Item C09Co unty of Monr M l� 4C BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor David Rice, District 4 The Florida Keys Y Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5 Danny L. Kolhage, District 1 George Neugent, District 2 11.1 5 Heather Carruthers, District 3 County Commission Meeting February 21, 2018 Agenda Item Number: C.9 Agenda Item Swnmary #3842 BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: Project Management / Facilities TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Raymond Sanders (305) 295 -4338 N/A AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a Fourth Amendment to the Agreement for Professional Services with Currie Sowards Aguila Architects, Inc. for the design through construction administration of the Plantation Key Judicial Courthouse and Detention Facility, in the amount of $57,750.00. This is funded by the one -cent infrastructure tax. ITEM BACKGROUND: Additional services are necessary for the completion of the design through construction of the P.K. Courthouse and Detention Center, which include Interior Design, Building Commissioning and Training Services. These services were not included in the scope of basic services and are in accordance with Attachment C of the original Agreement, and with the Florida Department of Management Services Design Professional Guidelines. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: On February 18, 2015, the BOCC approved an Agreement for professional services to design and permit the P.K. Judicial Courthouse and Detention facility. On May 20, 2015, the BOCC approved a First Amendment to the Agreement increasing the scope of work to include a site plan review and approval process, which was a requirement of the Village of Islamorada. On October 21, 2015, the BOCC approved a Second Amendment to the Agreement to provide a schedule of values for compensation from Design through Construction Administration. On May 17, 2017, the BOCC approved a Third Amendment to the Agreement to provide civil engineering design with paving /grading /utilities /and drainage; landscape & irrigation design; voice /data communications, electronic & AV Security; acoustics; sustainable design consultant (FGBC); and cost estimating. CONTRACT /AGREEMENT CHANGES: Additional Services STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval as stated above. DOCUMENTATION: 2017.12.29 - Plantation Key Judicial Courthouse and Detention Facility - CSA 4th Amend CSA 3rd Amend CSA 2nd Amend CSA 1st Amend CSA PK CH FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: 2/21/18 Expiration Date: Total Dollar Value of Contract: $1,275,790.00 Total Cost to County: $1,275,790.00 Current Year Portion: $500,000.00 Budgeted: Yes Source of Funds: Fund 314 CPI: N/A Indirect Costs: N/A Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: N/A Revenue Producing: No Grant: N/A County Match: N/A Insurance Required: Yes Additional Details: If yes, amount: Yes 02/21/18 314 -26008 • CAPITAL OUTLAY BUILDING $57,750.00 CP 1503 REVIEWED BY: Ann Mytnik Completed 01/23/2018 2:37 PM Cary Knight Completed 02/02/2018 9:53 AM Kevin Wilson Completed 02/02/2018 9:59 AM Chris Ambrosio Completed 02/05/2018 8:57 AM Budget and Finance Completed 02/05/2018 10:00 AM Maria Slavik Completed 02/05/2018 10:06 AM Kathy Peters Completed 02/05/2018 10:50 AM Board of County Commissioners Pending 02/21/2018 9:00 AM FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FORTHE YFV . ................ iQu" WITNESSETH WHEREAS, on February 18, 2015, the parties entered into an Agreement for professional services to design and permit the Plantation Key Judicial Courthouse and Detention Facility ("Project"); and WHEREAS, on May 20, 2015, the parties agreed to a First Amendment to the Agreement increasing Consultant's scope of or to undergo a site plan review and approval process, which is a requirement for the Village of Islamorada; and WHEREAS, on October 21, 2015, the parties agreed to a Second Amendment to the Agreement to provide a schedule of values for compensation that includes the Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, Bidding and Permitting, and Construction Administration phases; and WHEREAS, on May 17, 2017, the parties agreed to a Third Amendment to the Agreement to provide sub-consultant services for Civil Engineering, Landscape and Irrigation design, Voice/Data/ AV and Security, Acoustics, Sustainable Design and Cost Estimating and include public records language revisions in compliance with section 119.071 Florida Statues; and 10MMIAZINUM. 1 11 1 �i 11 1 . In accordance with Article 111, paragraph 3.2 of the Agreement, Consultant shall engage the services of sub-consultants to incorporate their design in the preparation of bid and permit ZMEM documents, including construction documents, specifications, and permit assistance needed to construct the project through Certificate of Occupancy and final Owner acceptance, Sub-consulting services will be required for Interior Design, Building Commissioning and Training Services. ID consultant will prepare schematic plans showing floor patterns and wall finishes. ID consultant will present the proposed finishes and window treatments based on programming requirements, budget considerations and ID assistance as needed. MISM • On-site renewable energy systems. • Process and refrigeration equipment will NOT be commissioned. 2. The County shall pay the Consultant monthly in current funds for a percent complete of each sub-consultant's performance, a lump sum of Fifty-Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars and 00/100 ($57,750.00) as follows: Interior Design $27,500.00 Building Commissioning and Training Services $'(),250,00 Total $57,750.00 ZMIUM The remaining terms of the Agreement for Plantation Key Judicial Courthouse and Detention Facility dated February 18, 2015, and as Amended, not inconsistent herewith, shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Fourth Amendment on the date stated above. Execution by the Consultant must be a person with Authority to bind the entity. (Seal) Attest KEVIN MAD K, CLERK By:.... Deputy Clerk Date-, (Seal) .W VT " J, WHITLEY Attest: Neemission # F:F143788 Expires Novereber 20,201 Tmy N 8 aw" T&q O lounwOMM400 By: .... ...... . .......... Date: I By .................................................................................................................................................................... . .. . .. . ... Mayor/Chairman ARCHITECTS, INC. I M . =ivolau -9 0 ORIS AM BROSIO ASST TAN C U Y ATTORNEY Date: ammm FORTHE PLANTATION KEY JUDICIAL COURTHOUSE AND- D 1, I.J...ONTION FACILITY -Z� WITN ESE TH WHEREAS, on the 18th day of February, ' the parties entered into an Agreement for professional services to design and permit the Plantation Key Judicial Courthouse and Detention Facility; and WHEREAS, on the 20' day of May, 2015, the parties agreed to a First Amendment to the Agreement increasing Consultant's scope of work to undergo a site plan review and approval process which is a requirement for the Village of Islamorada; and WHEREAS, on the 21" day of October 2015. the parties agreed to a Second Amendment to the Agreement to provide a schedule of values for compensation that includes the Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, Bidding and Permitting, and Construction Admi.histration phases; and WHEREAS, Additional Services are services not included in the Scope of Basic Services and are typically furnished beyond the Agreement for Professional Services and have additional fees and expenses negotiated based on the specific scope of services; and WHEREAS, County desires to revise language in its contractors and/or agreements for Public Records compliance in accordance with Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes pursuant to legislative revisions to §119.0701 which became effective March 8, 2016, and any subsequent changes thereto; and NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises contained herein, the parties hereby agree that the original Agreement dated February 18, 2015, shall be amended as follows: Plantation Key Judicial Courthouse and Detention Facility 2. Sub-consultant services shall be invoiced at the actual fees paid by the Consultant, plus an additional ten percent (10%) of the cost of these services to compensate Consultant for the procuring and management of the sub-consultant, and for the other financial and administrative costs. I The County shall pay the Consultant monthly in current funds for a percent complete of each sub-consultant's performance, a lump sum of Two Hundred Ninety Five Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Dollars and 00/100 ($295,790M) as follows: Civil Engineering Design, including Paving/Grtidiiig/Utilities/Drainage $119,900.00 4. Article 9,21, Public Access, of the Agreement dated February 18, 2015 shall be revised as follows with the aforementioned Consultant referred to herein also as "Contractor" for this provision only: 2 Plantation Key Judicial CourLhouse and Detention Facility Pursuant to F.S. 119.0701 and the terms and conditions of this contract, the Contractor is required to: The Contractor shall not transfer custody, release, alter, destroy or otherwise dispose of any public records unless or otherwise provided in this provision or as otherwise provided by law. WEST, FL 33040. The remaining terms of the Agreement for Plantation Key Judicial Courthouse and Detention Facilit y dated February 1. 8, 2015, and as First Amended on May 20, 2015, and as Second Amended on October 21, 2015, not inconsistent herewith, shall remain in full force and effect. WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment on the date Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MON Rol COUNTY, I [)A By; Mayor/Chairnian tE Plantation Key Judicial Courthouse and Detention Facility 11 E U) E L) TO- Cary Knight, Interim Director Project Management VIA: Tammy Sweeting Executive Assistant '-Y'. FROM: Pamela I-Ianc&k.. C. SUBJECT: May 17' ROCC Meeting 4 the amount of $295,790.00, for your handling. 11, 1 A cc: County Attorney Finance KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY P H BUILDING 500'11 Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88820 Overseas Highway Key West, Florida 33040 Marathon, Florida 33050 Plantation Key, Florida 33070 305-294-4641 305-289-6027 305-852-7145 50 High Point Road WFTNESSETH WHEREAS, an February 18, 2015, the parties entered into an Agreement for professional services to design and permit the Plantation Key Judicial Court House and Detention Facility; and increasull; ConsTualt 3 scope UY 77orK To - unucrgo a 51 LC PIMI rcTlcv; U11 Z. which is required by the Village of Islamorada; and WHEREAS, it is customary that the Consultant's fee for basic services is paid monthl in accordance with a schedule of each phase, to include Schematic Design, Deal Development, Construction Documents, Bidding and Permitting, and Constmmcti Administration phases; and I WHEREAS, the original Agreement dated February 18, 2015, does not include th payment schedule of each phase; and i NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises contained herein, the parties hereby agree that the original Agreement dated February 18, 2015, shall be amended as follows: I Article VII paragraph 7.2.1 shall be amended to include sub-paragraph (C) that I IT. the following schedule: • Schematic Design 15% $131,250.00 • Design Development 20% $175, 0 000.00 • Construction Documents 40% $350,000-00 • Biddin and Permitting g 5 % 543,750.00 Constmetion Administration 20% MA" Total $875 d The remaining terms of the Agreement for Plantation Key Judicial Court House and Detention Facility dated February 18, 2015, and as First Amended on May 20, 2015, not inconsistent herewith, shall remain in full force and effect. Title; 4- . 9 FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AT ION KEY JUDICIAL C THIS FIRST AMENIDMENIT (herein after "AMENDMENT") to the AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN OWNER AND CONSULTANT (the "Agreement") is made and entered this 210"' day of May, 2015 between MONROE COUNTY ("County") and CURRIE SOWARDS AGUILA ARCHITECTS, INC. ("Consultant"), in order to amend the Agreement between the parties dated February 18"', 2015 as follows: WINVOMMMIal WHEREAS, on the 18th day of February. 2015 the parties entered into an Agreement for professional services to design and permit iiie Plantation Key Judicial Court House and Detention Facility; and WHEREAS, Consultant's fee was calculated using the guidelines set forth in the State of Florida Department of Management Services Design Professional Fee Guidelines; and WHEREAS, such State of Florida Guidelines identifJ Additional Set ices that are not part of the Basic Services on which the initial architectural fee is calculated, and are incorporated into the original Agreement dated February 18"', 2015, and WHEREAS, Site DRI (Development and Regional Impact) and PUD (Planning Unit Development) Review and/or zoning modifications are considered Additional Services in accordance with Attachment C of the Agreement and with the Florida Department of C� Management Services Design Professional Guidelines and WHEREAS, the Village of Islarnorada is requiring the Count,, to undergo the site plan review and approval process which includes meetings with staff, drawings and specifications, application 0 forms, coordination with an electrical engineer, landscape architect, and biologist; and NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises contained herein, the parties hereby agree that the original Agreement dated February 18, 2015 shall be amended as follows: A. SCOPE OF WORK • Preparation of Floor Plans for proposed buildings and floor levels. • Preparation of exterior building elevations, • Preparation of colored renderings for presentations to public and boards, • Biologist who will prepare tree and vegetation mitigation and disposition plans. • Landscape architect for the preparation of landscape and irrigation plans. B. COUNTY'S RESPONSIBILITIES If required, County to provide site survey, topographic survey, and geotechnical testing. County to begin preparing a Unity-of-Title as required by the Village of Islamorada. M FUMIM1=53 MMM" Payments for Professional Services for the scope of work above shall be a lump suin fee of Fifty Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and No Cents (S57,500,00) including all travel and reproduction costs. Invoicing shall be monthly by a percentage of completion basis. Any submittal fees for pre-application and site plan approval, as well as any other review applications required, shall be paid for by the County as a reimbursable expense to the Consultant. D: SCHEDULE The Architect shall perform its services as expeditiously as is consistent with professional skill and care and the orderly progress of the work, ARCHITECT,"ENGTNEER CURRIE SOWARDS AGUILA ARCHITECTS Bv: ----- ------------------ Title: Ml— AGREEMENTFOR Iflantation Key Judicial Court House and Detention Facility WITNESSETH NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants an agreements stated he go rein, and for other od and valuable consideration, the sufficiency • which is hereby acknowledged, COUNTY and CONSULTANT agree as follows: M.-41 1 Eli q By executing this Agreement, CONSULTANT makes the following express representations and warranties • the COUNTY: The CONSULTANT shall maintain all necessary licenses, permits • other authorizations necessary • act as CONSULTANT for the Project until the CONSULTANT'S duties hereunder have been fully satisfied; 1.1.2 The CONSULTAIT has become familiar with the Project site and the local conditions under which the Work is to be completed, 1.1.4 The CONSULTANT assumes full responsibility to the extent allowed by law with regards to his performance and those directly under his employ. 1.1.7 The Consultant shall provide an approved schedule for Schematic and Document design Phases. Any deviation from the approved schedule must be approved in writing by Monroe County Project Management will shall be in writing and hand delivered or mailed, postage pre-paid, to the COUNTY by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following� Soug Sposito Monroe County Project Manager Key West, Florida 33040 And - ffir. Roman Gastesi, Jr. — Monroe County Administrator 1100 Simonton Street, Room 2-205 Key West, Florida 33040 For the Consultant: Mr. Jose N. Aguila, AIA 185 NE 4' Suite 101 Delray Beach, FL 33483 milit"1=111 I 3.1 Additional services are services not included in the Scope of Basic Services (Attachment C Additional Services), Should the COUNTY require additional services they shall be paid for • the COUNTY at rates or fees negotiated at the time when services are required, but only if approved by the COUNTY before commencement. 3.2 If Additional Services are required the COUNTY shall issue a letter requesting and describing the requested services to the CONSULTANT, The CONSULTANT shall respond with a fee proposal to perform the requested services. Only after receiving an amendment to the Agreement and a notice to proceed from the COUNTY, shall the CONSULTANT proceed with the Additional Services. ( See Attachment C) 3.3 Additional Services to be considered a part of this Agreement with fees to be negotiat when services are required include: 1. Programming, as defined in Attachment "A" sections 1 1.6-1. 1.9 2. Threshold/CE1 Inspection plan I wl I The COUNTY shall provide full information regarding requirements for the Proje!? including physical location • work, county maintained roads, maps. I ARTICLE V 1221 i ♦ FSS The CONSULTANT shall assign only qualified personnel to perform any service concerning the project. At the time of execution of this Agreement, the parties anticipate that the following named individuals will perform those functions as indicated: NAME Currie Sowards Aguila Architects PGAL IAIIJ D" I - rol k' � ......... ... M IW A - RSE M rat&] a gg I I 'Iffilme ARTICLE VII COMPENSATION 7.1 PAYMENT SUM I. PAYMENTS MEMMEt � • �- :111AWMAZ 7.4.1 The CONSULTANT may not be entitled to receive, and the COUNTY is not obligated to pay, any fees or expenses in excess of the amount budgeted for this contract in each fiscal year (October 1 - September 30) by COUNTY's Board of County Commissioners. The budgeted amount may only be modified by an affirmative act of the COUNTY's Board of County Commissioners. 7.4.2 The COUNTY's performance and obligation to pay under this Agreement is contingelm upon an annual appropriation by the Board of County Commissioners and the approv of the Board members at the time of contract initiation and its duration. I wm�� A. Workers' Compensation insurance as required by the State of Florida, sufficient to respond to Florida Statute 440. B. Employers Liability Insurance with limits of $1,000,000 per Accident, $1,000,000 Disease, policy limits, $1,000,000 Disease each employee. C. Comprehensive business automobile and vehicle liability insurance covering claims for injuries to members of the public and/or damages to property of others arising from use of motor vehicles, including onsite and offsite operations, and owned, hired or non-owned vehicles, with $1,000,000 per Occurrence or $1,000,000 combined single limit. KTA ICE $1 tQ 01 1 M40 MW `" MIIM11*14 WIN I Gialms rnaue poncy, n5 PrO-0--apollu Incilue 3 - r - MM - fal 00M _Ureorff Z,# 14000UCal _Z# 14000UCal. I the effective date of this contract. In addition, the period for which claims may be reported must extend for a minimum of 48 months following the termination or expiration • this contract. OVA 91 it V Nothing contained herein shall create any relationship, contractual or otherwise, with or any rights in favor of, any third party. A. In the event that the CONSULTANT shall be found to be negligent in any aspect service, the COUNTY shall have the right to terminate this agreement after five da written notification to the CONSULTANT. 1. Either of the parties hereto may cancel this Agreement without cause by giving tI-&. other party sixty (60) days written notice of its intention to do so. wm�� This contract consists of the Request for Qualifications, any addenda, this Agreement, the CONSULTANT'S response to the RFQ, the documents referred to in the Form of Agreement as a part • this Agreement, and attachments "A", "B", "C", "D" and modifications made after execution by written amendment. in the event of any conflict between any of the Contract documents, the one imposing the greater burden on the CONSULTANT will control. 9.7 PUBLIC ENTITIES CRIMES together with interest calculated pursuant to Sec, 55.03, of the Florida Statutes, running from date the monies •_ • by w representatives, The terms, covenants, conditions, and provisions of this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the COUNTY and CONSULTANT and their respective legal • and Each party represents and warrants to the other that the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary County and corporate action, required by law. CONSULTANT and COUNTY agree that each shall be, and is, empowered to apply for, seek, and obtain federal and state funds to further the purpose of this Agreement; provided that all applications, requests, grant proposals, and funding solicitations shall be approved by each party prior to submission. �05 RE110:144MVII not acquire any interest, which would conflict in any manner or degree with its performance under this Agreement, and that only interest of each is to perform and receive benefits as recited in this Agreement, Iffli A Keep and maintain public records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the public agency in order to perform the service. B. Provide the public with access to public records on the same terms and conditions that the public agency would provide the records and at a cost that I k I I W�� 1111 161-'111-*111051 6 ------------- - ------ ---------- This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be regarded as an original, all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument and any of the parties hereto may execute this Agreement by signing any such counterpart. WH EREOF , IN WITNESS ea pa has caused th Agreement 4be executed a < i ts duly a rpresen2»eonthe day d year fi above w Date 491. . : \ /4 ?.: (S eal) &tte s \ Witn A il df #?? #? \2 ».?» #y #± »4< rmn a > < And aMTC10 j 14 ki k� : \ \ \�f�■ w / 1 4 m, :VI; XSSISt T C KI' k UAW' / \ ATTACHMENT 1 In I , l !llilllllv:;;: a= BEEMM M 1 11WIN 10110 I W gr—MiIE -110 A 9 0 IkIE011rlKslimp I9L;KW4 - Mm ir -111AM Wl� W . 14 Ih FA 11 H a] =Ri Eel 0 FAA 2.2.2 The CONSULTANT shall review with the Owner and ITITionroe County's Project Management Department proposed site use and improvements, required permits, zoning, selection of materials, building systems and equipment, spaces, sustainable systems, and method of Project delivery. I Jill I I IIIFIF iii i : 1 111 TRIIII 11 iii 0 z - - Structural Design/Documentation services during the Schematic Design Phase consisting of recommendations regarding basic structural materials and systems, analyses, and development of conceptual design solutions for: a predetermined structural system and alternate structural systems, lb Mechanical Design/Documentation services during the Schematic Design Phase consisting of consideration of alternate materials, systems and equipment, and development of conceptual design solutions for: energy source (s), energy conservation, heating and ventilating, air conditioning, plumbing, fire protection, special mechanical systems, process systems, and general space requirements. C. Electrical Design/Documentation services during the Schematic Design Phase consisting of consideration of alternate systems, recommendations regarding basic electrical materials, systems and equipment, analyses, and development of IWWIWI�_IIM_ e� Civil Design/Documentation services during the Schematic Design Phase consisting of consideration of alternate materials and systems and development of conceptual design solutions for: on-site utility systems, off-site utilities work, fire protection systems, drainage systems, sewage treatment, and paving. 9 The Consultant will hold two informational meetings with the public explaining the conceptual site layout and design progress, answer questions and address concerns. 2.4.2 At intervals mutually agreeable to the Owner, Construction Manager a CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT shall provide drawings and other documents which depi the current status of design development for the Owner's review and the Monroe County Project Management Department's information. The CONSULTANT shall provide an estima of anticipated cost in accordance with the design development phase. 11 K M Overall Sections - Overall building longitudinal and transverse "building explanation" type, Detail Wall Sections - Largest scale (e.g., %"). Dominate full-height sections conveying basic building configuration, to indicate: a. Foundation and perimeter treatment b Typical wall construction c Back-up structure, abutting floor systems cl Window location and insulation methods e. Flashing, masonry coursings f. Mechanical penetrations impact (furring, 9 Parapet design L5.6 Interior Elevations - Typical and special spaces, interfaced with, and crosi�_ referenced to, floor and reflected ceiling plans. Indicate: aa Breaks lb Levelchanges C. Pertinent vertical dimensions. 2.5.6 Reflected Ceiling Plans - Typical and special space, Integrated plans reflecting structural, mechanical, and electrical impacts. Plans • indicate: 0 Schedules - Schedules to be non-repetitive and comprehensive, with specific keying to floor plans and elevations. a Interior finishes • Doors and frames c Preliminary hardware • Windows/glazing e Acoustic Elements L5.8 Specifications - Comprehensive, abbreviated methods, materials and systerrfb' descriptions in tune with drawings. Use CSI format with applicable section number Include all consultant portions as well as those special supplementary conditions specif to the project. I L6.9 Preliminary Estimate of Construction Cost - Adjustment of the preliminary estimate of construction cost prepared at the end of schematic design. M Structural Design Development Set 1 Integrated diagrammatic lighting plans indicating all overhead mechanical and electrical equipment for typical floor and special spaces 3 Cuts and explanatory information for interior visual items such as: louvers, registers, heating/cooling units, and cabinets. 4. Exterior louver requirements and proposed locations. MA M 11 TT' IT! [161 M- M7-M3= 2. Building location plan--building tied down dimensionally with pertinent adjacencies, street lines and grades, property lines, required setback$, easements, rights of way, manholes, sewers, hydrants, light standards, etc., interfaced with survey. 2.6.14 Technology Systems Development Sets. (Do not duplicate technology components on to the electrical drawings place only on the. n on the electrical drawings.) Fquipment a. Show all audio distribution and video/data/polycomm projection equipment b. Show all a/v casework, schedules, mounting heights, and riser details c. Show all security system devices. Coordinate closely with architectural door/frame and hardware Page 25 of 34 2.8.17 Duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of the CONSULTANT shall not be restricted, modified or extended without written agreement of the Owner and CONSULTANT. 2.8.18 The CONSULTANT shall be a representative of and shall advise and consult with the Owner (1) during construction until final payment to the Contractor is due and (2) as a Basic W W ARCMTECTURE: Principal 5195,00 Project Architect $170.00 Project ]Manager $150.00 TECHNICIANS:, Cadd Tech I $95.00 Cadd Tech 11 $75.00 OFFICE Office Support Staff $45.00 NIZEBM ATACHEMENT D wm��� FM 3 RElam k - if) My Tali N4111W Dsr allor1 �_____ __mm S1' 110 'Ira1a'16 Jul'!6 Aug'16 Sep'16 t'G'16 Nov 1521217 5121426 3 10172131 7 1421211 4 111825 2 9 1623366 1324 , 1 CONTRA 34 day. Wed 2 CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS 13 days 'k ivat 3 BOCC APPROVAL 1 day Wed 4 NOTICE TO PROCEED 1 day Me 5 PROGRAMMING 60 days Tu S REVIEW OWNER PROVIDED PROJECT REQUIREMENTS 5 days To 7 ATTEND KICK -OFF MEETING KW 1 day Wed 6 PREPARE PRELIMINARY MEETING REPORT 5 days Thu 9 DELIVER PRELIMINARY REPORT 1 day Thu 10 OWNER REVIEW 5days Fri 11 FOLLOW -UP OWNER MEETING KW 1 day Wq 12 UPDATE PRELIMINARY MEETING REPORT 5 days Me 13 DELIVER PRELIMINARY REPORT 1 day Fr 14 OWNER REVIEW 5 days Mo 15 PUBLIC MEETING PK 1 day Turd 16 PREPARATION OF 1ST CONCEPTUAL DESIGN 11 days Thd 17 PUBLIC MEETING KW- PRESENT DESIGN AND PROGRAM 'I day Wed 16 FINALIZE PROGRAM AND CONCEPTUAL DESIGN 7 days Tha+ 15 DELIVER FOR APPROVAL. & ACCEPTANCE 1 day Mon 20 SITE PLAN APPROVAL. - 1SLAMORADA 194 days Toe' 21 PREAPPLICATION MEETING 1 day Turin 22 PREPARATION OF SUBMITTAL DOGS (BEGIN SO) 66 days glair 23 INTAKE - ISLAMORADA PAZ 1 day Mari 24 STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS 24 days Toe 25 RESPONSE TIME 10 days Mon 26 STAFF SECOND REVIEW 11 days Morn 27 ATTEND DRC I day Toe 28 DRC REPORT TO DIRECTOR 16 days Wed ' 29 DIRECTOR APPROVAL IF CDC APPROVES 16 days Thu 34 CITIZENRY OBJECTION PERIOD 22 days I 31 FINAL NON - OBJECTION APPROVAL 1 day 'I a, 32 OWNER APPROVAL TO PROCEED 1 day i. 33 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 100 days Ron 34 BEGIN SCHEMATIC DESIGN 1 day 0v ore 35 COMPLETE SCHEMATIC DESIGN DOGS 30 days t a= 6 OWNER REVIEW AND COMMENT 14 days I r% 37 SUBMIT FINAL SCHEMATIC DESIGN 1 day F§' 38 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 72 days Mon 39 BEGIN DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DOGS 45 days Mon 40 SUBMIT DESIGN DEVELOPMENT ROCS 1 day Mon 41 OWNER REVIEW AND COMMENT 20 days Toe 42 COMPLETE DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DOGS 20 days Toe 43 SUBMIT FINAL DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DOGS 1 day 'rl,, 44 CONSTRUC71ON DOCUMENTS 123 days 45 65% REVIEW DOCUMENTS 65 days NOo 46 OWNER REVIEW 17 days MMullet 47 95% REVIEW DOCUMENTS 35 days Mon °° ° ° °° -AN, 4d OWNER REVIEW 17 days No 616 iy.1. '? 6128 49 100% DOCUMENTS S COORDINATION 18 days Mon W13 ....... ;_ 715 50 BID AND PERMIT 96 days Fri 51 HER 26 days Fri 7115 8 52 BOCC AWARD 1 day Toe W 53 CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS 22 days Wed 8124 � ............. 9122` 54 FULL EXECUTION 19 days Fri 9123 14119 55 CONTRACTOR NTP 27 days The 14120 s ki= CONSTRUCTION BEGINS + 460 DAYS 1 day Man . t Project: CONTRACT ATTACHMENT D'€ Task I rogr Date: Wed 1128115 Critical Task MA-1 Group By Summary Deadline