Item C19AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: — April 16, 2014 Division: —Public Works Bulk Item: Yes x No — Department: Engineering Services Dept. Staff Contact Person/Phone #: Judy Clarke 2954329 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to reject the second round of bids for the Wayfinding Sign Program and notify FDOT to delete this project from their 5-Year Work Program. ITEM BACKGROUND: The county designed a Wayfinding Sign Program for US I in 2011. The goal of the program was to consolidate existing signage, remove sign clutter, improve aesthetics along the scenic highway, and direct travelers to recognized business areas and public amenities. The project was funded through an FDOT Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Grant. The construction phase was bid twice by the county, with the lowest and only bids on both occasions, exceeding the project budget of $970,000 by $772,100 and $681,490, respectively. The county requested additional construction funds from FDOT in February, 2014. To obtain additional grant funds, FDOT is requiring the county to submit a new Transportation Alternatives Program Grant Application. According to FDOT, any additional funds would be programmed in the 5,h year of their work program. Other alternatives could include reducing the scope of the project or allocating county funds to complete the project. Due to the large number of FDOT construction projects that have been completed since the design of the Wayfinding Sign Program, staff is concerned that the 2011 Wayfinding plans may not be representative of existing site conditions along US 1. Since 2011, signs have continued to proliferate along the highway. Waiting several more years for additional grant funds will likely exacerbate the problem. Additionally, if the county submits a new TAP application for additional funding, the project will compete against other current county priorities in the application process. Reducing the scope of the project is not an option, as the original project goal was to consolidate existing signage into a uniform signage system. Finally, since the Wayfinding Sign Program was planned as a grant funded project, there are no dedicated funds in the county's Capital Improvement Plan identified for this project. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: 2117/2010 - Approval to execute the LAP Agreement with the FDOT to provide funding for the All American Road Signage and to investigate a design alternative for the types of signs that can be provided under the program. 10/20/10 — Approval to advertise an RFQ to develop a Wayfinding Signage Program along the Florida Keys All American Road (Florida Keys Scenic Highway). 2116/11 - Approval to negotiate a contract with URS to develop a Wayfinding Signage Program along the US I Florida Keys Scenic Corridor. 3/16111 - Approval of a professional services contract with URS to develop a wayfinding program along the US I Florida Keys Scenic Corridor. 11/16/2011 - Approval of an Inter -local Agreement (ILA) with the Village of Islamorada (Village) to design Wayfinding signs within the Village boundaries; design services to be paid in advance in the amount of $39,860.88, and fabrication and installation to be paid pursuant to FDOT Grant Agreement APW 52. 11/16/11 - Approval of the modified conch shell concept for the Wayfinding Sign Program. 5/1612012 — Approval of final design for Wayfinding Sign Program. 4/17/2013 — Approval of a resolution to construct and maintain Wayfinding Sign program and to accept the wayfinding sign criteria established in Rule 14-51.030 FAC. 4/17/2013 — Approval to advertise an RFQ for CEI services 7/17/2013 — Approval to negotiate a contract with highest ranked CEI respondent 11/20/2013 — Approval to reject construction bid of $1,742, 100 and rebid the project. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Reject the bids and cancel the project. TOTAL COST: INDIRECT COST: BUDGETED: Yes —No, x DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE: Not Applicable COST TO COUNTY: $0 SOURCE OF FUNDS:—FDOT TAP Grant REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes ® No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County AttA_ OMB/Purchasing Risk Management DOCUMENTATION: Included Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #