: IM— i(dl'! I \11 \1 (_O\>1` 1 Oi fill�
Eccicral .Atcard Prn�r;un: iV canc�rizari{u1 _Assisrllux 1'r(,.ram \V 1P;
Catal<1L� 41'rdrra1 D()nxsric .Assist.ulcc title and (TD.A SlJ142
Federal .1t�ard '\ umber: DI :-F.Fotx1G 1 I(1
Suhgrantcc .Award ammint: $ 0,00*
Fcdcral _Awe ird Pr1>gram: L(m-Inc(,mc I l)mc I �ncr(p-Assistancc Pr(>ilrm1
Federal agcnc.\ Department 4 1 lcalrh and I luman Scr,, ices I I I lS
Caril<);; of Federal D(lmestic Asslstm1ce title and #: (TD A 93.568
Federal _Awcird Number: G-l4O1l`I.l,ll: A
Subgrantcc Award amount: $ 11,819.00 *
* Subjccr to aca labiliry Of funding pursuant to DUF and I ll lS awards.
C(MI'1.1 \\(J." RI'.<?L'JR]:All:A'tS _A1)111,1(: WIT M TI W ITDI]Z \L RI'.S01'R(J'S \\\ \RD1'D P[ RS(' \VIt�O I l I1S
i ;RI:111.AI \1 _AS IOLIAVVI�.
/. Resourct�r sha// be //,w / 011/p ill accoablrie wilb the lollox'in;:
The Recipient shall use these funds to perform energy saving repairs and
installation of energy saying measures on qualified single family dvrcllings
Only. Thesc funds will he expended in accordance with the Scope of
\Mork, .Attachment :A; Program Stanitcs and Regulations, :Attachment 11;
Record Keeping, .Attachment C; Reports, .Attachment Ill; Statement of
.Assurances, .Attachment G; County .Allocations, .Attachment I; Special
Conditions, :Attachment l; applicable (M11 Circulars; and the FY 2014
\V.AP State Plan .
?. R, r,Jp en/s mrr.el lixeet Me Jollowin; e/i ibili4 rediurernenLc
The Recipient shall comply with D1:(Ys AV_AP requirements and rile
applicablc OMB Circulars and eligibilin- requirements as set forth in L'.S.
Department of I :nergy regulations codified in Title IO of the Code of
Federal Regulations, Part 444), Wc� ithcrizarion .Assistance Program for
I.o�r-Income Persons.
\V ce ithcrization .Assistance
Federal Program: None
Srarc Pr(>jcct: '\(mc
Becht>11 . Itxi d uF(a\I13 t:ircuIar _A 133, d. 3 Sc<�tt�>t3 � l .`? � , ! 1(irida `t.trut(s, rccluire that the
ill0r11111tiO11 a(.t ( cdcral 'n)t-,1%111 and Sr.ttc Pr,,iccrim hided i:: I�.z 11h1t 1-.A 1>c 17n 1k1ctI r{, tiit, 1t.
Paac 17
co _V
Rcciplcllt" I'1"C'11 Yc'lr:
K o'
1. t)Id ]ZcCilliclit c\hcllti 'rarc F111,111clill '1sirlllcc' Llurill""Ir; , "car' that it rcccIvcd uIlLI"t;II% :1gr(ciiclit I J;.'
('()I1tI%Icr' of \grcciliclit, Mclll()!-aluillill (d I Ilcicrslalldlfl"' I'c()1I()I11 c 111culim C arti
\grccriu,iit, I 'tc./ hcr,,% ccii Recipient a I I (-I the C Dcl)<Irr I I I c I I 1 4 F C()1',()II I c ( )pllorrt I I In 'I)I'(7 r X yc"_
[11c abm C AIIS\\ ut is \ Cs, also atis-,vcr the fo11()-\\ ink; before proccccliiig to rlic itciii
Did Recipient exl-,criLl S50)PI)O or iii0re of the crate DI'() and all other sources ofriitc of
'rate fillallcilll assistance collibiliccL cluring its fiscal vcarl Yes Ago
If yes, Recipient certifies that it will timely comply with all applicable state single or project -specific audit
requirements of section 215.97, Florida Statutes, and the applicable rules of the Department of Financial
Services and the Auditor General.
Did Recipient expend fcdcnil x\virds, during its fiscal year, that it received Ulider,,im- agreement e.g., Contract, Gram,
Mcnionitidurn of .\grecinciit, Memoniticluili of Understanding, I'couOinic Incentive .\\,,-2ird .\grceincrit, etc.) bem-ccii
Recipient and Yes No
If the above aiis\vcr is vice , also arisvvcr the follo-\virig before proceeding to execution of this certification:
Did recipient cxl)ctid S5()( (00 or more M fcclenil a\vard,-, (from DIJ ) gild all other sources of federal xxircis
coriibiricci" during It,., fiscal \c,,ir: Yes No
If yes, recipient certifies that it will timely comply with all applicable single or program -specific audit
requirements of OMB circular A-133, as revised.
By signing below, I certifV, on behalf of Recipient, that the above representations for items 1 and 2 are true
and correct.
Sit,iiattirc of.\urhorl/cci Rcprcsctirar1\_c
Prim "\'aiiic of \urliorizcd kcl-)rcscimuI4-c
Patgc IS
'I'lir Recipient shall cwUly,. "ith the folll><<.mg nquircnwnn, and if app%ldc, ensure all stibo"IM-1, aNuirc c(mThancc "It!,
the fol,ou ills requirements. I here are a nundw , f ricw Qwdin \A A Plan 22T wo.lin ywrits chat "A be njAviented
clrlrilz" tnl�, A�,rcclnenr }vrp)Cl _Atracntnent I ',Ethis _Agrccmcnrl. 111 ()tlr rlii� the Rccipicnr \\ill
prt,l ldc' 1h, per>'tli (l' ill ltC ,als, sCr"vlCCS and r,cill&>, CSCCp` .is ()tl CI iSC PIA)VICICCI herCin_ tit CAM Wit tic
program. IN Recipient Wl hati c a de<ynawd indiN iC1ua1, deferred N lit JAM a the A \P (. ""11n:tt">r, w be reshixn:ihle
for rile fo ll()\ling, acm ,tics:
A. Solicit, ielcinih and qualify lo«-income residents within the Recipient's identified sery icr area v.ho hay e ncc need and
desire for Cncrg� cc>nscr anon assistance. 1 lie Rm Recipient will make the sort ices provided for under this .Agreement Available It)
all eligible clients in the cnuaties to he scwcd.
B. During rids .Agreement period \vork performed on dwellings shall be complercd in accordance -ith the I'lorida
AA canccrization ,'Manual, SLAMCrlon I; Procedures and Guidelines, Subsection 2: Florida INKAry list, Subsection A InsrallaO n
& AA orkmanship Standards, Subsection (a Southeast Huld Guide and suMdcmcntal Dcparnnent and federal Department of
I`:ncrgy (1)1A )) guidelines, unless the Recipient secures written permission from DE:U not to, Each duelling must be
evaluated by using the Priority list Assessment and Westing inspection package for recording visual observations,
measurements, diagnostic rest results, i.e., blower door, infrared camera, monoxor, gas analyzer, pressure pan and any other
rests required as directed by the stare wcatherizalm office. "Ilk information will be maintained in the client tile.
When addressing a central heating and cooling unit which already, exists in a dwelling, the National I :nergy .Audit (_i1:_A'I) or
Manufactured I come I?nergy .Audit QH MA) must be used to determine replacement and appropriate sizing. Refrigerators
may only be replaced if (a) indicated by mei-ering or (b) reconunended by a N1:.AT or Ml II :_A. D1:o ( ) also requires that the
itowWg measures be installed on every- dwrlhng remiAng energy consetwation measures: low flow showerhead, faucet
aerators, �yater heater blanket, veater line insulation and air filters for hearing and cooling units in accordance \virh the
Procedures and Guidelines requirements.
C. 'hie cost of labor and maredals A w v c a al i warion measures plus all m able Program Support (PS) activities under this
AA -:AP agreement should not exceed 11,90M jwr d"T1 ing. This per d"Aling amount does not include the I lealth and Satery-
(I I&S1 amount of S A H) that niav also be c\pcndcd.
D. A\hen the Recipient AA -.AP Coordinator (or the designated individual) has derermined the vveatherization activities to be
performed on a dwelling, the measures to be addressed in the same order of the PrAwAv I At Will be listed on the
Clicnt/ Agenc Pre -Work ( )rder .Agreement (PA-( ).A) form. The mnwk ro be performed M then be discussed ~virh the client,
along with addressing the included disclaimer language regarding mold and moisture. .Also a copy of the Lead Notificarion
and the NhAd and NhAswe pamphlets will be provided to the client. llzcn both the client and the coordinator \\ill sign and
dare the PAT )_A form. Once this form is signed, work may be coordinated.
E. 'I'hc Recipient is responsible for supervising. monitoring; and ensuring the quality of all work by staff, volunteers and
subcontractors. "I'he Recipient shall provide DI :O "Ith doeumentathmi and reports as required by 00 .Agreement as «ell as,
other iriforruntion requested by DI:( ).
F. 11 ton completion of all scheduled uwk on a dwelling, the Recipient AA AP Coordinator ;or the designated individual) shall
conduct a final inspection to include .all diagnostic testing, and cerrib that all "ork performed on each d"viling WAS
completed according to pr<agram �guidclincs. 11c material :and i,alx)r cons for each \Acarherizam"i nicasure installed on a
dwclling vfill be listed on a Building Unk Report BA R . If All wIn? meets program guidelines, local building codes and
apphcAdc permits hart c been pulled: the AA _AP Coordinator and client dill sign and dam ncc BAR. The weaHwAned dwcHi g
"A lie considered .as completed lGcn W c, mu nct"n hay c liven paid G w set;ices rendered.
G. Do reccix c a rcurinnsenicnt fa)r ,a production period firsr do ))f a naotuh thn qyh the last der the Recipient Sall <taianaii
an clecrr,)nic cope of cacti IM R pack.agc alemg ,v it l the 1"itianClai SI us Reh<)rt I SRto IA A I Ihr, qwh K `t ('
Ivip, t �' 'On I'< !'In 10 ; 1q d" ,,t &C t,)l!r n1 , ,1nw In .a�id�tl"L Th( S IV( n't Ct,,w w
the 1 SR �t m tact"nnk „r I. Ind _„ I )1 ( ) 6 to ,_:ra W, ,; , (.
Pare 1 C)
ATTACHMENT A (Continued)
Guid.ulc c t�,r prep;Ir.rn� tilt I ucl=�r't, l�tl�1"ct l)et,tiI at1<[ '�chc(ltl`sc <,t t)c1i1-,1hI(',:
1. t)iltlz'CCIIIt1, Iinlit.Iri( )iI- sire:
si. 111C l}I'tr ri";ills �appt>rt ,ll\',. <In1t)lltlt Ilix, be 1"— rhml iml C:Ilmw cxcccd "I), sit the total illl )wlt'I £l1 tITCf-t: 1�
.ti1d 1.t1)oF.
b. 1,11c _Administrari<>n ' ldnun. Inl<xinr 111I% be less Than bttt c:uulot excccd'5.>5 _4 111c tc,t�Il-nt
Note: Neither PS or Admin expenditures can exceed the prescribed percentages when the
A->reelllent i> s lcl�ed-out.
Ii. To cicrerminc the activities that may be charged to the Program Support and Administration catcgorl, refer
r<I the applicable 011-Profit or {:ountl Goy ernmctirj Guidance for Documentation and Support of Program
Support and Administrative Expenditures pubticarion which is available ar DIJ Ys wcbsirc:
tlorid�ijoh: cam=/iob-<eekers-communirV-set-V iccs/ Col nlunitv-"_et-vices !\v canccrization I;ststance-prc>Vram
C. If addirional funding is provided to ncc Recipient during this Agreement period, a revised Budget, Budget Detail
and Schedule of Deliverables will be required.
D. When submitting the montlil.v Financial Seams Reports ;I'SR), the Recipient ma-v exceed ncc prescribed PS or Admin
percentage. 13o�tcver:
a. DEU shall perform monthli- desk audits and a mid -agreement period review of ncc Recipients charging in
these two categories.
b. If the Recipient exceeds either perccnragc on an FSR anytime during the :Agreement period, it will be notified
and required to make adjustments in charging for activities in following I'SR,, to ensure compliance to
percentage limits at the end of the .Agreement period.
c. The Recipient is required to track Al expenditures to erisure that only actwil costs for allovl-able expenditures
are reported on the monthly I'SR.
d. Recipients receiving an advance must make up the expenditure deficit in the follo-vving 1=SR.
1:. 'I'lic Recipient is expected to complete a Monthl Expenditure Tracking Sheet (NIFTS) every month of this
Agreement. It will be required to submit a covering ncc First six months expendittu-es b� the _'I-' day Of ncc
month cif this _Agrernlcnr. Ml::'IS reporting requiremcrtts and currecm (, actic>ns arc outlined in the _Att.Ichment J of
this agreement.
P�ILC 20
ATTACHMENT A (Continued)
Agreement Number: 14WX-OG-11-54-01-039
' Cost of allowable materials and labor to weatherize a dwelling.
a) :Materials
S 6,869.00
b) Labor
S 2,000.00
$ 8,869.00
S 8,869.00
Number of dwellings to be weatherized:
All allowable subgrantee activities required to coordinate and ensure compliance
of providing weatherization services as identified in the Budget Detail within
Attachment A in this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement, the
total of PS cannot exceed 30% of the total of material and labor costs.
Per -dwelling expenditure limit: Applicable amount of funding to be
expended on a dwelling (material, labor and PS) cannot exceed $6,769
and all costs/expenditures must be eligible actual costs that are sufficiently
Limited to $600 per dwelling and not included in the dwelling cap of $6,904.
$ 600.00
Comprehensive Annual Audit (applicable % of cost for WAP only).
S 0.00
Training & Technical Assistance (DEO pre -approved activities only).
6. (b)
Equipment (DEO pre -approved purchases only).
S 0.00
Liability- (the % to cover WAP) & Pollution Occurrence Insurance (required).
S 1,750.00
i Subtotal of Sections 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 6(b) and 7.
S 11,719.00
j All allowable administrative level activities required to implement the program
salaries including fringe; rent; utilities, etc.)
Total cannot exceed 5.25% of Line #8 and all eligible costs/expenditures
must be sufficiently documented.
5 1O(u�)()
S ll819.00
ATTACHMENT A (Continued)
Agreement Number: 14WN-OG-11-54-01-039
Program Support
Budget Amount
1. Compensation of employees exclusiveh- involved in WAR
2. Compensation of eTnploy ces Involved In \N .\P and other fundiIlg sources.
3. Advertising and PLibhc Relation Costs.
j 4. Communication costs for employees directly involved in WAP.
5. Interest on debt incurred to acquire \X'AP assets.
1 6. Maintenance and repair of WAP buildings (or designated WAP space) and equipment.
7. Materials and supplies used for lX'AP (other than Direct Materials on FSR).
8. Publication and printing costs used for WAR
9. Recruiting costs for direct WAP personnel.
10. Facility Costs.
11. Transportation Costs for WAP services.
12. Travel costs for WAP services.
13. Training costs for WAP (Not on FSR).
14. Insurance and Indemnification - (that is not reported on Line 7 of the FSR).
15. Depreciation and Use Allowance of WAP Building and Equipment
16. Other — a list of items and corresponding costs must be submitted with Budget Detail.
Total (Enter this amount in line #2 of Budget):
5500.00 i
Administration Budget Amount
1. Compensation of Executive Management and Finance and Reporting Personnel. 0
2. Compensation of employees involved in WAP and other funding sources. 5100.00
3. Communication costs for employees exclusively involved in WAP. 0
j 4. Depreciation and use allowances (building, general furniture and equipment). 0
5. Cost of Property Insurance. 0
6. Other - a list of items and corresponding costs must be submitted with Budget Detail. 0
Total (Enter this amount in line #9 of Budget): �� 5100.00
ATTACHMENT A (Continued)
Agreement Number: 14'vXX-0G-11-54-01-039
The total estimated production goal -,vill be the number of d-,vellings that are anticipated to be -,veithcrized for the entire
Agreement period. To support this production total. Complete the bc1ov,- per mouth estimated production 'goals.
If the Recipient -,v1lI be requesting an advance in this Agreement, it should take into consideration the number of dwellings
that will be required to weatherize In the initial and in 'following months to meet the advance expenditure recluiremen
throughout the Agreement period as outlined in Attachment F of the Agreement.
-Suggested process for calculating production goals:
a) -DG I � Subtract the projected Direct Charge Line Items and Administrative costs totals as listed in the BL -T, from the
total Agreement amount. This is the amount of handing available to be applied to weatherizing dwellings (material,
labor and Program Support activities).
Agreement Amount: S — 11,819.00
Direct Charges: (S-1,750.00
Administration: 100W0
Weatherization Amount: S9,969.00
b) Divide the Weatherization Amount by the maximum per dwelling expenditure amount of S6,769.
Weatherization Amount S9,969.00 / S6,904 = Estimated Total Production —?—
c) Estimate the amount of Health & Safety to be expended on the total number of dwellings: S600.00
d' ) Subtract the Health & Safety amount (c) from the Weatherization Amount (a): $9,369.00
e) Divide the reduced Weatherization Amount (d) by $6,904 to determine total estimated production: —2—
f) Complete the below estimated monthly production.
March 2014 —0— April 2014 —0
July 2014 —1— August 2014 —0,
November 2014 December 2014 —0
May 2014 0 June 2014 —0
September 2014 —0— October 2014 —0
January 2015 —0— February 2015 —0
13'Mli ncc Rccinicnr and DEO shall bw p OTMcd lay, applicable l wq and ndcN inducting lout ii"I li, awd w:
V. 1'ttly 1.. 91 181 Pa" A, TOW IN' "I Here, (aanscrwammn and 1'rMwomi Act cat 1`F6 K, (n,nil>us Budd" Rccwoliark",
\cr 4 19""1, l ldc \\VI of Pub. 1.. 9"-35 ;1Am- Income 1 home I : wqq A;sisrancc _Act oaf I`»1 : IAk IL Parr 1 AM
\atx"nal i:mrg� G)nscr�ari<>n 1)<,lic1 _Acr 4 PFS Nd1 1, `)O M9 ; Ririe V, SuPondc I:, w dw I icy, Aviark, _\0 "f I'mI
;Pull. 1.. 96- 29K and (halter 163, 11i. Srat" IVA& Chief I imuici.d OTccr \lc'nx)raudum \o. A\\ , American Rccovetn
and Rcu.,c>nnenr Act MR \I``ccluircn crirs ;2002U09;; _An.crican Rrcolcrti and Rcirwcsnnciu _Acr 42un9 Public La"l
111-51: Federal Quad (,<,nrrwmr Rcgisrrarion thrrP: ' i 2 UR Parr I-K Rcyuim cants now hnp mcnting
Sections 1511 16% and 161)6 of the _American Rcon-un and Rein "snncnr _Act of IU9 for Financial .Assi&race .Uards:
Schedule of l :xPendinucs of Fcdcral _A« arils
'htrj�: vvwvv.mcvdo)>m!aadir,sratcxidc financial rclxnring Finallrm;
It _A11 federal srtnues relating to nondiscrimination including but not limited ro:
1. 'I`irle \1 of the (,iv it Rights Act of 1964 (Pub. 1.. 88-352) which Prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or
national origin;
2. Title It of the 115carion .Amendments of 19-1 as amended (1) L �AC 1681-1683, and 16811686), "Sol Prohibits
discrimination on the basis of sex;
3. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation .Act of 1973, as amended (29 PSAL 794h "Uch Prohibits discrimination on the hasis
of haricim s;
4. The .Age Discrimination .Act of 1975, as amcndcd R2 PSK 6101- 6HFh n-hich Prohibits discrimination on the basis
of age;
5. The Drug _Abuse Office and Treatment .Acr of 1972 (Pub. 1.. 92- 255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the
Nab of drug Anne:
6. The (Awnychensiv e Alcohol .Abuse and _AlwAu lism Prwention, Treatment and Rehabilitation :Act of VF0 !Pub. L. 91-
616), as amcndcd, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism;
7. Subsections 523 and 52? of the Public 1 lealrh Service .Act of 1913 (42 C.S.C. 29) dd.3 and 24) ce-31 as amended,
relating to conftdenrialirt of alcohol and drug abuse Patient records;
8. Me VIII of the (141 Riglhrs .Act of 1968 (12 C.S.C. 3NO ct sect ), as amended, relating to non-discrimination in the
sale, rcnral or financing of housing; and
9. The reyuiremcnrs of anti- other nondiscrimination srantrcrs) -\,hick may aPPh to the \Vcathcrization .Assistance Program.
11). The .Americans "Ah Disabilities _Act of 19914 Public Lair 101036 '42 [ .S.C. Sections 13101 rhnmgh 13211.
C, 1 �y_ccurire ( )rder 1 13 C Untitled "Equal l Anph n cent ( )ppirrunkyn as amended by Kwum-c ( )rder 1 LTV and as
suPPlcmentcd in DcParmnar of I.abtn" Rctipulcrrions 1 11 (;A10 Parr 01 .
1). A11 Applicable standards, order& or rcgul:trions i"ued Pursuant ro ncc (dean _Air Acr as amcndcd l42 1 .S.(;. 185- cr scy.;
;end the federal S atcr Pollunon (;o imd Kr as amcndcd 33 t 114;. 1351 cr scd..
Pape 2-i
ATTACHMENT B (Continued)
IM Recipient "ill comp?, auh the l.ejd-lbscd Paint Poi"oni q t' wuntum Wr 121 W1 'l cr ;cLl.; ; Ilich prt>l�ihirs
Ou „se t>t kolliAn"I paint m co iniru tUmor rchiihllinnon of r"id"w wncnwu,,
K The Rectpam tall Air r in an ring cmildianct vmh Section P? (0 0 NatifuUl I hy(mc l5vo t. ation _Acr ,,; 196k a,
ana('ndcd 16 I .NG 471, 11) 11593 ;idcntiticarion and pre wcn"n (alien is pri)perrics , and the Wchae(al<,gmi anti l lnmic
Pic-cry atiori Act of 1 `1-4 ' 16 I .S.C. 469a- 1 ct Seel.;
G. In c"mphancc "Ah h) C.I .R. Subpart I� Put 103MIt) ;.Appendix B , Me Recipient certifies chat neither it nor ir:
principal: m-c presently de} umd, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared eligible, or v oluritarik excluded fr()m
participating in This .Agrecmenr by any Federal IXeparrment or agency.
11. 1-hc Recipient shall screen applicants for program el"ibility under 1980 Immigration and Nationality Act, as currency
I. Recipients "inch procure S It), HN or mare of insulation products annually are required to put into effect an affirmariv e
procurcnient program to insure the purchase of insulation products composed of the highest percentage of recovcrable
materials practicable, taking into consideration competition, av ailabilitt, technical performance and cost in accordance with
Section 6002 of the Solid A 'asre Disposal .Act, as amended 11 the Resource Conscuarion and Recovery .Act of 19-6, and
guidelines promulgated 10 the Fnv ironmcrind Protection Agency.
). .All applicable federal rules, regtila6ons and guidelines including ID C.Ir.R. Part OR , and all applicable M113 Circulars, as
revised, as rhea relate to the application, acceptance, and use of federal funds under this _Agreement.
h. ( )ther applicable federal and Stare laves, rules, regulations and guidelines.
1.. lhhere shall he no religious worship, instnretion, or proscyAzation as ane parr of, or in connection "ith, the performance of
this _Agreement.
NL 'llhe Recipient certifies that neither its organization nor any member of the staff is debarred or suspended or is othernvise
excluded from or ineligible for participation in federal assistance programs under Iaecume Order 130% "Debarment and
Suspension." The Recipienr mac not make mp subcontract to a debarred or suspended part)-. .A current listing of such parties
is maintained by DF,O for reticle.
N. Bcforc beginning %ork on any dwelling. the Recipient shrill have
1. Documentation of client income eligibility in accordance kith the most recent tederalh established Povcrty-
Income Guiciclines. (anent Awomc verification must be conducted "Ahin IN) days prior to the date the Mork begin..
1 Documentation of authorization from the o-\cner of the d-,rclling or his authorized agent.
3. Documentation of proof of oll ncrship.
I. .Atgrcenicnr with the o: im <,f rental prom, assiuing oinj lAwc umh It) Cl It Parr 40.22.
Page 25
ATTACHMENT B (Contimied)
RCCIpIC't1tS s�Ltll 1n, C>t Cash :Kh"a11Ccs lti C'(,ti7hllaticc =1lCh �CCtli)n 2I ih 2 i OF r lc C,t)i nvm Ru1c and svT&)n .22 t)t O M
Orcukr \ I H) in"w 2 UR On 215). Recipictlrs shall maintain ad.ances Of I�ccl TA fund; in ittterest ur,Ic>s
t)11' ')t tlic t(7i1O,t-in'COnditi('ns .Ipp! lc�:
1. Ile Rcapicnt (tr subc Ynmcr,)r recri,, es less than SI_' UMM) in tOral NOW a"Ard: per liar,
2. Vic besr rcas<)nabl, available interest hearintg acc"urin mould nOt lve expected to) cam intcrr>r in ctc 4s 4 Seta
per scar on all federal cash b,dances.
3. The depOsitory ucndd require an average Or minimum balance so hitgh that it vvtold nOr be tcasiblc "vithin tic
expected liderd and non -Federal cash resource. Interest earned oft cash adyarims shall he w0ccred on the
nu)nthl, financial status report and the close -Our rc°l-'()rr.
I.( X:.�l_ Gt ( )NLY:
1:xcept for interest earned (m advance of funds exempt under the inter -governmental CoOperarion lcrio n 31
L'.ti.t: 65ttl et. seq.) and the Indian SCIf-Determination :Act (23 1, S.C. 450), recipients and sub- recipients shall
promptl,, but ar least quarterly, remit interest carried on advances to the I:edcral agency. The recipient (n
subrecipicrn may keep interest amounts up to Slt)U per year for administrative expenses.
I xccpt as prop ided for advance payments, the Recipient may temporarily in -en grant funds, but any interest income shall
either be returned to DE( ) or be applied against DI:( )'s obligation to pal- the Agreement amount. :any interest income carried
by [lie temporary investment of Use grant funds that is not applied against DI:( 0 obligation u) pay shall be returned no
DIa) at the time of submission of the Final close-out report.
P. PR( )GR:ANI I\CO1II:: Recipient may apply net program inconic, after costs incident to the generation of gross program
income are deducted, excluding interest income, to meet matching requirements, or may reprogram it for eligible program
activities in accordance v*h Rule Chapter 911-24, I~loricia :AcIrninisrrativo: Code The amount of program income and its
disposition mast be reported to DE( ) at the rime of submission of the final close-out report Fapenditurc of program income
balances at-lgreernent end must be appsm-ed by DEO.
(�. :U'PE:AI.S SY"'TEM: All complaints recei-red by DIA ) "T be rcfetscd to the Recipient. Recipient must have a vx-ritten
appeals system that is:
1 adopted 10 the Board of Directors;
bl formatted as a Recipient handout,
cj posted in the client intake area of the Recipient's agency; and
d) proz ided to those applying for ,vcathcrization setvices.
Sample format:
Recipient Appeals System
In the event of a c()mplainrlappcal, the comphunr'appeal shall First be heard b,- the:
low cif Position>
Shcndd the tOr designated part, be unahic no vYA c d,e diffimh" the wetted c(xnplauir 'appeal Al be heard ly:
— ``wlP1, ".yo- � l � i iexCOO Iitic,)f l'{)stttc)n;;.
Wnald M wetted le, el c(>mhlAnt'appeal be W al& to, ms(d vc the difhculn thU final Wiring „iil be hcid 10
---ter t% f -- Y ^o. _ _- Y I° C)i vl -CO )a7art itrcc ()r I tail Wad
Page 26
R. I,LWl IPY M R_AN T: A11 Rccipirnts and rrcluircd to havc mdFicicnt li.ihilirl insur;tncc c,,l a%1gc
hw perf(wlI?i .�,* vccaIUKIari<ny-fu=.lclecl acri Anus. In addition, Recipients must palc I'„llution Wttrrrncc Input<lncc ;11 0
Whcthcr uwitulec.l, ,tddcd ro, cn a scparzrr grneral liabilin insurance poim. Costs near he charged an a sqvu�uc iinc item ,,1 tl,c
I MAMA `~taus Rcp w.
Recipients num ensure that each prig ate contractor is adcduatelc or w"Trcd he tic Recipienr police. IVo n wam"i oo
substantiate all insurance c,,ccrage will he rep Wo-ed Whig nummwilT wits. Failure to ILu c adeyuarc insurance cm (ra"c mal
result in dI rein1burscmcnt reduesrs being \lithlIcId until Comihliancr is met.
Only rh<>sc contract"a "I" hmT been rrairicd on lead safe Wcatherizarion rcchniducs and have POI or under Recipient
police. mai cork on pre 19-5 cl"THings that the Recipient has continued nmy hm-e lead paint that will be di:rurbcd through
wcathcriration activitics.
S. The Recipient will fo llov, the procedures and guidelines pmvided in the latest version of the Florida RAP Manual.
Pro nmmnatic and guideline changes during an agreement period tna�- be provided to the Recipient through a State
V eatherizalm Program Notice and are u) be considered as updates and become cOctive upon the dare inclicared on a
Pro ram Notice. The State Program Noticc &H be sent to the Recipient Qreemenr ,Manager's to the email address stared in
:Attachment h of this Agreement.
Qc 27
1 he Rccipicnt -11 dl ,n.Iinrlin tllc follotiyin� i!Ik rnrltu>=,1 1,1 t11c cliciir trlc:
\. [.1ft>rn=atioll ()II each ckicnt <Jlidl il.clt=.dc, but rt>[ be lit7urc'd r<,:
1. (.Iicl.r lnr,,1:e r,?1 signed b,rl,c client asu c arcc.;uu n ct�m rile housch�sld rlrilin Nii.
aic llr '�cicctI I i Priority ` ( 'rircria t<>rr,1,
3. Ct)p� ,)f ncc C<xnpliult,' _A1)1x:11 Pr( F()rm iniriaied I clime.
-t. {;<)pt of oOCMI'sccurit" Car'k \Lirli ,mir the last four cligirs 411c,r-,111� I
5. Cope of the client '�i'i1cd ''N ticc Refrrtrc(in�= (iollccti()n f>E Social '-�ccurirl \tltnl)cI;" t()rm.
G. llocumcnratiori of IncOiiic for all members Of ncc household.
-. DOcumcnrarion Of Ovy ncrship ()r Landlord .Agrccnlcnr iu lien applicable.
;. Acopy of nc� c<>mplcred Priorin List .Assessment- and Tcsrin�= PL_AT; forms
). A c()hy of the First page of the Narionsl I *jicr�_y Audit NI',.ATE ()r ncc \tiuiufacrurcd I lomc _Audit- 'Ml IF:.AI
for replacing 1 IV" A(: unirs or refri('erators. Phot<) of the meter midintrs t<> :uhh()rr rcfri crar<>r rehlacc,licnt if not
using NFl_ T or Ml IF:.A.
Iit. C()pc of ncc signed Prc-\V'()rk Order .1 rrcmenr P\V <).l form.
11, Building \Work Report 11 Rl signed b1 ncc client- ane3 inspector and clarecl.
12. Iny()iccs and payment youClers.
13. Copies of any recluired building permits
11. When the Recipient \\ Al) G)Ordinaror lias detcr,nined tlic wcatherization actiyirics to) be performed on it dwelling, ncw
W AP Coordinator shall list the measures to be addressed on P\\( ):A in the same order of the Priority- List.
C. Although the client provided a utilin' bill W1101 submitting their application, that inft>rmation will need to be updated for it
nutrc accurate pre/post comparison. I Icre arc nce directions for mecting this requirement:
The Collection of Pre Weatherization Utility Billing Information.
\\11en the: client is contacted to schedule it d<rtc to revic-vv the P\V( )A, the Coordinator will request that a copY of the clients'
prior month's utilitN- bill be provided. The work to be performed will then be discussed with the client, and both the client and
the coordinator will sign and dare the form and a copy of the form must be placed in the client File ( )nce this form is signed,
\\-ork may commence. The pre-v catherization «-ork utility- bill amount Will be entered on the Client Intake Form in ncc
eGrants system and included wlicn reporting the dyyclling.
The Collection of Post Weatherization Utility Billing Information.
The Recipient u-ill submit to DIJ) a copy of the pre and ncc post utility hill 'r() include amount, kiloyy-arr usaigc and kilowy itr
per hotir charge; for W percent ()f ncc clierirs served through this Agreement. Recipients should consider establisliing7 an
agreement -\rich the local utility provider in its service area to provide this infortnarion. If no agreement can be established, the
Recipient- will implcmerit a tracking process for foll,xying up uirh selecred clicnrs to ()brain this informarion.
The p()st >rearherizarion uriliry irif()rnii Trion should be for the first full billmV month after ncc Building \\ ork Rcporr has been
si<<ncd by the client and Gmrdinator. phew utility Dills arc a, cithcr be submitted to) Dl:( ) vv thin 0O days after ncc B\V R shun
elate ()r included in the Rccipicnrs '�cmi-_AnnLIA tiucccss and Lcv erage Report.
1 aLo: _'S
A. Mrrnthk 1 SR, .are clue' ro IN D h' the MIT wcach month. ITic Rccirmr >l�all enter p is rhc�"hunts rcpor� rrin> stcm, a
Finn ac ral Status Rcpr>rt ! I SR �, and a Building \\ ork Rcpo, t I R; pal ac K a each d" d by "n "hie k u � irk hw lwcn
cwgdctcd and inspcctcd. The BAR paqc Mull omyW (I a c<y (Idic I R, ind t ct7n;hlcrcd (last lauakc Imy In ti.c,
cvcnr tho: i"crrr.-first ,lac wthe numrh falls cmri a "iwkctu3 day (wr hr-lid, . ;l-ic° mr>nthlc report shall he duc no 'arc,. than tlac
tier hcasincss dac.
B. QI ancr4 l,c w Income l lotnc l:ncrp _Wa ince Pre gmni Referral i1,111It \PR; rnc�>rt� arc lue r�� l�l .<) nt� later than .���
dabs after the end ofeach quarter of the pro ymni year and shall he sent each quarter until submission of the administraricr
closcam.or mpa>rt. Me ending date fow each quarter arc Un—ch 31, June A Supwri lwr 30 and Mendwr 31.
C. 1lid l�reemrnt \Icmrhlr Iahcndirurcttrackin�;;hecr 111:1�� i� due r<, I�}:O h,rhe'I' dac: af nc� �'r', mr>nth >f this
Acgrccinent. IIIthe event the tttrnt-YVrsr do of M seventh numrh falls can a wmicnd day or holiday, the mid-agreemenr
report shall be duc no OuT than ncc nest business.
\oh': KI.Wd upon Me ies 0 of V/V clerk dudil, Me Recipirul be rvgivaed to srrbnlil adelitioiu/ follow-up .WIA )ctlwi ,, lvitb tr
slrfaportiu, kc�lvuuc"rud to - 1ll'IcImIlelII j, .SPE C7_ 11 _ CO -A 01170_A.5, o/ INs - 1,rn'melll for
'nldiliorrul ,lridmnce on 1 LW� MLT'S reri"n' j axes..
D. Semi .Annual Success and lx cmgc Reports are due ro DFO on or before ( )ctobcr 21 and .April 21. In the event the
rn-cnn-first dai of either month falls on a m-eckend day or holiday, die reports shall he due no later than die nest business day.
1) On the Success Reports, all Recipicnn shall provide: a) copies of thank -you correspondences from clients who
received ss-eatherization services; It information on am cN-cnts the Recipienr participated in that promoted the W AP
locally; c) any milestone reached by the Recipient that relates to the \V.AP.
2) ( in the 1xvcrage Reports all Recipients shall provide: a) sources of leverage activities; It amount of funding
provided, and c) the n-pcs of leverage activities utilized on the dwellings during the sit month period. My relate
funds and donation of materials or voluntcer labor should also be included in this report.
E. The Oose-out Report is due to INA) thine (30) days after the end on the :Agreement or third- calendar days after
completion of the acrivities contained in this .Agrecnacnr, whichever first occurs. In the cvcnt the thirtieth day falls on a
weekend day or holiday. the close-out report shall he due no later than the nest business da)-.
F. Failure to submit all recuired reports as outlined in Section .A, It C, D and F a6wc by the required due date, mat result in
the u ithholding of any pending or future payments until the reporrs are received.
G. The reports identified in Sections It C, It and I may be submitted electronicallt to the assigned consultant, hand
delivered to the Deparnncnt if hand deln-crcd, the report must he dare stamped ba Bureau of Comnnaniry .Assistance staff), or
sent by certified mail, rumen receipt requested, to the address below:
Dcparnncnt of I :conc�mic ( )ppornuain
Division of Comarnanin DCvclopmenr
BUreaU of C)III mtlniri .Assistance
I1a- I :ast Madison Street, NISC TH1
1111ahassm% l lorida 32 3TY411)
loge ?c)
Agreement Number: 14V"X-0G11-54-01-039
Indicate by checi;ing o,le of the items below if you are requesting an advance. anc advance payment under
this \grecmctir is subject to s. '_10.ISI'16,, } Inrida Statutes. if ,in advance payment is requested, the )CI(rx
budget data on which the request is based must be completed.
Payment,,vill be solely- on a reimbursement basis. No Additional information is required.
Advance payment of S is requested. Balance of payments will be made on a
reimbursement basis. These funds are needed to pay staff, award benefits to clients, duplicate forms and
purchase supplies and equipment. Recipient would not be able to operate the program without this
Number of Units expected to be completed in 60 days:
Line A times the maximum of $6,904 (or Recipients
projected per dwelling expenditure amount- S
Direct Charge Line Items for first 60 days:
Subtotal of Lines B & C:
dmimstrative expenses for first 60 days:
(Cannot exceed 5250% of Line D)
Advance Requested (Total Lines D & E):
S 0.00
If the Recipient determines that it requires an advance amount to cover more than 60 days, it must complete the above
ADVANCE CALCULATION worksheet, include a written justification to support the exceptional circumstances, and
include a line item budget detail of the projected expenditure for consideration.
The Recipient is allowed to request an advance amount of agreement funding to ensure timely payment of contractors along
with covering the initial operational/overhead costs for providing weatherization services. However, any advance payment
udder this agreement is subject to s. 216.181(16), Florida Statutes. To ensure compliance with this directive:
a) DEO will compare the advance amount received by the Recipient with the total to date expended amount on the
Recipient's second FSR to determine if an amount equal to the advance amount received has been expended.
b If the Recipient has not upended an amount equal to the initial advance, Department staff will contact the Recipient
ro determine if there is a reasonable justification for not sneering this goal. That justification along a ith any supporting
documentation shall be submitted in writing to I)IJ ) for revietiv.
: 2 +c\«3o+«§m<:ppncatm «%>m»m mw§«m cn.ACkcC
Ac R m \ yz »c « 2 L5 3 11c m- and » » n uncl" « m m mr Mao, Se e m cal b +c m +:pu dedbalawc
cmw3yml6=,yw«al£§c6»+m=§«m+o+ecm advimcmuRmt 6cRm/mn"ill ivc"n hande,
MCC! Cp1113:+<
y D L<> § m+k +c m ed% e:pud 6 zc m> mm rK +c R m/i a + n m/! +c +mom dw nr Ac «pew vm pc3 2. C
AeRm\m«fails mdm>m«ev ¢cnmdfor 3clm«nmzwcmpn+d«dm+r6cams«4M() «m§»e
LSR&anQwuvm m Thu Own ISR c ninumm m rurwsrmy bcmadr
\111CRm/i4«pwbm«mw andom2ynw m +cad nmcpm3mc ogli mem A6npthIS «mWillbc
rak-cii into om§dce+m§«eylmwco pcedIn Sce37wmun<
\ IMinfumc]A NIlana,=ctMil ci,r
Recipient "orrarus rhat its timmoal managrmmnt s stem shall protiide the folly>wk,,-,:
i \ccunm curnat and co"Pure disclosure (d fate rinmichl results of this pn gcer or pro>ram.
' Records rhar i0mity the s<nu-ce and use of AM for all actin hies. 11c,c records shall co main
intorn ation pertaining no gmu awards, authnrizatxmns, un A l gated lvohnccs, asnit ,
outlacs, income and interest.
3; 1 .ftectNe SMUlAd on-er and acumnad ilia fow all funds, propern and other assets. Recipient shall safeguard all assets
and assure that thee are used soICI\ for authorized purl(>ses.
%-li Comparison of cspenWmws Stith budget anmunrs For each Reyucst for Payment. A\11enw-er ala nThate, financial
information ;hall be related to performance and unit cost data.
(5) A\ rirten procedures for determining v hether cots are aM)wcd and rwmmable under the prIn ishm s of the applMIc
( ) SIB cost principles and rile terms and conditions of this Agreement.
(6) Cost accaxuAng records that are supported by backup documentation.
It Competition
Recipient warrants the folloxving:
(1) AN procurement transactions shall be done A a manner to prop ide open and tree competition.
(2) I'he Recipient shall be alert to conflicts of interest as "TH as noncomperitivc practices among contractors that may
restrict or eliminate competition or other,tvise restrain trade. In order to ensure excellent contracror performance and
eliminate unfair compeNiv e aAmntage, contractors that develop or draft specifications, requirements, statements of
,\t-ork, invitations for bids and/or requests For proposals shall be excluded from compering for such procurements.
(3) _1vrards shall be made to the bidder or offeror -whose bid or offer is responsive to the solicitation and is most
advantageous to the Recipient, considering the price, quality- and other factors.
(4) Soliciratiom shall clearh- set forth all requirements that rile bidder or offeror must fulfill in order for the bid or offer
to he evaluated bN the Recipient. Any and ail bids or offers may be rejected v hen it is in the Recipient's interest to do
C. Codes (AGMduct
Recipient t� arrants the foll<nt ing:
1 Recipient shall maintain written standards of condmi p wcrnnj the performance <>f irs emplrn ccs engaged in the a"v and
anti adn"inisrnm(al'o-contracts.
Page 32
ATTACHMENT F (Continued)
officer, or agent sh:I'i parncipatc iu the selecn��n, a�rard, >r adn,inis[r,IM)u {af a can?tract sllpporred hl
puhlk 1%iIIT f"I!Id, if a rc.i or .IpparclII c()1ttlict ()f interest �.youItI he I I I t olt cd. Such .I conflicr a <,1-1Id ari c vv hrn the
c"mpl',"cc, ()fticcr, or a��cnr, any met7�bcr of 11is >r her imn,cdiatc fau��ii;, his ()r hcc- parmcr, <n- an ot��,uuzatiot7 tthich
c=.nplol tri is ab<rllr ro employ any >f the parries indiclred, has a financial ()r onccr inrcresr in the tit-m >clecrcci f>r an
a 1C£I r d.
'1 he otticcrs, eIII Imccs, and agents t>t the Recipient h.Ill ncirIier so) Iicit n()r accept grarttitic�, favors, ()r ancthing
monetary value fnmi contractors, or parties u> subcontracts.
i; The standard., of conduct shall pro\-idc for disciplinary Icrions rO be applied for violations of the standards by <>fficers,
employee;, or agents of the Recipient.
ll. Business I [ours
The Recipient warrants that it shall have its offices open for business, with the entrance door open to the public, and at least
one employee on site, on (days) I���t��1 ��through �� t�f ` ,and from (times} 6 �YA to
.I . LiccnsinL, and Permitting
Recipient warrants that all subcontractors or employees hired by Recipient shall have and maintain all licenses and permits
ncccssa r% to conduct the particular vyork for vyhich they are hired by Recipient.
P'ILC ?3
NMY 14, w N) knAmg sulmmirds (a milmmmicis under 01 \grccn:cnt, the Reco"ir mum C(Mgot &C !" SR I by !•,t AM
WI<wcili wl 4 \NI_1 0, Ci'inuc iiTi- )r'Ani/At1<)ti; ii?'r tliilCli: g C%m2-ocicr:irtt>tl arC to ki i;IlilgIhFc i iiC 11�t � il,-:�,�a171C' t�Ii tiit`
I Ilic hrc>syuh-c sulw(mrmcmi- <}f die I&CiPirnt, crrrifics, In suhrmssicnl ()f
this document, that ncirhet- it ri{)r its In-incihals is prescntlt debarred, suspended, hr(IN)sed Aw dcl)Arnicrit, declared ineligible,
car N dunrarilr cxchulcd R"m participation in this transaction h- aril I`cdcral department (w agcno.
'2" here the the Recipient's sul)cnntramr is unable n) cerrif\ r() the Axwe statement, the hroshecmc sWwonrrwnw shall
attach an explanation to this f(rm.
Dame and Trlc
Street _Address
Cit1", State, Gip
Recipient's Namc
IMF:( ) Agreemenr Number
r` Jw p017
Nye 34
hhc Recipient tmrcb; crrtitic: t<) the moth ,uu3 accur:tc., of the
V lts t'<�� rrtnng ia��d� h:a< dole acloprcd or passed as 4111 �)tticial act, a rc s('Ittrion, III( }'Mm <>r sitiiilar .lcti()n authorizing tlac tilinyj
()t the ��rtc,�7r,lt, includin, <<i1 ttnt3er�taneti�<< anti a�'uraile > c{;nt<tine�l therein, Mid tlireeti 1, Atld ;tttrhrorIza,' the Rccihie,lt"
chief esccutit e to act in connecriota l� irli III( and to pro v ide such Idditiona) 111t<7n11a1io11 as may. be rcyuircd.
li, Co Itracto rs' :uid sabconrractors' 11cctrses III tsr coo III ph ,� irh ;tare and IoctI IaIws, ordinances and rc Iulilm )ils. tine :hall he
appropriate and adequate to cm cr cach of the tasks being performed pursuant to this .A"rcetncnr anel ;IM Ittbcomrract under
this t_,rccmcnt. The Recipient ;hall maintain ethic: Ot all contractor and �,ubcc�nrracrt>r Iiccn�CS :current for ncc hrOgram v car
when the tt ork is performed;, as well as it cop\ of cach conrracror's liabilitN insurance poGcl.
C. l-nits of Ioca1 government, Indian tribes and non-profit orgariizations shall secure and maintain such insurance as ma\ be
necessary for prorection from claim; under \\ orker's Compensation .Acrs and from claim; for bc>dil.\ injury, death, Or pr<>pern
damage which ma\ arise from the perfc>naaance Of scMces under this Agreement.
D. Priority in selection of d-w cllings to he «earherircd «ill beiV en households consisting, of I) the elderly: ('_'; persona, w ith
disabilities; (3) households with children under nl-clv-c. (4I households with recurring; high cnergv bills and; (5) households with
high energ. burden (1,11IFAP referrals).
E. To the nrrxinnum etrcnr practicable, the use of scn-ices provided under this _Agreement shall be coordinated with other
Federal, Stare, local, or privatclY funded programs in order to improve cnergY efficienct and to consci e energy.
F. Tlic Recipient will permit attendance be DF( )'s rcpresentatives at any meetings of the Recipient's board of Directors,
esccutivc committee or legislative bode.
G. The Recipient v,-ill permit on -site program evaluation be the L`.S. Department of I ;ricrgy (D( )I :), DE( )'s Field
representative and ba technical assistance groups assigned be DE( )- The Recipient will also allow inspection, verification, and
audit of financial transactions and records hti staff or agents of DE( ), the Coniptroller`s Ufflce, legislative or federal auditors,
and DUE personnel.
11, In order to ensure that no undue or excessive enhancement takes place on renter occupied units, the: Recipient shall
require that the landlords of buildings with Fire or more units, or any combination of buildings with an aggregate total of fire
units or more, that receive scrVices under this Agreement -will pay ten percent (10" of the total cost of the -work performed.
The landlord's participation may be -waived or reduced if they can document in a riting that theN cannot afford ro participate.
i written agreement bcm,ccii the Recipient and the landlord detailing the landlord's commitment and legal responsibilities v,-i11
be executed after pre -inspection and ,rork determination has been completed and prior to work beginning on the unit and a
cope of this agreement maintained in the client(s) File.
P t,_,c 35
Agreement Number: 14%X'Y-0G-11-54-01-039
.1'11e tina!lcial all<}cati�,n >hecifrcxl tr,r each c qmp In hivyram is Wipnatccl P) he opwir in that c(ninn. Im rnu4i-cmum,,
sere we ;ura ReahicnK in le c"nt *hat circumsmnccs "01 mr all(,\lthe full cTcmhmm (,dmy Inny m funds .1lwatecl w a
particular cmrnrm. a rcycst W cahrncl an, jurt tI th<„c ANICIS in are Our c,num nnht be submirrecl in vrinn' n, 1A1). 1his
re Imst mu<r junnfn the lack r,f nccd (d lin,=ram, c'n icc� in rhar c<)unry . Funds may not be expended in another count.
without 1rior written approval of DEO.
Monroe County $11,81100
Page 30
Monthly Expenditure Tracking Sheet (NIETS)
The tilf(w athm PnA Awn ullAncc ,ml the tr: ailig And a1, ist',tng, ()f lo.To'd \11 : 1 � n< r die rcp(�rtln,�,
of a=al "o h charged no the Program Sr:pport ;P� and \dn act y Alcs.
The AIiel-_A mcnient MIAs 1 Own) DIJ) by the 21- day (I Me -- nomth 4 this .Aggreement. Indic event the rMCnrv-tint
clap of rile snTnrh month falls on a "vukend da.v or holidac, tic mid-agmcn cnt rup, wr shall he clue no later than Me next
business. The Recipient still submit
a; \ completed all :TS to include All Program and .Administrative line item actual costs incurred In the
Recipient through the Y nxmrh of this .Agreemcnt.
bi \ RCVulUC and 1 sprcadshcer (or applicable fiscal supporting document; that will prowide the Actual
elpendin m amounts per monh to date that support the NH71 S totals.
L'pon DI A) receipt of these documents, it:O staff "Al compare the Financial Stauis Report (I"SR) PS and .Admin amounts
with the NXI'S PS and .Adrain amounts and supporting; spreadsheets. The Recipient "V be notified if anti- other supponing
documentation is needed based upon the results of this mvicvv. If an on -site monitoring is warranted to resolve an issue, it will
be scheduled.
Exceeding allowable percentages for PS and :Adinin:
a) If the Recipient is eyceccling the PS TW, threshold or the Admin. 127, threshold it will then be required to submit a
9th month aIETS along with a Revenue & Espcndirure Report ro date in the tenth (10") month.
bl :After that mvie«- is completed, if the Recipient is still exceeding a threshold, an email gill he sent to the KIP
Coordinator to put the Recipient on notice that the total allowable expenditure percentage has been reached, therefore
no additional funding in that category, (PS or .Adinin) voill be provided. The Recipient v..-ill continue weatherizing
cNvellings until all remaining; funding has been expended. Failure by the Recipient to expend all program funding h�-
the end of the .Agreement period may result in it being placed in a probationary status for future WAP .Agreements.
c,'. AA hen the last FOR expending the remaining balance of funding in the .Agreement is submitted to IAA ), the Recipient
will provide a i HA-S that includes all costs charged in the PS and .Admin categories along; «ith the supporting
spreadsheet. The Recipient cannot exceed the pcmcntage caps for either PS or _Adrain at the end of the .Agreement
During the .Agreemenr period, Departnnent staff a -ill be conducting an on -sire monitoring visit to the Recipient 111is visir "111
include a rcy-iew of the documentation that supports the PS and .Adrain charges reported for at least one 1-SR.
Quality Work Plan Requirements
State AVcathcrization Prn<gram \once ;"SA\ P\ 14 02 'distributed on February- A N14:, included a cola of the L ,S.
Deparnncnt of Energy Suatherization Program Notice NNT\ 1-1 4 "fich outlined the (>uality Awk Plan ;(7ACf,,
requirements to he implemented in the \\ eathcriration Assistanec Program nammallyy. 11c ( TV defines "I" constitutes a
quah, inspection (>f wearherizatiori measures, outlines ho\v these measures arc inspected and vali fated and define; acccptahle
trainin<� and crcdcnriali�a of vonccrs.
hiring this \grcemenr period. Di A ) Al _AP staff "ill cork "ith : ubgrantces to da-c p As (0 I' policies .uul procedures
pith coyOdm ins required training n >nect the applicable deadlines. The 10nda A\ AP ,Manual nA be ranud ;as Apphctblc n )
inoup wAte rhrse ncW QAl P requirements and the Atrachincrir V Sc(,)c 4\\ ork in this _ls_,iccnicnt ,vill be modified.
Pace 37
Please complete all information applicable to your organization,
1. Recipient's full legal name:
2. Recipient's mailing address (-,varrant will be mailed to this address):
t;ir ti V,4 S4rile Cocoa:
TC,1( 11Onc:
3. Street Address (if different from above):
4. Chief Elected Official:
a- J
F-n7ail address: OWWVQ `SV d jt tIfcg.-C
5. Executive Director:
-litr ? lC.-........
i amej
l itic)
F-mail ,iddress: t E It z1 'P,
=r . !
1,.\\ Nllinbcr: ,< Y
6. WAP Project Coordinator:
§ o
(1 ltic — agcncT- designation)
11al] addres�:',.'.E-! .. ..Y- Q..{�? �:€'..
tit �-f
7. Finance Director:
r e
� I trlc? lJ
(. 177.€il Zr,_ f'' - '
`t —`
p�y,.c 38
as Secretary of
a Florida nonprofit Corporation
("Corporation"), hereby certify that the following is a full.. true and accurate copy of the
resolution of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, duly and regularly passed and adopted at
a meeting of the Board duly called and held in all respects as required by law and by the bylaws
of the Corporation on
. at which meeting a quorum of the Board was
present, and that the resolution remains in full force and effect and has not been modified or
WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Corporation to enter into a grant agreement with the
Florida Department of Economic Opportunity for the Fiscal Year 2014 Weatherization
Assistance Program (WAP).
RESOLVED, that , as the
of the Corporation is hereby authorized and
empowered on behalf of the Corporation to negotiate the terms for and to enter into and execute
the above described agreement with the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, and to
negotiate the terms for and to execute any and all related documents which are necessary to
effectuate the terms of said agreement.
Executed by me as Secretary of the Corporation on
'014 WA A,reement
(Corporate Seal)
Corporate Resolution Form
1+IAf' Oh
AGREEMENT NO.: 13WX-OG-11-54-01-039
This Modification is made and entered into by and between the State of Florida, Department of
Economic Opportunity, ("the Department"), and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners ("Recipient")
to modify Department Contract Number 13WX-OG-11-54-01-039 ("the Agreement").
WHEREAS, the Department and the Recipient have entered into the Agreement, pursuant to which the
Department has provided a subgrant of $18.793.00 to the Recipient; and
WHEREAS, the parties wish to increase funding:
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises of the parties contained herein, the parties
agree as follows:
Nwaprnnh (17)tal Funding/Consideration is hereby modified to read as follows:
This is a cost -reimbursement Agreement. The Recipient shall be reimbursed for costs
incurred in the satisfactory performance of work hereunder in an amount not to exceed
$32,793.00, subject to the availability of funds.
A. $18,793.00 Current FFY 2012-2013 WAP Agreement initial allocation.
B. $14,000.00 Increase for FFY 2012-2013 WAP allocation.
2. The Page 8 of the Agreement, Exhibit 1, Scope of Work (Attachment A), County Allocations
(Attachment 1) are hereby replaced with a revised and Page 8 of the Agreement, Exhibit 1,
Scope of Work (Attachment A), County Allocations (Attachment 1) and attached hereto.
3. All provisions of the Agreement being modified and any attachments thereto in conflict with
this Modification shall be and are hereby changed to conform with this Modification,
effective December 1, 2013.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this document as of the dates set out herein.
{ �ype Name and Title Her,
Date: _u_
1) ision oCWlliam meswth
Director, fommunity Development
Agreement Modification
page I of 2
�' z ., ! 1�
AGREEMENT NO.: 13WX-OG-11-54-01-039
Federal Identification Number ' , I q - (P cc) 0 -7 Lt q
Approved as to form and Legal sufficiency, subject only to 0 full and proper execution by the parties Office Of
the General Co Department of Economic Opportunity
-- OU7
Approved Date:
Agreement Modification
Page 2of 2
Graham -Sheryl
Graham -Sheryl
Friday, March 07,3Ol4Il:49AK4
'Copps, Jennie'
Wilkes -Kim; steckley-marlene; Massoud-Matt
RE: Monroe County 14WX Allocation
Hi Jennie Leigh
Per our County Administrator, there can be no exceptions this month for late agenda items to be added to the March
BO[Cagenda, Our March deadline was the 4'h at noon and our BOCC has a very full agenda this month.
VVewill get this contract processed and itwill beunthe April BOC[agenda. VVeapologize inadvance if this poses any
inconveniences to the DEO. Please call meifyou have any questions.
Kindest Regards,
Sheryl Graham, Director
Monroe County Social Services
Community Support Services
1I00Sirnmnton Street 2-257
Key West, FL 33040
305.295.4359 (Fax)
^ �
,I, 114e
�io`�m xmsmvc,�omm��u�i��cor��m`^w��xr:�e�:om^m^^,i:o�c*�tnor�nv,��eooum���gnr�^m�czum�� �uu���u�
From: Copps, Jennie
Sent: Friday, March O7,2O148:51AM
To: Graham -Sheryl
Subject: FW: Monroe County 14VVX Allocation
Good Morning Sheryl
The total allocation is$ll,O29.00.
Jennie Leigh
From: Copps, Jennie
Sent: Thursday, MavchO6, 20145:01 PM
To: 'Wilkes -Kim'
Subject: RE: Monroe County 14WX
The total allocation is$ll,819.0].
The Agreement was mailed this afternoon.
Please return itassoon aspossible.
Attached are the fill in pages formatted in WORD.
Enjoy your evening,
Jennie Leigh
From: Wilkes -Kim
Sent: Thursday, MarchO6, 20144:45 PM
To: Copps, ]ennie;Gnaha
Cc: dene Masmud-Matt
Subject: RE: Monroe County
Do we know how much the 14WX contract is?
zloz W1/1ses weall
His�OricGato Boi|dinQ
Key"Al es|mrida 33040
P|easc'takm onxnornt to complete Our CusoxncrSatisfaction Survey:
nrall,ne,, 13aaes MonroeCol-1. )A, eb1)0CS,'CSS Your feedback is important to US!
Mcast: note: Florida husavcr\ broad public records b�, Moom-bten cun munications to or frorn the [ouno,re,_,ar ing[ounty
businuss Iic� pub|ic record, ovui|ob|cmthe public and media upon request. Youre'moi| communication muN be subJCCtno pob|io